Sna State Affiliate Guide

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Sna State Affiliate Guide

SNASNA STATESTATE ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION PPROGRAMROGRAM AAPPROVALPPROVAL GGUIDEUIDE Revised August 2014. ©Copyright 2010-2014 by the School Nutrition Association. All rights reserved.


Core Courses...... 3

Core Course Approval Guidelines...... 3

Denying Core Courses...... 4

Key Area Programs...... 5

Key Area Program Approval Guidelines...... 5

Listing of Courses by Key Area...... 7

Denying Key Area Programs...... 8

Continuing Education Units (CEUs)...... 9

CEU Approval Guidelines...... 9

CEU Suggestion Table...... 11

Denying CEUs...... 12

Individual Responsibilities for Maintaining CEUs...... 13

Individual’s General CEU Guidelines...... 14

CEU Documentation for Audits...... 14

Forms...... 15

State Conference Education Session Tracking Form...... 16

Core Course Approval Form...... 19

Sample Key Area Program Approval Form...... 21

Key Area Program Certificate Template...... 24

Key Area Webinar Proof of Attendance Template...... 25

Sample CEU Approval Form...... 26

Sample Attendance Roster for CEUs...... 28

CEU Certificate Template...... 30

CEU Webinar Proof of Attendance Template...... 31

FAQs – Certificate & Credentialing Program...... 32


Core Courses are required at all levels of SNA’s Certificate in School Nutrition:  8 hour SNA-Approved Nutrition Education Core Course  8 hour SNA-Approved Food Safety & Sanitation Core Course

 To view the listing of SNA-Approved Core Courses please visit,

 Core Courses can also be used for SNA certificate and SNS credentialing renewal CEUs.

 When applying for an SNA certificate, Core Courses cannot date back further than 5 years of the application date.

 Individuals can enroll in online Core Courses via SNA’s School Nutrition University at or via the National Food Service Management Institute at


 All Core Courses must be approved by SNA Headquarters.

 SNA is responsible for tracking approved Core Courses.

 Core Courses must be at least 8 hours of active instructional time (does not include registration time or breaks)

 Core Courses can be broken down into modules (i.e. two 4 hour sessions = 8 hours or four 2 hour sessions = 8 hours).

 State Associations, third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts must submit to SNA the Core Course Approval Form (see Core Course Approval Form on Pages 19-20)

 State Associations, third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts must provide to SNA course materials that will be helpful in course evaluation, including course objectives, presentations, manuals, videos, scripts, course syllabus, etc.

 SNA will review the request for acceptance as a Core Course. If approved, SNA will send notification via email and send a template of the certificate of completion.

 State Associations, third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts must provide each course attendee with a certificate of completion.

 Individuals applying for a SNA certificate or moving levels are responsible for submitting the certificate of completion.

4  SNA will add the approved Core Course in the database.

 Core Course approval will be good for 5 years from the date of approval.

 State Associations, third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts must submit updated course information to SNA every five years.

 SNA will notify State Associations, third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts when their course is up for “re-validation”.

Core Course applications will be denied for the following reasons:

. SNA does not receive enough background or content information to evaluate the course.

. The course was not related directly to Nutrition Education or Food Safety & Sanitation.

. The course was not a minimum of 8 hours of instructional time.


 Applying for certificate Level 2 and Level 3 requires Key Area programs.

 Key Area programs can also be used for SNA certificate and SNS credentialing renewal CEUs.

 When applying for an SNA certificate, Key Area courses cannot date back further than 5 years of the application date.

 Individuals can enroll in online Key Area courses via SNA’s School Nutrition University at or via the National Food Service Management Institute at


State Associations should follow the following general guidelines for reviewing educational activities for Key Area programs:

 State Association developed programs such as State Association pre-conference sessions, programs, webinars, and online courses do not require approval by SNA Headquarters (see State Conference Education Session Tracking Form on pages 16-18).

 State Associations are able to approve in-state Key Area programs offered by third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts.

 Third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts offering Key Area programs within a state must receive approval from the SNA State Association. For example, if a local distributor, food broker, trainer, registered dietician, fire department, or association wants to offer Key Area Hours for a program in your state they must request approval from the State Association.

 Third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts offering Key Area programs in more than one state or an annual conference must receive approval from SNA Headquarters. For example if a local distributor, food broker, trainer, registered dietician, fire department, or association wants to offer the program in more than one state or nationwide, they will have to request approval from SNA headquarters.

 Third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts seeking approval for programs offering Key Area Hours must submit the Key Area Program Approval Form (see Sample Key Area Program Approval Form on Pages 21-23).

 All Key Area programs must be approved before the activity takes place.

 SNA Approved Education Providers are organizations that are able to approve their own developed programs and offer Key Area Hours. Those providers are: o School Nutrition Association (SNA) o School Nutrition Foundation (SNF) o SNA State Associations o State Agencies – State Department of Education (DOE)

6 o US Department of Agriculture (USDA) o National Food Service Management Institute (NFSMI) o Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) o Dietary Managers Association (DMA)

 Key Area programs must be at least 2 hours of active instructional time (does not include registration time, meals or breaks)

 Key Area programs can be broken down into modules/bundles (i.e. two 60 minute sessions = 2 hours or three 60 minute sessions = 3 hours).

 Key Area programs need to be in line with the Keys to Excellence: (see the Listing of Courses by Key Area on Page 7). . Key Area 1 - Operations . Key Area 2 – Nutrition, Nutrition Education and Physical Activity . Key Area 3 – Administration . Key Area 4 – Marketing and Communications

 Third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts must provide the State Association with program materials that will be helpful in program evaluation, including program objectives, presentations, manuals, videos, scripts, course syllabus, etc.

 All Key Area program approval requests submitted to the State Association by a third party association, industry member, individual, chapter or school district must include: . . Printed Program . Program Description . Program Outline/Agenda (including timing, subject, registration, breaks, mealtimes) . Speaker Qualifications/Degree/Current Position . Program Evaluation Form . Note: If the program is a Home Study Course, participants must complete an evaluation (test) that documents that the course was completed and submit it to the educational provider.

 Key Area programs can be taught by any state professional. State Associations will review the request for acceptance as a Key Area program.

 State Associations will notify the third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts in writing or via email when the program has been approved and provide them with a template for the certificate of completion.

 Third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts must provide each program attendee with a certificate of completion (see Key Area Program Certificate Template on Page 24 and Key Area Webinar Proof of Attendance Template on Page 25).

 Individuals applying for a SNA certificate or moving levels are responsible for submitting the certificate of completion. 7 LISTING OF COURSES BY KEY AREA Use this list as a guide to determine the Key Area for your program. Programs must be a minimum of 2 hours to qualify for Key Area Hours and can be broken down into modules (two 60 minute sessions = 2 Hours or three 60 minute sessions = 3 Hours) KEY AREA 1 - OPERATIONS Behavior Based Safety Food Manager Certification Orientation for Nutrition Employees (ONE) Blood Borne Pathogens Food Preparation Procurement Commodities Food Production Purchasing CPR Food Safety Quality Management Culinary Techniques Food Science Quantity Food Preparation Emergency Response Garnishing Safe Food Handling Equipment HACCP Safety Facility Design Hand Safety Sanitation Farm to School Hazard Serving It Safe Fire Safety Hazardous Materials Serving Safe Food Food Allergy Inventory ServSafe® Food and Beverage Control Knife Safety Special Diets Food Bio-Security Menu Planning Standardized Recipes Food Buying Guide Microbiology Thermometers/Calibration Food Defense Offer vs. Serve Weights and Measures Food Handler Operations KEY AREA 2 – NUTRITION, NUTRITION EDUCATION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY All Nutrition Courses Healthy Eating Orientation for Nutrition Employees (ONE) Child Nutrition Healthy School Meals Personal Health Community Nutrition Human Nutrition Smart Options Dietary Guidelines MyPyramid Step Up to the Plate Family Nutrition Nutrients Vitamins and Nutrients Feeding Children Nutrition Whole Grains and Health Food Pyramid Nutrition 101 Fundamentals I and II KEY AREA 3 - ADMINISTRATION Absences From the Workplace Disability in the Workplace Management Accounting Discrimination in the Workplace Negotiating/Resolution Administration Diversity Organizational Management Adult Education/Teaching Drug Free Workplace Payroll Adult Learning Principles Economics Personal Computer Auditing Employee Concerns Personnel Management Budget Employee Retention Professional Development Business Ethics Record Keeping Cashiering Excel Regulations Computer Facilitation Skills Sexual Harassment Computer Programming Finance Stress Management Computer Science Foodservice Management Supervising Computer Software Grant Writing Team Management Conflict Management Human Relations Time Management Cost Management Human Resource Violence in the Workplace Database Interpersonal Skills Wellness Dealing With Difficult People Leadership Windows Delegating/Empowering Legislature Word KEY AREA 4 – MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Advertising Fuel Up To Play 60 Public Relations All Foreign Languages Marketing Public Speaking Business Writing Media Management Sign Language Communications Merchandising Social Media Customer Service Oral Communication Speech English Composition Promotion Focus on the Customer Public Affairs

8 Key Area program applications can be denied by the State Associations for the following reasons:

. State Association did not receive enough background or content information to evaluate the program.

. The program was not related directly to the Keys to Excellence:

o Key Area 1 – Operations o Key Area 2 – Nutrition, Nutrition Education and Physical Activity o Key Area 3 – Administration o Key Area 4 – Marketing and Communications

. The program was not a minimum of 2 hours of instructional time.

. The program does not follow within the perimeters of SNA’s mission, vision and goals.

. If the application is denied, the third party association, industry member, individual, chapter or school district is able to submit the missing documentation for further review by the State Association.

. Third party associations, industry members, individuals, chapters and school districts are not able to bypass the State Association’s decision to deny approval by submitting their application to SNA Headquarters.


 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) can only be used for SNA certificate and SNS credentialing renewal.

 CEUs cannot be used for “initial” SNA certificate.

 SNA utilizes a random audit system for its certificate and SNS credential renewals. o Renewals for the SNA Certificate in School Nutrition are annual. o SNS Credential renewals are every 3 years. o Individuals are responsible for maintaining their own CEU records. o Individuals will only have to submit CEU documentation to SNA if audited. o SNA will only maintain CEU information in its database for SNA sponsored activities (i.e. NLC, ANC, SNIC, LAC and School Nutrition Magazine PDAs).

 Individuals can enroll in online CEU programs via SNA’s School Nutrition University at or via the National Food Service Management Institute at


State Associations should follow the following general guidelines for reviewing educational activities for CEUs:  State Association developed activities such as State Association conferences, programs, webinars, and online courses do not require CEU approval by SNA Headquarters (see State Conference Education Session Tracking Form on pages 16-18).

 State Associations are not required to maintain individual CEU records.

 Third party associations, industry members and individuals offering CEUs within a state must receive approval from SNA State Association. District and chapter meetings do not require approval for CEUs by the State Association.

 Third party associations, industry members and individuals offering CEUs in more than one state or annual conferences must receive approval from SNA Headquarters.

 All educational activities for CEUs must be approved before the activity takes place.

 CEUs are earned for participating in job related activities such as conferences, workshops, online courses, webinars, or in-service trainings that provide ongoing job-related professional development.

 Exhibits, tours, food shows and tradeshows qualify for 1 CEU only (see CEU Suggestion Table on Page 11).

 CEUs must be at least 1 hour of active instructional time (does not include registration time or breaks)

10  CEUs can be broken down into modules and bundled (i.e. four 15 minute sessions or two 30 minute sessions)

 Third party associations, industry members and individuals seeking CEUs for programs they developed must complete and submit the CEU Program Approval Form (see Sample CEU Program Approval Form on Pages 26-27).

 SNA Approved Education Providers are organizations that are able to approve their own developed programs and offer CEUs. Those providers are: o School Nutrition Association (SNA) o School Nutrition Foundation (SNF) o SNA State Associations o State Agencies – State Department of Education (DOE) o US Department of Agriculture (USDA) o National Food Service Management Institute (NFSMI) o Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) o Dietary Managers Association (DMA)

 All CEU approval requests submitted to the State Association by a third party association, industry member or individual must include: . Printed Program . Program Description . Program Outline/Agenda (including timing, subject, registration, breaks, mealtimes) . Speaker Qualifications/Degree/Current Position . Program Evaluation Form . Note: If the program is a Home Study Course, participants must complete an evaluation (test) that documents that the course was completed and submit it to the educational provider.

 Third party associations, industry members and individuals should provide the State Associations with program materials that will be helpful in evaluating the program such as manuals, presentations, videos, scripts, course syllabus, etc.

 State Associations will review the request for acceptance as a CEU program.

 State Associations will notify the third party association, industry member and individual in writing or via email that the program has been approved and provide them with the CEU certificate of completion.

 Third party associations, industry members and individuals must provide each program attendee with a CEU certificate of completion (see CEU Certificate Template on Page 30 and CEU Webinar Proof of Attendance Template on Page 31).

 Individuals who have earned a SNA certificate or are SNS credentialed will be randomly audited by SNA and are responsible for submitting documentation of CEUs earned.

 Note that State Associations, third party associations, industry members and individuals DO NOT have to submit to SNA attendance rosters for programs offered. If the State Association, third party association, industry member or individual wishes to maintain record of rosters for program attendees they can use the Attendance Roster Template as a reference (see Sample Attendance Roster on Page 28-29). 11 CEU SUGGESTION TABLE

CEU SUGGESTIONS CEUs Participate in SNA State Association-approved 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time educational programs Attend workshops and seminars 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Attend state and national conferences 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Complete home study courses Education provider determines CEU amount Complete online courses on SNA’s School Education provider determines CEU amount Nutrition University at Complete Professional Development Articles 1 CEU - Passing grade of 80%. Limited to 3 (PDAs) in School Nutrition magazine or state PDA’s passing per year for certified professionals. – SNS professionals have no limit on the number of CEUs earned for passing PDAs submitted. Articles must be published within current renewal period.

Participate in study group meetings to review and 1 CEU - Limited to 2 per year discuss at least two foodservice/management- related articles Participate in Personal Wellness programs 1 CEU - Limited to 1 per year (weight loss programs should be science based programs)

Participate in Webinars/Satellite Teleconferences Education provider determines CEU amount Teach a course – first time only 2 CEUs per hour taught. First time for each course Publish an article in a national journal/magazine 2 CEUs Attend Exhibits/Tours/Food Shows 1 CEU per year Teach Classroom Nutrition Lesson 1 CEU Participate in Back to School Workshops 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Participate in Point of Sale Training 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Attend Blood Borne Pathogens Workshops 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Participate in Civil Rights or Diversity Training 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Participate in Meal Pattern/Production Training 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Participate in Offer vs. Serve Training 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Hold State Leadership Position 1 CEU per year of service Hold Chapter Leadership Position 1 CEU per year of service Hold National Leadership Position 1 CEU per year of service Plan or participate in Special Event Planning & 1 CEU per event Implementation Workshops Participate in School Community Open House 1 CEU per event Participate in Technology Skill Development 1 CEU for each hour of instructional time Workshops

12 CEU applications submitted by third party associations can be denied by the State Associations for the following reasons:

. State Association did not receive enough background or content information to evaluate the program.

. The program was not a minimum of 1 hour of instructional time.

. The program does not follow within the perimeters of SNA’s mission, vision and goals.

. If the application is denied, the third party association, industry member or individual is able to submit the missing documentation for further review by the State Association.

. Third party associations, industry members and individuals are not able to bypass the state’s decision by submitting their application to SNA Headquarters.


 A Level Certificate is valid for one year. Individuals must complete the required number of CEUs during their annual certificate period: Level 1 = 6 CEUs, Level 2 = 12 CEUs and Level 3 = 18 CEUs.

 SNS Credentialing is valid for three years. Individuals must complete 45 CEUs during their three year SNS Credentialing period.

 Three months prior to expiring, SNA will send via mail a letter and renewal form. Individuals are responsible for renewing their level certificate, Trainer Certificate or SNS Credential on time to avoid cancellation and having to re-apply.

 Those who have earned a SNA Certificate or are SNS Credentialed professionals are responsible for maintaining and keeping records of CEUs earned.

 SNA will check proof of CEUs via a random audit. Only those chosen for the audit will be required to send in documentation of CEUs earned. If selected for an audit, notification to send CEU documentation to SNA will be included in the renewal notice.

 Those who have earned a SNA Certificate must submit to SNA the annual renewal fee with the renewal form. The renewal fees are dependent upon your certificate level. SNS professionals pay an annual maintenance fee and renew every 3 years.

 SNA strongly urges individuals to submit their renewal forms at least 4-6 weeks prior to expiring.

 After SNA reviews and approves the certificate or SNS renewal, a letter will be mailed.

 To prove an active SNA certificate to a school district, SNA members can easily access and print out a certificate by login into their MySNA account at

 If renewal forms are incomplete, SNA will send a letter explaining what is required to renew.

 In order to pay the member rate for the renewal fee, individuals must be active SNA members. Those with an inactive membership must pay the non-member rate for the SNA certificate or SNS credential.

 Individuals are able to renew their Level Certificate, Trainer Certificate and SNS online at

 Individuals can enroll in online CEU programs via SNA’s School Nutrition University at or via the National Food Service Management Institute at


 Individuals are responsible for maintaining documentation of all CEUs earned.

 Core Requirements and Key Area Hours can be used for CEUs – CEUs cannot be used for Core Requirements or Key Area Hours for an initial SNA certificate.

 CEUs are for SNA Certificate or SNS Credential Renewal only.

 CEUs must be completed or earned within the SNA certificate or SNS Credential period.

 CEUs should reflect job-related professional development experiences.

 CEUs for SNA-sponsored events such as ANC, NLC, LAC, SNIC, and School Nutrition magazine PDAs will be maintained in the SNA database and can be downloaded from MySNA.

 All CEUs must be a minimum of one hour in length.

 CEUs are required during the annual certificate period and 3 year SNS period as indicated below:

Program CEUs Member Annual Fee Non-Member Annual Fee LEVEL 1 6 CEUs (annually) $ 10.00 $ 55.00 LEVEL 2 12 CEUs (annually) $ 11.00 $ 65.00 LEVEL 3 18 CEUs (annually) $ 13.00 $ 165.00 SNS 45 CEUs (3 years) $ 65.00 $ 160.00

CEU DOCUMENTATION FOR AUDITS SNA will notify individuals who are selected for an audit of the CEUs they need to submit. These are the types of CEU documentation accepted by SNA:

. Certificates of Completion . Copies of Rosters . College/University Transcripts . Program Agendas . Program Books/Brochures . Registration Confirmation Letters . Conference Badges . Payment Receipts . SNA website My Account (MySNA) Transcript

(For additional information, please review the FAQ’s on SNA’s Certificate and SNS Credentialing beginning on page 32.)


16 STATE ASSOCIATION NAME CONFERENCE TITLE SNA STATE Education Session Tracking Form ASSOCIATION LOGO For Key Area Hours Completed HERE Program Date, Year City, State

*DIRECTIONS: The un-shaded areas of this form are to be fully and accurately completed by the attendee. Attendees are responsible for keeping this original form for their records.

Do NOT leave completed forms with the Presenter of the education sessions you attend.

EDUCATION/ROUNDTABLE SESSIONS: This tracking form serves as documentation of Key Area Hours for SNA Level 2 and Level 3 Certificate Programs and also for moving up levels. Submit to SNA this completed form, the New Certificate Program Application Form, payment, and any additional Key Area Hour documentation you need to apply. Note that the Key Area Hours can be bundled to earn the credits.

CEUs: The number of preapproved CEUs for Conference Name is Number of CEUs. You are only required to submit CEU documentation if you receive a notice of audit from SNA. CEUs are used for certificate program or SNS credential renewal ONLY!

First Name: First Name: Last Name: Last Name:

SNA ID Number: SNA ID Number: School District/Company School Name: District/Company Name:

Preferred Address: Preferred  Home Address:  Work  Home Email:  Work Email:

Street Address: Street Address:

City: City: State: State: Zip: Zip: First Name: Last Name: SNA ID:

186 SESSIONS - Date from Time Key Area Hours Approved Check () Only One Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Total Available Key Area Hour 1

SESSIONS - Date from Time Key Area Hours Approved Check () Only One Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA#

18 Total Available Key Area Hour 1

First Name: Last Name: SNA ID:

SESSIONS - Date from Time Key Area Hours Approved Check () Only One Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Total Available Key Area Hour 1

SESSIONS - Date from Time Key Area Hours Approved Check () Only One Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA# Session Title List Key Area 1  KA#

19 Total Available Key Area Hour 1


Introduction The School Nutrition Association (SNA) offers Core Course approval guidelines for school nutrition education courses. These approved Core Courses are used by individuals pursuing an initial SNA Certificate, moving levels or as CEUs for SNA’s certificate and SNS credential renewal. The Core Course Approval Form, payment, and required attachments must be submitted to SNA for review 6-8 weeks prior to the course date. Once the course is approved, SNA will send notification via email which will include a certificate template. Each participant must receive documentation of completion for the approved Core Course.

Core Courses Core Courses are workshops, seminars or online courses that meet objectives and goals which help to achieve best practices. Core Courses:  Must be at least 8 hours of instructional time (does not include registration time or breaks)  Can be broken down into modules and bundled (i.e. two 4 hour sessions = 8 hours, or four 2 hour sessions = 8 hours).  Must fall under one of the following categories: o Nutrition Education o Food Safety & Sanitation

Application Fees - Completed Core Course Approval Forms received less than 6 weeks prior to the program will need to include a $50 rush fee along with the correct application fee listed below. *SNA Program Hours *SNA Approved Individuals, School Industry Minutes Awarded Education Providers Districts or Associations Members 600 10 $0 $75 $100 601 – 900 10.1 – 15 $0 $100 $120 901 – 1200 15.1 – 20 $0 $105 $125 1201 – 1500 20.1 – 25 $0 $125 $145 1501 – 1800 25.1 – 30 $0 $145 $165 1801 or + 30.1 or + $0 $165 $185 Approved Education Providers: School Nutrition Foundation (SNF), SNA State Affiliates, State Agencies/State Department of Education (DOE), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Food Service Management Institute (NFMSI), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), Dietary Managers Association (DMA).

Submitting Application (If paying by credit card please fax the completed form and attachments.) ALL Core Course requests must be approved by SNA Headquarters. The Core Course Approval Form should be submitted for approval prior to offering the course.

Mail to: School Nutrition Association Fax to: (301) 686-3115 Attn: Education Attn: Education 120 Waterfront Street, Suite 300 National Harbor, MD 20745 Email: [email protected]

(Application on the following page) 229

22 CORE COURSE APPROVAL FORM Due 6-8 weeks prior to program date. Applications submitted less than 6 weeks prior to program date must include a rush fee of $50 along with the application fee. (Please Print or Type)

PART I - CONTACT DETAILS For SNA Use Only Program Provider: Received: Processed: Address: Hours approved: Hours requested: City, State & Zip: Approved by: Contact Person:

Phone: Fax:

Email: Signature:


Core Course Title:

Core Course Development Date: State:

Course Type:  Nutrition Education Course  Food Safety & Sanitation Course

Hours Requested: (minimum 8 hours of instructional time - do not include registration or breaks)

Program Type:  Workshop  Conference  Webinar  Online  College Course

*Home Study - Participant must complete a test documenting course completion. The test must be submitted to the educational provider for grading.

PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (All attachments must be submitted along with this completed form)  Content Summary  Learning Objectives  Course Evaluation Form  Speaker Bio (Qualifications/Degree/Title)  Course Curriculum (Syllabus, manuals, videos)  Course Outline (Sessions & times, registration, breaks, meals)

PART VI - PAYMENT (If paying by credit card, please fax the completed Core Course Approval Form &attachments)

 Check (Make payable to SNA)  Visa  MasterCard  AMEX  Discover Name on Credit Card: Expiration Date:

Card Number: Signature:

Amount Enclosed: $

Mail to: School Nutrition Association Fax to: (301) 686-3115 Attn: Education Attn: Education 120 Waterfront Street, Suite 300 National Harbor, MD 20745 Email: [email protected]


Introduction The School Nutrition Association (SNA) offers Key Area approval guidelines for school nutrition education programs. These education programs may then be used by individuals pursuing a SNA Certificate, moving levels or as CEUs for a SNA certificate and SNS credential renewal. The Key Area Approval Form, payment, and required attachments must be submitted to SNA for review 6-8 weeks prior to the program date. Once the program is approved, SNA will send notification via email which will include a certificate template. Each participant must receive documentation of completion for the approved Key Area Program.

Key Area Hours Key Area Hours are earned for participating in programs such as workshops, conferences, online courses, webinars, or home study courses that are directly related to the Key’s to Excellence. Key Area Programs:  Must be at least 2 hours of instructional time (does not include registration time or breaks)  Can be broken down into modules and bundled (i.e. two 60 minute sessions = 2 hours, or three 60 minute sessions = 3 hours).  Must fall under one of the following (review the enclosed listing of programs by Key Area):

Key Area 1 – Operations Key Area 2 – Nutrition, Nutrition Education and Physical Activity Key Area 3 – Administration Key Area 4 – Marketing and Communications

Application Fees - Completed Key Area Approval Forms received less than 6 weeks prior to the program will need to include a $50 rush fee along with the correct application fee listed below. *SNA Program Hours *SNA Approved Individuals, School Industry Minutes Awarded Education Providers Districts or Associations Members 120 – 300 2 – 5 $0 $50 $70 306 – 600 5.1 – 10 $0 $75 $100 606 – 900 10.1 – 15 $0 $100 $120 906 – 1200 15.1 – 20 $0 $105 $125 1206 – 1500 20.1 – 25 $0 $125 $145 1506 – 1800 25.1 – 30 $0 $145 $165 1806 or + 30.1 or + $0 $165 $185 Approved Education Providers: School Nutrition Foundation (SNF), SNA State Affiliates, State Agencies/State Department of Education (DOE), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Food Service Management Institute (NFMSI), Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), Dietary Managers Association (DMA).

Submitting Application (If paying by credit card please fax the completed form and attachments.) If this is a national conference, national program or being held in more than one state, please mail or fax the completed Key Area Approval Form, application fee, and required attachments to SNA Headquarters: Mail to: School Nutrition Association Fax to: (301) 686-3115 Attn: Education Attn: Education 120 Waterfront Street, Suite 300 National Harbor, MD 20745 Email to: [email protected]

If this program is being held in only one state, you must complete a different application. Please contact SNA’s Education staff at [email protected] or call (800) 877-8822 for the correct form to complete.

24 LISTING OF COURSES BY KEY AREA Use this list as a guide to determine the Key Area for your program. Programs must be a minimum of 2 hours to qualify and can be broken down into modules/bundled (i.e. two 60 minute sessions = 2 Key Area Hours or three 60 minute sessions = 3 Key Area Hours) KEY AREA 1 - OPERATIONS Orientation for Nutrition Employees Behavior Based Safety Food Manager Certification (ONE) Blood Borne Pathogens Food Preparation Procurement Commodities Food Production Purchasing CPR Food Safety Quality Management Culinary Techniques Food Science Quantity Food Preparation Emergency Response Garnishing Safe Food Handling Equipment HACCP Safety Facility Design Hand Safety Sanitation Farm to School Hazard Serving It Safe Fire Safety Hazardous Materials Serving Safe Food Food Allergy Inventory ServSafe® Food and Beverage Control Knife Safety Special Diets Food Bio-Security Menu Planning Standardized Recipes Food Buying Guide Microbiology Thermometers/Calibration Food Defense Offer vs. Serve Weights and Measures Food Handler Operations KEY AREA 2 – NUTRITION, NUTRITION EDUCATION, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY All Nutrition Courses Fundamentals I and II Nutrition 101 Orientation for Nutrition Employees Child Nutrition Healthy Eating (ONE) Community Nutrition Healthy School Meals Personal Health Dietary Guidelines Human Nutrition Smart Options Family Nutrition MyPyramid Step Up to the Plate Feeding Children Nutrients Vitamins and Nutrients Food Pyramid Nutrition Whole Grains and Health KEY AREA 3 - ADMINISTRATION Absences From the Workplace Disability in the Workplace Management Accounting Discrimination in the Workplace Negotiating/Resolution Administration Diversity Organizational Management Adult Education/Teaching Drug Free Workplace Payroll Adult Learning Principles Economics Personal Computer Auditing Employee Concerns Personnel Management Budget Employee Retention Professional Development Business Ethics Record Keeping Cashiering Excel Regulations Computer Facilitation Skills Sexual Harassment Computer Programming Finance Stress Management Computer Science Foodservice Management Supervising Computer Software Grant Writing Team Management Conflict Management Human Relations Time Management Cost Management Human Resource Violence in the Workplace Database Interpersonal Skills Wellness Dealing With Difficult People Leadership Windows Delegating/Empowering Legislature Word KEY AREA 4 – MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Advertising Fuel Up To Play 60 Public Relations All Foreign Languages Marketing Public Speaking Business Writing Media Management Sign Language Communications Merchandising Social Media Customer Service Oral Communication Speech

25 English Composition Promotion Focus on the Customer Public Affairs (Application on the following page)

26 KEY AREA APPROVAL FORM Due 6-8 weeks prior to program date. Applications submitted less than 6 weeks prior to program date must include a rush fee of $50 along with the application fee. (Please Print or Type)

PART I - CONTACT DETAILS For SNA Use Only Program Provider: Received: Processed: Address: Hours approved: Hours requested: City, State & Zip: Approved by: Contact Person:

Phone: Fax:

Email: Signature:


Program Title:

Program Dates:

Locations (City, State):

Hours Requested: (minimum 2 hours of instructional Key Area: time - do not include registration time or breaks)

Program Type:  Workshop  Conference  Webinar  Online

*Home Study - Participant must complete a test documenting course completion. The test must be submitted to the educational provider for grading.

PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (All attachments must be submitted with the Key Area Approval Form)  Program Description  Learning Objectives  *If Home Study – copy of test

 Program Evaluation Form  Copy of Presentation (Handouts, PowerPoint)  Program Agenda (Sessions & times, registration, breaks, meals)  Speaker Bio (Qualifications/Degree/Current Position)

PART VI - PAYMENT (If paying by credit card, please fax the completed Key Area Approval Form and attachments)

 Check (Make payable to SNA)  Visa  MasterCard  AMEX  Discover Name on Credit Card: Expiration Date:

Card Number: Signature:

Amount Enclosed: $

Mail to: School Nutrition Association Fax to: (301) 686-3115 Attn: Education Attn: Education 120 Waterfront Street, Suite 300 National Harbor, MD 20745 Email to: [email protected] 27 SNA STATE PROGRAM ASSOCIATION KEY AREA HOURS PROVIDER LOGO LOGO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION

This Certifies that


SNA Member #

has completed the program entitled:


Number of Hours Earned:

Key Area:

Date of Completion & Location Instructor’s Signature

This certificate serves as official documentation of completion of this Key Area program. Counts as ____ Hours in Key Area ______for Initial SNA Certificate or Moving Levels. Counts as ____ CEUs for SNA Certificate or SNS Credential Renewal.



This document confirms your participation and serves as documentation that you earned ____ Key Area Hours for viewing the following webinar:


Live Webinar aired on ______from ___ to __

Date: ______(Write in the date you viewed this webinar) Hours: ______

Key Area: ______

This certificate serves as official documentation of completion of this webinar. Counts as ____ Hours in Key Area ______for SNA Initial Certificate or Moving Levels. Counts as ____ CEUs for SNA Certificate or SNS Credential Renewal.


Introduction The School Nutrition Association (SNA) offers Continuing Education Unit (CEU) approval guidelines for school nutrition education programs. These education programs may then be used by individuals who have earned a SNA Certificate and SNS Credentialed professionals for certificate and credential renewal. The CEU Approval Form, payment, and required attachments must be submitted to SNA for review 6-8 weeks prior to offering the program. Once the program is approved, SNA will send notification via email which will include a certificate template. Each participant must receive documentation of completion for the approved CEU Program.

Continuing Education Units Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are earned for participating in job related activities such as conferences, workshops, online courses, webinars, or in-service trainings that provide ongoing professional development. Note that exhibits, tours, food shows and tradeshows qualify for 1 CEU only. CEUs:  Must be at least 1 hour of instructional time (does not include registration time or breaks)  Can be broken down into modules and bundled (i.e. four 15 minute sessions or two 30 minute sessions)

Application Fees - Completed CEU Approval Forms received less than 6 weeks prior to the program will need to include a $50 rush fee along with the correct application fee listed below.

Program Hours *SNA Approved Individuals, School Industry *SNA Approved Minutes Awarded Education Providers Districts or Associations Members Education Providers: 60 – 300 1 – 5 $0 $50 $70 School 306 – 600 5.1 – 10 $0 $75 $100 Nutrition 606 – 900 10.1 – 15 $0 $100 $120 906 – 1200 15.1 – 20 $0 $105 $125 1206 – 1500 20.1 – 25 $0 $125 $145 1506 – 1800 25.1 – 30 $0 $145 $165 1806 or + 30.1 or + $0 $165 $185 Foundation (SNF), SNA State Affiliates, State Agencies/State Department of Education (DOE), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Food Service Management Institute (NFMSI), Academy of Nutrition Dietetics (AND), Dietary Managers Association (DMA).

Submitting Application (If paying by credit card please fax the completed form and attachments.) If this is a national conference, national program or being held in more than one state, please mail or fax the completed CEU Approval Form, application fee, and required attachments to SNA Headquarters:

Mail to: School Nutrition Association Fax to: (301) 686-3115 Attn: Education Attn: Education 120 Waterfront Street, Suite 300 National Harbor, MD 20745 Email: [email protected]

If this program is being held in only one state, you must complete a different application. Please contact SNA at [email protected] or call (800) 877-8822 for the correct form to complete.

(Application on the following page)

30 CEU APPROVAL FORM Due 6-8 weeks prior to program date. Applications submitted less than 6 weeks prior to program date must include a rush fee of $50 along with the application fee. (Please Print or Type)

PART I - CONTACT DETAILS For SNA Use Only Program Provider: Received: Processed: Address: Hours approved: Hours requested: City, State & Zip: Approved by: Contact Person:

Phone: Fax:

Email: Signature:


Program Title:

Program Dates:

Locations (City, State):

CEUs Requested: (minimum 1 hour of instructional time - do not include registration time or breaks)

Program Type:  Workshop  Conference  Webinar  Online

*Home Study - Participant must complete a test documenting course completion. The test must be submitted to the educational provider for grading.

PART III - REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (All attachments must be submitted along with the CEU Approval Form)

 Program Description  Learning Objectives  *If Home Study – copy of test

 Program Evaluation Form  Copy of Presentation (Handouts, PowerPoint)  Program Agenda (Sessions & times, registration, breaks, meals)  Speaker Bio (Qualifications/Degree/Current Position)

PART VI - PAYMENT (If paying by credit card, please fax the completed application and attachments)

 Check (Make payable to SNA)  Visa  MasterCard  AMEX  Discover Name on Credit Card: Expiration Date:

Card Number: Signature:

Amount Enclosed: $

Mail to: School Nutrition Association Fax to: (301) 686-3115 Attn: Education Attn: Education 120 Waterfront Street, Suite 300 National Harbor, MD 20745 Email: [email protected]



SNA no longer processes rosters! You DO NOT have to submit this roster to SNA! Those with a SNA certificate or SNS credentialed are responsible for keeping track of their own CEU records. Participants of this program should receive a certificate of completion.

Program Title:


Program Provider:

Location of Program: Number of Hours:

Instructor’s Signature:

SNA Identification Hours Name State Number (Required) Completed 1.










32 SNA Identification Hours Name State Number (Required) Completed 11.





















SNA Member #

has completed the program entitled:


Number of CEUs Earned:

Date of Completion & Location Instructor’s Signature

This certificate serves as official documentation of completion of this CEU program. Counts as ____ CEUs for SNA Certificate or SNS Credential Renewal.



This document confirms your participation and serves as documentation that you earned ____ CEUs in Key Area ______for viewing the following webinar:


Live Webinar aired on ______from ___ to __

Date Viewed: (Write in the date you viewed this webinar)

Duration: Minutes

Approved For: CEUs

This certificate serves as official documentation of completion of this CEU program. Counts as ____ CEUs for SNA Certificate or SNS Credential Renewal.

35 SNA Certificate and SNS Credentialing Program FAQ’s

SNA’s Certificate in School Nutrition Program Update

1. What are the new Certificate Program fees? A: As of August 1, 2014, the following program fees have changed (note that the initial application fee for certificate levels remains the same):

Certificate Initial Fees Member Non-Member Trainer $70.00 $165

Certificate Renewal Fees Member Non-Member Level 1 $10.00 $55 Level 2 $11.00 $65 Level 3 $13.00 $165 Trainer $60.00 $155

Total Certificate Reinstatement Initial Plus Annual Reinstatement Member Fees Fee Level 1 Member $16.00 $10.00 $26.00 Level 2 Member $20.00 $11.00 $31.00 Level 3 Member $30.00 $13.00 $43.00

Total Certificate Reinstatement Initial Plus Annual Reinstatement Non-Member Fees Fee Level 1 Non-Member $16.00 $55 $71.00 Level 2 Non-Member $20.00 $65 $85.00 Level 3 Non-Member $30.00 $165 $195.00

2. Why did SNA change the name of the certification program to the certificate program? A: SNA’s current program is a certificate of completion program. The Governing Council (who oversees the program policies and procedures) approved the change to ensure our program is in line with current program standards. SNA’s Certificate in School Nutrition will be aligned to the requirements set forth by USDA once the final rule on professional standards is released.

3. Is the SNA certificate program different from the certification program? A: Yes. A certification program requires a thorough exam based on your job skills and knowledge. For example, the SNA credentialing program requires an exam. A certificate program only requires a certificate of completion once you attend a workshop or course.

4. Is the certificate program not as good as the certification program? A: Both programs are highly valued in the school nutrition profession! A certification program requires individuals to pass an exam based on their knowledge and skills required to complete their job. Once the individual passes the exam, they earn a designation or credential after their name. The certificate program is a little different. It is a training program on a topic for which participants receive a certificate after attendance and/or completion of the course.

36 5. What does this change mean for my CEUs and record? A: There is no change for the CEU requirements to renew your SNA certificate. You will still need to maintain the CEUs earned during your annual period. You are only required to submit these if you are audited by SNA.

6. Can I still say I am SNA certified? Can I still wear my SNA Certified pin? A: It’s best to no longer use the term certified. You can state that you’ve “earned the SNA Certificate in School Nutrition” or that you have SNA’s certificate in school nutrition. Yes. Please continue to wear your pin! SNA will work on providing new pins in the near future.

7. If my district offers me an incentive for being SNA certified, does this still work with the certificate program? A: Yes! Your district may continue to provide incentives for earning a SNA certificate. Please contact your supervisor directly to discuss. Note that SNA is not involved or responsible for incentives provided by your district.

Applying for SNA’s Certificate Program

8. Do I need to have a High School Diploma/GED to apply for Level 1? A: No, as of June 2014 the High School Diploma/GED requirement has been removed for Level 1. You will however, need to submit a copy of your High School Diploma/GED if applying for Levels 2 or 3.

9. Where is the NEW Certificate Program Guide available? A: The Guide is available for download at then click on Earning a SNA Certificate. Hardcopies of the Guide are also available. Please contact SNA at [email protected].

10. Do I have to start at Level 1? A: No. You do not have to start at Level 1. Review the requirements for each Level described in the Certificate Program Guide and determine if you have met the requirements for that Level.

11. Is there an initial application fee for the certificate program? A: Yes. Please note that the fee is non-refundable. The initial application fee covers SNA’s processing cost. The initial application fees are: Initial Certificate Member Non- Application Fee Member Level 1 $ 16 $ 61 Level 2 $ 20 $ 73 Level 3 $ 30 $ 180

12. Are associate members eligible to pay the member rate for the certificate? A: Yes. All current members of SNA are eligible to pay the member rate.

13. What is the waiting period before I will receive a response for my status?

37 A: It takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks for your application to be processed. If approved, you will receive a Verification Letter via mail with instructions on renewing. Members who are approved will be able to visit our website at, login to My Account click on MySNA and download their certificate at any time. SNA no longer mails certificate cards. The expiration date will appear on your membership card which will be mailed to you at the time you renew your SNA membership. If you are not approved, you will receive notice stating the reason why you did not earn the certificate. You must submit the requested documents within 30 calendar days of receipt of notice. If your documents are not received within 30 calendar days, you will have to re-submit the entire application, documentation, and pay the initial application fee again. Note that this fee is non-refundable.

14. Do states offer their own SNA-approved Nutrition Education and Food Safety & Sanitation Core Courses? A: Yes. Some SNA State Associates offer their own SNA-approved Core Courses. To view a listing of these, please visit and click on SNA Approved Nutrition Education & Sanitation and Safety State Courses.

15. I’m supposed to get a bonus or pay increase when I have achieved a certain level. How does that work and when will I get that? A: SNA is not responsible for any monetary awards that you might receive related to your certificate level. These are unique agreements between you and your employer. Check with your supervisor or human resources department about documentation requirements and timelines.

Certificate Program Renewal

16. What do I need to do to maintain my annual certificate? A: You need to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to renew. CEUs must be earned during your 12 month certificate period. You must also pay the annual renewal fee. You are responsible for maintaining records of CEUs earned each year. It is your responsibility to renew on time to avoid your certificate being lapsed. NOTE: You are only required to submit CEU documentation to SNA if you receive an audit notice at the time you receive your renewal notice. Certificate Levels CEUs Level 1 6 CEUs Level 2 12 CEUs Level 3 18 CEUs

17. Will renewal notices be sent out? A: Yes. Three months before your certificate program expiration date, SNA will send you (via mail) a letter and renewal form. Simply submit the renewal form with payment to SNA at least 4-6 weeks prior to expiring. NOTE: If SNA has your email address in its database, you will also receive an email notification a few weeks prior to expiring. You are also able to pay your renewal fee online. To renew, visit

18. How will I know if I am picked for audit? A: SNA will use an automated random selection process for audits. SNA will have a percentage of individuals audited for renewal each month. If you are selected for an audit, notification to send CEU documentation to SNA will be included in your annual renewal notice.

19. If I’m audited, what kind of CEU documentation do I need to submit to SNA?

38 A: SNA will accept certificates of completion, copies of rosters, college/university transcripts, program agendas, program books/brochures, registration confirmation letters, badges, transcript via your SNA website My Account or payment receipts. The documentation must include your SNA ID number, date, and amount of credits you earned.

20. If I’ve just renewed, do I have to renew again next year? A: Yes. Your SNA certificate is valid for 12 months. You will have to pay the renewal fee every year.

21. Is my certificate program renewal date the same as my membership renewal date? A: No. Your certificate program renewal date and membership renewal dates are different.

22. What happens if I don’t renew my SNA certificate? A: If you fail to renew on time, you will have 90 days after your expiration date to reinstate. You will have to pay a reinstatement fee along with the annual fee due from the previous year. You will also have to submit documentation of CEUs earned for that year. SNA will mail you a reinstatement notice after your expiration date with instructions on how to reinstate. These fees are non-refundable.

Ways to Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

23. Does work experience count for CEU or Core Requirements? A: No. Work experience is not part of SNA’s certificate program.

24. Do Back-to-School meetings count for CEUs? A: Yes. Attending Back-to-School workshops counts for CEUs. Each hour of instructional time equals 1 CEU. Please review page 9 of the Certificate Program Guide for ways to earn CEUs.

25. How many of the “To Your Credit” articles in School Nutrition magazine or Professional Development Articles (PDAs) can I use from the magazine to renew? A: You can use a maximum of three (3) passing “To Your Credit” or PDA articles per year to renew. The passing grade is 80%. Each article is worth 1 CEU. Articles must be published and submitted within your current renewal period. PDA’s can be completed online at

26. Is SNA going to keep track of all my CEUs? A: No. SNA will only maintain CEU records for SNA sponsored activities such as ANC, NLC, LAC, CNIC, and School Nutrition magazine PDAs. You are responsible for maintaining CEU records.

27. If I take a college course on writing children’s books, can it count for CEUs? A: No. CEUs must be job-related professional growth experiences that relate to your job in school nutrition. 28. Can I take the same course twice within my annual certificate program period? A: No. Courses cannot be used twice for CEUs within the same annual period.

29. Can I carry CEUs over to my next certificate program period? A: No. When your SNA certificate is renewed, you start fresh with no CEUs. All CEUs must be earned within the annual period.

30. Does SNA offer online courses?

39 A: Yes. SNA offers online courses at

31. Do the state associations still send in their rosters? A: State associations no longer have to submit rosters to SNA. Those who have earned a SNA certificate are responsible for keeping track of their own CEU records.

32. Do district meetings have to be approved for CEUs by the SNA State Association? A: No. Districts that have developed their own programs/meetings do not require approval for CEUs by the State Association. Each hour of instruction equals 1 CEU. The agenda can be used as CEU documentation for audit.

Key Area Hours

33. Do Key Area programs have to be approved by the SNA State Association? A: SNA State Associations are able to approve in-state Key Area programs. Third party associations, individuals and districts offering Key Area programs within a state must receive approval from the State Association. Those offering Key Area programs in more than one state must receive approval from SNA Headquarters. For example, if a local distributor or food broker wants to offer a Key Area Hour program in your state they must request approval from the state association. If on the other hand a school district wants to offer a Key Area program in more than one state or nationwide, they will have to request approval from SNA headquarters.

34. Is the National Restaurant Association an approved provider? A: No. The National Restaurant Association is not an approved provider, but SNA does accept NRA’s ServSafe® as a Core Course.

Changing Levels

35. I have Level 1 and I’m working to move up to Level 2. Do I need to take Core Courses a second time? A: No. You only have to meet the difference in the Key Area Hour requirements between your current level and the level that you are applying for. For example: Level 2 (86 hours) – Level 1 (16 hours) current level = 70 Key Area Hours difference. Note that there is a requirement on the number of hours you earn in each Key Area. Please review the Certificate Program Guide for details.

36. Do I have to wait for my renewal before applying to move to another Level? A: No. You can apply to move to a higher level whenever you meet the eligibility requirements for that new level. You must submit the certificate program application with the documentation verifying the eligibility requirements for the higher level, along with the initial application fee for the new level. Once you change Levels, you will have a new certificate program expiration date.

Trainer Certificate

37. Where do I find information on the Trainer Certificate Program? A: For more information, visit our website at


40 38. Do I need college credits to sit for the SNS Exam?

A: Yes. To view the full SNS program requirements and to see if you qualify to sit for the exam, download the SNS Credentialing Exam Handbook at

39. How many questions are on the SNS Credentialing Exam?

A: The exam is comprised of 200 multiple choice questions and candidates have four hours to complete it. The exam is based on 9 Content/Knowledge Areas.

40. I’m taking the SNS Exam. What will I need to study?

A: Individuals taking the SNS Exam need to use the SNS Credentialing Exam Handbook which can be downloaded at The Exam Handbook contains the requirements, content/knowledge areas, exam resource list to prepare for the exam, and application form.

41. Is there a fee for taking the Credentialing Exam?

A: Yes. The application fee is $210 for members and $305 for non-members. If you are not eligible to sit for the exam or cancel your exam registration, you will receive a refund of the exam application fee minus the $50 processing fee. Those who earn the SNS Credential will pay a yearly maintenance fee. The yearly fee for members is $65 and $160 for non-members. Note that all fees associated with the exam are subject to change at any time.

42. I took the SNS exam, how long will it take for me to receive the results from the exam?

A: The exam is scored by an independent testing vendor and it takes approximately 6-8 weeks after the exam date for results to be issued. If you have passed the credentialing exam, you are given the designation SNS as well as a card and certificate displaying the SNS designation. If you fail the exam, you’ll receive a diagnostic report that shows which areas you scored weakest on.

43. I passed the SNS exam, how long is my credentialing renewal period?

A: The credentialing renewal period is every 3 years.

44. My Credential is scheduled to expire soon. Do I need to submit documentation of my CEUs?

A: You are only required to submit documentation of 45 CEUs if you are randomly selected for an audit. SNA will send audit notification with your renewal notice. SNA maintains CEUs for SNA sponsored activities that you attend. You can print your SNA transcript by login to the My Account section of the SNA website at SNA offers online CEU courses via SNU at SNS professionals can also complete the Professional Development Articles (PDAs) from the School Nutrition magazine online by visiting

45. How can my SNA State Association host the SNS Credentialing exam?

A: Visit to download the Exam Site Request Form which includes the requirements and criteria for exam proctoring, roles and responsibilities of SNA Headquarters, Exam Hosts and the Exam Candidate. States must also assign a Primary and Secondary Proctor from a list of prospects. Please contact our Credentialing Staff at [email protected] to request a list of pre-approved proctors for your state.


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