Julius Caesar Study Questions
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DIRECTIONS : Answer each of the following questions using COMPLETE SENTENCES. Use the page numbers given to help you find the correct answer in your literature book. Each question is worth 2½ points.
ACT I, SCENE I 1.Where are the opening scenes of the play enacted? (776) Answer:
2.What is the chief trait of the common people – how would you describe their attitudes? (777) Answer:
3.The humor of the opening lines revolves around puns. Explain the puns on the words sole (line 13) and awl (line 21). (777) Use your literary terms, if necessary. Answer:
4.What in addition to the Feast of Lupercal is being celebrated? (777-778) Answer:
5.What are the people doing that angers Marullus and Flavius and why does this anger them? (778) Answer:
6.What actions do Flavius and Marulus take to “correct” the situation at the end of the scene? (778-779) Answer:
ACT I, SCENE 2 7.What in the beginning of this scene indicates that Caesar is a superstitious man? (779) Answer:
8.What is Antony's response to Caesar's instructions AND what does this suggest about their relationship? (779) Answer:
9.What warning does the soothsayer give Caesar AND what is Caesar’s reaction? (779) Answer:
10. What complaint does Cassius make about Brutus's behavior towards him? (781) Answer:
11. How does Brutus explain his behavior? (781) Answer:
12. What overall is Cassius trying to convince Brutus of in lines 48-78? (781-782) Answer:
13. What two physical problems regarding Caesar does Cassius reveal? (783-784) Answer:
14. Why does Cassius use the comparison of Caesar and the Colossus of Rhodes? (Use the side notes on 783) Answer:
15. What faults does Caesar see in Cassius’ nature? (785-786) Answer:
16. Why does Caesar “fear” Cassius AND what does the speech tell us about Caesar himself? (786) Answer:
17. HOW does the reader learn of what happened at the Games concerning Caesar? (786-787) Answer:
18. What TWO things are revealed to have happened concerning Caesar at the Games? (786-788) Answer:
19. What information does Casca give about Marullus and Flavius? (788) Answer:
20. What do Caesar’s actions regarding Marullus and Flavius reveal about Caesar as a leader? (788) Answer:
21. What is Cassius going to write in the letters to Brutus AND what does he hope these letters will accomplish? (789) Answer:
ACT I, SCENE 3 22. WHEN does Scene 3 take place? (789) Answer:
23. Why is Casca so frightened in the scene AND what wonderous things has Casca seen on this night? (789-790) Answer:
24. What reason does Cassius give for the terrible storm? (792) Answer:
25. How does Cassius use the storm to manipulate Casca? (792) Answer:
26. What does Cassius swear to do himself before Caesar rules as king? (792) Answer:
ACT I AS A WHOLE 27. In Act One, Shakespeare introduces the major characters and themes of the play. What emerges as the central conflict of the play? Answer:
28. In this first act, through his techniques of characterization, Shakespeare leads the read to form certain impressions of the characters. For each character listed below: (i) Write three adjectives which summarize your own opinion of him at the end of Act One, and (ii) Cite at least one specific thing this character says or does that leads you to form this opinion. DO NOT FORGET TO INTERNALLY DOCUMENT (Act.Scene.Line#s) = (1.1.12-13) a. Cassius i. ii.
b. Brutus i. ii.
c. Caesar i. ii.
29. Name at least one person who might remain on Caesar’s side. Answer:
30. Name at least two people who might oppose Caesar. Answer:
31. Who is the main leader of trouble against Caesar? Answer:
32. There are at least two MAJOR omens or examples of foreshadowing in Act I that right away suggest that trouble is in store. What are they? Answer:
ACT II, SCENE 1 33. According to Brutus, who is like a serpent’s egg AND why? (799) Answer:
34. Whose letter has Brutus found AND what is it asking Brutus to do? (800) Answer:
35. Why does Brutus believe the conspirators do not need an oath AND what does he assume? (802) Answer:
36. Why do the conspirators want Cicero to join them AND why does Brutus reject Cicero? (803) Answer:
37. What does Cassius want to do to Marc Antony AND what is Brutus’s response? (803) Answer:
38. What is the anachronism in Scene One? (804) Answer:
39. Which of Brutus’s actions lead Portia to conclude that he is upset? (805) Answer:
40. What has Portia done to herself to show Brutus that she is worthy of knowing his secrets? (808) Answer: