Political Science 1 - Government of the U.S. and California

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Political Science 1 - Government of the U.S. and California

Political Science 1 - Government of the U.S. and California Midterm Review Notes

Politics Implied Powers Suffrage Inherent Powers Natural law Concurrent Powers Majority rule Reserved Powers Voter initiative, recalls, referendums State Rights – McCulloch vs. Maryland Democracy Federal Grants - Direct and representative - Block grants - Constitutional - Project grants Republic - Categorical Formula grants Other forms of government Federal Mandates - Monarchy Bill of Rights - Oligarchy Amendments XIV to XXVII - Theocracy Electoral College - Anarchy Civil Liberties Distribution of power: - Freedom of expression – Political Rights - Federalism - First Amendment freedoms - Centralism (Unitary) o Religion Separation of Powers . Free exercise Checks and Balances . Establishment Judicial Review – Marbury vs. Madison o Speech Articles of Confederation . Clear and present danger Shay’s Rebellion . Bad tendency test Constitutional Convention . Preferred position doctrine - Virginia Plan . Protected & nonprotected - New Jersey Plan speech - Bicameralism . Libel - Connecticut Compromise . Seditious libel - North-South Compromise (three-fifths) . Slander - Great Compromise . Obscenity Popular soveriegnty . Fighting words (hate speech) Federalists and Anti-federalists o Press Outline of Constitution . Libel - Article I (Legislature) o Assembly - Article II (Executive) o Petition - Article III (Judicial) - Habeas Corpus - Article IV( States) - Ex Post Facto law o Full faith & Credit - Bill of attainder o Extradition Civil Rights – Equal Protection o Interstate compact - Due Process - Article V,VI, VII - Fifth and 14th Amendments Sections and clauses - Substantive - Commerce - Procedural - Supremacy Civil disobedience - War Powers Selective Incorporation - Tax and Spend (borrow) Equal Protection Clause - “necessary and proper” Citizenship rights Express Powers Naturalization Dual citizenship Amicus Curiae Property rights Lobbying - Contract clause - Quid pro quo - Police powers - Iron triangle - Eminent domain Political Action Committees (PAC) - Regulatory taking Issue Advocacy Equality of Access (opportunity) 527 organization Equality of Results Civic duty Equality of starting condition Voter registration Equality between groups - National Voter Registration Act (1993) - Gender gap Voter turnout Exclusionary rule - Demographic & geographic factors Search warrants - Compulsory voting & automatic registration Miranda Warning Party identification Double jeopardy Political Party De jure segregation - Winner-take-all system - Jim Crow laws - Single-member district - Poll tax, literacy tests - Proportional representation - White primaries - National party convention - Restrictive covenants - Minor parties De facto segregation o Ideological Racial gerrymandering o Protest Affirmative action o Single Issue Political ideology o Splinter Political Culture o Libertarian Political Socialization o Green Liberals o Reform Conservatives Primaries Social Conservatives - Direct Libertarians - Open Socialists - Closed Public Opinion Caucus - Attentive Public Party realignment - Latency - Gerrymandering - Saliency - Malapportionment Public Opinion polling Campaign financing Political Participation Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA 2002) Social movements - Hard money Interest groups (factions) - Soft money - Types: Economic - Bundling o Business, Trade, professional - Independent expenditure associations Federal Election Commission (FEC) o Labor Incumbency . Open shop - Safe seats . Closed shop - Coattail effect . Free riders - Candidate appeal o Ideological or Single issue Mass Media – newspaper, radio, TV, internet o Public interest groups - “Objective journalism” o Other interest groups - Investigatory journalism Federal Register - Agenda setting - Issue framing

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