Matters Arising Summary
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Meeting Minutes
Meeting: BSHP Executive Board Meeting Meeting date: 29 September 2015 At: Trident, Holliday Street, Birmingham Present: Jonathan Driffill (Chair) Friendship Care and Housing Peter Richmond CVCHA Michelle Pierce (admin) NHF Sue Murray Bromford Lucy Hales Nehemiah Ann-Marie Powell BCC Martin O’Neill BCC Annette Homer BVT Tony Clarke Trident Apologies: Jean Templeton St Basils Martyn Hale WM Housing group Amanda Nicholls Accord Group David Taylor Midland Heart Christine Seaton HCA
Minute Action No 1. Welcome, introductions and apologies Jonathan welcomed everyone to the meeting and listed apologies received.
2. Minutes of last meeting Minutes accepted with one amendment to be made.
3. Chair’s Report chairs items – no report, verbal update as follows:
Big Lottery have been in touch to with JD and as a result of conversations will be attending the next Executive meeting in November to present, with the possibility of attending a lunch time briefing in 2016.
Child Poverty Commission – JD spoke to the group about Children in poverty and the involvement / impact that Birmingham HA’s have and circulated the housing offer that was sent last week. Discussions have been held at BCC with Rob James and Cllr Cotton re the launch of the housing offer (as per documents circulated last week) with a focus on the local, multi agency approach being replicated to include a wider repertoire of agencies. Changes are due in the housing budget with the LA needing to re-prioritise and therefore looking to do a launch in Nov 15’ – any comments to go to JD ASAP in order that he can feed back to Rob James in a timely manner. AMP supported the view that this was a genuine, detailed and well thought out offer to work collaboratively, to achieve positive outcomes, across all orgs and Birmingham Social Housing Partnership c/o National Housing Federation, 4th Floor, 101 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6PU Tel: 0117 9297388
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internal directorates.
JD then tabled a document on sustainable drainage systems which he will send to MP for electronic circulation. Please note the requirements and disseminate as appropriate in your organisations.
4. Treasurer’s Report MP to PR has appointed one of his team to support treasury – Luke and Joy liaising re chase & handover, banking papers signed – PR has these and will aim to update on PR to position at next Exec. update
5. BSHP Delivery Plan The plan (item 5) was distributed prior to the meeting was discussed point by point for each of the following areas: Homelessness and housing need Housing Supply and regeneration Financial inclusion Employment and skills Health care and support.
Points to note were:
H&HN – no meeting has happened since the last update.
Regeneration – PR updated on groups – all running as expected, and also a focus on ASB, behaviours and work being done by RPs to define this and tackle issues – also on the update was given on housing growth and interactions between BCC and the Exec.
FI – JD gave an update covering WRSG and also
E&S – No meeting has happened since the previous update
Health – LH advised the executive on a new health & housing RIG group set up by NHF and also the involvement of key stakeholders in these meetings and also of work that KPMG have done on behalf of the City to look at Housing with Care.
6. Peter Carter – Policy in Practice
Peter attended the executive and gave a demo of the calculator / toolkit that his org provides. Discussed at length the merits of using this tool rather than others on the open market, alongside the need for specialist advisers within organisations to review it. AP – each org to nominate someone to test and to let AN have the details of these. Exec thanked Peter for his time.
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7. HCA Update CS provided a presentation which MP circulated to the Exec and also was viewed on the day.
8. BCC Housing Update AMP spoke about the allocations scheme, advising of a meeting with Councillor Cotton next week to discuss this matter.
The policy will come into effect from March 2016 and the BCC legal team have confirmed that the previous scheme will cease the day prior to the new one being launched so that there is no overlap , nor any loss encountered.
AMP advised that she is leaving the council very shortly and that Mike Walsh will be assuming her responsibilities. The Exec wished AMP well.
9. BCC Benefits Update MON advised that the team is quiet and still hitting 1 wk TAT.
DHP -1 million left until December at which point the team will look for top up from BCC, there will be a review of DHP from 2016 onwards and the spend will need to be reviewed due to changes in fund allocations – the future position and effects of this are not yet clear.
Risk based verification system is due to be changed shortly with the current system not being fit for purpose. Project group have sourced a replacement system which will allow working in real time and request items instantly, giving a much more proactive approach. Operational staff will be given the chance to learn about the changes involved with the new system and to trial it online – going forward the aim is to be totally on line and paperless.
10. Web Update Go live date of 5 Oct provided by class creative – MP to let exec have final confirmation of go live info.
11. Abi Davies – Minerva Knowledge Abi gave an overview of her work and report – which will go to the exec ASAP. Decision was made to hold a special hour long pre-meet on 17 Nov to undergo a discussion / review and decide on next steps. MP to arrange venue extension on times and send documents.
12. AOB
JD advised the executive that Afzal Hussain was interested in joining the exec, taking a co-opted role previously held by Helen Marson. This was agreed by all present and MP will make arrangements for AH to join future meetings.
Application received from Prospect Housing – group discussed and reviewed admission criteria, which the organisation does not meet, therefore MP to advise
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on outcome.
Noted – a review of the constitution is needed once the actions from Abi’s report have been considered. -
Date of Next Meeting: 17 Nov, ACS, Edmund Street, Birmingham BSHP Exec pre meet 10:00am with the main meeting at 11am
Matters arising summary
Action Required Lead Progress
Treasury changes PR Circulation of reports from today JD/MP Afzal co-optee (confirmation of appointment and future mtgs) MP