Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Repeated James in His Mind. He Was Pacing in Front of His Naga

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Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Repeated James in His Mind. He Was Pacing in Front of His Naga

‘Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap’ repeated James in his mind. He was pacing in front of his Naga, hands gripping his hair in frustration. His mind was going a mile a minute at the situation. From his information on Naga, they were notorious lesbians, only a 30% chance of her being straight. ‘God Damn it! She just had to make my official starter a Naga. If she does turn up to be a lesbian, that means I can never tame her, which means we’ll never forge any bond between us. And with no bond, we can never work well together. Add to that the only person who could tame her would be Val, and that it would only work half as well, she could end up going feral real quick. It would look sooo bad on my record if I traded in or released my starter girl within a week. Oh God, please let her be straight, or at least bi!’ The whole time James was pacing around, seemingly trying to imitate his father’s hairdo, his naga was looking at him with a critical eye. She took in that his look was so- so, just simple jeans and a shit. His hair was a course brown and his eyes, when not scrunched in frustration, were a common brown as well. His body was ok. Apparently he worked out occasionally, but was no match for her if she got her coils around him and her teeth in his neck. Strangely, he already had a pokeball on his belt. Wasn’t she his starter pokegirl? “God, of all the pokegirls I had to get, why did it have to be a naga? That’s what I get for pissing off that Nurse Joy.” At his statement, her eyes narrowed and she let out a threatening hiss. “And what is bad about having a Naga, you male?” She said with an even angrier hiss. James stood stock straight when she said this. ‘Oh bend me over. Even if she isn’t a lesbian, she can’t be happy about what I just said.’ He let out a heavy sigh and turned to face her. He got a better look at her now, and noticed some further things. Her scales on her body and tail matched her hair. It was a deep purple that could go for black in dark light. Her torso was mostly scale free, but she had some on her arms, mostly around her hands, and her face. The ones on her face were sparse, on her cheeks and forehead. It didn’t detract from her beauty, if anything it enhanced it. Her tail was very long, probably about fifteen feet fully stretched out, but with it coiled up she stood eye level with him. James thought about what he should say, but decided that honesty was the best policy. “Ok, I’m sorry about what I said; I didn’t mean it in the way you’re thinking. I have no problems with you being a naga, just the situation. You were meant to be my starter pokegirl, but you are better suited to a female tamer. From my information, your kind are lesbians more often than not. I really want to get along with all my girls, especially my official starter, but the odds say you’ll hate me and it would look really bad if the first pokegirl I was given had to be traded away.” The naga was startled by the blunt honesty of his statement. He didn’t hate her, he hated the fact that she would hate him. It also surprised her that he would even bother telling her any of this at all. He could simply return her to his ball, find a female tamer and trade her away for something better. ‘Maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt. He seems to honestly want to get along with me’ Seeing that his eyes started to show a little panic that she hadn’t said anything yet, she decided to speak up. With a slight hissing voice, she said, “Ok, I’ll believe you on this. You could’ve simply put me back in my ball as soon as you saw me and traded me away, but it seems you were trying to think of a way for this to work. Like you said, my kind does prefer the more tender gender, but I’ll give you a chance.” James visibly relaxed at the statement. He was glad that she believed him; she might even let him tame her. ‘Heh, better not let anyone hear that. A guy isn’t supposed to ask permission from his pokegirls to tame them, they are supposed to want it from him’ He was once again lost in thought when he heard her speak up again. “Hey, what did you mean by ‘Offical’ starter pokegirl? Do you already have one?” James looked stunned for a second, surprised that she caught onto that. “So you noticed that did you? And you were right, I do have another pokegirl. Last week I passed the tamer’s exam, but I wasn’t able to get my starter until today. In the mean time, I came across an injured pokegirl, took her in, healed her, and we’ve together ever since. The reason I was able to get you was I convinced the local Nurse Joy that they still owed me a girl, but I kind of pissed her off. So she gave me you out of spite, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do my best to get along with you.” He ended with giving her a small smile. “I guess that makes sense, though I don’t like the idea of being given out to someone as punishment. Can I meet my possible harem sister?” she asked. James couldn’t help but feel his smile get a little bigger at this, she was open to the idea of joining his group. “You will be able to meet Valentine a little later; I want this time alone to get to know you a little better. That reminds me, I’ve got to name you, even if it’s only temporary. How do you like Jezebel, Jess for short?” She got a thoughtful look on her face, but smiled and nodded at him, signaling her like of the name. “Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way, why don’t we go for a little walk…err slither, uh whatever.” Jess let out a small giggle as James blushed from embarrassment. They moved through the forest in a comfortable silence. Occasionally it was broken with either one asking a question. Mostly it was Jess asking him what his life had been up to this point. She began to understand why he wanted so badly for their relationship to work out. He hadn’t been very popular with his other humans, and until recently, he felt that he couldn’t measure up to his parents. She was mildly surprised that he stated that his constitution to poison and diseases was high. She smirked a little at this, determined to find out how much he could resist her Love Sting poison if she decided to let him tame her, which was looking more and more likely as she talked to him. She really wanted to see what his other pokegirl, but all she got out of him was that she was called Valentine and that she and James met under odd circumstances, and became partners in even odder ones. They soon came to a large grass field, coated in bright sunlight. He took her by the hand and led her to a grassy knoll. When they arrived, he turned and looked her in the eye. “So have you come to a decision if you wish to remain with me? I won’t stop you if you wish to leave or go with some female tamer.” He stated. Jess started to think this over. On one hand, he said she could go with a female tamer, but on the other hand, he seemed to be a generally nice and sincere person, something that was hard to come by these days. Going on a bit of faith, she smiled at him and brought him into a kiss. James was startled at first, but then deepened into the kiss. He grabbed the back of her head, bringing her in closer. Her hair was surprisingly silky for a snake lady, but soon forgot that when he felt her tongue beg entrance. He opened his mouth further for her, but wasn’t prepared for what was next. A tongue that had to be at least three times as long as his explored his mouth, twisting around his own tongue while tasting his mouth. While it was a little unnerving to him, he couldn’t deny that it felt good, as his moans indicated. He brought his head back in need of oxygen, gasping deeply. He looked at Jess as she made a big show of withdrawing her unnaturally long tongue back into her mouth, then slowly licking her lips in a seductive way. ‘Well two can play at that game’ he thought to himself. He latched his mouth onto the side of her neck and began to suck on it, determined to find out if you can give someone with scales a hicky. Jess moaned at his ministrations, feeling very good as he sucked on her neck. She let out a loud gasp as she felt his hands knead her firm breasts. Her breath got shallower when his fingers started to roll her pert nipples between them. “Now are you sure that men can’t tame you well enough?” He said as he stopped all his movements. She whimpered in frustration, and he felt something crawl up the side of his leg and press on his back. He looked behind him to see her tail there. He was suddenly pushed flushed against her body by her incredibly strong appendage. “Shut up and get to taming before I change my mind.” She said while panting audibly. “Whatever you wish my Jezebel.” He dropped his pants and aligned his member with her entrance. He teased her slightly by rubbing the head across her lips, but she had other plans. Her tail pushed him forward forcibly, merging the two together. She let out a lust filled moan as she felt him pull in and out of her womanhood. ‘Oh God! I am so glad I gave this a chance’ she thought hazily to herself. She could feel his member pumping in and out of her, her walls clamping down on it, not wanting it to leave. She could feel warmth start to grow in her stomach, hotter and hotter, before it soon got too much for her to bear. With a shriek that was a cross between a scream and a hiss, she came onto him, with him soon following her. She could feel his warm essence pool into her, making her fill full and content. He pulled out of her with a grunt, loosing his balance as he started tipping backwards. He expected to feel his butt meet ground, but was caught by her tail. She brought him forward into another kiss, though this one was more tender then the first. She slowly lowered him to the ground, setting him in a sitting position upon the knoll. He started to stand up, but before he could, she started to coil around him, until he was firmly wrapped up in her. “Let’s just rest here together for a bit, I love the feel of your warmth on me. All snakes are cold blooded so we love warm places, and right now, you feel like a hot, toasty blanket to me.” She said as she finished coiling around him, and then brought him into a strong hug. James couldn’t turn down such a good offer. He expected her scales to feel dry and scratchy, but they actually where quite smooth and warm. Content with where he was, he just snuggled into her hug and fell asleep ‘Oh ya, this is defiantly the best way to wake up’ James thought to himself as he opened his eyes. He looked to see that Jess was still asleep in his arms, her hair cascading down her face and onto him. He thumbed her cheek gently, waiting for her to wake up. Her eyes fluttered opened slowly, until her gaze rested onto him. She smiled lightly before she kissed him again. “So I take it you enjoyed yourself did you?” he asked her. “Yes Master, Naga enjoyed herself greatly. Naga love Master, Naga will be with her Master always.” James laughed lightly to himself, amused by her hindered speech from tamer shock. She sounded just like Valentine when he first tamed her, though he was glad this time didn’t involve anyone being tied up, unless you count being wrapped in snake coils. “Well I am glad you enjoyed being with a male so much. How about I take you home to meet my family before it gets dark out?” “Naga would enjoy meeting Master’s family. Will Naga also meet her harem sister?” “Yes you will, but first let’s head home.” She nodded in agreement before she glowed red and went into her pokeball. He walked through the front door to be greeted with the smell of something cooking in the kitchen. He walked in to see his mother in an apron, standing over a pot with a big wooden spoon in hand, seemingly beating the water and saying “Get back in there. Get back in there you hear.” James promptly walked back out of the kitchen, not in the slightest wanting to know what she was cooking this time. He ran into his father in the living room, reading the local newspaper in his recliner. “So you finally got back did you? I take it that from the time it took to return, you and your new pokegirl are getting along fine. Glad you didn’t come home shirtless and bleeding this time though.” His father said with a chuckle. “So what pokegirl is your ‘official’ starter?” He asked. James chuckled at this and brought out a pokeball. With a toss, a red light surrounded him to reveal Jess coiling around him, resting her head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his waist. His dad almost fell over at the sight. ‘My god, first he tames a Domina and now a Naga?! How in the world does he keep getting into these situations and succeeding?’ Jess was busy rubbing her face into James’s shoulder, lightly kissing it every now and again. “My, aren’t you affectionate, I thought nagas where supposed to have low libidos.” “Yes well, statistically speaking, I am supposed to be a lesbian and hate you, but that isn’t the case now is it.” She said in a low hiss. Her tongue flicked out and licked his inner ear, causing him to shiver into her coils. His father’s mouth was nearly falling off his head at this sight before he let out a deep sigh and leaned into his chair, rubbing his face with his hand. ‘I really should stop being surprised by now. As long as he doesn’t bring home a titmouse for his mom to play with, everything should be fine.’ though he couldn’t stop from having a bad feeling about that. With his son’s apparent luck, that is exactly what is gonna happen. “Let’s go out back, I want you to meet Valentine before we have dinner.” Jess nodded the affirmative and followed James. James opened the backdoor and was turning around to yell for Jess to follow when he jumped back at seeing her right behind her. She cocked and eyebrow at his reaction. “Sorry, I forgot how quiet you guys are. I keep expecting do hear a slithering noise or something.” “I don’t slither, thank you very much. I glide.” “You’re right, I apologize. You’re very graceful.” “Dang right I am.” James laughed quietly as he headed into the backyard that was quickly becoming his official training grounds. He took out his second pokeball and released Valentine. She appeared in front of him, and then quickly appeared to be surgically attached to his face. After a minute of deep kissing, she finally let him come up for air. “Well, good to see you too.” “I missed you master. Who is this?” She asked after seeing Jess standing next to him. “Valentine, this is Jezebel. Jezebel, meet Valentine.” “Good to meet you Valentine.” Jess said with a small tilt of her head. “Ooh Master, you got me a new plaything. I love you so much; you’re such a giving Master.” Val cooed into his ear, rubbing his chest provocatively. “I love you too Val, but this is your new harem sister, so I don’t want you scaring her off.” “Oh don’t worry Master. The last thing I want is for her to get away from us.” At this she let go of James and walked over to Jess. With a large smirk on her face, she took her face in her hands and gave her a deep kiss. James’s eyebrows shot into his hairline and he felt his pants get tighter. “Mhmm, you’re gonna be fun.” Val said. “Same to you,” replied Jezebel. “As much as I love this sight, and I do love it, there is another reason why I brought you two out here. Now that I have two girls, I want you two to spar to see how each of you compares.” “Oh pooh, you’re no fun. Ok, this should be interesting. No offence Master, but she will probably fight back instead of just dodging all the time.” “None taken, now let’s get started.” Jess and Val nodded and put some distance between them. Val made a rose whip while Jess grew her nails slightly, and coiled her tail, ready to spring. “Ready? Begin!” yelled James. Val lashed out with her whip, trying to end this quickly. With speed that didn’t seem to match her size, Jess dodged and leapt towards Val. She took a swipe at her head, but Val did a back flip, nearly catching Jess in the chin with her foot. She whipped her weapon forward, grabbing Jess by her arm. Val smirked at this and yanked her whip back, only for Jess to remain in place. Jess got a wicked look on her face as she grabbed the whip with both hand and jerked. For once, it was Valentine that got pulled through the air by a whip. Before she got to Jess, she released her whip and tumbled to the ground. Val leapt into a nearby tree to give her some breathing room and some time to think. Jess and Val stayed where they currently were, sizing each other up, while James watched from the sidelines. ‘Hmm, they are very well matched for each other. Val may be a higher level, but Jess’s body type prevents much of her grappling attacks. Jess has physical strength on her side, but Val is too quick and nimble to be easily caught, and she has the advantage of reach. Also neither of them can use any of their poison attacks since it wouldn’t affect each other at all. I wonder how this will end.’ Thought James as he observed the two’s fight. Val seemed to be done thinking and leapt down to the ground. She created another whip and lashed out at Jess with it. Jess thought she was going for another grapple, and raised her arm to defend. What actually happened was a large red line formed on her arm from the whip. ‘Hmm, Val seems to no longer be going for a grapple, instead she is simply causing damage until Jess is worn out enough to finish her. With Val’s speed and agility, combined with the fact the trees around us give her a height advantage, that will be very soon. How is Jess going to get out of this one?’ Jess was thinking that exact same thing. She couldn’t keep up with Valentine, she was too fast. The whip seemed to have a mind of its own, lashing out seemingly at will to hit Jess’s soft skin. She was just glad that none of the poison could effect her, but those thorns certainly could. And if she tried to get near Val, she’d simply jump into the trees and put some distance between them. ‘If only I could get her eyes off me for a little bit to could get near her. That’s it!’ Jess smiled at Val, causing her to pause for a second. She had the advantage, so why would she be smiling at her? Suddenly Jess dove into the ground, almost like a fish, leaving a large hole behind. “What the hell?! Jess knows Dig? A naga shouldn’t know dig,” blurted out James at the sight. Val agreed and was beginning to panic. She couldn’t see Jess anywhere and she certainly couldn’t follow her into the hole. That was just asking for a beating. She jumped into a nearby tree, confident in the fact that where ever she came out from, she’d spot her. A slight rustling of leaves where the only warning Valentine got before she found herself on the ground, encased in Jess’s coils. Shock was evident across Val’s face as Jess’s face came into view, with a large smirk on her face. James whistled at the sight, “Very clever Jess, very clever indeed.” Jess’s smirk grew even wider as she released Val and moved over to James. “I’m so glad you approve Master,” she whispered into his ear as she wrapped him up in her tail. “Wait, what just happened there? You went into the ground, so how did you get above me to grab me?” James smiled and began to explain. “Very good question and the answer is quite simple. You see instead of bursting out of the ground like most dig attacks, she exited a couple feet away, hidden from view behind a tree. She then proceeded to climb the tree in perfect silence, a trait naga are known for. Against anyone else, you were right in your actions of jumping into a tree, but that just made Jess’s job that much easier. You never heard her as just slowly made her way over to you. The only sound she made the whole time was the rustling of the leaves above you, and you know the rest. With that attack and this terrain, the only way to escape is to be able to fly, something you can’t do.” Val’s head and shoulders slumped in shame and disappointment. James exited Jess’s coils and made his way over to Val. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the forehead. She looked up at him in confusion. “You did excellent Val. You did everything right, but sometimes you can do everything right but still lose. Now where is that horny, sadistic sexpot I know so well?” Val let a small smile grow across her face before she latched onto his lips. After a passion filled kiss, she looked him in the eye, “She’s been here all along Master.” They started making out in the clearing, but Jess started to feel a little left out. She glided over to them and started to wrap them both up. “Now you wouldn’t be leaving me out now would you?” She said to the two. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” said the two simultaneously. Soon it cascaded into a large taming session with them all.

A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for reading my 4th chapter in my series. Please review, this is my first time writing anything like this, and I’d like your opinions. Is the plot good, are the lemons well written, did the fights make sense. Stuff like that. The 5th chapter should be up in a couple days, I need to determine if I want a gym battle, trainer battle, or bring in my 3rd planned pokegirl. Voice your opinions on what you want to see

*NAGA, the Snake Pokegirl Type: Animorph (snake), Near Human Element: Poison Frequency: Uncommon Diet: Carnivore (ferals prefer small animals, usually eaten whole and live) Role: Stealthy infiltration Libido: Low (no particular high points) Strong Vs: Plant, Bug Weak Vs: Ghost, Rock, Steel Attacks: Leer, Wrap, Wrestle, Sex Attack 2, Bite, Gummi Tongue (Can produce one of five different poisons: normal Poison, Paralyzation Poison, Sleep Poison, Heat Sting, Lust Bite) Enhancements: High Flexibility, quiet movement Evolves: Garter (Very Near Human type, weaker but more popular, mechanism unknown), Arbust (normal; entire body becomes mildly poisonous and can spit venom), Sideviper (rare, only encountered as a Feral; battle stress), Lamia (Venom Stone) Evolves From: None Nagas are half-snake, half-human hybrids which have the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a snake. Some legends indicate that a Naga might simply have the head of a woman and the body of a snake, but this might have been simply an artist's implication that a normal human woman was as pretty, but as cold-hearted as a serpent. Nagas do not have many bones in their bodies, aside from their skulls, but instead have cartilage. This severely limits their strength when lifting, but Nagas are ALWAYS good at crushing things with her hands and body. Because they lack bones, Nagas have an impressive level of flexibility, allowing them to curl up into tight coils and even lick their own lower backs without relying on their inordinately long tongues, though with said tongue's assistance, they can lick between their own shoulder blades. Nagas do not have a standard hair color, eye color, scale color or pattern, but they do have an average bust size, which is usually teetering on the border between a B-cup and a C-cup. Larger is infrequent, but not that uncommon, though smaller is rare once they are of taming age. Most nagas have arms, though a genetic abnormality had popped up, and roughly 15% of the entire Naga population is armless. The 85% that have hands can emit poison from their fingernails or from their canines and they can change their poison to one of five different types, but there may be lingering traces of her previous poison for upwards of a week. The eye of a Naga can be human-esque, cat-like or even have a transparent second lid, but this is random and unpredictable. The typical Naga's height is difficult to determine because many researchers argue about what would constitute their 'height'. Some say that whatever height they're at when they 'stand' is what should be measure; others believe they should be measured by their length; and yet others believe they shouldn't have a 'height', but rather a length. If their length was their 'height', then it is generally between eight to fourteen feet, only three to four feet of which is their human part, the rest is believed to be necessary to counterbalance them when they 'stand'. Almost all Naga have a mild metamorphic talent, but not as great as those of their evolutions. She can create a human waist, butt and visible human-esque vagina, allowing her to engage in sexual relationships, but she cannot change more than that, forcing her to either bend backwards or lean forward to accommodate a male lover, but considering their natural flexibility, it is easy, even if it does look like it. Nagas are insanely stealthy, and unless moving over something that crinkles or makes noise, such as leaves or tin foil, she will never make a sound while moving, contrary to movies which depict them as making a snake-like hiss while moving. Nagas are not that popular for tamers or pet owners because they're part snake and even most Pre-Sukebe War, humans were not overly fond of slithery reptiles, but there will always be those who like them. As stated earlier, due to a lack of hard bones, her strength is usually blunted unless she can hug or wrestle with her foe. Her main attacks are through the use of the various poisons her body normally produces. Sleep venom is the usual attack, which is how she keeps her prey from struggling as she swallows them. There are also many other problems with having a Naga, such as their cold-blooded nature making them susceptible to opponents with Ice attacks. 70% of all Nagas are also lesbian in their tastes, making most of them difficult for male Tamers to work with.

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