FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years RFP Review Rubric

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FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years RFP Review Rubric

FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

Population to be Served (30 Points) Statement of Need Population to be Served

Statement of Need CRITERIA Does Not Meet Standard Meets Standard Exemplary Statement of Need The Statement of Need proposal The Statement of Need proposal The Statement of Need proposal provides little, if any, data analysis to describes adequate evidence of need provides strong evidence of need for Proposal Narrative Requirements show need for prevention initiative for the prevention initiative program the Prevention Initiative program with Section: Statement of Need services in the area including but not with data analysis of: detailed analysis of: Attachment: 2A limited to:  Characteristics of families  Characteristics of families  Children and families do not and children related to and children related to levels Clearly indicates that the area to be appear at-risk or there are educational level of parents; of poverty, illiteracy, served has a high number of children low numbers of previously employment conditions; rates unemployment, limited and families determined to be the unserved at-risk children and of infant mortality, birth English proficiency (e.g., high most in need of the services as families; and trauma, low birth weight or % of parent survivors of indicated by high levels of poverty,  Community demographics do prematurity; district rates of domestic abuse, TANF illiteracy, unemployment, limited- not indicate significant at-risk dropouts, retention, truancy, eligibility; rates of infant English proficiency, or other need- characteristics. teenage pregnancies, mortality, birth trauma, low related indicators, such as the school homeless students; numbers birth weight or prematurity,  Proposal does not describe district’s rate of dropouts, retention, of non-English speaking high % special needs eligible how these services will not truancy, teenage pregnancies and families; rates of poverty, and siblings/primary caregivers, duplicate services being homeless students, high rates of child abuse and neglect, foster families, provided by other programs; infant mortality, birth trauma, low birth homelessness; homelessness); and weight or prematurity, and high rates Proposal does not describe   Previously unserved highly  Large numbers of previously of child abuse and neglect. The need criteria and indicators or the at-risk children and families unserved at-risk children and must be based on current statistical, description does not seem in need of services, as families in need of services, demographic, or descriptive likely to ensure that it will: documented by community as documented by information regarding the community o Identify children and demographics (e.g., district community demographics in which the families and children families who are eligible low income %, rates of teen (e.g., district low income %, reside (including the prevalence of for the program; and births, high % truancy, rates of teen births, high % homelessness). o Target those children mobility, child abuse, truancy, mobility, child and families most in substance abuse, abuse, substance abuse, Criteria and indicators for identifying need of services. homelessness). homelessness). children and families who are eligible for the program are clearly Proposal adequately describes how Proposal provides a detailed established and likely to target those these services will meet needs not description of other programs in the children and families most in need of currently being met by other community and how these services services. programs. will meet needs not currently met by those programs. Effective recruitment strategies are Proposal adequately describes proposed that are likely to ensure criteria and indicators that will: Proposal describes, in detail, criteria that the maximum number of eligible  Identify children and families and indicators that have a strong children and families are enrolled in who are eligible for the likelihood of ensuring the program the program. program, and will:  Target those children and  Identify children and families families most in need of who are eligible for the services. program, and  Target those children and The proposal must adequately families most in need of describe the process that was used services. to determine the need for the program in the community in relation The proposal must comprehensively to other similar services that may be describe the process that was used operating in the same geographic to determine the need for the area; this description must list, to the program in the community in relation extent known, the other services to other similar services that may be offered and an estimate of the operating in the same geographic number of children being served. area; this description must list, to the extent known, the other services offered and an estimate of the number of children being served.

CRITERIA Does Not Meet Standard Meets Standard Exemplary Population to be Served The Population to be Served The Population to be Served The Population to be Served proposal does not describe a plan to proposal describes an adequate plan proposal describes multiple Proposal Narrative Requirements enroll eligible population to be served to enroll the eligible population to be strategies to enroll the eligible Section: Population to be Served by the early childhood initiatives or served by the early childhood population to be served by the early Attachment: 2B plan is inadequate. initiative. childhood initiative.

The proposal clearly indicates that  Few families with children  Adequate number of families  Maximum number of families the area to be served has a high from birth to 3; with children from birth to 3; with children from birth to 3 number of children and families  No procedure for outreach, and including single or married determined to be the most in need of identification and recruitment  Adequate procedures for parent(s) who are expecting the services provided by the Early of families most at-risk. outreach, identification and their first child within three Childhood Block Grant program, as months or have no children FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric indicated by those children who  The proposal does not recruitment of families most other than a child less than 3 because of their home and address: at-risk. years of age; and community environment are subject o How the eligible  The proposal adequately  Outreach and identification of to such language, cultural, economic population will be describes: families most at-risk, and and like disadvantages to cause recruited; o How the eligible recruitment that is proactive, them to have been determined as a The geographic area population will be reflects the cultural diversity result of screening procedures to be o recruited; of the community and uses at risk of academic failure. to be served; or o The estimated o The geographic area multiple methods and strategies. Statewide Statistics number of to be served; and The estimated  The proposal clearly and  2015 Low income rate 54.2% children/families to o be enrolled. number of comprehensively describes:  2015 High school dropout children/families to o How the eligible rate 2.3% be enrolled. population will be  2015 Chronic truancy rate recruited; 8.7% Describe the process that was used o The geographic area  2015 Mobility rate 12.0% to determine the need for the to be served; and program in the community in relation 2015 Limited English o The estimated  to other similar services that may be Proficient rate 10.3% number of operating in the same geographic children/families to 2015 Annual average  area; this description must list, to the be enrolled. unemployment 5.9% extent known, the other services  2013 Children birth to age offered and an estimate of the five in poverty (FPL:100%) number of children being served. 22.4%  2015 Free and reduced lunch 54.2%  2014 Child abuse rate 7.6 per 1000  2013 Teen birth rate (mothers under the age of 20) 6.8%  2013 Infant mortality rate 6.0 per 1000  2013 Low birth weight babies (<2,500 grams) 8.3% Statement of Need Population to be Served Possible Score: 0-18 Possible Score: 19-26 Possible Score: 27-30 Total Points Possible: 30 Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Total Points Possible: 30 Readers Score:

Quality of Proposed Program (40 Points) 1. Screening Process to Identify Eligible Participants Who Are at Risk 2. Evidence-Based Program Model and Research-Based Curricula 3. Developmental Monitoring 4. Individual Family Service Plan 5. Case Management Services 6. Family and Community Partnership 9. Data Collection and Evaluation

Component Number 1: Screening Process to Identify Eligible Participants Who are at Risk CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Screening for Eligibility The Screening for Eligibility proposal The Screening for Eligibility The Screening for Eligibility does not describe procedures to be proposal adequately describes the proposal describes, in detail, the Proposal Narrative Requirements used in a parent interview. procedures currently in place for policies and procedures currently in Section: Screening Process to For children 3 months of age screening and the proposed enhanced place for screening and the proposed FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

Identify Eligible Participants Who and older, proposal does not describe or additional procedures (that require enhanced or additional procedures Are at Risk the criteria to determine at what point additional funding) to be used to screen (that require additional funding) to be Attachment: 3 performance on an approved screening children and their families to determine used to screen children and their instrument indicates children are at risk their need for services and ensure that families to determine their need for Illinois’ neediest children will be of academic failure. Required areas (as the program will serve those children services and ensure that the program identified and served. appropriate for age) not addressed: and families most in need. will serve those children and families  Vocabulary most in need. The proposed program and The proposal adequately describes the  Visual-motor integration activities regarding screening for policies and procedures to be used The proposal provides a detailed eligibility will sufficiently meet the  Language and speech during and after screening for eligibility. description of the policies and identified needs of the population development These procedures include: procedures to be used during and after to be served. The screening  English proficiency  A parent interview that is screening for eligibility. These policies procedures will be designed to  Fine and gross motor skills conducted in the parents’ and procedures include: identify those children and families  Social skills home/native language, if  a parent interview form that is most in need of Prevention necessary, and: conducted in the parents’  Emotional development Initiative services that will enhance o A summary of the home/native language, if child development, parent  Cognitive development child's health history necessary, and includes: effectiveness and, ultimately, and status, including Demographic information; school readiness. Proposal shows screening is whether the child has o Parent’s Education Level planned once during the program year an existing disability, Parent’s Age For the purpose of Prevention o and/or other entities involved are not and social Initiative “at risk” is defined as o Marital Status named. development; and those children who because of o Living Situation Proposal does not indicate that o Information about the their home and community o Employment History written parental permission will be parents, such as age, environment are subject to such obtained. Economic information; language, cultural, economic and educational achievement and o Parent’s Income like disadvantages to cause them Proposal does not indicate that o Parent’s Employment to have been determined as a employment history. Prevention Initiative program Child’s prenatal history; result of screening procedures to  For children 3 months of age provider(s) will be included in screening Child’s health history, including whether be at risk of academic failure. process. and older, the proposal adequately describes the the child has an existing disability; criteria to determine the point Child’s social development; at which performance on a o Number of Children in the published, research-based Household developmental screening o Number of people in the instrument indicates children household are at risk of academic failure o Experiences with other children and includes the required similar in age domain areas (as appropriate o Involvement in other programs for age): vocabulary, visual- Environmental information: and motor integration, language o Living Arrangements and speech development, o Number of School-aged English proficiency, fine and Siblings experiencing gross motor skills, social skills, academic difficulty emotional and cognitive o Food security development. o Domestic violence  For children 3 months or older Identification of the use of a translator a vision and hearing screening to conduct the parent interview in the using the child’s developmental parent’s home language (if applicable). screening instrument.

 Weighted eligibility form and For children 3 months of age and older, the procedures for proposal describes screening as a implementation are described. collaborative effort among Child Find, Early Intervention, Early Head Start, Proposal provides schedule of public schools, licensed child care screenings in the area to be served and providers, and special education. At- indicates other entities that are risk factors are used for eligibility, are involved. agreed upon by all partners, and include the required areas (as Proposal indicates that written parental appropriate for age): permission for the screening will be • Vocabulary obtained. • Visual-motor integration Proposal describes adequate • Language and speech development procedures to include Prevention • English proficiency Initiative program provider(s) in • Fine and gross motor skills screening process and make results • Social skills available to them. • Emotional development • Cognitive development

Proposal provides a variety of appropriate screening opportunities with all other entities involved. The proposal clearly describes the procedure for screening for eligibility that include:  Multiple eligibility criteria reflect that the most at-risk children will be served; FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

 At-risk factors used for program eligibility are based on the risk factors present in the community;  A published, evidence-based screening instrument is being implemented;  Procedures for collecting each child’s Vision screening results from each child’s physician or medical home when a child is six (6) months and annually thereafter;  Procedures for completing hearing screens (Hearing screens using an objective measure of hearing sensitivity are be completed when each child is six (6) months, then annually thereafter.);  Provisions to screen in the child’s native language are available;  Proposal indicates that written parental permission for the screening will be obtained;  Proposal indicates that Prevention Initiative program provider(s) is involved in all aspects of the screening process.

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Special Notes: Strengths:


Component Number 2: Research-Based Program Model and Research-Based Curricula CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Research-Based Program Model & The Research-Based Program Model The Research-Based Program Model The Research-Based Program Model Curriculum for Parent Education & Curriculum for Parent Education & Curriculum for Parent Education & Curriculum for Parent Education proposal does not include evidence proposal provides a description of the proposal provides a description of the Proposal Narrative Requirements that the program is built upon effective current programming and services current programming and services Section: Research-Based Program research about Prevention Initiative and provides a description of the and provides a description of the Model & Curriculum for Parent services or that it is aligned with the proposed programming and services proposed programming and services Education Illinois Birth to Three Program (that require additional funding) (that require additional funding) Attachment: 4 Standards or the Illinois Early planned to be implemented with planned to be implemented with Learning Guidelines. fidelity to the evidence-based program fidelity to the evidence-based program Families will receive intensive, model and compliance to ISBE model and compliance to ISBE research-based, and comprehensive Home Visiting, Center-Based and requirements. requirements. prevention services. Family Literacy programs do not meet any of the following Home Visiting, Center-Based and Home Visiting, Center-Based and The proposed program and activities component requirements. Family Literacy programs include: Family Literacy programs include: will sufficiently meet the identified needs of the population to be served Proposal fails to include parent The proposal adequately describes The proposal provide a detailed and include child and parent activities activities, child activities, or parent- the program and activities that will be description of the program and designed to enhance child child interactive activities to teach implemented to sufficiently meet the activities that will be implemented to development, parent effectiveness parents new ways of supporting and identified needs of the population to sufficiently meet the identified needs and, ultimately, school readiness. The enhancing their children’s be served and the child and parent of the population to be served and the proposed program is built upon development. activities designed to enhance child child and parent activities designed to effective research about prevention development, parent effectiveness enhance child development, parent services and aligned to the Illinois Scheduling for programmatic activities and, ultimately, school readiness. The effectiveness and, ultimately, school Birth to Five Program Standards and is not intensive or flexible to meet proposal addresses how the program readiness. The proposal addresses Illinois Early Learning Guidelines, as family needs. is built upon effective research about how the program is built upon applicable. prevention services and is aligned to effective research about prevention Proposal does not describe the the Illinois Birth to Five Program services and is aligned to the Illinois Possible Prevention Initiative location of programming. Standards and Illinois Early Learning Birth to Five Program Standards and Frameworks: Guidelines, as applicable. Illinois Early Learning Guidelines, as FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

 Home Visiting Proposal does not adequately applicable. describe the services to be offered The proposal identifies:  Center-Based (home visits and groups).  Prevention Initiative The proposal identifies:  Family Literacy framework(s) ;  Prevention Initiative Parent fees are charged with no o Home Visiting framework(s) ; Examples of existing PI research- explanation and/or no reimbursement Center-Based o Home Visiting based Program Models for parent plan for transportation and child care o Center-Based education currently being is described. o Family Literacy o implemented in Illinois include: o Family Literacy  Baby TALK Proposal does not indicate that a  Research-Based program  Healthy Families America research-based curriculum aligned model for parent education;  Research-Based program with the Illinois Birth to Three Program model for parent education;  Parents as Teachers (PAT) Standards and Illinois Early Learning  Research-based curriculum Guidelines will be used for both Research-Based Curricula aligned chosen for parent education  Research-based curriculum parent-centered education and if and if applicable the chosen chosen for parent education with the Birth to Five Program applicable child-centered education. Standards and the Illinois Early child centered curriculum (All and if applicable the chosen Learning Guidelines (IELG alignments curricula chosen must be child centered curriculum (All Proposal fails to describe how the aligned with the Illinois Early curricula chosen must be can be found on the Illinois Early eight designated instructional areas Learning Project webpage.) Learning Guidelines and the aligned with the Illinois Early will be addressed: Birth to Five Program Learning Guidelines and the Examples of Supplemental Services  Child growth and Standards.); and Birth to Five Program include, but are not limited to: development, including Standards.) ; and prenatal development;  Doula Services  Supplemental Services or  Childbirth and childcare Curricula (if applicable) and  Supplemental Services or  Fussy Baby Network ®  Child safety and injury describes how the Curricula (if applicable) and  Touchpoints ™ prevention; supplemental services align describes how the  Abriendo Puertas/Opening  Family structure, function, and with the identified program supplemental services align model for parent education with the identified program Doors management; and the IELGs. model for parent education. For more information also download:  Prenatal and postnatal care for mother and infants  Illinois Birth to Five Program The proposal adequately addresses The proposal provides a detailed Standards  Prevention of child abuse the following: description of each of the following  Interpersonal and family  Description of how the items:  Illinois Early Learning relationships including program plans to ensure  Description of how the Guidelines physical, mental, emotional, adherence to the selected program plans to ensure social, economic, program model for parent adherence to the selected psychological; and education; program model for parent  For general information Description of how the education; regarding Prevention  Parenting skills development.  program is aligned with the  Description of how the Initiative, including the Illinois Birth to Five Program program is aligned with the Prevention Initiative Standards; and Illinois Birth to Five Program Compliance Checklist (PICC)  If a program model other than Standards; and go to the following link: Baby TALK, Healthy Families  If a program model other than http://www.isbe.net/earlychi/ht America, or Parents as Baby TALK, Healthy Families ml/birth-3.htm Center-Based and Family Literacy Teachers is selected then the America, or Parents as Programs do not include: proposal provides specific Teachers is selected then the  Prevention Initiative Proposal does not indicate that the references to the research proposal provides specific Implementation Manual Center-Based or Family Literacy that supports the types of references to the research program meets all the criteria listed services and strategies to be that supports the types of below: implemented. services and strategies to be  All of the standards of a implemented. nationally recognized Proposal adequately describes how accrediting organization (e.g., the parent activities and parent-child The proposal provides a detailed National Association for the interactive activities will enhance the description of how the parent activities Education of Young Children parent’s ability to support their child’s and parent-child interactive activities – NAEYC); development and how the child will enhance the parent’s ability to  All of the licensing standards activities will support child growth and support their child’s development and of the Illinois Department of development. how the child activities will support Children and Family Services child growth and development. for center-based child care; Proposal adequately describes year- round scheduling of programmatic The proposal provides a detailed  Implements an evidence- activities that are of sufficient intensity description of year-round scheduling based program model for and duration to make sustainable of programmatic activities that are of parent/family education (as changes in a family including: sufficient intensity and duration to described for home visiting);  Year-Round programming make sustainable changes in a family  Implements a research-based defined as PI funded including: child-centered curriculum; programming 12 months of  Year-Round programming  Implements a research-based the year as defined by the defined as PI funded parent/family-centered program model when programming 12 months of curriculum; implemented with fidelity or the year as defined by the  Implements the Standards of Partial-Year programming program model when Early Head Start when defined as PI funded implemented with fidelity; applicable; and programming provided less  The program offers  Accesses Illinois Department than 12 months of the year as continuous programming for of Human Services Child defined by the program model children and their families Care Assistance Program when implemented with from the prenatal period to (CCAP) funding for child care fidelity (Why? What services age three. will be offered during limited services.  Number, frequency, and months of service? Duration FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

of limited months of services? duration of home visits; Family Literacy Program does not What months will limited  Number, frequency, and describe how the program will services be offered?); duration of groups (more than access funds to provide alternative  Number, frequency, and monthly, parent-child adult education. duration of home visits; interactions or parent  Number, frequency, and workshops); duration of groups (minimum  A schedule of program monthly, may be parent-child activities is provided more interactions or parent than quarterly; workshops);  Schedules include evenings,  A schedule of program weekends and summer activities is provided at least programming; quarterly;  A description of the steps to  A description of the steps to be taken to encourage be taken to encourage families to participate families to participate regularly and remain in the regularly and remain in the Prevention Initiative program; Prevention Initiative program;  A description of the toy/book  A description of the toy/book lending library; lending library;  A description of the parent  A description of the parent lending library; lending library;  A description of the newsletter  A description of the newsletter components; components;  Technology is only used for  Technology is only used for parent education; parent education;  PI programming is offered to children, and their families Proposal adequately describes the from the prenatal period to policies and procedures that guide PI age three; programming, including but not limited  Transition from the PI to: program to a 3 to 5 program  Home visits and groups; will begin when the child is 2  An emergent literacy focus is years, 6 months; observable in the activities,  The program provides PI materials, and environment services to both mothers and planned for the child. (Birth to fathers equally, as applicable. Five Program Standard II.B.5)  Ensuring there are no parent The proposal provides a detailed fees; and description of the policies and procedures that guide PI  Reimbursement for programming, including but not limited transportation or child care to to: enable participation in parent activities (if applicable).  Home visits and groups;  Ratio of participants to staff is Proposal adequately describes how based on needs of families these eight designated instructional and research on best practice; areas are addressed:  An emergent literacy focus is  Child growth and observable in the activities, development, including materials, and environment prenatal development; planned for the child. (Birth to  Childbirth and childcare; Five Program Standard II.B.5)  Child safety and injury  Ensuring there are no parent prevention; fees; and  Family structure, function, and  Reimbursement for management; transportation or child care to enable participation in parent  Prenatal and postnatal care activities (if applicable). for mother and infants;  Prevention of child abuse; Proposal provides a detailed and description of program’s experience in  Interpersonal and family providing parent activities, parent- relationships including child activities, and child activities (if physical, mental, emotional, applicable) and the activities the social, economic, program plans to implement which psychological, parenting skills include: development.  Integrated and individualized parent-child activities that Center-Based and Family Literacy focus on supporting parents Programs include: as they learn new ways of Proposal adequately indicates center- supporting and enhancing based or Family Literacy and their children’s development; describes how the program meets all  Needs of children of varying the criteria listed below: abilities and diverse  All of the standards of a backgrounds are addressed nationally recognized including services delivered in FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

accrediting organization (e.g., the family’s native language; National Association for the and Education of Young Children  Various strategies are – NAEYC); planned to meet the needs of  All of the licensing standards a diverse population of of the Illinois Department of children and families. Children and Family Services for center-based child care; Proposal sufficiently describes how  Implements an evidence- the eight designated instructional based program model for areas are comprehensive and parent/family education (as integrated into all aspects of described for home visiting); programming.  Implements a research-based  Child growth and child-centered curriculum; development, including prenatal development;  Implements a research-based parent/family-centered  Childbirth and childcare; curriculum;  Child safety and injury  Implements the Standards of prevention; Early Head Start when  Family structure, function, and applicable; and management;  Accesses Illinois Department  Prenatal and postnatal care of Human Services Child for mother and infants; Care Assistance Program  Prevention of child abuse; and (CCAP) funding for child care  Interpersonal and family services. relationships including  Provide daily schedules; physical, mental, emotional,  Number of hours per day and social, economic, days per week the program psychological, parenting skills will operate; development.  Classroom locations; Center-Based and Family Literacy  Plan for snacks or meals in ½ Programs include: day programs or full day Proposal sufficiently indicates center- programs that align with the based or Family Literacy and U.S. Department of describes how the program meets all Agriculture’s competitive food the criteria listed below: standards set forth at 7 CFR 210.11 (2013) or the DCFS’s  All of the standards of a nationally recognized standards set forth at 89 Ill. accrediting organization (e.g., Adm. Code 407.330 (Nutrition National Association for the and Meal Service). Education of Young Children – NAEYC);  All of the licensing standards of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services for center-based child care;  Recognized as an ExceleRate Family Literacy Programs include: Illinois Silver Circle of Quality Proposal adequately indicates Family or Gold Circle of Quality; Literacy and describes how the program meets the criteria listed  Implements an evidence- below: based program model for  Accesses funds to provide parent/family education (as described for home visiting); alternative adult education.  Implements a research-based child-centered curriculum;  Implements a research-based parent/family-centered curriculum;  Implements the Standards of Early Head Start when applicable; and  Accesses Illinois Department of Human Services Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) funding for child care services.  Provide daily schedules;  Number of hours per day and days per week the program will operate;  Classroom locations;  Plan for snacks or meals in ½ day programs or full day programs that align with the U.S. Department of FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

Agriculture’s competitive food standards set forth at 7 CFR 210.11 (2013) or the DCFS’s standards set forth at 89 Ill. Adm. Code 407.330 (Nutrition and Meal Service).

The proposal provides a detailed description of how the program uses PI funding to supplement CCAP funding to increase the quality of child care center-based services to children enrolled in the PI program including but not limited to:  Employing a more qualified teacher and assistant;  Providing comprehensive wrap around services to children and families enrolled in the PI Program;  Implementing Research- Based Curricula (parent- centered and child-centered);  Implementing a Research- Based Assessment (child- centered);  Obtaining additional professional development to become recognized in ExceleRate Illinois as having a Silver or Gold Circle of Quality.

Family Literacy Programs include: Proposal sufficiently indicates Family Literacy and describes how the program meets the criteria listed below:  Accesses funds to provide alternative adult education.

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Special Notes:



Component Number 3: Developmental Monitoring CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Developmental Monitoring The Developmental Monitoring The Developmental Monitoring The Developmental Monitoring proposal does not describe the Proposal adequately provides a proposal provides a detailed Proposal Narrative Requirements method or sources of information that description of current developmental description of current developmental Section: Developmental Monitoring will be used to regularly monitor monitoring procedures and the monitoring procedures and the Attachment: 5 children’s development to inform proposed developmental monitoring proposed developmental monitoring instruction. procedures (that require additional procedures (that require additional Children’s developmental progress funding) to be used by the program. funding) to be used by the program. will be regularly monitored to inform Proposal does not describe how the instruction and to ensure identification child’s development will be The proposal adequately describes The proposal describes in detail both of any developmental delays or communicated to parents. both the methods and the sources of the methods and the sources of disabilities. information that will be used to information that will be used to regularly monitor children’s regularly monitor children’s The proposed program and activities development to inform instruction and development to inform instruction and will sufficiently meet the identified the Individual Family Service Plan. the Individual Family Service Plan. needs of the population to be served The proposal adequately describes The proposal sufficiently describes and include child and parent activities how the program will communicate how the program will communicate designed to enhance child with parents about their child’s with parents about their child’s development, parent effectiveness development. development. and, ultimately, school readiness. FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

The proposal adequately describes The proposal comprehensively Examples of broad-based screening the policies and procedures to be describes the policies and procedures instruments for children birth to age used during and after developmental to be used during and after three: monitoring. These procedures include: developmental monitoring. These  Ages & Stages Questionnaire  Developmental screening (as procedures include: ® http://agesandstages.com/ appropriate for the age of the  Developmental screening (as  Battelle Developmental child), include: appropriate for the age of the Inventory ™ o Vocabulary; child), include: http://www.riversidepublishing o Visual-motor o Vocabulary; .com/products/bdi2/ integration; o Visual-motor  Brigance ® Early Childhood o Language and speech integration; Screens III development; o Language and speech http://www.curriculumassociat o English proficiency; development; es.com/products/brigance- o Fine and gross motor o English proficiency; early-childhood.aspx skills; o Fine and gross motor o Social skills; skills; o Emotional o Social skills; development; and o Emotional o Cognitive development. development; and  The proposal adequately o Cognitive development. describes how developmental  The proposal and/or educational progress is comprehensively describes assessed and documented to how developmental and/or ensure that the program educational progress is meets the needs of the child assessed and documented to and provides a system ensure that the program whereby that child's parents meets the needs of the child are routinely advised of their and provides a system child's progress. whereby that child's parents  The research-based tool and are routinely advised of their procedures to assess child's progress. progress must align with the  The research-based tool and Illinois Early Learning procedures to assess Guidelines. progress must align with the  Research-based screening Illinois Early Learning instrument(s) used for child Guidelines. developmental monitoring for  Research-based screening every child three months or instrument(s) used for child older then every six months developmental monitoring for thereafter; every child three months or  Referral and follow-up older then every six months procedures to the local Child thereafter; and Family Connections when  Referral and follow-up diagnostic assessment is procedures to the local Child indicated; and Family Connections  Vision and hearing screening when diagnostic assessment using the child’s is indicated; developmental screening  Program communicates all instrument for every child screening results; three months or older then  Vision and hearing screening every six months thereafter; using the child’s  Child’s health history which developmental screening includes well child visits and instrument for every child immunizations is completed at three months or older then screening (if applicable) then every six months thereafter; annually thereafter;  The program collects each  At least two forms of child’s Vision screening Authentic Assessment are results from each child’s being implemented; physician or medical home  Program communicates all when a child is six (6) months screening results; and and annually thereafter.  Program partners with parents  The program has procedures to observe the child’s for completing hearing development. screens using an objective measure of hearing sensitivity and are completed when each child is six (6) months, then annually thereafter;  The program has procedures to regularly engage in conversations with each family regarding their child’s health, including hearing and vision, and provide referrals as applicable. FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

 Child’s health history which includes well child visits and immunizations is completed at screening (if applicable) then annually thereafter; and  Program partners with parents to observe the child’s development and collaboratively develops home visiting plans and when applicable group activities

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Component Number 4: Individual Family Service Plan CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Individual Family Service Plan The Individual Family Service Plan The Individual Family Service Plan The Individual Family Service Plan proposal describes inadequate or (IFSP) proposal provides an adequate proposal provides a detailed Proposal Narrative Requirements minimal procedures for the description of the current Individual description of the current Individual Section: Individual Family Service development of individual family Family Service Plan procedures and Family Service Plan procedures and Plan service plans the proposed Individual Family the proposed Individual Family Service Attachment: 6 Service Plan procedures (that require Plan procedures (that require additional funding) to be used by the additional funding) to be used by the Families will receive services that program. program. address their identified goals, strengths, and needs. The program The proposal describes adequate The proposal provides comprehensive partners with parents to develop an procedures for the development of detailed procedures for the Individual Family Service Plan. individual family service plans. development and implementation of individual family service plans. The proposed program and activities The IFSP processes include the will sufficiently meet the identified following. The IFSP processes include the needs of the population to be served  The program has policies and following. and include child and parent activities procedures that guide  The program has policies and designed to enhance child implementation of an IFSP procedures that guide development, parent effectiveness and Family Centered implementation of an IFSP and, ultimately, school readiness. Assessment; and Family Centered  The program provides a Assessment (FCA); description of the published  The program provides a research-based Family Center description of the research- Assessment (FCA) based FCA implemented; implemented;  The FCA includes information  The FCA is initiated within 60 regarding parenting, family days of enrollment and is relationships, education and updated at least every six employment, health and months; access to insurance and  The program provides a clear medical care, food security, description of the components and housing stability; of the IFSP;  The FCA contains items that  The program involves parents assist staff with understanding in the IFSP process; families’ strengths, resources, and needs;  The IFSP is initiated within 60 days of enrollment and  The FCA is initiated within 60 updated at least every six days of enrollment and is months. updated at least every six months;  The program provides a clear description of the components of the IFSP and the ongoing use of the service plan to guide services for the family;  The IFSP is initiated within 60 days of enrollment and updated at least every six months; FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

 The program will, when applicable, collaborate with other early childhood providers the family is receiving services from to coordinate services;  The program describes the strategies used to engage families in making decisions about their goals and the development of the IFSP  The program describes the continuous engagement of parents in the decisions regarding their family goals and outcomes.

Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Component Number 5: Case Management Services CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Case Management Services The Case Management Services The Case Management Services The Case Management Services proposal does not indicate that the proposal provides an adequate proposal provides a comprehensive Proposal Narrative Requirements program will ensure coordination description of the current case description of the current case Section: Case Management Services between the individual family service management services provided and management services provided and Attachment: 7 plan and any other service plans that the proposed case management the proposed case management other community service providers services (that require additional services (that require additional Families will receive comprehensive, have developed with/for the family. funding) to be provided by the funding) to be provided by the integrated, and continuous support program program services through a seamless and The proposal does not indicate how unduplicated system. the program will provide families with The proposal adequately describes The proposal describes, in detail, how access to comprehensive services. how the program will provide families the program will provide families with The proposed program and activities with access to comprehensive access to comprehensive services. will sufficiently meet the identified The proposal does not describe a services. The proposal indicates that The proposal thoroughly explains needs of the population to be served system for referring families to other the program will ensure coordination how the program will ensure and include child and parent activities service providers and following up on between the individual family service coordination between the Individual designed to enhance child these referrals. plan and any other service plans that Family Service Plan and any other development, parent effectiveness other community service providers service plans that other community and, ultimately, school readiness. The proposal does not describe how have developed with/for the family. service providers have developed the program collaborates with other with/for the family. Examples of community programs: providers in the service area to The proposal adequately describes  Prekindergarten reduce duplication of services. the procedures to be implemented to The proposal describes, in detail, the ensure quality case management procedures to be implemented to  Head Start services are provided. The proposal ensure quality case management  Early Head Start includes: services are provided. The proposal  Early Intervention Child and  Description of the referral and includes: Family Connections follow-up system of the  Description of the referral and  Early Childhood Special program (if the community follow-up system of the Education has a different referral and program (if the community  Public and Private follow-up system explain how has a different referral and community-based early care the program coordinates follow-up system explain how and education programs referral and follow-up efforts); the program coordinates (e.g., child care centers,  Description of how the referral and follow-up efforts); nursery schools, library program provides transition  Description of how the programs, park district services for children and program provides transition programs, church-based families (transition services services for children and programs, and Title I) will begin when children are 2 families (transition services  English Learner programs years, 6 months, when will begin when children are 2 applicable); years, 6 months, when  Health and Human Services applicable); programs targeting young  Description of how the children and their families program partners will work  Description of how the (e.g., WIC, Family Case with families to develop program partners will work Management, etc.) written transition plans; with families to develop  Explanation of how the written transition plans; program works with other  Explanation of how the FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

providers in the service area program works with other to reduce or eliminate providers in the service area duplication of services; to reduce or eliminate  Description of how the duplication of services; program works with other  Description of how the service providers in the program works with other service area to coordinate service providers in the Individual Family Service service area to coordinate Plans; Individual Family Service  List of Collaboration and/or Plans which includes MOU agreements with other 1. Established written service providers in the coordination agreements with service area and a brief all appropriate service description of the purpose; providers in the area, and 2. Established collaboration  The program will state the with Early Intervention and community partners they Special Education services to coordinate with to address serve eligible children; the following issues: referral and follow-up, reduce  List of Collaboration and/or duplication of services, and MOU agreements with other coordinate Individual Family service providers in the Service Plans (as applicable). service area and a brief description of the purpose;  The program will state the community partners they coordinate with to address the following issues: referral and follow-up, reduce duplication of services, and coordinate Individual Family Service Plans (as applicable).  Description of how the program will provide families with access to comprehensive physical and mental health, educational, social and recreational services for families through collaborations with many other service providers.  Description of how the program participates in locally-driven data collection efforts.  Description of how the program participates in collaboration efforts to minimize barriers to services for families with children birth to age five. Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Component Number 6: Family & Community Partnerships CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Family & Community Partnerships The Family & Community The Family & Community The Family & Community Partnerships proposal does not Partnerships proposal provides an Partnerships proposal provides a Proposal Narrative Requirements adequately describe the family and adequate description of the current detailed description of the current Section: Family and Community community engagement plan or the family and community engagement family and community engagement Partnerships community collaboration plan. plan and the proposed family and plan and the proposed family and Attachment: 8 community engagement plan (that community engagement plan (that The family and community requires additional funding). requires additional funding). Families will be engaged in the engagement plan does not include program, and community systems for proposed program activities and The proposal adequately describes The proposal provides a infants and toddlers will be opportunities that are aligned with the the family and community comprehensive description of the FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric strengthened. Illinois Birth to Five Program engagement plan and the community family and community engagement Standards, Illinois Early Learning collaboration plan. plan and the community collaboration The proposed program and activities Guidelines and the research-based plan. will sufficiently meet the identified program model. The plan does not The family and community needs of the population to be served engage children and families long engagement plan includes proposed The family and community including child and parent activities enough to make sustainable changes program activities and opportunities engagement plan includes proposed designed to enhance child in the family. that are aligned with the Illinois Birth program activities and opportunities development and parent effectiveness to Five Program Standards and the that are aligned with the Illinois Birth and, ultimately, school readiness. The community collaboration plan Illinois Early Learning Guideline and to Five Program Standards and the does not provide for effective linkages the research-based program model. Illinois Early Learning Guideline and The program proposal provides a between parents and providers of The plan engages children and the research-based program model. description of a family and community education, welfare, health, and safety families long enough to make The plan engages children and engagement plan that clearly and services. sustainable changes in the family. families long enough to make effectively guides the implementation The following points are adequately sustainable changes in the family. of programming. described: The following points are  Communication between the comprehensively described: The program proposal provides a program and family is regular,  Communication between the description of a community two-way and meaningful; program and family is regular, collaboration plan for effective  Parenting skills are promoted two-way and meaningful; linkages between parents and and supported;  Parenting skills are promoted providers of education, welfare, and supported; health, and safety services.  Recognition that parents play an integral role in assisting  Recognition that parents play student learning; an integral role in assisting  Parents are welcome in the student learning; program, and their support  Parents are welcome in the and involvement are sought; program, and their support and and involvement are sought;  Parents are full partners in and the decisions that affect  Parents are full partners in children and families. the decisions that affect The community collaboration plan children and families. provides for effective linkages between parents and providers of The community collaboration plan education, welfare, health, and safety provides for effective linkages services. between parents and providers of education, welfare, health, and safety The family and community services. engagement plan includes: The family and community  Orientation to the educational engagement plan provides program; comprehensive information about the program and includes:  Opportunities for engagement in home-based and/or site-  Orientation to the educational based activities including, but program; not limited to, visit frequency,  Opportunities for engagement visit length, policies and in home-based and/or site- procedures; based activities including, but  Intensity of the activities and not limited to, visit frequency, services offered, including visit length, policies and home visits, groups, and case procedures regarding management; implementation of programming, definition of  Provision for communication completed home visit in the with parents about the program, data collection, program; transition services, and  Activities that emphasize and evaluation activities; strengthen the parent(s) role  Intensity of the activities and as the child’s primary services offered, including educator; and home visits, groups, and case  How families are engaged management; developing and implementing  Provision for communication the program. with parents about the program including but not The community collaboration plan limited to the two-way addresses meeting the needs of communication tools; young children and includes:  The program utilizes  Agreements made with Head evaluation tools with the Start, Early Head Start and families and maintains data other providers in the service collection; area to coordinate on issues concerned with the  Activities that emphasize and education, welfare, health strengthen the parent(s) role and safety needs of children as the child’s primary (prenatally and birth through educator; and age three);  How families are engaged  Referral and follow-up developing and implementing system; the program.  Plan for reducing duplication FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

of services; and The family and community  Coordinating Individual engagement plan sufficiently provides Family Service Plans with information regarding: other services providers, as  Program mission statement applicable. and values.  Program approach and/or philosophy concerning programming and services.  A description of how the program’s mission statement, values, and/or approach/philosophy emphasize the promotion of the parent as the child’s primary educator.  A description of the strategies that are to be implemented to maintain alignment with the program mission, values, and/or approach/philosophy.

The community collaboration plan comprehensively addresses meeting the needs of young children in the areas of education, welfare, health, and safety and includes:  Agreements made with Head Start, Early Head Start and other providers in the service area to coordinate on issues concerned with the education, welfare, health and safety needs of children (prenatally and birth through age three);  Referral and follow-up system;  Plan for reducing duplication of services;  Coordinating Individual Family Service Plans with other services providers, as applicable; and  Local community systems development efforts including but not limited to participating in locally-driven data collection efforts and participating in the local efforts to minimize barriers to services for families with children from birth to five.

Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Component Number 9: Data Collection and Evaluation CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Data Collection and Evaluation The Evaluation proposal is an The Evaluation proposal provides an The Evaluation proposal provides a inadequate plan that does not adequate description of the current detailed description of the current Proposal Narrative Requirements evaluate progress toward successful process for data collection and process for data collection and Section: Data Collection and implementation of the research-based evaluation and the proposed process evaluation and the proposed process Evaluation program model and the Birth to Five for data collection and evaluation (that for data collection and evaluation (that Attachment: 11 Program Standards. The plan is not requires additional funding). requires additional funding). used to inform continuous program FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

The evaluation will provide critical improvement. The proposal describes an adequate The proposal describes a data and information that is used for plan for evaluation which includes a comprehensive and detailed plan for a continuous program improvement. description of: rigorous, objective, ongoing  A written framework that evaluation of program and The evaluation strategies include explains the program’s staff which includes a description of: measurable outcomes for children processes for evaluation and  A written framework that and families that are designed to continuous quality; explains the program’s for effectively gauge the success of the  Framework provides data and evaluation processes and program and yield sufficient data that information to be collected continuous quality; can be used to improve the program. and the measures, methods,  Framework provides data and

and processes to be used to information to be collected evaluate all Prevention and the measures, methods, Initiative components (1-9); and processes to be used to  Self-assessment procedures evaluate all Prevention to be used; Initiative components (1-9);  Processes used to determine  Self-assessment procedures whether progress is being align with the PI program made toward successful being implemented and the implementation of the research-based program program model and the model chosen; Illinois Birth to Three Program  Processes used to determine Standards; whether progress is being  Processes used to determine made toward successful progress that children and implementation of the families are making toward program model and the their goals; Illinois Birth to Three Program Standards;  Process by which the evaluation will be used to  Process and measurable inform continuous program outcomes used to determine improvement. progress that children and families are making toward  The continuous quality their goals; improvement plan; includes:  Regularly monitors children’s o Specific issues that are development using appropriate screening and deficient or areas that the authentic assessment; program would like to strengthen;  Process by which the o Actions to be taken; evaluation will be used to o Personnel responsible; inform continuous program and improvement; o Timelines.  Continuous quality  Components of the written improvement plan; evaluation are described. includes: o Specific issues that are deficient or areas that the program would like to strengthen; o Actions to be taken; o Personnel responsible; and o Timelines.  Process for implementation of the continuous quality improvement plan;  Components of the written evaluation are described; and  Process for sharing the results with the program staff, program participants, and the community. Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Scoring: Quality of Proposed Program FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

Quality of Proposed Program  Screening Process to Identify Eligible Participants Who Are at Risk  Evidence-Based Program Model and Research-Based Curricula  Developmental Monitoring  Individual Family Service Possible Score: 0-24 Possible Score: 25-35 Possible Score: 36-40 Plan  Case Management Services  Family and Community Partnership  Data Collection and Evaluation

Total Points Possible: 40 Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Total Points Possible: 40 Readers Score: Experience and Qualifications (20 Points) 7. Staff Qualifications and Organizational Capacity 8. Professional Development Component Number 7: Staff Qualifications and Organizational Capacity CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Qualified Staff and Organizational The Qualified Staff and The Staff Qualifications proposal The Staff Qualifications proposal Capacity Organizational Capacity proposal provides an adequate description of provides a detailed description of the does not provide enough information the current personnel and the current personnel and the proposed Proposal Narrative Requirements to determine if staff hold the proposed personnel to be employed personnel to be employed (that Section: Qualified Staff and appropriate certifications and/or (that requires additional funding). requires additional funding). Organizational Capacity licenses for their positions and have Attachment: 9 the qualifications and experience The proposal provides adequate The proposal provides a necessary to successfully implement information to determine that staff comprehensive plan and sufficient Staff will have the knowledge and a quality Prevention Initiative hold the appropriate certifications information to determine that the skills needed to create partnerships program. and/or licenses for their positions and personnel/staff hold the appropriate with families to support the have the qualifications and certifications and/or licenses for their development of infants and children. The proposal describes an experience necessary to successfully positions and have the qualifications inadequate staffing plan. implement a quality Prevention and experience necessary to The proposed program and activities  The personnel/staff Initiative program. successfully implement a high-quality will sufficiently meet the identified qualifications described are Prevention Initiative program. needs of the population to be served not appropriate for working Home Visiting, Center-Based and and include child and parent activities with at-risk infants and Family Literacy programs include: Home Visiting, Center-Based and designed to enhance child toddlers and their families. Family Literacy programs development and parent An adequate staffing plan:  Staff positions/roles are not effectiveness and, ultimately, school Personnel/staff are A detailed staffing plan: sufficiently defined to  readiness. Personnel/staff are determine if the staff will be appropriately qualified for  qualified for the position. working with infants and appropriately qualified for Proposed personnel/staff hold the toddlers and their families working with infants and appropriate certifications and/or who may have multiple at toddlers and their families licenses for their positions and have Proposal does not provide enough information to determine risk factors and meet the who may have multiple at the qualifications and experience requirements of the risk factors and meet the necessary to successfully implement organization’s capacity to operate the program. research-based program requirements of the a high-quality Prevention Initiative model being implemented; research-based program program.  Personnel/staff roles are model being implemented;

clearly defined;  Personnel/staff roles are Home Visiting, Center-Based and clearly defined; Family Literacy programs  The program maintains a staffing structure of one  The program maintains a Gateways to Opportunity Credential supervisor and at least 3 FTE staffing structure of one direct service providers. supervisor and at least 3 FTE Center-Based and Family Literacy  Direct service providers must direct service providers; Programs maintain at least .5 FTE.  Program coordinator who is FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

 Background checks, as an experienced early ExceleRate Illinois applicable; childhood professional with expertise in infant and  Plan to ensure all PI staff that Department of Children and Family toddler development and does not hold a professional Services licensing requirements set parent education; educator license issued by forth in the Illinois Administrative the State Board of Education  qualified staff who are trained Code Title 89: Social Services are registered in the Illinois and experienced birth to 3 Chapter III: Department of Children Department of Human program providers; and Family Services Subchapter e: Services’ “Gateways to  Direct service providers must Requirements for Licensure Part 407 Opportunity” registry. maintain at least .5 FTE. Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers  Background checks, as applicable; Proposal adequately describes the  Plan to ensure all PI staff that organization’s capacity to operate a Gateways to Opportunity Credential does not hold a professional program of this nature including: educator license issued by  Policies and procedures the State Board of Education manual that addresses the PI are registered in the Illinois RFP 9 components; Department of Human  Adherence to the Illinois Services’ “Gateways to Mandated Reporting Laws; Opportunity” registry.  Appropriate maintenance of  Staff has achieved and records as define by ISBE; maintains a Gateways to Opportunity Credential, as In addition, Center-Based and appropriate for the PI Family Literacy Programs include: position, and  Program leadership providing  Description includes ongoing supervision that statements that all Center- promotes staff development Based staff maintain and enhances quality service personnel that meet the delivery. Department of Children and Family Services licensing Proposal sufficiently describes the requirements set forth in the organization’s capacity to operate a Illinois Administrative Code program of this nature including: Title 89: Social Services  Policies and procedures Chapter III: Department of manual that addresses the PI Children and Family Services RFP 9 components; Subchapter e: Requirements  Adherence to the Illinois for Licensure Part 407 Mandated Reporting Laws; Licensing Standards for Day  Appropriate maintenance of Care Centers. records as define by ISBE;  Experience providing services to infants, toddlers and their families;  Experience working with families of similar cultural background as the families to be served;  Experience successfully administering grants; and  Appropriate financial systems to ensure that expenditures are properly documented.

In addition, Center-Based and Family Literacy Programs

Proposal sufficiently describes the organization’s capacity to operate a program of this nature including:  Center-Based child care centers have achieved and maintains the ExceleRate Illinois Silver or Gold Circle of Quality;  Description includes statements that Center- Based staff exceed the Department of Children and Family Services licensing requirements set forth in the Illinois Administrative Code Title 89: Social Services Chapter III: Department of Children and Family Services Subchapter e: Requirements FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

for Licensure Part 407 Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers; and  Staff has achieved and maintains the Gateways to Opportunity Credential, as appropriate for the PI position.

CRITERIA Does Not Meet Standard Meets Standard Exemplary Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Component Number 8: Professional Development CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Professional Development The Professional Development The Professional Development The Professional Development proposal describes a professional proposal provides an adequate proposal provides a detailed Proposal Narrative Requirements development plan not coordinated description of the current professional description of the current professional Section: Professional Development with staff or program needs. development procedures and the development procedures and the Attachment: 10 proposed professional development proposed professional development  Program staff are not being procedures (that requires additional procedures (that requires additional Staff will continue to gain skills and assessed for staff funding). funding). knowledge based on current research development needs; and best practices to improve The proposal describes an adequate The proposal describes a  Staff development plans are outcomes for families. professional development plan for all comprehensive and detailed not clearly tied to purpose staff. professional development plan for all The staff development plan and goals of Prevention staff. addresses the needs of the project Initiative; and The proposal adequately addresses: staff, offers a varied and full range of  Supervision is not clearly  Assessing the staff The proposal provides a detailed staff development experiences and defined or addressed. development needs in the description of the following: provides sufficient opportunities for Prevention Initiative program;  Assessing the staff learning so as to allow staff to  Providing pre-service and in- development needs in the incorporate the training into program service training to meet the Prevention Initiative program; delivery activities. individual needs of the staff  Providing pre-service and in- and the requirements of the service training to meet the chosen research-based individual needs of the staff program model or Center- and the requirements of the Based personnel; chosen research-based  All areas of the written program model or Center- Professional Development Based personnel; Plan;  Regular and sufficient  Professional development schedule for assessing staff plan is developed in development needs; collaboration with supervisor;  All areas of the written  Adequate administrative Professional Development supervision is described; Plan;  Adequate reflective  Professional development supervision is described; plan is developed in collaboration with supervisor; The proposal must adequately  Sufficient regular describe how staff development administrative supervision is activities are implemented and how described; the information will be used to inform  Sufficient regular reflective the program’s staff development and supervision is described; continuous quality improvement  Professional development efforts. addresses understanding and overcoming barriers to equitable participation by families and children with special needs;  Professional development is offered to all staff to maintain a current understanding of Best Practices and maintain FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

compliance with the ISBE requirements as well as the research-based program model; and  Staff is provided sufficient time for learning and implementing training ideas into program application.

The proposal must comprehensively describe how staff development activities are implemented and how the information will be used to inform the program’s staff development and continuous quality improvement efforts. Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Scoring: Experience and Qualifications Experience and Qualifications  Staff Qualifications and Organizational Capacity Possible Score: 0-12 Possible Score: 13-17 Possible Score: 18-20  Professional Development

Total Points Possible: 20 Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Total Points Possible: 20 Readers Score:

Budget (10 Points) Budget CRITERIA DOES NOT Meet Standard MEETS STANDARD EXEMPLARY Budget Budget Budget Budget

The program is cost-effective as Proposal describes a 0-3 budget that Proposal describes adequate use of Proposal describes an itemized evidenced by the cost of proposed is an inadequate use of funds for Prevention Initiative funds: explanation for use of Prevention services in relation to the numbers to Prevention Initiative. Initiative funds. be served and the services to be  The budget summary is provided.  The budget summary has accurate.  The budget summary is significant inconsistencies.  The budget breakdown complete and accurate.  The budget breakdown has includes sufficient explanation  The budget breakdown incomplete explanation of of expenditures. explains each item completely expenditures.  Most budget expenditures are and gives calculations to  The expenditures are not consistent for the scope and support the amount consistent for the scope and purpose of the project. requested. purpose of the project.  The requested funding level  All expenditures are  The requested funding level is is reasonable for the number consistent for the scope and not reasonable for the to be served and the services purpose of the project. number to be served and the to be provided.  Costs detailed are reasonable services to be provided. for the number to be served FY 17 Prevention Initiative Birth to Age 3 Years Review Rubric

and the quality of the services to be provided.

Total Points Possible: 10 Possible Score: 0-6 Possible Score: 7-8 Possible Score: 9-10

Include comments that validate the score you have awarded this proposal.

Special Notes:



Total Points Possible: 10 Readers Score:

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