ABAG on Behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals

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ABAG on Behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals

ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

Section 2: Response Questions for Applicants

Part I. Applicant Information Name of Organization:

Organization's Lead Executive Name and Title:

Primary Contact Person Name and Title:


Phone: Email:

Brief (1-2 paragraphs) Description of Organization:

If two organizations are applying to co-lead the Backbone, include information on second organization below

Name of Co-Lead Organization:

Organization's Lead Executive Name and Title:

Primary Contact Person Name and Title:


Phone: Email:

Brief (1-2 paragraphs) Description of Organization:

Part II: Why Select this Applicant? Please briefly (500 words or less) describe why you believe you would be the right Backbone for BCOYC.

Part III: Key Populations, Areas of Practice, and Stakeholders Please check the ONE option that applies for each item in the following two tables. If two applicants are applying to co-lead the Backbone, the option can apply to one or both partners. ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

A. Issues Related to Key Populations and Areas of Practice Applicant Applicant Applicant currently does not does not works with currently currently issues work with work with related to issues issues this related to related to population this this or area of population population practice or area of or area of practice, but practice, and has in the has not in past the past Population 16-24 year olds without a high school diploma 16-24 year olds with a high school diploma but not in school or working Court involved youth Foster youth Homeless youth Youth with disabilities Other (fill in:) Area of Practice Youth Workforce Development Adult Workforce Development Development of Pathways Into and Through Postsecondary Credentials for Under-served Populations Youth Development Alternative Education Approaches and Options Use of Labor Market Information to Drive Pathway Development Other (fill in:) Systems/stakeholder groups Community-based organizations Baltimore City Public School System Baltimore City Dept of Social Services MD Dept of Juvenile Services MD Dept of Public Safety and Correctional Services Post-Secondary Institutions (note which) Employers/Industry Unions Other (fill in:) ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

B. Key Stakeholders Applicant Applicant Applicant currently does not does not collaborates currently currently with this work with work with stakeholder this this on stakeholder, stakeholder, programming/ but has in and has not initiative(s) the past in the past Stakeholder groups/Systems Youth-serving Community-Based Organizations Baltimore City Public School System Baltimore City Dept of Social Services MD Dept of Juvenile Services MD Dept of Public Safety and Correctional Services Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED) Post-Secondary Institutions (note which) Employers/Industry Unions Youth between the ages of 16-24 who left school without a high school diploma Youth between the ages of 16-24 who have a high school diploma but are not in school or working Other (fill in:)

Part IV: Backbone Foundation, Functions, and Roles

A. Backbone Foundational Areas Please complete the following table.

Foundational Area For each area, share one brief (a few sentences) example that provides evidence of applicant's ability or potential in this area. Feel free to refer to answers from other parts of your application if they apply.

(if two organizations are applying to serve as co- leads, note one example where they have worked together to perform the function OR note one example from each organization.) Credibility in the Community Credibility with Key High-Level Leaders Serving as a Neutral Convener ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014 i. Backbone Foundational Areas: Neutral Convener. Please answer the following questions.

 Briefly describe one challenge your organization has faced in the past related to working on behalf of a multi-stakeholder group rather than advocating or promoting particular priorities or viewpoints (even those of your own organization). Briefly describe how you handled that challenge. If two organizations are applying to co-lead the Backbone, please answer these questions for each organization.

 Does your organization provide direct services to OY? If two organizations are applying to co- lead the Backbone, please answer the question for both organizations. If the answer is yes, please briefly describe how, as Backbone, you will ensure that services operated by your organization do not receive priority or privilege within BCOYC efforts, either directly or inadvertently.

B. Backbone Functions i. Backbone Functions: Elements Checklist. Please check the ONE option that applies for each element of the Backbone Functions. If two applicants are applying to co-lead the Backbone, the option can apply to one or both partners.

Element Applicant Applicant Applicant currently does not has not done does this for currently do this before an initiative this but has for an involving a in the past initiative group of for an involving a organization initiative group of s involving a organizations group of organizations Function: Guide Vision and Strategy Provide strategic guidance to develop a common agenda Build a common understanding of the problem Serve as a thought leader/standard bearer for the initiative Function: Support Aligned Activities Facilitate partners' continuous communication and collaboration Convene partners and key external stakeholders Engage youth themselves as stakeholders and leaders in the initiative Catalyze or incubate new initiatives or collaborations Build management and administrative capacity Create paths for, and recruit, new partners so they become involved Seek out opportunities for alignment with other efforts Function: Establish Shared Measurement Practices ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

Collect, analyze, interpret, and report data Catalyze or develop shared measurement systems Provide technical assistance for building partners' data capacity Function: Build Public Will Frame the problem to create a sense of urgency and a call to action Support community member engagement activities Produce and manage communications (e.g., news releases, reports) Function: Advance Policy Advocate for an aligned policy agenda Function: Mobilize Funding Mobilize and align public and private funding to support initiative's goals ii. Backbone Functions: Evidence Please complete the following chart.

Backbone Function For each function, share one brief (a few sentences) example that provides evidence of applicant's ability or potential to perform this Function. Feel free to refer to answers from other parts of your application if they apply.

(if two organizations are applying to serve as co-leads, note one example where they have worked together to perform the function OR note one example from each organization.) Guide Vision and Strategy Support Aligned Activities Establish Shared Measurement Practices Build Public Will Advance Policy Mobilize Funding iii. Backbone Functions: Co-Lead Applicants. Skip if a single organization is applying. If two applicants are applying to serve as co-leads, please complete the following chart.

Function For each function, share one brief (a few sentences) example of how you would work together to perform this function. Feel free to refer to answers from other parts of your application if they apply. Guide Vision and Strategy Support Aligned ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014


Establish Shared Measurement Practices Build Public Will Advance Policy Mobilize Funding iv. Backbone Functions: Raising Match. Aspen estimates that implementation grants will be in the range of $300K-$500K over three years. The Aspen implementation grant requires the Backbone to raise $300,000-$500,000 in matching funding over three years. Three local foundations -- Abell, Annie E. Casey, and Harry and Jeannette Weinberg -- provided funds to support BCOYC's development year, serve as BCOYC members, and have agreed to convene other funders to discuss the implementation grant and matching funding requirement. Please:

 Share one brief example that provides evidence of the applicant's ability or potential to raise this type of funding. In the example, please include the amount raised. (If two applicants are applying to serve as co-leads, include an example from one or both organizations.)

 Briefly describe how the applicant would approach raising the match funding. (If two applicants are applying to serve as co-leads, include how the co-leads would work together to raise the funding.)

C. Backbone Roles i. Backbone Roles: Elements Checklist. Please check the ONE option that applies for each element of the Roles played by the Backbone. If two applicants are applying to co-lead the Backbone, the option can apply to one or both partners.

Element Applicant Applicant Applicant currently does not has not done does this for currently do this before an initiative this but has for an involving a in the past initiative group of for an involving a organization initiative group of s involving a organizations group of organizations Role: Backbone Leadership Steward the group toward adoption of a common agenda including shared vision, metrics and strategies for success Facilitate communication among partners Understand current implementation challenges at a local level ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

Develop comprehensive solutions In concert with relevant workgroups, develop annual legislative agenda, policy, and funding recommendations Track all funding Identify potential funding sources to support goals and priorities Role: Community Engagement Reach out to and engage stakeholders in the initiative Coordinate activities with partners to minimize redundancies and to align strategies Conduct outreach and support communications with media and general public Report progress of the collaborative on established metrics Role: Shared Measurement Develop a baseline data set that represents the social challenge to be addressed Manage process of defining and refining common indicators and communicate definitions of measures Monitor and analyze outcome indicators and performance measures to evaluate progress and improve system through learning Coordinate data collection from partners Use the measurement and evaluation process as a tool of learning and progress, not only accountability Role: Tactical Facilitation Support engagement and communication with members

Plan regular meetings on pre-determined schedule Provide logistical support to collaborative and any sub- committees Develop general timeline and set deadlines

Run meetings, as needed, to reach decision ii. Backbone Roles: Evidence. Please complete the following chart.

Backbone Role For each role, share one brief (a few sentences) example that provides evidence of applicant's ability or potential to perform this Role. Feel free to refer to answers from other parts of your application if they apply.

(if two organizations are applying to serve as co-leads, note one example where they have worked together to perform the function OR note one example from each organization.) Backbone Leadership ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

Community Engagement Shared Measurement Tactical Facilitation iii. Backbone Roles: Co-Lead Applicants. Skip if a single organization is applying. If two applicants are applying to serve as co-leads, please complete the following chart.

Backbone Role For each role, share one brief (a few sentences) example of how you would work together to perform this role. Feel free to refer to answers from other parts of your application if they apply. Backbone Leadership Community Engagement Shared Measurement Tactical Facilitation

Part V. Backbone Staffing

A. Implementation Proposal Development The Backbone will play a lead role in the development of the proposal for Aspen implementation funding in April and May 2014. The Backbone will provide in-kind staffing to:

 work with BCOYC, the Family League and MOED (the current co-leads of BCOYC under the current one year development grant) to develop the proposal

 write the proposal, with active engagement of BCOYC members in proposal review and feedback

A BCOYC consultant covered by funds from the current Aspen development grant will provide support for:

 conceptualizing the proposal

 gathering and transmitting feedback on the proposal from the BCOYC members

 editing the proposal

Please note which individuals will provide support to develop and write the proposal. Please attach a resume for each person listed.

Name Title If co-lead application: note which organization the individual will work for

(add lines as needed) ABAG on behalf of BCOYC: Request for Proposals Identifying the Backbone Organization to Coordinate BCOYC's Effort January 2014

B. Projected Staffing of the Backbone. If awarded an Aspen Implementation grant, the Backbone will receive funds for staffing support. Please project the primary individuals who will staff the work of the Backbone by completing the following table. Please attach a resume for each person listed. If the applicant would hire an individual to work on the Backbone, note "TBD" under "Name" and either a proposed title or function for that individual under "Title."

Name Title/Function If co-lead application: note which organization the individual will work for

(add lines as needed)

Part VI. Organizational Chart Please attach an organizational chart to your application, and note on the chart where the Backbone function would be housed. If two applicants are applying to co-lead the Backbone, please attach one of these charts for each organization.

Part VII. Financial Statement Please attach a recent financial statement with your application. If two applicants are applying to co- lead the Backbone, please include a recent financial statement for each organization.

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