Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Approval Form

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Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Approval Form

Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Approval Form Submit for principal review prior to parent notice and at least 2 weeks prior to trip.

Destination______Address ______Phone ______

Date of Trip ______Grade levels involved ______

Classes participating______Total # of students: ______

Teachers supervising ______Cell number ______

BRS/SEA/EAs attending ______Number of chaperones needed ______

Purpose of Trip/ how it links to your standards (see Board Policy 3350 Field Trips) ______

Transportation Method ___Walking ___ Metro Bus ___School Bus ___ Wheelchair(s)

Cost of trip per student Bus $______Admission $______Other $______TOTAL COST $______

Total cost families have been asked for so far this year (not to exceed $40 per year per student) $______

Departure Time ______Arrive at Destination______

Leave Destination ______Arrive at School ______

Person who will be responsible for securing transportation ______

Person who will be responsible for arranging reservations/admission ______(request a check in the office at least 24 hours before departure time)

Please check the master calendar for conflicts.

Bus Company ______Phone______

Contact Name ______# of Busses _____ Cost of Busses $______Date Scheduled ______

Total Cost per Student for Field Trip (Event and Bus) $ ______

______Approved ______Disapproved-Reason ______

______Principal Date School Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Check List

___ Complete the Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Approval Form and turn in to principal for each time classes will be off school grounds.

___ Once approved, route to all affected parties and put on the master calendar. ___Secretary ___Custodians ___Art ___Tutors/Mentors ___Food Service ___Gym ___LMC ___Master Calendar ___Health Office ___REACH ___Music ___ ( ) other

___ Reservations made (see Board Policy 5100 if this is an extended trip [overnight or more than 150 miles] or Foreign Tour: http://boeweb.madison.k12.wi.us/policies/5100

___ Transportation arranged (see Board Policy 8350 regarding transporting of students: http://boeweb.madison.k12.wi.us/policies/8350

___ Field trip notification is sent to families (Please provide a copy to office) On every field trip, please include these options for parents: ____ Full payment is enclosed. ____ Additional amount as a scholarship for another child is enclosed. ____ Partial fee of $______is enclosed. ____ A waiver of the fee is requested.

___ An Activity/Field Trip Roster (attached to your approved proposal) is used to keep track of your class and money status.

___ Money is collected and put into a field trip collection envelope provided by the office. Use procedures outlined on page 18 of the Money Handling Guidelines: http://bpaweb.madison.k12.wi.us/files/bpa/Financial %20Procedures%20&%20Money%20Handling%2010.1.pdf

___ Money is kept in a secure location and turned into the office daily.

___ Request for check must be given at least 24 hours before departure time.

___ First Aid Kit and medications need to be secured from the health office.

___ Lunches (if applicable) need to be changed/ ordered/ cancelled at least two weeks in advance.

___ Chaperones need to be secured. Volunteers must complete the “Volunteer Disclosure Statement” available on the district web site: http://drupal.madison.k12.wi.us/files/vol%20dis%20statement%20Nov2010.pdf

___ For students with extreme medical needs, contact the district health office if necessary.

___ Teachers need to take emergency contact information for students.

___ A staff member needs to take a cell phone with the number left in the office. (School cell phone is available if needed.)

___ For students with special accommodations, a plan must be submitted to the office one week prior to the trip.


August 2010 BOE POLICY FIELD TRIPS 3350 Instruction Field Trips--Excursions, Extra-Curricular Activity (i.e., Athletics, clubs, etc.) 1. Field trips, excursions, and extracurricular activities shall be planned and scheduled to provide pupils with educational experiences which are extensions of the classroom and an integral part of the educational program.

2. A transportation plan shall be submitted to the PRINCIPAL for approval or recommendation when a field trip, excursion, extracurricular activity, or community resource program is planned and scheduled.

3. Field trips, excursions, and extracurricular activities, shall be supervised by staff members of the Madison Metropolitan School District.

4. Field trips, excursions, and extra-curricular activities which extend overnight or require travel in excess of 150 miles each way shall be considered an extended trip and must be approved by the PRINCIPAL, appropriate ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT, and the SUPERINTENDENT.

5. There may be situations when the District does not provide transportation to an extracurricular activity. In these cases, the parents/guardians shall be informed that no transportation will be provided, and a written statement will be obtained from the parents acknowledging notice of same.


1. Common carriers, with students under the immediate supervision of District staff member(s) shall be the only approved transportation for the above mentioned activities when large groups (more than 18 students) are to be transported.

2. When a small group (18 or fewer students) is to be transported privately owned, leased or rented automobiles may be utilized if proper insurance coverage has been obtained by the automobile’s owner or lessee and such insurance has been verified by the district, and if the driver and vehicle comply with BOARD Policy 8350.

a. Proper insurance shall consist of the following:

1) $100,000 for one person, $300,000 for a group, $50,000 for property damage;

3. Extended trips shall be restricted as follows:

a. Common, commercial and/or bonded carriers, with students under the immediate supervision of an employee of the BOARD shall be the only approved transportation for extended trips unless the SUPERINTENDENT or his/her designee authorizes alternative transportation for a group consisting of 18 or fewer students and the drivers and vehicles comply with BOARD policy 8350.


b. An application for approval of the trip must be submitted to the PRINCIPAL, appropriate ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT, and SUPERINTENDENT at least 2 weeks prior to the trip, and shall include the following:

1) The names and emergency contact information for students, employees and other chaperones attending.

2) The method of transportation to be used. 3) A complete, detailed itinerary for the trip, including regularly scheduled driving breaks of at least 20 minutes for every 3 to 4 hours of continuous driving when alternative transportation is utilized.

4) The name of the employee who has first aid training.

5) A description of the instructional purpose of the trip and an explanation why that purpose cannot be met by taking a trip to a closer location and/or that does not require an overnight stay.

c. Overnight extended trips shall not be permitted for elementary students unless authorized by the SUPERINTENDENT or his/her designee.

d. There shall be a minimum ratio of 1 adult chaperone supervising every 10 students participating in an extended trip. A minimum of one BOARD employee shall supervise every trip. It is preferred that all additional chaperones needed to maintain the 1 to 10 ratio be BOARD employees, but exceptions may be made for volunteers who have undergone a thorough background check and been approved by the SUPERINTENDENT or his/her designee.

e. School days may not be cancelled or shortened due to an overnight extended trip being held unless authorized in writing by the appropriate ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT.

4. A PRINCIPAL, an ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT or the SUPERINTENDENT may deny approval for any field trip, excursion, extra-curricular activity or extended trip on the basis of unreasonable or disproportionate cost.

5. No employee shall sign any contract or agreement in relation to a field trip, excursion, extra-curricular activity or extended trip purporting to bind the BOARD or the District to its terms, unless specifically authorized to do so by the BOARD.


BOE policy #3350 states that field trips should be educational experiences which are extensions of the classroom. School district personnel are required to supervise school-sponsored events. In light of this liability, the following guidelines should be followed when working with staff to schedule field trips:

1. Field trips should not exceed $40 per child per year. 2. Only the actual cost of the field trip should be charged to families, which may be rounded up to the nearest .25 cents. Families may donate above the actual cost if they choose. 3. Water-related activities are not permissible unless students are participating in aquatic studies on land. 4. Field trips must be part of the grade level curriculum. Therefore, the field trip is part of the curriculum and all children will attend. 5. Field trips should not be scheduled on any religious holiday. 6. If a student does not return a signed “Notification of Field Trip” form, staff should attempt to contact the family. Even if contact is not made, the child will be allowed to go on the trip. 7. If a child (with or without an IEP) needs additional escorting on a field trip, the school should supply a substitute (EA) who takes over another class and an EA who knows the child should escort the child on such trip. 8. Field trips should be equitable across the grade levels in each school, which means classroom teachers can provide experiences unique to their students which may be different from other classrooms within the grade level. However, all children should have access to the same caliber of experiences. 9. If a special education child needs additional transportation for a field trip, alternative funding should be sought so that the class is allowed to take field trips that year. The Request for Additional budget Support [Funds] – Instructional Travel form is available at http://dww.madison.k12.wi.us/es/SpecEd/es_home.htm. 10. Generally, field trips should be planned at the beginning of each semester so that the planned trips are related to the curriculum units. 11. Sack lunches are available through Food Services and must be ordered two weeks in advance for those who need lunch that day. 12. Below are forms for teachers to complete before a field trip.  Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Approval Form  Elementary Teacher - Field Trip Check List  Notification of Field Trip form to families (available in Hmong and Spanish and should be modified to address the specific information of the trip)  School District Sponsored Extended Trip (must be two weeks in advance) for trips more than 150 miles or overnight  Notification of Use of Personal Vehicle to Transport Students

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