Patient Questionnaire

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Patient Questionnaire

BHMG Patient Questionnaire Comments to questions 2013

1. Is it easy to get through to your surgery on the telephone? Yes 29% No 68%  very difficult early morning  not at all  spent 2 hours trying to get an answer, line continuously engaged  30 mins waiting for pick up.  Not always, long wait  I live near and come over.  A switchboard with telephonists is the answer! 10-15 mins waiting time - expensive by mobile. Don't know where are in queue.  Not between hrs of 8 - 10am  Depends on time  Not at 8am though!

2. Do you use the online booking service? Yes 23% No 17%

 Didn’t know of one  Because nobody picks the phone up in the first 15 minutes  Just registered  Did not know about it.  3. If yes were you able to book apt of your choice Yes 16% No 23% n/a 61%

 No comments

4. Do you like the texting reminder service? Yes 79% No 13% n/a 8%  You are texting without checking records first.  Have no mobile phone  Don’t use this 5. Are you happy to receive invites for routine checks by text to your mobile? Yes 76% No 13% n/a 11%

 If they are unto date and somebody has checked the records are correct  No mobile

6 Are you taking regular prescribed medication

Yes 77% No 23% No comments

7 how do you order your repeat meds online 20% repeat slips 59% pharmacist 21% no comments

8 If pharmacist what are your experiences good or bad of this No comment 63% Good 36% Bad -1 person

 Full time working can never get an appt that suits or just getting an appt is difficult.  I use Barton Rd pharmacy, much quicker than next door.  Some items displayed good Barton hills Lloyds  Next door - always a long waiting time. Sainsbury - don't always have medical.

9. Are you happy with your surgeries opening hours, if no why Yes 91% No 8%

 Could be longer hrs to reduce waiting times.  Would like some facility at w/end.  Would like Saturdays AM sometimes.  No sat appts.  Should be open Sat mornings too.  Would be helpful is surgery was open on a Saturday for a few hours.  But Sat AM could be useful 8 - 12 once a month.  Opening hour’s fine but still can't to see a Dr. 10. Is the building accessible and patient friendly. Are you happy with Wheelchair access 0 waiting room x2 child friendly x4 cleanliness x1 Yes 87% No 3%

 staff are very friendly  Always Nurses

11. Can you get an appointment when you need it Yes 27% No 71%

 Not very often  Difficult to see unless sitting facing the display  With difficulty!  Never get an appt when Req'd  Mostly  Have to wait longer than I feel I should for non emergency appts.  NO  Difficult because of the volume of patients but if urgent I'm confident I would be seen  You must be joking!!!

12 Is there enough privacy to talk to reception in confidence? Yes 53% No 47%

 If you wanted to talk in real confidence you can ask.  But of really confidential - No - As others can hear.  Yes if its uegent, but sometimes you have to get into detail about it, why?? Then have to call at 8am in the morning, hold for a long time. Always easier to walk over at 8am!  can hear everything - both sides of conversation so no privacy.

13 Can you see a doctor or nurse practitioner with 2 working days? Sometimes 9% Yes 28% No 63%  Not in my recent experience.  But only as an emergency!  Mostly  If an emergency  Only if an emergency  Yes if you can get through on the phone! Not always. 14. Is it clear for you to know when it is time to see your doctor, if no why? Yes 73% No 21% Sometimes5%

 But should be better placed over the reception desk.  Not in all of seating area.  Should be over reception counter!  Additional system required on adjacent wall. Unable to see with your back to the notice board wall.  Some seating not facing appts system  If you sit in some seats not easily visible & messages should remain for longer

15 Are there any language barriers when communicating with staff? Yes 8% No 89% Sometimes 3%

 No comments

16 Are there enough information leaflets available of specific interest to you? Yes 85% No 11%  No comments

17 Do you think your practice should have water available to patients in the waiting room as a basic expectation? Yes 63% No 36%  Why? Bring there own.

18 Do you only see certain doctors and nurses in your surgery? Yes 44% No 55%

 Dr Siddique  Mostly  19 Have you ever changed doctors at your practice? Yes 33% No 65%  Long time ago changed to Barton hills  Not voluntarily, due to retirement

20 Do you avoid certain doctors or nurses? Yes 19% No 80%  All staff are very nice here. The practice Manager needs to revaluate her attitude though.  Just be lucky to see anyone

21 Do you have confidence and trust in your doctor/nurse Yes 96% No 3%  No comments

22 Do you feel your doctor listens to you and considers your opinion? Yes 96% No 4%  No comments

23. Do you feel you have enough time with your doctor?

Yes 85% No12%  10mins is not long enough on some occasions  24. Do you feel you are involved in decisions about your care and treatment? Yes 87% No 11%  Should be Drs Decision

25 Are staff helpful and understanding? Yes 87% No 11%  Yes, but under a lot of pressure from patients trying to get appts

26 Do staff listen to you if no please provide information Yes 89% No 8%  Sometimes. Depending on Receptionist they are abrupt.  They don't understand that people have different working patterns  Receptionist could give you false information & they would refuse to go the extra mile.  Very helpful and always ready with a reassuring smile.  27 Does staff treat you with respect? Yes 89% No 4%  Always

28 Overall are you happy with the quality of care, treatment and service you receive Yes 83% No 13%  With Drs Fine. Not happy with staff practise  Care & treatment is fine but the service, particularly at reception, needs a lot of improving.  When I can get in.  Drs - Yes

29 Do you have any suggestions for improving the system/service provided by your surgery?

Yes 52% No 44%  Wait too long to see Dr.  Different procedure for booking appt's with Dr on the day!  A more convenient way of booking appts & more training for your reception staff.  non-emergency appts could be a bit sooner - Sometimes 1-2 weeks in advance.  Auto door timing of closure can mean being nudged by door when entering leaving. Waiting room feeling draughty when both doors open together.  Receptionist could do with a bit more courtesy & politeness.  Staff - No

30 Would you recommend your surgery to other people? Yes 77% No 15%

 No comments

31 How would you score your doctor surgery? Excellent 17% Good 51% Ok 24% Poor 5% V.Poor 3%  OK, could be better  POOR - for not seeing a Dr when ill. GENERAL COMMENTS

 You need to take less patients on

 Assesment Training & Development: I would also like to see how often the surgery is audited. How often the Drs are trained or XXXX training.

 ** I know its not life threatening but 9 days ahead does seem a long wait.

 The telephone service should be improved.

 Sometimes a long time on phone trying to get an appointment

 You are a fabulous practice - no complaints at all. Thank you to you all for your help and support.

 Receptionist although efficient seem to be overworked and at times look stressed. Perhaps more help needed to handle clerical side of the work.  I have no problem with the surgery. Everyone is helpful & listens and the Drs are very good, patient, kind and listen - I have no problem with everyone.

 It is becoming increasingly difficult to try and book an appt within a reasonable time. I don't consider 3/4 weeks to be reasonable even for a routine non-urgent reason.

 Phone for emergency appts at 08.00 is a stressful & aggravating experience especially when if you are lucky enough to get through at 08.05 to be told all appts are taken - how this is possible in 5 mins beggers belief!

 Keep up the good Work! I think the water would be a good idea as patients can possibly feel poorly and need hydration. I would definitely use it.

 I find it difficult to get an earlier appt with a Dr even when phoning at 8.00 in the morning.

 I missed an appt in Dec. My first ever. Had to wait nearly month for my next. Having to wait nearly a month for a blood test.

 More Drs required or less Patients therefore we would be seen a lot quicker.  Overall service is good. Nurses - Caroline, dawn are friendly. Desk Secretary's very friendly and helpful. Eg. Clare excellent and always helpful

 The surgery, given the vast area it covers should, given the current waiting time foe patients for appts, should employ another 1-2 GP's

 Overall, very happy with staff & Drs at this surgery. Well Done Practice Manager walks around the Surgery and doesn't smile at patients! I feel that she thinks that she is above everyone! This isn't something we'd like to see from staff!

 ! Very poor telephone system. Long waits for appts.

 Seats facing reception are too close, causing congestion when busy & make privacy at the reception a problem. Staff & Drs & Nurses are always helpful & friendly doing their best to sort out any queries or problems.  More Drs or fewer patients - waiting for appts too long.

 ***** 5 Star Rating to Receptionists both face to face and telephone

 One particular Nurse refused to speak to one of his patients just for advice.

 Terribly difficult to get through to surgery on phone at certain times. Suggest profile working where more staff and telephone lines are available at known busy times. Sorry to point out the obvious.

 It would be more helpful to have at least one or more receptionist who is more willing to help you as a pt than just do there job.  Also when patients do eventually get through with a question make sure the information is passed back to patient asap - this stops anxiety

 Satisfaction to customer /patients satisfaction scores benchmarked against other local/national GP surgeries.

 Suggest a separate option for appointments.

 Why is the appointment system unsatisfactory, unable to see a Dr for 2 weeks is unacceptable for many people. I'm fortunate in that I do not visit the practice very often. But when the need does arise I am unable to get a quick appt.

 Some time ago the system was changed to provide urgent appts on the day, but in order to secure one of these you almost need to be dying or close to it!!

 Dr / Pat ratio is not right. More Drs + less profit = Better Care .  One last point is whenever I make a forward appt there appears to be no other or very few other patients waiting on many occasions.

 It would be more helpful to have at least one or more receptionist who is more willing to help you as a pt than just do there job.

 Also when patients do eventually get through with a question make sure the information is passed back to patient asap - this stops anxiety

 weekends be helpful for working people

 Program of improvements: What level of roadmap for improvements with regular updates.

 On Dec 11th about 11am I waited on the line for 23mins, tried again between 11.30 and 12.15 three times and finally got through at 12.35pm. I have had a long wait on other occasions.

 Privacy may sometimes be restricted due to receptionist family members being allowed in the working area. Privacy can also be a problem due to other patients queuing.

 I realise that everyone thinks that they have an urgent reason but not withstanding this the reception staff need to be a little bit more sympathetic and not just say 'Go to the walk-in centre if it's urgent'. This has happened to me on several occasions. Whilst it is useful to use this facility at weekends I personally do not see it as a practical alternative during normal working hours.

 To my knowledge I don't believe any of the surgery pt have a favourite receptionist, now one should wonder why.

 Please don't take these comments as being detrimental. I have always found the staff very helpful & friendly and the surgery is doing a great job.

 more late night apts .  Updates: latest news and updates in treatments.

 I have recently considered moving practices to get a more reliable service. If people are consistently fobbed off then they will probably not seek medical advice which could have dire consequences.

 Trying to get appts within 2 weeks is nearly impossible!

 Receptionist Training: Multilingual service regular assessment.

 To get a blood test is near impossible (5 weeks wait)

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