To: District Commissioners / Assistant District Commissioners / Nominee
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HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
To: District Commissioners / Assistant District Commissioners / Nominee (for action) From: Les Farrington (Yeti) Organiser of the Emlyn Trophy Subject: Emlyn Trophy
The information contained within this letter is designed to help you with your District planning and the organisation of your District Eliminator (if one is held). If you need any help or advice with your Eliminator, please do not hesitate to contact Yeti on the above number.
Entries must be received by 15th July using the attached entry form.
Final Instructions
Final detailed instructions will be sent direct to each Patrol Leader entering the County Competition. Copies will also be sent to Scout Leaders, District Commissioners and the County Team.
Preliminary Details
Date: Friday 30th September to Sunday 2nd October 2016.
Venue: Lyons Copse, Sandy Lane, Shedfield, Wickham.
Map Ref.: Explorer Map 119 – 549142.
Theme: A weekend Patrol Standing Camp with a series of inter-patrol challenges.
Programme: The patrol must devise and run their own programme for the weekend to be based on the Scout Training Scheme. This must be coordinated with the set times on the Emlyn Timetable.
Equipment: The equipment brought must be adequate and suitable for a Patrol weekend standing camp. This must include gas appliances, axes and saws, and that the patrol members are adequately trained to use them.
Tents: Sleeping tents may be of any type, but a maximum of three are permitted. A separate tent is needed for storage and must be large enough for all food
1 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
and equipment whilst not in use, and must allow sufficient ventilation. Boy and Girl Scouts must have separate tentage for sleeping in.
Altar Fires: Patrols must bring their own altar fires (no ground fires). The fire must be of a firm and stable construction and must not exceed 70 cm in height (from ground to grill). If dexion is to be used, only properly constructed heavy weight dexion is acceptable. If in doubt, do not use. All altar fires must be put out before going to the Saturday evening camp fire.
Wood: The site has limited wood. Any wood not used must be removed by each patrol to the wood pile before departure.
Waste: Wet pits must not be dug (surface drains only). Rubbish disposal will be available. Patrols must supply their own rubbish sacks.
Gadgets: All gadgets must be made on site. Gadget wood may be brought to site already cut to size. Traditional Scouting pioneering techniques must be used, not home DIY methods.
Sheath Knives: Sheath knives are permitted on camp, but must conform to the law (i.e. must not be longer than 7 cm). They must be used properly at all times and sheathed when not in use. Misuse will see them confiscated until the end of the camp and returned to your Scout Leader. It is strongly advised that clasp knives are brought and used in preference to sheath knives. Axe and Saws: Axes and saws must have appropriate covers. At least one member of the patrol should have adequate experience and knowledge of the safety aspects. Camping Fee: The entry fee of £60.00 per patrol must be returned with the application form (only cheques from districts, groups or troops please).
Trophies: Trophies will be awarded to the highest place for:-
Overall Patrol - Emlyn Trophy Runner Up Trophy - Nicholas Gibbons Trophy Trophy for District that has not attended for three years - Best Newcomer Trophy Highest Points for the Cooking (if applicable) of Saturday Dinner and Sunday Breakfast - Camp Cook Trophy
2 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
Highest combined points for all Four Challenges - Special Challenge Trophy
Also one trophy for each of the four Challenges will be awarded.
General Rules
1. Patrols and their make up
The County Emlyn Competition is designed as a Patrol Standing Camp for patrols whose average age is 13 years.
Each District may enter up to three patrols. The A team (the district’s eliminator winners) will gain automatic entry to the main County Competition. If less than 27 A teams enter, the B teams will be added to the competition. If necessary a draw will be made to select the B teams. If there is still a short fall with both the A and B teams in the competition, the draw process will occur with the entered C teams.
The County Emlyn Trophy ONLY offer a maximum of three spaces for entries per District. However if following the closing date for team entries, it is found there is space for further participants, Districts who have three teams already admitted will be contacted to establish if they wish to enter a fourth team. This will only take place if there is adequate space to admit a fourth team from all Districts who already have three teams participating.
The total age of the patrol in whole years must not be more than: 78 years if six in the patrol. 65 years if five in the patrol. 52 years if four in the patrol. For further clarification of these points please contact Yeti on 07795 535344.
2. Scouts must not be older than 14 years 6 months on the Sunday of the competition.
3. If a member of the Patrol is unable to attend, please contact Yeti regarding the use of a substitute. The Patrol must still meet the criteria of rules 1 and 2.
4. Each Patrol must hand in a copy of their menu, the completed equipment safety checklist (signed by Patrol Leader and Scout Leader), permission to camp forms (one for each Scout) on arrival. The Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast will be checked against the menu and points awarded for preparing the meal as intended.
5. No vehicles will be allowed onto the camping field, they must be parked in accordance with instructions given by the camp staff. This is to ensure the safety of the Scouts on the camping area.
3 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
6. Adults may assist the Patrol in transporting equipment to their allotted site on arrival, but must be clear of the site before the Patrol is given permission to set up camp.
7. All visitors are to report to the Camp Staff before entering the competition area at all times over the weekend.
8. On Sunday all visitors are to remain clear of the competition camp areas. Senior members of the camp staff will inform visitors when they may enter the competition area to assist with transporting equipment. No vehicles will be allowed onto the site. No entry to the competition area will be permitted before 14:30.
9. The presentation is scheduled to start at 15.00 on the Sunday and will last approximately 1 hour.
10.Patrol campsites will be approximately 20 metres x 14 metres.
11.Frozen Food - in the interests of health, food that has been frozen must not be brought to the camp.
12. All food must be prepared on site (e.g. no pre-cut vegetables).
13. Alcohol – must not be brought onto site, even as a cooking ingredient.
14. Any serious misdemeanours will result in patrols being asked to leave the campsite and your District being informed.
Areas to be Judged a) Setting Up – teamwork, leadership etc. b) Conduct - prompt arrival at flag break and PL’s meetings, sites safe and tidy overnight. c) Site – layout, safety and general impression, progress with setting up the whole site (Saturday morning) and taking down altar fires and wood piles (Sunday morning). d) Tents – quality of pitching, suitability for use, used as intended (ventilated, brailed etc.). e) Storage – kitchen equipment, food, personal kit and camping equipment f) Meals – (Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast) preparation, hygiene, cooking, quality and quantity. g) Final inspection – a check on whether the site has been left as it was found, and a uniform inspection.
4 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
On arrival, each Patrol will be issued with a list of optional own-time activities, which will be worth bonus points counting towards the main competition. These can be completed any time throughout the weekend. When ready to have one of the optional activities marked, one member of the Patrol should come to the own-time activities judge(s) (some activities can be brought to the judges, others might require a judge to come to your site). You can complete as many of the optional activities as you like at any time throughout the weekend, but you only get one opportunity to try each one, and they will only be marked if you come to request a judge to do so. All the activities will be related to traditional Scout camping skills.
Notes on the Time Table
1. The (*) asterisk indicates items to be judged.
2. Saturday dinner will be the main meal and should be three courses. The menu for this meal is to be of the Patrol’s own choosing, using fresh food and can only be cooked on an open fire. Points will be awarded for the fire, food preparation and cooking.
3. Sunday breakfast will be judged on the way of preparation, cooking, cleaning of kitchen areas and of course the washing-up. These can be cooked on either gas or open fire.
4. Actual judging times may vary slightly from those indicated on the timetable. Such changes will be communicated to patrol during the weekend.
Yours in Scouting
Les Farrington / Yeti
5 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected] COUNTY EMLYN TROPHY
17.00 – 20.00 * Arrive - The whole Patrol is to report to Lyons Lodge to obtain their site number and to hand in their menu, equipment safety checklist and permission to camp forms. Please ensure all members of your patrol are present before reporting in. On obtaining your site number you may unload your equipment. After equipment is unloaded all helpers are to clear the site. You may then set up your camp site.
20.00 Patrol Leaders briefing in Lyons Lodge.
23.00 Lights out.
07.00 Wake, rise and wash. Breakfast and site development.
10.00 Flag break and prayers – uniform tops.
13.00 Lunch.
14.00* Special Challenge Trophy. to 16.00
16.00* Fire and dinner preparation. to 18.00
18.00* Dinner
19.05 to 20.00 - Patrol Leaders Forum. - Assistant Patrol Leader to take control of the patrol
20.30 Camp fire (all altar fires to be put out before attending). Supper (supplied by Camp Cook House, please bring a mug).
6 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
22.30 Return to Camp areas.
22:50* Night Time inspection
23.00 Lights out.
07.00 Wake, rise and wash.
08.00* Breakfast.
09.30 Flag break – uniform tops. Scouts own.
10.00* Challenge Trophy to 11.00
12.30 Lunch and strike camp.
14.15* Final site inspection - kit to be packed and stacked neatly off the site. The site then has to be clean.
15.00 to 16.00 Presentation Ceremony.
16.00 Patrols and others to leave site, immediately. (not camp staff)
The * asterisk indicates the items to be judged.
7 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected] COUNTY EMLYN TROPHY 2016
The Special Challenges will take place on Saturday between 14.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs, and Sunday between 10.00 hrs and 11.00 hrs.
The four challenges are
Cooking for the Impaired
Water Transportation
Physical Exercise
Each challenge will be judged on team work, leadership, and basic Scout knowledge.
During or before Saturday’s flag break, specific timings will be issued to each Patrol Leader for their Patrols participation in each of the challenges.
All Patrol members will take part in the challenges.
Next year’s Special Challenge Trophy
Those Patrol Leaders who take part this year will be asked for ideas for the next year’s challenges. Perhaps you would like to give it some thought and come up with a suggestion, to be discussed at the Patrol Leaders forum on the Saturday evening.
8 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected]
Please complete and return to 'The Yeti' along with the entry fee (cheques payable to Hampshire County Scout Council – Emlyn ). District, Group or Troop cheques only - not personal ones.
District : ...... Will be entering the County Emlyn Trophy
Troop : ......
Patrol Name : ......
Patrol Leaders Name : ......
Patrol Leaders Address : ......
Post Code : ...... Patrol Leader Telephone Number : ......
E-mail contact for the Patrol Leader : …………………………………………………………… (e-mail must be for over 18)
E-mail contact for the Scout Leader : ……………………………………………………………
I enclose a cheque for the entry fee to the County Emlyn Trophy Competition.
Signed : ...... Date : ...... A.D.C. (Scouts) / D.C. ------COUNTY USE ONLY
Date Received : ...... Paid : Yes / No
Cheque Number : ...... ….
Send this form to: 'The Yeti', 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE.
9 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected] COUNTY EMLYN TROPHY 2016 ENTRY FORM – Team B
Please complete and return to 'The Yeti' along with the entry fee (cheques payable to Hampshire County Scout Council – Emlyn ). District, Group or Troop cheques only - not personal ones.
District : ...... Will be entering the County Emlyn Trophy
Troop : ......
Patrol Name : ......
Patrol Leaders Name : ......
Patrol Leaders Address : ......
Post Code : ...... Patrol Leader Telephone Number : ......
E-mail contact for the Patrol Leader : …………………………………………………………… (e-mail must be for over 18)
E-mail contact for the Scout Leader : ……………………………………………………………
I enclose a cheque for the entry fee to the County Emlyn Trophy Competition.
Signed : ...... Date : ...... A.D.C. (Scouts) / D.C. ------COUNTY USE ONLY
Date Received : ...... Paid : Yes / No
Cheque Number : ...... ….
Send this form to: 'The Yeti', 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE.
10 HAMPSHIRE COUNTY SCOUT COUNCIL County Advisor – Field Support (Camping) Les Farrington 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE Tel: 07795 535344 [email protected] COUNTY EMLYN TROPHY 2016 ENTRY FORM – Team C
Please complete and return to 'The Yeti' along with the entry fee (cheques payable to Hampshire County Scout Council – Emlyn ). District, Group or Troop cheques only - not personal ones.
District : ...... Will be entering the County Emlyn Trophy
Troop : ......
Patrol Name : ......
Patrol Leaders Name : ......
Patrol Leaders Address : ......
Post Code : ...... Patrol Leader Telephone Number : ......
E-mail contact for the Patrol Leader : …………………………………………………………… (e-mail must be for over 18)
E-mail contact for the Scout Leader : ……………………………………………………………
I enclose a cheque for the entry fee to the County Emlyn Trophy Competition.
Signed : ...... Date : ...... A.D.C. (Scouts) / D.C. ------COUNTY USE ONLY
Date Received : ...... Paid : Yes / No
Cheque Number : ...... ….
Send this form to: 'The Yeti', 109 Leesland Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3NE.