CS-214 Position Description Form s15
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CS-214 1. Position Code REV 8/2007 WILDTCHE State of Michigan Civil Service Commission Capitol Commons Center, P.O. Box 30002 Lansing, MI 48909 Federal privacy laws and/or state confidentiality requirements protect POSITION DESCRIPTION a portion of this information.
This form is to be completed by the person that occupies the position being described and reviewed by the supervisor and appointing authority to ensure its accuracy. It is important that each of the parties sign and date the form. If the position is vacant, the supervisor and appointing authority should complete the form.
This form will serve as the official classification document of record for this position. Please take the time to complete this form as accurately as you can since the information in this form is used to determine the proper classification of the position. THE SUPERVISOR AND/OR APPOINTING AUTHORITY SHOULD COMPLETE THIS PAGE.
2. Employee’s Name (Last, First, M.I.) 8. Department/Agency
3. Employee Identification Number 9. Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission)
4. Civil Service Classification of Position 10. Division
5. Working Title of Position (What the agency titles the 11. Section position) BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES SECTION WILDLIFE RESEARCH TECHNICIAN
6. Name and Classification of Direct Supervisor 12. Unit
7. Name and Classification of Next Higher Level Supervisor 13. Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work
14. General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position The purpose of this position is to assist in conducting Division’s wildlife research and management projects in collaboration with and under the direction from Wildlife Research Specialists. These research projects may be large in geographic scope, crossing management and ecoregion boundaries. The employee’s duties include data compilation, data management, data summary, field data collection, and maintenance of research equipment. The employee regularly uses advanced technologies such as global positioning systems and geographic information systems as research tools.
For Civil Service Use Only
15. Please describe your assigned duties, percent of time spent performing each duty, and explain what is done Page 1 to complete each duty. List your duties in the order of importance, from most important to least important. The total percentage of all duties performed must equal 100 percent. Duty 1 General Summary of Duty 1 % of Time 35 Assist Wildlife Research Biologists in the collection, maintenance, and synthesis of research project and management data.
Individual tasks related to the duty. Assist in all aspects of data handling, maintenance, and synthesis. Manually enter data into databases and spreadsheets. Inspect data sheets from various personnel for completeness, accuracy, and legibility. Maintain duplicate hardcopy and digital files of data records. Convert files for input into specialized analysis software. Conduct and document quality control checks to ensure accurate data entry. Carry out routine statistical analyses under the direction of wildlife research specialists. Produce annual summaries of data, including tables, graphs, and narratives for review and use by wildlife research and management specialists. Conduct literature reviews and produce summaries and bibliographies. Produce slides for presentations of research results.
Duty 2 General Summary of Duty 2 % of Time 30 Assist with collection of field data during wildlife research projects and field surveys.
Individual tasks related to the duty. Assist in coordinating and conducting aerial surveys, other field surveys, questionnaire surveys and interviews. Assist in wildlife capture and monitoring. Assist with habitat treatments associated with research and evaluation projects. Collect, maintain, and manage biological samples. Collect global positioning system point, polygon, and line data. Ensure data collection and handling protocols are followed.
Page 2 Duty 3 General Summary of Duty 3 % of Time 15 Assist Wildlife Research and Management specialists in using geographic information system and global position system technologies as tools for research. Individual tasks related to the duty. Produce custom maps to aid in collection of field data and to display research results. Convert geographically referenced data into geographic information system coverages. Acquire and re-project geographic data from other agencies/organizations. Summarize spatial data along various geographic boundaries Convert global positioning system files to geographic information system coverages. Conduct and document quality control checks to ensure accurate data entry. Summarize meta-data for each coverage created.
Duty 4 General Summary of Duty 4 % of Time 15 Assist the Wildlife Division with public correspondence and wildlife harvest data collection, and attend training as needed.
Individual tasks related to the duty. Answer routine questions from the public regarding wildlife, wildlife habitat, and hunting regulations. Answer routine questions from the media regarding wildlife and hunting. Coordinate responses to external researcher requests requiring data use and sharing agreements. Investigate opportunities for external grants and advise researchers of application deadlines and procedures. Check harvested deer, bears, and furbearers. Attempt to validate unique wildlife species sightings when necessary. Attend professional developmental training as required. Attend training related to the restoration, protection and management of our natural resources via ecosystem management as required. Maintain personal safety exceptions as necessary for operation of firearms and wildlife capture equipment.
Page 3 Duty 5 General Summary of Duty 5 % of Time 5 Maintain an adequate inventory of supplies and equipment to meet objectives of ongoing research projects. Maintain research equipment. Individual tasks related to the duty. Prepare and monitor current inventory of supplies and equipment for each research project. Seasonally determine supply and equipment needs of various personnel and research projects. Order necessary equipment and supplies. Maintain equipment, supplies, and research vehicles. Investigate relevancy and procure specialized equipment for researchers and field managers. Adhere to all procurement rules and regulations.
Duty 6 General Summary of Duty 6 % of Time
Individual tasks related to the duty.
Page 4 16. Describe the types of decisions you make independently in your position and tell who and/or what is affected by those decisions. Use additional sheets, if necessary. Routine decisions in the course of data collection and compilation. Health, safety, and emergency matters in the field. Purchase of small items.
17. Describe the types of decisions that require your supervisor’s review. Changes in data collection or handling protocols. Changes in timing of data collection. Purchasing of expensive pieces of equipment or equipment repairs.
18. What kind of physical effort do you use in your position? What environmental conditions are you physically exposed to in your position? Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each activity and condition. Refer to instructions on page 2. Frequently spend long periods of time working on a computer. Frequently walk on uneven terrain sometimes carrying equipment and biological samples. Periodically bend, crouch, and kneel to capture and process wildlife. Potentially fly in fixed-wing planes and helicopters. Frequently exposed to cold and wet conditions. Periodically use snowmobiles and ATVs, and walk long distances on snowshoes.
This position requires travel throughout the state which may include overnight travel. Travel may include the use of vehicles with a GVW between 10,001 and 26,000 pounds. There is potential for occasional after hours work activities.
19. List the names and classification titles of classified employees whom you immediately supervise or oversee on a full-time, on-going basis. (If more than 10, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classification.)
20. My responsibility for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply):
Complete and sign service ratings. Assign work. Provide formal written counseling. Approve work. Approve leave requests. Review work. Approve time and attendance. Provide guidance on work methods. Orally reprimand. Train employees in the work.
21. I certify that the above answers are my own and are accurate and complete.
Signature Date
NOTE: Make a copy of this form for your records.
Page 5 TO BE COMPLETED BY DIRECT SUPERVISOR 22. Do you agree with the responses from the employee for Items 1 through 20? If not, which items do you disagree with and why? Not Applicable.
23. What are the essential duties of this position? This position is responsible for assisting with data collection, compilation and maintenance, and entering data into spreadsheets and databases. Much of the information is converted to geographic information system coverages for analysis and display. This position is also responsible for collecting field data as part of Wildlife Division’s research and management projects. Data collection methods are diverse, for example: global positioning system locations, implementing questionnaires and interviews, wildlife capture and tagging, and radio-telemetry.
24. Indicate specifically how the position’s duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed. The position is being reset from the senior level to Wildlife Technician E to fill this vacancy. Consequently, those duties related to the senior level have been removed.
25. What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function? The function of the research unit is to provide new information to resource planners and managers. This position serves the vital function of field data collection, compilation, and summary – essential components of wildlife research.
Page 6 26. In your opinion, what are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position.
EDUCATION: Possession of an associate’s degree in wildlife biology, wildlife technology, wildlife management or agriculture. EXPERIENCE: Wildlife Technician 8: No specific type or amount is required. Wildlife Technician 9: One year of experience performing technical wildlife management support activities, equivalent to a Wildlife Technician 8. Wildlife Technician E 10: Two years of experience performing technical wildlife management support activities equivalent to a Wildlife Technician, including one year equivalent to a Wildlife Technician 9. Alternate Education & Experience: Wildlife Technician E10: Possession of a bachelor’s degree or higher with 16 semester (24 term) credits in job specific or related course work may be substituted for the education and experience requirements.
KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Working knowledge of spreadsheet and database software, and geographic information systems. Working knowledge of global positioning systems. Understanding of scientific data collection methods. Ability to keep accurate field records. Working knowledge of animal capture and handling procedures. Knowledge and ability to use a state-owned firearm and capture equipment on approved assignments. Must be willing to take DNR firearm training and use a State-owned firearm for the collection of biological samples for wildlife health monitoring and research, contaminant monitoring, and euthanasia of injured or sick wildlife as assigned.
CERTIFICATES, LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS: Driver’s License DOT Health Card (Medical Card) that certifies the employee is medically qualified under state and/or federal standards to operate a commercial motor vehicle (gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating, gross vehicle weight, or gross combination weight of 10,001 to 26,000 lbs.) may be required. NOTE: Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position. 27. I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.
Supervisor’s Signature Date TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPOINTING AUTHORITY 28. Indicate any exceptions or additions to the statements of the employee(s) or supervisor.
29. I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete.
Appointing Authority’s Signature Date
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