MAILS 7 r7 From San Francisco I I Login, Aug. 12. 3:S i For San Franclae Manoa, Aug. 15. From Vancouver-Niagara- , r4 Sept . For Vancouver: Niagara, Aug. 18,


KEPT IN SESSION YELLOW FEVER STEAMER FROM MEXICO QUARANTINED. (AocitKl Ptms 8rrfc hj fadtral WirIc) 16,877 TROOPS FLEEING AUSTRIAHS; RUSSIANS Alleged Broken NEW ORLEANS, La., Aug. 10w With two members of the crew from yellow fever, the steamer Wa rden Berglum, from Progresso, BY REPUBLICANS has been placed in quarantine at the station at the mouth of the Indies river. BY JULY, 1 020 DRIVE TEUTONSJURTIIER BAGIl Minority Members Insist That Onest DURAND INCIDENT U P IN SENATE TODAY WASHINGTON. D. Aug. 0 That Director of . the Census E. Dana Immigration Bill Be Passed C - (Antoriattd I'm by Federal Wirelrss) Durand was forced for political reas ens to resign in 1913. was the decla- Table Sent Here By War Dept. SLAVS PUSHING WESTWARD FROM K0RIPIC RIVER-M- ORE Before Adjournment raticn made by Senator Townsend o f Michigan in the upper house today, He made a statement supporting th e declaration of Candidate Hughes Provides Nine Infantry OF CZAR'S TROOPS ARE LANDED IN FRANCE TO was removed to make a vacancy, for political reasons. Mr. UPSET PLAnYmADE BY WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. that Durand Regiments for Island STRENGTHEN WEST LINEFRENCH MAKE PROGRESS 10. Possibility of a "leak" in Hughes is using this incident as a n illustration of the disorganization - government alleged under the pr esent administration. NORTH OF HEM WOOD DEMOCRATS FOR CLOSING the senate by which an import- of STRENGTH T0?E MADE ant state document, supposedly DECLARES WEAKNESS LEADS TO WAR (Associated by Get to Their strictly confidential, was made HUGHES GREATER EVERY YEAR Presa Cabl) Latter Anxious to a matter of publication, devel- - GRAND FORKS, N. D Aug. 10. Candidate Charles E. Hughes spoke CERLIN, Germany, Aug. 10. Attacks by th Allies on the Somme were ? Home. States on or Before oped today when Senator Stone, here today, though suffering from a sore throat, the reault of many ad- repulsed today. recently. He told a large assemblage of farmers that he favors a Cavalry, Artillery, Coast De- 1 chairman of the committee on dresses September - foreign affairs, demanded an in- - protective tariff to protect them as well. as the men of the factories from fense, Aero Corps, All Are ItOMK. Hair,- Aug. 10. Following their victory iu the capture ; vestigation of the means by cheap foreign labor output. He repeated his views of preparedness, de- of tluv defenses of (jor.izia yesterday and the oceuiiation of th Associated frM TT Cbl breeds insul ts and insults breed war. The wea- Provided in Program all which a confidential copy of the claring that "weakness now threatening Trieste, the main objective of WASHINGTON, D.C Aug. 10. A treaty under which the United ther was so cold that overcoats were necessary. city, the Italians are stand taken today by influential Re States is to acquire the Danish There will be 877 troops on Oahu all the campaign on this front a ud the prtocipal city of Austria's may & BBY ACQUIRE PROPERTY by 1, 1920 approxi-- publican senators hold Congress West Indies reached the public. libby, mcneill li July This IsAae Adriatic littoral. i 1, co nveyances De- - In session after September although An abstract of the treaty has In the office of the bureau of this afternoon there was mate number p vided the War The army of the of Atxta, which lum done signal work in the Democrats are exceedingly anx- a deed by Walter Ma cfaiiane and Mark Robinson to the partment for e deUQseJ or tai-- Iuke already been published and it left for record these is now flee- ious to end on cc before that date and was when this was given publica- - Libby. McNeill & Libby Company w hich conveys 430 acres of fee land at ands under th National Defense AcL preparing the way for the present victory, pursuing the 'had tried to get through by August 19. tion that the progress of plans to Pupuukea and Paumalu. The consid eration for the transfer 7s expressed A table rece; d yesterday by mall ing Austruins on the left bank of the Isonzo river. Cavalry is being Republicans it a conrerenc of sen buy the West Indies from Den-- at 128.171. from Washington at the Hawaiian De- thrown out to drive in the Austrian advam-- e posts and heavy majwes ate leaders this morning refused to mark for 25,000,0C0 became Following the report of the com pany having negotiated for other partment shows what the total infantry following a rapid rate. accept the program outlined by the known. pineapple growing and canning inte rests the conveyance was taken as an strength of the United States army in of Italian are at U re-- Democratic members, through their It is believed that the abstract .4 indication of further expansion of th e business of the company. the Philippines, Hawaiian Islands and This advance down the Isonzo threatens Trieste, which steering committee. The Democrats waa made from some one of 25 Panama Canal zone will be this year, ported to be preparing for an offensive near the city. laid down the'r plans for putting numbered copies sent to the sen- - in 1917, and until 1920, when the full is virtually undamaged by the bom- remaining measures Gorizia, ocenpied yesterday, through certain ate by Counsellor polk of the RED COLO WEATHER sfrengtn will be reached. subjected. not use their and adjourning In three weeks. Those department, who at the SOX BEAT When the fifth increment, July 1, bardment to which it was The Italians did Republican senators who were in- same time requested secrecy un- - 1920, is completed, the total garrison heavy artillery to batter down defenses but employed strategy to take clined to agree with the Democrats til the governments had agreed on Oahur' will be nine infantry regi- the city. were outvoted by the senators who de- to promulgate the treaty. ments of 1336 enlisted men each; one Before leaving the Austrians made an attempt to destroy their on the Immigration meas cavalry regiment 840 men; , one mand action of many buildings, setting fire to the store- . urs. '" light, field artillery, J59 men; one large military stores and waa originally heavy field artiUery, 873 men; 14 houses, but the Italians made such quick work of occupying the city .This measure J on coast artillery companies of about Jo saved. . coupled with the child labor law, STOCK that the fires were put out and most of the stores which the president Insisted. Later ULOSING GAME FOR men each; one regiment of engineers have pierced EPIDEUC 654 men; one battalion, signal It is also reported from this front that the Italians the Democratic leaders decided that MARKET TODAY of field Michele and enough put corps.of about'. 244 men; one - tele- the Austrian entrenchments northeast of Monte' San theTs was not time to .i ' ' through the immigration bill and were closing prices of graph company; one aero squadron have occupied Roschini. : . Following are the companies. ready to drop It but the Republicans stocks cn the New Ycrk marekt to- New York Physician Little and two ambulance A total of 12,000 Austrian prisoners has been taken in the last Carrigan's . Crew Hammers Sees This will" mean a total' strength ' in Insist on Its passage. by Associated Press over . , day, sent the infantry arm of 12,024 men. few days of fighting. , r - the feaeral Wireless. White Sox Pitchers All Over Hope Abatemeht of Cases the here " coast artillery corps , of 1050, y, In the Yester-Toda- organizations num- day. Lot in Last; Tilt . While Heat. Lasts and in the other of WEST TOM'S bers ranging from 76 to 873. Rejoicing Alaska Gold ; 17 Over 176 (AuocUted Press by Federsl Wireless) Cold weather .will check infantile The first increment provided by the Italy Vild Vith American Smelter .... . 95 ;. . 93 ef- Ji CHICAGO, Aug. 10. hit the paralysis, probably nothing else. National Defense Act went into Rfg"...' 109 , A'merican Sugar 110. first-han- d re- week, when the 32nd Infan- IUjD HORROR IS Chicago pitchers hard today and the Thle . Jnformation' was fect this Signal 130 Star-Bulleti- Artillery American.Tel. d Tel... 129H! won easily, now, leading ceived by the. n from a try and the 9th Heavy Field " ' champions "Copper ' Newv-Tor- organized Schofleld Barracks. Anaconda ... 81H 802 - White Sox by two games. St, prominent City physician. were at I the " 102 102 1 1, 1917, second Increment , (Associated by Ctbla) . ' ; Atchison ..v.i..,...w.. Louis continues the winning ; streak Dr. Charles LLIndley, visiting here July the , Press . vv - Wadded, consisting of infan-- France,-VugMlU.,- IWf'iGLYIlllGE Baldwin Locor iJ2Vi 7V.S started thrfiA weeks j&zcu and .is now - DxUJJndJejFw'tefjf fctfore will on? AU .ItaiyJalehratinlXaJLb NeXofK The foIlowtog-eajUw- o ,.rAB!S onry one-ha- lf game beliind the - Yan- the ravages of? ;the dread disease tryglmeuL Gorizia before the Italian army. Despatches frbm Koine and other nantry ; regiments will be add- Bethlehem Steel ...... 430 i kees. Cleveland also ; won another started,' but has, followed vlth profes- more h t..... ed; third year, 4919 one infantrj cities say that at the capital city,, Bologna; Florence Milan nnd o ; w v 18 -- expense Yanks, all newspaper ac the Every. Hcpcrt Swells Figures Calir Petroleum f ; . . . 18 game at the of the sional Stterest July yes- ' pitching regimenL" The fifth increment, eisewhere, fiags are flying and there were public demonstrations Canadian Pacific ...... 175'2 175 Vz and the Indians, with better counts. v regiment, Infantry - -- From Cloudbursts 1, 1920, is one v . - ,. y-- Deaths M. & (SL Paul) - 94 promise to make' a real fight for the The visitor is at the Moana hotel terday;- . i i C, 8L P. 96a games today which will bring the total infantry : Wear, Huntington Colo. Fuel & 44 437s; pennant. The results of with Mrs. Lindley. They will probab- Air the Gorizia defenses were yesterday topped with Italian ;;v; .Iron...... - strength on Oahu to nine Teglments. were as follows: ly fur home hi the Niagara. : ' ' ' ' ' ' Crucible Steel ...... 69J4 W leave now '. flags. v;"V"k,- : :. , ; . .V. by ' There are four. ' . tAsiocUUd Press Cibl' Erie Common 36 35;4 They came In the Mabsonla. the, infantry Va Aug. LEAGUE. Lindley was asked what The Italian artillery dislodged Austrians, and the Huntington, w. id Genera! Electric ...... 170 1694 AMERICAN When Dr. re- paralysis he then rushed the Austrian lines, while reinforcements by the thousand Twenty-thre- t bodies have been Motors At Detroit Detroit 10, Philadelphia he knew .about infantile General ...... t.... saidt ' backed op the , Italian rush. , covered as a result of the terriole Northern 116 i. poured from nnderground passages and Great Pfd.... 118i 3, New "Very' little, and that Is about all cloudburst which swetp Cabin Creek Inter. Harv, N. At Cleveland Cleveland J...... 1132 flWa 2. ' any physician . knows," either here ot yesterday. York . y Kennecott Coper ...... 47 46fB 4, Wash- abroad. So far as I know there is no rescue parties, after be- - At St. Louis St. Louis Returned Lehigh R. R...... 78 77' cure for IL! - V night suscorlnj the refu- ington 0. Russiahs Take Imnortant Railvay ing out all New York Central...... 104J4 103 Yt Chicago Boston 11, Chicago 5. - The doctor scouts a statement made mining vil- " At gees, report that alt of the Pennsylvania ...... 55 65 score on Monday recently, by a Chicago physician, vis- swept away or devas- Correction The lages have been Ray Consol.- - ....i. 23 23 between SL Louis and Washington iting here, that possibly several Point and Drive Teuton s ra runfisr tated. People have taken refuge cn Southern Pacific ...... 98 97 ' resulted in favor of St. Louis by a deaths of summer complaint from' the - the .hilltops. 125 3 2 10 innings. excessive heat had been credited to f- ' Studebaker ...... 1274 score of to In (Associated Press by Cftble) - - national guardsmen show- paralysis in New York. , Detachments of Tennessee Copper 25's 25 j The ireport given at that time Infantile Aug. 10. The Russians have captured sent out to assist In pre- 2, Washington 2. He sayg there can be no truth in TETROGKAD, Russia, have been Union Pacific ...... 139 138 ed St. LouiSi Kryptin on the Htanislau river line, thus driv- venting looting of bodies or buildings . 87 86 this statement as the symptoms of the railway station of U. 8. Steel...... "V two simi- w still standing. .; :'" 118 118 NATIONAL LEAGUE. the diseases are not at all German Official Despatches ing the Teutons away from an imiwrtant field base, hich helped. them U. S. Steel Pfd...... ' 1, lar.; ' : It is reported that a lineman who 78 78 At Philadelphia Philadelphia Many Entente Fliers hold the Xadvorna front. v . . w Utah "However, heat certainly spreads Declare returned from a trip to Miami Desota Western Union ...... 94 v 93 CinciniiaU 0. in July The Russians have also reached the Monasterzyska and izinoff . Brooklyn and New the epidemic and aggravates Individ- Were Shot Down Valley estimated that; 40 have .been At Boston - ' Westinghouee 58 57 ! says railway at the mouth of the Zlota Li pa. - - : York Rain. ual cases." the doctor, "and I browned In that section. ; s believe cold weather will do much to official despatches late yes-terda- y "" fi t fEx-dlvlden- German rvur ywy wit Bid., d. Unquoted. innuicti AMERICAN LEAGUE.. reduce the fatalities." contained the news .that the sion, mostly women and children, have " " V air-forc- for July cut off on Main Horse Creek. W L Pet Dr. Lindley has read with interest losses of the Allied of Hem Wood . been of the adrenalin remedy discovered, times those of the French Progress North w . Boston . 61 44 ,581 were nearly five rrvm wkii-- nwiw y ...... by Institute, says report vil-- MARU TO Cleveland . 60 45 571 the Rockefeller but Teutons. Valley come the that the IlOREA he has heard of no in official report yesterday fol-- 600 people, Chicago . .... 60 47 561 diminution The PARIS, France, Aug. 10. Progress has been made by the French tags of Little Horse, with v Detroit . 58 50 531 deaths. lowst Hem wood, much of of. a has been swept away and 75 lost. - HEADQUARTERS, Aug. troops today in heavy fighting north of it 55 50 524 It is said the ravages are stop- GERMAN ' New York ...... that ; ' ' Virgin- hand-to-han- d : Governor Hatfield of West 55 51 519 ped a hen the medicine is injected 9. It was reported yesterday that nature. ... . ia, who arrived in this city today for ARRIVE IN F. SL Louis ...... on the Washington ...... 51 53 490 into the spinal canal. It was discov- English and French attacks South of the Somme river the Germans today .used liquid fire purpose of attending the Republi- ' the I Philadslphia ...... 20 81 198 ered several years ago by a Japanese whole front of Foureaux wood to the before their infantry attacks.: Kevertheless they were dispersed. can convention, la doing all in his doctor, Takamlna. It contracts the Somme had broken down. The Brit, power conditions result- 374 to alleviate NATIONAL LEAGUE. blood vessels. ish left 10 , unwounded officers, . ing from . the disastrous cloudburst THIS AFTERNOON men and six machine guns in our W L. Pet ps early yesterday morning. ,. hands; besides, their losses were Slav-Troo- He special relief. trains Brooklyn 60 35 632 strong More Landed m France ordered 38 591 heavy and bloody. Likewise, a . 55 Ba-zent- up Coal Boston in made and rushed jto the river 577 British night attack from Ovillers Cabin districts, where 5000 Philadelphia 56 41 and creek Will Go Nagasaki 50 521 STKIE, and Lepetit failed. BREST, France, Aug. 10. More Russians have been landed, in people homeless and suffering, Freighter to New York ,46 repeat- are 46 55 455 Considerable French forces Chicago sec- France to be added to the large contingents already on the western their houses having been wrecked and Be edly attacked Thlaumont, Fleury ' ' to Refitted as Passenger SL Louis 46 59 438 "v - " '" away by deluge. front, . '. washed the 41 53 436 tor, also Chapitre and the Mountain ; Two companies of militia have Run Pittsburg state Steamer for Pacific 40 67 374 woods. The enemy was forced back been called out. The guardsmen are with heavy losses by oaT fire, in sev- taking tents to the stricken villagers (Special Marconigram to Nippu Jiji) places by bayonets and counter- MAN eral to be used as emergency shelters for SAX FRANCISCO. Cai; Aug. 10. PASADENA HOTEL (Associated Press hj fedarti Wireless) attacks. The number of prisoners German Submarine Gets New Victim whose homes have been de- MALMO, Sweden, Aug. 10. The these The Korea Maru. formerly bt the Pa- RETURNS TO HONOLULU; reached 350. stroyed. ,- SteamsiJp Company, wire- Norwegian steamer Thor Hafte struck Results of air combats for July: cific Mail ; LONDON, Kng., Aug. 10. The British steamer Newburn has 'Later in the day Governor Hatfield lessed to San Francisco today the in- DOES NOT GO NORTH a mine off the Swedish coast and German losses In air combats were himself left for the afflicted section, formation that she would arrive at sank almost instantly. 17 shot down from earth, 1 missing been sunk by a submarine in the war-zon- e. No statement of casual- Anglo-Frenc- ' : anxious to render all possible aid and this port late thB afternoon. The Ko- and ; 1 captured. Total 19. h ties is given. to satisfy hlmsej that his orders are D. M. Linnard has another float for losses are. 59 In air combats, rea Mara came from New York via roses parade in RARE AND VALUABLE carried out to the best advantage and canaL ' the tournament of 15 shot dqwn from the earth. 6 land- the Panama - Day.' with the least delay. Pasadena New Year's During 1 landing Upon arriving this port the ' way POSTAGE STAMPS ARE ing within our lines, for the '. Nor- were the cloudbursts confined at his brief stay here today on his purpose of leaving a spy. ' Total 81. VILLA BANDITS CHOLERA VESSEL freighter take on a cargo of from Orient in the Tenyo to .these districts. A similar catas- i home the SHOWN PHILATELISTS Hindenburg's front: North of Point v freight and will sail for Yokohama, daughter, Miss Doro- trophe . Is reported at Charleston, Maru with his Kurland, our fire damaged and drove After discharging crgo there the Hono-lulan- s, where at least 150 people are said to thy Linnard, he visited several At the regular monthly meeting of away, a number of torpedo-boat-s. a i m . . a steamer ; go to Nagasaki, where nave oeen crowneo. (communication win including. W. R. Faxrington, Society the home of sailing ships. IN1 she will be refitted as a passenger offer, an the Philatelic at steamers and LOSE LIVES SAILS .S, has been broken and it is impossible telling them of Japan's for Capt. R. H. Peck Wednesday night, Russian attempts to cross Duena M I boat for service In the Pacific. Capt coast city's parade. to secure details. addition to the the members were favored with 5an Into East Friedrickstadt was frustrat- Ota and 130 members of the crew will remembered that Linnard, arrive here on the Tenyo Jlaru ta It will be address of interest by W. H. Colson, ed. Strong patrols between Veslow manager of three Pasadena hotels, stamp . nhmc& new take charge of the steamer. as an Independent specialist and and Naroczlakes were repulsed. Near SUDDEN ATTACK VITH rncoiucru promised two floats for the carnival trader of , who arriv- the Shtshara front, artillery duels in- he vi- CE GOVERNOR, HARDING, ON in 'Honolulu next spring, when ed in Honolulu a few 'days ago. creased. Enemy's attacks in the ill CHAMBER OF COMMERCE passed through here a few weeks ago Colson told how the rare stamps cinity "of Bkrobova failed. Strong - FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD on his way to Japan. At that time come into the market and gave some Russian attacks were repeated in tAssociated Press by Cable) 1 ' tAsaocUUd PTtM by CabUl ELECTS NEW MEMBERS Linnard expected to return home by amazing figures on prices paid for Stochod section many times, but the LAREDO, r Auf. 10. .Vine VillUta YOKOHAJIA, Japan, Ang. 10. The .' Associated: Press ly CsbleJ the northern route but says he want- them.. He showed a 13c blue anda waves flowed back under our artil- bandits and four government or Japanese steamer Hawaii Maru, which WASHINGTON, D C, Aug. 10. W. O. BarnharL Frank Q. Cannon ed to see a little more of Hawaii. 5c blue missionary stamp valued at lery, infantry and machine gun fire. soldiers hare been killed has been: held up bj an outbreak ol President Wilson today designated W. Linnard draws especial attention to $3200; also a cover bearing four There is fighting south of Stobychva In a skirmish between Cardenas and cholera aboard, sailed for Tacom V -- and John Watt were elected to mem- manager St P. O. Harding as a governor of the bership in the chamber of commerce what James Woods, of the Louis "Bear" Stamps, a. very rare and Stochod and bending east toward Tamasoje; according to American day with a new crew and. carrying ni -- : federal reserve board to. succeed SL Francis hoiel of San Francisco, arriving fcere,;;;:v'-v'X- ; l passengers. recently ar- '" at a meeting of the board of directors stamD. Kovel and north of Kleselan. In refugees The vessel rTiorloo Hamlin during I Beard-imor- e. hand-to-han- yesterday said about Honolulu his recent Members present were B. T. heavy d fighting with far rived from the n::i;p!nes. , ; afternoon. ; Sidney M. na- visit here. John Gribble. F. G. W. Cooper, superior enemy forces our troops 350r prisoners and several machine Ballou was elected ' ' V. J- "Kuchary- - guns.. Archduke front: Num- Exceptions taken by A. Beeson tional councilor and delegate to the "I don't know what Woods' plans A. P. Lino. C. - Cooper, C. D. Wright, were victorious near and Carl's JUAfJ AUADOR DIES to a, decision by Circuit Judge Ash-for- d, national chamber, with headquarters are," says Linnard, "but he is dead W. T. Monsarrat, Julius Unger, Lieut Porskaya and Yolka. Combats west ber of ,: prisoners : Uken south of - . . 12 . 356 holding that he was maintain- at Washington. right when he says Honolulu's tourist , W. L. Lyman, W. C. Weedon, T. of Luck decided In our favor. Zalocze reached officers- and Aostro-Hungaria- AssocUUd T9W by CU J ing a lottery through the operation The board of retail trades of the opportunities are the finest in the i Wood, E. M. Ehrhorn, Dr. Pugsley, Hardy ; n . troops men. South of Dnelster, allied troops r slot-machin- e, s fully, counter-attack- s po- of .MEXICO Hex, An?, 10. of .a were overruled by chamber is holding its regular meet-in- world and that they will not be j Mr. Kaum. G. W. Marsilly and the took lost parts of were taken back behind the lines Cm. ' ; ' today. the. supreme court today. this afternoon. - - - realized until there are. better, roads." I host and --honor guesL sitions east of Sjelvpv, . and captured KichaioTT ToIUcnica and Ottynia. ; Juan Anador diel here STAE-BUIXETI- TWO J HONOLULU N, .THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 191(5.

;. - ' FIEPRCOFf V . AMERICA PIONEER MILL GURRAN COURTS CHINA TRADE IS SAY IS Save your customers time n rt r r n TV if by telling wh?re they can ri it '. AMI FRIEND OF CO. STOCK WILL KIS LIBERTY BY GOAL OF NATIONS get what they require and 0 WE STORE EVERYTHING CITY' TRANSFER COMPANY JAMES H. LOVE : PHONE 1241 V1,;. ii by teaching them where Immm GO AT AUCTION! HABEAS CORPUS AFTER GREAT WAR they, can buy quickly in safety. if Stock of the PJceer Mill Company in On TThis is Declaration of Peking t Convicted of Assault Lowei Japanese Commissioners . THE AD HAN. If will be sold at ubHcauction next Love's Cream Bread Officials to E. M. Newman, Tuesday. Thro aje lCf shares in the Court, Takes His Case Be- Way to Europe Foresee : Noted Lecturer lot and the hlghei t bill der will have fore Federal Tribunal Keen Competition is the inoA delicious and tastiest bread you can ti the option of UL5 whole or any buy. It s" wrapped fresh from the ovensre-- . Army after army marching: toward part of the lot. Holding that he was Illegally con-- Keen competition between the g V. C. A. PLANS t! Pekfcig, general dissatisfaction among The Picneer sttrwhlch is to bd: victed in circuit court on a charge of countries of the world for 11 tiiiniuij: all its freshness. the people of the empire and Uie ai vnder the hammer Tuesday morning. assault, JanKW P. Cerran has filed in the trade of Chum a competition ten- provinces V. court a petition for a of war is over is !! most hourly secession of with James Morgan Co., Ltd., ps federal writ fold keener when the 1-4-- brought by re-- ! Shiba, pro- d-l . : from the main government, auctioceers. Is a lot resulting from i habeas corpus which he seeks forecast by Dr. Churaburo Phone . college FGR ASSOCIATION il about ft nervous breakdown which. the action of the stockholders in vot- lease, from the custody f Sheriff fessor in the engineering cf con Died 1th severe mental strain. ing en increase of capital j Charles H. Rcse. to whom he was re- - Tcklo and ore of the government's Sblh-Ka-i. and the 1 Yuan resnltei m the death of issuance of July 21. manded to serve a sentence of fcur patent experts. president of China, says E. a stock dividend. Judge W. party of il late From the distribution of such shares months. Federal Horace Dr. Shlta is cne of the M.j Newman, traveler and lecturer of five noted Japanese who arrived on AMONG SOLDIERS New Yortt wno is la Honouim alter there arcse )me frac lonal shares. ftfternoon6 Tenyo Maru yesterday on their i tho a four-month- s tour of the Orient. which have been combined to m?ke Curran, two circuit way states, others being up after trials in to the the The' aged ruler was not poisoned. the parcel that is to be auctioneI. court, was convicted and sentenced to Drs. Y. Haga, W. Oka da, Y. Tashiro . San Francisco - t MfYFRff .if. .aa many reports have stated, Mr. From present, indications, says tbe four months in Oahu prison. and I. Inagaki. F. A. McCarl. super.M .en-len- of lie Cl IFT Newman believes. He was borne auctioneers, this is the last but or.-- ; He appealed to supreme court, do not know whether or net the Coast Y.M. C. A. work in the? army Positively Fireproof. 1; the "I Kvery down by the weight of worry and the of sales arising from Russo-Japanes- e en- and navy, will arrive in Honolulu American and European Tlans. Room with Oath. w ' stock increases, taking exceptions to the verdict of the ritw treaty will burdens of government affairs So the one 7 remaining being the Rapid Ji'ry. The supreme court held that danger American trade and interests some time this. fall. to lesin work on Rates: ; Room with Hath one person from $2.00 per day. was to the na ' the establishment ot an army and P.oora with Bath two persons from 33.S0 per day. treat his desire rule Transit Company. . the exceptions should be overruled. in the Orient" ho said on the steam- il ' lion as emperor that he had ft crown A mittimus was issued remanding er yesterday. "I am not in a position navy department of the Y. M. C. A. American Plan. A. E. who returned from made, and even issued edicts, signed Corran to prison. , to say this, but is certain will Larimer, One person from $4.50 a day. Two persons rrora $7.o0 a ay, It ' PROMINENT KANSAS it there Tuesday, ,1 by him as emperor, the lecturer says. Tt is alleged.' by Curran that, in the be much competition between the two the ccust on states that , W. E. ZANDER Maoagnr. wit-res- prospects bright for the establish- BUt, he adds, these edicts were never ATTORNEY ARRIVES second trial, the testimony of a s nations for the commerce of the Ori- are For Booklets and information please address -- ' recognized .ty the United States and in the first trial was read, and ment o an association building for HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & D RAYING CO, LTD TO SPEND VACATION ent. in Honolulu. . other powers-- . was not produced in soldiers and around that the witness "I think that after the European bor- Hawslan. Islands Reprejtattt. r-- r -- Mr. ; Newman attended the funeral person- McCarl is now cn the Mexican PVinnoAQfi 1 r J - This, he claims, is contrary war is over all the European countries General Offices, 6$ Queen Street,... : " One of the most interesting visitors der and reports that he has been t of Yuan, a procession aoout three to the constitutional provision that a will turn their attention to China as llUilCnruO l Ions, in which per who arrived in the Manoa is Kos Har meetln; with ccess in carrying the miles thousands of defendant shall be confronted by. his 'A ell as Japan for export trade. At sons marched; At the head of the ris, Wichita, Kansas, lawyer, friend ' Y. M. C A. work to the soldier. When J accusers., . present Japan is shipping all kinds of : Champ he McCarl will go over processicn was a Chinese band , play of Clark and Congressman W. n.achincry to European countries, anlvts here ing Chopin s march-- 15 McKrnlc7, vho rccom men the wcrk that has leen done la the funeral While In carries such as oil and gas engines, war en-fjiu- China Mr, Newman visited palace dations to several prominent Honolu- - city an-- i will make plans for the leas- r the of various sort, and, of course. Yuan SMh-Ka- l, being pho- - as a "genial gentleman," and who ing of ;i building for establishment of of the first irns uracil war material, a good deal cf i tographer to enter the forbidden bears out this assertion with an amaz reai'lin.; rooms for the soldier. v hich is of- - the same character we , main, c He also visited the Ming ing store of humorous anecdotes sult-- The Ad Club has indorsed the flan formerly imported from these coun,-tiles.-" tomt)s aad the great wall, taking pho chle for any emergency and forth-comin- as a good one, and a committee has tographs already appointed to the 6 for lectures which he will too. . Shlba'a-particula- bc?n assist Dr. r mission is to f , give In larger of staying Pleasanton crganiztion in the work. The com- the dtles the East Harris is at the investigate industrial conditions in Once you have opened a Savings Account, you will , , composed of Wake- i this wlncer. Hotel, and In response to questioning ' mittee is James States and Europe. He n. Government officials In China told this morning said be was out the United field, chairman; Bris.-Ge- Samuel saving which prove there rcys 'Japan's export is be-"Ih- have started the hahit, will of,unf i X. Mr. .Newman that the United states politics: He is accompanied here that trade Johnson, Capt. Ncrris Stayton, L. A. c TO BE STOPPED on at a high level of by Mrs. Harris and daughter. . Thafston and:Em!l Berndt told value to you in after life. The possession of such has,: and that they gave America the The "genial gentleman" tells of go - "Perhaps cur an account acts as an incentive to your natural desire credit for saving Manchuria and main- ing to Kansas M years ago when the prices for manufac DOYLE IS REMEMBERED ; talcing the Integrity of China as an nearest house was 400 miles in one tured goods now are as high as those . to watch a little pile grow. . . - - A dance has been running the i empire. direction and 600 in another, so he for of American plants," he said. "Since BY FAMOUS THESPIAN w While in Korea, Mr. Newman Tis It says, and naturally he had plenty of last two months on city property and most of the materials which go into No matter how little you put by. each week or ed six-foo- t the authorities have not been aware making machinery the valace of the denosed room to attain the stature and the of our must A handsome framed and autograph- - and the palaces of the Prince and broad shoulders which he can boast of it oe bought abroad, largely from Amer- monthyou have put something by for the rainy days Now the detective department will ed . photograph of the famous actor O & Princess Yee. In Japan he was given attorney for the ica,' W'e cannot sell at cheap prices. ' The visitor is chief close-It- , times-enjoye- been received by Chester A. Doyle and-llo- and the good has to come. V access to the royal palace w system Mc . "I am not in a position to say Illinois Traction of which evening ; by from William IL Crane, who. visited ed to photograph the emperor and ' after evening the whether my government thinks tho Kinley is president. young people in the neighborhood of in Honolulu recently. Crane was ex- empress. European war is near an end, but it is Doyle while Interviewing tho Kashttmanu school are to end. tensively cntertalced by Baron Shlbuzawa, not too sodh for Japan to prepare for in the city. In a letter to Doyle the known as the J. Pierpont Morgan of Building Inspector Henry Freitas, conditions 'after the war. J VESSELS TO AND who is In charge of school buildings, thesplan says that" he was delighted Japan, Mr. Newman mentioned to the - "We aro going to spend this year In has complained. - - : ' and that he Is very anxious to come statesmen the title by which many FROM THE ISLANDS peaceful, America.. We are all going "Open windows havei provided an fcacm - . '. V . Americans anow him. to attend the one hundred fiftieth an- "Yes, know, entrance to the buildings and ukuleles We pay 4 on time deposits. I but To not the J. - niversary celebration of Rutgers col- Morgan of Japan." the music," he said . this morning. lege, .rierpout said the KAANAPALI August 3, sailed, schr. Only a few couples went therconce representing different depart- baron. "I anr a. comparatively, poor Townsend. ments Jn,our Tckio1 university, then, man, Muriel for Port in a while at first I am told. But the ; but I have made several Pier ; will leave; America for France firs HILO August 9, ; sailed, str.- Texan number has been increasing and now, - pont Morgans la my country" ,,-.- . then England Italy. We are going 'for San Francisco. v ; they-te- U me, the dances are raaning atd Mr. Newman wanted to know If to ,take th;jtranJSiberian i every lfght.f thowsp what xhevyoung railroad there was any possibility of a clash Raaioorams It to Japan May, U., S.' A; T. DIXArrives today at A people want, of course, but I cannot back. about 1917." Bisribp & Gdmpaiiy between the United States and Ja with- To Visit War -- Hospitals. pan f - - p. m. from Manila and Nagasaki. allow them to use the buildings . Dr.-- Y. out authority-an- d supervision." Tashiro, who is professor In "Politically, - STR. MATSONIA Arrives v. no; cdmmerclally. pos- Freitas first heard of the dances the medical college of Tokio univer- Savings Department ;,.tr; i , . Angust 15, 7022 tons cargo for Hono n ,. - ( eimnciru lua uaroa. i am this morning ai?d Immediately asked sity, oid of his mission as follows: aure Japan - will never wage lulu, 159 2 tons for HHo46Jtons for .' war the detective bureau to send a man "My . mission 'is to investigate all . against the United States unless com- - Port Allen, 16 tons for Kaanapali. pelled to the school tonight to see that no the well hnowa hospitals 5n the Unit to by an act of your country." Euro-pta- n dancers gain entrance. . ea States first, then those !n vmie in Hawaii Mr. Newman will PIIHDn nnMfr TA DC countlics.' The United States take a large of photographs high I 1 stands in sufgery. am going HERE STOMACH PUMP IS, 1 ot island Bcenes to be used In main- ONE OF FINEST ; to make a careful Investigation tvhile land lectures. He is accompanied by USED FOR POISONING in the United States. a moving picture.operator. Good Hawaiian music and plenty of "We cannot go to Germany or Au- It will be the rule Saturday night: at ; WITH GOOD EFFECT stria at this time, but wo are going to arm- ' the National Geard dance In the - " y : visit Italy and Switzerland, beside ory. dances, held for the bene- i :' The William Gallmeister, private, Co. I, France and England. O fit of the enlisted men's clubroom, are "In France aiid England I will parti-tularl- y increasingly popular. Last Saturday 2nd Infantry, is recovering; et the Shafter hospital today from an pay,.fc.t?ention to government night Ji masquerad-- bair was ; held. Fort lii!!! attempt at suicide with a bottle of hospitals to investigate the method and the prize for the best costume o treatment of the soldiers who have VILL ADVOCATE worn by a girl was won by a young chloroform at the corner of King and Fort streets about 9 o'clock Wednes- lost their hands, arms or legs in the lady wearing a costume made trom a war. The treatment of such cases will large American flag. The. men b prize day night F. Meyers! re- be my specialty." man-- making up pi .Policeman William was won by a as a ports rate. This .Saturday night s dance is finding Gallmeister apparently TAX INCREASE drunk but later discovered he had : Four Filipinos today filed in fed-er- a) not a cobtamo affair however. - i taken chloroform. A stomachs pump 3court their declarations of in- at the emergency hospital, probably tention; to become American citlzena ARMY ' ' ORDERS saved his life. Increase the tax rate two mills te He In which he wrote: f GlVhS YOU 01473 and left a note if build half a million dollars' : ; v August 7, 1916. "Goodby, everybody. v.I am going to a TODAY'S NEWS TCOAY. of 1150,000 ' r worth city roads, worth ol Special Orders, No. .130. ' T better world. : country roads a year, make the gar 1. Col. Benjamm W. Atkinson, 32d "f bage and sewer service free ($50,000) '3 Infantry, is relieved from duty at Fort ASKS MAYOR 1; s v H end spend 150.000 a year n eten- - Shflftftr ftjirt cni nrnr(T tt Srhnfield COLLINS ejoua w me sewer system; xaen issue i Barracks and report to the command- - FOR ADDITIONAL HELP me maxunum amount or oonas allow- - mg officer for duty with his regiment, t Sale ed yearly by the law, $480,000, for rlower 2. Batt SgtiaJ. Albert Birmele, fn two yearn to pay for extensions of the 2d Infantrv. now Pert Shaffer 'will An"additional needed the at departmeat to catoh up In work For a few days onlv, all water system and let the revenues re-th- e road ofJbe sent to Schofield Barracks to year department pay the sinking fundi port to the commanding officer for neglected last before he "came flowers and plants will be ana on - into .office. Goorge M. Collins; city interest tne Donas. duty with his regiment mayor Tnat js iiarry Murray s plan in engineer, tells the in a letter offered at greatly reduced v- morning. -- , received this He asks that , has outlined in four J 9, 1916, briet Ha. It August mayor to the board pages oi cioseiy typewritten matter j Special Orders, No. 131. the recommend prices. Of supervisors that ne be authorized which he Intenas to read at tonight's- - i..v SsL James D. Nolan.. Quarter- - ; BUY NOW! n to hire an office man for four months. meeting on the bon3 issue to be held master Corps, . Shatter, ia trans-i- Fort '.'It must be done if the annual reports the Chamber of Commerce rooms. J ferred as a prfrate to Headquarters Tor 1915 and 1916 are to be compiled," o He has the facts and figures needed I Company. 2d Infantry, at that post argument up plan. he says. "The continuous applica for an to back his 2. Pvt 1st Class Robert M. Dillard, man need- ; MOBORI Quartermaster Corps, tion of a for four months is is transferred ed to catch up with the back work So. King St., near Alapai feNE of the most interesting - a private Company, HIWK P.nMPANY PII as to the 2d Coast ,ahlmake the monthly' reports 're-- Quired by law." AbbUUIAl lUfs rAPtKS win proceed to that fort r features in tKeprinting situa 3. y 1st ueut George E. Stallman, ; surgeon, upon i , Articles of Incorporation of the 'Ho-- dental U. S. army, his in this city cn transport - - nolulu Junk Company have been filed arrival the tion is thee type of .firms and- men Logan .on August-12- , 1916, i In the territorial treasurer's office by or about ' will proceed td ScVfield Barracks. local Japanese. The capital stock Is Star-Bullet-in 1 -- Spend Uie , 110,)0, with shares- of 110 each par IfekrEiid at who use Printing; ! I value. '4 The company wm do a;varied CARD. OF.THANKS . ; business, ranging from buying and j .aelllng junk" to dealing In land rent- Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Joe wish to ' Star-Bullet- ing autos and .managing bus lines, to thank their, many friends'- - and rela The list of in Printing users I buying inventions and - selling - steel, tives who sympathized. with them' and ? manganese, copper, lumber and coke, for r the many floral offerings sent shows an exceptional averagers to 'sifotaw-tia- l f Incorporators are K., Asano, presl them daring their recent bereavement. ' vice-presid-ent dent: ; S. Knba, and --Adv.-' : ' 4000 FEET ELEVATION COOL INVIGORATING 0 i treasurer: K. Nishlmura. secretary; S. rating and strong position in affairs. 1 Miura, Kato, auditor, and;B. director, COLDS CAUSE Leave Honolulu Saturday, 3 P. M. ' - A pound of dried corn goes further HEADACHES " " . ', : : ; cleaner. LAXATIVE BROMO QUIKINE re -- WC The typical user is a successful rnan who thinks for himself, and ' Return . Tuesday, 7 A; : ... - .. i moves the cause. Used the world over j A file with its point protected who owes his place in the world to his habit of getting the facts and bill to cure a cold in one day. - The signa f with a OTk is a useful . little object warp ture of E. W.-GRO- is on each box. - using his own judgment. His whole habit of life has taught him to to .hold . a spool . of carpet for ' JIanuf actured by All Expenses crocheting. .. - Ihe PARIS MEDI seek efficiency. j ' Over a series of mountain peaks in CINE CO.; Str Lcuis, U; S.:A. I " o - r France there will-b- e stretched anteu- nae approximately 15 miles -- long Uo Phone 4911 we will sec your catalogue or letter-hea- d re- r t test wireless waves of extreme lengui. that pre-- j Paper plates make the picnic flects the beauty and good taste you would have it. . more simpie. j ' paratlons and cleartngup Inter-Islan- Grmaalated d Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. l ftor Bya, Pr7; I Phone 4941 J-.,.- . Queen. Street : " crtyoSa, 60c pr tottle. For Boo v U Hi D. Paul R. Isenberg nmininTnDi'mi Inmi MAmfrriQ i ROTARIANS HEAR ilUUliLI lllli WILL UULL llinilULl 1U Veds Bertha Kopke At the First SUPPL ED FOR OPTIMISTIC TALK REGULAR, PROMPT DELIV- Glimpse of ERY IS WHAT IS DUE YOU. In NevYork City Community FROM R. Hi TRENT It is what we want to give you Couple Expected to Return FOR THE PUBLIC ALL SECURITIES every evening the paper is pub- Here After Their Honey- lished. moon Trip Plate unlisted If you do not get jour paper Great Hill is Preserved To the Stocks regularly listed and Yau feel the joy of desire: Business in Country Large Hono-lul- u in at promptly and regularly, call D. Paul R. Isenberg, who left securities shared alike in dullness the longing "to have it for People at Meeting Held Both show- 1 Amazingly Prosperous, He phone for the Circu en the steamer Matsonia July 26, the stock market. classes your own." i was married in New York yesterday in Honolulu Today ed symptoms of weakness. Sums Up Observations lation Department and make the to Miss Rcrtha Kopke. according to a Between boards total sales were 61 complalnL Scrvin? so many cablegram received late yesterday by Round Top was today made a for- (hares and $30,000 in bonds. Olaa breathing-spac- e In a lapM-fir- e talk one of th Itcal thousands of homes every after- Ernest Ross, son-in-lc- of Mr. and est reservat.on, to hf a vaa $l".5, Ewa $35, Walalua 3.50, This famous ware bears not only a triple plus, lir-ar- g pub- at the Notary CTib luiichr-ci- i In noon makes occasional lapses Mrs. E. W. Kopke. father and motLer and res ting-- round for the McBryde $12.37 and $12."0. Oah-.- i months Richard U I rfcr;t!y lic for all time. At a meeting held ivti, possible. cf the brUie. $34.25. super-plat- e, but is overlaid at the wearing points return': from the :.:n:i.!.4;id, od No details of tlie wedding are given this morning at the government nur- tii3i-n- a 'tar-Bulleti- n Of the "Unlisted shares 1500 share? strong confidence in the The maintains, which was brief. sery on King street, in accordance used in in. the cablegram, of En gels Copper sold at $2.50 and 50 with a disc of pure silver. It is being outlook for the L'nlted fctat3. until 6: SO p. m. each day. a spe- They are expected to return to Hon with law, a hearing was held, and all loth ior the duration of the war the necessary formalities completed. shares of Mineral Products at $1. aJ cial city service for any cus- noneymoon trip of some thousands of homes all over the country. . Why in poet helium days. !ulu after a present were Governor Lu- may have Those A feature was the sale of a second :t pre- tomer the carrier months. cius E. Pihkliam. representing' the While rcakin? no hard and ii is the fourth daughter of and larger lot of Territorial at not yours? At your service for 50 years. diction as to business conditions missed. The bride territory; A, L. C. Atkinson, the board 3s Mr. Mrs. Kopke. and here ?SU, the same price as paid earlier fce Ko-taria- and left of agriculture and forestry; District f after the war. laid ixfTe the Nor-gaar- in the week. This time were na- about two months ago for the East. Forester C. S. Judd; Dr. Victor d thre noire amazing fiurs on $25,000 in bonds sold. tional tank busmen and bank dofos- - Mfiff'f Her father and mother were at the and AMn Herbert, represent- wedding, having some time ing public. it, and declared that the "munition Mr. and Mr3. James K. Jop of Pus left here the are only part of ago, Mr. Kopke bing on a vacation The proclamation has been prepar- profits' a smali th3 lane, Pa lama, welcomed a baby boii D ir(VOId8c(9LTD. . WW-- total Industrial profits of the cona-try- Tuesday. trip. ed and will be signed by Governor only Pinkham in a few days. Herbert an- C. H. BROWN IS "The munition trade it a The groom was divorced two weeks VII THE HOUSE HOUSEWARES "Con-tervativ- e If lives year Of V drop in the bucket." he said. A baby boy v. as born Tuesday to ago. Mrs. Annie Beatrice Isenberg, nounced that he another authorities believe that the and Mrs. Cummings of bfs wife, filed suit for divorce in he will erect a shelter and rest-hous- e 55-6-5 KING STREET. HONOLULU Mr. Parker her ' on reservation, wa order business has reached its Monsarrat avenue. the circuit court on June 24, alleg- and water tank the zenith and no matter how much long for the public benefit. FIRST ing nonsupport. The divorce waa Top OAIilAN or the war lasts, going dowu. 1, Royal The view from Round is one of Honolulu Chanter No. Arch granted by Circuit Judge Whitney on magnlT.cent since the Allies are now making such Masons, confers the degree of most the most to be had from a large part of their own munitions. July 26. No order was made by tha any elevation in Honolulu. The area excellent master tonight. court regarding the payment of ali- Mr. Trent vrznt to New York on. a to be included in the reservation is TO ENTER RACE mony. It is understood that this ar- 115 acres, with a tract of C1 acres cable summons to attend a meeting night before full moon, Fri busi- The Ue rangement was settled outside of at the summb reserved for military of large writers of life Insurance day, August 11. at 8 m there will ness. His description of Incidents In is. court. The day the divorce, was purposes. be a dance at the Country Club. groom-to-b- e - his hurried trip was given with a hu-- " granted was the day the The distinction of being the first ' mor which kepi the clubmen laughing, sailed for the mainland, proceeding candidate on Oahu to file bis nomi and his description of the Hawaiian Burial of Joseph A po, who died direct to New York. CHINESE LEADER natlng petition in the legislatorial section of the big parade at the Pbila Tuesday, took place Wednesday In the The marriage came as a surprise race goes to C. H. ("Scrap Iron) delphla, ad club convention drew forth Moanalua Hawaiian church cemetery. to most of Mr. Isenberg'a Brown, who this morning filed with . much applause. He admitted that as Chief Clerk Eben S. Cushingham of a compromise he had consented to Members and those interested in the office of the secretary of Hawaii march in the parade between two fair the IrUh relief fund meet at 7:30 SAYS CHINA HAS Pbiladelpbians as girls. his petition as a candidate from the hula ;'- dressed tonight the Knights of Pythias halL - : - in fourth representative district on the tUSIIit v;". Speaking of his trip, he emphasized ADDS ;:..,'''.; slo- Y.M.C.A. Republican ticket. Brown lives in the fact that "courtesy? is the Up-to-themin- ute transpor The Honolulu Street Railway Em Manoa Valley and was a member ol service to the Mainland gan everywhere sounded In to- GREAT PROMISE rall-road- ployes Benefit Association meets tation circles and that the big a the house at the last session. All pe- night In its clubroora on Beretania midnight, Sonoma are doing a great deal of work street, titions must be in before 6nd steamers Sierra, to impress upon the traveler their de- 10 ITS STAFF September 7. sire for his convenience and comfort. Word has been received from Col.-Ge- n. - will not r end Ventura atsea. ; or beneficial results The territorial grand jury D. J. Wudan. who is now Pe- He told the customary. ia which should come from the passage meet Friday afternoon as new members were added to king attending the session of parlia- Their next meeting will be Friday of Two The Federal Company has een awarded U. S. Gov- of the rural credits law by Congress, the staff of the Y. M. C. A. at the ments Wudan went to China nearly enabling the farmer to get a guaran- next week. . meeting of 'the board of directors of two months ago to assist in the or- Fresh Milk, Pasteuriied ernment contract to equip all battleships and three of the teed capital on which to develop his afternoon. ganization of the cabinet and ire-turn- ed ' great Pacific Rebek ah Lodge. I. O. O. F.. the association h2d this largest radio stations in the world (including Pearl Har- mentioning the - to his old position as a mem- business. After tonight The new- members selected are Ray by Our New Holding . regular business meeting v v prosperity inrougnoui me cuuuuj, has Balrd of Iowa and W. McCrillia of ber of. the lower house. bor) with Poulson apparatus. East, he said that Following will be a whist party, to J. In Yong Kong particularly In the . ' his fetter to Tat he ' of which friends are Invited. Massachusetts.: fcLJ System, Cream and x the labor unrest and the talk nil Baird will become assistant' physi States that' China is peaceful, and A REASON : ' v THERE'S . BiriKes is uue 10 ine uebiic ui muui cal director of the association, help with the exception of Kwantung share In the very; large profits The Hawaiian . Band , played at the province, where Lun Chi Quan is a ing Glenn E. Jackson in the . work Telephone 4035 ' concerns. . 828 Fort Street reaped by big business departure of the steamer Tenyo Mam which has grown to such proportions carrying out his campaign against the from 10 to If o'clock this morning on that help was needed. Balrd is a revolutionists and government party, Anirc Pier 7. ; WM--V';-"- ; t;- graduate of Ellsworth College in Iowa that there is no dissension among the VELVET ninic - Chinese. He reports imnn and was an athlete - while . in school, that Lee Let two-year-ol- d Quan hag the confidence of peo- Burial of Annie Joe, having had experience ,on the , track, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. gridiron and ' diamond. He has also ple In Kwantung, and expects that as soon as this affair is over China PHONE 2295 REACHES : Joe, was in the Catholic cemetery on had' much experience V in ; promoting ' will begin to make a step forward ICE CREAM King street; The little girl died Wed athletics. . ' among nations of world, AT ' i - a; the, the ; HuGtace-Pccl- HEME'S nesday. . c McCrlllis la graduate ;of Clark f Co.. Ltd. '".- - -- ' f University,.' Worcester, Mass. 4 He was ALL KINDS OF ROCK AND 8ANO FOR CONCRETE WORK. Jamnese relieious art will be the a member of the .varJy gym team, Discontinuance was filed In circuit Two Deliveries Daily . t FIREWOOD AND COAL court today - injunction ' Philip manager of the track team and a per- of. suit for 93 QUEEN STREET P. O. BOX 212 Tho "entertainment de luxe" which topic of a lecture which Mrs. brought by Waimea pineapple hul H. Dodge will deliver evening In former in the Jumps and hurdles. He the will be the feature at Heinle's Tav: this against Theodore Baumann. : 1542-PHO- NES 4676 very pleasing the Kilohana hall, Beretania and Mill- - will accept a position as office secre- V em tonight includes a -- t'' tary. Both young men will arrive in - Heinle's will 4tr streets. , ' cind srare- program .and ?."';; Honolulu August 29. : A petition for. naturalization Jias --Ihe the retreat for the liveliest and At the meeting this afternoon" 54 been filed in federal court by Arthur HONOLULU BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL GOODS throng In many moons. Extension for 90 davs of the option Cyril Otto Linnemann, bookkeeper at merriest extending new members were voted in. increas- delightful new songstress. Miss on property needed for the membership 1803, larg Mclnerny's clothing store. He is a ' The Queen was ing the to the DAIRYTiIEN'S Claire Simpson, who made such a hit of Smith street to street est In the' history of the association. native of Hokitika, New Zealand. FONG INN & CO. . evening, granted by the Dowsett Estate to the on her first appearance" last : - : ' arranged between the government and con--- city yesterday. ASSOCIATION Nuuanu St., near Pauahi St.. ; will please you with her aweet the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Com- v(ralto' voice, singing the latest popular - Friends of Professor Vauehan . Mac- pany of America. Of Miss WIRELESS TESTS songs and ballads. course. Caughey of the College i of?- - Hawaii Every test has proved that the ser- r'Kyria GIbblns delights everybody .as re- " have received copies of a reprint from vice will be of the. best and the much as ever, . the Scientific 'Monthly -- for June of cent, testa made during the daytime Hono So don't forget to bring your friends his article on "The Punchbowl: PROVE SUCCESS under the most- - severe conditions ;' end dine, dance and enjoy yourselves lulu's Metropolitan Volcano." have - 'proved that the, Bending of to the fullestr-Ad-v, . j '. VY wireless messages from Hawaii to . 1917 t0 A tentative nroeram for the Japan will not only be successful, but (SimcUI CabU to Nitpa Jiil) ' carnival drawn up and published some economical. This wireless service NEW TELEPHONES ARE . TOKIO. Japan, Ausr. 10. Japan will time agu was again . discussed at a will be about 1000 miles longer than : COME nrogram send wireless messages to Hawaii In HERE; 400 TQ meetine of the committee any world.: yesterday afternoon and it was decid a few; weeks, according to the report other service in the Tomorrow may The telephone twrnme has been re ed to submit it to the meeting or tne issued irom ue department oi cuw Mutual Telephone Com- carnival directors to be held Wedne munications today. The Japanese lieved. The . pany, after waiting patiently, for six day.-..-,..:,- .; , '. t., government has announced that the Coral Gardens Hotel ' 100 instru- sta- weeks or more, received tests between Funihashi wireless .' Daily passenger auto service leaves Fran-- V The course of study committee of cliance San last ments on the Manoa from tion, near Tokio. and Kahuku,, Hawaii, m. your Company 9:30 a. be Hawaii Tours Cisco, and is busy now Installing them the department of public mstructioa complete success and session, and thus have been a Leaves Gardens 3 p. m. for Honolulu. rfor patrons, in the order in which tne is still In far hat commercial messages will be re Reservations Hawaii Tours Company, ' ' ; that , The made no recommendations as to applications have . been on file. as soon as a contract has besn obone 1923: our phone. Blue 612. rhanepa In the course of . stud v. - It ceived s company has ordered 400 more new instruments, which are expected to is Tiot believed that, any drastic , course recom , arrive between now and this fall. changes in tne win be 1 mended; . Select your MANY. IN HONOLULU ".V A petition for allowance of ac- TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE counts, determination : of - trust and the distribution of the' estate of. the " Many Honolulu people are surprised late J. T. Campbell has been filed in by A. Campbell,- - ; at the QUICK action of simple buck- circuit , court J. ad trunk mixed minlstrator. The Administrator Indestnicio thorn bark, glycerine, etc.. as charges with I20.S73.17 and In Adler4-ka- . This simple remedy himself Look acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, asks to be allowed $19,337,767 removing Buch surprising foul matter ; other . that ONE TEASPOONFUL. relieves Wireless communication between today, before some almost ANY CASE constipation, Honolulu and Germany opened today for sour stomach or gas. A few doses after a ; suspension of ; 10 days. Ac- ! often relieve or prevent appendicitis. cording to W. P. S. Hawk, manager of lucky person takes it. A : short treatment helps chronic Marconi, Wireless Company of It! easy the y stomach trouble. The INSTANT, America, messages for. Germany Yia action of Adler-I-k- a is astonishing. Tuckertown will be received, subject . The Hollister Drug Company. AdvL to delay. ; . c : !,hncry $25.0.0 . DAILY REMINDERS I A (Ttiming Buy It! Save plexMB 4 " " :- - Expert manicurist, Union barber shop. by Buying in this sale. : Adv.- ' Why wcrry! i.Iet the Star-Bullet- U The cover design (in full color) of V Want Ads find you a position. , 4 Atigiist Trunks Hound th . laiana in aaio, 14.00. Sunset Indestructo Guaranteed 21 41. ; Lewis Etsables. Phone Adv. -5 - Vrr mttilld Wtr. Hire's Root from $17.50 to $60.00 Beer and all other Popular Drinks Instant Results try the Con. Soda Water Work. Co, calling you have sudden Adv. ; Friends are or a moment look your Love's Cream Bread not only be- - invitation. Just a to Eat best It takes but a few seconds to apply ; cause you like it, but because, wrapped fresh from the ovens, insures absolute GouraudV 14 Colored cover, frontispiece and a 5000-wor- d pro- clealiness. ' ' fusely illustrated article. Send it to your main- KENNETH ALEXANDER Oriental Cream' " aoft, land friends. s and obtain perfect complodotwa buws. a --' dear. peaiiywlute appearance that for taste-No-tv . always refined and in good " King years. Street. freasy The.favorite for 68 . - - I ' : Send 10c for trial iaf Portraits FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON 15c a copy At all news?s LUUU ' S7 SL. Nw Qy .Sittings by appoTnlmant AttZ Crai Jhn Yrk 424 B tetania 8t ' FOUB Honolulu sTARtnxinro, TITO jnumteisi - AUSTRALIAN BOYS uf Star- lliaiftifr COME TO ENTER i EDITOR RILEY H. ALLEN ARTHUR H. RICE tailed for Man! When You, You yesterday, He Asks Ask Him be where be is now visltir.c NEWSPAPER VORIl THURSDAY. J...... T. ...AUGUST 10,1910. dent h, and a death or two more or hss cannot Lis brother. charged to lack of common sense safeguards or .to If He Knows negligence of any one in reionsibie position. How CHARLES H. THURSTON, fire A Advertising. chief, U a vacation, of. Percy: Hunter Will Victory for men, thein-selve- s to bare month's Sons careless, in fact, it was for these to get beginning August 12. What He's Talking About killed and injured! And if men will persist Study American Methods Ajuiehty but bloodless battle was won yesterday in rushing into fatal accidents, why make a; fuss E. J. MORGAN, manager of the in Honolulu t;- - 1'nited States won by the Honolulu Drug Co.. is spending his He ft' mlirnnlii of th about it! Ieave it to the kroner's jurjMo'prove ' If Uses Paid fired f nnual vacation on Hawaii. Percy Hunter two sons arrived Publicity, you bo shell antj ' bullets of systematic publicity that nobodv can lie blamed! from London yesterday afternoon can S. N. 5 ; through the advertising columns of the mainland HUNDLEY of Kauai is taking at 4:30 o'clock on tbe Makura. At pretty sure he does. ' ' passage for his home this evening on o'clock they were o'lt with tbe Out- press.-- , , . ADVANCEMENT THROmn WAR. tbe Inter-Islan- d fcteamtr Maui. rigger boys surilng fn tbe big waves. The Your great brotherhoods of railway employes. These toys, who are 17 years of age. If He Asks for Free representing 400,000 men, agreed to plat? their di f-- MRS. A. ISENBERO left for Sai have all their lives been known as Publicity and thus bes War is a tremendous waste of human material Francisco on Wednesday, accompan-- j "Bont" Pete." real names beiore meuia and .Their the question all ferences with the railroads leuerai and its cruelty is unspeakable, but it drives homo led by her sons. Rudolf and Alex are "David Grxnt Blair Hunter" and at torsi;-'-- ' a fami- . .. much-neede- ahder. "Kenneth Hunter." but this is angles, you may be sure ' . to careless civilization some d lessons - This, is the point , for whioh the railroads. have ly secret, and the boys are already he economy, thrift, thorough efficiency and it is a BISHOP HENRY B. RESTARICK "Bont" and "Pete" at the Outrigger that doesn't. Weeks .ago' the railroads, over the been fighting. stimulus to inventiveness, research and has gone to Kobala, Hawaii .to inves club. signatures of eighteen of the biggest raiircaa men tigate the work of the Episcopa While Percy Hunter Is in Australia There is Public conservation. Church in outlining tbe destinies of the Liberal In the X-nite- States, declared : - that district. : Such rapid strides are being made in medical and party of New South Wales, his sons Service in Paid Publicity. . "The, single issue before the country is whether LIEUT. COL. JAMES B. , wilt remain in Honolulu studying the other branches of science that scientific men the Pan-Pacif- ic controversy is to be settled by an Impartial gov- depot quartermaster, returned to his work of tbe Club, and ex- this world over welcome the opportunity to get into the pect later on to do newspaper work in There is spirit and magnetism and the atmosphere by industrial warfare." office today after being laid up for ernment inquiry or warirng countries of Europe and observe some of two days with a slight attack of this city. They have been educated of men who do tilings, men who know things, in Paid When it was evident that the employes and em in Australia, Germany, France and the new methods that have arisen, or work out there, England. Their father, an old Sydney Publicity. ployers were so wide apart that a break was almost get with the human material at hand, problems based H. P. PAYE, manager of the Ke- - newspaperman, wishes them to railroads began to put theii something of idea of certainly inevitable, the on conflict. For instance, the universities of Japan kaha Sugar Company on Kauai, will the American before the people through paid advertising. sail today on the steamer Maui. He journalism, with Its quickness and vi- case are sending some of their educational leaders, men vacity, for one of the boys. If be shows hesitate to put this case before the peo has been here about a week attending They did not such' as those, passing through here on the Tenyo business affairs of his firm. a fitnass. will cnier publicity work HIND GATHERS MUCH i ' Vourie, they also In oft begin real life pie in the iiWii columns, of but Australia ? Pan-Pacif- ic DATA ABOUT BAGASSE e Maru, to study conditions near the fronts. in advertising spw-- in the country' O. B. GRAY, manager of the Kapaa as one of the werkers the contracted for Though French scientists have done a good deal, movement. 'well-execute- Wine Company on the Garden Island, dallies and began 'a d advertising cam Mrs. Hunter arrived yesterday with have collected much valuable an Associated --Press correspondent notes, to help will take passage on the steamer D. U CONKLING, city treasurer: her two sons and , will remain with paign whicKisan object, lesson t to corporation Maui today, 'alter spending a little data, but cannot make the result ot ' the government catch up with Germany in the scien- them for a month or more. The boys, Tbe city attorney has exhausted his more than a week ir Honolulu. I am my trip public for another week or everywhere. Ho- supply of penal summonses and - . s tific, department of her military preparation, there however, will probably remain in two" and- that la all that can be : study experi- not calling any more merchants into ,. The first advertisement was headed - MR. AND MRS. VICTOR HARRIS, nolulu for a year's and learned about' the 10 'weeks' trip of is still complaint that their services' have not been ence, when, if the war is concluded court on charges of doing business 'FederalJnqury or Railroad titrilct" . ,. who have been spending their honey- without a license until more are Henton Hind on the mainland. He utilized to thei best advantage, and the Academy of in Europe, they will return to enter " ft the-o&d- moon Honolulu, possi- story. They tola in left in the Wilhel printed. . ; left May 25 to investigate the : Tender this told their of the Sydney university, in Australia. Sciences now poses a question as to whether men mina. Harrla-i- s a musical composer by ." bilities In tbe manufacture of paper of .differences between the operators and em If tbe war is Lot concluded that ' the technical training, shall hot have a greater share in and Instructor of note In New York youn men, being of age for RAYMOND C. BROWN, secre- - from bagasse for a number of the "hours pay, told how the employe time, the 3 ployeaover and he formidable work of reorganizing France after City. enlistment, their father has promised tary of the chamber of commerce:; I plantation agencies. He visited Ketr Lad made demands the companies felt themselves ' that he will return to Honolulu and am writing to the eastern chambers York, Boston. Waahington. D. C, the the war. . how the roads hac PERCY, A. GORMAN of Theo. H. go with them to the front to find out the result of their investi woods Maine and Wisconsin and financially unable to meet, told gations on the free port question. The of i Henry le Catelier of the institute, proposes that Davies & Co. arrived this morning, looked the situation over on the Pa- proposed public inquiry and arbitration and ho New York chamber has been agitating cific Coast. - .. the academy go to work at once to formulate the returning from Maui on tbe Claudine. question years. f this had been refused. V the for -- s . J. working methods best calculated to accelerate the His trip was of a week's duration and .. Then the roads made a frank, straightforward was devoted to business for the com- A baby daughter is the latest arri- industrial and economic recovery of the country, pany. A very good giue can be made of val at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- vigorous appeal .foe public sentiment, to come Jt . without waiting for politicians to. decide whether tapioca, soaked until it is the proper tonio Timas, - Mqkauea and Edward 1 al(L public to decide';' - -. - ' Tuesday.- - 1 H r . A question for tbe .. consistency. , : streets, KalihL "tt was born : ' the services of technical and scientific men wilhbe HOV M? TALBOT, manager of tbe they aid and added :' . ' Kershner Vulcanizing Company, was f f accepted. - " . among ."fhrillrVaeel'that. they 'have no 'right tc' the' arriving passengers on the Members ofj the institute, expected that the, gov- Claudme. this morning from Maui. He grant wage preferment of $100,000,000 a .'year U went to Valley Isle' same 'a ernment would have recourse" to their technical the m' tbe VILDER'S SUITS t hci eiiiployes; now highly-pai-d and constitutinj boat pa a business trip. knowledge in-th- e organization of some of the army enfy one-fift- h of . all the employes; icittout a cleat en- j M LINNAR O and daughter. Miss r.iandaiiifrom a public tribunal that shall determin leparimenis. ' jnsreaa, memoepi qi parliament, tirely" lacking in technical knowledge, were placed Dorothy Linnard arrived In the Tenyo Ashford Disqualified, Whitney t h merit 8 of ike cascajter a review of all the ciV- - Maru and con timed home today. They ;' In charge of services such as the munitions, sanitary tlslted for a time' on their way on Way to Coast, and Third -- Does, this vaound anything like , the 'public t, short wnne ,men or xecnnicai to the Orient, LInnartf' is manager of f clar-n,ei- bicfc 'cor uia. aeronautic aepartmenrr ; Judgeship Vacant ". '.attitude any public serrice ' "raining were allowed only to submit inventions and three hotels in Pasadetri. " in PaDainma Goclliora ago appeared to follow j , ; . portions a few yoirs j perfectly good , circuit court suggestions, - i y- : ;j Two , fact, this advertising by the rail f V'?- f R. iAl KBARNS, comnifBsbner of im- completely. They havt, ;As a matter ofa cases are lost' The house is thoroughly modern . and almost ; 1 roods' U the most notewortby development 'of a de ;;rrevious to the'lRouvier administration in 1P05, migration, left: in the Wilheknina, in no place to' go as none of the three company witir M.'A," Silva, editor of divisions of the territorial . tribunal new. - Has electric lights, gas, etc. Lot located theii bere had always been a soldierxat the head of the , cade; relations between rporations, ' - and-- in the A Setta, the - Portaguese ' paper of will . receive them, they were var-departme- adminis-fration- s nt With the erapioyw exception of the New City, scheduled to be heard today not, far from King Street. and the nublic ' Hilo, for . York where they of Charles de Feycinet,4 wfao was, however, are taking a ' party t)f 70 Portuguese Tbe-ease- s In question. are among" Andrby th6 way it H interesting to note that, th;f injunction brought by i techriican of the highest competence! Since ttat and Spaniards to be returned ,to Eu- the four suits Cash ami $15.00 per month until the , declared pr arbitration preferably b; Judge A. A. Wilder against Governot . itOiTi n f Hlroads civi-ian- s rope.- -- i " criod the department has been in the hands of R. Forbes, superin- small price of $1400 is paid . r xi'p. jf v f; ; : , a ' Piokham. Charles tPsUU ntcrstate Commerce fmmis8jon.V of- . .; . . j , .r J: of public works, and other seven years out of eleven. GEORGE A associ- tendent , very body which a teif'jem'vMrei-:- ' BUTZ,it)rmer against The manager ficials. .One of the suits Is 'enemy rai, -- The navy department ;has been admlnisitered byf4. ate of the PltasantonhoteL C. J. McCarthy cd , asja fatl'of.febcialism, as an of the who has gone to Manila to take Territorial Treasurer ; twenty. the and - the other against the harbor roads,' is noV to" which thej turn to 'aval officer only three years out of the last managership of - the tribunal the Manila hotel, - seek cs prevent the pay. ' t ime was the hands of lawyer?. writes from - Yokohama board. Both tsstsiunce against alleged unjust demands.,; - . Hie rest of the it in friends that ment of any moneys toward expenses his steamer had a fine, crossing and to 'Oofpoi-ation- s pu"-li- e r journalists. Just prior to the Tangiers incident Incurred by Forbes during his trip are learning that, after nll,the he is .enjoying his trip very much. He I .war, navy was by Washington some months ago. - . r hat threatened the administered expects to go to Manila without stop- best 'friendr ' B. heard and public institutions are their - 4 Circuit Jifige T. Stuart , ping iu the Orient- 6harpV times, th -- journalist and the .war department ,by stock the first two cases' and decided in fa- Tie public , may criticize ' ' ':at; " ' " I Toket :..;' - . x ' vor of Wilder. The respondents have u . DAY, public- way-showVa- in business .which th; 'MISS VERA fresh from her interest appealed. ; At the., conclusion of ; the employers. regard intrusion on private righ musical training- - in Eng!ahd, sahs hearings tbe remaining cases were a an ? ' Phono ' evening -- find pubir. Vai&hi Ltisitflidal mosteauttlly troiida7 set don to be heard today. ' , Fort tut it the publicpubiic' eeutimerit ' . - . - at- - the BereUnla .'Congregational ' -- . . The pending cases rightly should be ? B.v wa.r.-wUa- t punish-- Street -- v . ; the 3477 I odief rbich i&feards capital , from voppressi ; vnishe0. cburch fareweU recepuon tea heard in Judge Stuart's court hut demands by laborj just as it is the public which safe lent was given. the commander, of the Hubhvafine dered Mri. Elijah' MacJ&nzie aad Misa Judge Stuart has left the territory. - .i vhich Sussex? This case wan to have Leong, . who departed on the Wllhel-mina- . His resignation has been sent to the V by capital. attacked the : gart! labor from exploitation Day M"r. Judge Ashford ' . een finished some time ago. Miss is s daughter of White House. Circuit f. H. 1EADLB, SZC'T CHAS. O. HSXSSX, TXSAS. Wl thjrr. the railroads win or the employes wi:, and Mrs. C J, Day of this city. frV; is. not qualified to hear them because the-petitione- . - fi': to He in tl Wtttement of the dispute, the railroads hay i - 0 ..- ...... of bis relation ' decided this niuch himself. . Circuit 1 conducted, t bei ;Toniiht. the Dnbhc-. meet for discussion L H. ARITA, former Japanese coniiil r exu: 3 victory which they conies ins w tl for; city,-no- In-th- e" omce Judge Whitney cannot hear them as this main .8" adverusLvj campaign-referenc- e of this dispute t foreign affairs at Tokio, baa writ- - bells on his way to tbe mainland end 1 v ; v ; win be"gone for two months. . . .:. . s , T uiO . or t one who , . 0 clock is; of the committeemen a pul:ic:'t'jbunaL. . . .' and tbe nlace the Chainber ttn acts as his secretary 'for the organi- VAn0ther"obstac"-- 9 is also in the way. ''omniefce assembly room. The subject is vital and Forbes, tbe ' respondents' ' principal zation which was .formed among Japa- ' J.'-- HOW CARELESS! i large attendance should result.' - V . is nese subjects in this territory to raise witness In the first: cases, also Is on can never be 'any too nice. The patterns we carry in Silver as - ' now t. the mainland. As the matter :;. tbe foad ; for erecting! the memorial . well as Heavy Plate will appeal to youx good taste... ; 1 water:; fountain celebrating the coro-- stands the cases are set down iri Dc'raty: Sheriff Jack' Fernandez conducted the ii Possibilitj that the, Bremen may land anywbere- - Emperor Yoshihlto. Th$ Judge Stuprt's calendar for trial to-da- 113 Hotel ' ratknof the they prcbauly VIEIRA JEWELRY CO. st qner ctWaipahu in the fatal plantation railroa roni Maine to Florida lends unusual zest to life, at letter said that the great water foun- and will remain tain will be ready ship to this coun there until a successor to Judge cccic. -- he Atlantic summer, resorts. to at case.' The coroner's jury fixed no respor try in about two months. Stuart Is appointed. Certain property of the William Dc ;mty feheriff I MRS. E. MACKENZIE, superin- Fernandez reports that testimony Congress may adjourn by September - but fears Brady heirs on Plikoi street was sold t-- tendent and founder of the Beretania ov. 1 at", Wednesday by Elmer L. tl$ accident. to have been caused by a luna are entertained by . the country at large that the permanent auction mission, will make ber Schwarzberg of the James F. Mor r ho turned loose two cars loaded with laborers re- be- statesmen won't do it. home In Los Angeles. This much pan Company to T. J. Fitzpatrlck for 'vhm : turning f a ;late work in" the fields. The cars loved lady, with her husband, who Is $2075. ' : raa owh'hill and crashed Into a train coming up. Democratic factions are beginning to waft now recuperating in southern 'Califor SPECIAL the nia,' has devoted over 20 years to mis- - the leader of the Willing Helpers' So-- The cars trere turned loose, it appears, in order that olive branchJ. The reason is they are afraid of los- sion work. There is not a single Chi- ciety, a girls sewing club, which the liborcrs might get home earlier. -- The luna, ing the plum-tree- . nese family in Honolulu which does exists for the welfare of the poor fami tays Fernandez, was in charge of cars and labor- not know of the noble services of tbe lies, and has served as president ot couple. Mrs. Mackenzie takes with the Beretania C. E. Society. With ANNOUWCEMT ers, V What precautions, if any, were taken in the all gas-attack- s v Not the are in ; Europe. t Quite ber a talented young Chinese lady, the departure of Mrs. Mackenzie and T.ivy ollights or guards "certainly . did not operate some few political trenches are in America. Miss Jessie Kam How Leong, who Miss Leong on . the WHhelmina the "- to prevent; the accident. . : ; ; v -; will pursue) special courses in social Beretania mission loses two of Its Two men were,killed and a dozen or so injured. Italy has needed a Victory like that of Gorizia to service work. Miss Leong has been Brest efficient workers. But, the blames no one. jury Accidents are acci cheer up somewhat jaded spirits. . If you are yet undecided and have not made your se-

' ' ' business in the Philippines, accord- ' SPECIAL MEETING OF J, i ' ' ing to Fairchild, hence the title "The . lection of the lots in our ALLEN TRACT in Makiki COIIITB FOR Last West." Sugar plantations are LOAN FUND TOMORROW expanding yearly, do so at once. All of the improvements are completed but 'nave plenty of i room to grow more. A special meeting of the Oahu loan ; Sugar conditions there are most 1 and selling has begun. Make an appointment with pur CUGAR ARE GOOD prosperous I llt V L.IJ l St. and satisfactory, says the former Hawaiian, and the climate de- o'clock tomorrow morning to consider salesman to show j'ou over the tract. lightful. In reference to the tempera- application H. Hackfeld & Co4 ture, the of 'however, Tairchild lout on a three-bedroo- m Ltd., for extension of time for threo Valley, a "new home with im- II PHILIPPINES heavier suit when he arrived here, at-- inunanu though he give no excuse for doff fhg days on the opening of bids for cast- - sen-ant-s' 1 proved grounds, double garage, quarters, bath- his ducks., y iron and galvanized lrot pipe for Ma- - There will be an estimated crop of . uoa ater main extensions and im--. , Tne: laBt west of America that's between 300,000 and 350.000 tona of room and washhouse is offered by us for sale. Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. " Heniy the Philippines. sugar in . Philippines, provement ' the he says, in George - Fairchild, . tor years man-tg- er comparisonth about 275.000 tons.- - ' Hackfeid's ask for extension of the SOLE AGENTS of the Makee Sugar; Company tte l0 d,lte bId8 wU1 and one time senator from Kauai, be PeMI tnm Auli at t0 has this to say of his new home In ?: FaircSd Is with the Wekh-Fa- i ' " "ten8ionc;f ? The Guardian Trust Co., Ltd. Fort and Merchant iJr cn the date of the Orient .He arrlred.Itt the Tenyo child of the. largest : ft7 llara and will "coatlime to" the main gar concerns in the wesUrnlsiaifl- - the request be granted It will mean "a. ' H "' v - Tel. 3688 Stangenwald Bldg. land la about two. weeks. .The Orient is the tot-be- d now of der field of competition among bid- J There isleatyjbrTOoxa'tor' taore world 'pondcaTlxe says. STATI-BUIXETT- N; 1 HONOLULU TTIUTISDA Y, AUO CST 01016. FTVB 1 A 3

v V4: "In time ofpeace, prepare back or war tK East Sweet music may soon resound at the Pearl Harbor naval station. An HERE SATURDAY otder has been received from the navy BE USED FIRST When eggs scarce Excursions department authorizing the command- ae ant to receive applications for enlist-men-t as Landsmen In the U. S. navy prepare for more. Along your Santa Fe way through the FROM vith station in Hawaif. T ME ON SUNDAY States many places of beauty, history MUD None but native Hawaitan3 who vere born citizens of the United and tradition make your trip continu- States, or who were inhabitants of II i i tfce on or before August 12. ously interesting. Has Many Passengers of All islands First Battalion Will Dedicate ! I L I msiWt 1S98, the date of annexation, may be mi Classes for Honolulu; Dix eii listed as bandsmen. Punchbowt to Crack of Its VISIT ; Off P. M. Today There will be 15 musicians, whose Rifles; 4 Companies Fire fcwrwwi Port 4 Stimulates and (ay will range from $30 to $36 per Grand Canyon of Arizona, quarters, received this month, including food and Punchbowl rifle range, the only strenst&ens the Radio advice morn' attendance. Applicants must medical ns Petrified Forest, by quartermaster's office range in the world located in an ex- egg-produd- ing the be 21 and 30 years old. Those army , between tinct volcano crater, will be "chris- Colorado Points ... from Capt Williama of the U. S. interested should communicate at organs of the transport Logan say she will arrive tened' to National Guard activities Santa Fe, New Mexico, built over once with Lieut B. F. Tilley, aid to Sunday morning when bullets will hen. Francisco probably j Rear-Admir- al " eff port from San the commandant Clif- whiz over it for the first time, as the three centuries ago. 3 Saturday afternoon, at o'clock sail ford J. Boush. whose successor. Capt. 1st Battalion. 1st Infantry, N. G. It. ing about Monday for Gaam and Ma- Ceorge R. Clark, will arrive Sunday begins annual instruction practise, if i. Reduced round trip fares to nila. Another radio message, from on the Logan. preliminary to record target practise. r transport Dix. said she would ar i v Hi the Companies A, B,-- and D, compris- Now is the time : Chicago 'M..;.$.750 Minneapolis ...176.95 rive from Manila and Japan with coal New York .... 110.70 New Orleans .. 70.00 NATIONAL GUARD ORDERS ing the battalion, will shoot, under at 4 o'clock this afternoon. the direction of MaJ. M. ,M. Johnson, -- i ' Ueut.-Co- l. nY . to feed it many other points East or South. The radio from the Logan states G commanding tb battalion, and and Headquarters lit Infonir., f II, Riley, range officer, that passengers aboard, for Honolulu - Aug. r. 1916. William R. 35 five second who has had general charge of work Phone 4121 to your hens These are first class and are on Include first cabin, Special Orders No. 22. tickets cabin and 304 troop class, of which on the range from its Inception to its Francisco ...1, . Regt Q. M. Sgt. Thomas C. B. completion. ' sale for departure from San three are cavalry recruits una&signtd, Boy regimental quar- lan is relieved as men will march by companies certain days In August and on Sep- three privates of the 4th Cavalry, 137 termaster sergeant and assigned to the The and not as a battalion from the Na- -- recruits for the 4th Cavalry. HI coast company as regimental supply California Feed Co., Ltd. e s ' supply range, prob- tember 7, 8, 12 and 13. artillery, one corporal, Q. M. C; one tional Guard armory to sergeant , ably hiking up the regular trail. They Alakea Queen class private, Q. M. C.; two first and Streets first ' : be with lunch .at noon at H E VERNON, General Agent, privates, two class pri 2. Upon the recommendation of the will served class second commanding officer, headquarters the battalion mess, 'a hot meal being Battalion of Engineers; one . 926 Fort St. Honolulu, T. H. vates, 3rd company, the following appointments given all the men, each company de- corporal, privates. Battery E, , three are made in that organization: tailing its cooks. 1st Field Artillery; one private. 170th, " limited to 100 ! , I. Arca, to toe stable Expert riflemen are ComDany. C. A. one corporal,. Com- - Pvt: James C: sergeant July 13, 1916, fill rounds of ammunition, sharpshooters Company C ; one ' from to 167' pany A; one private. original vacancy. to 130 rounds, and marksmen to C : private, Company H, 2nd Infantry; rounds, for Instruction practise. The cne corporal, Company I, 25th Infan- 'Pvt. Titus K. Napoleon, to be mess telephone system, with telephones at try, unasslgned; four enlisted men of sergeant, from July '20, 1516, to fill each of the four ranges, 200, 300, 500 the navy, five marines and one civi- original vacancy. and 600 yards, has been completed, P-s- t ser- Company A, lian, , Joseph E. O'Bannon, to he and installed by Field geant bugler, from Aug'ist 3, to Signal Corps, N. G. IU commanded by .ail- - . .Service passengers for Honolulu in- t9t, R. L. Norgle. Lleut-ol- . .W. B. .Bannister, fill original vacancy. Capt. clude obeyed of Cravats! Medical Corps ; MaJ. W. C. Short, 4th They will be and respected As there are three battalions coast accordingly. ' four companies each in the 1st Infan- Cavalry; 1st LieutTH. E. Pitr, will have a chance Household- 3. Upon the recommendation: cf the try, each battalion artillery; 1st Lieut E. R. to fire every third Sunday. It will commanding officer, headquarters bat-taHo- er, 25th Infantry; George R Stallman, take at least two, Sundays for a n A compelling display of dental Burgeon; 2nd ; Lients.t S. M. company, Pvt. Arthur P. Waipa, Com; to complete instruction prac- Decker, 'John Kahle, cdast artillery; piny G; 1st Infantry; is hereby; ap--' tise, after which record practise will very s styles iii Reduced prices on line . of the famous MAILE sergeant, from' August the late t full C J. BaUinger,' 25U Infantry; tvXL pointed color be held. . Hlaes, 1ieaauartera clerk ; M, K. Bar- 2,n91V vice HolmUJchared'. , . ; Is expected that it will be Novem- ' ac- It ties is now on exhibition . machinist, ordanee ;.He will be bbee.afld respected have fin- ber, armament " ber before all the battalions 7 department; : navy Capt. Gi R. -- Clark. cordingly. practise. The regular army IIAILE PEROXIDE CREAM ' p? ished in our show room . The De- course-wil- l be fired. Capt Clark comes to succeed Admiral v4. Pursuant to the National ' pi d?$Jgna-tid- n Company or the 1st Battalion Is , ',A vanishing cream that softens, whitens and beautifies Boush at Pearl Harbor. u fense. Aft of June 1916, the A v y fin productions " giving a smoker tomorrow night in the est dressing, Service passengers ( for Guam are. of. the enlisted members of the ef the skin. A dainty article for your table. 4 t amory, and a number of fine features ,i Lieut E. Talbot, U. S. Marine Corps ; headquarters company, band tmi-4- a vv i :e been arranged tor the program both design, e ave sub-inspect- ' - have in 25c .V.'. 20c f Bi UIS. navy; ,.. . .. Rc5nlar .i. .Friday. J. Jones, ai iollows: This company is commanded by Capt ;. -- pJavy Nurse 'Corps, tFeterelsel; : Regular 50c, ; . i f,'; X. r:r . V. : .X Friday 40e , Miss M. L. Anton,, Band leader. AlojaA, Henry P. O'Sullivan. and workmanship.Inspect and 11 enlisted men of the U. S, M aspistant band leader, Andrew W. Ho-ga- n; sergeant-Howar- rlnW 'vi-- U ;;:--t '' d A. Par -:- :':- Corps. ,.;:v 0.H.a first the following appointments are made now. . Vnr ATanlla thft Logan has . the 'fol ; sergeants, Jaamto ? and MAILS DEPILATORY , MAILE COMPLEXION . ker .vartiar In that organization: lowing seryice pss'sengerst'MaJ. W. & James - Rodrlguaa I corporals, Charles , v. (Liquid) H, Si Biish. to be regimental POWDER POWDER An-- Pvt : a.; comroauumg Healy, Frederick :BehlIog.i John P. - Friday-40c;- x ; 50c, btanaucra, r. original- va- Regular, 50c, Regular Friday 40c - wnt, suply sergeant to fill' Capts.- F.' B. : Hennessy, F. A.; , D. L and- - WllllaIm,BapUste; - musi- ' ' drade cancy. : ' f , , j -- and Sultan, Corps of Engineers; Ueuts cians, first class, Albert Brown Pvt E. W. Burgess, to be reri McINERNY t Henderson, A. ; M. Dem Placido; muslciani, . second class, - ' John C C P. mental supply sergeant to fill" orig- .The 'House cf Courtesy - ' MAILE BENZOIN CREAM' ;MAILE TOOTH POWDER mer, Max Sebald, Philippine Scouts; Geronimo Casaba, and Manuel Diat; 20e. inal vacancy. ;; . Regular 25c, Friday 20c. ..' Regular 25c, Friday Chuhb, Corpa of Engineers; "A. musicians, third class, Manuel C. WM. Ti C. Thompson, to be first ser L. 'James, Jr., 15th Cavalry; C. rE. Guidin, David Kallpont Manuel Marks, Pvt geant to fill original vacancy. Partrldee. 13th Infantry; L. A. Mc Samuel Mehula, Pablo .V. Magahoney Laughlin, R. N. Perley,. A. S. Buyers; Manuel Rebeira,ManueI R. Thomas, - C. 6Gnsii S nii Ltd. F T. Hodap'if Ensign J, S. Farna- j Manuel Tevis, Frederick C. West worth,' Dv P. Henderson. Fred K-- Cockett,; August Ramoa, Ed- Chief Gunner ' Accredited College East and West : " . - tljo. fiAeandV : freight Alfredo R. Barito. to - i nrrATT. CTORE - Every There are b$ cubic tons of die T. Miller and ii THE i ; r: 'Service ex- Lyons, Ga, McQueen including S. Grammar and Primary Departments. President . Wilson commuted,' to Bank' of Is Ja V-r'-.'--- on board ior, Honolulu; two 5. . Cpls. L. C" Thompson and H. -- five-ye- i 1237 "A ar sen- previous Fcrt and Hotel tt.. - i Pbone automobiles. - The transport has "298 Company B, as ' Send for illustrated catalogue. pire at once, a prison tad health. , His good, thsr ; Bush, transferred - - ar( tence Imposed on Harry McQueen, acter and proof thai ha naed i 11:15 P. -- ! of mall for this port and will re- supply company. Principal: Mary L Lockey, A. B, th i OPEN UNTIL IL sacks privates to the In 1914 to embez- money'4 to. support younger brothers " who pleaded' gnilty quire 650 tons of coal here. . , the' recommendation of tho -- J?Pn f ALTO, CAUF. ' .and. won him his freedom! , , , .K commanding offlor, supply company, fALO zling funds from the First National sisters - V. - ii : LIEUT. CONNORS HAS '. NO LOVE FOR ALASKA VARIETY MOSQUITOES DDI C T vJ A postal card received: in the last '7'' i''-- .vt"' r q da ' ' i. G, l f- - '-- friends of Lieut. - .tnocTi m to mail by Honolulu ,- - R.i Connors, formerly lieutenant engi- 7 neer on the U. 8. coast guard cuttejr is no tirtie for "putting off" the shopping visit to this store' Thetis when she. was stationed here, This ays be .la now -- on the. coaat cutter. in the savings made Bear,, stationed at St. Michael,. Alas- if you are to benefit to the greatest extent target 'Our buyer has just" returned from Japan,' bringing : ka,, where they are 'i holding v practise.-- : Thd young officer writes possible by this; biggest August fith him one of ther greatest and mostbeautiful stocks of that the ' mosquitoes-- , in Alaska this ' ... . . ' Oriental Goods ever shown in Honolulu These, unusually summer, are'Ti7 great deal more fero- v cious and persistent than, the Honolu- ' show-room- s. ' fine productions are now on display in our lu variety. ?: insj)eci inem av once. C! anh)& m mm CAPT, SMITH GETS " ; ' THE CHERRY HIS NEW COMMISSION WHICH ENDS SATURDAY t SPECIAL EXTRAS ARE HERE MENTIONED. TO MAKE THE MOST it a Fcrt v Opposite Pauahi ' Oahu army man to receive A FEW OF TOMORROW'S Streets Hi; Another , - : - to BE AT THE STORE EARLY. 4 his commission promoting him OF THE BARGAINS YOU MUST , higher rank In accordance with Uie 3 13 National Defense Act of June ! ' Capt. Stephen tl. Smith, commanding officer of the new motor ambulance company recently authorized by the choice 30, ; L War Department for Schofleld Bar- Women's & Children'. S T RAW HATS racks. The captain is promoted from ' many very fine Hats of hemp, milan . and peanut straws., lieutenant, and received his com- Including first ; mission from Washington a few days Some trimmed, some untrimmed. , : ; :

ago. . ': AIID ORIENTAL NOVELTIE3 Many Good Bargains in Silk ; t .v K BOATS RECEIVING OVERHAUL FOR RUNS and Silt and Cotton DRESS GOODS ; ; SAYEGUSA'S Overhauling of the submairhes and New Rainproof Foulards 40 in. Rich Brocaded Effects iti silk and " ' ' : O-i- torpedo practise off and inside . Pearl Phciai 1522 . Nuuaxra; near HoUl t ! Harbor are the activities of the third wide, double fold; $2.00, values in a cotton novelty weaves and cree. da division, the K boats, this number of very pretty patterns, chine. The novelty mixtures are of week Nothing of any particular pro-mfnence-'is ;;dark scheduled before the cruise or light $1 OC pink or rose and were $1.00, to Lahaina,' ' Maul, for practise' runs nmr nt vnrrl . .... begins the part of this month. vxv vUC 17 latter. Uim Aim vvtwu vvw vv vnn PAKM Has the beautiful drapink qualities , ;0 soft luster of all silk fabric, at Crepe do Chine hrocaded -- ; ; (At the head of Keeaumoku Street) 'and The in one-fourt- 38 wide h the price. inches and dresden print patternsf p X, r ,' Drive up, Sunday and enjoy the wonderful view and white. ihhils in navy, pislc, bbcl: end was 75c, now yard . , . . . , Many people in Honolulu are suffer site a real home. ; - cool Makiki atmosphere. A real for ing right now with ingrowing nails , ' unnecessary, j '. :,vv - :' " ' if .' - and yet this torture is all Vard...'Vv r , '":r ; i for Dr. Ryan, Chiropodist at Mc a' re- ''..' Inernyi's Shoe Store, can quickly lieve this affliction and remedy the cause. Adv.

Buttered Doocora "with cheese makes DC accompany - STAR-BUL- L PER a good dish to the after- 75 CMS i 1IH dinner coffee. STAR-BULLETI- BIX IIOXOIXM? N, THURSDAY, AUOUfiT 10, 1010.

Honolulu Stock Exchange ' TrTT rr fr V? . n r. n r; V r, . ." ,T g,t Thursday Aug lfl. MFR CANTTT.IC Bid. Ak R mum Alexander & Baldwin. . . C Brewer & Co. . . A'FEW.G ;nts I SITOAR 1 mmm i Kwa Plantation Co i UUILUtJ LUi ItULHll Haiku Sugar Co mm Hawaiian Agr. a day will enable you to protect your home C. & S. Hawaiian Co... : Hawaiian Sugar Co against loss by fire. See V A STAND FOR PROMINENT Honotaa Sugar 'o Hcnomu Sugar Co Hutchinson S. Plant. Co. Kahuku Plantation Co.. 21 CASTLE & COOKE, LTD. Kekaha Pugar Co...... INSURANCE AGENTS Koloa tvg&r Co... . . jfcBryde Sugar Co.. Ltd. 12 12. WHICH HOTEL IN Oahu Sugar Co THE J HAGUE,? Netherlands. That Lumber"shippers Alc Al(mz the Pa- Bi Inlrut 51 large number of r Sugar Germany Is building a tremendous' cific coast are deeply stirred over the ircn?aett people, the Toyo Iviseu Olaa Cc, Ltd ..... 17i San Francisco ac-- Onomea Sugar Co 54 V. r.GVi mercantile fleet. Including the largest recent strike of longshoremen and KalRha liner Tenyo JIaru arrived r - , . i in fhe world, wii derlcred bv cording to advices from various places here Wednesday afternoon and sailed Paauhau S. Plant; c:o... Pacific. Sugar Mill The Same Services Ballin, general manager of the ""v? "'BU fof San Francisco at 11 o'clock thU HAS THIS POLICY Herr fc, "IT' I'aia Plantation Co Hamburg-America- n In - morning, taking mail. She will resell as any Metropolitan Bank Line. an inter ". Pyeekep Co view with.lhe Hamburg correspondent, ft"" San Francisco August 16 and be here Suar to strJkc, wlnot affeet them seriously, Pioneer Mill Co. 4:5 Are vou aociistonietl a hig citv's wav of doinr of the Frankfurter Zeitung. j - tgaiu, bound for the Orient, about The recent strfke disorganized the en- San Carlos Mill. Ltd. 16 EVERY ROOM find . 2. btiinoss? You will this' organization able to ship referred to Is the Bis - j fire lumber fleet along the Pacific September Waialua Agr. Co 3dU 26 with private bath and large fhe pro-rrossi- vo con-rtrncte- - linaluMal marck. Of .'6iOO. tons, being d toast and seriously curtailed the ship- Among tne prominent passengers liamllt? all of your loalin in the most " V'ailuku Sugar Co dressing closet t lamburg-Amerlca- ji ' - " Slam, Capt. Ernt-s- or the I ment sf lumber. were the Prince of MISCELLANKOU- -' AVe fully ac-ou- nt " fashion. resjwt solicit your Line. There is also the turbine ship In San Francisco the lumbermen Lent of the Chiyo Maru. wrecked iu Entiau levlpt. Co.. Ltd.. formed the American" Stevedor- - Lady C. uon the basis of satisfactory service. Tirpitr, of 22,000 tons, under way and hare March; Sir and P.'Chater. 1st Issue assessali , also includes others Jcg Company. the wealthiest people In Hongkong theHst three of. Is 50 per .VsPd.... 22,000 At Vulcan, yard The corporation financed and whose tihilanthronic work is 'nil Tdaiio gmaatahlo Bank of Hawaii, Limited ten. the cent by lumber dealers and 50 mm the known throughout Orient; H. J. 25 Pd. fremen." nine ships are building; four per by the :i cent the lumber handlers Gedge Y. Haga Haiku F & Co - Cor. Fort and Merchant of them having a carrying capacity owners of Inmber schooners." and wife. Prof. and P. Prd.. - F. & Co., Com. of 18,000 tons, these being the world's The directors are Ben Reed of the Prof. G. Shiba, both of whom are Haiku P. A DAY NO HIGHER n govern Hawaiian Electric greatest freight steamers. San Fe Lumber Company, C. S. Sat-to- connected with the Japanese Co.... ONE OR TWO PERSONS Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. 4S . Ballin of Pope & Talbot, Arthur Hooper ment gchool system; I). M. Linnard In addition, Herr continued. Hon. B. & M. 20 20 ; Co.. Ltd. .. three big liners are under way at the Andy Moran, Oliver Olson and Ralph find Miss Dorothy Linnard, Baron M. H Hobbs-Wa- ll Company. Hon. Gas Co., Ltd , Flenfcburg yard. Two more steamers Meyer of the Matsumoto, wealthy Japanese noble The organization Is unaffectedly man and financier; U. Hashimoto, Hen. R. T. & L. Co & Inter-Islan- non-unio- n d N. Bank in all men who are M. S. Co.... Alexander tiger-wri&u- i that manager for the Asano interests; of sr Bienaieni are ueiag cuo competent will be employed whether Mutual Telephone Co... : structed. cargo ships 17,000 A. Hamberger, Los Angeles merchant; Bellevue Hotel Two of they anion affiliations or Oahu R. & L. Co being espe-- have not G. H. May, superintendent of police tons each are constructed Andy Moran, formerly with Swayne Pahang Rubber Co Corner of Geary and Taylor Sts.' uy &i at Singapore, who Is on the way to - raiuuna vanai iraae i - SAN FRANCISCO Hohbloli! lorine A Hoyt and now a member of the Selraa Dindings Planta- tophi at ' Trinidad, West Indies, tar accept a Baldwin th Twirianntirr fiAara firm of Fair tc Moran said that the tion, Ltd., 15 Absclutefy fireproof.; In i Limited similar position ; F. E. McHugli. oil Pd... the' . muende. The North German Lloyd in American Stevedoring Company will Selma - Dindings Planta- heart of downtown 0 magnate of Amoy, China, and J. J. the section Llmltad. building at Dantzlg two fast liners of handle lumber for practically all the tion. Ltd. (49'yi with access to all the principal wealthy Spanish of Pd.).. issues K. N. & K. Letters 25.000 tons. , the Columbus and th lumber yards and wharves with open Elizade, merchant Tanjong Olok ItiHiber Co. storea and theaters. i mmm v ' if m wan ru tx onnnn tt shop employes. r ?; Manila, who Is going to Spain BONDS Three hundred rooms. Every Sugar Factors bay conn of Credit and Travelers' S designed '.to 'cut down the time be. Mill owners in the Coos The Tenyo Maru brought 32, cabin, Hamakun Ditch Co. fis... room with private bath. - organized stevedoring steerage Commission Merchants through- twnen- the continent and wew York try have also eight second cabin and 425 Hawaiian Irr. Co. s RATES: Checks available -- non-unio- n ' ' Tfcrf coma Knmnanv la fmflmnv If company that will employ passengers to Honolulu. Of the steer- Ter. 4;'r refund. liH5 men only. The organization will be Har European Plan, $1.50 per day up. and Insurance Agents out the world. 12,000 . Mun age passengers a large number were 4 other 'ships of tons, the p Haw. Ter, Pub. Imps. American' $3.50 per strictly on the open-sho- Plan, day . rkM iml ftm 7.ormo!ffi nf 1 R AAA tnni conducted Filipinos for the plantations. Through Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp.,, basis and the Wges will be 50 cents up. Bremen-Afric- a passengers 201 cabjn, 45 "series 1913-- 1 MS r each. The Line is scon an hour straight time and 75 cents an numbered Take taxi from depot or ferry structlng six steamers, Hansa 170 steerage. Haw. Ter. 4 V 'A i Agenta for CABLE TRANSFERS overtime. '.. :" second cabin and to hotel at our expense, -- eigne ana me cosmos Honolulu was 1095.03 Haw. Ter. . For reservations and in- 'ivine une iu, The addition of the new company Freight for 4f... other Hawaiian Commercial ft Sugar LOWEST RATES ranging from 9000 to 13,000 tons. tons and for San Francisco ,4445.10 Haw. Ter. 3Vfe formation aee AT at Coos bay make five shipping Honokaa Sugar Co. 96 Company. Voints on the coast, that have newly tons. The principal items for here C.. WILLIAM l WARREN, : wine, Hon. Gas Co., Ltd., 5s . . 104 2273 1059 Haiku Sugar' Company. organized nonunion:: stevedoring were Chinese merchandise and Phone Fort St . same of and Japanese provisions. Hon. R. T, L. Co. r, . 101 In the evening at the Pleasan. Paia Plantation. V GRITISH TAX ON companies, 'and the scale rice Kauai Ry. Co.i 6s.,, wages being recognized by The Tenyo Is carrying a for- ...... ton Hotel. Honolulu, T. H. Maui Agricultural Company, v is all. The Maru McBryde Sugar Co. 5s.. five points are:; Puget Sound, ; San It is Sugar Compauy. tune in silk to San Francisco. Mutual Telephone 5s Hawaiian c. co. Francisco, Grays; Harbor, Coos Bay raluetPat 53,940,400 and Is consigned Company. a ; Oahu R. & L. Co. 5V, Kahuku Plantation Bnm and Portland; - ' throughout' to merchants the United Oahu 8. Co. C f redeem- McBryde Sugar Company. (LIMITED) SHIPPING IS freight coast is States. Other for the able at 103 at maturity) 108 Kahulul Railroad Company. race and tea. Olaa Sugar Co. .: 102 102 Oriental Kauai Railway Company. HARBOR NOTES Pacific G. & Fert Co. 6s . . " SUGAR FACTORS , Kauai r ruit & Land Co.rLtd. moil Pacific Sugar Mill Co, 6s 100 101 s COMMISSION MERCHANTS San Carlos Mill. Co. . . . w Honolua Ranch. . - : INSURANCE : - .'. t '.. 1 ' DIX IS DUE TODAY 6. 8HIPPPING AND ? Silk Goods The schooner v,Beulah sailed for Between Boards: Sales: 100 Olaa, AGENTS f ,. ' Wednesday At the present' time British shlj Port Townsend afternoon 17; 140, 7 Ewa, 35; 50, 20, 45, 3 are very In ballast. . . ' Waialua, - 100 McBryde, 35, Pi. W. Kaisey & Co. owners makiqg handsome 26,- 12; H. &u HERE --FORT ST., HONOLULU, T. prcrits, out inasmucn . as per ceni will LOGAN 15 McBryde, 12'? 30, 30, 20, 2D' Oahu New York, San Francisco, Chicago : if 4fiAua nrnflfn 'inn thd everava fiavp The next mail for Vancouver - A Sugar Co:,.34i4r $5000 Mutual Tele mti nstrnlflR'nn V::;' . - VU thn r'dnorilon. - OdoiShbteri BONDS to be away . In taxation, the net " INVESTMENT laid steamer Niagara,. 'August 18. i - phone Co. 5s, 106; $25,000 Hawaiian " ' result to the shareholders Is not near Territory Hotel, near Nuuanu List of Officers and Dlrectort: "1! T ; H. A. ly so good some people seem Stf, 98. Bruce as 'to San Francisco Session Sales:'. 25, 25 Olaa, Bldg. 1813 President think, 6ays 'Falrplay. Whereas neu- The next mall from 17. 200 Bank of Hawaii Tel, E. F. BISHOP...... will arrive Sunday morning in the DIVIDENDS tral vessels" secure - the full market G. H. ROBERTSON: army .transport Logan. August $1; v rate of freight, and have to pay noth- - U. S. 10: Wailuku, Olaa, 20c. ; FRESH SANTA ROSA v Vice-Preside-nt and Manager - leg like the extra, taxation, British The V. S. army transport Dix, from 41 R. IVERS The next mall for Japan and China Latest sugar quotation: 93 MEAT MARKET GROCERY 53 per Manila cargo coal for Hono- deoreea .Vice-Preside- nt Secretary shipowners have. to submit to K. K. Per- with a of :;;a:p:pe;s;: and will go in the T; steamer test, 5.525 cts.;.pr $118.50 per ton. tonnage being requis- 4 ..Vice-Preside- nt crnt. of their sailing from here August 19. lulu, will arrived this afternoon at Delivery Every Every Day A. HARTLEY. by the Admiralty only sia Maru, Blip No. 2. JAay itioned at rates o'clock and dock at naval "' f PHONE 3451 : E. A. R. ROSS...... Treasurer equal pre-wa- r figures, ; ; about to and - will here 10 days and then chUn hoon Director . l. . I ' m .1 i The next- mail for San Francisco She remain GEO. R. CARTER.,... t mi - Queen 3992 Q. & CO. eo In the Matsori steamer Manoa proceed to Seattle. ; "' - Kekaulike. Nr. Phone C. YEE HOP C. H. COOKE. Director ; ' voyages win Suear 5.925cts rected to certain at rates Tuesday, sailing at noon from Pier 19. Saturday afternoon the U. S. army J. R. GALT .Director which arc sometimes half, those paid Logan, whfch taking the T A. COOKE ...Director, to neutrals, while of the excess pro transport Is R. Inter-Islau- d steamer Kaiulanl Francisco Henry Waterhouse' Trust Co. D. G. MAY!...... Auditor fits oveiMU per cent is paid away to .The Thomas' run. between San J. F. MORGAN CO., LTD. anived here Wednesday afternoon and Manila, will arrive from the coaat Ltd. Y. TAKAKUWA &C0. 400 of sugar. ' STOCK BROKERS from Kauai with bags "3 o'clock and dock at Pier 6. She Limited duty and income tax. . Neutral ship- at Information Furnished and Loans v owners xe setting aside large am- w III probably sail for Manila, via Members Honolulu, Stock and Bond V- - ; , The Canadian-AustralasIanBteam- er "NAMCO" CRABS, packed in .. Made. .:7;- -: Monday, August 14, taking . Exchange ounts fur the extensive renewals and 18, is due Nagasaki, Sanitary Cans, wood lined. Niagara, due here August ' 'Merchant Street Star Bulldlnf. CO. : Fort and Merchant BISHOP & repairs which are being delayed and mail. Streets X::;-:-- .'v King : , Friday. Nuuanu St., Near St. Phone '1572 -- to replace tonnage lost, but British at Suva. . Telephone 1208 v "BANKERS ; r owners are not able, to make any- power, schooner Annie Property of the Standard Oil Co. at - Pay 4 yearly on Savings De where: near the same provision. The Matson I FASSEXGERS ARRIVED I RENT- Whiting Ind.,v was damaged FOR compounded twice . Johnson, which left San Francisco Au to the gas all houaoa. posits, Electricity screens in ' extent of $250,000 by fire. Gruenhagen's Blue Ribbon , . Annually. gust 1, should arrive here today. ;.. Per T. K. str. Tenyo, from Nat bouse; $14 - ; MAKURA ARRIVES AND : - Yokohama, Ausjust': Wrs. J. Apiwll, 5--bedrbom house ; fine location ; $30. Mary; Winkleman ir schonoers MaEter y. AppeII,.Miss B. Batas, , O. Chpeoiates 6--uedrooui "house; fine location;' 2t. DEPARTS WEDNESDAY The ' . Ka-- ' SPECIE . nd Oceania 'Vance, are 'still; at Emeryt George Fairchild, T, 3. Foster, HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. Large house r $30. THE YOKOHAMA hului, discharging lumber. -- v BANK, LIMITED. . With 26 11 .tons Miss M. Fester, Mrs K. Hiyama, Prof. Hotel and Bethel Streets ? rssters, and pt 4 V JbL 1 J. H. SCHNACK ' Yen. Canadian-Australasia- n, YJ Haga, K. Isoshirca, tervant, H. freight for Honolulu ,hev and p42 Kaahumanu St., Opp. Bishep Bank ...48,000.000 The Matson steamer Manoa will M. Jack, Mrs. J. Jack, K. Mukel, E.' Capital subscribed. steamer Makura arrived S paid 30,000,000 Syd- sail for Kahulul Friday evening at E. iJ Nawmau. Mrs. Capital up...... here from Vancouver en route to Newma'i, Mrs. fund ...... 20,400,000 ney Wednesday at 4 p. m and sailed o'clock from Pier 19. Nakamuia, K. Ook:t, Mrs. K. Ooka TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Reserve R. S. AWOKI, Local Manager. - 7:30 6. m. ; took at From here she and two children, T. Oshima, Mrs. T. - ! WANTED Island Meats 20 passengers and 11 tons of freight. The Oceanic steamed Ventura ar- Oshima, B. R. S. Pricliar-- Mrs. B. R, and Vegetables ; Among passengers was Pago Pago. She will the J. W. F. rived, today at S. Prichard, Mrs. R. S"ekido, Wrs. R. S bungalow, Kai--. 79 Merchant .St. manager Vancouver-Fij- August 17, two bedroom unfurnished Retail and Wholesale Johnson, of: the i probably arrive here Sakagami, K. Wada, A. D. Fisken, muki or Makiki preferred. Sugar Refining Company. - ' days late. y' district Territorial Marketing Division Miss K. Tatsumi, A. F. K. Yap. Box 406, Star-Bulleti- n. 6655031 1840 LTD. Maunakea, Nr. Queen . Phone B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, " Per IA. Claudme lrom Maui to- At "the sale held Wednesday morn-Ingsb- y The American-Hawaiia-n steamer str. day: John Fassoth. T. Benlam, Miss SITUATIONS WANTED. PHONE 4915 the customs house of all aban- Texan sailed from Hilo Wednesday CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD, unc"lalme(f M. Wilbur, M. Oss, Mrs. Allison, F. Life, Accident, Compentatlon doned and goods, $177.70 night at 9 o'clock with 14,000 tons of Ccntleman, age 40, bookkeeper, sten- Importers of best lumber and building Fire, Ferreira, J. H. Waiwalole, -- Mrs. SURETY BONDS was netted. The 60 gallons of brandy sugar for San Francisco. ographer and general office man, Lehua Butter materials. ' Prices low, and we give .which beea traveling back . and Thomas, Fong Sing, Miss Thomas, has 20 ydars '; experience, thoroughly . Parker Ranch Beef your, order prompt attention whether fcrtli between here and China for the The ' Inter-Islan- d steamer Claudine Miss I. K. Sylva, R. M. Talbot. P. A. competent, excellent references, de- of Quality large or small. We have built hun- i ' J . - decked this morning from, Maui with Gorman, Mrs. J. Roberts, Mrs. H.'E. Delicatessen in per- FOR SALE 67 bags sires to locate permanently, expect3 dreds cf houses this city with Palolcv 23 hel of cattle, 17, calves, Murray. Metrpolitan Meat Market you build siGO Lots 50x100 10th ate., potatoes, 30 of arrive October, but come first fect satisfaction. If want to of.'taro, 65 sacks of Phone 3345 consult ns. 10 down, $3 per mo. 30 217 packages steamer if anything definite offer- - near P0ST0FFICE TIME - corn, of beans and . $500 Lots 75x200, 4th tTe - - ed; urgent my ex- - - of suniries. PASSEXGEKS BOOKED " write, if cable car.- ' . TABLE FOR MONTH pense. S. A. Clarke, No. 207 Wash- 11800 Lot la Perry Tract, nr. 1000 The schooner Mahukona, with I.-- CANTON DRY GOODS 9886 q. feeL ; Per I. str.Maui for Kauai today; T. ington st, Portland. Ore. School and Emma, la Dostofflee time Inter-Islan- d, ar Fcllowlia tht tons of coal for the Hustace, H. P. Faye, S. N. Hundley, C. FOR GOOD MEALS for August, H: !s subject to New- FOR RENT COMPANY STRAUCH table rived here this morning from Me-deiro- E. L. Gray, Rev. H. Miyasaki, M. s, P. R. Fri- King castle. She will be sent to Hilo M. Wanty Bldg. V 74 S. St v Nunekata, Mr. and Mrs. Large, rooms; made for unexpected mail service, day In iow of a tug.' She is 61 days unfurnished screen The Palace of Sweets UNITED 8TATES MAIL STEAMERS Paul Rutsch, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Kinl. porch. 1750 Young St., cor Alex- Hotel St, near Bethel St. out I. Adachi, Kuniyukl, F. T. Schmidt, ' Steamer to. arrive from F. ander. 6550 3t HAWAIIAN ' TRUST August . Severino Boiser, M. Sarashina..; i '..,: . Bringing big cargo, the 14 U.S.A.T. 'Thomaa.;San Fraricrscd another CO, LTD. V Matson 15 Ventura 8ydney steamer Matsonia. sailed from Official notice has been received of M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO. 15 4atsoni San Francisco S'an Francisco Wednesday noon for the third advance in wases for tonnaec Carrlea on a TrueV l. COFFEE ROASTERS 18 Niagara . vv . . . i.'.V.-.Vii- Sydney Hcnolulu, Tlie total - cargo ia 8646 employes of the American Sheet & In 1 ' yT" I Businete ait its tons, . , 1 Persia Mam ...... San Francitco of ..which 7022 are for Honolulu. Tinplate Co., at Sharon, Pa., effective Dealers in Old Kona Coffee branches. 21 Sierra : . . ...San Francisco 1492or Hilo, 16 for Port Allen and) July l. Lduinnilfe!3 Merchant St Honolulu 22 Lurline": , ... . : . . San Fncce 16 for KaanapalL mm 23 Nippon Maru nongKong ftucii tri aw co. 29 Wilhelmina San Francisco When the feet feel tired. and hot,! for inlaying 4; De Luxe it is, a great relief to bathe them in Do not have the idea that now is not the time to build ' UKULELES ta depart fr-i- - cold water. STEINWAY . i prices " Augustttir- .':X' because lumber is high. We can offer you lowest H ALL HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS 14 U.S.A.T, Thama v...... Manila NOTICE in this market for Lumber, Windows and Doors: 7 CURIO CO. - 15-- --Ventura '..V7. !'.'. San: Francisco Thayer Piano Co., Ltd. Yauiifl Hultrflnrr.- ' 15 Manoa San Francisco IRISH M8-15- 0 2313 And at All News ; . RELIEF FUND GOOD Hotel SL Phone Hotel 18 Nlagara" ...... Vancouver BUILD NOW WHILE WEATHER IS - Stands. 19 Persia Maru1 ...... Hongkong ; ...... Sydney Subscribers to the above fund, their 21 Sierra ...... and 23 Mstsonla ...... San Francisco friends" all others Interested in same are respectfully requested to I 23 Nippon Maru , ... .San Francisco Pyrcne Fire Extinguishers attend a meeting to be held K. Lee Chu Lumber Co. Agents . at 29 Lurline k ...... San Franclaco the Wanted P. Hall on Thursday next, August Tel. 3618 -- Eyes KccC Care ICth, 1916. at 7:30 p. m. A report Gaso-l'om- c HOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII, Ycsr s ' " CTca 367 - ' will he submitted and the subscription River and Pauahi Sts. P. 0. Box LTD. ' ' vy :.V HJ It.lUu Mb UbUbUJ list closed. C549 2t Acetylene Light t Agency Co., Ltd. J KING STREET. CORtiER FORT

c HONOLULU STAR-BULLE- m , TTIUESDAT, AUGUST lOlMC""". ihipmiwhik !r ' -- Il u,!f 4111 ,flM WL - ! t&K;;;f; 1 A G 1 11 VLI L I llfil 1 A ImLII II r : Mil , yourself, can build, ULL! UUlllrtlllLlJ, j 1 At 7: 40 o'clock At 7:40 o'clock inexpensively, your SPEAKER ASSERTS r K--i Garage, i Visiting Expert Tells Japanese t - Barn or j- of Honolulu of Industrial Poultry House. i Strides 2: 99 I Twelve hundred Japanese gathered last night in the hall of the-Japane- se ! - Central Inst.tution, Xuuanu street.. to, give- . .. - . A Ficturizatfon of Sardou's Great International Drama We have three little booklets that' complete near tne live Japanese university pro- fessors who, are going to the United explicit comrnis-jsioner- s NINTH BIG CHAPTER OF and directions, plans, elevations, etc., for States and feu rope as expert t . of investigation. v i t n building, so that you can save the contractor's ; Dr. I. lnagaki. professor In the agri " THE BROKEN COIN cultural coHege of Toklo University,; profit. The booklets are FREE, ask for them. spoke cn rieo culture and Its develop V COMING SUNDAY ; ment. Dr. C. Shiba, professor in the PTipinprlnc rnllpen. Knokf nn Jannn K CJ CT. Ev! EU3 ese mecnaucat industry, ur. x. 1a1 DIP FAEEv! 8J shiro of thet medical college spoke, on STi "BEN-BLAIR- " 4 longevity of the human race, and Dr, In Y. Haga, the fourth speaker, who f a BEST PICTURES . BEST MUSIC BEST PEOPLE O A PBER-Oil- kciif noted figure in literary education ) spoke on the nature of Japanese as ALWAYS AT THE LIBERTY islanders, and Dr, W. Okada, doctor of medicine, spoke on care of he PRICES 10. 20. 30 CENTS BOX SEATS 50 CENTS cheapest ' ' ' is the roof you can put on any structure, throat. ! PHONE i06O . ' Dr. Shiba . talked with particular '.in because it Will last the longest. . Since 20 years ago, terest on the . progress of nations through industry. In part:- - . He said j IT RU-BE&-O- v lty ID has been protecting roofs where "As an enftiieec this is a good for me go to the Euro other roofs have failed, pean countries while they are in' con flict, to Investigate their present Jn-- destrml ' ccuditions. The present tor Tonight at 7:40 of war depends . i. w the future the not i h i . ,i --. ft i n ii only, on soldiers and commanders, bnt even more upon' the power of indus !m N T a ANota trial science. The reason why Ger MASS Dh DETAIL t ONLY 3' MORE NIGHTS many is sq strong is because that country is superior in the sciences " - and industry. Look at Russia. Agaiast ' ' . . ' HAiiL.niE: Germany country Lewers & CcMe. Ltd. V can that succeed IN LITTLE GYPSY IIACII A BRIDE without indastrial assistance from Ja pgn ? . - Look at England. Her war ..'.it''; - . .1 Lumber ancVBuilding Materialsr-469-17- ? B. King ships were imk by the German sub f 6t marines, but her great progress in In -- . Lavish attention. has teen paid to ''The Morals of Marcus" and. 'The dustry allocs. her still to make ships detail In the Fox Film Corporation's White Pearl." both offered In Hono- i es- 3. for war. In Japan we are now de production of "The Little , Gypsy, lulu at the Liberty theater, firmly IN Do-r-o - ' KING OF COMEDIANS, veloping our industry year year. ndW - being presented at the. Hawaii tablished the reputation of Marie " after 7 THE BURLESQUE. OMr Not many years ago Japan could oot theater with Dorothy Bernard in the as a charming little film personage. f y make her own ships. Our cruisers or teadlngTole. TTo expense has- - been Now comes Miss Doro with her latest rm, o battleships were almost all foreign spared In thia production nd .the screen triumph, "Diplomacy, adapt- made, but not so today, we are mak? cost Is placed at upwards Of $500,000. ed from Sardou's powerful, drama of money name which won lng , everything necessary for bur Whether this is, stage or, real the same and in she country. , ''iron men" can best be decided y a unqualified' suceess on the speaking ar ami' comeiS "Great development of industry is visit to the Hawaii theajter. stage as co-st- with Blanche Bates Tftt latest futinteit photo-play-, fend '. . feature la Tour parts. 1 necessary m pur cpuntry4 In timeiof s .One of the. most spectacular scenes William Gillette. V 1i r A. laugh, every second. Don't need we can; make all out w-n- imple is, that fn .a band of striking . The "presentatI6n of "Diplomacy" Ig ' vM Honolulu's fun- - ments." , v.',. '": doubly interesting (ft as Miss mill favorte weayers, S.crjt in their this time ; - - lie added that the private iron and wages, purn piani. Doro a recent bride and her hus maker. attack and tne in is 4 (V. E.) foundry - ; Alsotht Bla, U S. plaits of Japan are being de whfch they .re employed.. . .',r band, Elliott Dexter, Is an actor . of ; Present VIRGINIA PEARSON veloped so Wat they can fill any 'or - vil-- marked ability and appears with her a To make lh's..3ceae ao entire- And which . ; ders $would become necessary iage teoVfrlnj: fivQ tcb i$ erected in the leading male role. . r in case of war. "Diplomacy" based on. the theft JOSEPH KILGORE and Other J I - of kinds. Embroidered, howli?ic the wevefa huts elustring is ' ' il.v -- -- (central structure; of of a set Of plans from a .young diplo- Eminent Star hand-painte- about ;tho great? d, cut Velvet and fte-- ;IRATEJ5 MASSACREXREp! only mat; plans oLlth Gi- ' the factory. i,Tuft.scenB,4hich la fortifications ot v ' - '; . TH E WRITING ON THE WALL vred Bilk. one of the, many, big sensational i ef- braltar.- Dexter Vis the diplomat and ";' ; TOKIO; Japan.-- . le- The Japanese consuxtied, point, Dora, ?: fects in .'.The UtfJe (iypajr' his suspicions toward his -- j A. Five-Pa- rt Ribbonj gation , ,i . Blve Feature . at Bangkok reports that a Ma a month In the building and employed wife .(Marie; Doro). ' Toe suspicions, layan schooner- - A REAL FIRE IN THE TENEMENT SECTION OF NEW YORK laden with salt was scores In its cohstrux;tloa. ' The, fac prove' erroneous', bur; not- - before his. boarded off Mlnala recently by Chi- op- tory building was erected with solid! talented little lady .has had ample - 10, 20, 30 3937 Seats, SO FORT STREET' nese pirates, who massacred fen Prices: Cents Phone Reserved Cents the cafe and fidelUy to detail and (all , portunity to display her dramatic Japanese Bazaar tire , crew witn the exception of two. ;abluty. A.'?piplcmacy'f opens Opposite Catholic Church wno that it rcfght emtuany. be burned to; ., at the Special Friday Matine at 2:15 o'ctock for the kiddies ef the CHARLIE saved themselves by swimming - v the ground.- Director, Oscar :ApM Liberty theater tonight. .CHAPLIN FEATU8E, the' Buflesque on Carmen at the Hawaiif ashore. The' Siamese government des tJook personal sttperyision of the con patched a gunboat Theater. in search of the struction Avork an narrowly i escaped i murderers. HAVAIIAN. BAND CONCERT it being- - severely injured whea-some- ; o" I the folding udwi whioa he ? was . .. Beginning at 7: 35 o'clock this even-- overseeing the36b' cjollipsed, throw! Ino- - fho IIwiisn Rjinif will . eivp a t --zn ing him to ; the ground. ' There were concert in. Thomas square. The pro- - several narrow escapes ; also during gram follows: ; the burning . cf the factorj-- and in- America. , ' G cidentally the Fort Lee, N. J.; fire. de- March "The Fighting Strength".. fnllIIIIEEbyIOLlllI partment had to be called out" to quell ' ; .. . T. Allen the flames, which . threatened to Overture "Rienji". ... . J . , . Wagner yy7r Jto Jiouses near fla,ce where - , At 2: 15 o'clock At 7:40 o'clock . swead the EJgyptian "Cheops"- . . -- Intermezzo .. ; ; ., ...... v ...... ;...... v. Cobb Vjv Selection "The, Master Pieces". . . WILLIAM FjpX PRESENTS . . , .Arranged by Safranek "i I , - PART II. . . Fi ve . Hawaiian Songs By Hawaiian Band .Glee Club Selection '.'So Long Letty". .Carroll The Dainty and Fascinating Fil$i Star, irt isiii Caprice ot the Lion" . . v...... Kontski ii Aloha Oe; Hawaii Ponoi. rrriisii ii i ' j lAJfeA The Star Spangled Banner. : i t Carmen" wasNjpiginallyi written In en a J33t deal. Miss Burbridge is said mm the French language and is a classic to Photo-pla- y. make an ideal .heroine and her A Supreme and Thrilling Masterpiece. - Also: The Ninth tale of love and" passion, but; a; classic beauty is accentuated by her dashing that did "Hot require several jqeBturies ChMptec of Topnotch Serial, ' THE MASTER KEY,ano"a Universal manner. .. v r thi to make it properly .appreciated.; It Sydney Drew will return to the Em- Weekly (Current Events). : has been translate J into almost .every tovJay comedy, ; f pire theater in a clever 10, 20 AND CO CENTS . - written- - langauge, has been, transform PRICES iff' "A 'Ca3e of Eugenics." Mr. and Mrs. ed into a play-an- also an dnera. It Drrw !i3TO Iit.1rtft tniiph of Tp.tilnlfi Can 'peak persona haflbeen produced on the-scree- n by Faxc's rho wnUb had a' long run at tvo of the leading photo-pla- r compa- - metromlftan theaters. The troubles Attention of the Kiddies Special Friday Matinee at 2:15 o'clock nics of the country, but there is no ! thw newlVicos ever the distvosal of .CHARLIE. CHAPUN in "The Burtesqae on Carmen" - The Late3t or ever : ...... ,j ...... record Tinxone having hadf the 0f adopted baby lead to a host of ' 3n i- - everyone who passes nerve 13 en rA.i!i,--r,iri?..i- of Funniest Comedy Productions . youKStore Dunesnue farm J . nniiiMI vl A WIU U X.AJ ' I liUI O'il S ll U 1 t I 'Pari a f 'Hurtli. lm 4oV i 3 r. nnI Q. wtetber Chaplin has naaue gruod as J.. J a ouneaiiuer can reaaiiy De juage uy v No, but your show windows But light fan evening at the Bjou theater and your windows J If laughter Is any criterion of the Jias.-Iabor-e- wefth of burlesque Chaplii d v can ; tell y passerby b h they wiil ever rig t ly and well. There are many, wiio have Program Besinning at 1:30 p. m. Hileiwa for Vataticn formed the opinion that Cjiaplin s a Until .4 p. m. what you have ttrsdl tftid SftT;yti slap-stic- k comedian firt, last and ail Evening (Two Shows), 6:30 and the time. This is au error. SPECIAL PrtOGRAM FOR TODAY Where else can you have such comforts, finev swim- in eflfest- - he is what hini the crilics would . 7 tell the most so that all may know. AND EVENING, ming, golf, good meals served on the cool lanais term "a refined coniedian." , ;. . "Reckoning" iJay"'' three-par- t drama), tennis, ;V ".In, a pi ivc ; V addition to the Th in film the . ,'. this for $3.50; per day or. $21 per week. ; manner. f Essanay. . . , , all Take advan: Bijou , i3 presenting another feature. "A Case. of Eugenics" (comedy), Vita- - home. lis 'tell hbw to me writing cn tne wall"' featuring take of the "Beautiful Haleiwai". right, near 'ou Virginia graph. Pearson and .TosfHVKJIsore "Mein Friendt Schnsider" (comedy). But if your show windows make your show windows Universal. ' are dark at night the man yoMi best'-saleSmdf- i -- - by .0- on the street will: hot proper, efficient and in- l!!lli!!lilliU!IllIlil!II!lll!III11IIllI!il!!!!Ii:i!l!I!II!lIllinilll!!!!!!!illlIlin ;H:::"iiean expensive illumination. j ; . 1 ' ' ' . . .

' '.. - NATION GtTAltD ' . t ' lgjL V At Onioti-Piifi- ii rl c ;V fef It they are poorly lighted PhOrie us tbday. There is Eliiihpth Diiri-ridi;e- . who won fame on the ma:nlantl end in Kuroue, where .... . they will only "whisper." no obligation. 6he appeared js leading woman with A king Street next to Yoiing Bld - ! w iff Frederick Tr?r.iain, ill be seen, at the " Q Emtiirc theater tvxiar in an. exception- iTORmb? PAlOKlifG AND SHIPPING OF FUHHITUIIII, al three-ac- t d;am3tizot!cn. of S. , H. Saturday, Aug, :12lli Calvert's famcus -- iiayr, 'Reckonir.s A2TD Day," a spectacular- - production. The 8 p. m; to 12 pm: ETC., FREIGHT HAULERS GZIIRAL EXPHE23 " film is of j ;' -- 'drama ha?ed ch .tlc nvel - .' ' - n the same namo.. by Marion Hcwlatt :. Havvraiian, Music business tr; s; iiAil The Co., anl.iiHK.n of it Is set in the quaint iianEIectric Ltd. cpvircueat of more than a half cen- KIHG BARRET ' tury asm. The plot has to iir vv-:- t!ie tertaimrient - Best for THTTtct WU- ot the ir is' - 'of . u;:tcre.,?i9- rn i iii:ii.' iic-- y ari ar la.-- uisecv- - ered and the .kt:m of a iUL Is givU 1 1 ' .1 ... 1 . . ' AB-BULLETI- fUUHT HONOLULU St N, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. -- - National FEW PLANTATION Furniture an Piano HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION & DRAYINO CO., LTD. 7-ri-ng LABORERS NEED PHONE 4981 J. J. BELSER, Manager. SERVICE FIESl STORAGE 65 TO 71 SOUTH QUEEN ST. Loose Leaf CHARITABLE AID

THE von HAMM-YOUN- Q CO, POLICE REPORT LTD Honolulu, Price Books Keep AgenU Higher Wages Workers Out of City and Independent; Others Receive Help 1 Most convenient for hand- Auto Stands ' We have but few plantation bands SHcSeinyear , FOR RENT ling. Sheets do not tear. who come to the city for work, get KING A NUUANU AUTO STAND stranded and come to us nowadays, City Hardware Co, Agent All sizes. said E. E. Brooks, manager oT the Phone 2056 ' ':.' Associated Charities, during a discus- t sion of his work of the last month this The July report of the police de morning. "Wages are high and they finished. It , come to we partment has just been OUR don't the city. But bave on were the same number of sick and of fami- dhows the total arrests Oahu Auto Repairs' Hawaiian Hews Co., Ltd. lies without a breadwinner appealing COS, a lesser . number than arrested to us in fact the number becomes during July, 1914, and more than in FRANeTcOOMBS Bishop Street larger every month as more people July, 1915. Fines, costs and forfei--, learn of the work we are doing. The tures for the last month were $3726, ; Bishop and Queen. . Tel. 2182 charities is comparatively a new in- which is less than July, 1915, 'and ; ANNUAL stitution, you know.' more than July, 1914. Arrests Inj Asked if there were many stranded Honolulu alone sere 434 and convic- mainlanders coming to him for help tions 317 during July, 1916. HONOLULU PHOTO he replied: "We have a few now and The report also shows that 248! then, but most of them go to the Y. were for gambling,, most of ' SUPPLY CO. M. C. A. or the Y. W. C. A. The class arreted HAWAII -- 33 were in of people who come here from the whom were convicted; SA KODAK HEADQUARTERS ; 17 were tried mainland think of those institutions court for drunkenness j 1059 Fort Street before they do of us, I guess." for vagrancy and nine convicted; 12 His report "for July, Just submitted, were charged with heedless driving shows 181 families under care, of but only three convicted; four were OF Mass which 39 are new, 42 old and 100 con- before Judge Monsarrat for violating RAWLEY'S PURE ICE CREAM tinued from June. Ther. are 719 in- liquor laws and 12 were convicted for ; All Is Used in the dividuals in the 181 families. His Many Ice Cream Specials at celling liquor without licenses. AGENCY report shows ihe social state, the na- of these wereold cases. tionality and other facts about those Segregation of convicted into aided, those the class bf care given, the showed the Chinese lead agencies and nationalities : Selling Agents individuals sending cas? ing with 138; Japanese, 67; Hawaiian. REMNANTS es to the organization for relief and Portuguese, 8; "others," 116. other such facts. It is open for in 8; Manufacturers spection at his off re in the bungalow . on the Palace grounds. MOTHERS NOURISHED OF 7. W. AHANA CO. Jobbers BUT SINGLE WOMEN '' Tailon Wholesalers STARVE IN GERMANY Sing St, between Fori LONDON'. England. The Morning LACES SCOUT NOTES Post quotes a Danish statement to and Bethel P. 0 Box 395 the effect that a great number of German single women have arrived In Denmark seeking employment Ac EMBROIDERIES cording to the statement, the women Room 12, First Bank Bldg. say that it is nearly lmpossioie ror women, except mothers with children, TRIMMINGS JORDAN'S hilo to Rft food In Germany. WOMEN'S AFPABEL TROOP FIVE 1029 Fort St.- If RIBBONS A Prefedire cf bdsc&a of A splendid line of ; TROOP V. : ' Uiicoc Have You ; CUT FLOWERS at The minutes of the last meeting the Uembrane Had Your Feet were read and approved. Mr. Jack laoMdUteljr raUcrcd, BEGINS MONDA Y MORNING, Aug. 14, 8 o'clock Yet? - ."Footographed'f MRS. ETHEL M. TAYLOR ;D61y having been appointed assistant . WltttMrt I MO. IN W1U- 91. m wm at BcuuuuttBier , reported ior auiy , ana ariaat tt REGAL BOOT SHOP , Florist was introduced to all the members of ftuw ilti ly Fort and Hotel Streets the troop. . Roll was called and found 23 on time. Leo de Koo was excused Tyrtt'i AnfcpS: Powder while on a trip to the coast Tj ' Stephen Mathews, Norman Taylor , am LVgvcbm. Co.; ih)3 CLjUb and Ching Ching were also excused, The Vaterhouss Ltd. being absent from the islands. The MOT 4 tefBrt4 timam. TTEXE'I ; Undenrood Typewriters.; orders were issued and approved by eu Das Bating Scoutmaster Barry and the following ; tv fipr m. fesnucMk named boys were transferred to Troop Youiia BuiLDmo 25, headquarters troop: James Hol-Btei- n, At ma IF YOU WI8H TO ADVERTISE IN Walter Akana, Charles Akana, 25c 50c $1 Joseph Andrade and Albert McKinney. : , NEWSPAPERS , They were also dropped from the rolls i X&TTREE, Cbemlsilae. HONOLULU IIUSIO CO. Anywhere at Any Time, Call on 01 of Troop 5 and wished much success ,::,v: Write ; . in the new troop. . Order were issued to James Hol-stei- n, .; ; , THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCT, Everything: Zlasical , the troopr scribe, to turn in all 24 Sansome Street , San Francisco Fcrt, next to the Clarion property belonging to his former troop v ' ; ap- .v,v. Phone 1467. to Clarence Silva, who . has been PACIFIC ENGINEERING" pointed trooj) scribe; also that Treas- urer Charles Akana turn over all prop- COMPANY, LIMITED erty and money now jn his possession 1 Souvenir Employing the Consulting, Designing and Con-structi-ng to the newly appointed treasurer, Wil- Novelties ' Engineers. liam Holt; Jr. Joseph Ikeole was HAWAIIAN COaT-OF-ARM- S Bridges, Buildings,. Concrete Struc- elected Junior iatrol .leader. k One boy Sys- v Fine asortment . tures, Steel Ctructures, Sanitary was transferred to the troop from Cali- H. CULMAN, LTD, Forst St. tems, Reports and Estimates on Proj- fornia,, and two new boys joined the ,'A. S. Conmngham, Mgr. ects. Phone 1045. ? . troop. .After business the troop was called to order as we had a caller, Mr, CHOP SUI y-. Hayward, the commissioner, who gave 93 North King Street us a talk. Mr. Hayward also swore in (Between Maunakea and Smith) one first-clas- s scout, one second-clas- s MESSENGERS- - Call and see our brand new CHOP and two tenderfeet scouts; We had a SUI HOUSE Everything Neat short drill and began first aid in addi- . AND OS '. and Clean tion to the litter drilL Business closed Tables may be reserved by phone, at 9:15 p. m. and all went home to LA.UNDRY g" No. 1713 report for duty on Friday night at 7:30 p. m., August 11. CLARENCE SILVA, ' WHEN the WANDERLUST GALLS FOR ALL PURPOSES, P Scribe. Fcr that Pure, Paper Bags,' Cups, Plates, Napkins and Towels, A TROOP VIII. vnu set aside the cares ofbusiness to take Delicious Ice Cream etc The first meeting after vacation and AM.-HA- CO Ltd.! P - Telephone 4225 PAPER was held on the 4th of August Phone 1410 E Mr. Bryan not being present Rob- long anticipated vacation remember ; tripjust RAW LEY'S J Ashman Beaven, Mgr R ert Macconel took charge. Scribe Macconel made Scout Leit-hea- d assistant scribe. He then told we carry Gentlemen's Furnishings of the troop he was going to the Kauai r camp. SILVA'S TOGGERY D. J. CASHMAN ' estab ' Ling in auality. our whole . Shin handed his The resources of :...-- , Limited : Treasurer and TENT8 AND AWNINGS resignation but it was not accepted THt STORE FOR GOOD Luau Tents & Canopies for Rent by the troop. Thirty Years' Experience .... I . CLOTHES Tests passed 1st class, Shin Ling, lishment are bent on giving you absolutely unique Elks' Building. King Street Fort 8L, near Allen upstairs. Lo, swimming. ming. Ship v. Second-clas- s Ship Lo, clothes service. test first . aid; Wm. McBrlde, signaling. BAILEY A. S. LEITHEAD. Inspect unusually showing JEWELRYManufactured to Order and Re- TROOP IX. our fine paired. Work Guaranteed Co. The meeting of August 4 was called Straws, Panamas, Shirts, Neckwear, J. E. GOMES ' Furniture at 7:15 by Mr. Haehnlen. of 1144-114- 6 Fort SL The report of the scout dance held V S07 Boston Bldg. . Loxa Bid, You on July 28 was read by Mr. Haehnlen. Hosiery, UnderwearandSuitings. The future Kailua rally was discussed by the troop and Mf. Haehnlen. v are certain tofindpleasure in your visit FURNISH YOUR HOME RIGHT It was decided to adjourn the meet- By fitting It throughout with our ing until August 25. we're Household every boy who for . dependable electric fixture. Utensils at Low Prices On date is a scout in Troop IX is expected to be "The House of Courtesy" ELECTRIC 8H0P SANG YUEN KEE present All the scouts of this troop Phone 4344 - 11S5 Fort St. 163 S. King.. Phone 4727 are expected to practise at Kailua be- tween now and September 4. 'SHORTY MAC.

! guard, . For Good Ice HANAN'S BEST SHOES A health defense includins in its membership about 100 promi- nent residents of the town, has been McINERNY KSimg 112S MMNERNY SHOE STORE organized at Greenwich, Conn., to in taking "-Fo- CO. Fort above King assist the health authorities rt and Merchant Streets OAHU ICE St precautionary measures against in- fantile paralysis. Granulated Eyelids Deal With the Phone IT O Eye inflamed by expo--w Quality Grocers MUTUAL 1574 tare to Soa. Dssi and Wtal quickly relieved by M arias HENRY MAY Night Letters to other islands Smarting. ' of Low Eye Remedy. No & CO, LTD. this territory. rates. - . w - r tun tye rvi Fort St. Your Druggirt's SOc per Bottle. Mirfie Eyt WIRELESS SalTtinTube25c ForBeokelfkeEyeFreeuk Cmccitu or Marfee Eye Beaeiy C., Caktso to mukc a trial SPORTS, CLASSIFIED AND SHIPPING It.'U'Iioovii a pmdfiit jwrwii ; v- h i section of evervt ng , lfore arniK Ten:nt.

STAB-BUUiETI- ; ) IH": lidXOLULU N, TliUKSDAY, AUGUST 10, I9l6,. ft "if- Hospitality of ' ART TREASURES OF COOKE Bond fileetuig HUGHES DECLARESiVJil raos S7;x navaiiTl. Praised GAblERY, PUNAHOU, GIVEN Tonight Open; By Jack London HIGH PRAISE FOR WORTH To All Citizens imwm C1L1II1TIES That Jack London is still enthu- filB of - - ' Expert Catalogues 42 Masterpieces and Points Out Value 4- - .. . HIS LIFE U0RI1 siastically sounding the praises of the ; SISte Tonight 'Hawaiian consid- Collection to HonoluIiH-Lio- nel Walden Rearranges Collec- f all can have an active Bogus Islands and that he voice in the city government.: Benevolent Organiza ers himself as practically a resident is tion and is Represented By Three Paintings f The supervisors have " a pro- - tions Secure Funds and Keep IH-Fat- the burden of an Interview gave big-- Audience Country Master of ed Chiyo Maru he posal before them. It is the Tells St. Paul ar- Many Thousands of Pounds the San Francisco Bulletin on his gest . they ' wot The fifst catalogue of the Cooke Art students and art lovers to study the question with which ShouW Be Ready for Any Feels Marine Court is rival on the, mainland. This, Interview have had to deal-t- he biggest Gallery of Punahou, Honolulu, has work of the masters. f Lon- Quite the Bulletin publishes as follows: question with which any Hono-4- - Emergency LONDON. England. Aug. t. Fair ; Just been completed and Is now on In the Cooke catalogue are two - -- don society, has been stirred by Star-Bulleti- deal. Nowhere else have 1 found such the n press. It was com- views of the gallery as it is today, lulu board has had to 4-- (Auociald Prcu fey WinlMt) the revelation that some of its titled - by Mrs. Mary J. Coulter being entirely rearranged by They are bringing it to thejpublic X6r! INDORSES PRINTED charming .hospitality as in Hawaii," piled after after Aug. 10. and most prominent members have diligent work and Lionel Walden. who has three pictures 4 for a decision. They are going ST. PAUL, Minn., Charles said Jack London, the novelist, this several, weeks of Ameri- - E. Hughes, presi- unwittingly beun lending their names' v'-.- STATEMENT OF CASE ' ; back to the first form of candidate tor the morning as he jrtepped ashore from will be available next week. in the collection. - charity organixa comprehensive only 4 can government the town meet- dency on the Republican ticket, speak- to fraudulent war the liner Matsonia after a seven The catalogue is a The catalogue will be used not yesterday, assailed tions. The names of the frauds and . ing, in this city of the 42 masterpieces and av a guide for those who visit the Expresses Intention of Never months' sojourn In the Island terri- review 4-- know administration's preparedness pol- of the leaders of England's aristocracy 35 Cooko. gallery gallery also as a reference book They want to what is the tory. London, accompanied by his their artists in the but Is-- icy In terms. He declares who served on committees were not Again Commanding Vessel; thoroughness Is due to Mrs. for Punahou students who are thought about the proposal to bitter that wife, is. here en route to New. York and its the spe bonds! to go into debt. In or- - 4 President Wilson's conception ot given out by the government commit- ; Coulter's long association with the interested In art or who desire some f Company Acts Kindly on a business trip. der that roads may be built, the what should constitute , the prepared- tee which made the disclosures. 0 Art Institute of Chicago and her fami- knowledge of the masters and their f - Following close on the heels of the The expressed - ' v " ": " 4; sewerV'and water system extend- ness or the United States at this time wr!er the intentiv ; ' liarity with the work of the artists works. - ..'4-4- - report was Deeply hurt over the action of the of spendin a great portion of his 4- ed and parks bought at once; of world strife was woefully Inade- the founder of a war fund cataloging. An accurate biographical sketch of f ; suspend- and of - They are asking all to come to 4-- quate. arrested, speedily convicted and sen Marine Court of Toklo, which time from now on in the Hawaiian . Mrs. Coulter came to Honolulu about 35 artists represented In the Cooke 4-- 4 tenced to six months imprisonment at months be- of leasing bungalow ' a meeting tonight, to oe held at The speaker devoted much of his ed his certificate for four Islands and told a ago visit, palnt-- - ld six months for her first gallery; a list of, their famous 4-4- hard labor for converting its money to cause, they believed he was to blame In Honolulu. "While in the islands.-sa- 7.' 30 o'clock" In the chamber of adverse criticism to the President's bringing an exhibit of fine etchings ings and a description of each - 4-- own use. passing sentence the Kal-sh- a ' short commerce rooms in the Hawal- handling of the Mexican situation. his In for the wreck of the Toyo Klsen London, "l have spent a great widely-know- a . from the gallery of'Hill Tolerton, San of the 42 pictures are included In the warn- court condemned per- Chiyo llong-- I 4 ian, Trust building. They wanto stating that, in spite of many steamer Mara, near portion of my time-i- writing stories given : i Francisco, While here she has catalogue. :;'':; 4-- all views. - On what its Sald ings as to what was likely to occur, sons who had allowed their names to kong last March, Captain Ernest Bent dealing with the primitive native life, on and has say hear "dummy Tenyo several public lectures art Mrs. Coulter artists and lovers will depend their decision. . covering a long period of inactivity be used on committees.'. arrived here yesterday on the many remote much-tim- e ; find have visited of the recently devoted to paint- of art who visit n Honolulu have following numerous Mexican provo- Rumors that all was not straight In ' Maru. He Is bound for his home in island villages, where the natives still on islands. She will th remarkable cof ot many of the "charity' iFranciscp," ing the various been amazed at W cations and threats of possible serious the affair , San where he plans to as In time of Capt. Cook." many inter- iriahy who organizations which have sprung up live the carry away from Hawaii lection here, and of those trouble, the : unpreparedness of the spend the rest of his life on shore. Asked as to what disposition, he in- esting sketches when he leaves next gallery have feit' the need slncd the outbreak of the war were on visit the administration presented a : spectacle When seen after his arrival the famed on for her. home on Catalogue.' During heard early this year and resulted in "de-- tended to make of his ranch week the Manoa of a detailed the that exhibited inefficiency of the first Tenyo Maru Captain Bent looked : Moon," London paintings appointment of the committee- - Its "Valley of the six fine ? ; the pressed and the vigor which always In the the coast last few months Slil,! PiiliM" magnitude. btated that it Is still a luxury and Mrs. Coulter considers the Cooke have been added to the gallery. They Hughes views in report bristle with storie of rake characterized His actions was missing. Mr. reiterated his : private Wal-tic-- n. charities, astounding proor the . tha.t, although hejexpects to hold It, collection one of, the finest are Kilaua, 1916 flow, by Lionel favor of a nation-wid- e Industrial co- of IIo I also slightly grayer than the last - ease It will; be some time before it becomes art exhibits west of the Rocky moun and one 'each by Jacques Schrcy- operation with a view to sound, sys- gullibility or mankind and the time he brought the Chiyo through opportunity for herewith distinguished persona may paytag proposition. i ; tains, and a; grea ler, Whistler, Guido Renl and Prudhon. . , preparation plong here and it Is evident that the strain a I WILL ATTEND tematic commer- trapped Into lending their names ivi rs. JOUiier is cuuiusiaami m uei cial and industrial lines for success- be which he underwent during the trial to what is described as ."organized upon only praise of the Islands, and It is with ful competition with European coun- has told him. It was after e ' regret that-sh- will say alcha to her war. roguery." repeated Questioning that he was pre- SAN FBANGiSCO tries at the termination of the report, Tor instance, to many friends' here. He declared a scheme of national The refers vailed upon to talk. - HBESTM SCHOOL IN U. S. for one charity that published no ac- Feels He Is.llltreated. preparedness that should at once be counts, to another with a merely nom- T 4do say reasonable, adequate and c. bal- not like to anything about -- whose - :' inal committee to a third the trial ow-- that It is" done with," IIADICALS :;.,i-r- .i" ance sheet fails to account for a quar AS EXTRE51E UP dur M ilitarism, ; speaker urged, , said Captain Bent, "but of course ! REG1DED MO WES On a tour of the United States the dollars, to a fourth ' ter of a, million -- uni-- never get cannot help but feel that I was not ing which he will decide which should be permitted to a started by an undischarged bankrupt, treated quite squarely. " I shall prob- verslty he will attend tnis winter, hold in the United States, but there that; was the invention of a rv Songlaa, Slam, is should be military preparedness to a fifth ably never go to sea again and am 1 hope they get the limit for Prince Mahidol of such foreign , swindler. Td all these the ions' and ' TO '. Visiting Leader Who a passenger on the Tenyo Maru. throughout the couatry as would now returning to California, where ! Labor such an outrage." PIKE'S public gave : freely: V plan spend my on - The prince, who is 24 years old and place America in a position where say re- to the rest of life Knows Suspects scouts iaea Dillon left San Francisco Before the - The favorite dodge, the "shore. Of course was in- PI the fourth son of the king of Siam, peace would be assured by her. very expend major I have sailed the arrests had been made and port, "is really to the very pleasing r personality ; and strength to a foe. . seas too long to give it up easily, but of Unions Entering Plot . formed by Charles M. FIckert, district has a resist part or the sum collected on the nomK ' Is the royal the way 'I feet now I shall never com. attorney of the city and county of his bearing indicative of nal object and only steal , twenty or Fick-er- t, blood which flows in his veins. He mand a steamer again. The T. K. K. Rnm tlmelv and interesting state San Francisco, that the plot, to REITERATES CHARGES thirty thousand rounds." :; Oxford reck-lessne3- me very pertaining to organized labor appearance or Is a graduate of Cambrlde and to the S has treated well indeed, and ments did not have the . After calling attention siar-HUiieu- n England, also attend- before I left Japan gave me a fine have been made to tne an organized labor affair. universities, and AND SUBMITS EVIDENCE of titled and prominent peo- - T SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. institution In Berlin. ' 7 iw vr Dillon, an active union man : COLORADO. ed a research lending names to these letter of recommendation." "Naturally I . was surprised when ' ' ple in their ' -- dangerous , grades of the English is faultless. ; : . ' Terms Statement Correct J of San Francisco, who Is on his first we were informed at sea of the ar- 10. The His MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. 10, fake charities, the committee .recom- Honolulu, visIUng relatives. ' V" Pike's Peak automobile highway will Mahidol Is attended by a E. Hughes, Republican, presi- supervision throughout The following article! taken from trip to rests," Dillon, says. - Prince' Charles mends state spoke course for. spectacular racing foreign, - In answer to questions Dillon . been be the staff Including the minister of dential candidate, in a apeech, here registration cfrcharity funds. . the Japan Gazette is, according' to Morinev and Nolan have both freely on the San Francisco bomb out- today,, tomorrow and Saturday; affairs, H. E. Phge C-- Hosliseve and yesterday 'replied to the telegram of But," says Daily Man, inai is Captain. Bent,. T2e.,true status-jof- , the .iXfillated with the I. W. W. and have 10O the rage, on the threatened rail way .something" In Fpujc motorcyclcr traces, with companions M. L. Snilwongse and M Secretary of Commerce Redfields nrf h. First let us have tha title case: , . Vv''- alwaya . tried to ."start ifeireaWre-o-t- o. ... Satt-Fragei-seo - fii&t, priseUneacJi whiHi thaVl)frector'oT Cen" or me names vi ; any m ion HUle dehled" the of the bogus cuantief , "Tp 6ne hoJtijs,.fi)llowe4hjJ titer . :' eay day's program,-and-th- e climax will prom- proceedings or the Inquiry into the hrc. altnouEJi be success,' according to Dillon. Mooney "Now that a large number or Brit- sus E. Dana Durand had been forced their treasarerj.' Titled and his here is chiefly for pleasure. come Saturday when cars of unlimit- engaged to resign bj the administration In people who lend their names In . loss of the Chiyo Maru, recently held visit was a member or union s own union, ish merchant steamers are inent I '" on mree ed piston displacement will race for purposes 1913. as alleged by Hughes way vicious and contemp- by - the" Tersely his opinions tnese Molders" Union, of by the government for war in a speech this' place a 'the Marine Court of Toklq, the International -- ; $2000 - , Francisco un - the ,$1200 Penrose trophy and car- in social system, and it Judgment, as delivered 'by the court subjects are that San which Dillon is secretary. the larger part or our shipping is Detroit. . tible blot on our L wua ' - cash, with' $1000 cash for the second - good If names ions positively had nothing to do car- ' by Japanese vessels," said the Hughes declared that he would would Jo a world of the on Sth ?nst whereby Captain Dillon believes that whoever ' ; ried on the man. r I , were pub--, Bent's certificate- - was suspended' for the preparedness parade tragedy. ried the bomb had a personal grudge flrince. "The war has seriously cur stick by bis original statement, that of these dummy patron the rail- The course is 12 miles and 2000 export President Wflteon along the frauds they have four months, ..Chief Officer-Sa- y that he hopes and believes at some nerson or persons in the pa tailed our imports, but the removed Durand lished with while s 1 v way differences will be settled by parade generally. feet long, and the finish at the sum- trade ot Siam is the biggest In the his- for poIiticN purposes and that Du- helped to foster. " ; wal was', exonerated 'from all blame, rade and not at the start- found V war appear anrt that members of his tne Domn was sup- mit is 6716 feet higher, than the tory or the country.". ; v rand did not resign of his own voli- Many promote rs have the cannot as anything but extra "I don t believe ing points along the route edged investment, the ordinary. own .'.union,' International Moulders, posed to explode ; where it did," he line. From When the prince attempted to leave tion. The presidential candidate read charity a gilt employed in Honolulu are oq especially from , the ridge reserved a letter from Durand In which - Dally Sketch deduces : and adds; JDuring the hearing of the case who are says, "but that whoever was carrying the steamer . Wednesday afternoon ne the .... th0 - women in employ spectators"- cars.'Hhe . course will de- men and i the best, of terms with their was growing for entry by some due In au- latter stated that It had been his "There are certain testimony of the chief officer, who it found the time limit en- was refused they have ful-- ' . ; be visible virtually In its tortuous sire to society who think that on dis- ers. : ,::'.::';,-.;::v'- short, dropped and hurried away." the gangplank j tdd when retain the office, but that he .was' watch at the time of the it Is the thority at of obligation to aster, was on Talks, of Parade Tragedy. Favors Arbitration; ' '. tirety. Thirty minutes ' best he to explain thai the immi- would resign If his resignation was filled most their several Important time made thus far in practise, but It started charity by allowing their name to go Tfnts "dlrectTy" refuted In evidence 'Inasmuch as Dillon Knows juooney The labor man would say very lit- gration laws did not affect him, waa asked for. To this letter. Secretary - 4 Is expected will be bettered In which write to Vnlan- men new ; railway this Redfield had replied that the admin- on every committee . given by the the: knrt two labor tle alout the threatened '" roughly pushed back. This careless other offlcers of .' :"; ' "v -- : ' :. the race. istration desired a change. .Hughes them." S; ship. ..;-- : ' for Investigation in the bomb affair, X. :'r ":pV"' method of treating passengers greatly as. strike. . to no stock car races! was emphatic "It was shown that when the cap- andc was only a few blocks from the ,!The 'Four Brothers' as we call the Thera are be angered the prince and his compari- in saying that Durand Non-stoc- k cars of 230 cubic inches : was distinctly ON tain turned in at 1:16 a, m. the wea scene of the catastrophe, he Is espe trainmen's organizations are not af- son of the reception, received here forced to resign, since GERMANY'S FINAL NOTE many Bur-- piston displacement and under are to certainly he had made it clear to the secretary ther was . perfectly clear. was not cially Informed on details filiated with the American Federation and in other countries was It - race Friday morning, cars of J of commerce CONTROVERSY until 4 a, m. that ship, in roundine the exorosion and tne acuv- of Labor, was his explanation, "so l and not flattering to the United States. that he wished to stay. LUSITANIA the then from 231 - to 300 inches displacement charge of the chief officer, ran into ities of the police afterwards. know little about them, but I do know As soon as Malcolm A. Franklin, MADE PUBLIC - on Friday afternoon. The prizes will TO BE hate, the standing order on board re- Tn the olace Dillon says- that that the Four Brothers' delegate, on collector or customs, heard that the BOURBONS WOULD PROVE quiring unions would the industrial relations committee ap- be $500, $230 and $150 respectively roughly handled he that the captain shall be call- although San Francisco for first, second place. The prince had been HUGHES ANTAGONISTIC (Assoeisted Press y redvs! Wirsl V ed in case of any change in the wea- not Indorse the preparedness parade, pointed by President TVilson always andthird apologized And in reply the prince WASHINGTON, D: Aug. j10. ' ' - races have been sanctioned by the C ther. , they did nothing to hinder its prog was in favor of arbitration. No true said: "I came here to be impressed 1 TO TRADE UNIONSM department announced lasi -- American Automobile , Association. The state ; v-l wants and I don't The chief officer, notwithstand- ress.-."-- .. : -- r: labor man a strike by you people but instead I have been night that permission has been rek - pa ' ing, kept the 6hlp going apparently "Our unions voted against the believe we will have one there" ' presses." . ". Associated Press by Federal Wifeless) ' ceived from Germany, to publish the loyalty to Dillon's union is the only one hav- GERMAN REPORT SHOWS Lusita-nl-a ,at undimiiflshed speed, nor was the rade, not through lack of WASHINGTON. 0. O,- - Aug. 10. final note rrom Berlin on the . . ) ' tho-TTnHp- ri they over in Ha- . foghorn 'sounded. ? , states., but because ing Jurisdiction laborers sinking and the drowning of.a employed SUBMARINE ACTIVITY FEV? IMMIGRANTS Democratic campaign managers have . "It would appear probable If believed procession was fostered waii, he says. Molders in women and child- that' the : made public a letter from President number of American the foghoru had been' sounded the by men who were more mterestea in Honolulu ' are members of ; the San ENTER P0RTSL n ;s. document. pay LONDON. Eng., Aug. 10. An off- Samuel Gompers of the American ren, as an official echoes from the cliffs of Tamkau is- the manufacture of munitions tnan m Francisco union and their dues 13 here to Indicate that - Federation of Labor In which he re- Thl3 taken says working icial report of the German admiralty, ac-- -- land would- have warned the officers the defense of their country " Dillon there. Dillon conditions (Associated PjjRs' by Frferil Wrels) views the of E. the Berlin government Intends to h attitude Chirles ; on-watc- '' according to a neuter's despatch from of the ."proximity - '.vv-- : - 4V'.. with these men seem to be entirely WASHINGTON. Aug. 10 notes of danger explains. Amsterdam, ' between JTC-- Hughes, Republican candidate for the cept the changes hv tie former (presence of land ) .' of-- satisfactory. Or others he was not declares that 1 69,06lf imiatrant8 reached the States. and the disaster Alf honeh unions refused to ' ' But presidency, regard demanded by the Uaited the ' ' '. sub- in to cases involv as - ' ' July 31 and August 5, German " might have -- - informed, v Statgsrffiring the fiscal period lg. 1!16. -- been averted. riniitr nHrre the- iTrade It was United ing the Interests ot labor. The note is dated February ' -- marines torpedoed British the-evidenc- thirteen It was 'sufficiently shown by by no means 'tabued,' for thousands Besides being an active member in ending July according to the figures Mr. Gompers makes particular ref- - his own union Dillon is member of trawlers in. the North Sea, also sink by. the immigration of the fourth , officer that tne.- col a' issued yesterday erence tp opinion of union" men marcned in coun- ing a British, collier. An Athen's de- the candidate's as a KEESLING UPHELQ AND 4:20a. m. was the hour at which he umns and , Andrew.: J. - Gallagher, the executive board of the labor t bureau-- This is the lowest number of member ot the United States supreme , reports destroy- was to-- f cil In San Francisco and has personal spatch that a French country dur- seatiowa by. the chief officer one-o- the most active union leaders aliens to arrive in tills court In the matter of the boycott by CONTROVERSY IS CLOSED call the captain. It was secretary of knowledge of labdrndif Acuities both er, torpedoed an Austrian submarine ing any one of the last 18 years. further and past president and . the hatters of Dan bury. Conn., which evT-.den- ce national; , f north pf Corfu, i shown'also by the "fourth "oncer's the labor council of San Francisco, locaj and f opinion was adverse to the hatters' (Assoeisted Press by Ttdersl Wirsless) .: 10. that" the captain ', Immediately assisted materially in arranging and SENATORS LAY PLANS FOR union. ,: SAN FRANCISCO, Cat. Aug. .Jumped from his bunk and appeared Willcox, chairman of the -- conducting the parade." ; The letter also draws attention to William R. In ADJOURNMENT yes- ddty with all possible despatch; Monev and Nolan' in no way repre PITTSBURG VISITOR SAYS HUGHES EARLY the unconstitutionality of the Arizona Republican national committee, . "Unfortunately Kees-Iln- g the result of this" sented the unions, although they are. alien labor law which was written by terday telegraphed Chairman case appear, Federal Wireless) central .... would to stand out as an- both union men, according to union. (Associated PreM by Hughes. Gompers asserts that Hughes of the Republican state other instance of discrimination arrested, he does WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. P indorses the abuse of writs of In- committee, upholding him in the face Billings, a third man adjournment of Aon-gre-ss 'against the foreigner in the Japanese two named were Plans for the junction against which wage earners of the accusation by Chester II. Ro - not know. The first September 1 have been work- court of Justice.- by their associates as radi- on have vigorously protested. well, editor of the Fresno Republican; known ed; out by leaders in the senate and na- would-b- e . agitators, and a 'member of the Republican cals and strike Republi- .. have been submitted to the . who charged him : WALLS ;0fv DRAIFJAGE only men would not follow them.' JAPANESE EWRATE tional committee, : can members, who, it is anticipated, E. Hughes ' Dillon tells of Mooney being repu- ! "No war wanted" is the sign hang- The visitor has considerable per- with disloyalty to Charle - V ARE-SINKIN- will reply favorably to the proposition. TO ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE canVHdate. : CANAL diated in the labor council when he ing above the front door of every busi- sonal knowledge of politics from a presidential Willcox a&ks for the cooperation of attempted to bring about a streetcar house In may not hard but losing race he put up in 1910 - OF WESTERN METHODS ness, the East It SIAM UNDERTAKES DEVELOP- Progressives. TCees--1 That the heavy"rock walls cOnfihing strike in San Frantfsco several weeks really "be discernible to the naked eye for congress against John Dalzell. Republican and -- In the the Waiolama drainage canal ago, his attempt to take operators approp- MENT. (Aiooiatef Press by Wireless) Ing wishes a Progressive at of but such a slogan is apparently "Eastern x business conditions are Tadtal , when Hughes .makes his debut Tlflo are"slnkrag out or sight In the from the cars without the unions riate.-.7 the most prosperous ever known, VANCOUVER, L. C. Aug. 10. chair quagmire underlying "hear-able- " .HONGKONG, China, The Siamese before a California audience."' the swamp is backing and his Ignominious failure This Is only one of lots of . says Marquis Inouye, retir- -- largely on account of the war," government has appropriated 1355,000 Katonuske Keesling declares that the contro-- stated in a letter received by the when his agitators were arrested by things said by James Alfred Wakefield. "Laborers who were re- ing Japanese ambassador to England, ' ' 1 preliminary expenses in con y'ersy settled.r:Ubth Republican3 . public works department . polico for disturbing the peace capitalist for the is the Wakefield, Pittsburg and ceiving $2 a day have jumped to $10 passing through here on his return to plat-torm- . Acting -- stop- by nection with the Prasak irrigation and Progressives will be on'.the : Superintendent W. C. Woodf after trying to streetcars insurance attorney, globe trotter, to make munitions. Naturally they Japan, speaking of the Japanese situ- ' project, -- which will ultimately cost . " - . '' '." ward, has sent one of his engineers force. ,.: cousin to former United States Sena- don't want the United States to fight ation in the western United States ; $4,250,000. This scheme provides for to the BI5 Is'and to make an examj Police Embitter Mooney. , Clark's fli st wife, and en- arid majority tor W.'A. anyone; naturally, also, they credit Prasak and fuller Canada, stated that the iratlon of the trouble and see what The action of. the police In his at- thusiastic Hawuii booster, 'who arrived good a great canal ior Japanese come to these countries ATTEMPT BEING MADE ; the administration for the times development of the existing canal sys- of ctn be . don e toward remedying It tempted strike embittered him in the Manoa for his firBt visit here. and are quite favorable to it," chiefly for the purpose of. studying of tem of Klong Kangsit The project SALVAGE-BEA- TLs drainage canal is part of the against them and when enemies Wakefield Is one of those people - American, methods, and entertained :::.T0 Wakefield has acquaintances - i- "' -- -- 1 several Is designed to- reclaim much waste ?. . ; Waiolama swamp reclamation police among the striking long- ? wanderlusting work. the who has turned his in Honolulu, including Capt. Marshall cultiva- no particular; desire to remain, their '30-aC- re for rice Wireless) incrudes a: All part circulated . a petition to re- war land in lower Siam Japan (Assoeisted. Press by hich of of shoremen soles toward the West since the of Schofield ambition being tf return to and Jedfly - v Mooney Childs Barracks. tion. Only 'the first unit of the scheme EUREKA, ,Cal., Aug. 10. The . the swamp and drainage of the bai- duce policemen's salaries, has tied up the resorts of Europe. He apply knowledge gained to affairs : Nearly caught in Europe by the Ou- developed at present. It is the Bear of the San, Francisco-- - ' ex- will be "i- steamer ace. helped them,, continued Dillon's is staying at the Young hotel and will at homo, . ." :C' tbreak of the European war, Wakefield estimated by-t-he British experts who .' Portland"run. ashore south of planation. . . In the Niagara. dilten leave leaving who employed to make a survey some week -- In justice to the : longshoremen he ' Hardly, had the Smoky City man ar- hurried home, a daughter have been this port In a hsavy storm SOCIETY CANNOT USE : ! ' expendi- DELAWARE HEALTH BOARD ; had been studying music in Germany, of the situation Chat a total ago, been 'pulled .13 feet seaward says, however, that leaders of that rived In town before ho looked up his years has GOVERNOR'S DONATION strike tore up the petitions as rapidly counterpart, in name at least, whom in London. He has not been back to ture of laO.OOO.OOO within 25 "l DECLARES QUARANTINE from her cradle of sand. Another 'at- " reclaim as they were found. ; he met quite ipadvertently In Paris Europe since, although .he had crossed will make it possible to' tempt to move the wreck will be made v '' : :: war; ,cf lower Siam, AGAINST THREE STATES f - y A contribution sent by Governor fit never was the Intention of la- five years ago. This is James Wake- the Atlantic regularly before the 2,400,000 acres land in today,:-- 'm.-- g daughter returned Lvclus . Pinkham to a society bor organizations to lower any work-Jn- field, manager the drygoods depart- neither has his for tr by Federal Wireless) . FROM BIRTH ' re- Co., home. For awhile she stayed in Eng- Forty Geargia; watermelons were (Assoeisted Press sending milk to Central 'Europe to man's wage " remarked Dillon, ment of Theo. H. Da vies & Ltd. folk-dat- e ' com- 10. v Many helpless "and' -- land, then doubled back to Switzer- cut in the rooms of the house NEW. XORK. N. T.; Aug; The cfinled feed starving babies: cannot be used, ferring to this action-- Having heard considerable election Chir ' says hie as land and is now in Paris. mittee on interstate and foreign com Delaware state health department has their, trouble from birth. ofScera of the socfety having written Dillon would not express an opinion talk Wakefield has much mahy axe capable g3X - merce. ' ' Chairman Adamson contrib declared quarantine to. exist against praetors find cf the governor that they have been pre- as ; to whether the three union ' men right to guess who will be the next Only three miles behind the firing ' -; the Pennsylvania New wen. - yy : ,- an early adjournment of New iTork and ting vented from carrying intended are guilty. : - r president as any one has and that line at the Battle of Mons Wakefield uted to out the prevalence .. '. got says, lower body when he announced on the Jersey cn account of the Consultation free. charity. They to the The courts ' will decide he venture Is: "Wilson has the best all the war he wanted, he ' offered return that. - M 1GHTO N; D. Cv ; noney, but governor has said, "but If they are will be no chance,' although Hughes is a strong right at the beginning of the titanic floor that all members were invited to of tnfantih? paralysis. The quarantine ' P. C. : the written it ' will go S04 Boston Over Henry lUy'i i, un struggle. attend the cutting.. into effect at bnce. Bids. tbem to keep it ; reflection on the San Francisco man" STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. TEN ?: i ' ' : . . m mr a tifiiT .1 mmmm mmHOTEL SAN FRANCISCO (tery . Sired, Jmt fl UalM

- -- - - r --- : ' ww i im hmm Umf m mm UM itstst .1rr -- jz w N w steel and concrete struc- ture. .350 rooms, 2 6 A connect- 4 MANY ENTERED Lefty Crumpler Pitches Good ing bathrooms. Homelike com- Local Sportsmen Make Big Ball, But Rogan Spms the fort7 rather than unnecessarily Honolulu Will Send Big expensive luxury. In center of Beans With Three Hits theatre, cafe ana retail districts. Catch of Tuna Off Honolulu On car lines ransierrmg tau FORSVIIHNG "Lefty" Crumpler broke into the over city. Take municipal car-li- ne Claud limelight again yeaierday at Fort direct 1or Motor Bus On me 1 Delegatio when he held the strong meets trains a n.-- ateamerar 25th Infantry team to seven hits and Ho(t 8twmrt r M MEET AT Y. M. three runs, before the largest and B O Coda. Swimmers, Will Leave at- "Trwf" j Local Tennis Stars, Polo Players and most enthusiastic crowd that has J. B. Lev. Haauhlt KprMaUtiv. J n - i . r- Home Festival on Maui Friday Evening Big " - tended a game there. He lost and for Harvest the 91st Company riso lost, but he Will Be One of Features Special Rate l! sate, and Rogan Tennis Tournament IV "'' i Four Feature Events Listed on held the Wreckers ' and Johnson were the only players to Made for Round Trip Maui Expects Banner Crowd Program; Preliminaries f PLEASANT0N HOTEL hit him hard. LUXURIOUS AND Held Friday Night Waterhouse was on the mound for 'Tenn'a, polo, tnvimnvng and base- dy, on3 of the players of the city who the Wreckers, and pitched great ball, COMFORTABLE with-ou- t STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS- S ... ball V.I be MX features cf the Har- has shown heaps of promise, and in pitching line did not have if great showing .More 75 swimmers of Honolu- - but the 100 vest Heme Festivat which will be held traotlse ha made a than much on the southpaw. Rogan cavort- ROOMS .. .50 BATHS I present a meeting at the Maul Saturdry A delegation or In tournament ilay, will be paired lu were at ield bat secured on i arrange ed in centerf and at : with W. Pfluger. Y. M. C. A. last evening to 20 tenniu layers will leave g Critchfield more than I coming swim-jmin- three of the seven hits. 7 t 5 "Sonny" Cunha and Alan Davis will 'an entry list for the on tbe Clandine Friday afternoon Saturday evening. Aug and Dumshot secured two hits each and will return on Saturday be ralred for the tourney, and the meet on pitcher from Schofield. o'clock, 19, an attempt win t off the tall D "at midnight on the tame steamer. The former has ateo entered in the ust at which time Thehowing made against tne zttn and pole vault be made to lower the world s records Inter-Islan- d company has made a rate plunge fdr distance proves Crumpler and the 9lst Hotel 200-yar- d that Wahiawa ex- trip. . Accord.rig. to Lowrey," Cunha is fcr the 160 and swims. compare favorably Trt $12 and $14 for the round were Company team will players will go a pected to win a number of points du- A program with the entry lists sec- With the , tenn.s Cyril even- with the other teams around this Nearly 1000 feet elevation; near de- who will compete In the swim- ring the meet. David Olson and. arranged, and the feature of the Managers and .number 500-yar- tion, and Paresa pot; grand scenery; fine ba fishing, while a number of the Hoogs will be aired In the tennis ing, the d swim, will bring out schedule ming meets, George Cunha Freitas could do worse than for particulars address E. L. KRT7SS. the trip. events. Among the players who are Duke Kahanamoku, aggregation. " ' Heading poloists will make having a a earn with this It is Wahiawa. Phone 039S. This tojether with the baseball and expected to make a good showing are and "Stubby" Kruger, all certain that the 91st Company squad A, Xowell, Castle's i good over It Other events will make an ideal pro- Harold Castle and VI V v malT this instance. would give the Saints or Lulus a good j surprising if the gram for those interested In sport. overhead drive are expected to strike would not be at all game. The score: ' ' I oppon- Hatfield : ' Lowrey Lano Siarg; : terror into the hearts of the world's record made by 91st Co C A. C, heinie's tavern Lowrey is making the arange-ment- s ents.".- ...; would be smashed, as the three swim- ABRHSHPO A E Aett Popular Beach Resort in "Alan Cooke making close to six Tor the tennis crowd and will Ernest Podmore and Piatt. mers have been Wellington, cf . . 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 the City. v In matches Right-Ame- rican also have charge of the natators who jare expected to win their minutes for the distance. Crichfield, 3b ... 4. 0 2 0 1 1 0 Rates that are compete In relay. To date wbile on Maui. Arthur K.ce ana Har- Open Events. Dumshot. ss 4 0 2 0 7 3 1 and European Plan. will the compete Alan has lined up 16 players who are ry Macfariane will in the to the feature swim Armstrong, 2b .. 4 0 0 0 4 2 1 - "Or th Beach a Walk1k, i according to i the In addition good showing events, but 80-ya- 1 ; , expected' to make a tennis will be an rd open and a McGann, If ..... 2 0 1 ;o along for there ' 10 He has chairman have been taken Game-fis- Neely 200-yar- 4 0 t 4 , against the Maui contingent,. h caught in afternoon off H cnolulu harbor by Arthur W. d open event. The last event Petit c 0 - swimming ability more than for ...... ; 100 r gathered together a number of real their "and Guy Rothwell. of the evening will show the cham Keller, rf ...... 3 0 0 0 1 0 ' players, has beens and perhaps nev their work with the racquet relay Andru33, lb .... 3 0 0 0 8 2 0. Go. pions In a trial for the world's erwasses, but still is confident that Officials to What skilled wielders of the rod large shark off the stern of the records. Two of the features which Crumpler, p .... 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 (lOHAOOr racqueters. Bob McCorristcn is making the trip waters launch, as fishermen know "Ihe v he will win from the Maul and reel can do in Honolulu and all mean much to swimming here are the en- tennis stars, and " 'He has already secured enough as trainer of the has been graphically emphasized by these gentlemen do not come around girls events. These events are plac- Totals ...... 31 0 5 1 27 11 3 A Luxurious Home Hotel to make eight teams, and with Frank Armstrong, who has the, ar- Arthur W. Neely, deputy tax assessor, as disinterested spectators, I de- 25th Infantry. tries charge reservations ed on the program to increase the in 1429 Makikl SC Phone S873 7, hangers on expects to rangements in for and Guy Rothwell. Whether their cided to try him out on light tackle. ABRHSHPO A E several other will look after, the terest in swimming among the girls. enter the largest delegation that has on the ClaucMne. catch is a record in local waters or I reeled fa until I could see my bait With plans outlined, for the coming Cullins, rf ..... J 1 0 0 route. Dr. F. F. g '010 an outside tennis players en a game-fishin- and then threw over a, generous hand- 5 2 3 0 1 0 0l ever 'represented Oahu in not, ft is remarkable Fanny : Durack and Olga Dorfner Rogan, cf ... .. resigned as physician of 2 -r .. JSome of the players Hedetnann has ful of chum, which seemed to please 4 0 2 0 4. 2 tournament Is achievement. here, something must be done to cre- Johnson, c ... .. While Seelna the Volcano Stop if' they for the crowd and the chairman 4 0 0 3 1 0 have, been taken along because Neely, who is as handy a letter-write- r his shafkship; and after he cleaned The Y. W. C. A. will Smith ss ...... 0 ;VV. ex now looking for a tennis physician. up my ate interest. 0 2 0 0 At ; . good swimmers, while others game-fisherma- that he laid bold of hook, and Gollah, 3 0 0 .are a polo match will as a gives the chaperone all young ladies who wish If .. ' the trip to cheer for . It is expected that right here I want to assure you that 2b 4 0 1 0 THE VOLCANO HOUSE O pect to make ' story well in a letter he has written to enter the events, and in the novice Fagin, ...... - be staged while on Maul In addition .to I ex- 0 1 41410 .1 surs. Star-Bullet- in did" not again see that hook for b . 3 0 Hawaiian Toura Co. the local tennis features. to a friend and which the race there will be a number of entries. Moore, ..... how the swimming and two 11 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 75-7- - v Maui has not announced their is permitted to quote: actly hours and minutes, when expected the girls will Hawkins, lb .... 6 Merchant Phone 1923 Harold Castle and Arthur Rice will It is not that u St teams will be wranged, o. the local "My dear friend Jack: Guy succeeded in throwing the har- under any club or association, Waterhouse, p . . 3 l u i i word comes be along to make up two members of poon ugly enter v.. manager Is waiting until give you into his frame. I'd like to but will enter to increase the Inter contingent Just how the team, while Lowrey. and Pflugei 'The enclosed picture will fellow who me ..133 3 7 1 27 12 5 from the home Of remember the told that est the sport. Totals'..... ' Hoogs have lad some experience with the an idea cf. the possibilities tuna scrap hook- in Innings: " the teams will be entered., a shark would not when so Hits and runs by V SEE . . . Altogether the events have been . fishing waters of ; Warren will be among the players mallet. ..'' . in and about the ed. That joker has got it all ovef Company ' nd expected that' there will be a Honolulu. arranged as to bring out the best 91st tp make the trip, and tne two Bills It is Chester Doyle, and needs to be watch, Swimming Runs ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 W Ho-no'u.'- U showing by the athletes. Y upen to win from the large crowd on the Claudlne as the "Guy Rothwell and myself left ed, t . 1 0 0 1 CO E are coanted Ka-hul- ui fcr mrr real ovssndnes" Basehita ... 10 10 15 will return after the ball at 5, preliminaries will be held at the .Y. ' FOR . FURNITURE Valley boat last Saturday night, August Fh ' - players on the Isle. n one rk tl "ft there is in a Mex M. C. A. tomorrow evening, at 25th Infantry with Saturday night and will leave 11:30 up for - tank 1 0 1 0 0 0 . Lowrey wia be entered at;. ani struck channel ican After we paid re- 100-var- 0 0 . Young Alan gfnfl. our whlrh time the d novice. 80- - Runa 13 Building; o two play-er- s here on Friday, giving the business Mokaru Point, but after bucking a U . S 1 1 6 2 0 0 0 1- -7 Henoch and these srect8 to this nuisance and relieved , 220-yar- d - Basehita . - one-ha- lf away yard open, novice and 150- account men- only day from very heavy1 sea for a couple of hours . play,- - Fagin to should gire. an excellent p him of the harpoon and tackle we Summary Double " round-tri- rate yard back HBtroke will be staged. former is one of their labors. With a we came about and headed for Bar- two-bas-e hits. of themselves. The Home Fes- cast him off andrfluy began fishing The list of. events and entries to Smith to Hawkins; for the trip to the Harvest day- - leading tennis players of Hawaii, bers Point, arriving at just about fish,- whil4 lajd up - ana ivw t 'the : - - for I for repairs in Crichfleld,' Dumshot, tuiuns ; ' ex- follows: , Coriegian Clothes . tival i fha intr.lgl)uid- - i fomnanrr-- . date are as : - and as rule nas made a great show i v break. ..We. anchored in 90 fathoms shape .of a Asmoke and a drink gan. r' oatfrifice hits McGaam and ; ' pects tanner crowd, on hand. te; ing in doubles flay. Stanley Kenne to have a of water and began to 'churn for big Of water) and several bandaged fin-- Program. Moore; struck out bjr Crumpler 4, by ones. After 15 or 20 minutes of ee-- , 1 Novelty : on ;;. balls, off '.,:- - swim. Waterhouse 2; base Particular People we got 500-yar- d Kahanamo- 1. Um-- I this stunt out our regulation "Guy hooked 'pippin' almost im- 2 swim Duke rmmnior i off Waterhouse 16-02. a' of post tackle rod and 24 cuttyhunk mediately, song of ree ku, George Cunha, Harold Kro- pires, Stayton ' and. Crowe: Time At THE CLARION qymium at and the the ger,' , fu:;h for Kne with about six feet of piano wire was agaife in the iland. "Tough Bill," Oliver. game, 1 hour and 2a minutes. leader and a,No. 10 Van Vleck hook, ."Hell, Cid man, to cut short, we 3 200-yard breast stroke David it D. and slipped on a generous sized chunk 13 long Kahanamoku, George Hawkins, fArtFRM TEAM r- . BBiiim. w m m i m m landed one shanc about ,eet TENNIS i.niim iiiiiii of bait and let it down about 30 fath- and estimated weight about two tons, Keala. MacFle, "Tough Bill." F.!inufacturers Shoe Co. LJtd. 4 100-yar- d novTce WEST, NAMED oms and awaited results. I think it fcur tuna weighing from 41 to 97 Preliminaries on TO MEET was abcut 15 minutes before trouble pounds, aiso one1 dolphin, all before Friday night of Quality 5 BushnelL 28. The Dealers in Shoes started, end It showed up in the 11 a. m. and I guess we would have Plunge for distance NEW .YORK, N. July ' shape $8-pou- Ah Cheong, A. Melim, R. will - cf a tuna on the end been at iv yet had not the bail (real Pratt Eastern tennis team that. 1051 -- For Amuse- , - Fort St. Phone 1782 Fealy Has Already Raised $3498.55 Qf my line. 1 shou'd say that trouble, bait) p'ayed out, McEldowney. the singles against Pacific Coast play- 80-ya- 6 rd open Kahanamoku, with a great big T,' really started at Jt is a mistaken idea that one has 'Duke ers In the inter-section- al matches at time, Clarence Lane, John Kelll, Haw- 4 ' Something that but it did not actually to journey to Maui or-- Hawaii. or any Forest Hills, N. Y on August and c Business Houses Give Larg2 Sums to "Do For "show in,' for exact'y 50 minutes aft- kins. A. B. Carter, Jr.. Holstein. today hy other isiartd for tuna, as this will . 5, was selected at Boston gun slip- Preliminaries Friday night ; Board Structure Practically Assured at Post er the first and when Guy prove; ajd within .two hours' run a committee consisting , of Julian S. Beaver ; f: SpldiePermanent ped the go 1 1 under his sk'n, I felt from harbor one can 7 Intercollegiate race ' Cornell, Side ilono.ulu find Myrick, president of the West ( for Better Walls that I had' been somewhere. . Yale, College of Hawaii, Harvard. & . , . 25.00 as good fishing as can be had in any Hills; Edwin on Hiram Walker Sons. .... 8 - 50-ya- rd Tennis Club, Forest ; '"Bince the J'ast report was made "Well, Jack, things certainly looked place. ' Girls- open. and Ceilings gymnasium fund, Chap--t Patrick F, Ryan. 25.00 9 Diving from springboard R. Ful- Sheafe of Boston and Craig uraaie oi the Scofield 20.00 as If they were ccming our way and "Trusting this '.will make you anx- Philadelphia. ' Fealy has gathered to j C A Peucuck.., we immediately ler, Krebs, F. Carter, A. B. Ca at LEWERS & COOKE n lain Ignatius 20.03 got over some more ious it)' return io ycur old stamping were Fred D. large eum and the totaj con- - MetropoliUn Meat Market. ... chum and besran dansrtihg ter, Jr., Fred Howard, Hjorth, ' The players chosen 2 getber 15.00 for another grounds, 1 zta aa ever, your friend, New York; Karl Behr, gym ; S. 1 "Tough Bill." Alexander, . fo? the soldier boys' Ozakl.i...... one, when Guy suddenly spotted a . . , . . .. "A. W. NEELY." tributlons . '". . . 10.00 10 Diving. O. M.-- Church, Tenafly, N. ' $3498.55. According tv Kllohana Saloon . . Sensational New York; 0 has reached 200-yar- 14.00 11 d swim, open Duke Ka- Nathaniel Nlles, Boston; Watson - husi-,- . First F. A. swfll J.; ,. Chaplain Fealy,- the Honolulu Nor-ri- s have Ida W. Waterhouse ...... i 10.00 YESTERDAY'S hanamoku. George Cunha, Harold M. Washburn. New York, and R. uessmea and private citizens SCORES ENTRY BLANKS Kruger. John Kelii, "Tough Bill." Philadelphia. " an aswer as ot Emmeluth & Co.. ;'...... 10.00 Williams II of . realized that this was IN BIG 12 220-yar- d D. G. May . . . . . ;". . .'. . 10.00 THE LEAGUES novice. Preliminaries Teams for the doubles will be Behr what to do for the soldier and have Friday night and Williams. v ...... 10.00 and Alexander, Church : Fred W. Waldron...... given fund willingly ' ; 15 150-yar- d to the , . 10.00 NATIONAL LEAGUE.. back stroke Kruger, Maurice McLrraghlin will not play hi i, been a busy Pergstrora Music Company . . Chaniam Fcalr has At New York Ft. Loui3 3, Hawkins. Kaupiko, MacFie, A.'B. inter-eection- was an- Rawley's ice cream ...... 10.l0 New FOR BIG MEET the matches. It provel' ' ! man of late and results have York 0; New 8, St. 4 Carter, Jr. Preliminaries Friday ':'-- : Yrk ?.ouis f.'::':;-- -- . con--J Holllster Drug Company. . io.oo nounced... Many of officers have At Philadelphia Cincinnati 8, Phll-ade- lj night ' It the 10 00 'x tributed to the fund and more Is ex-- F. A.. Schacfer & Co...... hia 1. 16 Bank relay Bank of Hawaii, M'INERNY PAEK i 10.0 WOOD NOW E. J...... Prooklyn 6, Bishop & Co., "SMOKY JOE" - ' Pcted "ben .the officers receive their j Lord... At Droolllyn Chicago First National. Elegant Lots :y' speaking Henry Holmes . . . , . . . 10.00 0. OFF THE PRESS 17160 and 200-yar- d relay Duke Ka AGAIN . increased pay. .One officer, READY: TO PLAY & Dough erty J 10.00 At Rain. hanamoku, George Cunha, Clar- CHAS. DESKY, Agent of the gymnasium, said - that ne was Wall Bastcn In-- p ; . 10.0 ence heartily in favor of the plan and, Arthur Berg ...... Lane, Harold Kruger and BOSTON, .Mass., July 26. J? Merchant near Jort portion f his ln-- Miss Nellie. Allen . 10.00 AMERICAN LEAGUE. John KeliJ. mainstay of the Red . tended to donate a Will Enter in Wood, the former Dr. C. B. Cooper...... 10.0!) At Detroit Philadelphia 7, Detroit Swimmers Who creased pay to the fund. ... 1. Sox, whose pitching arm has kept him ' & .' 10.00 September Meet May .. - Secure : Wlchman Co.. "SPEED" MARTIN BEING season, will Join PiriMDMt Structure Cleveland 3, cut of the game all J ames H. Peterson . . . . 10.00 At Cleveland New re- It Is thought that there wlll be a York X Blanks From John Soper WATCHED NOW BY BIG the team soon, according to a letter H. MIYAKE Jane Walker ...... 10.00 Lannin. tonight gymnasium structure at . 1 ceived by President v- permanent 10.00 At ChicagoI3c3ton 2, Chicago swim--J Army Magazine ...... LEAGUE BALL SCOUTS summer home i will include a (12 innJngs). Entry big swimming Wood wrote from his the post and this lo.r.o blanks for the Oriental Art Goods o mlng tank, bowling alleys, a lecture A Friend ...... At St. Louis St. Louis 4, Washing- at Parks Glenn, Pa., that he would be 10.00 carnival which will be held in the "Speed" Martin has attracted a lot ; Club at ; Union Grill ...... ton 1. ready-fo- r his regular turn, In the box. hall and games hall. The Ad harbor on September 2, 4 and 5 may of lately big Fort, above Beretania move-- Honolulu Music Company..... 10.00 attention from the soon. No Intimation was given at the recent meeting Indorsed the - a Fitzpatrick Bros...... 10.00 be secured from John Soper at the league scouts. That the reports go- Wood ment and some of the members have , ..... AMERICAN LEAGUE. club headquarters as to whether ! !,ng are favorable to young - Maj. De Laney 5.0 W I, Pet Hawaiian News Company. The the which he ia already contributed to. the fund. With- snown by receipt had accepted the terms Caru Mettler ...... 5.00 Boston . 60 44 577 blanks include a list ot the events for oak twiner is the reported to have rejected when the out the gymnasium will be one of , doubt . tentative ofreTs from three big STYLES .- 5.00 Cleveland . 59 45 567 INDIVIDUAL of the biggest boosU to athletics Inj William H. Crane -. the three evenings, and carry all in- league clubs. season opened. Valentin . . . . . 5.00 Chicago . . . 60 46 566 MILLINERY history Hawaii, aa will bo Father regaramg En-tr'e- s Chicago IN the .of there 5.00' Detroit . S7 50 532 formation tne meet Detroit the Cubs and the Illi- 5000 Maj. Bloomberg ...... 26 5 p. ne- Pennsylvania, West Virginia, total attendance of more than . I will close August at m. Chicago White Sox have started New York a On 5.00 New York . 55 49 529 Ohid together produce more Direct from ,': w Hook Company...... With coining Voilmer, Lang-e- r gotiations with the club and nois and ... men,' . '. 7 SL Louis . 53 51 510 the of Oakland min- Boston Bldf. t Castner Garage 5.00 and Cann this month interest it is probable that Martin will be sold than 40 per cent in value of the MISS POWER r ,;AJnongl those who v were in?tru: Washington 51 51 500 United M. J. Falvey: (Washington, SO should increase in the big carnival. agsin. erals found in the States.. , mental in creating a. funds for the Philadelphia 0 200 largest electri- ! 6.00 I as without doubt this meet will be Of course he will not be sent East Chili will have the gymnasium , are: Mary Castle Trust (Molokal) . 5.00 i ever cal .power plant .in South America, tltiQl $250; Hack-- ' Brother Dutton NATIONAL LEAGUE. the best staged in Hawaii and this season. Oakland needs all it has MrsrCvI Bodrejo, I capacity 40,000 : horse- Charles J. Flcbig...... : .... 5.C W pct will rank with the best in the world. at nresent. but the management will with a of about feld & Co $250: CasUe & Cooka, L power,. to supply mining operations. DO IT ELECTRICALLY ; 5.00 . is certain the entries in the probably make some sort of deal to -- Mary Johnson . . . : ...... Brooklyn . 60 35 532'ilt that $250; Honolulu Iron Worka,"'$l50; J. j Frederick Donnelly 5.00 . 55 38 220 and 500 swiiji will be the best in get player in return for its 1916 rM-Athert- Boston i 'Trust; $100,and Lewers ! Maj. 5.00 Philadelphia 55 41 573 e bistory of swimming. "find." $100. .Among, who Hartnett M ffff Electric Co. 'tCooke, those York . 50 46 521 nnnniirw"""" ori Hawaiian recently con the fund Miriam Sinclair 5.00 New ....DRAYTON hare Vributed to Chicago . 46 55 455 LONG DISTANCE CHAMP may CoL Reichmann 2.50 FENCED PLAYGROUND IS be mentioned: Louis . . . 46 59 438 , Kenneth Alexander 2.10 St tT!shop & Co. ;.v. ;iV,;v. a $250.00 Pittsburg . 41 53 436 NOW ON MEXICAN BORDER PLANNED BY H0LLINGER 0 iV.;.'i-102.5- Capt Walson ...... 1.00 Xchofield enlisted: men...... 40 66 377 Com- Cincinnati SWISS CHIFFON Co.-;.v.'- Golden Gate Stevedoring ;C. i 100.00 formprly HIGHLAND Brewer Alexander Harr'son. of the Playground apparatus will be In -- ; pany 5.00 jJT Allen;&' Robinsoa . .100.00 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. 25th Infantry, who holds the island stalled on the mauka side of Aala 'ote'Paperln ynfte; R. K. Evans . 5.00 8S0-yar- d C-l- t Cooke. 100.00 Gen. W L Pct record for the run. has been U Uu U u U lJ M or blue. Envelopes QU D. lirs 5.0U Park, and if Supervisor Ben Hollinger, tiilkLJ u u u CO.-Hal- l & . 50.00 Mai. Lenihan Los Angeles 63 50 558 called back for dutv again, and is to match. Son...... chairman of the park committee, can . Chaplain Fealy 5.00 . . , , 64 53 547 now with the 24th Infantry Hotel , Hawaiian Trust Company.-...- ;- 50.00 Vernon stationed 5.00 64 57 529 N. M. get the board to appropriate the DRAYTON ARLEIGH S . Street - (tleorrs 25.00 Lieut. Huntley San Francisco at Columbus, Harrison made J.Wond. 53 49 A. money a fence will be put around o lJU- 3. Beach. Company. 25.00 A. N. Sanford;.... 5J0 Portland 520 a new island record at the last A. an 52 . 58 473 TJ. with part park designated for . 25.00 Japanese Bazaar ...... Salt Lake meet, and has born meeting that of the HcnolUla X3ka; No. 616. ..V. . 76 Men 1 45 ?72 success in the events on the main th use of the small children. Fashion Center for DuPott;...... '.. 25.03 Dulsenberg & Co 5.00 Oakland U. 8. Senator Yesterday's results; land. I "A fence is ntded to keep them Thompson, MUrerton & Cath-- Coyne Furniture Company. 5.00 .. 7, Oakland 2. Harrison has been entered in a running out into Beretania : - C. R. Forbes-.-- ... 5.00 Salt Lake from xart v..;..,...... ,. Vernon 1, Portland 2. number of races on the coast and has and into the path of automo- ; Pineapple '. Company 25.00 The Lynch Company 5.00 street COLLAR ; Hawaiian San Francisco 8, Los Angeles 7. not been headed ence, which shows biles and street cars,", he said this City MIU Company 25.00 Mrs. H. C. Reynolds...... 5.00 kept THIN. LIGHT YET STARCHED AND. that the island runner has in morning. "I ee. my way clear ilCHTLY 15ceMii k foc 90c j Benny & Co...... 25.00 John T. Gulick. 5.00 Apnellat training runs. It can't ...... Judee Frank Baker of the for the distance . of - - to put up the playground aparatus un ctprrr,rooToK,iic HoteL Eva Fort King & Klng (Washlngon , McChesney Coffee Company... 3.J0 Illinois, might be well to give Harrison a fly- Court of the First District of ! ' :, til the fence is built" - V, fej V;7I ; .v. i .V 25.00 J Charres. E. Frasaer. 2.50 died in Chicago, age 75. ' ing start after Pancho Villa. STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 191G. ELEVfi lirrW4ffi)M ri win A m fFli1

( V paid nxxl-mu- m STAR-BULLET- be by asjessmcstlt.the HONOLULU IN FOR SALE BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS GUIDE rate of 30.45 per j trxjaC loot against the abutting lands in front of BEMI-WEKL- ! FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS PICTURE FRAMING. DAILY AND T which the same shall be laid, there Property An Unusual Oppor- Geo. M. Yamada; concrete, wood and Hiyaahita. River st, near KakaL being approximately SOO.OfeeL Subscription: ' Beach. Terms of tunity A portion of the property ao-joinl- stone construction. Estimates fur- 6442 3m v..: Daily Star-Bulleti- n 75 cents per month. premises of F, W. Msc-farla- ne nished. Road building, grading, etc 18 per year, S cents per copy; the ESTIMATE OF COST. Peninsula has been Room 208 McCandless Bldg. Phone SHOEMAKER. Star-Bulleti- n, ' at the Bemi-Weekl- y f2 per 6468-t- (1) The maximum estimate sold, leaving a tract of 45,738 square j I i! u 2157. f - : year. V ij Yang Hon. shoemaker. 726 Kins of the entire cost of the with a water frontage of 180 r, 6460 feet Y. Fukucbi, builder, painter, paper-hange- Sa improvement inclndine; . discrimi-- j Inci-uental- a, Advertising Rates: feet which will enable a general contractor. Cor. Engineering, and : , j SAMPLE ROOMS. ClMRlfled sod. Business Announce-i- n natlng purchaser to erect one of the River and Beretanla. TeL 3677. ia maximum.. $33,077.50 rata 1 cent per word per each Inser- finest bomes on the Island of Oahu. 6511 tf if you want good quarters to display (2) Total estimate of cost of tion, up to one week. Oah'u Railway & Land Co.. 404 jour samples la Hllo, use Osorlo's new curbing ...... 13T.0O Knew Bldg. 6348 3t CITY CONSTRUCTION general (3) 33 3 per cent cost Estimate six words per Stangenwald CO, store 6940-t-f of or. Per tine, one week ...... 30 cents contractors. 1320 Fort nr. Kakit. Contribution of City and .. . Per line, two weeks 40 cents Residence vacant lots ready for - Phone 4490. 64526 SOFT DRINKS. County to Mala Thor- - . line, one month .70 cents building; good roads; prominent oughtare . . . ; . . . . : . 10,930jOO Per Vlueyard, TeL " line, six months.. 60 cents ea. mo. residential section; within walking Sanko Co Nuuanu and Oar sodas will make your buslnea (4) Maximum cctimate of H:: Per g, npon application, distance from town. Phone 1884. 3151; contracts, building, paper-hangin- grow. Hon. Boda Water Wks, tele cost of the general, im - Other rates v " ' No advertisements of liquors or cer- Jose C Sousa, No. 4, Brewer Bldg. cement work, cleans lots. phone 3022. 6442 Ur prorement to be assess-- 6487-t- . 6327 ' ' tain proprietary medicines will be ac- . f tf ed on a frontage basis ' 8HIRTMAKERS. after deducting items : - -- cepted. Valley Adjacent to Country Building, cement work, painting, ad- Nuuana pecifically borne Is.... 2151.70 In replying to advertisements Club, 7 acres, grand view; Torrens' plumbing, eta Aloba Bldg. Co, 1464 YAMATOYA Shirts1 and pajamas o dress yonr replies exactly as stated In (3) Total frontage subject ; title; a bargain. See Pratt' the King at, phone 1576. M. K. Goto, made to order. 1305 Fort at, opp to assessment for the advertisement v -- the Land Man. 923 Fort, telephone 1602. manager. 6056 tf Kakui at, phone 2331. f 442 Cm genersl Imrrovement 4.057.2 feet yon are a telephone subscriber, " If 6437-- tf C442 6m (6) Maximum phone your advertisements: we will M. Fujita, contractor and builder, rate to be paper hanger. 5002. assessed per frontv foot ' charga it For Sale house with lot, painter, Phone la. AkagL 1211 Nuuana at ahlrtakai " for tbe general Improve- - . OUR PHONE IS Mil. 100x150; Llkelfke ave, Wllhelmina 6300 lvr 307 tf ' ' ment exclusive of cost of . r; Rise. For further Information teleph- MANUFACTURERS Yamatoya. 1146 new curbs 33.41301$ one-2450. 6451-t-f .CRACKER a. shirts, Nsaana st ' WANTED ' ' Wll.-- - - 6451 3m ; (7) Tptal frontage subject to. v

m King $2400 Six-roo- bouse; 2 bedrooms, Nichl Shodo, banana crackers. st 42.!v6m ' PITCH AND GRAVEL ROOFING .mosquito-proof- ; glass porch; base- - SOOA WATER. strnction of new curbing 300.0 ft (8) Maximum to be as--.' 1 In soliciting; your HOOFING business ment; practically new. Puunul Ave. rate - 6540-t- ENGRAVING rhe best comes from the Hon. 8ods sessed per front foot for we offer you work that Is performed Tel. 2056. : - f : Water Wks. That's the kind yon the cost; of new curbing to- - mono- 1 on permanent, practical lines, Calling and business cards, 8022. : ' 0.45 ': 65x200, ave.; car want Telephone .6442 ly when necessary Lot on 7th near grams, an- :.:;.'..$ BEST. MATERIALS Star-Bulleti- wedding invitations and gether with the line; cheap. Address Box 404, n. Keep your eye on the ball and smash it right on All of which appears in more detail performed nouncements, stationery, etc.; cor- HOUSES. - OBTAINABLE, and not - 6548 tf TEA in the Englneera report- hereinafter to MEET A PRICE It's cheapest In the top for a home run! rect' styles. Star-Bullet- in Printing referred to-- and herein incorporated Department, 125 Merchant tteso, best Japanese dinners. T. W. ' J long" run, and ' MINIMIZES st by , ; the AUTOMOBILES reference. . 4 Oda, prop. TeL 3212. 6133-t-f v MAINTENANCE COSTS. Home runs count and every man has - that FURNITURE '..VI., . rw : A constant experience In ROOF CHEAP 1912 Overload Roadster with ' bition and pep can make them these days. UMBRELLA MAKERS. FURTHER DETAILS . - self-starte- r; ' ING of over twenty-tw- o years In the American Roadster, all Fujikawa, cor. King ft South sta., teL J. ' Tbe map and general plans 'and places PEERLESS electric . lights, overhauled and S. MIxuta Umbrellas made and re- Territory the 1623; ruga, mirrors, etc., reasonable. othe'r so prepared by Engin - 1911 room, auto or data the PRESERVING PAINT .CO. In a posi- painted; .Overland, Rent your house or sell your real 6316-t-f paired. 1284 Fort, nr. Kuklui; phone ' good condition. Frank Coombs 5058. : 7 ; 5553-t-f eer, in his preliminary report' dated tion to know your roofing needs. ' estate, find your lost'artides or that job you're . by j nd-han- July 27, 1916, and adopted '.the Bishop and Queen sts phone '2182. d ""furniture bought prices are never lowered to a ! New and f Our Star-Bulleti- n Board, with respect to the proposed MATERIALS 6546 tf - ing for do all this through Want Ads. 3998, 1281 WATCHMAKERS point necessitating" INFERIOR and sold. Phone Fort st Improvement (incorporated herein1 by 6453-6- m -- -- or INEXPERIENCED Going to the mainland, will sell chess I Diamonds watches and Jewelry bought reference) may be seen and examined '. WORKMEN. . -- Get into the game! of- l. car. Addresi SalkL Bamboo furniture; $63 Bereta-nl-a old and exchanged. J. Carlo, fort by any person Interested, at the, V,:- --. ;. : 4 9 and Mr, Pete Higgins Star-Bulleti- n. ' .Engineer Phone 81 Box 405, V. 6549 2t at t078-t- f tf' fice of the City and County , win gladly call on you and submit and of the City and County Clerk at to you an estimate of your roofing Overland -- ton truck; give us a price. CARPENTERS WOOD AND COAL any time during business hours; prior ' - - ' - Resolutions .- :; ' including August,29, 1318. work.- i Central Garage, King and. South, Call 4911 teL to and Furnitu- ranaba Co, PauahL nr. River st, N08.-55- PRESERVING PAINT '. . phone 2200. 6543 Ito Carpenter Shop, 465 N. King. ' 6 and 568 (Incorporated ? PEERLESS ft 2667; firewood and charooaJ, whole-sal-o re-cabinets by reference) on filer in es s. queen , .. to order. Tel 2370. herein are co, st. ; " 6297 1 and reUll. tf , . LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 6521 6m. the . office of the City and" .County J Clerk.;. " jJ'-.- To give you our ideas in respect to ' BY AUTHORITY '.: ' your Yegardless'as pedigreed ishmd-bre- d - Berkshire FRUITS AND PRODUCE. treating roofs, ta old. Apply L P. a" you boar, IS months . what kind of roof 'may have. Mar-ketln- NOTICE. Fernandez, Jr, care Territorial g Nosan Shokat watermelons, Aala lane HEARING., trj you like them, well arid'goodr if ' If Div. - 6544-- tf ,1 '"v 6099-t-f A 'Puhllo Hearlna resDectln?:.the not, ; they don't cost you a cenL PUBLIC HEARING, AUGUST 29, 1916 proposed improvement will. be; held 9 - Eureka Is no stranger in our 0 GARDENER. ' Paint MISCELLANEOUS at the Assembly Hall of the Board, of city. It was PATENTED IN HONO- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Supervisors of the City and County time-savin- g ; in-- . LULU in .1898, and has been ap- The Transo envelope I FOR RENT BUSINESS GUIDE K. Sakamoto. Japanese .artificial gar- BERETANIA' STREET FROM oKHooolulu on Angnst v2?,; 1916: at ventlon. . No addressing necessary dener; garden lanterns and hridgea. V JCING. STREET TO NUUANU plied- here 'continuously ever since. " the liour of 7:30 o'clock p. ra. or, as -- receipts. - Ho- IN PALAMA, HONOLU ' So you see TTE MUST.. HAVE In sending out bills or FURNISHED HOUSES. - CAFES AND "RESTAURANTS. Phone 1330. Vineyard and Nuuana STREET, soon thereafter as . thosa interested nolulu Star-Bulleti- n Co, Ltd, aol 6419-6- m LU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. . GIVEN - SATISFACTION. . AVE maybe heard, at which time; and place agents for patentee. . . tf Desirable houses in various parts of The Manhattan Cafe; meals at all TO THE OWNERS, LESSEES AND you " - fuH. opportunity will, be gfvea4o all KNOW that we; can convince w.. . , ., " - -- a j i - the city,- furnished and unfurnished, , hours; know for quality and ier- HAT CLEANER. OCCUPANTS OF LANDS ABUT persons present sugges- that it Is the longest lived paint on Inter-Islan- d ship- interested, to and Oahu Railroad at 115, 118, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 and vice; you should eat there. TING ON SAID PORTION OF im- Star-Bulleti- objections to proposed the market today, and it Is absolute' ping books n office, & .. y Leading hat cleaners; grand reduc- tions or the at tf up to $125 month. See list in our ' 6314 tf BERETANIA STREET, PRO POSED provement ;rny part - detail ly waterproof. Goodby to those tion on Panama' and Porto Rico IM- - or or office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd, Fort TO BE ASSESSED FOR THE - 3827.: i ' thereof. .r. .;, . troublesome leaks when we meet Orchids at JefTa Phone ' st., between King and Merchant , Boston Cafe, coolest i Vace in town. hats. 1152 Fort st, Blaisdell Bldg. ; r PROVEMENT OF SAID STREET, v , FOL--. After show drop Open day - 6506 6m . Datel; Honolulu, T. H, them. WE LEAD. OTHERS the l. AND TO ALL PERSONS INTER ' A August 4, 1015. y:-T- LOW.. EUREKA PAINT CO., Lou Hale Aloha Bathhouse and furnished and night Bijou theater. Hotel ESTED GENERALLY; ' SALE AND EXCHANGE. st . D. KALAUOKALANL FOR cottages Waialua Beach, by ; 6539 . Watanabe, hats cleaned. Hotel&Rlver. j . Rogers Prop., 218 Kaulkeolaut at the tf ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that " by 6446m City and County of 'Honolulu. 2096. 6539 Second-han- d ; week or month; can be reached Board of Supervisors of the Bldg, phone tf cameras and . lenses that the 6345 Aug. 4, 6 7, 8.; 9. 10, Jl.dZ, If. ' Koda-grap- f auto dally, leaving Lewis' Columbia Luncti Rooms; quick 1 h bus stable service City and County of Honolulu, In ac . -- bought old or exchanged." GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. 15. An Al stock salesman; mainland co- Shop, Hotel and Union sts. 8:30 a. mv returning 4 p. m.; $1 and cleanliness our motto; open day cordance with Resolution No. 556 and 16"' operative proposition; good commis- each way. Apply M. E. Sllva, phone and night Hotel st, opp. BetheL Shigemura, plating. Phone 6564.; Resolution No. 568, propose to im SEALED TENDERS: ' sion; list of prospects furnished; 1179. or White 898. 6518 tf 6430-6- m prove that portion of Beretanla street 0 local references, bank, commercial MOTORCYCLES, ETC. f from King street to Nusanu street, in Sealed tenders, will be received by agencies, ' Address with: refer- Alewa Heights 5 rooms, large bath- - "The Eagle" BetneL bet Hotel and ENGINEER. Palama, in the District of Honolulu Loan Commission of etc Komeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl King. King. A .place HYDRAULIC the Oahu Fund ences or no attention will be paid. ft room, pantry; lease. TeL 1842. nice to eat; fine aforesaid upon a frontage basis. the Territory of Hawaii at its office In Star-Bulleti- ' 6489 home cooking. Open night and day, Box 403," n. ' 6548 5t tf Jaa. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald, bldg, the Capitol Building, HonoIaltrT. H, 6338 ' tf consulting civil & hydraulic engineer. up 4 10 a. ta. of Tuesday, two-bedroo- m FRONTAGE TO BE ASSESSED. to o'clock Young man, eight yeara government AUCTION BTJLLETIK A cottage, $28 per month. 6375 r tf - August 15th; 1916, at which time and 871 New Orleans Cafe. Substantial meals, i i i i The frontage to be assessed consists - Young st, near KaplolanL : clerical experience : in Philippines, frontage, includ place same will be opened, for the We shall sell on Friday six rolls of : 6495 tf moderate. Alakea st, cor. Merchant of all that both sides seeks employment; .best references I JADE. JEWELRY. of Bere- furnishing of Cast Iron and Galvan- - 5589 ' ed, abutting on that portion Box 402, finest Linoleum, slightly damaged tf ' " furnished when desired. Furnished oj; unfurnished bungalows. tanla street from a line across Bere ized Iron Pipe and Fittings. Star-Bulleti- n. , 6546 by You will find this a good Cong cm Co, 24 Hotel at, bet Smith , 6t heat 7509. , tanla .street distant 120 feet from a Specifications and form of proposal one-quart- er . Phone 65496: CLEANING. AND DYEING. Nuuana; special paid buy at the usual whole-- and attention City Survey Monument located at the may be secured at the office of the Second-han- d top v ' stylish, European Jewelry, rings. office roll desk sale price. : be carefully to It must FURNISHED ROOMS. The Bee, clothes cleaning,1 Beretanla, of the mauka twenty (20) Honolulu : Water : Works, Kapiolanl Box v brooches, pins, . necklaces, intersection state size and price. Address scarf ' '- laid, and then it will be satisfac- opp laneC -- of King and Building. v -v- v , v 6347 Garden All clothes clean- quality and foot offset lines street v 74. Pala. MauL 6t tory as It hardens from-the- t first Furnished rooms and light housekeep- bracelets, etc. Finest Commission ed, dyed and pressed. Phone 3080. V 6332-l- y Beretanla street in Palama, to a line The Oahu LoanFund i best of workmanship. day - laid. Linoleum is an ing rooms; close in. Phone 1993. 641f-r6-m; . any it is ; across Beretan'a street passing reserves theright to reject or all Japanese young man wants position ' t contains lots of ., 6488 ' Monument near " .; '. - as chauffeur in private . family; article that latent tf , JUNK. through a City Surrey Lids. Royal ; v-- heat, together with Clothes Cleaning Shop. TeL 3149 Ewa side of Nuuanu street. (Signed) E. G. DUISETiTORO, Phone 4889. S 6544 lm the 'constant " Junk bought and sold. Phone 4366, the Light housekeeping and single rooms. 6213 .. ' Secretary, steady heat of our climate, has tf ' ' 6407-6- m ..'A'-! t 112 Vineyard, ' v Eecond-han- d 1825 Ganzel Place, cr. Fort 6.43-i- ot , wall teaLy, Address softened the substances, but after it ' ' THOROUGHFARE: CONTRI ' ; ' 6434-t- f cleaning. 3029. MAIN - . 514 tf skilfully we proved Harada, clothes :TeL Maklkl st is laid have that 6121 tf MERCHANT TAILOR BUTION TO COST BY CITY it will dry out and harden, and if a ; AND COUNTY. After a quarrel over money mat- ' FOR RENT OR LEASE. SITUATIONS WANTED. : Honolulu Renovating phones 1378 . Co, thin coat of varnisli Is put over it A. B. C. Renovatory; clothes cleaned, . Since by Resolution No. 556 said ters, Sam and Frank SorcL brothers, Star-Bulleti- n and 1596; men's suits, shirts mads Competent wish- .you will Jlnd It well worth buying. Premises occupied by dyed repaired. 4148. portion' st Beretanla street was de engaged In a pistol duel at San Jose, Japanese chauffeur ; and Phone to order; all clothes cleaned, dyed We would not make this statement office, Kerr Building, Alakea : . clared a main or general thorough California. The former was fatally st . 6104-- , . es position In private family. TeL tf n " and repaired; rackers for navy , 10,000 . 6540-3- m unless we had demonstrated the 2 floors and basement, over fare, the City and County of Honolulu wounded. : 4136. crews for Office, 169 Hotel facts as above. ' square. feet of floor space; adapted Steam cleaning, Alakea strnx,.Gaa Co. rent st propose to , assume and pay out of 6447 6m 1-- 3 manufacturing, merchandizing . .. General Revenue 33 per cent of the HELP WANTED. . to 6234 tf r.,, We are finding people are " that or commission merchant - display cost of improvement g taking advantage of our "Auction H. T. Sang, tailor, 1131 Union. PUZZLcf Salesman who understands bookkeep-ln- ..' rooms, V- .jrTTDDEN CABINET MAKER m IIL : and can run an automobile; Roooms as a means of turning dead 6454-6- . stock into live money. If you have CHARACTER OF IMPROVEMENT ; married man preferred; must be a Warehouse, Clock Tower Building; KanaL cabinet maker, FortA Vineyard. V you do ; not MASSAGE AND MATERIAL hustler. Honolulu Monument Wksl aomething that need possession June 1. Apply Honolulu 6396-iy-r - , a fellow waiting with the grading, surfacing and , VIA 6549-r- there is Planing Mill, Fort phone . (a) The ; :;.; 2t :'.;.' Ltd, st, K. Hashimoto, massage and electro-neering- . use 6472-t- of ',Bitullthlc,, on cash who can just that article. 1510. P. O. Box 676. f CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS opp. Darinz with King; He will be in Honolulu Auction Nuuanu st. Williams a six (6) inch concrete base of Bere-tani- a Barber wanted at 15 North the undertaking olflce, phone 1786. - : 6549-- 4t Rooms on Friday. Respectfully, Coconut plants for sale, Samoan vari- street from King street to Nuu steady Jolv BUSINESS GUIDE 64U0 3m . J. S. Bailey ety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue, anu street Palama section-- - EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. '' KauaL 6277-t-l (b) The curbing with lava rock of AUTO PAINTING. L Oyama, Kuaul, near St Louis CoL property mov HOTELS 6436 3m all uncurbed and the T. NakaolahL 34 Beretanla st, near City Painting Shop, King st, nr. South, T. Kuniklyo, 1111 Fort; Phone 1635. lng ani resetting of present curbing a, ' 6298-t-f necessary, Nuuana. ; Phone 451L i:30 m. to THE PIKRPOINT. expert auto and carriage painter; Tanabe, 1034 Desha lane, bone setter. where r a , C p. n. Residence phone 7096. . -- 6213 6436 3m (c) The Installation .. of storm On the Beach at WaiklkL" all work guaranteed. tf Harada, fresh cut flowers; teL 3029. Ingot .. 5246 tf rooms; drains of concrete or Armco Furnished, bungalows and 6121-t- f necessary. splendid . bathing AGENTS. MONEY LOANED. Iron where Aloha Employment Office. : TeL 4889; .excellent meals; Alapal opp Rapid Transit office. and boating; 1000-fo- ot promenade Japanese Klmura, flowers. Fort st Phone 6147. st, For all information, General 6084-t- Money loaned on diamonds, watche " A. 'pier; beautiful . marine and. moun- f ASSESSMENTS PROPOSED. : , All kinds of help furnished. Business Agency, 20 S. Beretanla. and jewelry at legal rates. Federal - Mrs. . tain view; terms reasonable. (1) improve- . 6101 tf 6392 6m Loan Office, 95 N. King The cost of the entire John CastWiy. teL 287: 302-- tf Wakita, cut Dowers; Aloha lane. st ment, proportion to be borne 6106-t- 6365-t-f less the Pacific Employment Bureau. Phone BLACKSMITHS, f by the City and County, and also less 412C or call 1166 Union at FOR HIRE Toyoshiba, King opp. Vkia Villa. PAIN f AND PAPERHANGINCi the cost of new curbing, shall be paid 6106 '. gratmg, ma- st, tf Sidewalk iron doors, 6411-3- m by general assessment at the max! ; rt H 1 AUTOS AND LIVERY. chinery repairing and general black-smithin- g. 4. ShlrakL 1202 Nuuana; TeL 4137 mum rate of $3.413018 per front foot Japanese help of all kinds, male and NeiU's Work Shop, 135 MoborL maloenhair. Aklma lane. Painting and paperhanglng. Ali against' airland abutting upon said G. 1210 Smith Auto Stand, teL 1000 or female. Hlraoka, Emma st, Street Merchant st 424 6m 6411-3- m work guaranteed. Bids submit too portion of said street as described, ' open day V phone 1420. ' 6054 tf xMC$v and .night free. k6328-t- f both sides included. The total' front BAKERIES. CONTRACTORS GEN ERAL age (including 530.1 feet frontage op MISCELLANEOUS. PRINTiNU posite cross streets and alleys, 170.0 Marlon L. Swords, sheriff of Bakery, Dealers te Increase their business by St Ashai best cakes and Ice U. Yamamoto, 83 S. Kukul st; phone 'ert on Nuuanu Stream, 225.0 feet on Landy parish. Georgia, 16 years, - We do not boast of low prit aiuw. selling Soda for cream. Beretanla and Alakea sta. 4816; general contractor; building, Aala Park and 80.7 feet on govern . soda from the Hon. mas negroes 6389 6m usually coincide with poor quality, 4,057.2 Water Wks, hone 3023. shot and killed and two house painting and papering. ment land), is feet. assisting him were perhaps fatal! 6354 tf bat we 'know how" to put Ufa (2) The cost of new curbing shall o 442 ly go Into printed matter, wounded in a fight with Helllare Car-rler- e, CLOTH cS CLEANED. hustle and and Tn fnrottiire: cnh T1. 11J alleged fugitive from justice. K. Nekomoto & Co.. teL 4438; general and. that is wbat talks kmdesl Carriere escaped. Talsha, clothes cleaned, School A Lillba contractor, building, painting and longest Honolulu Star Bulletin RATAN DEVI. WHO HAS CAPTI- - 6447 3m papering. 6303 ly Printing Department, 125 Merchant VATED AMERICA. WITH THU,' ? LOST While searching parties were drag- street-.-;.:'.- ":- - Adelina Patti ging the river for his body, Ross CLOTHING A. Fuji!, general contractor build- MYSTIC MTJSIC.OFTIID and CIGARS :;: Between Kahala and Fort De Russy Gardner of Miaetto. N. Y, who dis- er. Aala lane Phone 102L 6390 6m easiness and visiting cards, engraveo ;east,v ::v;. - : ' yesterday ' afternoon, lady's white appeared last Saturday, appeared at Pay for your clothing as convenient-op-en x or printed. In attractive Rossis Find a Hindoo.- . parasoL. please return to fitzpatrick enca cfawn ;rw.; - Finder his home clad only in an overcoat He a charge account with The K. Segawa. contractor; 604 Beretanla; . leather cases, patent detachable Upper Vlt corner f J'xt Star-Bullet- ia " " :;. office, v e538 J memory: ." . 6054-t- t Star-Bulleti- n 6540-t- tf suffered a losVbf Model Clothiers, Fort st , 6076 tf cards. nfflce I " " ' HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- X; THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1016.

' 1 : mmmm n ., m i . i BY AUTHORITY ligation due to the City and County from the fund of this District avail- ORDINANCE NO. 109 able from Assessments or sale, of THE REALM OF THE OceamiSc Sfieainraslhoip Co. Masonic. Temple bonds for said District until finally IN AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR paid; and out of said Special Fund 4i DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO. COST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN created herein, the sum of Four Hun- FEMININE mUCH . WALK IMPROVEMENT dred Forty-fiv- e and 91-10- 0 Dollars C FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SYDNEY! DISTRICT NUMBER TWO. ; ( 8 4 45.91 ) is hereby ppropriated for the following purpose, to wit: "Cost Ventura ...Auo. 1S SItrra ...... Aug. 21. Yeekly Calendar Be It Ordained by the People of the of Improvements Beach Walk Im- Sonoma ...... Sept ft Ventura Spt 11 City and Courfry of Honolulu: provement District dumber Two." Sierra ...... Sept 25 Sonoma ...... Oct 2 DEFINITIONS. Thst 7.-- ASSESSMENT RATES Ventuar . . . .:. Sierra ...... Oct 23 MONDAY SECTION 1. SECTION ...... Oct17 . the word "BOARD" whenever used FOR GENERAL -- IMPROVEMENT. Hawaiian . Lodge No. 21. herein shall mean the Board of Super- That all properties privately owned p. m. C. BREWER & CO., LTD. - - - - - VGcneral Agents Stated. 7:30 visors Of the City and County or Hono- and not. herein specifically exemi t, th , respectively, ' lulu.' !'.' and the owners thereof ' ' TUESDAY ' , That the phrase "IMPROVEMENT within said Improvement District, are Masonic Board of Relief. Reg- DISTRICT" whenever used herein hereby assessed (on an area baajs) at ular. 5 p. m. Khali mean" Beach ' Walk Improve- the rate of $0.04813937 per square j" ' .";.- ment District Number Two, as de- foot toward the cost of general scribed In, and created by Resolution withfn said District, in- WEONESDAY. cluding all improvements forth in of the Board No. 525. . . set Navigation Company Honolulu Lodge of Perfection the proceedings heretofore adopted Uateon No, 1. Special, 7:30. ; Elec-- That the phrase "IMPROVEMEN T IE herein nd confirmed, saving and excepting tlon of officers. , STATUTES"; whenever used, mm curbing. 179 the cost of new Francisco and Honolulu shall mean and refer to Sections SECTION 8. ADDITIONAL AS- Direct Service Between San Revised Laws of Hawaii. 1913, . THURSDAY ; SESSMENT, CURBING. That all Yneatriz: as amended by Act 164, Session Laws FOR SAN FRANCISCO Honolulu Chapter No. 1, R. a; properties within said Improvement FROM SAN FRANCISCO of Hawaii, 1915, District, privately owned M. Special. Mont Excellent AND and not 15 That the phrase "CITY herein specifically exempt, in front of S. S. Matsonia.... Aug. 8. S. VYilhelmina ...Aug. 9 Master. 7:30 p. m. ; whenever used herein shall COUNTY" which new curbing is required, and S. S. Lurllne. ....Aug. 22 S. S. Manoa... Aug. 1S mean and refer to the City and County the owners thereof respectively, are (Copyrighte. July, 196, by Beatris Micheiena.) v I 29 . '. 23 . FRIDAY of Honolulu. hereby fiirther and separately as- S. S. Wilhelm!na...... Aug S. S. Matsonia.. . . t . .Aug. SECTION 2. PRELIMINARY PRO-CEEDING- S sessed (on a frontage basis accord- No. 2?. 5 29 - S. S. Manoa...... Sept S. S. Lurline...... Aug. SATURDAY . V. CONFIRMED. That said ing to the length of new curbing re- ONE OT THE most idiotic mistakes made by a great many girls when : trying Board . does herebr confirm all and quired, shown in detail in said En- thev go about looking for a position in pictures is a persistency on singular proceedings heretofore gineer's "make up" to look what they believe to be an "honest to goodness" SCHOF1ELD LODGE- - the report of July 3, 1916, cor- to CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu had and taken under said Improve- rected as of July 25, 1916). at the rate I only impres- SATURDAY . . . ment Law with respect to the creation of $0.34 per front foot for the curb They paint aad powder and frill out of all reacon. The "Work in Third Degree, 7; 30 and establishment or said improve, so required in front of said property. sion they leave is one of disgust amus- AS-SESS- with which they go about the thing would be ment District and the making of the SECTION 9. COLLECTION OF M The exaggeration 1 besplotched often almost proposed improvement as modified ENTS. That in . accordance ing it it were not so pitiful. They are caricatures, . t...m . v. . ItelicvB- - ahnndiinp nf corrected and as set forth ana re with said Improvement Law, UUl ui iiuuiau v.linnn Thov Boom... tn thU nvr" and it shall oc4Ju"d. approach pic-- ferred to In Resolutions Nos404, 480, be the duty of the Tax Assessor of cosmetics the most convincing credentials with which to a iTOYjtj proaucer. nicy, uwi-ui-s 481. 525. 526. 534. 543 and the minutes the First Taxation Division, in said ture Alioseiiier suvevtu iu iuciui;co " umuir of meetings heretofore adopted by City and County of Honolulu,, to pro sible. '."'''': '.: - not a sermon against a reasonable use of either Hall said; Board; the final : report or toe ceed forthwith to notify, by letter and Thts, understand, is OddPcIIov5 County May by posting upon cosmetics or jev.-elr- It. is a talk in favor of temperance and a saving Steamera of the above company will call at and leave Honolulu on Citv and Enraeer. dated the lands assessed, " f 31, 19re," fend the assessment ; report the several owners, respectlvly of the . portion of common sense. or about, the dates mentioned below: County Engineer, several amounts due from each, and I am at a loss to know where many of these girls get their ideas of an of the City and of greatest of both stage ORIENT:' V FOR SAN FRANCISCO; dated July" 3, ; 1916, accompanying of the date when such assessments are actress's appearance. As a matter act, the stars FOR THE -- glaringly flashy type. True, they dress with ele- which were corrected map of said payable ; as hereinafter provided. It and screen are not of the the . Barnum-Baile- y parade. 8. Persia Aug. 19 S. S. Tenyo Maru...... Aug. 13 Frontage Improvement. - of shall his duty to collect said gance, but they do not flaunt out, as if to rival a S. Maru...... the list arriving a screen success is brains. The director WEEKLY CALENDAR owners, lessees and occupants so far assessments and pay all moneys so col The big factor in at S. S. Tenyo Maru ...... Sept 1 S. S. Nippon Maru...... Aug. 23 to-th- e anyone consequently is the recommenda- supplementary, detail lected City and County Treas knows this better than else and it as known, and out my "tcreen-struek- " friend, S. S. Nippon Sept 16 S. S. Shinyo Maru...... Sept & respect ' which urer from time to time as required by tion he is always on the look for. Don't Maru.... of descriDtkma in to good intelligence you have by making your application for given by ad- sucn Treasurer. slander the very S. S. Shinyo Maru..... Sept 29 S. S. Persia Maru...... Oct 11 MONDAY notice has hereotfore been ; position in an outlandish and ridiculous "make up." There public hearing has SECTION .'10. LIEN. All ' assess- a motion picture Harmony Lodge No. 3. 7:30 vertisement and way f bowing yourself out of the profession before you ever en-- as required uy said improve- ments herein toade shall be a ; lien is no surer pi m. i Regular, meeting. been had f CASTL&& COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu ment Law; corrected as of July 25th; against each lot or parcel of land as- upon go guise just your own whole- - When "vou call a director in the of 1916. on the basis of said public hear sessed, according to the respective as t J J A f AL . 1 A. AM A TUESDAY some self. This mows a genuine goou sense uai is me uesc iwumiueuu Is here sessments, from the date' of the first ; ' Excelsior Lodge No. 1. 7:30 ing, to all of which reference you can take to any studio. v s r. de--1 publication ' Ordinance tlon :''y ' Regular meeting. by made for a mere particular and of this until p. m. description of said Improvement paid, and shall have priority over all tailed CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- N ROYAL MAIL LINE and estab other liens except the lien of property District heretofore created change without notice ; WEDNESDAY lished, and character, extent and; taxes and liens for other, public pur Subject to the Sydney particular location of the Improve poses; and In case assessments be For Victoria and Vancouver: . ForSuya, Auckland and - come delinquent, the accrued interest THURSDAY v- - ment aforesaid, the acquisition of a Niagara 13 Niagara ...... '.....Sept. rieht-of-wa- charges by ....;.Aug. . v for a storm drain, the and other authorized the EDNA ...... Oct. 4 Pacific Rebckah Lodge No. 1.' Improvement in enforcing the JT I Makura , . . . Sept 15 Makura ...... meeting. location, of the respective parcels of Law a 7:30 p. m. Regular ' assessment, th payment of the same shall be satisfied :i H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., GENERAL AGENTS p. mi, party Tor Odd land, (subject to THE0. 8:30 whist names of the owners, lessees and oc out. of said lien. :' Fellows, Rebekahir and . their. ' cupants thereof so aa known, and SECTION 11. PAYMENT OF THE , ' - far rrenas. . assessment, the properties , exempt from VYHOLtT OF ASSESSMENTS. That proportion to be paid all assessments herein made shall be . Little. Housework and the ' MOVEMENTS OF - A HACKFELD & CO. FRIDAY or due and payable and must be paid to it- S H. by said City and county; an the ' chil-dre- n v ; same being by- - this reference also the Said Tax Assessor within 30 days 'iflt' liiiLttmx&k-- t talk about an4 care for families of small MAIL STEAMERS Limited house-m- - made part hereof. - ;. after the date of the last publication cuItivaUnffl' beauty, say the besides. . .They do ttrero air Commission Ilerchants j any. - why they HONOLULU LODGE NO. 1, 3. CONFIRMATION OF of this Ordinance; Provided, that "hut- wait till vou have, a DerhaDS that's r YISSELS TO 1BKIYI 1 SECTION may ono thing, I phoenix ASSESSMENT. That: It is ; hereby such assessments at the election home to look aftenand four children can accomplish it 'For HONOLULU vzzznti crder of " as beauty ex ' -- specifically found and established that of the owner of the land assessed, be took mv housework a Friday, Aug. 11. paid in ; Instalments with as ercise, and found without vnn1 ncet-t- t 'tfceir home, corner of each and every parcel of land suoject interest, that Manila U. S. A. T. Dix. ; provided. pay neglecting a I could get a lot V :-.r.!a rd Fort ttreeti," even to assessment wfthln' said Improve hereinafter Failure to it bit, Saturday, Aug. 1 the whole of any assessment within of beauty culture, fun and benefit Francisco U. S. A.i.T. Logan, - v::'-- t 7:23 o'clock.' "Willi be benefited ;: San t ment District is. or ' - : : '":t:,-'- ' said psriod of 30. days shall be con; from "'':: l.-- I, ; ; ( 1 JIL, IHIo Mauna Kea, str. Leader, 'by improvement to the amount it ' . JAIIES HOTT, JR. 'said -- : 'elec- original dis- str.-.:- : i pro clu3ivelr consfdered and held ah I discovered hot an Kauai Ukelike,Nl.-I- . ; .. ::ur.AY. recrctarr. of the respective assessments persons covery- scrubbing paints - ' ' tion on the part of all inters either that Sunday,. Aug, 13. and Sheet Metal ; posed therefor; and that', the teald " Plumber un tiling up the I.--I. 15, P. O. O. C ororjosed estid insurh asfsssmeni whether and bathroom stirred Kauai Kinau str ;v " ' several asSe'sssments hereto -- broad- Worker , der disability or otherwise,' to pay In liver; 1 found that sweeping Mikahala, I.-I-.' -- Maui, Molokai str. meets V la 'their 'call fore advertised In accordance withaald v' :: such instalments j ened the shoulders unless I atooped I.-- I. ' 3 oa King EL," sear Law. corrected as at vr:' . .v my- Maul Claudlne, str. Phone-25- 74 S. Berstanla every Friday r SECTION 12. PAYMENT OF AS- - V- - '..v.-.-; over the broom. T had to remind SfJ Fort July 23th, 1916, are hereby confirmed self about standing erect as T swept evening. Visiting SESSMENTS IN INSTALMENTS In TO DEPAKT and adoDted'as and for tne assess - - - - made casd of an eleclloh," Either by act of - - Dustfng with an oiled cloth TES3ta trotters are cor ments against properties within said mo hnstre inta so many positions' I dl-l- the owner; or . other interested party 1 ly invited to at Improvement District and against tna my Mood dancing, like Friday, Aug. 11. by of to pay any as- found It sent - as or operation law, Maui Claudine, I.-- I. str. Hawaii owners thereor respectivelr; here assess-ment- a a walk might o. TJishwashing was Agents in for ' sessment iar Instalments, the - - cuciiley, e. r. :' : ' ',v v v a. Saturday, Aug. 12. rniru a lnafter set forth. r : : not ixn exercise, but Test" I sat shall be due and L-- ; IL DUNSHEE, Sec. herein laade Bed-maki- ng Hilo Mauna Kea, I. str.-:- : CHALLIERS CO 4. - Author- - paid Tax Assessor down cn a high stool to that ALLIS section cost of must be to said in strengthened my back and Sunday, Aug. 13. - I2ED IMPROVEMENT, That It is here- (10) eqnai anneal instalments of ' Crsrch cf the National Ten v : (No .vessels depart). '".:' ': - by found and declared that the total principal, the first ;of said instalments developed my arms. ' Honolulu Iron Works, Ltd. Czrrxn American AUIancs of th. ., And so on. But then, I enjoyed - , i of authorised improvements payable a"hd U. O. A. ... - cost the of Trinctpal to be due and myself enjoy MAILS Satur-Cu- Improvement District, based 30 working. I made it la Iw of P. Ilall oa t In said mut be pid within days after the - I i::ct!rs V Lord-Youn- g " I I kept planning- wayr j 'j : Engineer As worked - p. upon the hid of date of the" last publication of this - E I G H T tt 7:23 n, '- doing same thing better next jDoUowlag F R re- ; instal- I i of the Mails are due from the 23, August 18, "September "23, ing Company, Limited; the lowest Ordinance; and all subsequent s r - July ' - time, how to eliminate waste energy, points and sponsible bidder. Including--' grading, ments cf principal, together with' in- i i; KJ ' as follows: .' October II, November 18, Decern i x ' how to do a better and within T I C K E T 8 '". moving and re unpaid bal- thin? San Francisco U. S. A. Ti Locan. 1st IS. laving; hew curbing, terest on the whole of the By ' my Also reservations '..'.; less time. this time I had Aug. 13. . PACT." setting1 of old curbs, construction or a ance of .pf-ac-l pal, at the rate of six R. lSENBERO; Pres. down to a science; with 6. any point oit'tha housework Vancouver Niagara. Sept. - . 1 storm sewer system and engineering per cent per annum, hall be . rrr C. LOLTE, Secy. (6) v w - resulti accomplished with pt mainland. upon highways 1 payaWe annually thereafter; the best Japan and China Nippon Maru, Aug. an WELLS-FAR-C- O to Dec, --31 lac. and incidentals the in due - my flS. : the least energy,. had reduced - - i- See "in authorized Improvement, dating from thts date, of last publica- I 22. , 'K cluded the v ";. & CO, 72 3. 1 : r working more thah ahalf. ,. Sydney Ventura, Aug. 16. .HE.:.?AUN3 CCwHNE. A sum ot niriy-iure- e tion f this Ordinance ; is tne i iuousauu r ! Kinij St, Tel. 1515 Sixty-fou- r .17-10- 0 Manila U. S. A. T. Dix, Aug. 11. Two Hundred ahd SECTION 13. ENFORCEMENT OF . Questions and Answers ; Mails will depart for the following Dollars ($33,264.17); the total to pay any . In- wt lhat PAYMENT. Failure I am well developed. the iu(, hich points as follows: . Jntltf c- -J 12, Jul! S und 17. Atz." 7 proportion of this' cost which Is "to he stalment, whether of principal or In- once trtu rj fuil, rune hanpt drum and it RAILWAY-TIM- - to Aug. 15, ? OAHU E TABLE within- - tl'irty days after the flabby I ienP ecmetMt- hmc$U& San Francisco Manoa. terest," kuiid thU up as it Kaa.ilr. G. San Francisco Ventura, Aug. 15. r become ' ' d&te when it shall . first have In p. Vear Vancouver-Niagar- a, Reply Swim, for oa ft 19. :: ' - . of the un- t Aug: ; OUTWARD due, hll cause the whole brassieres for another. Massax with Sydney Aug. 21. Thirty-tw- o Eight to H little homework now and then is. cocoa tmtterJ Take a serious course la Sierra. Walanae. Walalua, Kahuku and balance of Thousand paid principal and accrued interest ' 13. For 5 treatment Japan Persia MaruyAug. 26-1- d China Eighteen-- 00 immediately, good leauty deep breathing. .'':"'..' ii Way a. m., 3:20 p.m. Htfndred and DoUars becon-- dile and payable ' Stations 3:1 I ; Manila U. S. A. T. Logan, Aug. 14 MYCTIS LCDGE N. 2, K. OF P. (832,818.26 J is hereby charged, assess- and the whole an:bunt of unpaid prin-- For Pearl City, liwa MIU and Way mischief and intq Can anyfhlnff he Bone to remove aear Ilects ia Pythian Hall, corner accr-w- d 'shalf to keep out .of t9 , m 3:13 a. m.. Fort ed' 'and levied ssalnat. and shall be cipal :iad Interest therr up vaccination is on A vpper ' Stations f7: 30 a. very clothes. Then try to take left tjf a f It V Bsretoaia streets, Friday said atv the rate of one mended : . tx- ; 7. TBANSrORT SBYC1 p. m., 3:20 p. m mi collected from, "the properUes in' after draw interest systematically." ' arm. Florence 27 I 11:30 a. 2:15 cvcr.!as.ottv7:30 o'clock. ' Visiting Improvement District privately owned per cent per month or fraction thereof beauty culture T.7 A V1n nrtlllt Mil bsl thlfl. 5:13 p. m :.3:30 p. m., fll;lS p. m. Lrothers coruially invited. by day of sale" made as provid- vveu, i tiavw uuw xv. nfl nkeiy remove an traces or u ior you. I and LcIIehaa 11:D2 4 and not specifically exempted this until the Thomas, at fian Francisco: For Wahiawa e beanty culture, and I know Aiw8yg4 jn fotare. b Tscdnated jnst abT C BRANCa C. C. Ordinance, and the owners thereof ed In-th- Improvement Statutes; and taken tro Sherman, sailed Aug. 4 for Ban Fran. a. m, 2:40 p. m 3:00 p. m., 11:20 women "wno ao ,' . A. D. ANGUS P. .amount so due several '.';'--- - " O. Iv.IL and S. respectively, according to the rates tf the collection of said nn " Cisco. '"a p. m. '', ; - ' set: rortn. : and payable with , accrued Interest dollars and more are asked Sheridan, 16ft Honolulu July-14- . Lcilehua a. m. TffT asscsssments beremarter . SPORT; COATS. hundred For f6:00 of sailed-Au- Fran- - SECTION 5. COST OF CURBING thereon and all costs enforcement for some, sport suitsr and these are LOgan; 5, from San : shall be- - enforced as provided hi the by those whose only r. -- ':'.'- -' DEVELOPING IN FRONT OF PUBLIC LANDS. Some fif the new sport coats are worn generally cisco. ; INWARD Improvement Statutes. Provided, that in dressing five here August 8 from Manila. PRINTING ENLARGING That the cost of new cmblng to be things so wondrous that they look as exercise consists Dix due ArrivR. Honolulu from Kahuku. at any time prior to the day of sale or day. .. Buford, sailed Aug.' 4 for Newport ' Mili- might been part the times a Waianae-7-S:3- 6 laid in front ot the United States ; ir they have a.' m.t Best In City may pay amount of all cream-colore- d worn -- Waialua and th t tary ReservatiCn and opposite street the owrier the trousseau or the Queen or Sheba. Two Skirts of satin News. x'--r ''!- , instalments with interest Crepe of 5:30 p, m. : , Honolulu Pieturt Framing &. ' intersections tbAll not he specifically delinquent with blouses of de chine or ' '.. per month or fraction over a sport NOTICE Honolulu from Ewa Mill and ; Supply Co. , against strch public lands, at one cent Fund and applied toward the cost or Georgette crepe, and all Arrive assessed month, as aftresaid,ir and all pena hrle-li- t -- or lined with some City a. m., 8:3& a. m , of a authorized." . nlnr Peart tT:45 but the proportion of cost set forth in - the Improvement ' , Ka-han- a .tnd thereupon be bright-tinte- d of in the p. m-- , 4:24 p. m., ties accrued, shall All-money- satin, will be the prettiest Stockholders record 11:02 a. in., 1:38 -- collected the proceedings heretofore confirmed to pay due and Company, Limited, restored to the right thereafter subsequent "sports ', dressed this summer. . , Agricultural 5:30 p. nW 7:28 p. m.. shall to borne hy the City and "County as thereafter as part of any : in Instalments in the same manner who have not paid all assessments in Honolulu from Wahiawa and Victor Talking as hereinbefore provided. ' Instalments and interest and covered Arrive if "default had r.ot been made: The respecting the 14 DAYS full on or before October 31, 1316, are Lcilehua 3: 15 a. m, 1:52 p. m., SECTION 6. APPROPRTATfON BY any assessed, not In de" by any bond Issue PILES CURED IN 6 TO immediately - owner of land In said Im- hereby notified that 3:59 p. nw 7:i3 p. ra. Ilachines and Records AND COUNTY. the any or payment, authorized improvements PAZO is guaranteed to THE CITY That fault as to Instalment provement made under Im- OINTilENT thereafter ail such delinquent snares The Halelwa Limited, a twchour Forty-fir- e and any annual In- District - sum of Four Hundred may any time, when itchi- ' or pro- sold public first-ciasaticke- at provement Law, shall be set aside by cure blind, bleeding, will be advertised and at train (only ts honorcdj. M-10- 0 (2445.9U the unpId CERGSTROf.V MUSIC CO. Dollars be and stalment Is dus, pay the entire City and County truding PILES in 6 to 1 days or auction as by law provided for the un- .Honolulu every Sunday at :J' same hereby appropriated out of with accrual .Interest The tho Treasurer of the aa leave? is principal In Improvement Bond Fund money refunded. Menufactured by paid portion due thereon and a. m. Haleiwa Hotel; returning all moneys Permanent improve- owner of any MudfvideJ Interest in any a Special corpora- for la the of said district and applied as CO., St. Louia; shown on the books of said arrives In Honolulu at lOilO p. m. ment Fund of said City and County, land !na,v pay his share of ary assess- the PARIS MEDICINE "'"'v-i- provide'! In Improvement aw. tion.. Th1?-Limite- stopfi only at Pearl City, same being derived from, general ment any wbm due. . ' said L. S. A. July 23, 1316. the at tMe SECTION 16. CONSTITUTIONAL-ITY- . Honolulu. Hawaii. Kwn Mill and Walanae. Per Privats Detectives Who revenues ot City and County, and 14, CERTIFIED COPIES. COMPANY, the SECTION If any section, or any part or IN THE QRCU1T COURT OF THE KAHANA AG R. Daily. fKxcept 8unday. ISunday be transferred as . soon as toe publication of this Obtain Ecsalts; Call shall That upon the final Ordin- Territory of LTD, v.- available Into a copy hereof and clause of any section, of this First Judicial Circuit. mily. same shall become Ordinance a certified ance, be decided by the Courts to be Hawaii At Chambers. By T TKRADA. l-- "Special Im- Cor- P. DENISON, F. C SMITH, Bowers' Merchant Patrol fund be known as the of its dne publication, and of the invalid, the same Hatsuyo KobayashH Libellant, vs. Its President provement Fund Beach Walk of owners, lessees unconstitutional or Superintendent, G, P. A. 1515 . 1079 Alakea for rected Map, the list shall not affect the validity of this Seltaro Koba rashi. Libel lee. Divorce. 4J lit Ilicr.3 District Naaaber Two," ns and occupants so far as known, and Ordinance as a whole, or of any sec- The Territory of Hawaii To Sel- AND MOON. payment In fall of the proportion of the summary or descriptions of 'proper- which can be Greeting: TIDES, SUN Improvement so to ne Improvement district, all tion or part thereof taro Kobayasht ' costs of aalu ty within said given so decided You hereby notified there by County, pro- a id, shall be forth- effect without that are that V LOHD-YOUN- Q borne said City and as on file as forest RbTea - to be unconstitutional or invalid. Is now pending in the above entitled Sun Sua vided, : however,- that against the with made and delivered by the Clerk e- tit of SI? i?7 : SECTION 17.' This Ordinance shall Coutt a suit filed against you by Hatr Dat- vT" 8eU and - Engineering Co Ltd amount' herein so appropriated, shall of the Citv and County to the Tax Rle. take effect from and after the date Kobayashi, wherein she prays Lanw . Small Small . .v hereto- .Divis fiuyo Ft engineers and Contractors be credited the various trains Assessor of the First Taxation of approval. divorce against you Honolulu, T. H. appropriated as advances by sai l In the City and County of Hono-iult- f. its for an absolute Pantheon Clock. fore Ion. Introdnccd by on the around of extreme cruelty, and i.m. A.M. P.M. Sta . 2510 and 6487 cn account of costs of said Territory or Hawaii. v Tetczhonet loard the CHAS. .. ARNOLD. said suit may be heard or deter- Aug. 7 11:1 1.7 9:11 2:5 7:27 5:37 6:M . Improvement Nos. 4?r, . 1S. DISPOSITION OF that by Resolutions SECTION Sep-l-ssbr- r, " ' All Siprrvinr. mined on or aft--r the 2f;th day of p.u.. " and 5 to. amounting In all for such ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED. IjOUF lli s Date of Introduction Jfy A. It. ITIZ, at the of " a ..12:1 .'J 11:11 3;53 8:03 5:37 :32 0:18 advance ta the total ua of moneys collected from mM aff-mfnt- ...... o'clock a. m. of said djy, or a soon . " l:l 21 ..... 5:08 : 3:3.8, :3l 1:18 . ! 1 si .-- -.. - and paid over to the Treasurer :'...,...,.; J . of An?i:l, in ti AppwvM thh .lh liv as coonfel can be heard, a.m. J - U- - iav-uiru- iherrafier ! antl tb- rsresn ft uf vttr auJ a cash 1 betwn . PanQ w',,t ...... '.ily y l .... ? m 6:11 :I7 5:38 C:"!l J:2I Crasa Llna a4 ,' Hie i.-r- m. wLl a at. ur uf miiiLi urir.u hit ih wmf ' 11 . 1 7 : 1 c5 5:2 :3u 3:32 r JOHN I.ANF, ti'ttltliUf. lir.llu(Mil!ili .. '!.... 1AX : l: I.-4- m-- Pittmt .I .M;iit r !" r IetaliHei. t JnluUrr " 4aarrJ . I 3:3 4:42 fti-- r la4-r- C'ilT ani! wir.fy v( J. A. tKlillSIS. IT ; 2.2 - M 1:33 L'C CHAM A U-- o -- txlt-nJ- wilhia tlilr of H!rnHl C. liiih t l tbti 4m " 2 1 5:33 tr :!! " Circuit 2:3 l:52 llltet t-- Circuit i -- ;rffti arl nM Y. II. rirk. tmrt. Flrt I: ' :: t.: C I' J i the trw rt Itwprnrrmriits la fhe lot katmn brof, 'al 1 w. rff A- - I4, 4:j-J- uly , 13. 2 2T, Au. 31 l Ka!I :.!,n Aui. i:tU at 1:23 i' 4 ::;rkt L)U W ic&tl&uii, cb 4t 1. It