Second Committee Meeting of Alford Group of Doctors Patient Participation Group
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Second Committee meeting of Alford Group of Doctors Patient Participation Group
Thursday 26th January 2012 – 2.00pm at Merton Lodge
Attending Ian Atkinson, Joe Hicks, Rhian Aiken, Derek Birbeck, Sally-Ann Bradley, Alan Gurbutt, Alan Reeves, Bryan Parker, Peter Rigarlsford, Maurice Kent, Pat Mowbray
Apologies Sandra Scaman, Sarah Harley, Anna Keeler, Hazel Bogg
1. Welcome and Introductions
Apologies given as above. Best wishes to Hazel Bogg for a quick recovery. Welcome to Rhian Aiken.
A GP was unable to attend this meeting due to a prior engagegment but one will attend the next meeting.
2. Minutes from the last meeting
Please note amendments, with apologies, to the names of the following people :
Peter Rigarlsford, not Derek Alan Gurbutt, not Gurbert Sally-Ann Bradley, (with a hyphen)
Sally-Ann mentioned the list of useful contact numbers for patients to use. This is now in hand and should be ready for the next meeting. These could then be displayed in the surgery, in the newsletter and on the website, in the minutes as well as other areas that are arranged.
Copies of minutes to be sent by post to those who do not have access to or prefer not to use a computer.
Ian has spoken with Amy from Care Association Services regarding training with staff. When we have fixed training dates, members of the PPG will be invited to come in if they wish to do so.
The amended recruitment flyer was sent out by email. It is felt that it still needs to be targeted towards teenagers and younger aged groups a bit more and Rhian is going to look at ‘jazzing’ it up so the younger generation will hopefully take more interest in reading it then. This will be emailed out hopefully before the next meeting, if not, brought to the next meeting. The flyer also needs to be pushed towards the local press, on the ELDC messenger, and in various free advertising leaflets. This will be looked into. Major priority is to let people know that the PPG exists. Maybe get a broadcast on Radio Lincolnshire.
ATEC will be sending out an engineer within the next 10 days hopefully regarding the message on the phone system.
A new full time practice nurse has been appointed. This is Rhian Aiken. She will be responsible for managing the Health Care Assistants as well as Chronic Disease Management.
The minutes were passed as a true record by Sally-Ann Bradley, seconded by Maurice Kent.
New Issues:
The surgery is currently in the process of updating Treatment Room 5. This will be used by Rhian.
We are also waiting for quotes to come back for automatic front doors.
There is also a possibility of revamping the waiting area to improve confidentiality for patients.
Ian explained about Productive General Practice (PGP) which overall is about making the practice more efficient with appointments, referrals, etc. and moving forward as a practice.
Sally-Ann suggested that any changes that are to be made could be wrote in newsletters so that patients had a better understanding and would feel more involved. This could be maybe be a monthly occurrence.
It was felt that a Triage system is not the way to go. It is understood that it saves times but it is also has its downfalls for the elderly that don’t like to bother the doctors but who actually do need to see one.
The example survey was too long but has given way to ideas which is what we needed. A previous survey which had a good response rate from patients will be sent out before the end of the week by Joe to PPG members and comments to be sent back to IA or JH.
Any concerns/issues regarding the PPG, patients can approach Ian Atkinson or another member of the PPG. Commission group consortium – joining ranks with Louth and Boston. Dr Tant went to meeting.
It was mentioned of the nurse family partnership for vulnerable families. IA will speak to the Health Visitors for an update regarding this.
Fundraising – Derek Birbeck, Joe Hicks and Rhian Aiken are willing to try and raise some money towards the purchase of a new ECG machine which will benefit the patients of Alford Group of Doctors. A letter is also to be wrote for a donation request from various companies e.g. round table, co-op etc.
Times of meetings need to vary.
Sally-Ann left the meeting.
Date of next meeting
1.45pm – 2.45pm ……….