Assoc. Prof. Rndr. Ales Stuchlik, Phd
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Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Ales Stuchlik, PhD. Department Head Department of Neurophysiology of Memory Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Videnska 1083, 142 20 Prague 4 Czech Republic tel.: +420 241 062 538 fax: +420 241 062 488 E-mail: [email protected]
Born: April 18, 1974 Marital status: Married (Barbara Wheeler Stuchlikova) Degrees BSc Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, June 20,1995, Neurobiology MSc. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, July 7, 1997, Neurobiology RNDr. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, October 24, 2002, Neurobiology PhD. 1st faculty of Medicine, Charles University, September 25, 2002, Neuroscience Assoc. Prof. Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, May 1, 2013, Animal Physiology
Employment 1997 - Today, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 2015 – Today, National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic 2015 – Today, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Present position I work as a Research Scientist and Head of the Department of Neurophysiology of Memory, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences CR. My work focuses on neural mechanisms of spatial cognition, role of brain structures and neurochemistry of spatial navigation. I also study cognitive deficits and declines in brain disorders and their animal models.
Scientific function 2005-2007 Member of Network Governing Council, TEDDY Network of Excellence (EU, FP6) 2012- Member of Editorial Board “Neuroscience Journal”, ISSN: 2314-4262 (Hindawi Publishing) 2013- Member of Editorial board for "American Journal of Biomedical Research", ISSN: 2328-3947 2012- Member of Editorial board of Academy of Science Czech Republic 2013- Member of Doctorate Program Council – Animal Physiology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University 2013- Member of Panel P303 of the Czech Science Foundation 2014- Member of Network Scientific Committee (NSC), TEDDY Network 2014- Guest Associate Editor and Review Editor, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, IF = 4,2 2014- Member of Editorial Board “Timing & Time Perception Reviews”, Brill 2016 - Member of the Committee for Doctoral Dissertations (DSc.) in Zoology and Animal Physiology
Citations (Web of Science) Sum of Times Cited: 528 (266 without self-citations), h-index : 15
Selected lectures at international conferences Conference “Measuring Behaviour 2005” – Invited lecture - Wageningen, The Netherlands, September 2005 - Lecture title “Stuchlik A., Bures J.: Application of variants of the Place Avoidance task as alternatives to the Morris Water Maze in the study of spatial cognition in rodents.” World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, June 2011, Prague, CR, Free oral communication: Genetic Neurodevelopmental Models in Biological Psychiatry: A Study of Hippocampus-Dependent Learning in Rats with Neuronal Nogo-A Knockdown International C.I.A.N.S. Conference 2012 - lecture: Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of the rat HXB/BXH recombinant inbred strains reveals genetic determinants of spatial learning and behavioral flexibility in active place avoidance task, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, 2012 BEHAVIOUR 2013 (Newcastle , England) – organizer of symposium and a talk: Spatial memory and cognitive control deficits in animal models of brain disorders: FENS FRM Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013- Place navigation in moving world and animal models of brain disorders- Talk at the Symposium dedicated to Jan Bures http://www.ebbs- Psychopharmacology Congress, Susesi Resort, Antalya, Turkey April 15-20, 2 short lectures 57th Conference of Czech Neuropsychopharmacological Society, Jesenik, January 2015 – Organization of a symposium: From animal models to schizophrenia patients: cognitive deficit, coordination, hypersynchrony and functional imaging - Lecture at the symposium: Stuchlik A. Disruptions of cognitive functions in animal models of schizophrenia
Scientific functions 2005 - 2007 member of Network Governing Council of the TEDDY Network of Excellence (EU) 2012 - member of the Editorial Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2013 - member of Doctorate Council of Physiology, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague 2013- member of Czech Science Foundation Evaluation panel P303. 2014- member of Network Scientific Committee (NSC), TEDDY Network
Selected grant projects EU- FP6 - TEDDY Network of Excellence (EU) - Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young (2005-2010) - member of the Network´s Governing Council Czech Science Foundation grant 309/07/0341 – Behavioral pharmacology of spatial cognition and its application in studies of experimental model of schizophrenia – Finished, evaluated as excellent Czech Science Foundation grant P303-10-J032 (bilateral grant with CRT Dresden) 2010-2012 RNDr. Genetic factors linking metabolism, adult neurogenesis and behavior. (principal investigator) IGA MZ ČR NT13386 2012-2015: Development of diagnostic tests for a cognitive deficit in schizophrenic patients based on study of spatial navigation deficit in an animal model of the disease. Program of internal support of bilateral cooperation Academy of Sciences ČR M200111204 - 2012-2015: Role of adult neurogenesis in behavioral separation and prevention of interference of memory traces. (A. Stuchlik-G. Kempermann) Czech Science Foundation grant GACR 14-03627S - Hippocampus, neocortex, and navigation in the moving world: from structures to neurons
Grant KONTAKT II (AMVIA) - LH14053 (bilateral grant with Prof. WH Meck, Duke University, Durham) - Fourth dimension in space? Integration of temporal and spatial processing in the brain
Agency for Medical Research - AZV 15-34524A Pathophysiological constituents of neuronal circuits in OCD: Translational study targeting glutamatergic regulation in the anterior cingulate cortex Selected awards European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS) 40th Anniversary Award for Outstanding Contribution in Early Scientific Career) – awarded in July 2008. Award of the President of the Czech Science Foundation 2010 for a project: „Behavioral pharmacology of spatial cognition and its application in experimental model of schizophrenia“ (2007-2009)
Books E-Book: Stuchlik, A., Sumiyoshi, T., eds. (2015). Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia and other Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Convergence of Preclinical and Clinical Evidence. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88919-679-1
Book chapters Nekovarova T, Stuchlik A, Vales K, Rambousek L, Sumiyoshi T: Cognitive Deficits in Pharmacological Rodent Models of Schizophrenia: Evaluation of Spatial Cognition: In "Schizophrenia Research: Recent Advances“. Editors: Tomiki Sumiyoshi, Nova Publishing, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61942-459-3
Stuchlik A, Petrasek T, Hatalová H, Rambousek L, Nekovarova T, Vales K(2012). Behavioral Tests for Evaluation of Information Processing and Cognitive Deficits in Rodent Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Schizophrenia in the 21st Century, Dr. T.H.J. Burne (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0315-8, InTech, Rijeka
Patents Czech Patent (ÚPV) - Pregnanolone derivatives substituted in position 3alpha, process for their preparation and use. 2012. Date: 25.01.2012. Patent No.: 303037 Czech Patent (ÚPV) - Pregnanolone derivatives substituted in position 3alpha with cationic group, process of their preparation, their use and composition containing them. Date: 02.08.2012. Patent No.: 303443. PCT patent: Steroide anionic compounds, method of their production, usage and pharmaceutical preparation involving them PCT patent application - Pregnanolone derivatives substituted in 3alpha-position with the cationic group, method of their production, usage and pharmaceutical preparation involving them - IP/0805/H
Public engagements: More than 15 media contributions 4 lectures for public Intensive activity of social networks (Groups): LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook
Teaching Since 2009 I have been teaching a semester course "Neurobiology of Behavior and Memory" at the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University; Supervision of undergraduate and PhD students. (Faculty of Sciences, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University). Since 2014, I have been teaching Bc. Course of “Animal Physiology”
Past and current* students and interns PhD students MUDr. Karel Blahna, PhD. (now in Joseph Csicsvari´s lab in Vienna), RNDr. Jan Svoboda, PhD., PharmDr. Iva Prokopová, PhD., Ing. Lukas Rambousek (Roche, Switzerland) – mentorship in Czech-Swiss SciEx program Tomas Petrasek PhD., *Hana Hatalova MSc., *Adela Pistikova MSc., *Iveta Vojtechova, MSc., *Veronika Bláhová, MSc. Undergraduates Rehakova Lenka MSc., Daniela Cinkova MSc. Vilem Helesic MSc., Marie Entlerova, MSc. Dominika Radostova BSc, * Veronika Lobellova, * Kristýna Malenínská, BSc.*, Markéta Svojanovská BSc.*, High-school students Anna Zemanová, Eva Brichtová, Tereza Rojková, Lokáš Rambousek –All in the project “Open Science” funded by EU Foreign interns Vanessa Doulames, PhD (USA), Hilal Sengul, BSc. (Turkey)
Voluntary Courses: Communication of Science by Means of Media: Organizer: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic January 2011-March 2011
Coursera Course, Duke University, Course ”The Brain and Space” - passed with distinction.