Visions Basic Pace and Chapter(S)

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Visions Basic Pace and Chapter(S)

2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

2.01: Respond to informational materials Build Vocabulary/ Letters and that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Sounds/ Spoken Expression/ Making connections to related topics and Generate Questions/ Monitor information; Generating questions; Comprehension Monitoring comprehension; Determining the importance of information; Making Textbook: Chapter A inferences; Summarizing information Pgs. 4-7, 11-13 At School 1.02: Explore expressive materials that are Activity Book: Textbook pages 2-13 read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a Pgs. 3, 7, 8 learning log or journal Activity Book pages 1-8 5.01: Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and Chapter B comprehensive reading program by: Reading Generate and Respond to Questions/ literature and other materials; Analyzing the Poetry In the Classroom effects of such elements as plot, theme, point Textbook pages 14-27 of view, characterization, mood, tone, and Textbook: style; Analyzing theme and central ideas Activity Book pages 9-16 Pgs. 14-19, 22-26 5.02: Study the characteristics of literary Activity Book: genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and Pgs. 9, 11-12, 14-16 drama) through: Reading a variety of literature and other texts (e.g. mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, lyric poems)

2.01: Respond to informational materials Significant Details that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Textbook: Making connections to related topics and Pgs. 28-33, 37-38 information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the Activity Book: importance of information; Making Pgs. 17, 19, 21-24 inferences; Summarizing information 1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal Chapter C Classmates Textbook pages 28-39 Activity Book pages 17-24

CMS ESL Student Education 1 4/3/2018 2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

2.01: Respond to informational materials Make Connections/ Monitor that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Comprehension/ Significant Details Making connections to related topics and Textbook: information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the Pgs. 40-45, 49-50 importance of information; Making Activity Book: inferences; Summarizing information Pgs. 25, 27-28, 30-32 1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal Chapter D Around the School Textbook pages 40-51 Activity Book pages 25-32

2.01: Respond to informational materials Informational Text/ Details/ that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: Chronological Order Making connections to related topics and Textbook: information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the Pgs. 52-61, 63-65 importance of information; Making Activity Book: inferences; Summarizing information Pgs. 33-35, 37-40 1.02: Explore expressive materials that are Ch. 1 Vignette, “First Day of read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a School” learning log or journal Chapter 1 In the School Office Textbook pages 52-65 Activity Book pages 33-40

CMS ESL Student Education 2 4/3/2018 2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

5.01, 5.02: Study the characteristics of Autobiography/ Poetry/ Compare/ literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, Contrast and drama) through: Reading a variety of Textbook: literature and other texts (e.g. mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, Pgs. 66-73, 77-79 newspapers, skits, lyric poems); Analyzing P.78- Compare/Contrast: Chapter 2 what impact literary elements have on the Change the activity to About My Family meaning of the text such as the influence of discuss two family setting on the problem and its resolution Textbook pages 66-79 members. 2.02: Develop informational products Activity Book pages 41-48 and/or presentations that use and cite at least Activity Book: And three print or non-print sources by: Pgs. 41-43, 45-48 Identifying and using appropriate primary and Chapter 10 Chapter 2 Vignette, “Here is My secondary sources; Comparing, contrasting, Family” Feelings and evaluating information from different sources on the same topic; Evaluate Textbook pages 178-191 information for extraneous details, Compare/ Contrast/ Poetry/ Diary Activity Book pages 105-112 inconsistencies, relevant facts, and Textbook: organization Pgs. 178-181, 183-187, 189-191 6.01: Model and understanding of conventional written and spoken expression Activity Book: by: extending vocabulary knowledge by Pgs. 105-107, 109-112 learning and using new words. Chapter 10 Vignette, “Joel’s Senior 6.02:Continue to identify and edit errors in Yearbook” spoken and written English by: listening to and monitoring self to correct errors. 5.02, 5.01, 2.01 Poetry/ Time Order/ Author’s 4.01: Analyze the purpose of the Purpose author or creator by: Examining any Textbook: bias, apparent or hidden messages, Pgs. 80-89, 91-93 emotional factors, or propaganda Activity Book: techniques; Exploring and evaluating the Pgs. 49-51, 53-56 underlying assumptions of the author/creator Chapter 3 Vignette, “After School Work”

Chapter 3 After School Textbook pages 80-93 Activity Book pages 49-56

CMS ESL Student Education 3 4/3/2018 2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

5.02: Study the characteristics of Vignette/ Compare/ Contrast/ literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, Graphic Aids poetry, and drama) through: Reading a Textbook: variety of literature and other texts (e.g. Pgs. 94-103, 105-107 mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, Activity Book: lyric poems); Analyzing what impact Pgs. 57-59, 61-64 literary elements have on the meaning of Chapter 4 Vignette, “Teenagers in the text such as the influence of setting the Morning” Chapter 4 on the problem and its resolution Home 2.01: Respond to informational materials that are read, heard, and/or Textbook pages 94-107 viewed by: Making connections to Activity Book pages 57-64 related topics and information; Generating questions; Monitoring comprehension; Determining the importance of information; Making inferences; Summarizing information 1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal

5.01, 5.02:Study the characteristics Poetry/ Newspaper Article/ Details/ of literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, Questions/ Graphic Aids poetry, and drama) through: Reading a Textbook: variety of literature and other texts (e.g. Pgs. 108-117, 119-121 mysteries, novels, science fiction, historical documents, newspapers, skits, Activity Book: lyric poems); Analyzing what impact Pgs. 65-67, 69, 71 literary elements have on the meaning of Chapter 5 Vignette, “Saturday the text such as the influence of setting Afternoon” on the problem and its resolution 2.01: Respond to informational Chapter 5 materials that are read, heard, and/or The Community viewed by: Making connections to related topics and information; Textbook pages 108-121 Generating questions; Monitoring Activity Book pages 65-72 comprehension; Determining the importance of information; Making inferences; Summarizing information 1.02: Explore expressive materials that are read, heard, and viewed by: Generating a learning log or journal

CMS ESL Student Education 4 4/3/2018 2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

3.01: Explore and analyze Poetry/ Author’s Purpose/ argumentative works that are read, Informational Text/ Graphic Aids/ heard, and/or viewed by: Identifying the Criteria to Make Judgments/ Recipe arguments and positions stated or Textbook: implied and the evidence used to support Pgs. 122-131, 133-135 them; Recognizing bias, emotional factors, and/or semantic slanting; Activity Book: Examine the effectiveness of style, tone, Pgs. 73-77, 79-80 and use of language; Summarizing the Chapter 6 Vignette, “Friends at Chapter 6 author’s purpose and stance; Drawing Lunch” Food Inferences Textbook pages 122-135 Activity Book pages 73-80

5.01, 5.02, 3.01: Explore and Myth/ Summarize/ Order of Events/ analyze argumentative works that are Opinion/ Making and Supporting read, heard, and/or viewed by: Judgments/ Argumentative Identifying the arguments and positions Works/Main Idea/ Details stated or implied and the evidence used Textbook: to support them; Recognizing bias, emotional factors, and/or semantic Pgs. 136-145, 147-149 slanting; Examine the effectiveness of Activity Book: style, tone, and use of language; Pgs. 81-88 Summarizing the author’s purpose and Chapter 7 Vignette, “Working at the stance Chapter 7 Supermarket” Money Textbook pages 136-149 Activity Book pages 81-88

CMS ESL Student Education 5 4/3/2018 2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

2.01, 4.01, 3.02:Explore and Poetry/ Graphic Aids/ Sequence of analyze the problem-solution process by: Events/ Details Studying the problems and solutions Textbook: within the various texts and situations Pgs. 150-157, 161-162 Pg. 162-Have the class identify a problem in their school, and select a community member to Chapter 8 come and speak about Jobs the issue/ ways to solve the problem. Then write Textbook pages 151-163 the letter. Activity Book pages 89-96 Activity Book: Pgs. 89-91, 93, 95-96 Chapter 8 Vignette, “Career Day at School”

2.01,2.02: Develop informational Research Presentation/ Poetry/ products and/or presentations that use Autobiography/ Biography/ and cite at least three print or non-print Sequence/ Details/ Support sources by: Identifying and using Textbook: appropriate primary and secondary Pgs. 164-167, 169-173, 175-177 sources; Comparing, contrasting, and evaluating information from different Activity Book: sources on the same topic; Evaluate Pgs. 97-99, 101-104 information for extraneous details, Chapter 9 Vignette, “Holiday inconsistencies, relevant facts, and Scrapbook” organization Chapter 9 Holidays Textbook pages 164-177 Activity Book pages 97-104

CMS ESL Student Education 6 4/3/2018 2010-2011 12 Week Visions Basic ESL Pacing and Alignment Guide

Quarter 1

Visions Basic Pace and LA Objective Textbook and Activity Chapter(s) Book Activities

5.01, 5.02, 6.01: Model an Poetry/Friendly Letter/Keeping and understanding of conventional written Organizing a Diary/Drama and spoken expression by extending Presentation vocabulary knowledge by learning and Textbook: Pgs. 179-185, 186- using new words; Increase fluency, 187, 190-191 comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy Activity Book: Pgs. 105-108, program by: analyzing themes and 109-110, 111-112 Chapter 10 central ideas in literature and other texts Feelings in relation to personal issues/experiences; Study the Textbook pages 178-191 characteristics of literary genres by Activity Book pages 105-112 reading a variety of literature and other texts (poetry).

CMS ESL Student Education 7 4/3/2018

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