Call for Papers 2014 Application
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Topic Category – Speaker selects one of the (4) following categories:
1. Big Data Analytics: Big Data Analytics is a discovery process that enables business and technical users to ask new questions, formulate insights, and explore data sets, which previously may have been impossible. Using visualization tools and advanced analytic approaches, users can analyze all data sets including web logs, social media, geospatial, sensor data, video, and more. Possible audiences: Executive, Business, and Technical. 2. Business Applications: Business Applications enable users to improve business performance, increase productivity, and perform business functions accurately. They could include tools or processes for marketing, reporting, tracking, organizational change, cultural alignment, budgeting, as well as measurements for return on investment. Possible audiences: Marketing, Technology, Business Process/Operations, and Project Management. 3. Technology & Architecture: How data tools are designed, integrated and scaled is critical for their use by business professionals. Examples of subjects in this category are: creating and managing tools for analytics; data models; and tools to extract, transform and load data into the repository. Possible audiences: Technology and IT. 4. Super Track: 1. Data Driven Marketing…360 Portrait of the Customer 2. Data Driven Marketing … Integrated Marketing Management 3. Cyber Security…Leveraging Data to Improve Security 4. Profitability Analytics…Finding the Edge in Commodity Businesses Super Track Definitions
1. Data Driven Marketing…360 Portrait of the Customer Presentations in this track focus on the processes and methodology required to reveal the often hidden customer/consumer behaviors that lead to better understanding and more accurate trend predictions. Sessions will discuss where customer data types originate from and reside; how to gain insights from this often unstructured data; and usage in customer campaigns. Points of discussion could also include data mining and discovery analytics for digital, social and all channels and touch points, the role of n-pathing and marketing attribution. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the role of operational business intelligence including segmentation and trended reporting.
2. Data Driven Marketing…Integrated Marketing Management This track will address the challenges in Omni channel marketing. Many B2C organizations use multiple channels and touch points to communicate to their consumers – and consumers now expect it. Make that demand it. However, this data must be modeled and integrated to provide accurate perspective and understanding. This is no simple task when operating in both online and physical channels. Sessions will explore how companies execute Omni channel marketing and sales programs inbound, outbound using all channels and illustrate successful strategies, including before and after use cases.
3. Cyber Security…Leveraging Data to Improve Security Top of mind in organizations around the world, these presentations will identify the types of threats and attacks against complex networks, as well as their frequency, severity and, costs. Organizations must find a way to quickly and efficiently isolate network threats – and that means big data, pattern detection, and rule-based alerts. Sessions will discuss how to evolve organizational strategies and solutions to match the evolution of threats and advisories, including efficiently collecting, managing, and sorting enormous volumes of network activity data in real time.
4. Profitability Analytics…Finding the Edge in Commodity Businesses The bottom line is getting squeezed in every direction – presentations here will use examples to help attendees understand how to price to win business and be profitable. Industries most affected are those with high fixed cost operating networks in a commodity business, compounded for many companies by the softness of the economy. Attendees will learn what is required to make profitability analytics possible and to enable activity-based costing insight to management. When equipped with this level of detail, management can make intentional business decisions that benefit all stakeholders.
APPLICATION Topic Category (Select One) _____ Big Data Analytics _____ Business Applications _____ Technology & Architecture _____ Super Track
Industry (Select One) _____Automotive & Industrial _____Communications _____Consumer Goods _____Digital Media & ecommerce _____Financial Services _____Government _____Healthcare & Life Sciences _____Horizontal _____Hospitality & Gaming _____Insurance _____High Tech Manufacturing _____Media & Entertainment _____Oil & Gas _____Retail _____Transportation, Distribution & Logistics _____Travel _____Utilities
State/Foreign State (Outside U.S)
Audience Level (Select All That Apply) _____Introductory _____Intermediate _____Advanced
Audience that is most appropriate (Select One) _____Business _____Marketing _____Technical
This Session is Appropriate for What Job Role(s) (Select All That Apply) _____Academic/Student _____Business Analyst/Business Technologist _____Consultant _____Data Analyst/Scientist _____DBA _____Executive (VP and above) _____Financial Analyst _____Hardware Engineer/Architect _____Industry Analyst _____IT Professional _____Manager _____Marketing _____Pricing Analyst _____Project Manager _____Quality Assurance Analyst _____Reporting Analyst _____Research Analyst _____Software Engineer/Architect _____Sales
Session Title (Max. Length is 75 Characters)
Session Type (Select One) _____Breakout Session (45 minutes) (30 minutes of content, 15 minutes of Q&A. If you are using presentation slides, the guideline is 10 slides) _____Workshop (1 hr. 30 min.) _____Super Track
Is This A Panel Session (Select One) _____Yes _____No
Abstract Details Complete the following three sections to describe your presentation:
1. Problem/Opportunity Statement Write a clear and concise description of the problem or opportunity this session addresses. Limit to 325 characters max.
2. Action Taken Write a clear and concise description of the action taken to address the problem/opportunity. What is the solution? Limit to 325 characters max.
3. Business Benefits/Results Write a clear and concise description of the business benefits/results from the action taken. Limit to 325 characters max.
Session Abstract Write a one or two paragraph abstract. Use a clear and concise description of the presentation. This is the abstract that will appear in the conference program if your paper is selected. Limit to 1000 Characters max. Some abstracts may be edited at the committee’s discretion.
Is This Topic/Solution (Select One) _____Already Implemented _____Planning to Implement _____Theory/Futures _____Not Applicable
Has The Work This Topic Represents Received Any Industry Recognition Or Awards? (Select One) _____Yes _____No If yes: Which Industry Recognition/Awards?
Excluding The PARTNERS Conference, Has This Presentation Been Recently Presented At Any Other Conferences/Events? (Select One) _____Yes _____No
If yes: What Other Conferences/Events?
This Presentation Has Been Delivered At The PARTNERS Conference Before. (Select One) _____Yes _____No
If yes: Does This Presentation Contain Any Changes? (Select One) _____Yes _____No
Optional - Submit up to 3 links to videos related to your presentation submission. Please include the full URL (including http://). Video URL 1:
Video URL 2:
Video URL 3:
STEP 2 Proposed Speakers Speaker Participant Roles
You must designate each and every speaker participant and their role (speaker, co-speaker, panelist) for the proposed session by “adding a participant.” The designated primary speaker’s company receives top billing for the session.
To add a speaker participant: 1.Click “Add Participant” and fill in the information. For example, if you are the primary speaker and this is your speaker profile account, then click the “Add Participant” button (below), pre-fill your speaker data, and select participant role (speaker). 2.Click the “Add Participant” button again at the bottom of the page. When successfully added, you will see your name and role appear in the “Participant List” below.
To add more speaker participants to your session: 1.Click “Add Participant” and fill in the information. 2.Select the participant's role (speaker, co-presenter or panelist). 3.Click “Add Participant” again at the bottom of the page. When successfully added, you will see the speaker names and roles appear in the “Participant List” below. 4.When finished adding Participants, click "next" to go to the next step. Please note: Super Tracks have two Primary speakers per session, i.e. one business and one technical primary speaker. Only one co-presenter is permitted per session however multiple Panelists are allowed.
Add a Participant
Session Role (Select One) _____Primary Speaker _____Co-Presenter _____Panelist _____Super Track Primary (Business) _____Super Track Primary (Technical)
Added Participant is a(n) (Select One) _____Alliance Partner _____Analyst _____Consultant _____Customer _____Teradata SME
Job Role (Select One) _____ Academic/Student _____Business Analyst/Business Technologist _____Consultant _____Data Analyst/Scientist _____DBA _____Executive (VP and above) _____Financial Analyst _____Hardware Engineer/Architect _____Industry Analyst _____IT Professional _____Manager _____Marketing _____Pricing Analyst _____Project Manager _____Quality Assurance Analyst _____Reporting Analyst _____Research Analyst _____Sales _____ Software Engineer/Architect
Industry (Select One) _____Automotive & Industrial _____Communications _____Consumer Goods _____Digital Media & ecommerce _____Financial Services _____Government _____Healthcare & Life Sciences _____Horizontal _____Hospitality & Gaming _____Insurance _____High Tech Manufacturing _____Oil & Gas _____Retail _____Transportation, Distribution & Logistics _____Travel _____Utilities
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
State Province/County
Zip Code
Email Address
Alternate Email
Alternate Telephone
Speaker Biography
Provide a clear and concise description of your background and current role in the industry. This will be used in the selection process and by the moderator to introduce you at the conference if you are an accepted speaker. Limit to 800 characters.
Speaker Bio
Twitter Handle
If Selected, This Would Be My First Time Presenting at PARTNERS Conference (Select One) _____Yes _____No
Please Select The Most Recent Year You Last Presented At PARTNERS (Select One) _____2013 _____2012 _____2011
Are You A Published Author In The Field Of Analytic Data Solutions, Marketing, Business Or Related Fields? (Select One) _____Yes _____No
If yes: Please List Titles Of Published Works
STEP 3 - Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions Thank you for applying to speak at the PARTNERS User Group Conference (PARTNERS). As you are aware, representatives from around the world attend PARTNERS. As part of your potential speaking engagement you may prepare presentation(s) and related material (collectively, Presentation Materials). By your acknowledgement below and on behalf of yourself and your employer, you acknowledge and agree that (i) Teradata Corporation and the hosts/facilitators of PARTNERS may reproduce and distribute the Presentation Materials and Audio Recordings to PARTNERS registrants, and (ii) Teradata Corporation, the hosts/facilitators of PARTNERS, and PARTNERS registrants may internally use and reproduce the Presentation Materials and Audio Recordings. The permissions granted above are perpetual, irrevocable, at no cost to any of the parties referred to above, and apply to the parties’ respective successors and assigns. Presentation Materials and Audio Recordings are provided on an “AS-IS” basis, without warranties of any kind, oral or written, express or implied. This document represents the complete understanding between Teradata Corporation, the PARTNERS User Group, you, and your employer, if any; concerning the subject matter described above, and may only be modified in a document signed by all parties.
I have read and accept the above Terms And Conditions? (Select One)- Mandatory _____Agree _____Disagree Audience
I understand and agree that Teradata customers and prospects, industry analysts, academics, consultants, media, business leaders, and Teradata associates may be in the audience. Media may attend and report on my session.
Accept Audience Attendance Terms And Conditions? (Select One) Mandatory _____Agree _____Disagree
Social Media All of the social conversation and imagery shared during PUG will be captured, moderated, shared with attendees, and possibly rebroadcast to PUG followers. Should you share socially about TDPUG and your experiences at TDPUG you hereby irrevocably grant PUG permission to include your posts/imagery about the event both onsite as well as online.
Accept Social Media Terms And Conditions? Mandatory _____Agree _____Disagree
Session Streaming I understand and agree that my session may be selected for live streaming over the Internet during the conference. Conference registrants may access a recorded version.
Accept Session Streaming Terms And Conditions? (Select One) Mandatory _____Agree _____Disagree
Presentation Files - Deadline Aug. 22, 2014 Upload the final version of the presentation file to the Speaker Resource Center by the deadline. Failure to submit the final presentation file by the deadline may result in the cancellation of your session and forfeit of your complimentary registration if applicable.
Teradata Customer Stories I understand that professional writers may capture my company story. Teradata Corp. (not the PARTNERS User Group) will provide a courtesy copy to review the material prior to external publication by Teradata Corp.
Accept Teradata Customer Stories (External Publications) Terms And Conditions? (Select One) _____Agree _____Disagree
STEP 4 Submission Final Review STEP 5 Submit Presentation Application
PLEASE NOTE - This form is for your convenience and limited to offline use only. Please log in and copy your information from this form into the online application for official submission found at