HONORS ENGLISH CALENDAR 2014 – 2015 ------QUARTER #2------

QUARTER PROJECT: To Be Determined ------

Medieval Literature & Ballads: Youtube: Lord Randall & In-class reading of Bonny Barbara Allen; Test Handback OCT 27 ASSIGN: : Reading of "Daemon Lover" & "Unquiet Grave" from handout & pp. 13- 16 in textbook

Discuss Group Discuss & Analysis of "Daemon Lover" , "Unquiet Grave"; “ Cherry Tree Carol", "Get up and Bar the Door", & "Sir Patrick Spens" from handout & pp. OCT 28 13-16 in textbook ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Print Sources & Tentative Thesis Checkpoint

Computer Lab -Thesis Paper Print Sources & Tentative Thesis Checkpoint -- OCT 29 Students must have 5 print sources to show to teacher; ASSIGN: Read Chaucer 29-37 in book – be ready for quiz.

OCT 30 NO SCHOOL - Teachers' Convention

OCT 31 NO SCHOOL -- Mr. Payne @ Green Bay AP Eng Language Workshop

Chaucer PPT Intro; Discussion & Analysis of Prologue & Pardoner’s Tale NOV 3 ASSIGN: Quiz on Chaucer info

In-class presentation on creating Tentative Thesis; NOV 4 ASSIGN: Tentative Thesis statement due Nov 5th

Grade School Play Day Tentative Thesis Hand-in; Chaucer Quiz & Correct in class; Assign roles for NOV 5 “Everyman” reading ASSIGN: Be ready for Everyman roles & read pp. 24-top of 25 in textbook.

THESIS PAPER WORK DAY - Reliable Sources Exercise in class; NOV 6 ASSIGN: Everyman Reading in class tomorrow; Dr. Faustus reading handout – due on Tuesday

Everyman in-class reading - Day 1 NOV 7 ASSIGN: Read Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" - due 11/11

Return Tentative Thesis Statements to maliboxes; Everyman in-class reading – Day 2; Discussion of key messages of Everyman; NOV 10 ASSIGN: Read Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" & "Passionate Shepherd to his Love" plus "Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd

Veterans Day (short class); Discuss & analyze Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus" & "Passionate Shepherd to his Love" NOV 11 plus "Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd ASSIGN: Everyman & Marlowe Review Quiz;

Everyman & Marlowe Review Quiz; NOV 12 ASSIGN: Bible Translations & Book of Common Prayer Readings (pp 43-45, 47-49) due 11/14; Thesis Paper Outline & Notes/Notecards Checkpoint tomorrow

Notes/Notecards Checkpoint (Mr. P will collect outlines in class) (During check students will read Elizabethan Poetry pages & Shakespeare’s NOV 13 sonnets plus Sonnet 131) ASSIGN: Questions on Elizabethan Poetry

NOV 14 Outline returns & discuss; Work through Elizabethan Poetry ASSIGN: Bacon “Father of the Essay” in book p. 81 & handout due 11/18

PRESENTATION: Citation Day NOV 17 ASSIGN: Bacon “Father of the Essay” in book pp. 92-93 & handout due 11/18 Bacon Group Work – Group Work on Essay (worksheet) NOV 18 ASSIGN: “Burning Babe” reading “Burning Babe” analysis; NOV 19 ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Workday – bring what you need to make progress!

Computer Lab - Thesis Paper Work Day NOV 20 ASSIGN: Bring to class your Rough Draft (must be typed out for credit) – Nov 24

Intro to Macbeth (old book) & themes; Hand out Macbeth books NOV 21 ASSIGN: Read intro pages (4-10)

Thesis Paper Rough Draft due - must bring typed copy to class! NOV 24 ASSIGN: Bring to class your Works Cited page (must be typed out for credit)

Computer Lab - Thesis Paper "Works Cited" Pages due - must bring typed NOV 25 copy to class! ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Final Draft due – NO EXCUSES

NOV 26 HALF DAY – THANKSGIVING Thesis Paper Final Draft due - NO EXCUSES - FULL GRADE DROP FOR EACH DAY LATE! (Be sure to email copy to yourself & to [email protected]!) Thesis Paper Survey Sheet completed ASSIGN: None



Shakespeare video clips; Assign roles for ACT 1 in-class reading; DEC 1 Discuss intro pages ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Computer Lab - Turnitin.com Submission Day -- meet in Room 2306 -- Be sure to have a copy of your thesis paper accessible! DEC 2 In-class reading Macbeth Act 1 (scenes 1-3) ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

In-class reading Macbeth Act 1 (scenes 4-7) DEC 3 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Macbeth Act 1 video & Key Quote Sheet; Assign Act 2 roles; DEC 4 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

In-class reading Macbeth Act 2 - Day 1 DEC 5 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

In-class reading of Macbeth Act 2 - Day 2 DEC 8 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C. Semester Test Review Sheets due 12/15

Macbeth Act 2 video & Key Quote Sheet Acts 2-3; Assign Act 3 roles; DEC 9 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Finish Macbeth Act 2 video (if time); Begin in-class reading of Act 3 DEC 10 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Read Macbeth Act 3 in-class – Day 2; DEC 11 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Finish Macbeth Act 3 reading; Assign Act 4 roles; Macbeth Act 3 video (if time); DEC 12 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Collect all Sem Test Review sheets – Review Sheet posted & updated by end of DEC 15 school; Macbeth Act 4 in-class reading; ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Macbeth Act 4-5 in-class reading; DEC 16 ASSIGN: Be ready for in-class reading /Costumes & props E.C.

Macbeth Act 4-5 in-class reading; DEC 17 Thesis Paper Return Day – review & put in portfolio; ASSIGN: Sem Test Review Day

Semester Test Review Day DEC 18 ASSIGN: Semester Test

SEMESTER TEST (60 minutes) DEC 19 ASSIGN: None over Christmas Recess;

DEC 22 NO CLASS - Semester Test Day #2

DEC 23 NO CLASS - Semester Test Day #3


Hand back & review Semester Test; Intro Discussion of Shakespeare controversy JAN 5 ASSIGN: Read Shakespeare Earl of Oxford article & quiz

Shakespeare Earl of Oxford discussion & quiz JAN 6 ASSIGN: None

ALL SEMESTER 1 MAKE-UP WORK DUE! JAN 7 Macbeth “Downfall” Review ASSIGN: Prepare notes/books for Blue Book Test

Macbeth Blue Book Test JAN 8 ASSIGN: None

Analyze – What did you learn from Blue Book test? JAN 9 ASSIGN: None HONORS ENGLISH CALENDAR 2013 – 2014

------QUARTER #3 ------SEMESTER PROJECTS: Robin Hood Storytelling Project & Master Essay ------JAN 12 NO SCHOOL Return Semester Tests; Master Essay intro exercise; BE SURE TO KEEP THIS ORIGINAL DRAFT COPY IN YOUR NOTEBOOK/PORTFOLIO FOR FINAL JAN 13 MASTER ESSAY GRADE! ASSIGN: Cavalier Poetry Warriors (Herrick, Suckling, Lovelace) – pp. 98-101

Cavalier Poetry Warriors Analysis & Discussion; JAN 14 ASSIGN: Roundhead Poety Warriors (Donne, Herrick, Herbert) -- pp. 2, 103, 105- 106, 107, 109

Roundhead Poetry Warriors Analysis & Discussion; JAN 15 ASSIGN: Poetry Warriors Review Quiz

Poetry Warriors Review Quiz ASSIGN: Master Essay Word-Processed Draft (due Monday – Jan 20) JAN 16 BE SURE TO KEEP THIS FILE COPY IN YOUR STUDENT DRIVE FOR FINAL MASTER ESSAY GRADE!

NO SCHOOL JAN 19 Master Essay Word-Processed Draft hand-in; Author Presentation Project Intro ASSIGN: Author/Partner Choice Day & Work Day

Author/Partner Choice Day & Work Day JAN 20 ASSIGN: Author Presentation Work Day

Author Presentation Work Day JAN 21 ASSIGN: Find authoritive resources for your presentation

George Herbert AP Exercise Day JAN 22 ASSIGN: Hymnwriters Watts, Wesley, Newton (pp. 219-221, 223-224, 226-227)

Discussion & Analysis of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, John Newton JAN 23 ASSIGN: John Milton/John Bunyan PPT & Milton readings (pp. 2, 117, 120-123)

John Milton/John Bunyan PPT & Milton readings JAN 26 ASSIGN: Bunyan handout reading

PAC Permission Slips distributed; Bunyan Analysis & Discussion JAN 27 ASSIGN: Alexander Pope/Samuel Johnson PPT & Pope handout (pp. 134-135)

Alexander Pope/Samuel Johnson PPT & Pope analysis JAN 28 ASSIGN: Johnson handout readings & Pope wrap-up

Pope wrap-up & Johnson Analysis/Discussion JAN 29 ASSIGN: Addison & Steele PPT & readings (pp 176-181) Addison & Steele PPT & Readings Analysis/Discussion JAN 30 ASSIGN: Daniel Defoe & Jonathan Swift PPT & Swift reading (182-186)

PAC Permission Slips distributed; FEB 2 Daniel Defoe & Jonathan Swift PPT & Swift Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Daniel Defoe reading (pp 167-172)

Daniel Defoe Analysis/Discussion FEB 3 ASSIGN: Read Charles & Mary Lamb’s “Hamlet”

PAC Hamlet OUTING Guidelines & Assignment Sheet FEB 4 Discuss Lamb’s “Hamlet” reading; Hamlet Key Quotes Sheet ASSIGN: E. Nesbitt’s “Hamlet” Summary handout

Discuss E. Nesbitt’s “Hamlet” Summary; Hamlet Fact Quiz FEB 5 ASSIGN: Create Test Review Sheet (Cavalier/Roundhead Poets – Defoe)

Collect Test Review Sheet (Cavalier/Roundhead Poets – Defoe) FEB 6 PAC HAMLET OUTING DAY ASSIGN: Write 1st Draft of Hamlet review

In-class Analysis/Discussion of PAC Hamlet performance FEB 9 ASSIGN: Hamlet Rough Draft due tomorrow

Mr. P’s Writing Workshop – Conquering Commas! FEB 10 ASSIGN: TEST REVIEW DAY & Hamlet Review Comma Justification Version due Feb 14

HALF DAY - PEER LEADERSHIP BUDDY DAY TEST REVIEW DAY (Cavalier/Roundhead Poets – Defoe) FEB 11 ASSIGN: Cavalier/Roundhead – Defoe Test; Final Draft of Hamlet Review due Feb 14

Cavalier/Roundhead Poets – Defoe Test FEB 12 ASSIGN: Final Draft of Hamlet Review due Feb 14

Hamlet Review In-Class proofreading exercise; FEB 13 ASSIGN: Final Draft of Hamlet Review due Feb 18; William Blake/Thomas Gray/Robert Burns PPT & Blake reading (pp. 238-240 & Poison Tree handout)

William Blake/Thomas Gray/Robert Burns PPT & Blake Analysis/Discussion FEB 16 ASSIGN: Robert Burns readings (pp. 242-243, Auld Lang Syne, pp. 245-246) Hamlet Review Final Draft collected; Robert Burns Analysis/Discussion FEB 17 ASSIGN: Thomas Gray reading for Thursday, Feb 20 (pp. 231-234)

Master Essay Comma Revision & Author Presentation Work FEB 18 ASSIGN: Thomas Gray reading for Thursday, Feb 20 (pp. 231-234); Master Essay Comma Justification Version due March 18

Thomas Gray Analysis/Discussion FEB 19 ASSIGN: William Wordsworth & Samuel T. Coleridge PPT & Coleridge readings (p. 285 & handout)


William Wordsworth & Samuel T. Coleridge PPT & Coleridge Analysis/Discussion; FEB 23 Intro to Romantic Motifs ASSIGN: William Wordsworth readings (pp. 254-255, 260, 263-265)

FEB 24 Wordsworth Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Romantic Motifs Quiz FEB 25 In-Class Coleridge Reading (Payne) ASSIGN: Romantic Motifs in Today’s Reading

FEB 26 Romantic Motifs Discussion/Quiz ASSIGN: Percy B. Shelley & Mary Shelley PPT & Percy Shelley readings (pp. 297- 299 & Ozymandias handout)

Percy B. Shelley & Mary Shelley PPT & Percy Shelley Analysis/Discussion FEB 27 ASSIGN: Percy Shelley wrap-up & Mary Shelley reading (“The Mortal Immortal” handout)

MAR 2 Mary Shelley’s “The Mortal Immortal” Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Lord Byron & John Keats PPT & John Keats readings (pp. 300-303)

MAR 3 Lord Byron & John Keats PPT & John Keats Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Byron readings (pp. 289-290, 292-294)

MAR 4 Lord Byron Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Jane Austen & Charlotte Bronte PPT & Bronte reading (Jane Eyre handout) MAR 5 Jane Austen & Charlotte Bronte PPT & Bronte Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Bronte wrap-up & Jane Austen reading (pp. 314-321) MAR 6 Bronte wrap-up & Jane Austen Discussion/Analysis ASSIGN: TEST REVIEW DAY (Burns – Austen)

MAR 9 TEST REVIEW DAY (Burns – Austen) ASSIGN: Pre-Romantics/Romantics Test MAR 10 Pre-Romantics/Romantics Test ASSIGN: Alfred Lord Tennyson & Charles Darwin PPT & Darwin reading handout

MAR 11 Alfred Lord Tennyson & Charles Darwin PPT & Darwin Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Tennyson readings (pp. 333, 338-341, 355-56, 362)

MAR 12 Tennyson Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: EXTRA CREDIT PIE DAY - Lewis Carroll & A.A. Milne PPT & Lewis Carroll reading

MAR 13 EXTRA CREDIT PIE DAY - Lewis Carroll & A.A. Milne PPT & Lewis Carroll Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: A.A. Milne reading (“The Ugly Duckling” handout)

MAR 16 A.A. Milne’s “The Ugly Duckling” Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Master Essay Comma Revision Due – print copy to Mr. Payne tomorrow; Sir Walter Scott & Robt. Lewis Stevenson PPT & Scott reading (pp. 308-313) MAR 17 HALF DAY - DISCOVER FVL Master Essay Comma Revision Due – print copy to Mr. Payne BE SURE TO KEEP THIS FILE COPY IN YOUR STUDENT DRIVE FOR FINAL MASTER ESSAY GRADE! Mr. P’s Writing Workshop – Colons, Semi-colons, Dashes Author Unit/Master Essay Work Day – Computer Lab ASSIGN: Master Essay Revision due April 11; Sir Walter Scott & Robt. Lewis Stevenson PPT & Scott reading (pp. 308-313) MAR 18 Sir Walter Scott & Robt. Lewis Stevenson PPT & Walter Scott Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Scott wrap-up & Stevenson readings (pp. 380-391)

MAR 19 Scott wrap-up & Stevenson Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Brownings/Rossetti’s PPT & Rossetti reading (pp. 371 & handout)

MAR 20 Brownings/Rossetti’s PPT & Rossetti Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: None


------QUARTER #4------QUARTER PROJECT: Robin Hood Story- telling Presentations - DUE May 19 & 20 ------

MAR 30 Victorian Age Review Day; Handout Heart of Darkness books & introduce Literary Circles Work & Groups; ASSIGN: Brownings readings (pp. 364-365, 367-368) & HOD reading of Chapter 1A on Thursday, April 3

MAR 31 Brownings Analysis/Discussion; Robin Hood Story-telling Unit Intro & Stories (Partner Groups & Story Requests due to Mr. P by Friday, April 4th) ASSIGN: Joseph Conrad & Charles Dickens PPT & Dickens reading (Oliver Twist handout); HOD reading of Chapter 1A on Thursday, April 3

APR 1 Joseph Conrad & Charles Dickens PPT & Dickens’ Oliver Twist Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: HOD reading of Chapter 1A APR 2 Literary Circle HOD Discussion of Chapter 1A ASSIGN: HOD reading of Chapter 1B APR 3 Literary Circle HOD Discussion of Chapter 1B ASSIGN: HOD reading of Chapter 2A

APRIL 7 Literary Circle HOD Discussion of Chapter 2A ASSIGN: Gerard Manley Hopkins & Oscar Wilde PPT & Wilde readings (“The Happy Prince” handout); HOD reading of Chapter 2B for Thursday, April 10

APRIL 8 Gerard Manley Hopkins & Oscar Wilde PPT & Wilde’s “The Happy Prince” Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Wilde reading “The Selfish Giant” & Hopkins poetry; HOD reading of Chapter 2B for Thursday, April 10 APRIL 9 HALF DAY – TEACHER INSERVICE AFTERNOON Analysis/Discussion of Wilde’s“The Selfish Giant” & Hopkins poetry ASSIGN: HOD reading of Chapter 2B for Thursday, April 10

APRIL 10 Literary Circle HOD Discussion of Chapter 2B ASSIGN: Author Unit/Master Essay Work Day – Computer Lab; Master Essay Colons, Semi-colons, Dashes Revision due April 11; HOD reading of Chapter 3A for Monday, April 14 APRIL 11 KINDERFEST – Mr. Payne not in class Master Essay Colons, Semi-colons, Dashes Revision Due – print copy to Mr. Payne! BE SURE TO KEEP THIS FILE COPY IN YOUR STUDENT DRIVE FOR FINAL MASTER ESSAY GRADE! ASSIGN: HOD reading of Chapter 3A for Monday, April 14


APRIL 13 Literary Circle HOD Discussion of Chapter 3A ASSIGN: HOD reading of Chapter 3B

APRIL 14 Literary Circle HOD Discussion of Chapter 3B ASSIGN: Heart of Darkness & Victorian Age Test APRIL 15 Heart of Darkness & Victorian Age Test ASSIGN: Turn of the Century – Day 1 – Rudyard Kipling APRIL 16 HALF DAY – MAUNDY THURSDAY/GRANDPARENTS DAY Master Essay, Robin Hood, & Author Presentation Work Day; ASSIGN: Thomas Hardy & Rudyard Kipling PPT & Hardy reading (p. 431 & “Old Mrs. Chundle” handout)

APRIL 17 Good Friday - NO SCHOOL

APRIL 20 Easter Recess - NO SCHOOL

APRIL 21 Thomas Hardy & Rudyard Kipling PPT & Hardy Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Rudyard Kipling readings (pp. 393-396)

APRIL 22 Rudyard Kipling Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: T.S. Eliot & George Orwell PPT & T.S. Eliot reading (pp. 458-460)

APRIL 23 T.S. Eliot & George Orwell PPT & T.S. Eliot Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Author Presentation/Robin Hood/Master Essay Work Day – Computer Lab; George Orwell readings (“Shooting an Elephant” & “War” commentary handout) for Monday, April 28 APRIL 24 HALF DAY – FVL Service Day Master Essay Revision Checklist Distributed to Students Author Presentation, Robin Hood, Master Essay Work Day – Computer Lab ASSIGN: George Orwell readings (“Shooting an Elephant” & “War” commentary handout) for Monday, April 28

APR 27 George Orwell readings (“Shooting an Elephant” & “War” commentary handout) for Monday, April 28 ASSIGN: James Joyce & WB Yeats PPT & Yeats reading (pp. 452-455)

APR 28 James Joyce & WB Yeats PPT & Yeats Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Joyce reading (pp. 479-482)

APR 29 James Joyce “Araby” Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Arthur Conan Doyle & GK Chesterton PPT & Chesterton reading (“Hammer of God” handout)

APR 30 Arthur Conan Doyle & GK Chesterton PPT & Chesterton’s “Hammer of God” Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: A.C. Doyle reading (“Last Bow” handout) due on Monday, May 5

MAY 1 Robin Hood or Master Essay WORK DAY – Computer Lab 2306 ASSIGN: A.C. Doyle reading (“Last Bow” handout) due on Monday, May 5

A.C. Doyle’s “Last Bow” Analysis/Discussion MAY 4 ASSIGN: Katherine Mansfield & Virginia Woolf PPT & Mansfield reading (“Doll’s House” handout)

Katherine Mansfield & Virginia Woolf PPT & Mansfield’s “Doll’s House” MAY 5 Analysis/Discussion ASSIGN: Woolf reading (“A Society” handout)

PROM FOLIC NIGHT Virginia Woolf’s “A Society” Analysis/Discussion MAY 6 ASSIGN: Robin Hood Work Day or Robin Men in Tights video clips day; Roald Dahl & J.K. Rowling PPT & Rowling reading (“Harry Potter Prequel” handout) for Friday, May 9

Robin Hood Work Day or Robin Men in Tights video clips day MAY 7 ASSIGN: Roald Dahl & J.K. Rowling PPT & Rowling reading (“Harry Potter Prequel” handout) for Friday, May 9

Roald Dahl & J.K. Rowling PPT & Discussion/Analysis or Rowling’s “Harry Potter MAY 8 Prequel” ASSIGN: Roald Dahl reading (“Poison” handout)

Analysis/Discussion of Roald Dahl’s “Poison” MAY 11 ASSIGN: C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien PPT & Lewis reading (“Christmas Comes to Narnia” handout)

C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien PPT & Analysis/Discussion of Lewis’ “Christmas Comes MAY 12 to Narnia” ASSIGN: Tolkien reading

Analysis/Discussion of Tolkien MAY 13 ASSIGN: Master Essay Work Day tomorrow

Final Master Essay Work Day MAY 14 ASSIGN: Master Essay due tomorrow

Final Master Essay & Robin Hood Work Day - Essay must be handed in by end of MAY 15 period; RH presents ready by Monday/Tuesday. ASSIGN: Robin Hood Presentations; Semester Test Review Sheet due May 21

Robin Hood Presentations – Day 1 MAY 18 ASSIGN: Robin Hood Presentations; Semester Test Review Sheet due May 21

MAY 19 Robin Hood Presentations – Day 2 ASSIGN: Robin Hood Presentations; Semester Test Review Sheet due May 21

Senior Awards Day (No Period 2) MAY 20 Semester Review Sheet hand in; ASSIGN: None

Portfolio Handout & Review; Star Word hand-in; Quiz Pass hand-in MAY 21 ASSIGN: SEMESTER TEST REVIEW DAY-- ALL MAKE-UP WORK DUE!

MAY 22

MAY 25 NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day


MAY 27 Semester Test

MAY 28 NO CLASS - Semester Test Day #2

MAY 29 NO CLASS - Semester Test Day #3 May 30 - 10:00 AM – GRADUATION ------QUARTER #1------QUARTER PROJECT: Edmond Rostand’s Cyrano d’Bergerac ------

Syllabus & book handout; AUG 21 ASSIGN: Cyrano Summer Reading Assignment –bring book & accompanying sheets to hand in at beginning of class August 22

Collect Cyrano Summer Assignment Books & Sheets Ross poem & “purposes of writing” discussion; Resume assignment overview August Extra Credit Bonus due at midnight! AUG 22 ASSIGN: Wilde Summer Reading Assignment –bring book & accompanying sheets to hand in at beginning of class August 25; Remember resume ready to hand in Tuesday 8/26!

Collect Wilde Summer Assignment Books & Sheets; Wilde Intro PPT; AUG 25 ASSIGN: Resume due --Bring print copy & email copy to [email protected]

Hand in print copy of resume; reminder on digital copy submission; AUG 26 “How to Read Like a Literary Scholar” handout introduced; ASSIGN: Read Wilde’s “Happy Prince” Fact quiz on Wilde PPT & “Happy Prince”; Discussion/analysis of “Happy Prince” AUG 27 ASSIGN: Read & mark up Wilde’s “Devoted Friend”

Summary of Wilde’s “Devoted Friend”; In-class reading of “Young King” AUG 28 ASSIGN: Finish Wilde’s "Young King””

HALF-DAY SCHOOL Summary of Wilde’s "Young King” AUG 29 ASSIGN: Read and mark up Wilde’s “Birthday of Infanta” or “Star Child”; Be ready to write about Wilde fairy tales


Returns Day; In-class timed writing on Wilde Fairy Tales – open book/open note SEPT 2 ASSIGN: Print out & read "Payne's Basics of Writing" handout

Classmate Interview Day - first word-processed draft is due 9/5 SEPT 3 ASSIGN: Find college/scholarship app essay prompts that you want to use by 9/8

Classmate Interview wrap-ups (10 minutes); Introduce Cyrano reading & Cyrano Essay prompt; SEPT 4 ASSIGN: Classmate Interview paper – print draft due tomorrow; Cyrano-Act 1 due 9/11

Peer Editing of Classmate Interviews using “Payne’s Basics” sheet; SEPT 5 ASSIGN: Final copy of Classmate Interview due Monday, Sept 8; Bring College/Scholarship App prompt(s)

Collect Classmate Interview paper & College/Scholarship App prompts; Resume return & discuss; SEP 8 ASSIGN: Read "Writing Awesome College App Essays" booklet; Resume revisions due by 9/12

Work thru "Writing Awesome College App Essays" booklet: SEP 9 ASSIGN: College/scholarship essay/personal statement due 9/15

Discuss & analyze example letters/essays; SEP 10 ASSIGN: Cyrano-Act 1 Summary/Quiz

Cyrano Act 1 Summary/Quiz; Discuss/analyze Cyrano reading SEP 11 ASSIGN: Cyrano-Act 2 due 9/18; Resume rewrites due tomorrow; MEET IN COMP LAB!

SEP 12 Resume rewrites due! College App/Personal Statements Work Day; ASSIGN: College/scholarship essay/personal statement - due 9-15 (Be sure to email copy to yourself & to [email protected]!)

SOS Exercise for College App/Personal Statements; SEP15 ASSIGN: Final version of College/scholarship essay/personal statement - due 9/19

Introduce Mythology Webquest Unit SEP 16 Reading of KJV Genesis Creation account: ASSIGN: Norse & Greek Creation Myth accounts & choose teams

Name WebQuest teams, pick scenarios & divide research project; SEP 17 ASSIGN: Cyrano-Act 2 Reading Due tomorrow.

Discussion of Norse & Greek Creation Myth accounts; Class discussion of Cyrano SEP 18 – Act 2 ASSIGN: Cyrano-Act 3 for tomorrow

Collect final version of college/scholarship essay/personal statement; Quiz on SEP 19 Cyrano Acts 1- 3 ASSIGN: Cyrano Acts 4 & 5 due 9/29

Computer Lab - WQ Basic Research Day - computer & print resources SEP 22 ASSIGN: Bring research material for tomorrow - finish if not done in class

Research Basics PPT; Introduce WQ Dossiers for in-depth research; SEP 23 ASSIGN: Reduce 48 gods/goddesses to 24 & fill out "cut list"

Return College App/Personal Statements;Hand out WLC permission forms; SEP 24 Computer Lab – Complete “cut list” & begin work on WQ Dossier sheets; time to work with books & online sources

WQ Research Day in Classroom & Computer Lab; Captain's Report by end of class SEP 25 ASSIGN: Keep working on WQ presentations – all dossiers due on presentation days (Oct. 16 & 17)

WQ Work Day in Computer Lab - Last in-class work day for WQ! SEP 26 ASSIGN: Webquest Presentation Days – Oct. 16-17

Class Discussion of Cyrano Acts 4 & 5 SEP 29 ASSIGN: Cyrano essay due 10/9 The Early Years of English - A Time for Heroes -- Unit Intro PPT ASSIGN: Read Anglo-Saxon Literature Intro Beowulf ( pp. 3-5) & "The SEP 30 Seafarer" in text book (pp. 6-8) ASSIGN: Quiz on A-S Lit Intro & Seafarer

HC FROLIC Night Finish Anglo-Saxon Intro PPT & Discuss characteristics found in Beowulf & OCT 1 Seafarer ASSIGN: "Dream of Rood" reading (handout) - watch for & note A-S characteristics - due 10/7

Old English Beowulf listening exercise; Discussion of Beowulf & A-S characteristics OCT 2 ASSIGN: WQ work day in Lab 2306; “Dream of Rood” for Tuesday

HALF DAY – HOMECOMING OCT 3 WQ Work Day in Computer Lab - Last in-class work day for WQ! ASSIGN: Webquest Presentation Days - October 16-17; None for HC weekend!

Introduction of Thesis Paper (checklist & rubric) – Author Choice by 10/10 OCT 6 ASSIGN: “Dream of Rood” for Tuesday; Author Choice Day (fill in grid of author selections) for Oct.10

Dream of the Rood review exercise; Discuss Cyrano essay & He Calendar – WQ OCT 7 Presentations to Oct. 21-22 ASSIGN: Work on Author Selections & WQ bibliographies

Choral Reading of Beowulf vs. Grendel's Mom; OCT 8 ASSIGN: Read "Caedmon’s Hymn” & Lorica Handout;

Discuss "Caedmon’s Hymn”& Lorica Handout. Anglo-Saxon Riddles OCT 9 ASSIGN: Author Choice Day (fill in grid of author selections)

Author Choice Day: Discuss Cyrano essay on Monday; Webquest Group time OCT 10 LONG-RANGE ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Internet Sources - 10/20; ASSIGN: WLC Permission Forms due; Cyrano Essay to be written in class

OCT 13 Collect WLC Permission forms; Cyrano Essay written in class – open book w/blue or black pen ASSIGN: Read Medieval Lit Intro (p. 13) & Read "Sir Gawain & the Green Knight" by Pearl Poet (pp. 17-220; print out & review "Code of Chivalry" handout from HE web;

OCT 14 Discuss "Code of Chivalry" handout; Analyze Common Motifs of "Sir Gawain & the Green Knight" ASSIGN: King Arthur Readings "The Sword in the Stone" (handout) & "Le Morte d' Arthur" for 10/16; Work day tomorrow for non-WLC students

OCT 15 WLC VISIT DAY for dual credit students Author Research Day for those not attending WLC Visit Day

OCT 16 Medieval Age & Middle English Intro PPT; ASSIGN: Read Spenser’s Faerie Queene ;

OCT 17 Discussion Middle English Intro & Spenser’s Faerie Queene; Handout MIDTERM TEST Review Sheet ASSIGN: Thesis Paper Internet Sources

OCT 20 Thesis Paper Internet Sources Checkpoint -- Students must have 5 sources printed out! ASSIGN: Webquest Presentations

OCT 21 Webquest Presentation Day #1 ASSIGN: Webquest Presentations

OCT 22 Webquest Presentation Day #2

OCT 23 View King Arthur video clips; Midterm Test Review Exercise ASSIGN: Midterm Test