Precious (The Great Asian Laughs Manically and Notices Yu Is Not Paying Attention)

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Precious (The Great Asian Laughs Manically and Notices Yu Is Not Paying Attention)

MK: Ladies and gentleman. Thank you for tuning in to our channel. Today we will be showing “Captain Constitution and the great Asian”. Please enjoy the show.

Scene One

*The Great Asian and Yu enter the stage. He comes across the Pharaoh’s fedora and Yu stands in the background distracted.

Great Asian: “Finally after 5 minutes of searching, I have the long lost Pharaoh’s Fedora….My Precious……” (The great Asian laughs manically and notices Yu is not paying attention)

“Yu, You just missed my prologue!” Scene Two *Constitution and betty have just defeated Nick and have just acquired ancient Libyan/asianite marbles* Captain: He almost had me when he took all my super powers, my pocket constitution…but we ended up with the victory.`` ` *theme song* Betty: Good thing we got these out of the wrong hands, right captain constitution?! Captain: Right cyber Betty! This citizen deserves the right to a fair and speedy trial, straight to jail! I’m Gonna take this guy down to the station, you find out what those marbles are! Scene 3 *lounging in a chair with fedora down* Great Asian: it’s good to be back in my secret base under Louisiana tech. A place that NOBODY, not even captain constitution and cyber betty would ever think of looking. Yu: Uhhh, Marty…… Great Asian: MY NAME IS THE GREAT ASIAN! Now what! Yu: Uhh, you referred this to being a secret base when actually it’s a basement….. Great Asian: the economy is terrible right now! Haven’t you heard about the recession/ Now, have you entered the programs for my new Minions? Yu: Yes sir. Great Asian: Yeeeeessssss, Proceed with the plan. Scene 4 Captain: What you find out about the marbles? Betty: They’re Ancient Libyan marbles, nothing much. I’ll keep them for good luck. Captain: Ok, now we need to investigate an attack, civilians say they saw a nut job yelling that he was going to take over the world. He called himself the great Asian. Betty: ok, how do we find him? Captain: He’s been spotted somewhere around Louisiana tech. Betty: ok let’s go. Scene 5 (Captain constitution and betty are at the quadrangle when a mysterious voice appears) Captain Constitution: This is the area that the people said they saw him, let’s…….. Asian: Hhahaha! You’ve fallen into my trap! Now feel the wrath of my minions! (boe-bot comes from either side of the stage) Captain: Thou shalt not infringe on the right to bear arms! (shoots boe-bot) Betty: where did that minion come from ? Captain: Let me see. My pocket Constitution should do the trick. Hmmmm. I think it came from the sewer manhole. Betty: Let’s go! Scene 6 (Captain Constitution and Betty infiltrate the manhole and find a secret door) Betty: That’s gotta be his pathetic hiding hole. Captain: GET OUTTA THERE YAH WIMP Betty: Ill open it, I can hack the keypad. (the door opens. Barbra, the great Asians secretary is there) Betty: Hi we r looking for…. Captain: …The great asian. Barbra: Oh, he is in his office. (Asian yells through intercom angered) Asian:BARBRA! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT IM OUT! GRRR. ILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE. (Asian Walks on stage) Asian: Barbra, you are fired! Now where was I, yes, Captain Constitution and Cyber Betty. If I were you, I would make like a tree and get outta here. prepare to feel my….

Yu: Sir, I believe the metaphor is, “Make like a tree and leave” Asian: SHUTUP! I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! CAPTAIN CONSTITUTION, CYBER BETTY, FEEL MY WRATH (Fight between the heroes and villains commences.) Captain: Hack into that Minion!! (commercial break) River: We’ll be back after a message from our sponsors. Alex: Ladies; Look at your man. Now look at me. Now Back at your man. Now back at me. Sadly, he isn’t me. But if he stopped using lady scented body wash and started using young spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, now back up. You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in my hand? Its an oyster with two tickets to at thing you love. Close your eyes. Now open them. The tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like young spice and not a lady. I’m standing on a man. River: And now, back to the great asian’s lair. Betty: Ok lets see here, change the servo password. Re-route the wireless channel andddd…Wa-La. DONE! Asian: is that… ASIANITE!!!!! (Asian and yu run off) Captain: Attach it to the minion!

(The Minion attacks the asian with the asianite and he is defeated and is cuffed.) (theme song) Captain: Lets get outta here. Cyber Betty: Yah, is it weird I want Chinese food now? Captain: Not at all. (exit stage) MK: we hope you enjoyed this showing of “Captain constitution and the great asian” To see Captain constitution defeat mr. brown, tune in next… ALL: TIME!!

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