Authorized Adp Schedule Price List
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Information Technology Solutions
Contract Number: GS-35F-5194G Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List
General Services Administration Federal Supply Services AUTHORIZED ADP SCHEDULE PRICE LIST FSC GROUP 70, PART I, SECTIONS B & C
Information Systems and Information Technology Support Services and General Purpose Commercial Automatic Data Processing Equipment
Special Item No. 132-51 ADP Services
Category Code ADP Services S
Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 47332 Eagan, McAllister Lane P. O. Box 986 Lexington Park, MD 20653 (301) 863-2192
PERIOD COVERED BY CONTRACT: June 18, 1997 through July 19, 2011
August 2008
General Services Administration
Federal Supply Service
Products and ordering information in the Authorized ADP Schedule Price List is also available on the GSA Advantage! system. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing GSA’s Home Page via internet at Table of Contents
1. Geographic Scope of Contract: The geographic scope of this contract is the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and all U.S. Government installations and/or agencies abroad.
2. Contractor’s Ordering Address: Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 986 Lexington Park, Maryland 20653 Attn: Joanna Aguinaldo
Contractor’s Service Area: All Government locations within the scope of the contract.
Contractor’s Payment Address:
Electronic submission: Citibank NA ABA # 021000089 Account # 30661109
Government Commercial Credit Cards will be acceptable for payment. In addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments will be shown on the invoice.
Listed below are the telephone number(s) that may be used by ordering agencies to obtain technical and ordering assistance.
Joanna Aguinaldo Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. Telephone: (301) 863-2192 FAX: (301) 863-2308
3. Reserved:
4. Statistical Data for Government Ordering Office Completion of Standard Form 279: Block 9: G. Order/Modification Under Federal Schedule Block 16: Contractor Establishment Code (DUNS): 13-187-5452 CEC #: 13-288-555K Block 30: Type of Contractor: C. Large Business Block 31: Woman-Owned Small Business: No. Block 34: Reserved Block 36: Contractor’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 52-135-1526
4a. CAGE Code: 5Z575
5. FOB Destination: N/A
6. Commercial Delivery Schedule (Multiple Award Schedules):
a. TIME OF DELIVERY. The contractor shall deliver to destination within the number of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO), as set forth below. Offerors shall insert in the “time of delivery (days ARO)” column in the Schedule of Items a definite number of calendar days within which
(August 2008) 1 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 delivery will be made. In no case shall the offered delivery time exceed the contractor’s normal commercial practice.
Delivery will be within 90 days of delivery order receipt unless otherwise agreed upon.
b. EXPEDITED DELIVERY TIMES. For those items that can be delivered quicker than the delivery times in paragraph (a), above, the offeror is requested to insert below, a time (hours/days ARO) that delivery can be made when expedited delivery is requested.
c. OVERNIGHT AND 2-DAY DELIVERY TIMES. Schedule customers may require overnight or 2- day delivery. The offeror is requested to annotate in its price list or by separate attachment the items that can be delivered overnight or within 2 days. Contractors offering such delivery service will be required to state in the FSS price list details concerning this service. SEE ABOVE
d. URGENT REQUIREMENTS. When the Federal Supply Schedule contract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering agency, agencies are encouraged, if time permits, to contact the contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. The contractor shall reply to the inquiry within 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed by the contractor in writing.) If the contractor offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering agency, any order(s) placed pursuant to the agreed upon accelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter delivery time and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of the contract.
7. Discounts:
a. Prompt Payment: None; Net 30 ARO
b. Quantity: None
c. Dollar Volume: None
d. Government Educational Institutions: Government Educational Institutions are offered the same discounts as all other Government customers.
e. Discount for use of Government Commercial Credit Card: None
f. Other: None
8. Production Points and Statement Concerning Foreign Produced Items: All items listed herein are domestic end products, from designated countries under the Trade Agreements Act or are U.S. made end products. N/A
9. Statement Concerning Availability of Export Packing: Export packing is available at extra cost outside the scope of this contract. N/A
(August 2008) 2 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192
10. Small Requirements: The minimum dollar value of orders to be issued is $100.
11a. Maximum Order: (All dollar amounts are exclusive of any discount for prompt payment.)
a. Special Item 132-51 - ADP Services
The maximum dollar value per order will be $500,000 for all ADP Services.
11b. Orders That Exceed the Maximum Order (I-FSS-125) (AUG 1995)
a. In accordance with FAR 8.404 there may be circumstances where an ordering activity finds it advantageous to request a price reduction, such as where a quantity of an individual order clearly indicates the potential for obtaining a reduced price.
To assist the customer agencies to determine when they should seek a price decrease, a level called a maximum order has been established under the contract. When an agency order exceeds this amount it is recommended that the ordering activity contact the contractor for a reduced price.
b. Contractor may:
1. Offer a new lower price for this requirement (the Price Reduction clause is not applicable to orders placed over the Maximum Order in FAR 52.216-19.),
2. Offer the lowest price available under the contract or,
3. Decline the order (orders must be returned in accordance with FAR 52.216-19).
c. A delivery order for quantities that exceed the maximum order may be placed with the contractor selected in accordance with FAR 8.404. The order will be placed under the current contract.
d. Sales for orders that exceed the Maximum Order shall be reported in accordance with GSAR 552.238-72.
12. Federal ADP/Telecommunications Standards Requirements: Federal departments and agencies acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS), which are cited by ordering offices, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor.
12.1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS): ADP products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable “FIPS Publication.” Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Information concerning their availability and applicability should be obtained from the National Technology Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should referred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703)487-4650.
(August 2008) 3 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 12.2 Federal Telecommunications Standards (FED-STDS): Telecommunication products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable “FED-STD.” Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Ordering information and information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA Specification Sales Office, Room 6654, 7th & D Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20407, telephone number (202)708- 9205. Please include a self-addressed mailing label when requesting information by mail. Information concerning their applicability can be obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301)975- 2833.
13. Security Requirements: In the event security requirements are necessary, the ordering activities may incorporate, in their delivery order(s), a security clause in accordance with current laws, regulations, and individual agency policy; however, the burden of administering the security requirements shall be with the ordering agency. If any costs are incurred as a result of the inclusion of security requirements, such costs will be negotiated with the Schedule Contractor on an open market basis, outside the scope of the contract.
14. Contract Administration for Ordering Offices: Any ordering office, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this contract, may exercise the same rights of termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer under provisions of FAR 52.249-1, 52.249-2, and 52.249-8.
15. GSA Advantage! (Replaces the OSS ITS On-Line Schedule System): The GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors’ schedule price lists with ordering information, terms and conditions, and up-to-date pricing that will aid Schedule users in acquisitions. The GSA Advantage! will allow the user to:
a. Search by Vendor’s Name or Contract Number to view or download the vendor’s complete GSA- approved pricelist with terms, conditions, and up-to-date pricing.
b. Perform various searches across all contracts including, but not limited to:
1. Manufacturer;
2. Manufacturer’s Part Number; and
3. Product category(ies)
Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Internet World Wide Web utilizing a browser (ex: NetScape). The Internet address is
(August 2008) 4 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 16. Use of Group 70 Schedules Contracts. In accordance with FAR 8.404:
a. Ordering activities can place orders of $2,500 or less with any GSA Federal Supply Schedule contractor. GSA has already determined the prices of items under these contracts to be fair and reasonable.
b. To reasonably ensure that a selection represents the best value and meets the agency’s needs at the lowest overall cost, before placing an order of more than $2500, an ordering activity should—
1. Consider reasonably available information about products offered under Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts; this standard is met if the ordering activity does the following:
i. Considers products and prices contained in any GSA MAS automated information system (e.g., GSA Advantage!); or
ii. If automated information is not available, reviews at least three (3) price lists.
2. In selecting the best value item at the lowest overall cost (the price of the item plus administrative costs), the ordering activity may consider such factors as—
i. Special features of one item not provided by comparable items, which are required in effective program performance;
ii. Trade-in considerations;
iii. Probable life of the item selected as compared with that of a comparable item;
iv. Warranty conditions; and
v. Maintenance availability.
3. Give preference to the items of small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will meet an ordering activity’s needs.
c. MAS contractors will not be required to pass on to all schedule users a price reduction extended only to an individual agency for a specific order. There may be circumstances where an ordering activity finds it advantageous to request a price reduction, such as where the ordering activity finds that a schedule product is available elsewhere at a lower price, or where the quantity of an individual order clearly indicates the potential for obtaining a reduced price.
d. Ordering activities should document orders of $2,500 or less by identifying the contractor the item was purchased from, the item purchased, and the amount paid. For orders over $2,500, MAS ordering files should be documented in accordance with internal agency practices. Agencies are encouraged to keep documentation to a minimum.
(August 2008) 5 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO ADP SERVICES (132-51)
The following terms and conditions are applicable to all Special Item Numbers:
1. Geographic Scope of Contract: The geographic scope of this contract is the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and all U.S. Government installations and/or agencies abroad.
2. Contractor Commitments, Warranties and Representations:
a. For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties and representations include, in addition to those agreed to for the entire schedule contract:
1. Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders;
2. Technical representations and/or warranties of products concerning performance, total system performance and/or configuration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics and capabilities of a product/equipment/service/software package submitted in response to requirements, which result in orders under this schedule contract.
3. Any representations and/or warranties concerning the products made in any literature, description, drawings and/or specifications furnished by the contractor.
b. The above is not intended to enlarge the scope of this schedule contract for individual orders. Prices, options, terms and conditions of any orders are limited strictly to those specified in the schedule contract and price list and agreed to by GSA.
3. Overseas Activities: The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the price list outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, except for the following modifications:
a. In place of an installation date for equipment, a shipping date shall be specified on the order.
b. The contractor agrees to promptly install all equipment, ready for use.
c. Upon request of the contractor, the Government may provide the contractor with logistics support, as available, in accordance with all applicable Government regulations. Such Government support will be provided on a reimbursable basis, and will only be provided to the contractor’s technical personnel whose services are exclusively required for the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this contract (Purchase, Maintenance, and Repair Service).
d. The contractor agrees to accept orders for repair of equipment, except for the following additions and modifications: N/A
1. Order: Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, credit card orders, blanket purchase orders, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Orders shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period.
2. Invoice and Payment: Invoices for ADP Services shall be submitted by the contractor as soon as possible after completion of the work. Payment under blanket purchase orders will be made quarterly or monthly, except where cash payment procedures are used. Invoices shall be submitted separately to each Government office ordering services under the contract. PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT, IF APPLICABLE, SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE INVOICE.
3. The contractor shall provide a description of each type of ADP service offered under SIN 132-51.
4. Guarantee: People provided under the contract by the Contractor shall have the experience, education and expertise as delineated in the Authorized ADP Schedule Pricelist.
5. Travel: Any travel required by an ordering agency, in the performance of ADP Services under this contract, will be reimbursed by the ordering agency.
(August 2008) 7 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 SKILL CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS
Program Manager
1. Functions: Acts as the overall lead, manager and administrator for the contract effort. Serves as the primary interface and point of contact with Government program authorities and representatives on technical and program/project issues. Supervises program/project operations by developing procedures, planning and directing execution of the technical, programming, maintenance and administrative support effort and monitoring and reporting progress. Manages acquisition and employment of program/project resources. Manages and controls financial and administrative aspects of the program/project with respect to contract requirements. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance is required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics or Business Administration from an accredited college or university and eight years of management and supervisory experience including performance in each of the foregoing functions with respect to technical programs/projects OR a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, Operations Research or Business Management from an accredited college or university and twelve years of management and supervisory experience including performance in each of the foregoing functions with respect to technical programs/projects.
Project Manager
1. Functions: Acts as overall system engineer, technical manager, and administrator for one or more delivery orders; serves as the primary interface and point of contact with the Government program authorities and representatives on technical program/project issues; supervises program/project operations by developing system engineering and management procedures, planning and directing execution of the engineering and technical effort, and monitoring and reporting progress; manages acquisition and employment of the program/project resources; manages and controls financial and administrative aspects of the program/project with respect to delivery order requirements.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Math or Physics and eight years of experience performing the foregoing system engineering functions.
3. Specialized Experience: a. At least five years of the foregoing total experience must have consisted of management and supervisory experience including performance of the foregoing functions with respect to engineering program/projects; and b. At least two years of the foregoing total experience must have been as a team leader investigating large and complex problems, and making sound recommendations relevant to computing, quality control, analysis, and testing systems.
Senior Computer Scientist
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science concepts and techniques to develop and apply automated solutions to engineering, scientific, or business data acquisition and management problems. Uses scientific and engineering logic to independently identify conceptual or theoretical solutions to problems of computer hardware or software design and operation. Develops alternative approaches to design, test and evaluation techniques for solving automation problems, evaluates and recommends that
(August 2008) 8 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 which will provide the optimum solution balancing specific project needs with economic constraints. Interfaces with and uses micro, mini and mainframe computer systems in addressing project objectives. Formulates architectural design, functional specification, interfaces and documentation of computer systems considering system interrelationships, operating modes, and equipment configurations. Responsible for developing project plans, justifications, guidelines, and controls. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Engineering, from an accredited college or university and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Computer Scientist
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science concepts and techniques to develop and apply automated solutions to engineering, scientific, or business data acquisition and management problems. Uses scientific and engineering logic to independently identify conceptual or theoretical solutions to problems of computer hardware or software design and operation. Develops alternative approaches to design, test and evaluation techniques for solving automation problems, evaluates and recommends that which will provide the optimum solution balancing specific project needs with economic constraints. Interfaces with and uses micro, mini and mainframe computer systems in addressing project objectives. Formulates architectural design, functional specification, interfaces and documentation of computer systems considering system interrelationships, operating modes, and equipment configurations. Responsible for segments or phases of broader more complex projects. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or Information Systems from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Senior Data Base Administrator
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science concepts and techniques in the design, development, installation and maintenance of relational databases to satisfy engineering, scientific, or business data acquisition and management. Develops and maintains necessary public synonyms, data base links, and user access controls. Provides database tuning and monitoring to insure effective and efficient data access to include comparison of performance ratios, tuning of memory configuration, disk I/O, and application software, design and maintenance of the physical layout of the databases and calculating disk space requirements for database tables and indexes. Responsible for developing project plans, justifications, guidelines, and controls. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Engineering, from an accredited college or university and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least four years of the foregoing total experience must have been in programming data base systems.
Data Base Administrator
(August 2008) 9 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science concepts and techniques in the design, development, installation and maintenance of relational databases to satisfy engineering, scientific, or business data acquisition and management. Develops and maintains necessary public synonyms, data base links, and user access controls. Provides database tuning and monitoring to insure effective and efficient data access to include comparison of performance ratios, tuning of memory configuration, disk I/O, and application software. Design and maintenance of the physical layout of the databases and calculating disk space requirements for database tables and indexes. Responsible for segments or phases of broader, more complex projects. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Engineering, from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least four years of the foregoing total experience must have been in programming data base systems.
Junior Data Base Administrator
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science concepts and techniques in the design, development, installation and maintenance of relational databases to satisfy engineering, scientific, or business data acquisition and management. Develops and maintains necessary public synonyms, data base links, and user access controls. Provides database tuning and monitoring to insure effective and efficient data access to include comparison of performance ratios, tuning of memory, configuration, disk I/O, and application software, design and maintenance of the physical layout of the databases and calculating disk space requirements for database tables and indexes. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Engineering, from an accredited college or university and two years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Senior Computer Specialist/Programmer
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science principles, information management principles, data processing functions, ADP hardware and software systems structures and operations, and computer programming languages and techniques to solve automation problems. Addresses scientific, engineering or business objectives by writing, modifying, or adapting computer programs in machine level, assembly, and third or fourth generation programming languages. Interfaces with and uses minicomputer and mainframe computer systems in addressing project objectives. Identifies and uses standard, unconventional and original mathematical, algorithmic, and programmatic approaches to define, plan, organize, design, develop, modify, test and integrate data base or data processing systems, computer hardware systems, and simulation models. Formulates architectural design, functional specification, interfaces and documentation of hardware or software systems considering system interrelationships, operating modes, and software or equipment configurations. Researches unconventional applications of software and operating systems in designing and developing new methodologies, signification modifications, or adaptations of standardized techniques. Responsible for developing project plans, guidelines and controls. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university
(August 2008) 10 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and twelve years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least four years of the foregoing total experience must have been in programming.
Computer Specialist/Programmer
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science principles, information management principles, data processing functions, ADP hardware and software systems structures and operations, and computer programming languages and techniques to solve automation problems. Applies scientific, engineering or business objectives by writing, modifying, or adapting computer programs in machine level, assembly, and third or’ fourth generation programming languages. Interfaces with and uses minicomputer and mainframe computer systems in addressing project objectives. Uses standard or conventional approaches to define, plan, organize, design, develop, modify, test and integrate data base or data processing systems, computer hardware systems, and simulation models. Assists in formulating architectural design, functional specification, interfaces and documentation of hardware or software systems. Uses detailed specifications and adapts standardized techniques, methods, criteria and precedents to develop or modify portions of a system or program. Responsible for segments or phases of broader, more complex projects. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least two years of the foregoing experience must have been in programming.
Junior Computer Specialist/Programmer
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of computer science principles, information management principles, data processing functions, ADP hardware and software systems structures and operations, and computer programming languages and techniques to solve automation problems. Applies scientific, engineering or business objectives by writing, modifying, or adapting computer programs in machine level, assembly, and third or fourth generation programming languages Interfaces with and uses microcomputer and mainframe computer systems in addressing project objectives. Uses standard or conventional approaches to define, plan, organize, design, develop, modify, test and integrate data base or data processing systems, computer hardware systems, and simulation models. Assists in formulating architectural design, functional specification, interfaces and documentation of hardware or software systems. Uses detailed specifications and adapts standardized techniques, methods, criteria and precedents to develop or modify portions of a system or program. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university OR a high school diploma and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Senior Systems Analyst
(August 2008) 11 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 1. Functions: Applies logical analyses or test and evaluation on all programs within the contractual scope. Performs comprehensive analyses of hardware/software concepts, designs and test requirements. Reviews, analyzes, integrates and conducts test and evaluation of contractor or Government generated source data and develops interim documentation. Performs system concept formulation, system design analysis and subsystems design analysis. Responsible for developing project plans, guidelines and controls. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and twelve years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Systems Analyst
1. Functions: Applies logical analyses or test and evaluation on all programs within the contractual scope. Performs comprehensive analyses of hardware/software concepts, designs and test requirements. Reviews, analyzes, integrates and conducts test and evaluation of contractor or Government generated source data and develops interim documentation. Performs system concept formulation, system design analysis and subsystems design analysis. Responsible for segments or phases of broader, more complex projects. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and six years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and ten years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Junior Systems Analyst
1. Functions: Applies logical analyses or test and evaluation on all programs within the contractual scope. Performs comprehensive analyses of hardware/software concepts, designs and test requirements. Reviews, analyzes, integrates and conducts test and evaluation of contractor or Government -generated source data and develops interim documentation. Performs system concept formulation, system design analysis and subsystems design analysis. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or related field from an accredited college or university and two years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and six years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Senior Systems Engineer
1. Functions: Applies systems engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate military weapon systems; review and prepare system engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies system engineering experience to perform functions such as system integration, configuration management, quality assurance testing, or acquisition and resource management. Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, tests, or evaluates automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of military weapons systems, associated support systems, or management information systems.
(August 2008) 12 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Math or Physics and six years of experience performing the foregoing systems engineering functions.
Systems Engineer
1. Functions: Applies systems engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate military weapon systems: review and prepare system engineering and technical analyses, reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies system engineering experience to perform functions such as system integration, configuration management, quality assurance testing, or acquisition and resource management. Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, tests, or evaluates automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of military weapons systems, associated support systems, or management information systems.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Math, or Physics and three years of experience performing the foregoing systems engineering functions.
Senior Technical Writer/Editor
1. Functions: Develops, drafts, revises, and edits reports, articles, manuals, specifications, presentation materials, and other technical documents, using rough outlines and materials. Interprets information obtained through research and provided by technical specialists. Applies knowledge of documentation content and format standards to prepare, edit, and publish technical materials.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in English or Journalism and at least five years of experience performing the foregoing technical writing/editing functions. At least two years of the individual’s foregoing total experience must have consisted of performing technical writing/editing functions with respect to data collection, data reduction, engineering analysis, mathematics, or digital systems.
Technical Writer/Editor
1. Functions: Develops, drafts, revises, and edits reports, articles, manuals, specifications, presentation materials, and other technical documents, using rough outlines and materials. Interprets information obtained through research and provided by technical specialists. Applies knowledge of military documentation content and format standards to prepare, edit, and publish technical materials.
2. Qualifications: At least three years of experience performing the foregoing technical writing/editing functions.
Senior Engineer
1. Functions: Applies engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate computer and telecommunications systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analysis reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies engineering principles to perform functions such as computer system architecture design, computer system integration, computer and telecommunications configuration management, and quality assurance testing. Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, and test automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of computer and telecommunications systems and associated support systems. Responsible for developing project plans, justifications, guidelines, and controls. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
(August 2008) 13 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering or a related engineering discipline from an accredited college or university and eight years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions
1. Functions: Applies engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate computer and telecommunications systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analysis reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies engineering principles to perform functions such as computer system architecture design, computer system integration, computer and telecommunications configuration management, and quality assurance testing. Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, and test automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of computer and telecommunications systems and associated support systems. Responsible for segments or phases of broader, more complex projects. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering or a related engineering discipline from an accredited college or university and four years of engineering experience performing the foregoing functions.
Junior Engineer
1. Functions: Applies engineering principles to investigate, analyze, plan, design, develop, implement, test, or evaluate computer and telecommunications systems. Reviews and prepares engineering and technical analysis reports, change proposals, and other technical documentation. Applies engineering principles to perform functions such as computer system architecture design, computer system integration, computer and telecommunications configuration management, and quality assurance testing. Analyzes, designs, develops, implements, and test automated data processing software related to engineering or functional requirements of computer and telecommunications systems and associated support systems. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position-
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering or a related engineering discipline from an accredited college or university.
Computer Applications Specialist
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of automated data processing (ADP) functions, hardware and software systems operation, computer programming languages and techniques, and software applications products to produce technical or management information products. Uses standard data base, spreadsheet, or document-producing software applications programs on microcomputer, minicomputer, or mainframe computer systems. Designs and formats data bases and input screens. Searches, queries, or compiles data, creating reports or other documents to meet user requirements. Writes and debugs flow charts, code, programs, or routines in fourth generation languages. Maintains and manages databases, files, and back-ups. Operates computer terminals printers, plotters, and other peripheral hardware, entering commands and data required to control their operation. Prepares software change requests and trouble reports. May prepare user manuals, advise, or train users on new software system operations. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the above position
2. Qualifications: A High School Diploma and one year of experience performing the foregoing functions.
(August 2008) 14 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 Computer Clerk
1. Functions: Maintains and archives all hard copies and network back up tapes. Enters data into database management systems and extracts data from existing databases. Performs routine filing and routine manual reproduction. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the above position.
2. Qualifications: A High School diploma or equivalent
Senior Computer Technician
1. Functions: Applies computer techniques, principles and precedents to develop, design, modify, install, test, evaluate, or operate data processing systems for military support equipment and/or facilities. Maintains, repairs, inspects, troubleshoots or programs systems equipment or components. Reviews, analyzes, develops prepares or applies specifications, policies, standards, or procedures. Plans and performs tests and evaluations of systems equipment or components. Responsible for developing project plans, justifications, guidelines, and controls. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the above position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and twelve years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least three years of experience installing, troubleshooting, and supporting one or more of the following: 486/Pentium microcomputers, MacIntosh microcomputers, 3Com EtherLink III network interface cards, HP LaserJet III, or IV series printers, Apple LaserWriter series printers.
Computer Technician
1. Functions: Applies computer techniques, principles and precedents to develop, design, modify, install, test, evaluate, or operate data processing systems for military support equipment and/or facilities. Maintains, repairs, inspects, troubleshoots or programs systems equipment or components. Reviews, analyzes, develops prepares or applies specifications, policies, standards, or procedures. Plans and performs tests and evaluations of systems equipment or components. Responsible for segments or phases of broader, more complex projects. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least two years of experience installing, troubleshooting, and supporting one or more of the following: 486/Pentium microcomputers, MacIntosh microcomputers, 3Com EtherLink III network interface cards, HP LaserJet III, or IV series printers, Apple LaserWriter series printers.
Junior Computer Technician
(August 2008) 15 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 1. Functions: Applies computer techniques, principles and precedents to develop, design, modify, install, test, evaluate, or operate data processing systems for military support equipment and/or facilities. Maintains, repairs, inspects, troubleshoots or programs systems equipment or components. Reviews, analyzes, develops prepares or applies specifications, policies, standards, or procedures. Plans and performs tests and evaluations of systems equipment or components. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: An Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university, and two years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
3. Specialized Experience: At least one year of experience installing, troubleshooting, and supporting one or more of the following: 486/Pentium microcomputers, MacIntosh microcomputers, 3Com EtherLink HI network interface cards. HP LaserJet III, or IV series printers, Apple LaserWriter series printers.
Documentation Specialist
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of word processing to perform page layouts, graphics layouts, and proper selection and use of English language and grammar to develop, draft, edit, and revise User Manuals, Operating Guides, Reports, Manuals, and presentation materials for corporate and/or stand alone computing applications. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A High School diploma or equivalent and one year of experience performing typing and/or word processor functions.
Business Reengineering Specialist
1. Functions: Provides detailed organizational analysis of operations, business processes, organizational processes, organizational procedures, and organizational staff components to develop phased revisions of operational or staff components, manpower staffing, and operational procedures. In accomplishing tasks, uses business process models, activity flows and data models that utilize accepted standards such as IDEF. Functions as leader and/or facilitator to process experts in identifying existing and proposed solutions for business processes and organizational procedures. As a result of the above functions, a Secret clearance may be required for the position.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, Business Administration or a related field from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions. Acceptable experience also includes serving in a position or series of positions for the stated number of years where experience was gained that demonstrates the ability to develop business process models, the ability to examine the adequacy of organizational structures, and the ability to propose alternatives designed to improve manual and/or automated processes.
Graphics Specialist
1. Functions: Prepares formal technical drawings, graphics, and illustrations in support of ADP development, operations, and support functions. Examples include: internet web development, AIS presentation view graphs and slides, training aids and training media, flow charts, and other related material.
(August 2008) 16 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192
2. Qualifications: A High School diploma and two years of experience in computer generated graphics, presentation preparation, formal drawings, and/or graphic oriented ADP support.
Senior ADP Security Specialist
1. Functions: Directs all ADP security procedures and issues. Conducts risks assessments, firewall determinations, and security procedures. Conducts planning, cost analysis and implementation of all aspects of ADP security. Performs resident expert functions in all InfoSec and CompuSec areas. Manages the designs, development, implementation and support of all ADP security policy, procedures, and systems.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
ADP Security Specialist
1. Functions: Implements and monitors ADP security procedures and issues. Conducts risks assessments, firewall determinations, and security procedures. Participates in planning, cost analysis and implementation of all aspects of ADP security. Develops and implements InfoSec and CompuSec procedures in all areas. Designs, develops, implements, and supports all ADP security policy, procedures, and systems.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Senior Network Specialist
1. Functions: Designs, evaluates, formulates the acquisition of, installs, and provides overall support for LANs and WANs. Performs project planning, cost analysis and all aspects of large scale projects. Designs, tests, and implements large scale LAN and WAN networks.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and twelve years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Network Specialist
1. Functions: Designs, evaluates, formulates the acquisition of, installs, and provides overall support for LANs and WANs. Performs project planning, cost analysis and all aspects of large scale projects. Designs, tests, and implements large scale LAN and WAN networks.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
(August 2008) 17 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192
Network Administrator
1. Functions: Administers, evaluates, installs, maintains and provides overall support for LANs and WANs. Designs, test and implements interface programs, develops security procedures, and regulates usage. Performs planning, cost analysis and all aspects of large scale projects. Designs, tests, and implements large scale LAN and WAN networks applications and troubleshoots problem areas. Coordinates network policy, procedures, and standards. Assists training of users
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited college or university and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions, OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Senior Project Analyst
1. Functions: Analyzes project requirements in the areas of business management, financial, management, program scheduling, critical path analyses, support requirements, and performs other related analyst/management activities required for successful completion of the task. Directs impact studies, cost/benefit analyses, dependency models, and project tracking methodologies.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and sixteen years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Project Analyst
1. Functions: Analyzes project requirements in the areas of business management, financial, management, program scheduling, critical path analyses, support requirements, and performs other related analyst/management activities required for successful completion of the task. Conducts impact studies, cost/benefit analyses, dependency models, and project tracking methodologies to ensure the success and efficiency of the project.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Project Administrator I
1. Functions: Analyzes project requirements in the areas of business management, financial, management, program scheduling, critical path analyses, support requirements, and performs other related analyst/management activities required for successful completion of the task. Conducts impact studies, cost/benefit analyses, dependency models, and project tracking methodologies to ensure the success and efficiency of the project
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree OR a High School diploma and two years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Project Administrator II
1. Functions: Analyzes project requirements in the areas of business management, financial, management, program scheduling, critical path analyses, support requirements, and performs other
(August 2008) 18 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 related analyst/management activities required for successful completion of the task. Conducts impact studies, cost/benefit analyses, dependency models, and project tracking methodologies to ensure the success and efficiency of the project.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree and two years of experience performing the foregoing functions OR a High School diploma and four years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Geographic Information System Analyst
1. Functions: Applies knowledge of information systems principles, spatial data processing functions, spatial analysis of topological structured data, and computer programming languages and techniques to solve multi-discipline query and classification of spatial data. Designs computer automated processes and programs to solve cartographic and map communication problems. Applies scientific and statistical methods in obtaining, analyzing, rectifying, and classifying remotely sensed digital raster and vector data to develop or modify geospatial databases.
2. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Information Systems, or Computer Science, or related field from an accredited college or university, or a High School diploma and eight years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
1. Functions: A professional/expert in the defined fields of Engineering, Computer Sciences, Information Systems, Systems Analysis, Networking, Telecommunications, etc. The SME shall study, organize, analyze, and present technical data and information.
2. Qualifications: At least fifteen years of general and specialized experience involving progressively more responsible experience in a specific facet of technical activity that relates directly to one or more of the following subject areas:
ADP Systems Design and Integration Telecommunications LAN/WAN Technologies ADP Customer Specific Technologies and Systems Systems Design, Development, Integration, T&E, and Support Real-time application systems development Requirements analysis and systems engineering and/or life cycle management Mathematical, engineering research, and motion sequence analysis Project management and/or quality assurance
Technical Expert
1. Functions: Coordinates, schedules, and maintains interdepartmental interfaces, as well as supervises lessor skilled specialists in the area of technical expertise. Generates and follows written plans that specify detailed tasking and information requirements.
2. Qualifications: Completion of a technical school, trade school, or collegiate curriculum relating to the area of technical expertise.
3. General Experience: At least ten years of experience requiring the application of basic skills related to the specified area of technical expertise, which has led to development of a strong understanding of basic principles and activities related to one or more of the following technical areas:
(August 2008) 19 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192
Information Systems/Information Technology ADP Systems Software Development and Support Applications Development and Support Database Development and Support LAN/WAN Support Engineering and Analysis Flight Technology Systems Development Mathematical Engineering Research Configuration Management and/or Quality Assurance Requirements Analysis Systems Engineering and/or Life Cycle Management SmartCard Access Systems and Technology Operational Expertise
Technical Data Technician
1. Functions: Prepares and compiles documentation including, but not limited to, plan of action and milestones, requirements analysis reports, test and evaluation plans, system specifications, feasibility studies, functional descriptions, user’s manuals, and program maintenance documentation. Coordinates assigned documents from initial outline stage through final distribution.
2. Qualifications: A High School diploma and three years of experience performing the foregoing functions.
Computer Aide
1. Functions: Assists one or more workers in a computer related field by performing specific or general duties of a lesser skill. Various duties could include but are not limited to the following: Entering program information via a video display terminal in assisting programmers by preparing final flowcharts and record layouts following rough drafts, or making copies of documentation to update program maintenance manuals.
2. Education: Currently attending High School.
3. Experience: No experience necessary as this is a trainee position.
Administrative Specialist
1. Functions: Serves as the Information Management Coordinator. Conducts planning and implementation of all aspects of information management. Coordinates requirements in area of program scheduling, support requirements, and performs other related management activities required for successful completion of tasks. Assists with contract monitoring, SOW and procurement package preparation, customer support, and QA documentation. Performs task tracking to ensure accuracy of information. Manages and provides quality assurance for program databases. Enter data into database management systems and extracts data from existing databases. Manages program documentation and records. Assists in planning conferences and presentations. Assists CO and COTR on ACQUIRE procurements (PRs), entering legacy data in ACQUIRE, and maintains database of contracts and task orders.
(August 2008) 20 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 2. Qualifications: A Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university and six years of experience performing the forgoing functions, OR a High School diploma and ten years of experience performing the forgoing functions.
Network Security Integration Specialist
1. Functions: Individual will provide technical design guidance and/or system administration and trouble call resolution in support of the network security products. Individual will manage firewalls, routers and intrusion detection equipment.
2. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in a technical field (Computer Science, MIS, Engineering) required. Ten plus years of experience may be substituted for the technical degree. DOD/DON Information Assurance Certification/Training a plus. CISCO Certification/ MCSE/Unix training recommended. Detailed understanding of IP and advanced networking required as demonstrated by 3-5 years of hands- on networking and system administration tasking. Position requires the ability to translate security policy statements and customer requirements into a functional security tool implementation.
Senior INFOSEC/IA Analyst
1. Functions: Individual will provide security architecture, policy and design guidance for business systems and networks. Individual may also provide Information Security Certification and Accreditation Support for applications, systems and networks in accordance with appropriate customer policies and processes.
2. Qualifications: Masters Degree in a technical field (Computer Science, MIS, Engineering) required. Fifteen plus years’ experience may be substituted for degree. DOD Information Assurance Certification/Training a plus. Ten years of demonstrated analytical skills - the ability to translate security policy statements into an understanding of security tool implementation. Understanding of FIPs compliance issues and familiarity with the DOD Public Key Infrastructure required.
Intermediate INFOSEC/IA Analyst
1. Functions: Individual will provide security architecture, policy and design guidance for business systems and networks. Individual will also provide Information Security Certification and Accreditation Support for applications, systems and networks in accordance with appropriate customer policies and processes.
2. Qualifications: Bachelors Degree in a technical field (Computer Science, MIS, Engineering) required. Ten plus years’ experience may be substituted for degree. DOD Information Assurance Certification/Training a plus. Five years of demonstrated analytical skills - the ability to translate security policy statements into an understanding of security tool implementation. Understanding of FIPs compliance issues and familiarity with the DOD Public Key Infrastructure required.
Junior INFOSEC/IA Analyst
1. Functions: Individual will provide security architecture, policy and design guidance for business systems and networks. Individual will also provide Information Security Certification and Accreditation Support for applications, systems and networks in accordance with appropriate customer policies and processes.
(August 2008) 21 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 2. Qualifications: Associates Degree in a technical field (Computer Science, MIS, Engineering) required. Three plus years’ experience may be substituted for degree. DOD Information Assurance Certification/Training a plus. Two years of demonstrated analytical skills - the ability to translate security policy statements into an understanding of security tool implementation. Understanding of FIPs compliance issues and familiarity with the DOD Public Key Infrastructure required.
(August 2008) 22 GS-35F-5194G Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc. 301-863-2192 GSA Schedule Contract Price List GS-35F-5194G GSA Rate
Contract Labor Categories Program Manager $107.01 Project Manager $97.26 Sr. Computer Scientist $64.14 Computer Scientist $60.92 Sr. Data Base Administrator $62.50 Data Base Administrator $60.92 Jr. Data Base Admininistrator $44.83 Sr. Computer Specialist/Programmer $63.29 Computer Specialist/Programmer $59.20 Jr. Computer Specialist/Programmer $51.99 Sr. Systems Analyst $84.01 Systems Analyst $74.02 Jr. Systems Analyst $49.26 Sr. Systems Engineer $89.08 Systems Engineer $84.31 Sr. Technical Writer/Editor $59.38 Technical Writer/Editor $40.81 Sr. Engineer $72.17 Engineer $59.04 Junior Engineer $51.40 Computer Applications Specialist $53.42 Computer Clerk $24.18 Sr. Computer Technician $58.36 Computer Technician $47.31 Jr. Computer Technician $39.69 Documentation Specialist $57.48 Business Reengineering Specialist $97.74 Graphics Specialist $41.31 Sr. ADP Security Specialist $52.59 ADP Security Specialist $42.80 Sr. Network Specialist $56.81 Network Specialist $30.22 Network Administrator $38.15 Sr. Project Analyst $82.00 Project Analyst $49.47 Project Administrator I $30.63 Project Administrator II $38.49 GIS Analyst $60.09 Subject Matter Expert $131.44 Technical Expert $113.07 Technical Data Technician $33.80 Computer Aide $15.90 Administrative Specialist $45.40 Network Security Integration Specialist $106.61 Sr. INFOSEC/IA Analyst $100.80 Intermediate INFOSEC/IA Analyst $85.28 Jr. INFOSEC/IA Analyst $66.62
(August 2008) 23 GS-35F-5194G