DHSVM Set-Up Document For Reference

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DHSVM Set-Up Document For Reference


I am using ArcGIS 9 on a PC which includes ArcMap and ArcInfo. I also use my Sun workstation to compile java and C codes (and run C codes).

The purpose of this document is to briefly explain the procedure for generating the input Grids to DHSVM. This procedure is specific to the Lake Whatcom Watershed, in Whatcom County, Washington. If this document is used for a different watershed it would need to be altered accordingly, i.e. names of DEMs, etc. It is very helpful to use ArcDoc for information about Arc commands.

Most of these steps were coached by Matt Wiley at UW.

From: To: "'Robert Mitchell'" Subject: creating dhsvm models... Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:21:07 -0800


Hi, this is Matt Wiley, I'm a research engineer in the CE department at UW. If you are looking for dhsvm input maps for Washington, I have a set of ESRI grid files at 150m, including a filled DEM, GAP1991 landcover, STATSGO soils, and the Monthly PRISM precipitation maps from OSU. All can be found at http://www.tag.washington.edu/data/dhsvm_data/WA_DHSVM_grids.zip

I am in the process of updating the landcover using a NOAA product from 2000/2001. http://www.csc.noaa.gov/crs/lca/westcoast.html

Good luck with the stream network. I assume you have the createstreamnetwork aml script? My only tip is to notice that there is a java executable that is invoked in the middle of the script (AddAat2) that must run properly or else you get a bunch of zeros in your output files.



1. Using “My Computer” setup a “workspace” for the Arc and Grid work. For example, I created one in my C Drive (C:/DHSVM/Whatcom/DEM).

2. Download the required 10m-DEMs from UWs web site to the DEM workspace folder


The projection of the DEMs are UTM, Zone 10, datum NAD 27, and units in meters. All the final Grids will be in this projection.

3. From Start button go to ArcGIS then Arc Workstation and open up Arc and ArcDoc (ArcDOC is the Help window).

4. At the Arc: prompt type &workspace C:/DHSVM/Whatcom/DEM to get to the workspace. At the Arc prompt type workspace, Arc will list the workspace you are in. 1 Then assign a watch file. The watch file is converted to an AML after the process is done and the AML is named and cleaned up for smooth running. Create a watch file: ‘&watch may10.watch’. (&watch = command, space, then name) I typically name a watch file the date I create it or the specific action I am working on, such as dems.watch or soils.watch.

5. In Arc, load the Grid by typing GRID at the Arc prompt

Arc: Grid

6. Convert all the DEMs to Grid files using the DEMGRID command , for example Grid: alger_grd = DEMGRID(alger.dem)

7. Merge all the Grids necessary to cover the watershed into one Grid using the MERGE command. Grid: merge_grd = MERGE(acme_grd,…,sedro_grd)

8. Aggregate the 10 meter Grid to 30 meter Grid. This is done to reduce run time of model and lack of detailed vegetation and soil data. If better coverages can be created to detail vegetation and soil coverages, the 10 meter DEMs maybe a better choice in the model.

GRID: 30m_grd = AGGREGATE(clip_grd,3,MIN)

The ‘3’ indicated the level of aggregation and ‘MIN’ takes the minimum elevation of the 3 Grids. When the mean was used, a number of Grids were assigned as ‘No Data’ and when the maximum was used, the watershed became extremely rugged.

9. Describe the new Grid to verify that ‘aggregate’ worked correctly Grid: DESCRIBE 30m_grd

10. Fill any sinks in the Grid using the ‘Fill’ command.

Grid: FILL 30m_grd fill30_grd sink 1000.0

11. Clip the grids to reduce the size, but large enough to accommodate the watershed with some room to spare. a. Grid: display 9999 b. Grid: mapextent fill30_grd c. Grid: gridshade fill30_grd d. Grid: GRIDCLIP fill30_grd clip_grd *’ e. The ‘*’ allows for manual clipping of grid using a display.

12. Perform flow direction on the filled Grid. This Grid will be used to determine the watershed boundary (or use the clip_grd instead of fill30_grd).

Grid: flowdir = FLOWDIRECTION(fill30_grd)

13. Create watershed area Grid by first opening the DISPLAY window. Grid: DISPLAY 9999

Establish the spatial extent of the view of the image in DISPLAY 2 Grid: mapextent fill30_grd

Display the Grid file in the display Grid: Gridshade fill30_grd

You are going to establish the lowest elevation of the watershed interactively after you initiate the WATERHSED command, so create a blow-up of the outlet area of the watershed by using the Create View command on the Display window. After you box in the blow-up area a new display window will pop up. Expand the size of the window, then change the mapextent for that window by typing

Grid: mapextent fill30_grd

Display the blown-up area by typing Grid: Gridshade fill30_grd

13. Now try to create the watershed area by using Grid: lw_grd = WATERSHED(flowdir,selectpoint(fill30_grd,*))

The Selectpoint* command puts you in manual mode. With the mouse cursor select the outlet elevation point of the watershed on the blown-up map—after clicking with the cursor on the low elevation point of the outlet, type “9” on the keyboard to exit the manual mode.

Display the newly created watershed to ensure it worked—you may have to go through this process a number of times to make sure that it creates the watershed Grid.

Grid: Gridshade lw_grd

14. Use lakews_grd for a “mask” to clip the DEM, Vegetation, and soils coverages. First clip the filled elevation Grid to polygon coverage using the mask (a two-step process). After converted to a binary file this will be the DEM input Grid to DHSVM.

Grid: SETMASK lw_grd Grid: lwdem = fill30_grd

15. Optional: Create a hillshade (shaded relief) coverage map for maps in document. Grid: hilllshd_grd = HILLSHADE(lwdem)

16. Quit the Grid function and convert the watch file to an AML file using the &CWTA command. Grid: q Arc: &CWTA may10.watch finaldem.aml

17. Clean up the workspace by deleting unneeded Grids (see AML for complete list).

2. CREATE A LAND COVER GRID 1. I downloaded the 2001 coverage from a NOAA site. http://www.csc.noaa.gov/crs/lca/westcoast.html

Download the Washington 2001 Coverage. It is already a grid file, so you don’t have to go through Steps 4-8 of Katie’s method. It has the same PCS and GCS as the USGS landcover, which is

3 different than the lw_grd, so you have to transform the projection (of either one) using steps 10 and 11 below.

2. Open Arc Map in bring in the wa_lc grid. Clip the grid into a smaller grid encompassing the watershed using the Spatial Analyst tool. First, zoom in on the watershed area in the ArcMap display window. Click on the View Icon Toolbar Spatial Analyst

Use the pull-down menu on the Spatial Analyst window and click on Options then Extent and then “Same as Display” then OK. Or Same as layer “ q222_grd” which may be a grid containing just the basin you are interested in (e.g., q222_grd which contains Olsen and Carpenter).

Use the pull-down menu on the Spatial Analyst window and click on Raster Calculator. In the window type newfilename = [oldfilename] then OK. For example wa_clip = [wa_lc].

Note: the newfilename will be stored in C:\Documents and Settings\rjmitch\Local Settings\Temp So use Arc Catalog to copy it from the Temp folder to your working folder.

3. Now you must transform the coordinate system of the clipped landcover grid to that of the lake whatcom grid (lw_grd).

Open up a new ArcMap and drag the lw_grd into it. Now drag the clipped landcover map into the window (wa_clip). It is important that you bring the lw_grd in first. Right click on the Layers icon in the Table of Contents. Click on Properties, Coordinate System, then Transformations (follow the steps). Hit OK. Then open up the Tool Box and step through Data Management Projections and Transformation Raster Project Raster Input Raster is wa_clip Output Raster is wa_noaa_trans (type in the path to the workspace too) Choose the coordinate system of the lw_grd Choose Neighbor Output Cell size is 30

Before you hit OK, click on Environments and General Settings. Scroll down and put in lw_grd for the Output Extent. In Environments, now click on Raster Analysis Settings and put in lw_grd as the cell size. Hit OK and OK. The coordinate system should be transformed. I called it wa_noaa_trans.

4. Finally, the land cover Grid needs to be clipped to the study area using the lw_grd rid. This was done in the Grid module in Arc. Grid: SETMASK lw_grd Grid: lw_lc = wa_noaa_trans

5. The Grid was verified in ArcMap, to make sure the grids overlaid perfectly.

4 6. Change the classification table using the Reclass tool in the Spatial Analyst dropdown in Arc Map.

NOAA NOAA DHSVM DHSVM 2 High Intensity Developed 13 Urban 3 Low Intensity Developed 13 Urban 5 Grassland 10 Grassland 6 Deciduous Forest 4 Deciduous Broadleaf 7 Evergreen Forest 15 Coastal Conifer 8 Mixed Forest 5 Mixed Forest 9 Scrub/Shrub 8 Closed Shrub 10 Palustrine Forested Wetland 4 Deciduous Broadleaf 11 Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland 8 Closed Shrub 12 Palustrine Emergent Wetland 10 Grassland 16 Unconsolidated Shore 12 Bare 17 Bare land 12 Bare 18 Water 14 Water

3. CREATE A SOIL TEXTURE GRID Katie used the CONUS soil data base developed from STATSGO

http://www.essc.psu.edu/soil_info/index.cgi?soil_data&conus&data_cov&texture It is under the heading "Datasets" and then you select the projection, the first one is fine, then it can be reprojected into UTM or whatever projection you are using. The documentation under 'data files' is a good thing to read over too. You have to download multiple files.

1. Downloaded the CONUS dominant texture Grid at 2. Used IMPORT in Arc to import the gird 3. Changed the projection to UTM (see previous two sections) 4. Clipped Grid to area (see previous two sections) called dom_grd

I used soil data given to me by the DHSVM group (Matt Wiley) called wasoil_150. The values in the grid are related to the soil class library that is a part of the dhsvm configuration files. The attribute values are based on the average soil texture for the multiple layers in the statsgo database. Sections of the file I sent have been replaced using higher resolution data from the WA DNR soil surveys. These areas were classified in the dhsvm soil types based on the Soils-main fine-frac field. http://www3.wadnr.gov/dhnapp5/website/dmmatrix.html#Soils

5 Where the higher resolution DNR data exists it is used, and the rest of the state is filled in with the STASGO derived data.

The values in the grid correspond to: Soil Description 1 = SAND Soil Description 2 = LOAMY SAND Soil Description 3 = SANDY LOAM Soil Description 4 = SILTY LOAM Soil Description 5 = SILT Soil Description 6 = LOAM Soil Description 7 = SANDY CLAY LOAM Soil Description 8 = SILTY CLAY LOAM Soil Description 9 = CLAY LOAM Soil Description 10 = SANDY CLAY Soil Description 11 = SILTY CLAY Soil Description 12 = CLAY Soil Description 13 = ORGANIC (as loam) Soil Description 14 = WATER (as clay) Soil Description 15 = BEDROCK Soil Description 16 = OTHER (as SCL) Soil Description 17 = MUCK Soil Description 18 = TALUS

1. I opened up wasoil_150 in ArcMap and clipped it to an area surrounding the Lake Whatcom watershed (see number 10 in the landcover section). It is already in the same projection as the other Lake Whatcom grids.

2. The 150 m grid must be Resampled to a 30 m grid to match the other lw grids. Open up a new Arc Map and drag the lw_grd into it. Now drag the clipped soils map into the window. It is important that you bring the lw_grd in first. Now open up the Tool Box and step through Data Management Projections and Transformation Resample

Input Raster is wa_clip Output Raster is wa_clip_30 Choose the coordinate system of the lw_grd Choose Neighbor Output Cell size is 30

Before you hit OK, click on Environments and General Settings. Scroll down and put in lw_grd for the Output Extent. In Environments, now click on Raster Analysis Settings and put in lw_grd as the cell size. Hit OK and OK. The grid system should be resmapled. I called it wa_clip_30.

7. Finally, the soils grid needs to be clipped to the study area using the lw_grd rid. This was done in the Grid module in Arc. Grid: SETMASK lw_grd Grid: lw_soils = wa_clip_30

6 8. The Grid was verified in ArcMap, to make sure the grids overlaid perfectly.


1. I created a new folder called “Streams”. Using Arc Catalogue, copy the lw_grd and lwdem30 grids into Streams. I also copied the amlscripts folder from the DHSVM Tutorial and put them in the Streams folder. Use the amlscripts that I used for Anderson Creek.

2. In Arc you will be running an AML called createstreamnetwork.aml. It requires a Java script. Therefore you will have to compile a code called AddAat2.java. It requires two other Java codes (Aat.java and Aaterror.java). You can find these codes in the Programs folder in the DHSVM Tutorial folder. Transfer AddAat2.java, Aat.java and Aaterror.java to the Sun workstation. At the Sun cursor type

darcy>javac AddAat2.java

The result will be three *.class files. Transfer these back to the PC (use binary or BI). Put them into the amlscripts folder.

3. You will also need software on the PC that allows you to run the Java script. Go to www.sun.com and download and install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE enables your computer to run applications and applets that use Java technology. It is currently called Java-VM. After you download and install, open up Arc and type

Arc: &sys java –version (you should get) java version "1.4.2_04" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b04, mixed mode)

4. Open the createstreamnetwork.aml in the amsscripts folder (use Notepad). Look for the call to the AddAat2 java program. Make sure that the path to the class file is correct. I have the AddAat2.class file in the same folder as my amls (amlscripts) which is in my "streams" folder which is my workspace, therefore I modified the line in the createstreamnetwork.aml to look like

&sys java -classpath ../Streams/amlscripts/ AddAat2 %streamnet%

The dem grid (lwdem30) has to be in floating point. To convert from integer to floating point use FLOAT

Make sure your mask is defined as inbasin=1 outside basin=NoData, rather then 1 and 0. Otherwise you will get a stream network for the whole raster. Open the lw_grd and lwdem30 grids in ArcMap and make sure the regions outside the watershed are defined as NODATA.

In arc type: ARC: &workspace C:/DHSVM/Olsen/Streams ARC: Grid Grid: olsen_demf = FLOAT(olsen_dem) Grid: q ARC: &amlpath C:/dhsvm/olsen/Streams/amlscripts

7 ARC: &run createstreamnetwork olsen_demf olsen_grd olsen_soild olsen_streams MASK 200000 0.76 1.5

The last three values are free to be changed to whatever you think is appropriate. They represent the minimum contributing area before a channel begins (225000 m^2 is what Matt usually uses), the minimum soil depth (0.76m is what Matt uses, if you go smaller you will probably have problems later with the channel depth being deeper than the soil thickness). And 1.5m maximum soil depth. The thicker this is the slower the peak response to rain events tends to be. That is a thin layer will have a sharp hydrograph peak, and a thick layer will be more drawn out. This aml will create the soil depth raster, a stream.map.dat and a stream.network.dat files (as well as some other intermediate files, including an arc coverage of the stream network).

When the aml is just about done it will stop and ask if you want to continue—just type yes and return.

To check the coverage, open in arcmap the stream arc-coverage that was created. If the attribute table has a bunch of zeros in the segorder, slope, aspect etc, that means the java script did not run correctly. Those zeros mean that AddAat2 didn't run properly. There will be an error reported as the aml goes by that step, but it doesn't stop so you have to be looking for it. On the screen you want to see the line, "Renoding and running the java script". If it hasn't worked properly this line will be followed by a notice of an exception error. The error statements do not seem to be written to a watch file so look for them on the screen output. For example:

Renoding and running the java script 18 unique nodes built for C:\DHSVM\OLSEN\STREAMS\OLSEN_STREAMS Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: olsen_streams configuring channel classes, hydraulic depths and widths Copyright (C) 1982-2004 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. TABLES 9.0 (Fri Mar 5 16:09:26 PST 2004)

You should delete all the files that were created during the unsuccessful run (use ArcCatalog), otherwise they can complicate things when to try to run it again. As you probably know, ARC is pretty finicky about out overwriting files.

Make sure that the path to the class file is correct. The classpath specified probably needs to be modified to point to wherever you happen to have the file located. Its probably easiest to just hard code a specific path than to try and get ARC to find it using environmental variables.

/*&sys java -classpath C:/dhsvm/olsen/streams/amlscripts/AddAat2 %streamnet%

IF everything looks okay, move on to the assign.class program. After that there is a process_solar aml than will create the Shadow maps and the Skyview map.


Convert all the NoData values in the grids to something that DHSVM recognizes (e.g., 14 = water) and convert the grid to ascii format. For example,

Arc: grid

8 GRID: soil.txt = gridascii(con(isnull(soilgrid),14,soilgrid))


Convert all the grids to ascii and replace no_data values (i.e. -9999) with a value that dhsvm recognizes (e.g., 14 for water and 1 for the soil depth grid). The following grid command converts the file to ascii and replaces the nodata values with 14 (water).

GRID: soil.asc = gridascii(con(isnull(soilgrid),14,soilgrid))

Make sure the values inside the basin in the mask grid are “1” and the nodata (outside the basin) values are “0”. This is necessary for the images to be displayed real time.

After all the grids are converted, ftp them to Horton. Open up the grid files in Horton and remove the 6 lines of header in each file. You have to manually take the header information out of he ascii file before you can convert it to binary.

Now use the myconert (convert C code) to change the files from ascii to float or uchar uchar: mask, landcover, soils float: dem. soildepth

Horton > ./myconvert ascii uchar soils.asci soils.bin 50 100

50 = rows, 100=columns

> dhsvm_convert source_format target_format source_file target_file number_of_rows number_of_column

The converted files are the input grids for DHSVM.

7. REDEFINE THE STREAM MAP AND STREAM NETWORK FILE FTP the stream.map.dat and stream.network.dat files to Horton.Use the“assign”program to reformat the two files for dhsvm. For example: horton>./assign stream.network.dat stream.map.dat olsen_net.dat olsen_map.dat

The last stream file stream.class.dat needs to be created based on your knowledge of the basin. I have attached a sample from Pascal. Use the program assign.class.c the C-code written by Pascal Storck for the Snoqualmie basin This program will post process the stream-map and stream-class files based on his observational data from the Snoqualmie basin. The classes are a reasonable approximation for most of the Cascades.

Transfer assign.class.c, stream.network.dat and stream.map.dat to the Sun workstation. Compile the C code.

darcy> cc –o assign.class assign.class.c

8. CREATE SHADOW MAPS 9 Create a new folder: C:/DHSVM/Whatcom/shadow

Copy the clipped dem (lw_dem) into this folder using ArcCatalog. The solar AML (process_solar) is required here, which will create the Shadow maps and the Skyview map. This file should also be copied into the shadow folder. Process_solar.aml requires 3 “C” files to run. I compiled these using the cygwin compiler on my PC. The compiled files which are make_dhsvm_shade_maps.exe, skyview.exe, and average_shadow.exe. Copy these files into the ‘shadow’ folder along with the cygwin1.dll file (use PC Search).

Run the AML (which takes a while)

ARC: &r process_solar

Type: Arc: &workspace C:/DHSVM/Whatcom/shadow Arc: &amlpath C:/DHSVM/Whatcom/shadow Arc: &r process_solar1 whatcom lw_dem 1 0.0 Arc: quit

The basin name is “whatcom” and the elevation grid is “lw_dem”. The last two numbers represent the model timestep and GMT offset, respectively. Matt Wiley usually uses 0 as the GMT offset, it's a little confusing, in that the time stamp on the model runs is then off by 8 hours, for example the warmest part of the day is at 8:00 pm, but that works better when using daily data with the met record creation programs, and avoids the confusion of daylight savings time, times zones etc.

FTP the all the shadow.*.bin files and the SkyView.bin file to the input folder on Horton.

9. LOCATE THE STREAM GAUGE FOR DHSVM CALIBRATION The stream gage location in DHSVM is based on the location of the end of a stream segment generated in the stream network aml, not the actual location of the gage. Open ArcMap. Drag into a new, empty map: sheddem and the streams arc. Locate the position of the stream gauge using the coordinate indicators in the lower right corner of the screen, or plot the location of the stream gauge using “Tools” and “add X Y data”. The output segment is the segment that terminates the closest to the stream gauge location. Stream discharge is not at a pixel, it is at the end of a selected stream segment. After the stream gauge is located, click on the stream segment nearest the gauge to determine the stream segment ID #. Record the segment number/value. In the stream network file, type SAVE “Olsen” next to the appropriate stream segment.

10. SET INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR DHSVM CALIBRATION 1. Create initial channel state files:

The channel state is the easiest of the state files, because it is not a binary raster. Here's how I do it awk '{print $1, 0.1}' stream-net.dat > Channel.State.10.01.1901.00.00

Horton> awk ‘{print $1, 0.1}’ olsen_net.dat> channel.state.09.30.2003.23.00.00

2. Create model state files

10 I used initialstate.txt that is found in the dshvm tutorial and changed the path, date, and # of rows and columns.

Then: Horton: MakeModelStateBin InitialState.txt

This creates the initial Interception, Snow, and Soil state files for the date that is specified in the initialstate.txt file. The date indicates the beginning of the model simulation.

10. Input file

You will have to add Model Area Data (like that listed below).

To get the lat and long, open ArcMap and add olsen_grd. Right click on layers, properties, general and change display to Decimal Degrees. Then read the lat and long of the center of the watershed.

Coordinate System = UTM # UTM or USER_DEFINED Extreme North = 5413725.000 # Coordinate for northern edge of grid Extreme West = 536665.000 # Coordinate for western edge of grid Center Latitude = 48.77 # Central parallel of basin Center Longitude = -122.30 # Central meridian of basin Time Zone Meridian = -120 # Time zone meridian for area Number of Rows = 1396 # Number of rows Number of Columns = 933 # Number of columns Grid spacing = 30 # Grid resolution in m Point North = # North coordinate for point model Point East = # East coordinate for point model

Alternative- Katie’s Landcover Grid Directions Katie used the USGS National Land Cover Data (1991) and I used C-CAP 2001 data from NOAA (go to step to step 9 for the NOAA data). The raster data file is called wa_wa2000.img

9. USGS National Land Cover Data image was used for the vegetation Grid for DHSVM. Pascal Storck recommended GAP Analysis but too many misclassifications were found in that vegetation coverage.

10. This coverage is downloaded from the site at http://landcover.usgs.gov/ftpdownload.asp This is a classified image based on the 30-meter Landsat thematic mapper data for Washington State.

11. Download the following files

washington_ncld_bin.gz washington_readme.txt flat2Grid.txt

12. Unzip the *.gz file. It will expand to a *.bin. Rename the .bin extension to *.bil. Arc will recognize the bil extension, not the bin.

13. The flat2Grid.txt is a text file that explains how to convert the *.bil file to a Grid.

11 14. The flat2Grid.txt file will tell you to create a *.hdr file. The constructed .hdr file looks like this for Washington state and has the exact name as the .bil file (Washington_NCLD_flat_032200.hdr) BYTEORDER M LAYOUT BIL NROWS 14795 NCOLS 19975 NBANDS 1 NBITS 8 SKIPBYTES 0 ULXMAP -2144460 ULYMAP 3177720 XDIM 30 YDIM 30 15. Next use Arc/Info used to create a Grid from the image

Arc: IMAGEGRID washington_NLCD_flat_032200.bil wa_lc

16. The next step is to define the projection as noted in the text file. This is an Arc command. The list of inputs for the projection is in the aml file.

Arc: projectdefine grid wa_lc

a) ‘Project: projection albers equal area’ b) ‘Project: datum NAD 83’ c) ‘Project: Spheroid GRS80’ d) ‘Project: units meters’ e) ‘Project: parameters’ f) ‘First parallel: 29 30 0.00’ g) ‘Second parallel 45 30 0.00’ h) ‘Central Meridian -96 0 0.00’ i) ‘Latitude of origin 23 0 0.00’ j) ‘False Easting 0’ k) ‘False Northing 0’

12 You can get this info by opening up Arc and using the Describe function

Arc: &workspace c:/dhsvm/anderson

Arc: describe anderws_soils Description of Grid anderws_soils

Cell Size = 30.000 Data Type: Integer Number of Rows = 470 Number of Values = 4 Number of Columns = 618 Attribute Data (bytes) = 8


Xmin = 545945.000 Minimum Value = 4.000 Xmax = 564485.000 Maximum Value = 17.000 Ymin = 5385735.000 Mean = 6.212 Ymax = 5399835.000 Standard Deviation = 2.277


Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum NAD27 Units METERS Spheroid CLARKE1866 Parameters:

So it sounds like you have a running model. How's it working? If you are interested I have a couple of little shell scripts that use awk and GMT to convert the Streamflow.Only file into a nice plot, it even makes jpegs if you have ImageMagik. It's much easier than porting all the output into excel.


11. RUN THE MODEL From the mfork directory (horton/carrie/dhsvm/mfork>) horton> DHSVM input.mfork

Post Processing

Dump a map Use myconvert to convert the float (map.bin) to ascii Add the header and convert the nodata values (0) to -9999 ncols 312 nrows 287 xllcorner 545855 yllcorner 5399725 cellsize 30 NODATA_value -9999

13 ftp the ascii file to the pc and use the asciigrid command to convert it to a grid (float)


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