Pre-Ofsted Visit Checklist
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Early Years Foundation Stage Checklist for Registered Childminders
Children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring for them. The Early Years Foundation Stage safeguarding and welfare requirements, specified in this section, are designed to help providers create high quality settings which are welcoming, safe and stimulating, and where children are able to enjoy learning and to grow in confidence (EYFS, 2014). The EYFS requirements do not override or remove any obligations providers have arising from any other relevant legal requirements including health and safety legislation.
This EYFS setting checklist can be used to support you in reviewing your working practices, including paperwork and doc umentation. It is not an exhaustive list of Ofsted or EYFS requirements and you should ensure you have a working knowle dge of these at all times. We suggest that you have a copies of the following when working through this checklist: Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (2014): work/ - The common inspection framework: education, skills and early years: - Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings: 2015 - Early years inspection handbook: Other supporting documents, such as the List Of Providers Guidance, can be accessed at: uk
Please note - ‘The information contained in this guidance is for general information purposes only. While every effort has been made to keep the information up to date and correct, Suffolk County Council (SCC) make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability with respect to the information contained within the guidance. Any reliance placed on such information is therefore strictly at the organisations own risk. SCC is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this guidance (December 2016)’
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 1 Suitable People 1. If you employ staff how do you ensure that EYFS p.17 (3.9) people looking after children are suitable to fulfil the requirements of their roles? http://www.suffolklearni You must follow ‘Safe Recruitment practices’. LoP- teaching/early- Section B, 8 years/safeguarding 2. You should have an enhanced disclosure & EYFS p.18 (3.10) What procedures are in place to ensure barring service (DBS) check for every person ernment/organisations/ compliance with these requirements? aged 16 or over who works directly with the disclosure-and-barring- children or works on the premises, either as a service member of staff or a regular volunteer. 3. If you employ staff how do you ensure staff EYFS p.18 (3.11) are aware that they are expected to disclose any convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands & warnings which may affect their suitability whether received before or during their employment at the setting? 4. How do you ensure that people, whose EYFS p.18 (3.11) suitability has not been checked, including through a DBS check, do not have unsupervised contact with the children being cared for? 5. If you employ staff where do you store EYFS p.18 (3.12) N.B The Data Protection Act requires all confidential staff information? businesses to register with the Information Providers other than childminders must record Commissioners Office (ICO) unless information about staff qualifications and the exempt. If you are processing personal identity checks and vetting processes that information electronically for the provision have been completed (including the criminal of childcare - including taking photographs records disclosure reference number, the date of the children in your care using a digital a disclosure was obtained and details of who camera - then you must register with the obtained it). For childminders the relevant ICO. information will be kept by Ofsted or the
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 2 agency with which the childminder is registered.
6. How do you ensure that you meet your EYFS p.18 (3.13) responsibilities under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006? Providers must also meet their responsibilities under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, which includes a duty to make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service where a member of staff is dismissed (or would have been, had the person not left the setting first) because they have harmed a child or put a child at risk of harm.
7. The Prevent Duty Guidance (2015) places LoP Section B, 5 PLA mini-guide to The EYFS expect providers to provide duties on all registered childcare providers to Prevent: and teach a broad and balanced keep children safe and promote their welfare. https://www-new.pre- curriculum to ensure that children Fundamental British values, first set out in the ‘understand the world’ and learn about Government’s Prevent strategy, are ult/files/the_prevent_du ‘similarities and differences between democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty ty_1.pdf themselves and others, and among and mutual respect and tolerance of different families, communities and traditions’. faiths and beliefs. The promotion of DfE advice: fundamental British values is reflected in the How do you ensure you demonstrate Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and ernment/uploads/syste ‘British Values’ through the exemplified in an age-appropriate way through m/uploads/attachment_ implementation of the EYFS and through practice guidance. data/file/439598/preven policies and procedures? t-duty-departmental- advice-v6.pdf
SCC – Supporting people at risk of radicalisation uk/adult-social-care- and-health/keeping- EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 3 you-safe/supporting- people-at-risk-of- radicalisation/
www.foundationyears.o ntal-british-values-in- the-early-years/
Disqualification 8. In the event of the disqualification of a EYFS p.19 (3.14 – How do you ensure that you meet the registered provider, a person living in the 3.18) ernment/publications/di requirements of the EYFS in the event of same household as the registered provider, or squalification-under- disqualification? a person employed in that household, the the-childcare-act-2006 provider must not continue as an early years provider- nor be directly concerned in the Waiver disqualification management of such provision. Where an guidance: employer becomes aware of relevant information which may lead to disqualification ernment/uploads/syste of an employee, the provider must take m/uploads/attachment_ appropriate action to ensure the safety of data/file/479211/Applyi children. ng_to_waive_disqualific A registered provider or a childcare worker ation_early_years_and may also be disqualified because they live in the same household as another person who is c disqualified, or because they live in the same household where a disqualified person is Application form: employed. ernment/uploads/syste m/uploads/attachment_ data/file/482496/Waiver _application_form_child care_on_non- domestic_premises.doc EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 4 Staff taking medication/other substances 9. If you employ staff how do you ensure that EYFS p.20 (3.19) How do you ensure staff are aware of this staff working with children are not under the requirement? influence of alcohol or any other substance which may impair their ability to care for children? How do you ensure that staff medication is stored securely out of the reach of children? Staff qualifications, training, support & skills 10. If you employ staff do you have an induction EYFS p.20 (3.20) What is the induction process and how is process in place for new staff, volunteers and this implemented? students?
11. If you employ staff what systems are in place EYFS p.20 (3.21- http://www.suffolklearni for staff supervisions and appraisals? 3.22) It is good practice to carry out peer teaching/early- observations with staff to help them improve years/eyfs-in- their knowledge, understanding and practice. suffolk/eyfs-checklist- Evidence from these observations can be resources discussed during regular supervisions and appraisals and guidance given on performance management and professional development. 12. Childminders, and any assistants who might EYFS p.21 (3.25) Date of course attended: be in sole charge of children for a period of Date for renewal: time, must hold a current paediatric first aid certificate. Paediatric first aid training must be relevant for workers caring for young children and where relevant, babies. (The training must cover the course content as for St John Ambulance or Red Cross paediatric first aid training and be renewed every three years). 13. All staff should have sufficient understanding EYFS p.21 (3.26) How do you ensure this? of English to ensure the well-being of the children. Key Person
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 5 14. How do you assign a Key Person to each EYFS p.10 (1.10) child? (If you work with an assistant/s) p.21 (3.27) How is the Key Person role explained to parents/carers? Adult: child ratios 15. How do you ensure, and demonstrate, that the EYFS p.24 (3.41) correct ratio and qualification requirements are ALWAYS in place? HEALTH Requirement Links and further Evidence Action, if reference information required. Medicines 16. You MUST promote the good health of EYFS p.25 (3.44) What is your procedure for dealing with children in your setting. ublications/InfectiousDi children who are ill or infectious, and how You MUST have a procedure for responding seases/InfectionControl is this discussed with parents/carers? to children who are ill or infectious. /1004GuidanceonInfCo ntrolinSchoolsandChild Care/ 17. You MUST have & implement procedures for EYFS p.25 (3.45) administering medicines which includes systems for keeping up-to-date information about a child’s needs for medicines. Medicines MUST NOT usually be administered unless prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. 18. You MUST only administer medicine (both EYFS p.25 (3.46) prescription & non-prescription) with written k/ permission and you MUST keep a written record each time a medicine is administered & https://www.mortonmic inform parents/carers of this.
https://www.pre- 19. How and where is medication stored? Is children’s medication clearly labelled with their names? Food and drink
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 6 20. Any meals, snacks & drinks provided for EYFS p. 26 (3.47) How do you involve parents and carers in children MUST be healthy, balanced and supporting children’s healthy eating? nutritious. How do you implement this? 21. How do you obtain information about EYFS p. 26 (3.47) Is information displayed where staff can children’s special dietary requirements, access it? Is it up to date? Are photos of preferences and food allergies, and any the children included? special health requirements? How do you do this whilst respecting If you employ staff how do you ensure that confidentiality? all staff know about these and act upon the information? 22. Fresh drinking water MUST be available and EYFS p. 26 (3.47) accessible to children at all times. How do you do this? 23. You MUST ensure you have undergone food EYFS p. 26 (3.48) Date of training: hygiene training to be able to prepare & handling food for the children. 24. How are children’s packed lunches stored? 25. You MUST ensure that the food preparation EYFS p.26 (3.48) How do you do this? area is adequate equipped and hygiene standards are maintained. 26. You MUST inform Ofsted or your childminder EYFS p. 26 (3.49) Ofsted general What procedures or protocols are in place agency with which you are registered of any enquiries: to ensure you comply with this incident of food poisoning affecting two or 0300 123 1231 requirement? more children within 14 days of the incident. Accident or injury 27. You MUST ensure that the first aid box is EYFS p. 26 (3.50) How do you ensure that the contents are accessible at all times? Is there a separate appropriate for children? first aid kit available for outings? How often is it checked? For information about the contents of First Aid boxes please refer to your Paediatric First Aid Training provider 28. How do you ensure that the contents are appropriate for children? Who is responsible for this? How often is it checked? 29. How do you keep a written record of accidents EYFS p. 26 (3.50) What procedures are in place to ensure EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 7 or injuries and first aid treatment? k/ parents/carers sign this written record to How do you ensure that parents/carers are prove that you have shared this informed of any accident or injury and first aid https://www.mortonmic information? treatment given, on the same day or as soon as reasonably practicable? https://www.pre-
http://suffolksafeguardi ngchildrenboard.onesuf 3/Accidental-poisoning- Practitioners-Guide.doc 30. You MUST inform Ofsted or the childminder EYFS p. 26 (3.51) What procedures are in place to ensure agency you are registered with and Suffolk you comply with this requirement? Safeguarding Children’s Board of any serious accident, or injury to, or death of any child. MANAGING BEHAVIOUR 31. Childminders are responsible for managing EYFS p. 26 (3.52) For training and support children’s behaviour in the setting and should materials- have the necessary skills and procedures to support children’s behaviour and access http://www.suffolklearni expert advice if necessary. teaching/early- years/sen-in- suffolk/behaviour- guidance
32. You MUST NOT use or threaten to use EYFS p. 26 (3.52 – What procedures are in place to ensure corporal punishment. You MUST keep a 3.53) parents/carers are informed of any such record of any occasion where physical intervention? intervention is used & inform parents/carers.
SAFETY AND SUITABILITY OF PREMISES, ENVIRONMENT AND EQUIPMENT Safety 33. You MUST ensure that your premises, EYFS p. 27 (3.54)
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 8 including overall floor space and outdoor books/lawposter.htm space is fit for purpose and suitable for the age of children cared for and the activities riddor / provided on the premises. You MUST comply with the requirements of health and safety educat legislation (including fire safety and hygiene ion / requirements) http://sabs.dhsspsni.go NB: See current safety guidance regarding trols/docViewer.aspx? 13A electrical socket covers. docid=1083&amid=801
34. You MUST have an emergency evacuation EYFS p. 27 (3.55) procedure and take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of everyone on the premises. 35. It is good practice to ensure everyone on the Good Practice Are the emergency evacuation premises (children and adults) experience procedures clearly displayed? practice fire drills and knows the correct Does everyone know them? procedure When & how often are they practiced? How do you record the drills? Smoking 36. Providers must not allow smoking in or on the EYFS p. 27 (3.56) How do you ensure you comply with this? premises when children are present or about to be present. Premises 37. The premises and equipment must be EYFS p. 27 (3.57) organised in a way that meets the needs of all children. How do you ensure that, as far as is reasonable, the facilities, equipment and access to the premises are suitable for all children? 38. What procedures are in place to provide EYFS p. 28 (3.58) access to an outdoor play area or, if that is not possible, ensure that outdoor activities are planned and taken on a daily basis? You must follow your legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, for example, the provision EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 9 on reasonable adjustments. 39. How do you make provision for children who EYFS p. 28 (3.59- How do you ensure that sleeping children wish to relax, play quietly or sleep? 60) are frequently checked? How do you ensure an adequate supply of clean bedding is available? 40. Are there appropriate changing facilities EYFS p. 28 (3.60) available for children who are in nappies? 41. Is there an area where staff may talk to EYFS p. 28 (3.61) parents/carers confidentially? 42. What systems are in place to ensure only EYFS p. 28 (3.62) For example- password system or authorised persons collect children & that another system for parents to notify who children do not leave the premises will collect children. unsupervised? 43. You MUST take all reasonable steps to EYFS p. 28 (3.62) What procedures are in place to comply ensure that only authorised persons enter the with this? premises. 44. You MUST have a procedure for checking the EYFS p. 28 (3.62) If you use a visitors’ book does it include identity of visitors. arrival and departure times? Is ID checked? 45. You MUST have public liability insurance. It is EYFS p. 28 (3.63) good practice to have the certificate (or a copy) displayed for parent/carers/visitors to see. Risk assessment 46. You MUST take all reasonable steps to EYFS p.28-29 (3.64- How do you ensure you comply with this? ensure staff and children in your care are not 65) Do you assess security, hygiene, exposed to risks and must be able to equipment, routines, indoor and outdoor demonstrate how you are managing risks. Any environment and outings? procedures for risk assessments should be reviewed regularly. Outings
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 10 47. Children MUST be kept safe while on outings. EYFS p.29 (3.65) What procedures are in place regarding You MUST assess risks or hazards which may risk assessments? arise for the children and you MUST identify the steps to be taken to remove, minimise and It would be good practice to obtain written manage risks and hazards. You MUST permission from parents/carers for consider adult: child ratios. The risk outings/visits. assessment does not necessarily need to be in writing; this is for you to judge. 48. Vehicles in which children are being EYFS p.29 (3.66) Date insurance due: transported, and the driver of that vehicle, Date MOT (if applicable) due: MUST be adequately insured. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS 49. Childminders registered on the LoP and who EYFS p.29 (3.67) receive funding from the local authority to drens-services/special- deliver early education places must have LoP - educational-needs regard to the Special Educational Needs Section B, 7 (SEN) code of Practice. Section G
N.B. The new SEND Code of Practice was introduced in September 2014. All existing ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’ will continue to have legal force beyond September 2014 until they are transferred to an Education, Health and Care plan.
50. For LoP members, you MUST have a written LoP- policy which clearly describes how & when Section B, 7 decisions about the allocation of spaces are Section G taken, & how places will be allocated should there be more children than places available. 51. For LoP members, you must have a written LoP- Equality Action Plan. Section B, 7 uk/suffolklearning_imag Under the Equality Act 2010 ALL children are Section G es/users/Early_Years_ entitled to attend any provision & have their Team_CYP/SettingsEq needs identified & met. ualitiesInformationAnaly sis.pdf EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 11 INFORMATION AND RECORDS 52. You MUST maintain records and obtain and EYFS p.29 (3.68) Useful documents: What systems are in place to ensure this? share information (with parents/carers and ‘Starting Points and other professionals working with the child, as Progress Tracking’ and appropriate) in order to ensure the safe and ‘My Learning Journey’ efficient management of the setting, and to materials - help to ensure the needs of all children are http://www.suffolklearni met. teaching/early- years/eyfs-in- suffolk/assessment 53. You MUST enable a regular two-way flow of EYFS p.29 (3.68, How do you do this? information with parents/carers. If requested, 3.69) How do parents/carers access their you should incorporate parents’/carers’ child’s ‘My Learning Journey’ document? comments into children’s records.
54. You MUST enable a regular two-way flow of EYFS p.29 (3.68) How do you share information and work information between providers if a child is in partnership with other settings children attending more than one setting. attend to identify their individual needs and help them make good progress? 55. How do you keep confidential records secure? EYFS p.29-30 (3.69, N.B. (Staff, children, safeguarding, records of 3.70) r_organisations/data_pr The Data Protection Act requires all concern, financial) Data Protection Act otection.aspx businesses to register with the 1998 Information Commissioners Office (IOC) LoP- unless exempt. If you are processing Section C (Financial personal information electronically for the Documentation) provision of childcare - including taking photographs of the children in your care using a digital camera - then you must register with the ICO.
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 12 56. How long do you retain records relating to EYFS p.30 (3.71) individual children after they have left the LoP- setting? Section C (Financial Documentation) 57. For LoP members- It is your responsibility to LoP- Privacy notice- When do you give this to parents? Is this ensure that every parent/carer has a copy of Section B, 9 included in your parent information pack? the ‘Privacy Notice’ in order to ensure uk/3-11-learning- compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. teaching/early- years/funding-for-2-3-4- year-olds/claiming- funding-for-2,-3-4-year- olds/handling-personal- data
Information about the child 58. The registration form for each child should EYFS p.30 (3.72) Amend your registration form as include: full name; date of birth; name and necessary to ensure all this information address of every parent/carer known to the is gained on entry. provider (and information about any other person who has parental responsibility for the child); which parents/carers the child normally lives with; and emergency contact details for parents/carers Information for parents and carers 59. What systems are in place to share EYFS p.13 (2.1, 2.2) Useful documents: Formal/informal discussion information with parents/carers? ‘Starting Points and opportunities, notice-board, newsletters, Progress Tracking’ and diaries, communication board/book, ‘My Learning Journey’ website/text alerts, parents’/carers materials - consultations, My Learning Journeys. http://www.suffolklearnin teaching/early- years/eyfs-in- suffolk/assessment 60. You MUST tell parents/carers how the EYFS EYFS p.30 (3.73) http://www.foundationyea How do you do this? is being delivered in your setting & how they
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 13 can access more information. to-expect-when-a- parents-guide/ 61. You MUST tell parents/carers about the range EYFS p.27 (3.73) How do you do this? & type of activities & experiences provided for children in your setting, the daily routine, & how parents/carers can share learning at home.
62. You MUST tell parents/carers how you EYFS p.30 (3.73) Add your local offer arrangements to support children with SEN and disabilities. SEND Code of publications/send-code- your setting information on Suffolk Providers MUST have arrangements in place Practice 0-25 of-practice-0-to-25 Infolink. to support children with SEN or disabilities. (2014), Chapter 5, p. This should be outlined in a ‘Local Offer’. 67. nfolink/ Suffolk County Council’s Local Offer can be accessed at: www.access- How effectively do you use additional funding, Early Years publications/common- including early years premium (EYPP) and Inspection inspection-framework- measure its impact on narrowing gaps in Handbook (2015), education-skills-and- children’s outcomes? pg. 32, 150. early-years-from- september-2015
63. You MUST tell parents/carers what food & EYFS p.30 (3.73) How do you do this? drinks are provided for the children. 64. You MUST give parents/carers details of your: EYFS p.30 (3.73) What are your procedures? o procedures to be followed if a child is not collected at the appointed time o procedures to be followed in the event of a child going missing at, or away from, your setting. 65. You MUST give parents/carers a telephone EYFS p. 30 (3.73) number for them to contact you in an emergency.
Complaints 66. As a childminder you are not required to have EYFS p.30-31 (3.74)
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 14 a written procedure for handling complaints, but you must keep a record of any complaints you receive and the outcome. 67. You MUST investigate written complaints EYFS p.30-31 (3.74) relating to the EYFS requirements & notify complainants of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days of having received the complaint. 68. The record of complaints must be made EYFS p.31 (3.74) How do you do this? available to Ofsted or relevant childminder agency on request. 69. You MUST give parents/carers contact details EYFS p.31 (3.75) For example, by displaying the current for Ofsted or the childminder agency that you k/resources/poster-for- Ofsted Parent/carer poster (updated are registered with if they believe the provider parents-childcare 2014). is not meeting the EYFS requirements. Contact details for Ofsted: 0300 123 1231 70. If Ofsted plan to inspect your setting, you will EYFS p.31 (3.75) usually receive a call no more than five days LoP- ernment/publications/co before the inspection to check which days you Section E mmon-inspection- are operating and whether there are children framework-education- on roll. The date of the inspection will not be Early Years skills-and-early-years- specified but the time of day should be Inspection from-september-2015 indicated to allow you to leave the house if the Handbook (2015), inspector has not arrived that day. pg. 9, 31. When you become aware that you are to be inspected you MUST notify parents/carers. After an inspection you MUST supply a copy of the report to parents/carers. LoP members must inform Suffolk County Council immediately following an Ofsted inspection if the outcome is less than ‘GOOD’. This should be done by e-mail to [email protected] with the subject marked as ‘List of Providers - Ofsted outcome’ or telephone 0345 60 800 33.
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 15 After an inspection by Ofsted or a quality EYFS p.31 (3.76). assurance visit by their childminder agency, providers must supply a copy of the report to parents/carers of children attending on a regular basis.
Information about the provider 71. Childminders MUST hold the following: EYFS p 31 (3.76) o name, home address & telephone number of the provider and any other person living or employed on the EYFS p. 21 (3.27) & premises. (3.28-3.43) o name, home address & telephone number of anyone else who will regularly be in unsupervised contact with the children. o a daily record of the names of children attending, their hours of attendance (include times of arrival & departure in the register) & the names of each child’s key person. (including a buddy key person if used) o your Ofsted registration certificate Where is your certificate displayed? MUST be displayed. Changes that must be notified to Ofsted 72. Childminders MUST notify Ofsted or the EYFS p 31-32 (3.77) relevant childminder agency of which they are registered of: o any change in the address of the premises; to the premises which may affect the space available to the children & the quality of childcare; in the name, address or any other contact details of the provider; to the person who is managing the provision.
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 16 o any proposal to change the hours during which childcare is provided. o any significant event likely to affect the suitability of the provider or any person who cares for, or who is in regular contact with, the children. o where the provision is provided by a company, any change in the name or registered number of the company. o where the provision is provided by a partnership, body corporate or unincorporated association whose sole or main purpose is the provision of childcare, any change to the individuals who are partners in, or a director, secretary or other officer or members of its governing body.
73. Where you are required to notify Ofsted or EYFS p.32 (3.78) the childminder agency about a change of person except for managers, as specified in Early Years EYFS, 3.76) you must give the new Inspection person’s name (including former names or Handbook (2015), aliases), date of birth and home address. p.27. Notification must be made as soon as is reasonably practicable, but always within 14 days.
EYFS checklist for Registered Childminders December 2016 17