Western Adelaide Vocational and Enterprise Services Incorporated

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Western Adelaide Vocational and Enterprise Services Incorporated


Box 7/26 Stirling St THEBARTON SA 5031 Ph: 8354 4214 Fax: 8354 4216 www.westernfutures.sa.edu.au

Training Log Book

A formal record of On-The-Job and Off-The-Job training

For: Certificate II in Business

School: List of Contents







5. LOG BOOK...... 6


6. STUDENT’S RECORD OF ATTAINMENT...... 8 Follow environmental work practices – BSBCMN109A...... 8 Work effectively in a business environment – BSBCMN201A...... 9 Organise and complete daily work activities – BSBCMN202A...... 10 Communicate in the workplace – BSBCMN203A...... 11 Work effectively with others – BSBCMN204A...... 12 Use business technology – BSBCMN205A...... 13 Process and maintain workplace information – BSBCMN206A...... 14 Prepare and process financial/business document – BSBCMN207A...... 15 Deliver a service to customers - BSBCMN208A...... 17 Provide information to clients – BSBCMN209A...... 18 Implement improved workplace practices – BSBCMN210A...... 19 Participate in workplace safety procedures – BSBCMN211A...... 21 Produce simple word processed documenst – BSBCMN213A...... 22




WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 2 1. Student Identification

Student’s name: ...... Address: ...... Phone (s): ......


Training provider: ...... Address: ...... Teacher’s name: ...... Telephone: ......


Placement 1: Business name: ...... Address: ...... Workplace trainer: ...... Telephone: ...... Date of placement: ......

Placement 2: Business name: ...... Address: ...... Workplace trainer: ...... Telephone: ...... Date of placement: ......

If found, please return to the student

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 3 Placement 3: Business name: ...... Address: ...... Workplace trainer: ...... Telephone: ...... Date of placement: ......

Placement 4: Business name: ...... Address: ...... Workplace trainer: ...... Telephone: ...... Date of placement: ......

2. Competencies Achieved

Competency Name National Code Date achieved Follow environmental work practices BSBCMN109A Work Effectively in a business BSBCMN201A environment Organise and complete daily work BSBCMN202A activities Communicate in the workplace BSBCMN203A Work effectively with others BSBCMN204A Use business technology BSBCMN205A Process and maintain workplace BSBCMN206A information Prepare and process financial/business BSBCMN207A documents Deliver a service to customers BSBCMN208A Provide information to clients BSBCMN209A Implement improved work practices BSBCMN210A Participate in workplace safety procedures BSBCMN211A Produce simple word processed BSBCMN213A documents

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 4 3. TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW

Competence an accepted level of ability in performing specific tasks.

Competency-Based Training focuses on outcomes – that someone is competent at the task given.

Host Organisation an employer who assesses the student for the on-the-job competencies.

National Competencies level agreed to by industry as the minimum required for workplace functionality.

Nationally Recognised Training accredited training which is recognised across Australia.

Off-the-job learning structured training away from the workplace in an approved training institution (such as a high school or RTO).

On-the-job training instruction by a workplace trainer in an actual workplace.

Performance Criteria statements of performance expected of a student as a result of training. They include knowledge and skills and the application of these. Performance Criteria help workplace trainers and teachers to judge the student’s attainment of the industry competencies.

RTO Registered Training Organisation - accredited body that is authorised to issue the certificates, after formal assessment has taken place. Each school has an arrangement with an RTO to offer VET courses.

Vocational Education on and off-the-job component of accredited nationally recognised training delivered in schools and industry.

Vocational Placement structured and supervised component of vocational courses, undertaken on–the-job.

This skills assessment record offers opportunity for the endorsement of skills demonstrated by the student.

It is not expected that all sections will be completed, as not all workplaces will offer the student the opportunity to demonstrate all listed skills.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 5 4. COMPETENCY STANDARDS

4.1 What Are The Competency Standards

Competency Standards are statements about the skills and knowledge that people need to perform their jobs to the required industry standards. They are nationally agreed benchmarks for effective performance in the industry.

The focus is on what can be done at each stage not on how long the training has taken.

4.2 Are there any tips on using the standards?

Here are a few pointers to use to help you in using the standards:-  The standards are statements about what people need to be able to do in the workplace – they are not designed to cover the details of training that may be needed for people to acquire the skills.  The standards are written to be general enough to apply to the range of situations in the industry. Therefore you will see statement like ‘in accordance with enterprise procedure’ or ‘as appropriate to the work situation’. The standards provide a guide which can then be taken and tailored to meet the needs of specific sectors and business.


5.1 What is a Log Book?

The Log Book provides a record of a student’s achievements and learning activities both off-the- job and in the workplace. It lists the knowledge and skills that a student must demonstrate before they can be assessed as competent at that task.

All assessment information will be recorded in your logbook. The host employer, VET teacher or Western Futures Co-ordinator will assess the student as ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’. Being competent means being able to complete the task to the standard required.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 6 5.2 Who is responsible for what is in this Log Book?


If you are the student, you have the main responsibility for this Log Book. You must make sure that:  the Log Book is kept safe and in good condition.  if lost, the loss is reported to the program coordinator as quickly as possible.  your achievements are recorded as they occur in the Record of Attainment by your teacher and/or host employer.  the Log Book is accessible by teachers, trainers and employers throughout your training.


If you are the teacher you should:  record the student attainment of off-the-job learning outcome on a regular basis in the Record of Attainment.  provide suitable comments on their progress where appropriate in the Record of Attainment.  sign and date the student attainment of learning outcomes in the appropriate column on the Record of Attainment.

Workplace trainer/mentor

If you are the workplace trainer you should become familiar with the on-the-job learning outcomes so that you are ready to:  sign off in the appropriate column of the Record of Attainment of the Log Book when the student demonstrates a performance criteria.  provide comments when they are useful and helpful.  help the student to list the actual tasks undertaken in the workplace.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 7 6. Student’s Record of Attainment

Follow environmental work practices – BSBCMN109A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below ) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Recognise workplace procedures

2. Make suggestions

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Workplace procedures and work instructions for environmental work practices are recognised and followed, while under direct supervision, and clarification sought where necessary.  Environmental hazards in the workplace are recognised while under direct supervision and reported to designated personnel according to workplace procedures.  Changes to work practices and procedures are responded to positively and promptly in accordance with organisational requirements.

Performance Criteria - 2  Environmental policies are recognised and issues are discussed with designated personnel.  Suggestions are made for improvements to workplace practices where possible.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 8 Work effectively in a business environment – BSBCMN201A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Work within organisational requirements

2. Determine future work / career directions

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Documents outlining organisational requirements are located, read and any uncertainties are clarified with appropriate persons.  All work reflects a current working knowledge and understanding of employees and employers rights and responsibilities.  All work undertaken reflects understanding and compliance with relevant duty of care, legal responsibilities and organisational goals and objectives.  Standards and values considered to be detrimental to the organization are identified and questioned through established communication channels.  Self and other’s behaviour which contribute to a safe work environment are identified and practiced.

Performance Criteria - 2  Personnel work goals are identified and prioritised in accordance with organisational requirements and future career plans.  Personnel values and attitudes regarding work and business are taken into account when planning future career directions.  Advice is obtained from appropriate persons on future work / career directions.  Additional skills required are identified and addressed.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 9 Organise and complete daily work activities – BSBCMN202A

Elements of Competency Date Assessor Name Competency achieved (assessor initials) (criteria below) On Job Off Job

1. Organise work schedule

2. Complete work tasks

3. Review work performance

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Work goals and plans are negotiated and agreed upon with colleagues.  Work goals and plans reflect the organizations and workgroups plans, responsibilities and accountabilities.  Workload is assessed and prioritised within allocated timeframes.

Performance Criteria - 2  Tasks are completed within designated timelines and in accordance within organisational requirements.  Assistance is sought from supervisors and / or colleagues when difficulties arise in achieving allocated tasks.  Factors affecting work requirements are identified and appropriate action taken.  Business technology is used efficiently and effectively to complete work tasks.

Performance Criteria - 3  Own work is monitored and adjusted according to feedback obtained through supervision and comparison with established team and organisational standards.  Opportunities for improvement are identified and planned in liaison with colleagues.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 10 Communication in the workplace – BSBCMN203A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Gather, convey and receive information and ideas.

2. Draft routine correspondence

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Information to achieve work responsibilities is collected from appropriate sources.  The method(s) / equipment used to communicate ideas and information is appropriate to the audience. Effective listening and speaking skills are used in oral communication.  Input from internal and external sources is sought, and used to develop and refine new ideas and approaches.  Instructions or enquiries are responded to promptly and in accordance with organisational requirements.

Performance Criteria - 2  Written information and ideas are presented in clear and concise language and the intended meaning of correspondence is understood by recipient.  Correspondence is drafted and presented within designated timelines.  Presentation of written information meets organisational standards of style, format and accuracy.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 11 Work effectively with others – BSBCMN204A

Elements of Competency Date Assessor Name Competency achieved (assessor initials) (criteria below) On Job Off Job

1. Develop effective workplace relationships.

2. Contribute to workgroup activities.

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Responsibilities and duties are undertaken in a positive manner to promote cooperation and good relationships.  Assistance is sought from workgroup members when difficulties arise and addressed through discussions.  Constructive feedback provided by others in the workgroup is encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon.  Differences is personal values and beliefs are respected and their value acknowledged in the development of relationships.

Performance Criteria - 2  Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met.  Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are made according to organisational requirements.  Information relevant to work is shared with workgroup to ensure designated goals are met.  Strategies/opportunities for improvement of the workgroup are identified and planned in liaison with workgroup.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 12 Use business technology – BSBCMN205A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Select and use technology

2. Process and organise data

3. Maintain technology

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Appropriate technology and software applications are selected to achieve the requirements of the task.  Workspace, furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit the ergonomic requirements of the user.  Technology is used according to organisational requirements and in a way which promotes a safe working environment.

Performance Criteria - 2  Files and records are identified, opened, generated or amended according to task and organisational requirements.  Input devices are operated according to organisational requirements.  Data is stored appropriately and applications are exited without damage to or loss of data.

Performance Criteria –3  Used technology consumables are identified and replaced in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and organisational requirements.  Routine maintenance is carried out and / or arranged in order to ensure that equipment is maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and organisational requirements.  Equipment faults are accurately identified and action taken in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions or by reporting fault to designed person.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 13 Process and maintain workplace information – BSBCMN206A

Elements of Competency Date Assessor Name Competency achieved (assessor initials) (criteria below) On Job Off Job

1. Collect information

2. Process workplace information

3. Maintain information systems

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Collection of information is timely and relevant to organisational needs.  Business equipment/technology available in the work area is used to obtain information effectively.  Organisational requirements relating to security and confidentiality are applied to information handling.

Performance Criteria - 2  Business equipment/technology is used to process information in accordance with organisational requirements.  Information is processed in accordance with defined timeframes, guidelines and procedures.  Information is updated, modified and filed in accordance with organisational requirements.  Information is collated and dispatched in accordance with specified timeframes and organisational requirements.

Performance Criteria - 3  Information and filing systems are maintained in accordance with organisational requirements.  Inactive or dead files are identified, removed and / or relocated in accordance with organisational requirements.  New files are established and assembled in accordance with organisational requirements.  Reference and index systems are updated in accordance with organisational requirements.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 14 Prepare and process financial / business documents – BSBCMN207A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below & next page) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Process petty cash transactions.

2. Prepare and process banking documents.

3. Reconcile invoices for payment to creditors.

4. Prepare invoices for debtors.

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Petty cash claims and vouchers are checked for approval, accuracy and authenticity prior to processing.  Petty cash transactions are processed and recorded within designated time limits.  Irregularities are noted and referred to nominated person for resolution.  Transactions are checked and petty cash book balanced according to organisational requirements.

Performance Criteria - 2  Deposits and withdrawals are accurately entered and balanced according to organisational requirements.  Cheques and credit card vouchers are checked for validity (signatures, dates and amounts) before processing.  Cash, cheques and credit cards are listed on banking forms in accordance with the banking institution’s guidelines.  Pay-in documentation is reconciled with all money calculations.

Performance Criteria - 3  Discrepancies between invoices and source documents are identified and reported to nominated person for resolution.  Adjustments and errors are identified, reported and rectified in accordance with organisational requirements.  Creditor enquiries are answered and / or referred to nominated person for resolution.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 15 Performance Criteria – 4  Invoices are prepared accurately in accordance with organisational requirements.  Invoices are distributed to nominated person for verification prior to dispatch.  Adjustments are made as required in accordance with organisational requirements.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 16 Deliver a service to customers – BSBCMN208A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Identify customer needs 2. Deliver service to customers

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria – 1  Appropriate interpersonal skills are employed to ensure that the customer’s needs are accurately identified.  Customers needs are assessed for urgency so that priorities for service delivery can be identified.  Customers are provided with information about available options for meeting their needs and assisted to identify their preferred option.  Personal limitations in addressing customer needs are identified and where appropriate, assistance is sought from designated person.

Performance Criteria – 2  Prompt customer service is provided to meet identified needs in accordance with organisational requirements.  Appropriate rapport is established with customers to enable high quality service delivery.  Customer’s complaints are handled sensitively and courteously in accordance with organisational requirements.  Opportunities to enhance the quality of service and products are identified and taken whenever possible.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 17 Provide information to clients – BSBCMN209A

Elements of Competency Date Assessor Name Competency achieved (assessor initials) (criteria below) On Job Off Job

1. Establish contact with clients

2. Respond to clients enquiry

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria – 1  Communication with clients is conducted in a professional and courteous manner according to organisational requirements.  Personal dress and presentation is maintained in line with organisational requirements.  Appropriate interpersonal skills are used to facilitate accurate and relevant exchange of information.  All work reflects sensitivity to client’

Performance Criteria – 2  Client enquiries are responded to promptly and politely and in accordance with organisational requirements.  Appropriate questioning and active listening are used to determine client needs.  Telephone calls are answered and made in accordance with organisational requirements.  Information relevant to clients needs is provided in line with organisational requirements.  Enquiries outside area of responsibility/knowledge are referred to nominated person/s for resolution.  Additional information or follow-up action is completed in line with client needs and organisational timelines.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 18 Implement improved work practices – BSBCMN210A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below and next page) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Clarify ideas for communication.

2. Solve routine problems.

3. Participate in planning the introduction of change.

4. Support the implementation of change.

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria – 1  Advantages, disadvantages and consequences of ideas are identified.  Options are considered and discussed with colleagues.  Feedback results in reflection and improvement of ideas.  Methods of communicating ideas are considered.

Performance Criteria – 2  Creative and responsive solutions are discussed to solve routine work problems or to improve current work practices.  Solutions are reported and discussed with designated persons/groups.  Available resources and support are accessed to assist in formulating solutions.

Performance Criteria – 3  Positive contributions are made to planning processes to improve work practices.  Plans to introduce change are discussed with designated persons/groups.  The organisational objectives and plans to introduce change are clearly understood and supported.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 19 Performance Criteria – 4  Required changes to work practices and procedures are responded to positively and promptly in accordance with organisational requirements.  Benefits to change are promoted and endorsed both within and outside the work group.  The results of implemented change are reported to the designated persons/groups.  Any skill or knowledge gaps are identified and acted upon in time to support the change.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 20 Participate in workplace safety procedures – BSBCMN211A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved (criteria below) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Follow workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control.

2. Contribute to Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria – 1  Hazards in the work area are recognised and reported to designated personnel according to workplace procedure.  Workplace procedures and work instructions of assessing and controlling risks are followed accurately.  Workplace procedures for dealing with incidents (accidents), fire and other emergencies are followed whenever necessary within the scope of responsibilities and competencies.

Performance Criteria – 2  Occupational Health and Safety issues are raised with designated personnel in accordance with workplace procedures and relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation.  Contributions to participative arrangements for Occupational Health and Safety management in the workplace are made within organisational procedures and the scope of responsibilities and competencies.

Produce simple word processed documents – BSBCMN213A

Elements of Competency Competency Date Assessor Name achieved WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 21 (criteria below) (assessor initials)

On Job Off Job

1. Use safe work practices.

2. Confirm document requirements.

3. Produce documents.

General Comments Assessor Name:


Performance criteria:

Performance Criteria - 1  Workspace, Furniture and equipment are adjusted to suit the ergonomic requirements of the user.  Work organization meets organisational and Occupational Health and Safety requirements for computer operation.  Energy and resource conservation techniques are used to minimise wastage in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements.

Performance Criteria - 2  Document purpose, audience presentation requirements are clarified with relevant personnel in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.  Organisational requirements in relation to document style, storage and security requirements are identified.

Performance Criteria - 3  Text is entered, checked and amended in accordance with organisational and task requirements.  Software functions are utilised for consistency of design and layout and document is formatted in accordance with organisational style and presentation requirements.  Manuals, user documentation and on-line help are used to overcome problems with document presentation and production.  Mailable document is previewed, adjusted and printed in accordance with organisational and task requirements.  Documents are prepared within designated timelines, organisational requirements and Australian standards for speed and accuracy.  Document is named and stored, in accordance with organisational requirements and the application exited without information loss/damage.

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 22 7. WORKPLACE LEARNING TASKS


The workplace trainer or the student may insert learning tasks, but only the workplace trainer may sign that the task has been completed.

Learning Tasks Signed Date

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 23 8. Student Assessment Report

1 Co-operation 9 Persistence Reluctantly given Gives up easily Satisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding Not easily discouraged

2 Group Participation 10 Reliability Withdrawn Unreliable Participates if prompted Reliable Actively participates 11 Follows workplace routine 3 Initiative Occasionally Requires assistance Satisfactory Satisfactory Always Actively demonstrated 12 Deals with non-routine situations 4 Application to tasks Requires assistance Inadequate application Satisfactory Consistent Effectively Dedicated/thorough 13 Meets Quality Assurance Standards 5 Work Attitude Occasionally Poor/lacklustre Satisfactory Reasonable interest Always Above average interest 14 Meets OH&S Standards 6 Conduct Occasionally Poor Satisfactory Satisfactory Always Very good 15 Communication 7 Appearance Needs improvement Inappropriate Good Appropriate Clear and concise

8 Punctuality 16 Overall Evaluation Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding

Comments: ...... Supervisor: ...... Date: ......

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 24 9. Comments – Student/Workplace Supervisor/Parent

Please make some further comments/remarks/suggestion about this student’s general performance in the work place eg suitability for the industry.


Supervisor’s name: ...... Signature: ...... Date: ......

Student Comments related to this work placement


Student’s signature: ...... Date: ......

Parent/Caregiver Comments related to this work placement


Parent/Caregiver’s name: ...... Signature: ...... Date: ......

WESTERN FUTURES Log Book Certificate II in Administration 25

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