CP MODERN WORLD HISTORY 10 Name ______Review Sheet for Test on the Industrial Revolution, Modern Slavery, & Economic Systems (Chapter 9 & Chapter 10, Section 4) PEOPLE - Samuel Morse - James Hargreaves - Richard Arkwright - James Watt - Robert Fulton - George Stephenson - Henry Bessemer - Samuel Slater - Joseph Lister - Alexander Graham Bell - Louis Pasteur - Dmitry Mendeleev - Guglielmo Marconi - Gregor Mendel - Marie & Pierre Curie - Charles Darwin - Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier - Adam Smith - Karl Marx - Friedrich Engles

TERMS - Industrial Revolution - developed vs. developing countries - bourgeoisie - Tonton Macoute - restavec - bonded labor - economic systems - means of production - The Wealth of Nations - laissez-faire - Communist Manifesto - Marxism - “dictatorship of the proletariat” - proletariat - traditional economy

KNOW/UNDERSTAND/BE ABLE TO … - Dates: Industrial Revolution - What 5 “things” does a country need to industrialize? - Where did the Industrial Revolution begin & why? How did the Agricultural Revolution affect farming & the population? Why did the world’s 1st factories develop & what were they making & how were they powered? - Why was the USA “ripe” for industrialization? Where did industrialization spread by 1900? Where DIDN’T it spread by 1900? - Identify & explain the positive & negative EFFECTS of industrialization. - How did industrialization change the social structure? - Why is Haiti so poor? What political, economic, & social challenges does it face? - Modern Slavery Stations Activity  review the questions we discussed/went over in class

CAPITALISM, SOCIALISM, & COMMUNISM - definitions & how each came about - characteristics associated with each (as presented on chart) - further information (HW chart & quiz, notes) about Karl Marx & communism - What’s going on with China? What is a mixed economy? - continuum line: How involved should the government be in the economy? - How did Karl Marx view the world? What did he predict would happen around the world? What two countries did Marx predict would “go” communist first? Why didn’t more countries go communist (What was Marx wrong about)? How did Marx feel about organized religion? What did communism “look like” in reality?

HISTORICAL IDENTIFICATION  Be able to thoroughly define/identify the following: Who?, What?, Where?, When?, & WHY IS THIS TERM HISTORICALLY SIGNIFICANT? - Karl Marx (more info on back!) Complete a historical identification/ID (a concise summary of important information) on Karl Marx. Your ID should include answers to the following: 2-3 sentences on …  Who was he & Where was he from? (nationality? job description?)  What did he do (famous pamphlet? views on economics & social classes? predictions about what would happen in the world?)  When did he influence history? (When was pamphlet published?) 2-3 sentences on …  Why is he historically significant? (How did Marx affect history? Did anyone follow his advice? If so, how did it work out? Connection to USA or world today?)

I’d recommend following the following format:

Karl Marx was a nationality / job description who co-authored name of writing (with co-author’s name) in year published. Marx believed that history was all about ….. (explain Marx’s views on economics & class struggle, his predictions about the world). Marx is historically significant because …..