Name: ______Mrs. Wolodkowicz Period: ______Biology IH Date: ______

Blood Typing Bonanza

I. Introduction to Blood Typing A. Blood Types- When an individual is born, he/she receives a gene for blood type from her mom and a gene for blood type from her dad. These genes code for proteins or antigens on your Red Blood Cells that identify your blood type. These proteins are also very specific. If you were to be given the wrong blood protein (different then your own), your body would attack this foreign blood type (via its antibodies- part of your immune system) and cause your blood to coagulate (agglutinate) or clot which could lead to death. Blood proteins types: A & B are dominant and O is recessive. 1. AA or AO- your blood type is A. You cannot receive type B blood. You can receive type A or O 2. BB or BO- your blood type is B. You cannot receive type A blood. You can receive type B or O. 3. AB (rarest blood type) - your blood type is AB. You can receive any blood type, A, B, AB, or O (universal receiver). 4. O (most common blood type) - your blood type is OO. You can only receive type OO blood (universal donor). II. Purpose- By applying your knowledge of blood types determine whom the father of David Smith is knowing that Jane Smith is his mother. III. Materials- toothpicks, wax pencils, microscope slides, simulated Anti-A Antiserum, simulated Anti-B Antiserum, and simulated blood samples for Jane Smith, John Smith, David Smith, and Wiley Smith. IV. Procedure (4 per group) A. Each team takes 4 slides- label the top of each slide with the initials of the individual being tested, divide the slide with the wax pencil in half, labeling one side A and one side B.

Jane Smith A B

B. Place 1 drop of Anti-A serum in the “A” box and 1 drop of Anti-B serum in the “B” box on your slide. C. Place 1 drop of the person’s simulated blood being tested on both Anti- sera. Name: ______Mrs. Wolodkowicz Period: ______Biology IH Date: ______D. Mix blood and Anti-sera with a toothpick for 2 minutes. Be sure to use a different toothpick for each mixing (you do not want to contaminate the blood). E. Observe agglutination. If agglutination occurs in A only the person has type A blood. If agglutination occurs in B only, the person has type B blood, if Person Tested Blood Type agglutination occurs in both A Jane Smith & B, then the individual has John Smith type AB blood, and if no David Smith agglutination occurs, the Wiley Smith individual has type O blood. F. Results


1. Who is the father of David Smith? ______2. How do you know? ______3. Using your knowledge of Punnett Squares, list all the possible genotypes of the children for Jane and John Smith. Show work.

4. Using your knowledge of Punnett Squares, list all the possible genotypes of the children for Jane and Wiley Smith. Show work. Name: ______Mrs. Wolodkowicz Period: ______Biology IH Date: ______

5. Why do you think red blood cells have specific antigens on them? ______6. If John knows his father had type B blood could Wiley be his long lost brother and why? Hint: remember if one is type B blood, they can either be BB or BO. Try using Punnett Squares to help you out.______