Vermilion & District Minor Hockey Association

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Vermilion & District Minor Hockey Association

Vermilion & District Minor Hockey Association Spring Annual General Meeting Monday, April 22, 2009

Present: Randy Martin, Barb Swanson, Shauna Frankiw, Todd Field, Sandra Katuski, Kathy Eyben, Mike Webb, D’Arcy White, Jason Frankiw, Darcy Wasylik, Roger Farkash, Leslie Johnson, Carla Anderson, Amy Kern, Linda Mohns, Karen Brown, Ed Brown, Gene Klym, Nicole Poliakiwski, Denis McCormack

President Randy Martin called the meeting to order at 7:10. 1.0 Approval of Agenda: Addition to the agenda – 13.1. Spring/Fall AGM. Motion by Ed Brown to approve the agenda. Seconded by Amy Kern. All in favor.

2.0 Approval of Minutes of Fall AGM: Motion by Shauna Frankiw to adopt the minutes of the meeting as presented. Seconded by Kathy Eyben. All in favor.

3.0 Treasurer’s Report: Vice-President Todd Field gave overview of the attached Treasurer’s report in Christine’s absence. General Account - $12,195.95 Grill Account - $2609.62 GIC cashable – 36,872.35 20,000 Total cashable 56,872.35 Non-redeemable GIC – 51,850.93 Net Gain for the year - $13,294.42 Quick books have been purchased and Sherry Martin is willing to get everything set up over the summer for us to be up and running for September. Motion by Barb Swanson to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. Seconded by Nicole Poliakiwski. All in favor.

4.0 Team Accounts: Barb Swanson reported that as of April 21, 2009 there is $17,190.42 total in team accounts. In that money is an $8000 float from Minor Hockey, $650 still outstanding, & $150 tournament float. When all is finalized approximately $8690.42 should be turned over into the Tiger Pride account. Presently there is $3034.46 in the Tiger Pride account. Motion by Barb Swanson to accept her report as presented. Seconded by Karen Brown. All in favor.

5.0 Budget: This year Minor Hockey will be running on a 0% increase, assuming that you registered by Mar 31, 2009. If register after Mar 31 there is a 10% increase to fees. With no increase in fees we will need to fundraise approximately $10,000 and also use $10,000 of the GIC we have saved up. This year power skating is included in your fee. There is some talk that concession may privatize; this year we made approximately $13,000 off of concession. Motion by Kathy Eyben to accept the budget report. Seconded by Leslie Johnson. All in favor.

6.0 Directors Reports  Flyweight: Director Leslie Johnson reported this year they had 2 teams. Both teams had excellent years with no complaints.  Novice: Carla Anderson reported they had no complaints this year, everything ran smoothly on all 3 teams.  Atom: Director Darcy Wasylik reported that this year we ran with 2 teams, everything was good.  PeeWee: Director Maggie Rowe was unable to attend; Randy reported that both teams had good years. Tier 3 ended up being re-tiered but all ended up good.  Bantam: Director Krista Baldwin was unable to attend. This year we had 2 teams, both doing very well in their league. We had 6 players at this level out to different associations.  Midget: Karen Brown reported that they had 3 teams who all did very well this year; all were very competitive in their league.  Girls: Linda Mohns reported that the girls had an excellent year, ended up 5th out of 7 teams. Next year may be tiered. Next year we had 20+ girls from Atom up. If numbers allow would like to have a Peewee/Atom team, Bantam and Midget girls team. Motion by Jason Frankiw that we accept the director’s reports as presented. Seconded by Sandra Katuski. All in favor.

7.0 Registration Overview: Spring registration went over very well. Kathy will run an ad in the newspaper once a month till September for all new families as well as promoting the girls program.

8.0 Concession/Volunteer review: Carol was unable to attend. She has done a great job as usual, lots of work. This year no volunteer bond cheques were cashed, we need to keep reminding people that just because you worked one shift we still need your help. We have cashed 19 concession cheques, a couple may have to be reimbursed due to miss communication. If you have an issue with your concession cheque being cashed please get a hold of any of the executive and we will help straighten it out.

9.0 Equipment Review: Ed Brown reported that all equipment is now in, there are a few repairs to be done. We do have 2 extra sets of jerseys for next year but still looking for jersey sponsors. See new goal equipment guidelines.

Fundraising: Nicole Poliakiwski reported that it has been a very busy year with the Christmas party being a very successful fundraiser. Nicole is going to go ahead and book the hypnotist for one more year. Next year we need to look at having a separate person in charge of pictures. Sandra Katuski has stepped up to take on the responsibility of sending out the annual sponsorship letters to businesses. Janet Zielinski has submitted the casino application, approximately 2-year wait.

10.0 Correspondence A. NEAHL meeting summary: Meeting was held April 4, Randy Martin gave brief highlights of the meeting:  Any association that does not attend this meeting is fined $100.  Our league has issued a 2-year probation to Saddle Lake Minor Hockey.  NEAHL now has a website that is up and running,  Northbattleford is now part of our league.  New this year – if there is more than 4 teams in same division 50% of the teams have to be in the upper 2 tiers B. Alberta Hockey Zone mtg: Meeting was held April 5, highlights of the meeting:  New Provincial categorization, pilot program for this year, categorization will be based on number of players registered in the age division not total registered.  24 clinics were held within our zone, league is in need of a clinic coordinator  AGM will be held June 12, if interested in attending contact Randy Martin C. Vermilion Town Rates & New Ice booking Procedures: Ice fees will be increased by 10% this year. All tournaments need to be booked now; Randy to book same dates as last year.

11.0 Referee Assigner Report: Year ran smoothly, only complaint was we would like to see our young referees paid in a more timely fashion. Vermilion Minor Hockey will pay for anyone interested in taking the referee training, must be 12 years of age.

12.0 General Year in Review:  This year we had excellent support from our coaches  Team selection went well.  We held 2 very successful fundraisers, picture night and the Christmas party.  Minor Hockey week we held, events included pond hockey, skills competitions, as well as shiny hockey.  All tournaments were full with good profits.  The executive implements the managers binder, very helpful to all  Coaches room was built, allowing coaches to store team supplies at the rink  First year with spring registration, will lighten workload at the first of hockey season and allow us to be more prepared for team numbers.  Included power skating into our yearly fees, we are looking into getting someone local trained to teach power skating on a regular basis through out the year. 13.0 Open Discussion: Gene Klym spoke on behalf of the Jr B, would like to see us work together more often. This year any Midget over the age of 16 will be allowed to tryout. Randy asked Gene to pass along to all the Jr B our Thanks and how much the kids enjoyed playing at the Jr B games and getting to meet the Jr B. Denis McCormack questioned affiliation, are we supporting affiliating players to make a team strong or team shortage? Player’s first priority has to be their team; coaches are not to be calling up players just to strengthen their team. We need to look at having a coaches meeting at the first of the year to discuss, how and when affiliation is appropriate. 13.1 Spring/Fall AGM – Randy raised the question as to whether or not we need a Spring & Fall AGM. Next executive to look at possibility of just sending out a letter at end of hockey season stating the positions on executive that are vacant and hockey does not start until all positions are full. 14.0 Elections President: No nominations. Randy Martin to stay on till Fall AGM. Past President: Vice-President – Business Nomination: Mike Webb. Nominated by Todd Field. Seconded by Kathy Eyben. Mike Webb accepts nomination. No other nominations. Ed Brown motioned that we cease nominations. All in favor. Vice-President – Development Nomination: Darcy Wasylik. Nominated by Leslie Johnson. Seconded by Todd Field. Darcy accepts nominations. No other nominations. Ed Brown motioned that we cease nominations. All in favor. Treasurer Nomination: Carla Anderson. Nominated by Leslie Johnson. Seconded by Jason Frankiw. Carla accepts nomination. No other nominations. Karen Brown motioned that we cease nominations. All in favor. Secretary No nominations. Shauna to remain on till Fall AGM. Fundraising Coordinator Nomination: Nicole Poliakiwski. Nominated by Linda Mohns. Seconded by Darcy Wasylik. Nicole accepts nomination. No other nomination. Carla Anderson motioned that we cease nominations. All in favor. Registrar Nomination: Kathy Eyben. Nominated by Nicole Poliakiwski. Seconded by Ed Brown. Kathy accepts nomination. No other nominations. D’Arcy White motioned that nominations cease. All in favor. Team Accounts Coordinator Nomination: Karen Brown. Nominated by Kathy Eyben. Seconded by Ed Brown. Karen accepts nomination. No other nominations. Linda Mohns motioned that nominations cease. All in favor. Concession Coordinator No nominations. Equipment Coordinator Nomination: Stan Boomhower. Nominated by Ed Brown. Seconded by Nicole Poliakiwski. Stan has agreed to accept nomination. No other nominations. Sandra Katuski motioned that nominations cease. All in favor. Discipline Coordinator No nominations. Grill Coordinator No nominations. Midget Director Nomination: Diane Baldwin. Nominated by Linda Mohns. Seconded by Jason Frankiw. Diane has agreed to accept nomination. No other nominations. Mike Webb motioned the nominations cease. All in favor. Bantam Director No nominations, position will remain vacant till Fall AGM. PeeWee Director Nomination: Krista Baldwin. Nominated by Linda Mohns. Seconded by Jason Frankiw. Krista has agreed to accept nomination. No other nominations. Mike Webb motioned the nominations cease. All in favor. Atom Director Nomination: D’Arcy White. Nominated by Darcy Wasylik. Seconded by Denis McCormack. D’Arcy accepts nomination. No other nominations. Todd Field motioned the nominations cease. All in favor. Novice Director No nominations, will remain vacant till Fall AGM Flyweight Director Nomination: Leslie Johnson. Nominated by Carla Anderson. Seconded by Ed Brown. Lesley accepts nomination. No other nominations. Mike Webb motioned the nominations cease. All in favor. Female Director Nomination: Linda Mohns. Nominated by Kathy Eyben. Seconded by Karen Brown. Linda accepts nomination. Website Manager Nomination: Diane Budzilka. Nominated by Carla Anderson. Seconded by Leslie Johnson. Diane has agreed to accept nomination. No other nominations. Denis McCormack motioned the nominations cease. All in favor. 15.0 Next Meeting: Fall AGM – TBA Randy to do up newsletter to all members stating positions that are vacant & Fall AGM date.

16.0 Adjournment: Motion by Ed Brown to adjourn the meeting @ 9:30.

Submitted by: ______Shauna Frankiw Randy Martin

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