Bywell Parish Council

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Bywell Parish Council


Minutes of meeting held on 12th November 2014 at Newton & Bywell Community Hall at 7pm

Present: Cllrs Stoddart (in the Chair), Rutherford, Scott, Thompson and Richardson. Also present County Cllr Kelly and Monica Anderton, Clerk, in attendance

1. Apologies – None

2. Declarations of interest: Cllrs Stoddart and Thompson re item 10.

3. The Chairman took Cllr Kelly’s report at this time:

Cllr Kelly touched on a number of issues:

~ There is a new Director of Public health at County Hall, Penny Spring;

~ the Core Strategy is coming out for final consultation in January;

~ despite running late, it is expected that Ovingham Bridge will still be finished on time because of penalty clauses;

~ Prudhoe High School is out of special measures;

~ Local Government Association peer review of the County Council is in progress at present;

~ Highways actions are improving because of new equipment and the Parish has a large area of road apparently earmarked for work in 2015;

~ the decision to move County Hall will probably go ahead as a cost saving exercise;

~ Hexham Bus station will probably be at Loosing Hill in the near future as it is too expensive to alter the existing site.

4. Minutes of the meeting of 17th September 2014: These were approved as a true record.

5. Standing Orders: the new version of Standing Orders were approved.

6. Matters arising not elsewhere on the Agenda: Dog mess: The NCC environmental Health Officer had put up 12 warning notices in the village. It was considered that the matter is slightly better for now and no further action will be taken. The situation will be kept under review.

7. Reports: a) Cllr Kelly – report as above; b) Chairman’s report: Little except to note formal thanks to the outgoing Chairman, Adrian Hinchcliffe for all his tireless work over many years. Adrian had, in return, thanked everyone for the generous retirement gifts to him and his wife;

c) Cllr Rutherford’s report: Cllr Rutherford had attended the recent East Tynedale Forum meeting and found it very useful. Much of the discussion had been about the Bus station move in Hexham, following a presentation by staff from the County Council. Within various parameters, and accepting that the cost of buying out the necessary extra space at the existing site being too expensive, the Loosing Hill site was considered the best option.

8. Correspondence: This was noted.

9. Parish Plan: This was deferred for a time.

10. Request from Community Hall trustees regarding a new boiler: It was agreed that a new boiler was needed. Two quotes had been received. It was suggested that a third quote be obtained for audit purposes as the cost was high. It was also noted that as long as the invoice came to the Parish Council, the VAT could be reclaimed and all other documentation - warranties etc. should be in the name of the Trustees for the hall. Subject to a third quote being obtained, it was agreed in principle to purchase a new boiler. The preferred option at present is £4600 plus VAT. The final decision would be confirmed by email and the Chairman would also circulate the existing quotes to the rest of the Council members.

11. Refurbishment of Notice Boards: A quote had been received from Hunters for refurbishing the three notice boards for £280 plus VAT if the Council supply the materials. Cllr Rutherford has oil that would be needed. Accepting that the final figure might be slightly higher, it was agreed to go ahead with the work. The Clerk would let Mr Hunter know.

12. Litter pick: this was not needed now as a large scale exercise.

13. Cooption of a new Councillor: The formal notices had been removed and no applications had been made to County Hall. Possible suitable people were to be considered. The Chairman would follow up with one potential candidate.

14. Planning: 14/03301/VARYCO: variation at the Duke of Wellington for kitchen extraction system. The Parish Council agreed to support the application. (Since the meeting, more information is to be considered and the application will be resubmitted for further consideration).

14/03228/FUL: Plans for 3 dwellings on land by Toft cottages: A public meeting prior to the Council meeting had attendance from 24 members of the public plus the Council and 5 people from Allendale Estates. The comments made were noted by the Council. Following discussion, the Council agreed unanimously to object to the current application on several grounds: that it is green belt; that it is in a conservation area; that the intended properties are far too big for the location; that the third property at the back would be visible from miles around the village completely against the Conservation area’s integrity.

15. Finance: a) it was noted that request for the 2015 precept had been extended until the beginning of February allowing for the budget/precept to be confirmed at the next Council meeting in January. b) It was agreed that the Clerk purchase a copy of the BOSS accounts package to assist with the budget/precept. c) the following payments were authorised:

Community Volunteering/ (H.Scott) 100.00

Newton& Bywell Community Hall – hire 32.00

A Hinchcliffe, expenses 106.39

MFAnderton: Sal/October (s/o) 186.98

MFAnderton: Sal/November (s/o) 186.98

MFAnderton: expenses to 30th November 76.40

JBT Waste Services (Skip hire, including VAT) 198.00 d) 4 requests for donation were rejected. e) The Financial Ombudsman Service was investigating the Complaint from the Council about the problems with Bank of Scotland. It could take about 3 months overall.

16. AOB: ~ Cllr Scott asked for clarification about an issue whether it was a Council one or a Hall Trustee one. It was agreed it was not a Council issue.

~ the Clerk noted that the Ask@ facility had been removed and replaced by a the need to fill in a form.

17. Date & Time of next meeting: Wednesday 21st January 2015 at 7.00pm in the Community Hall. Chairman: Date:

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