What Are Our Kindergarten Expectations for the First Nine Weeks of Kindergarten
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What are the expectations for the First Nine Weeks of Kindergarten?
Reading and Writing Some of the things we are working on so far this nine weeks: recognizing the names of the alphabet letters and putting them in order recognizing and saying the sounds of the letters writing the letters that go with the spoken sound using their knowledge of letters and sounds to write the sounds they hear in words in a sequence recognizing rhyming words recognizing the first sound they hear in a word counting the syllables they hear in words, often by clapping blending and segmenting words beginning to recognize a few sight words such as I, see, my, like retelling books that they have heard many times before such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Caps for Sale re-enacting the favorite stories that they know identifying the characters and settings of favorite books beginning to recognize the beginning, middle and end of favorite stories writing and/or drawing the beginning, middle, and end of their own stories responding to books that they love by drawing or writing about their favorite part holding a book right side up and turning pages in the correct direction learning new vocabulary in the books that they are reading
Math Some of the things we are working on this nine weeks are: counting 0-20 recognizing numbers 0-15 ordering numbers 0-15 writing numbers 0-15 patterning – ABAB
Social Growth and Development (Conduct) Some of the things we are working on this nine weeks: writing daily without resistance generating content and topics for writing telling about their drawings or rereading what they write choosing what to read during independent reading and “reading” independently listening to books read aloud listening to each other when they are discussing books unpacking supplies in the morning and packing up in the afternoon independently learning the rituals and routines of the day (such as how to ask and when to go to the bathroom, how to come to sit in a group, how to ask for help, how to walk in a line, learning to raise hand to respond) following the class promise following teacher directions being a part of a community of learners
Chets Creek, 2009 How can I help my child at home this First Nine Weeks of Kindergarten?
Reading and Writing Your child needs help in the following areas that are highlighted. saying the name of the alphabet letters and putting them in order saying the sounds of the alphabet letters recognizing rhyming words retelling books that have heard many times before such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff holding a book right side up and turning pages in the correct direction
Math Your child needs help in the following areas that are highlighted. counting 0-20 recognizing numbers 0-15 putting numbers in order 0-15 writing numbers 0-15 making patterns – ABAB – such as red, green, red, green blocks
Social Growth and Development (Conduct) Please talk to your child about the behaviors that are highlighted. unpacking supplies in the morning and packing up in the afternoon independently writing daily without resistance “reading” independently using a “whisper” voice staying on task listening to books read aloud following teacher directions being respectful while the teacher and friends are talking respecting the rights of others Keeping hands to self
Chets Creek, 2009