Christ Episcopal Church

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Christ Episcopal Church

Christ Episcopal Church The Rev. Julie Blake Fisher, Rector 118 South Mantua Street, Kent, Ohio 44240 ♦ Office: 330-673-4604 Email: [email protected] ♦ Facebook: Christ Episcopal Church Kent Ohio ♦

Guidelines for Weddings at Christ Episcopal Church

We are honored and privileged to work with you as you prepare to be married. The entire congregation of Christ Church shares in your joy during this wonderful time in your life. Our intention is to have your wishes for the service respected as much as possible while at the same time respecting the standards and practices of the Episcopal Church. As a result, it is important that this be a time of close and full communication between the Rector of Christ Church and the couples and families involved in the wedding. The following guidelines are intended to enhance that communication.

Let us know early if you are considering being married at Christ Church. No public announcement of marriage that assumes the participation of Christ Church should be made without the prior agreement of the Rector.

1. Requirements for Marriage at Christ Church a. Couples may be either same or opposite sex. All requirements below apply equally to both kinds of couples. b. At least one of the persons desiring to be married must be a baptized Christian. c. The prospective married couple must sign a Declaration of Intention stating they believe that marriage is a lifelong commitment. d. Preparation for marriage includes counseling by the Rector in the theological, spiritual, emotional aspects of Christian marriage. i. The couple will customarily have three one hour pre-marriage counseling conversations in person with the Rector. ii. Episcopal Church policy allows any member of the clergy to refuse to solemnize any marriage. The Rector is therefore the final authority on whether she will agree to marry the couple. Her consent will not be final until premarital counseling is completed. iii. When geographic considerations make counseling with the Rector impractical, the couple will arrange similar counseling where they live. Alternative arrangements for counseling must be approved by the Rector. e. If one or both of the persons planning to be married is divorced and a former spouse is still living, Episcopal Church policy requires that the clergy must have the written permission of the Bishop to officiate at the marriage. In order to receive permission from the Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio, the Rector is required to determine the following information. This information will be discussed with the couple as part of the premarital counseling sessions. Additional sessions of premarital counseling beyond the customary three may be required to complete the discussion of this information. i. The relationship of the couple to the Church and how they are known to the Rector. ii. The reason why the couple is seeking the Church’s blessing for their intended marriage. iii. Whether the couple intend a life-long Christian marriage. iv. The date and court which issued the divorce decree. The Rector must see the original documents to verify this information. v. The name(s) of former spouse(s) and the names and ages of any children. vi. The reason for the marital breakup and whether counseling was sought. vii. Evidence of concern for the former spouse and for any children from the marriage. viii. Any other general background information that the Rector feels it would be helpful for the Bishop to know in order to render a decision. ix. Requests to the Bishop to approve remarriage must be received by him at least 30 days prior to the date of the intended marriage. (In virtually every case, however, the Bishop approves the recommendation of the priest). 2. Planning the Wedding Service a. A wedding is a religious occasion, a solemn and public covenant between both parties in the presence of God. Its planning, therefore, is ultimately the responsibility of the clergy. Episcopal liturgy does allow some flexibility and choices. The Rector will be happy to discuss these options with the couple. You may wish to bear the following in mind. i. All pictures and other displays about the couple should be set up at the reception, not in the church. ii. No flash photographs are to be taken during the service by anyone, including guests. Photographers and videographers are to be as inconspicuous as possible throughout the marriage ceremony. It is the responsibility of the couple to inform whoever will be taking pictures of this policy. b. The couple may wish to invite other clergy to participate in the service. You must have the permission of the Rector in advance to issue an invitation to a guest minister. The Rector will determine what part the guest minister is to play, in consultation with the guest minister. c. All music, including the use of other musicians and singers, must be approved by the Rector and the church’s Music Director Edward Grimes. The couple should contact Edward Grimes directly to discuss arrangements for the music. He can be reached at 330-672-5436 or by email at [email protected]. d. The couple may use their own flowers for the service, or they may provide flowers to be used both at the wedding and at the next Sunday’s worship service. Arrangements for flowers should be discussed with the Rector. e. The rehearsal should be scheduled with the Rector well in advance. The entire wedding party is expected to attend and to be ready to begin the rehearsal on time. The role of each member of the wedding party is to be a worship leader. The best man and the maid/matron of honor have particular responsibility to see that the conduct of the wedding party reflects the religious nature of the occasion. f. The marriage license must be presented to the Rector no later than at the rehearsal. The Rector will not solemnize any marriage for which she has not personally seen a valid marriage license. 3. If You Have Already Been Legally Married In A Civil (Non-Religious) Service a. You can have a religious ceremony that confers a sacramental blessing on your civil (non- religious) marriage. b. The service can be simple or elaborate. c. Preparation for a sacramental blessing is the same as for a regular wedding (see section 1 above). 4. Fees and building use a. All fees to the church are payable in advance by check, cash or Paypal (through our website in advance. b. Neither alcoholic beverages nor smoking is permitted in the church building. c. We do not permit rice to be thrown at the church. Birdseed in moderate amounts may be used, but only outside the building. d. Use of the Parish Hall for a reception i. If one of the persons being married (or one of his/her parents) is a member in good standing of Christ Church, there is no fee for the use of the parish hall. ii. If, however, the couple or one of their parents are not members in good standing of Christ Church, there is a fee of $50.00. e. Use of the Sanctuary i. If one of the persons being married (or one of his/her parents) is a member in good standing of Christ Church, there is no fee for the use of the sanctuary. ii. If however, neither the couple nor a parent is a member in good standing, there is a fee of $500.00 for the use of the sanctuary. f. Fee for the Rector for officiating at the service i. Officiating at weddings of church members is part of the Rector’s job, so there is no fee for her participation for church members. It is, however, customary for the couple to make a free-will donation in thanksgiving for their marriage to the church’s Discretionary Fund for the relief of the poor and needy. ii. For people who are not members of Christ Church there is a fee (payable to the church, not the Rector) of $300.00. 1. If the couple has decided to be married in the sanctuary by the Rector, the $300.00 fee will be waived, since they will already be paying the $500.00 fee for the sanctuary. g. Organist i. The fee for the organist (including his participation at the rehearsal) is $140.00. If there is no rehearsal, the fee for the organist is $110.00. ii. The organist should be paid by cash or separate check made out to him personally no later than at the rehearsal. h. Cleaning fee i. Everyone using the church for an event, regardless of membership status, is required to pay a fee of $45.00 for cleaning the church. i. If any of these fees would represent a hardship for you, please contact the Rector for a sympathetic and confidential discussion.

Written: 5/18/08: jbf Revised:10/19/10, 11/15/12, 1/20/15, 10/27/15, 4/20/16: jbf

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