Appendix 03 - Risk Assessment
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Cautions/Convictions/Reprimands & Warnings
Risk Assessment – Prospective adopters and family members aged 16 plus
Who requires risk assessment?
This proforma will be completed for:
All adopters – including adult members (16 plus) of the household, where a criminal record is disclosed, or comes to light, arising from the receipt of a CRB disclosure check.
Any individual within the groups above, in respect of whom, post approval, new information is received about a criminal charge, caution or conviction following earlier CRB disclosure and/or risk assessment (where this occurs then the routine renewal of the CRB check must also be brought forward).
Wherever possible, risk assessments will be conducted by the assessing adoption officer before being presented to the Service Manager (Adoption).
Purpose of risk assessment The overall purpose of the risk assessment is to address the question: ‘on the basis of what we know of the individual’s history, is it reasonable and defensible to consider, on the balance of probabilities, that he/she will not present a significant risk to the welfare and safety of children/young people if they are approved/continue to be appointed/approved as adopters.
This is an assessment of risk based on the nature and pattern of offending, the honesty and integrity of the individual and evidence of acceptable behaviour/learning since offending. If, on conclusion of the risk assessment process, using the parameters given, significant doubt exists that the individual’s history poses a risk to the welfare or safety of children/young people then an application to adopt must be declined.
Where a ‘Specified Offence’ or listing on the ISA ‘Barred’ list – from 12.10.09 (England, Wales, Northern Ireland), is disclosed, then the applicant/s may not be approved as adopters. Each risk assessment must involve face to face discussion between assessor/s and applicant. Each conviction, caution and any relevant incident-related information must be addressed with the individual and recorded on the proforma in the risk assessment process. It is important that a direct interviewing approach is taken i.e. do not ‘beat about the bush’ or avoid confronting inconsistency, or sensitive matters that may be relevant to the assessment. All completed risk assessments must be read and countersigned by the relevant Team Manager, with additional comments and/or a recommendation where appropriate, before passing to the Service Manager (Adoption) who must briefly summarise the reasons for their decision on the proforma before signing it off.
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Cautions/Convictions/Reprimands & Warnings
Risk Assessment – Prospective adopters and family members aged 16 plus
Where available, opportunities to validate applicant’s accounts should be utilised e.g. references, reference to CV, another professional, other documentary evidence Assessment of the individual’s integrity is central to the process – if there is any discrepancy between his/her account and the Disclosure information received this must be explored thoroughly with the individual and considered in the decision making process. Where information is considered to have been withheld deliberately by an individual then consideration should be given as to termination of their assessment. Outcomes of risk assessments will be shared verbally with the relevant individuals, but only after reflection by the risk assessor and determination by the decision maker i.e. not at the face to face assessment interview with the individual concerned. The risk assessment must be recorded (proforma) and placed on the relevant applicants file, and will form part of the final assessment report presented to Panel. It may not be shared with an external person/body without explicit written consent of the applicant, unless, exceptionally, upon the authority of the relevant senior manager in response to a request or direction from a court, the statutory regulator, or a reasonable request from a local authority conducting a related safeguarding investigation.
Completed risk assessments of prospective adopters/household members, and any fresh risk assessment undertaken post-approval for a review, must be included with the relevant Panel papers for Panel to consider.
Assessment Tool and Guidance
Disclosure information received must be risk assessed against: Nature, pattern, and seriousness of offences Court disposal e.g. Crown or Magistrates Relevance to the role i.e. carer or household member Length of time since offence(s) Single offence/history of offending Age(s) at time of offence(s) Full disclosure of offence(s) or not by applicant, or, if post approval, at the time of the offence Potential impact of offence(s) on the adoption role Mitigating representations offered by the individual
It is recommended that each offence is considered by the assessors using the following acronym: S – Settings i.e. context T – Triggers i.e. antecedents A – Action – what the behaviour/offence actually involved R – Response i.e. behaviour/conduct since offence(s); perpetrators view of offence
In respect of a history of offence(s) of physical violence, the following assessment tool may be useful: September 2011 Page 2 of 6
Cautions/Convictions/Reprimands & Warnings
Risk Assessment – Prospective adopters and family members aged 16 plus
Mitigating Continuum Aggravating
Minor or No Injury Injury Incapacity or Disability
Spontaneous Planning Premeditated
No Weapon/Slap Weapon Knife/Firearm
Single Blow Duration of Attack Sustained
Similar Age/Size/Gender Vulnerability of Victim Younger/ Smaller Victim/ Disadvantaged
Severe Provocation/ Provocation No Provocation Threat to Self
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Cautions/Convictions/Reprimands & Warnings
Risk Assessment – Prospective adopters and family members aged 16 plus
Risk Assessment – Offending History
September 2011 Page 4 of 6 Individual’s Details: Name………………………………….
DOB: ………………
CRB Certificate Number/ Date ………… ……………………………….. (whereCautions/Convictions/Reprimands applicable) & Warnings
DateRisk Assessmentof this Assessment – Prospective: ……………….. adopters and family members aged 16 plus
Conducted by: Name, Assessor: ………………………… Designation: …………………………
1. Will the Individual’s role involve likely unsupervised contact with children? YES/NO (insert any relevant qualifying comments)
2. Has the information (convictions/cautions/other offending history) been openly disclosed by the Individual. YES/NO (if no briefly describe how received and indicate any particular discrepancies and reasons/explanations given and/or sensitivity e.g. is partner aware? and state your view as to whether deliberately with held or not).
3. Explanation provided by Individual (include individual’s description of every offence/caution/other, refer to the S.T.A.R. matrix for offences of violence; and if either violence or custodial sentence (s.)
4. Has it been possible to independently validate the applicants disclosure in any way (e.g. CRB, Other reference, CV etc). YES/NO (if yes, explain)
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Cautions/Convictions/Reprimands & Warnings
Risk Assessment – Prospective adopters and family members aged 16 plus
Assessment/Decision by Service Manager (Adoption).
Assessment Positives:…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………
Assessment Contraindications:………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Reasons for decision:…………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Continue with assessment process YES/NO
Signature: ………………………………Designation:………………………………….
Any conditions: ………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Date Applicant Informed: * ……………………………. Date this document filed: * ………………………
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