Combe Martin Parish Council s2
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Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting of Combe Martin Parish Council held in the Community Centre on Monday, 12 May, 2014 at 7pm.
Present: Councillors Graeme Coombs Steve Seldon Nigel Brettle Jill Sidebottom Julia Clark Paul White Yvette Gubb Celia Withers John Lovering
In Attendance County Councillor Andrea Davis, 5 parishioners, Parish Clerk
The meeting was opened with prayers.
1/14 Election of Chairman Two proposals for Chairman were received. Following a show of hands, Cllr Graeme Coombs was elected Chairman for the coming year, and signed the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Chairman thanked members for their support.
2/14 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Wendy Druce, Trevor Kibble and Helen Mallinder.
3/14 Election of Vice-Chairman Following a show of hands, Cllr Nigel Brettle was unanimously elected Vice-Chair for the ensuing year. Cllr Jill Sidebottom was thanked for her work over the last years as Vice-Chairman.
4/14 Matters arising from the public session a Martin Worth complained that the Parish Council was holding up the signing of the lease by not sending the deeds to the Village Hall Community Group’s solicitor. Mr Worth’s attention was drawn to the fact that there had been several delays on the side of the VHCG, and that a reply was awaited from his solicitors. 1 b Hugh Monro – objected to cars parking on double yellow lines and so close to junctions that it was dangerous for vehicles pulling out from side roads.
Mr Monro also objected to the revisions set out in the current planning application for the property in the garden of Ash Bank, Corner Lane.
c Penny Jackson – expressed concerns regarding the planning application amendments to the property in the garden at Ash Bank, Corner Lane.
5/14 Declarations of Interest
Jill Sidebottom Planning application number 57272 Friend of owner of neighbouring property Jill Sidebottom Planning application number 57332 Trustee of Methodist Chapel
Chairman expressed concerns at the comments made by a councillor at a number of earlier meetings, as the comments were inappropriate. The councillor was invited to respond, which he did.
6/14 County and District Councillors reports a Devon County Council The Library consultation drop-in event is being held on Tuesday, 13 May 2014, in the library between 1pm and 3pm. Everyone is encouraged to visit the drop-in event to find out more and have their say.
County Cllr Andrea Davis was asked why the A399 between Friendship Cross and Bratton Down had been marked out for road repairs when there were so many long-standing and increasingly large potholes in the main road through Combe Martin. Members were advised that a bid to repair the main road has been put in for funding from the additional £7 million from central Government towards the cost of flooding last winter.
Cllr Davis was also asked when the damage to the sides of the road on the A399 from Higher Leigh to Easterclose was to be repaired, and the C460 (Rectory Road to Berry Down). Cllr Davis replied that there was insufficient funding available at present.
b North Devon Council North Devon Council is making progress with moving out of the Civic Centre.
Cllr Julia Clark summed up the last twelve months for NDC. The primary thing that had happened through the year was the production, together with Torridge Council, of the joint Local Plan. This is in it's final stages to go out to public consultation before being adopted by the members from both Councils.
2 A balanced budget was presented to Full Council on 26 February, 2014. There will be no increase to the NDC part of the Council Tax and certain charges, for example parking will remain the same as last year. The grant money available for distribution by Councillors of £1000 per annum is in place for this financial year.
NDC is gradually vacating the Civic Centre, which is owned by DCC, although the land is owned by NDC. NDC has to give DCC notice to quit by September with a view to leave entirely by April 2015. This will save NDC Council approx £300,000 a year and we shall be relocating to properties owned by the NDC. The consultation with DCC regarding the closure of day and residential care facilities together with the depletion of Youth Services throughout Devon, has been dealt with by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, who hosted a meeting with Torridge and other interested parties together with reps.from DCC,so that a response to Devon County could be formulated.
Members of the Planning Committee presented a letter of complaint to No.10 Downing Street, stating how they felt blackmailed by the system of Appeals into giving Planning permission for large developments. If the committee refused them and the applicant won on appeal, this could cost NDC thousands of pounds.
A visit by a small group of the Overview and Scrutiny committee was conducted to see the virtual court in Barnstaple Police Station. This is a video link to the Exeter courts, situated in a small room at the station which allows the accused and their solicitor to give evidence locally, rather than take the long trip to Exeter, thus saving money and the time of any policeman needed to give evidence. There have been a number of fly tipping issues within our area which are of concern. DCC are taking back responsibility for on Street Parking Wardens.
The North Devon and Torridge Local Plan will be going out for final consultation in June, but the dates have not yet been set.
7/14 Police and vandalism reports a Police PCSO Ade Drury sent her apologies for not being able to attend the meeting. No crime figures had been received for the last month.
b Vandalism Traffic cones from Balfour Beattie’s roadworks at Seaside had been thrown around Kiln Car Park. The gate furniture on the gate at Blackmore Ham Gardens has been damaged. The handset in the phone box at Kiln Car Park has been damaged.
3 8/14 Minutes of the last meetings Minutes of the meeting held on 14 April, 2014, and the Extra-Ordinary meeting held on 28 April, 2014, were ADOPTED, subject to adding ‘Extra-Ordinary’ to the heading on the minutes for the 28 April meeting.
9/14 Adoption of Standing Orders and Financial Standing Orders RESOLVED that all committees shall check their terms of reference to ensure that they are up to date, and bring any amendments back to the next Parish Council meeting.
10/14 Review of membership of Committees RESOLVED that the membership of Council’s Committees shall be as set out in the attached appendix A.
11/14 Review of Representatives to Outside Organisations RESOLVED that the Representatives to Outside Bodies for the coming year be as set out in the attached appendix B, including the additional Outside Organisations.
12/14 Planning a Applications
Cllrs Jill Sidebottom and Steve Seldon declared interests in the following item and left the room. 57272 – ERECTION OF DWELLING AT GARDEN OF ASHBANK, CORNER LANE (AMENDMENT TO 53088) Applicant – Mr Mel Stephens Two members of the public were present and had spoken about this application during the public session.
RESOLVED to advise the planning authority that this Council objects to this application for the following reasons.
Planning Approval 53088 was the outcome of an Appeal Decision by the Planning Inspectorate, in which it was stated that ‘The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the following approved drawings……’. The Inspector states that ‘The main issue is the effect of the proposed development on highway safety’, adding that ‘….given the very small size of the proposed bungalow…(it) would not be attractive or practical for family occupation. As such there would be no school runs.’
The Parish Council considers that the drawings in this application are materially changed from the drawings referred to in the Inspector’s decision, therefore the proposal is an over-
4 intensive use of the site, and do not comply with the Inspector’s condition that the plans are not changed.
The increase in bedrooms and living accommodation makes the dwelling more likely to produce greater traffic flows, including school runs. This has an impact on the wear and tear on this unadopted road, as well as traffic flows onto an ‘A’ road at a sub-standard junction.
If the planning authority decides to approve this application, North Devon Council is to be asked to ensure by way of a condition that every effort is made (using SUDS) to prevent any increase in water run-off from the site onto Corner Lane. The reason for this request is the history of flooding issues in the Church Street area, part of which is caused by water from Corner Lane.
Cllr Jill Sidebottom declared an interest in the following item and left the room. 57332 - CONVERSION OF 4 BEDSITS TO 1 MAISONETTE AT THE HOSTEL, CASTLE STREET COMBE MARTIN Applicant – Mr Julian Sheppard The comment in the application regarding transport was NOTED. This Council wishes to object to this comment, as it is factually incorrect. The lack of public transport, and the condition of the road network, whose potholes render cycling very dangerous, make both these modes of transport impractical for everyday use.
RESOLVED to recommend that the application be APPROVED. Although there is insufficient parking provision for the proposal, the change from bedsits to one maisonette is likely to result in a reduced demand for parking.
b Planning Decisions REFUSALS 57199 – Erection of dwelling and garage at Western Gardens 57164 – Retrospective application for conservatory at Cherry Dene, Castle Street
13/14 Matters arising from the last meeting a Min 278/13 –Response to DCC’s Libraries Consultation RESOLVED that Cllrs Nigel Brettle, Julia Clark and Jill Sidebottom form a Working Party to prepare a written response to DCC’s consultation on the cost cutting measures for libraries, such response to be considered at the next Council meeting.
b Min 280/13b – Flower Festival RESOLVED to select Sir Francis Chichester as the ‘Notable Devonian’ for this Council’s flower display at the Flower Festival, and to have a
5 flower display representing Gipsy Moth IV.
c Min 280/13c – Proposed Geocache There were no objections to the new proposed location for the geocache on Combe Martin Beach.
d Min 263/12 – Revised Code of Conduct RESOLVED to adopt the Revised Code of Conduct as provided by North Devon Council.
14/14 Committee reports a Audit Committee – 2 May, 2014 The minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on 2 May, 2014 were APPROVED, subject to noting that there were no items 5 and 6.
b Finance Working Party – 2 May, 2014 The report of the Finance Working Party was ADOPTED. Details of internet access and the new savings account are to be considered and proposals brought to the June 2014 Parish Council meeting.
c Parks and Open Spaces – 6 May, 2014 Minutes of the Parks and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 6 May, 2014 were ADOPTED.
Cllr Yvette Gubb commented on how well cut the Scar was looking.
Cllr Graeme Coombs thanked Cllrs Yvette Gubb and Wendy Druce for painting the wall at the Parade Car Park.
Cllr Jill Sidebottom is to check the location of the overgrowing brambles at Blackmore Ham.
Cllr Jill Sidebottom had tried to walk down to Wild Pear Beach, but more of the path has fallen away. She will report this to the National Trust as it is now more dangerous and there needs to be a sign at the top of the path warning of the risks.
b Highways Property and Planning – 6 May, 2014 Minutes of the Highways, Property and Planning Committee meeting held on 6 May, 2014 were ADOPTED.
15/14 Correspondence a The following items were noted: Ken Miles, Head of NDC Legal Services – Draft Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 Trinity House – notice of annual inspection of Aid to Navigation Fields in Trust - Impact Report 2013
6 b St Peter ad Vincula PCC – Commemorating World War I RESOLVED to reply to St Peter ad Vincula PCC that this Council has agreed to commemorate World War I by sowing poppy seeds at the War Memorial, Adams Hay, Blackmore Ham Gardens and Hollands Park.
c Sue Piercy, Guides and Brownies – Beach BBQ event There were no objections to the Guides and Brownies holding their annual barbeque on Combe Martin Beach, providing that the Beach is left in a clean and safe condition, as has been the case in previous years. A copy of the Guides’ public liaibility insurance has been provided.
d Earl of Rone – request for parking space on Monday, 26 May, 2014 There were no objections to the request for a parking space at Kiln Car Park on the evening of Monday, 26 May, 2014 for the Hunting of the Earl of Rone.
16/14 Dates of committee meetings Highways Property and Planning – 4 June, 2014 at 6.30pm Parks and Open Spaces – 4 June, 2014 at 7.30 or on rising of HPP Committee
17/14 Finances a Balances Balance b/fwd at 1 April 2014 111291.46
less outstanding chqs 763.72 110527.74 Income Rents 1100.00 Com Centre 340.00 Car parks 8255.00 Parish Grant 1506.50 Council Tax Support 3012.88 Precept 28979.50 Donations re slate seats 4950.00 EDF Refund 155.57
Total income 48299.45
Expenses 15795.69
Balance carried forward 143031.50 plus outstanding chqs 643.73
7 Balance in bank 143675.23 as at 30 April, 2014 b Car Park Takings
2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 Meters Meters Meters Meters and and and and Meters Season Meters Season Meters Season Meters Season Gross Takings Only Tickets Only Tickets Only Tickets Only Tickets
April 6,203 7,523 7,749 9,394 4,649 6,094 6,948 8,253 May 7,995 9,225 7,280 8,110 8,117 9,937 June 8,976 11,714 9,275 12,175 9,175 11,085 July 9,175 10,970 8,681 10,251 15,497 17,177 August 19,086 20,166 16,928 17,933 26,407 27,467 September 11,993 13,023 13,655 14,540 9,286 11,016 October 4,663 5,393 5,606 6,116 4,366 5,151 November 2,918 3,348 2,226 3,306 1,497 2,657 December 656 896 1,176 1,506 1,724 1,944 January 1,838 2,528 973 1,373 853 1,513 February 1,012 1,152 1,501 1,861 1,004 1,144 March 0 960 3,487 5,087 2,840 4,215
Total Year to Date 74,515 86,898 78,537 91,652 85,415 99,400 6,948 8,253
Annual Total 6,203 7,523 7,749 9,394 4,649 6,094 6,948 8,253
c Invoices for payment The invoices for payment, set out on the Financial Reports, were APPROVED, following recommendation by the Chairman and Cllr John Lovering.
d Accounts for the year ended 31 March, 2014 The Internal Auditor has carried out his audit satisfactorily and has signed the Annual Return to that effect.
RESOLVED that the Accounts and Annual Return for the year ended 31 March, 2014 be ADOPTED.
RESOLVED: a That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and the press be excluded from the meeting for the following items as they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, ie information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings or, information relating to a particular employee, former
8 employee or applicant to become an employee of, or a particular office holder, former office holder or applicant to become an office holder under the authority. b That all reports and documents relating to the items be confirmed as ‘Not for publication’.
19/14 Ged Barton, Treasurer Combe Martin Museum – Museum Accounts The concerns expressed to councillors by the Museum’s Treasurer, that the Museum’s Management Accounts were confidential, were NOTED.
RESOLVED to reply to Mr Barton, drawing his attention to the fact that the Parish Council has not asked for Management Accounts. As the Museum is asking the Parish Council for financial assistance, this Council has asked for sight of the Museum’s accounts in accordance with this Council’s policy on receipt of requests for financial and/or grant assistance.
20/14 Parade Building The progress report by Cllr Nigel Brettle on the leasing of the Parade building was NOTED. Members are to read Cllr Brettle’s report and the matter is to be considered more fully at the next Highways Property and Planning Committee meeting. Cllr Brettle was authorised to continue dialogue with both parties in the meantime, on the lines discussed at the meeting. A summary of the third party’s requests is to be summarised and circulated to members.
The meeting closed at 9.44pm.
……………………………………………… Chairman