Enfield Board of Education s6
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A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at John F. Kennedy Middle School, Cafeteria, 155 Raffia Road, Enfield, CT. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharon Racine at 7:30 PM.
MEMBERS PRESENT Judith Apruzzese-Desroches, Donna Corbin Sobinski, Andre Greco, Joyce Hall, Charles Johnson III, Samuel McGill, Sharon Racine
MEMBERS ABSENT Albert Harrison, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa (arrived at 9:10 PM)
ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher; Superintendent of Schools, Anthony Torre; Assistant Superintendent, Ryan Stratton, EHS Student Representative
1. CALL TO ORDER Sharon Racine
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson that the minutes of May 22, 2007 be approved. There were no corrections, omissions or changes.
A vote by show of hands, 7-0-0, motion passes.
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Greco that the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 29, 2007 be approved. There were no corrections, omissions or changes.
A vote by show of hands, 7-0-0, motion passes.
a. CAS 2007 Distinguished Friend of Education Award to Hamilton Sundstrand
FHS Principal, Paul Newton, introduced Assistant Executive Director of the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) representative, Karen Packtor. Ms. Packtor presented Hamilton Sundstrand Representatives, Mike Linsenbigler and Bob Scagniy with the Distinguished Friend of Education Award for their long term commitment to the BUZZ Robotics Team at FHS. CAS established this award in 1983 as a way to honor persons and businesses who have generously contributed resources and expertise to their educational community. CAS selected Hamilton Sundstrand because its employees have given of themselves without any expectation of gratitude or benefit.
b. Parent Leadership Academy
Amy Witbro introduced Francia Prescott, Parent Trainer, from Leadership Greater Hartford and parents; Amalita Grimes, Joanne LaQuerre and Shannon Roberto to the Board. The parents are graduates of the Parent Leadership Academy. The parents shared their awards, experiences and what they have gained from attending the classes. Mrs. Grimes shared her award from the Rotary Club for instituting the Garden Patch Club that donates to the Enfield Food Shelf. Mrs. Grimes stated that this Parent Leadership course gave her the incentive to become involved. Everyone agreed that it was the best investment of their time they had ever made and urged everyone to sign up for the classes.
Enfield Board of Education 1 June 12, 2007 Mrs. Witbro stated that much gratitude and thanks go to Mass Mutual Insurance for supporting this endeavor for the past two years. Without their support parents would not have had this great program to build their community skills.
c. Dental Health Program
Ms. Jane Hyland from the Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC) explained CHC’s Mobile Dental Program. The dental program is designed to increase access to and the delivery of pediatric dental and oral health services especially to students who do not have dental insurance. There will be a flat fee of $30 for non-insured students otherwise CHC will bill the family’s insurance company. Every child is eligible to receive these services through CHC’s program. If the family has dental insurance, they are encouraged to make an appointment with their own dentist. If the family does not have a dentist, CHC will help them to establish a family dentist. There are no costs to the school system for these services.
d. Family Resource Center
Amy Morales presented a review of the Family Resource Center located at the Alcorn Elementary School and the annex at 110 High Street. Ms. Morales reviewed the seven services offered at the Resource Center or in collaboration with existing agencies through the Family Resource Center.
Ms. Morales requested that the Board approve the Family Resource Center Grant Renewal for a two year period beginning July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009. The grant is $102,250 for each year.
e. Building Security Committee
Mr. Greco thanked the members of the committee for their participation. Mr. Greco presented an in- depth review of the Building Security Committee’s history and accomplishments of the committee from inception. Mr. Greco reviewed each survey of students and staff from FHS, EHS and JFK. The results are also included in the Board packet. The committee has three recommendations for the Board to consider:
1. Install video intercom systems this summer in the remaining 8 elementary schools and Head Start; 2. Install closed circuit television, digital recording, and access control systems in the secondary schools; 3. Investigate the feasibility of police and fire departments having wireless access to the systems in the secondary schools during an emergency response situation.
Mr. Greco suggested that the Board use the FY07 favorable year end balance up to $61,000 to fund the installation of video intercom systems at the remaining eight elementary schools and Head Start.
Mr. Johnson commented that the Memorial Day Parade was very enjoyable. Several schools were represented by their music students. The JFK String Ensemble Float was phenomenal and he thanks Mrs. St. Sauveur-Dandurand for her dedication to the music program.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches commented that there are so many fabulous end-of-the-year programs that are happening at our schools and it reminds her of her reasons for joining the Board. Mrs. Apruzzese- Desroches has attended many functions and intends on attending many more in the next few weeks. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches especially wanted to thank the staff at JFK for their compassion and support to all of the students during our recent tragedy of one of our JFK students. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches expressed her gratitude and how proud she was to be a small part of this organization that goes so far above and beyond the call of duty for our students and our community.
Enfield Board of Education 2 June 12, 2007 Mrs. Corbin Sobinski commented that she has attended many of the ceremonies in our schools this past month. It is great to see all of the accomplishments and talents of our students. There were 5 students that received their GED honors diploma and 19 students that received their Adult Ed high school diploma at the recent Adult Education graduation ceremonies. Mrs. Corbin Sobinski looks forward to the high school graduations. Mrs. Corbin Sobinski attended the retirement party for 12 teachers who collectively had an incredible 750,000 hours in total teaching time invested in our schools.
Mr. Greco thanked Mr. Johnson for his articulate dedication to our American Flag during the invocation tonight. Mr. Greco attended many functions this past month including an egg drop project at H. B. Stowe. He congratulated all the students who participated in the field day activities at Stowe and Alcorn. There was a lot of camaraderie and fun at both schools. Mr. Greco commented that Hamilton Sundstrand Credit Union contributes to the Alcorn Book Buddy program, kindergarten books, and $3,000 for a cultural arts program in our schools. He expressed gratitude to Hamilton Sundstrand for all of their involvement with our school system.
Mr. McGill encouraged any Board member that has not seen the final production of the BUZZ Robotics team to do so during the last week before the competitions start. There is so much participation by the students, parents and mentors. Mr. McGill urged Board members who have not attended an Adult Ed graduation ceremony to go next year. It is a very rewarding experience. Mr. McGill attended the Suffield Vo-Ag Awards Ceremony a few weeks ago. It is amazing to see the scholarships and awards for all the competitions that were held. He will present a listing of the Enfield students who won awards at our July meeting. Mr. McGill expressed his condolences at the passing of Eleanor McDaniel. Mrs. McDaniel worked as the Nutrition Director of our school system for the past 34 years and kept the lunch program in tact during a time when school systems were outsourcing. She also kept a lot of Enfield residents employed.
Ms. Hall referred the Board to STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Ms. Hall announced that both of our high schools need new science departments. Our sciences labs are not up to the standards that they should be to give our students a good send off to their chosen fields in biology, technology and engineering.
Mrs. Racine stated that she attended the ERfC radio broadcast that the after school students put on and it was wonderful. Mrs. Racine attended the Alcorn musical program and the students did a great job singing songs from the 1970’s. Mrs. Racine congratulated the EHS Volleyball team who made the State Finals and the Track team for competing in the Nationals. Mrs. Racine congratulated all the students who received honors at the FHS breakfast. Mrs. Racine thanked all the administrators, teachers, counselors and staff who do so much more than teach. They have done a wonderful job with our students. They take care of so many more issues than we can imagine. Mrs. Racine expressed much gratitude to them. Mrs. Racine extended condolences to the McDaniel family for the passing of Eleanor McDaniel who was a great institution in our school system and fed many, many, many students.
As presented in the Board Packet:
a. Last Day of School b. Graduations
Mr. McGill reported that the Fields committee met last week for an update on the progress of the fields. The committee would like to ask the Board about a policy for advertising on the athletic fields. There are some groups who would like to solicit funds to the field’s development in exchange for advertising. The committee would like some guidance on this topic.
Mrs. Racine stated that she would be opposed to any advertising that promotes smoking, alcohol and several fast food restaurants. A policy should be put in place regarding what can be considered approved advertising before the committee starts accepting these funds.
Enfield Board of Education 3 June 12, 2007 Mr. Greco suggested an application for advertising could be developed and submitted to the Board for approval for each vendor interested.
Mr. Torre suggested getting information from CABE for guidelines or administrative regulations on the topic of business advertisements in schools.
Chairman Sharon Racine reported that the Mini Grant recipients have been notified and the list is in the Board packet. As of yet, there are no corporate sponsors who have come forward. Mrs. Racine looks forward to the follow up reports from the recipients and will share the results with the Board.
a. For the Months of March, April & May 2007
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:
“I hereby certify that in the month of March for FY 2006-2007, total expenditures amount to $8,847,294.24 broken down between payroll totaling $6,126,377.55 and other accounts totaling $2,720,916.69. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.”
A vote by show of hands 7-0-1, with Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa abstaining, motion passes.
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:
“I hereby certify that in the month of April for FY 2006-2007, total expenditures amount to $5,175,957.41broken down between payroll totaling $4,056,092.24 and other accounts totaling $1,119,865.17. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.”
A vote by show of hands 7-0-1, with Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa abstaining, motion passes.
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:
“I hereby certify that in the month of May for FY 2006-2007, total expenditures amount to $6,652,068.45 broken down between payroll totaling $4,061,172.43 and other accounts totaling $2,600,896.02. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.”
A vote by show of hands 7-0-1, with Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa abstaining, motion passes.
a. Alcorn School Family Resource Center Grant Renewal
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Greco that the Enfield Board of Education approves the renewal grant application for the Alcorn School Family Resource Center as presented.
A vote by roll call 8-0-0, motion passes.
Enfield Board of Education 4 June 12, 2007 b. Cheney Tech Resolution
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches to remove the original motion from the table made on May 8, 2007.
A vote by show of hands 8-0-0, motion passes.
Motion on May 8, 2007 reads as follows:
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison that the Enfield Board of Education adopts the resolution as follows:
“Resolved that Trisha Vayda, nursing supervisor for the Enfield Public Schools, is hereby authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of the Enfield Board of Education, any and all contracts for the State of Connecticut Howell Cheney Technical School Practical Nurse Education Program, effective until otherwise ordered by the Enfield Board of Education”.
The Board accepted the proposed changes on the original resolution as follows:
“Resolved that the nursing supervisor for the Enfield Public Schools is hereby authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of the Enfield Board of Education, any and all contracts for the State of Connecticut Howell Cheney Technical School Practical Nurse Education Program, effective until otherwise ordered by the Enfield Board of Education”.
A vote by roll call 7-1-0, with Mr. Greco in dissent, motion passes.
c. Approve Participation in the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium for Summer Session
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches that the Enfield Board of Education approves the Personal Service Agreement for on-line courses through the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium for the 2007 Summer School session as presented and authorize the Superintendent and Board Secretary to sign the appropriate forms.
A vote by roll call 8-0-0, motion passes.
d. Curriculum Adoptions – Philosophy (455) & Computer Technology (Grades 4-8)
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski that the Enfield Board of Education adopts the curricula for Philosophy (455) and Computer Technology, grades 4-8 as presented.
A vote by roll call 8-0-0, motion passes.
e. Proposed Job Description for Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. McGill that the Enfield Board of Education approves the job description for the Chief Technology Officer as presented.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski feels that the skills list is too heavily worded. The ‘Admins’ programming requirement might turn off some qualified applicants. Ms. Hall suggested it be moved to ‘Other Characteristics”. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that the job description is too long and wordy and requires too many absolutes. Mr. Greco felt that the recipient, if he or she fits all the requirements would want more of a salary than is advertised.
Mr. Drezek stated that Blum Shapiro was heavily involved in creating this document and we are relying on their expertise in this matter. They have developed and aided in the search for this position in other municipalities as well.
Enfield Board of Education 5 June 12, 2007 Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa suggested going to Monster.com or Career Builders.com to get templates for a job description of what we are looking for.
Dr. Gallacher stated that he has an understanding of what the Board is looking for. He will bring back the suggestions to Blum Shapiro and let them re-work section B of the document.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. Johnson to table the motion.
A vote by show of hands 8-0-0, motion passes.
f. End of Year Monies in Current Budget
Mr. Drezek stated that his projected end of the year favorable balance for FY07 is approximately $48,000. Added to that figure are the additional Project Choice funds that the town received above the anticipated revenue they reported of $28,000. That brings the total to $76,000. Dr. Drezek further explained that the left over funds in technology line items totaling $78,729 will be transferred to a start-up fund for the Internal Service fund for technology. This item was voted on by the Board as part of the recommendation by Blum Shapiro for the merger. The town has also done the same in their budget.
Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Greco that the Enfield Board of Education authorizes the administration to use the unspent balance in FY06-07 budget to install security cameras in Head Start and elementary schools, to pre-buy library books and to apply the balance to new textbooks purchases.
A vote by roll call 7-1-0, with Ms. Hall in dissent, motion passes.
g. Discussion on Preparation of FY08-09 Budget
Chairman Sharon Racine stated that she would like to see the Board become more pro-active in discussing and setting the premise of next years budget at this time so we are more prepared come February to project our budget expenses.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that the first step the Board needs to do is learn what the detail is behind all of the roll up accounts in the budget and identify the reasons for the line items. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that during the summer, a sub committee of the Board will discuss with Mr. Drezek the specific line items. Ms. Hall, Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa and Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches have volunteered to sit on this sub-committee.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches further stated that the Board should develop a policy for budget development and follow those guidelines. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches suggested that the Board should first start with a list of goals and priorities early in the year and work from there. To summarize:
Step 1 - Understand what we are spending our funds on; Step 2 - Figure out if we are spending funds appropriately; Step 3 - Defining the process, establishing goals and putting together a budget that supports that goal.
Chairman Sharon Racine stated that the Citizens Advisory Board has run its course. There is no need to establish another BAC this year. The BAC has done an excellent job. The sub-committee is a new starting point and should help the Board to be better prepared for the next budget proposal.
Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa stated she will break down the general ledger chart of accounts by category and then by school, verses system-wide expenditures. That template will be a good starting point for the sub- committee. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa will try to have the template completed by the next Board meeting.
h. 2007 Lester J. Bodley Memorial Scholarship Fund Recipients
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches that Katlyn Russell and Ryan Skukowski are the recipients of the Lester J. Bodley Memorial Scholarship for the Enfield High School Class of 2007. Enfield Board of Education 6 June 12, 2007 A vote by roll call 8-0-0, motion passes.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. Greco that the Enfield Board of Education enters in Executive Session for:
a. Matter(s) Pertaining to Confidential Student Records b. Matter(s) Related to a Prospective Public Supply Contract c. Matter(s) Related to Personnel
A vote by show of hands, 7-1-0, with Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches in dissent, motion passes.
The Board adjourned to the Staff Lounge at 10:10 PM.
Dr. Gallacher, Mr. Torre, Dr. Cooke and Mr. Drezek joined the Board in Executive Session. Dr. Cooke and Mr. Drezek were excused at 10:20 PM.
Mrs. Corbin-Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. Greco to end Executive Session and return to Open Session at 10:53 PM. All ayes, motion passed unanimously. There were no other actions taken by the Board while in Executive Session.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. McGill, that the Enfield Board of Education adjourns the Board Meeting. All ayes, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting stood adjourned at 10:54 PM.
Donna Corbin Sobinski Secretary Enfield Board of Education Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia West, Recording Secretary
Enfield Board of Education 7 June 12, 2007