Could Have a HOM Box in Class Students Could Nominate Students When They See Them Using
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HABITS OF MIND IDEAS FOR IMPLEMENTATION Persisting Managing impulsivity Listening with understanding Thinking flexibly Picture books – Arthur Stop think do strategies & empathy SHIP strategies e.g. Thinkers Sports day – try new skills Y chart link to Stop (red)Think Social stories, what if? Keys Everyone try to be “spotted” by (yellow) Act (green) Role plays, what would you do? Discuss or get students to share a Habit Spotter over the week Writing it down In class meetings and other different ways they have to do Research famous people and Sharing in smaller groups times having clear expectations things / solve problems recognise their persistence in Having group roles or using of no put-downs –only positive Do “What if” exercises (thinkers achieving great things different protocols comments keys) Tables clock (getting personal Behaviour management – hands Restorative justice scripts, using Introduce “ best time) on head, sit in the corner and them with children Wheel of choice” Trial and error problem solving recite a nursery rhyme Think / Pair / Share Child protection curriculum strategy Counting to ten – giving children Share other students musical scenarios / role plays nd Editing work, 2 drafts, time to answer, respond, explain interests Giving children options- the task corrections before publishing Have to wait 10 seconds before Learn to at least appreciate is… what are some ways you PE fitness – have a go, keep putting their hand up different music styles even if you could do this? prying Discuss marshmallow don’t like it Ensuring you have a range of Celebrate successes experiment with class – findings Y chart resources to encourage children Forums – keep trying to get in about the future success Asking children to reflect back to be flexible each year Have a go what has been said e.g. you Problem solving Toni Thurnam Discussions, oral presentation feel….. Because….. Different perspective as, points Link this with taking responsible feedback Listening comprehension of view risks Counting to 10 activities Asking what about? Allowing time / space for Taking turns Note taking when others are Introduce new ways to attack children to finish a challenging Hands up sharing problems task Count to 10 before you say Question time Problem solving Reading a story about something implement this in Comprehension tests Science persistence and having a habit whole class Rewards for listening Forums spotter in the class group to Stop-think-do strategies Getting students to relay others Putting in practice other students point out areas of persistence Setting up roles within groups, opinions – why they said what suggestions when doing end of within the story only do you role they said activity reflection session Reinforce the idea of keep Speakers in schools / school Technology tasks trying when learning melodies visitors Presenting work in different ways etc. on tuned percussion Story time – questions in a group Making up rules for a new game Focus on the more difficult “how do you think the other child Making up rules for a new game phrases in songs, choir, band, might be feeling?” Design and technology music etc. Many songs have this theme, curriculum- looking at things Link to program achieve sing and discuss differently alternatives Use Y chart – what does Role reversal i.e. teacher / When facing a problem or idea persisting look like/sound like/ student students have for the class, look feel like Give time for students to respond at how can we do this? First Photo charts – showing children Listening then questions during instead of It is not possible demonstrating persisting – with show and tell because… explanations Circle time sessions Problem solving / thinking Books / one child – slide show activities (reading block) Helen Keller- great person to Continual dodge ball look up to Open-ended questions with Songs that talk about sorrow of multiple answers other people harassing them Analysing stories of success “Don’t Laugh At me” great song, which have resulted from lots of discussion persistence Posing difficult problems and rewards once finished Refer to inspiring people’s stories, quotes which model persistence – name this in class when observing it in others Sports lessons e.g. high jump Class working e.g. writing genres Toni Thurman folder Homework Maths – knowing and remembering times tables Drills for remembering Toni Thurman – achievement through persistence Guest speakers or YouTube videos showing documentary about different iconic public figures and how they have achieved a goal e.g. – sports players, Para Olympic athletes Some great stories that highlight this HOM Model it As a teacher don’t accept any “acceptance” work, scaffold ideas to the child to improve or solve problems Finding all the resource they need when they first start school Sand timer In maths keep track of weekly scores try to beat last weeks score – offer same maths problems each week, eventually should have learnt them all Thinking about your Striving for accuracy Questioning & problem Applying past knowledge to thinking (Metacognition Students participate in creating posing new situations Modelled writing rubrics as part of assessment Use question matrix Emphasise prior knowledge- how Verbalising thought processes In presentations of RBL finished What if scenarios – exploring important it is that we explore when solving a maths problem products options and likely or possible and understand what is known or drawing a landscape) Focus on rhythmic accuracy consequences before going further into new Verbalising how you reached an Importance of symbols in music Class meeting agenda items – areas answer not just a series of notes in the encouraging all students to add Look at aspects of rock music Students thinking about their right order to the agenda at some stage and how these features relate to research or certain topics and Discuss when is striving for Maths big book- Asking good other music styles how they came to the particular accuracy important? questions on chance and data Identifying a skill / knowledge answer they came to Feedback and opportunity to re- Talk and listen time- focus on you have and how this can be Link to types of smart – self do etc questioning asking questions applied to their settings. I know / smart- understanding self Ruling up your book that begin with why, how etc can….. So I know/ can… Brain activities – model of brain, Showing working out with maths Question matrix Prior knowledge activities. brain busters, mind games, problems Debating / arguments Build up existing activities understanding their preferred Practice Different t points of view Linking curriculum learning style and what they Sports day Questioning / comments when Computer lessons need to work on SAPSASA events giving feedback both verbal and Homework Learning journals Lessons / class work written. Daily / weekly whole class Make different thinking models / NAPLAN tests Debating problem solving activity strategies explicit, frameworks, Wakakirri / performing Arts Deconstruction Giving weekly challenges to get students to share and use constant practise to learn Mandy’s questioning sheet for support previous knowledge varied frameworks routines / steps / beat / rhythm deeper questioning and thinking Writing a story “Brain” work etc- rehearsals – cheeking and following show and share Ask students to share “things I TRC finding ways to improve use of sessions have learnt from old people” we Behaviour management video – let them watch Debate – structures of had this as a sharing topic, it was strategies – own thoughts and themselves questions / problems very funny and had lots of then effects on others emphasizing checking/ editing of Forums e.g. special events discussion about how History Child protection curriculum work 5y’s creates questions from can help our future Health / anger management Talking about your personal best, problems Getting along / displaying highlighting students Daily problem solving co-operative games that do this. “Good, better, best, Explicit teaching of questioning Asking children to tell / never let it rest till your good is skills show other students how better and your better is your Picture tasks – barrier games best” they worked something out Drawing pictures to work through Verbalising how you worked Editing process problem solving something out Using a calculator to check work Making a model in Science Learning journals Asking others to check work 5 y’s Learning journal Checking facts / information on Daily quiz, wheel of fortune, On Multiple intelligence tasks internet , encyclopaedias (kids identify) how they Ask students how they think they this day, I spy, S.A. trivia, learn could improve on their work Asking children to share (brain storm) then implement with the class how did you Editing a story come up with that answer? Editing a story Instead of asking what is Don’t allow acceptable work as the answer share ways you finished work say “that’s good” worked out the answer but how can you make it better Editing process Spelling test scores from week to week- try to improve each week Editing skills Letting students re-submit work for a better result
Thinking & communicating Gather data through all Creating, imagining & Responding with with clarity & precision senses innovating wonderment & awe Listening skills, games Y charts – looks like, sounds like, Design technology tasks Using living creatures- observe Barrier games feels like Dewitt Jones DVD changes / life cycles, behaviours, Describing an object and Get outside more! Use the BAR method (bigger / appearance etc. partner has to draw tri from Get the benefit of our lovely add/ replace) Simply listening to music and your instructions natural environment Allow for and encourage choice respond in words, movement etc Morning talks or speeches Using language that includes all in presentation of learning Modelling this every day. Today I Focus on oral communication the senses when questioning RBL – deciding as a group how am really excited about…. as a skill, model it and seeking responses to present research – poster, Sharing personal stories and Using barrier games Providing different opportunities slideshow, written work etc stories from the newspaper and When presenting RBL topics for students to gather data Use well known pieces of music TV. Did you know…? back to the class students using through different sources – using an change the – time signature, Asking children to share exciting clarity and precision in their different senses – computers, mood (dynamics), temp, news presentations books, some students prefer to variation (e.g. change some Science experiments Giving children opportunities to work with computer programs notes) Cooking explain familiar task, to the and are more stimulated Technology tasks, thinking tasks Active listening skills class group. Children ask the Outdoor education Class meetings – try new things Taking time, being flexible when presenter questions to clarify Peer teaching Design and technology classes events occur which result in the task Blindfolds – example of how / Story writing wonderment and awe e.g. hailing Speeches (time limits) halving why Current inventions – how to outside speech Give students opportunities to make them new Regularly show awe inspiring Research projects with use specific senses for activities Designing power points and emails and presentations to gather data / information e.g. Art, technology etc activities videos of unique / inspiring Presentations of work blindfold Design a house that uses phenomenon and inspiring Assemblies Using cooking to learn about environmentally friendly energy people’s stories – discuss Everyday instruction and foods – colour, taste, smell, sources e.g. solar, compost Give opportunities for class listening skills touch, sound Imagine a day without electricity members / student to share Class meetings / intranet Poetry writing – how could you achieve the these News Don’t always plan in-class same tasks Power points Reports – related to individual activities when the opportunity Variety of art activities using Science / experiments etc research arises get them outside learning different mediums Science experiments we’re doing Know hat you want to say g with their other senses Science / Technology activities on Micro-organisms – the beauty before you say it! Cooking Set a task and see how many in the patterning, the mystery of Explaining a procedure Cooking different ways we can achieve what’s happening – able to Oral presentations Allowing various mediums within that goal. Technology is really document, draw, use audio to Set topics each week and the class that are accessible to good for this. How many ways see film age of such feedback specific Public students can you…..? “exciting encounters” each week Speaking skills to group Nature seeking trails Visual art focus on something unusual or ABC of particular topic Design and technology amazing e.g. new inventions, Sing, dance, move, make crazy Stories historic buildings, inspirational connections that make the Dress-ups in creative activity people learning memorable Dress –ups in creative activity Sharing funny stories that have Allow students to share their happened to me personally ideas before you present yours Bringing newspaper clippings Dress ups that highlight this (or photos) Art Get kids to share great things they have encountered Design and technology Science experiments with “wow” Technology based lessons – factor open ended task to achieve / construct Negotiating topics / themes of Play box activities dram and interest dance Hatching Monarch butterflies Box construction Let kids get excited about things Students coming up with group Stop the class when something names with wonderment happens, change your program, be flexible, if a water pipe bursts in the yard, use it as a starting point for literacy or Technology
Taking responsible risks Finding humour Thinking interdependently Remaining open to Awards recognition for having a Use cartoons e.g. Hagar, Snoopy Strategic team games e.g. “Steal continuous learning go – raise the profile of the Daily joke (clean) the stick” Link this with persistence and process of risk taking – don’t Share funny and quirky emails Allowing students to work in taking responsible risks just celebrate the end result with students groups and teaching group skills Modelling myself as remaining Research famous people and When reading stories finding RBL – working as a group when open to continuous learning their risk taking and what it humour in a story and sharing doing research Telling the story of Thomas allowed them to achieve the humour in a story as a class Team work in relation to complex Edison who made many Setting up situations which Have a go and have a sense of music works mistakes before he finally encourages this e.g. through humour if you can’t quite get it Particularly relevant to work in invented the electric light globe PE programmes / maths – right concert band Remaining open to learning from chance and data activities We start each day with the Science groups (roles) different sources e.g. books, Students may choose to reach “attendance officers” taking the Group presentations internet, using computer any area they are not strong at roll and sharing a joke a laugh a Group tasks programs etc. e.g. mapping skills. This would day. Community learning Whole year projects provide them with the Starting and finishing the day Greater emphasis on group skills Speakers in schools program opportunity to take responsible with a joke – science primary connections Discussions – life long learners. risks Jokes, humorous topics, finding Games / competitions in groups Highlighting new learning Encourage all students to “have humour in what has happened to Forums Setting goals a go” at new things e.g. playing us – personal stories Student leaders The newspaper or media often drums, keyboard etc even if it’s Telling / sharing a joke Group tasks in library has examples of people still new to them Laughing at yourself / sharing Partner learning, use them. 90 year old Encourage solo’s within a group when you make a mistake Group work does bungy jumping musical work Weekly jokes, interesting Share and give positives to Using a risk meter. What's the unusual facts others in your group at the end best or worst thing that could Joke of the week activity with of a task i.e. I think that…. happen if you…… rewards (in some small incident) was… in our group Class monitors Identifying positive as opposed Have a balance of individual Giving children different entry to negative humour tasks as well as group tasks points which require coming out Silly sentences Encourage scaffolding between of their comfort zone, but at Funny poems more capable students and less their won pace Skits capable students Art / design- doing something Start by being able to laugh at Group tasks to complete a task different yourself together Sports days Plays and telling jokes Group discussion sessions Having high expectations of all Plays and telling jokes Team activities students and making most Knock – knock Teams things achievable by all Joke books Rotating responsibilities students who put the effort in Teachers laughing at self Working in teams for a Teachers dressing up presentation, a ‘show and tell” etc Partner news (weekend) Working in groups – rotate responsibilities Students deciding which method would best suit everyone to choose sports day teams
Make a set of strength cars, for each HOM. Give 2 out each day to different children. Discuss why these students have these strengths – what evidence. Could have a HOM box in class – students could nominate students when they see them using a habit – draw them out regularly