City of Central City

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City of Central City


Mayor Don Gray called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. with roll call as follows: Arthur, Robinson, Peterson, Curtis and Taylor all present. A Robinson/Arthur motion to approve the Tentative Agenda carried unanimously. Public present: Jane McConaughy, Julie Renberg, Cheryl Smith, Rev. Nick Needham and Fire Chief Josh Yoder.

Julie Renberg, Central City Mainstreet Director, introduced herself to the City Council. She thanked the City for its support of the program.

Cheryl Smith owner of Waterhouse Centre, invited the Council to a hog roast on April 24th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. There will be entertainment and the profits will be used for the playground project at the school. Ms. Smith asked permission to block off Fifth Street in front of their business if they have a large crowd. The Council approved the request.

Fire Chief Josh Yoder presented the Council with a report for March. There were 16 calls in March. In the city there were eight medical calls and two fire calls.

A Peterson/Curtis motion to approve the Minutes of the March 10, 2010 meeting and the March 31st meeting carried unanimously.

An Arthur/Peterson motion to approve the March Financial Report carried unanimously.

MARCH REVENUES EXPENDITURES General $34,973.41 $27,564.96 Road Use $9,496.00 $7,227.66 Employee Benefits $686.23 $1,619.81 TIF $9,460.04 -0- Debt Service -0- -0- Capital $138.36 $18,307.24 Water Utility $12,804.38 $13,195.83 Water Deposits $199.80 $25.00 Sewer Utility $11,779.52 $1,832.26 Garbage $7,581.00 $4,212.00 ABC Childcare $3,593.86 $3,580.00 Expendable Trust $.45 $469.00

TOTAL $90,713.05 $78,033.76

A Peterson/Taylor motion to approve the liquor license for R & R Onestop carried unanimously.

The Council reviewed a draft of an easement agreement with Larry Eling’s for his boat dock located on city owned riverfront. Action on the agreement was tabled until the attorney can make some revisions. A Peterson/Robinson motion to allow Margaret Hunt to close the north end of the alley located next to her property at 321 Commercial Street on May 1st from 3:00-9:00 p.m. carried unanimously.

The Council reviewed a request from Rose Heims, 527 Prairie Hills Drive, to repair the street in front of and east of her property. The Council reviewed her request. The curb in front of her property was removed by her builder. The curb will need to be replaced at the Heim’s expense. Prairie Hills Drive ends at the field east of her home. The Council sees no reason to repair the dead end street. If the area is developed to the east the developer will be required to extend the street at that time.

A Taylor/Arthur motion to approve Resolution 041410-1 approving the Elings First Addition Final Plat carried unanimously by roll call vote.

Linn County Deputy Brady presented the Council with the monthly report. There were 136.5 hours logged in March.

A Peterson/Curtis motion to approve the Home Ownership Grant Guidelines for 2010 carried unanimously.

A Curtis/Taylor motion authorizing approval and participation in a joint powers agreement with Iowa Public Agency Investment Trust for the purpose of allowing debit card and credit card payments to the City carried unanimously.

The Main Street Construction Project was discussed. The City could be eligible for grant funds up to $500,000 to help pay for the project. In order to qualify for these funds the project has to include green initiatives such as energy efficient street lights, more pedestrian friendly sidewalks, and addressing water runoff issues in a more sustainable way. The project will more than likely be delayed until next year in order to pursue funding opportunities.

A Robinson/Arthur motion to approve the bills and bills paid interim carried unanimously.

A Robinson/Peterson motion to go into a closed session at 8:20 p.m. pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5 (j) to discuss purchase of real estate carried unanimously by roll call vote.

A Taylor/Arthur motion to end the closed session and reopen the regular meeting at 8:30 p.m. carried unanimously.

City Attorney Bill Sueppel reported he has finished the Alliant franchise ordinance and will send it to Alliant Energy. He has not heard from the attorney for the fire district concerning the new 28E agreement. He and the Clerk reported on the small claims court mediation process with Elizabeth Jones for nuisance abatement issues at her residence and her commercial property. The Council agreed with the mediation agreement but unanimously agreed that the farm wagon cannot remain parked at her residence during the winter months. The final agreement will be drafted by the attorney and if Mrs. Jones does not agree the action will go back to court. Mayor Gray received a request from Larry Silvers for a burn permit to burn brush and wood. Mr. Silvers is cleaning the lot to the east of his house and does not want to haul all the wood. The Council discussed the request. They have received other requests and denied them because there is no way to justify one request over another. Fire Chief Yoder recommended following the ordinance and denying the request. Chief Yoder also stated he would like to see the City stop burning. The Council will consider other options.

A Peterson/Arthur motion to adjourn at 8:52 p.m. carried unanimously.

______Don Gray, Mayor


______LaNeil McFadden, City Clerk

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