2nd Sunday in Advent December 8, 2013 9:30 AM

We are blessed by your presence and hope that you will experience the love of God reflected in the life of this community of faith. Nursery care is provided from 9:15-11:45 a.m. for ages three and under, though we love to have children of all ages remain with us in worship. Please complete the friendship pad in your row during the announcements and pass it back so that you are able to greet your neighbors by name. Gentle me, Holy One, into an unclenched moment, a deep breath, a letting go of heavy expectations, of shriveling anxieties, of dead uncertainties, that, softened by the silence, surrounded by light, and open to the mystery, I may be found by wholeness, upheld by the unfathomable, entranced by the simple, and filled with the joy that is you, O God. (Guerrillas of Grace, Rev. Ted Loder, 1984)

WE GATHER IN JOYFUL EXPECTATION Greeting & Announcements (L = Leader / P = People / A = All) L: The Peace of Christ be with you! P: And also with you!

The Sign of our Belonging In the waters of baptism, we participate in the death and resurrected life of Jesus Christ.


The Lighting of the Second Advent Candle—Candle of Peace L: During Advent, we recall God’s promises spoken through the prophets. P: The word of the Lord is steadfast and true. L: To the hurting, God promises unshakable hope. P: The word of the Lord is steadfast and true. L: To the forsaken, God promises unconditional love. P: The word of the Lord is steadfast and true. L: To the broken, God promises unmerited grace. P: The word of the Lord is steadfast and true. L: To the heavy hearted, God promises unbridled joy. P: The word of the Lord is steadfast and true.

Congregational Response (insert) “The Wonder of Christmas”

* Opening Hymn #9 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

* Unison Prayer for Reconciliation Holy God, we desire our own way. We desire to forge ahead without waiting for your guidance. We have defined peace to be our own happiness, and have forgotten that peace includes the well-being of all people, especially the poor and oppressed. Forgive us when we have sought our own way, on our own terms, and have forgotten all of your people. Grant us the wisdom and insight to slow down, welcome the stranger into our lives, and seek out the poor and the oppressed and speak up for justice. In the name of Christ, who is coming unto us in a new way, we pray. Amen.

Time of Silent Personal Confession

* Words of Assurance L: We are welcomed because Christ welcomes us. The way is prepared; let us choose to follow it. P: We lift our praise to God, who fills us with hope and grace. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen. * We Praise Our God

WE PROCLAIM THE WORD Unison Prayer for Illumination May we grow in the darkness, as we journey to the light. May our spirits be made whole. May our way be made clear. Amen.

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 11:1-10 (p. 640 OT)

Choir Anthem “Jesus, Joy of the Highest Heaven” arr. James Koerts Adult and Children’s Choirs

Children’s Time Pastor Laurene

Gospel Reading Matthew 3:1-12 (p. 2 NT) L: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. P: Thanks be to God! Sermon “Living the Vision” Pastor Laurene

* Hymn #10 “On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry”


* Doxology “Advent Doxology” (sing together) O Glorious God, to you we bring Praise, treasures, lives as offering; Spirit of peace, within us dwell; Come, Jesus, our Emmanuel.

* Unison Prayer of Dedication God of hopeful waiting, we give thanks for all of the ways in which you reveal yourself to us. Help us to clear away the many distractions of this season and offer our whole lives as gifts to you. May these offerings nurture all of the ways in which your promise is breaking into the world through acts of compassion and justice. May these gifts nurture your rule of peace. Amen. We Share Our Joys and Concerns L: God, in your mercy, P: Hear our prayer. Congregational Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

WE FOLLOW THE WORD INTO THE WORLD * Closing Hymn #2 “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”

* Charge L: May God, who gives us patience and encouragement, help us to live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. P: And may God fill us completely with joy and peace, so that our lives overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

* Benediction

* Congregational Response #587 “Amen”

Postlude Worship Notes:  All those who are able, please stand where you see an asterisk*  Bolded words are spoken or sung together by the people Pastor Laurene Lafontaine Liturgist Jane Burgstaler Worship Assistants Peggy McCarty Greeter Amy Ward Duane Olson Pianist Judy Kereakos Guy Vig Nursery Attendants Elizabeth Deeds Library Attendant Judi Berg Tabitha Harland

Bulletin Submissions Announcements for next Sunday’s bulletin need to be submitted to the office by Wednesday at noon, either as a printed copy, or via email to [email protected]. Announcements will be run for two weeks prior to their event.

Community Presbyterian Church 3705 55th Street NW Rochester, MN 55901 (507) 280-9291 www.cpcrochester.org

Our mission is to be an open-hearted, open-minded Christian community sharing a ministry of faith, hope, and love. ANNOUNCEMENTS December 8, 2013 TODAY AT CPC 9:30: Worship Service 10:30: Fellowship Time with refreshments provided by Jeanette Hallbeck 10:45: New Church Officers Election; Sunday School

THIS WEEK AT CPC Monday...... 7:30 p.m...... Personnel 7:30 p.m...... Aikido Tuesday...... 10:00 a.m...... Office Staff Meeting 6:30 p.m...... Women of the Church Wednesday...... 6:30 a.m...... Prayer Group @ Madonna Towers 1:00 p.m...... Longfellow Backpacks 6:15 p.m...... Handbells 7:15p.m...... Choir Thursday...... 7:30 p.m...... Aikido Friday...... 7:00 p.m...... AS Support Group Saturday...... 10:00 a.m...... Aikido ...... Salvation Army Bell Ringing Sunday...... 9:30 a.m...... Worship Service 9:30 a.m...... Third Sunday of Advent 9:30 a.m...... Noisy Can Collection Sunday 10:45 a.m...... Goodness in a Pack


December 10 Women of the Church December 14 Salvation Army Bell Ringing December 15 Goodness in a Pack December 24 Christmas Eve Service CHURCH LIFE Today—New Church Officers Election A congregational meeting will be held today after worship to elect new church officers.

Pledge Update Thanks from the Finance & Stewardship committee for the strong show of support for our church and its mission. Through November 24, a total of 44 pledges have been received for a total 2014 operating pledge amount of $141,519. The more pledges that are turned in, the more accurately we can budget for 2014.

Working Together to Make a Difference CPC and Children’s Place are working together to make a difference in the lives of our children and their environment. We’re collecting ink cartridges, pop tabs, box tops, soup labels, and empty plastic containers that once held health or beauty products, and redeeming them for cash and equipment for our schools. See Denise Swinbank for more information.


Women of the Church—Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 p.m. Our next meeting will be December 10 at Madonna Towers in the Rochester Room. The theme is “Looking Beyond Ourselves.” Cal Ward will speak about “Glimpses of Turkey and the Republic of Georgia.” Please let Margaret Nelson knowToday—No if you plan toAdult attend, Education and bring either a dessert or an appetizer to share. Due to the election of newADULT church EDUCATION officers after the worship service, Adult Education will not be meeting today. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES

Longfellow Backpacks Come join us as we pack backpacks for the children of Longfellow School. The backpacks will be packed at 1:00 p.m. on December 11, and at 6:30 p.m. on December 18.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing—Saturday, December 14 Salvation Army bell ringing time has started. CPC has times available during the morning and afternoon of December 14. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex to reserve your time slot.

Goodness in a Pack—Sunday, December 15 CPC and the American Indian Family Center are providing holiday packages to the children of families that the AIFC serves in St. Paul. Suggested items are listed below, and can also be found in the brochure on the table in the Narthex. Boxes should be about the size of a shoebox, and can be wrapped if you want. Boxes and individual donations can be placed in the Narthex. The boxes will be filled during the Sunday School hour on December 15. After the Sunday School hour, the Mission committee will be serving a spaghetti lunch to celebrate the first annual “Goodness in a Pack” project and our children’s continued participation in service-related projects throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to help assemble the boxes and stay for the meal.  Stuffed animals  MP3 players ($20-$25 ones)  Nice fabric bags kids can use to hold other items  Fun socks  Fun soaps  Toothpaste/toothbrushes  Winter gear (hats/mittens/scarves)  Shampoos, lotions

Have You Paid Your Per Capita Yet? Thank you to everyone who has already paid their per capita of $32.37. If you have not, we encourage you to do so. This funding supports vital mission activities for:  General Assembly ($6.87)  Synod ($5.00)  Presbytery ($20.50)

GIVING REPORT Nov. ’13 Weekly Average $ 2,282.00 Special Offerings Year to Date Avg. ‘13 $ 3,019.57 One Great Hour of Sharing $ 1,219.82 Budgeted Weekly for ’13 $ 3,034.50 Christmas Joy Offering $ 922.00 Per Capita Received ’13 $ 2,017.58 Thank Offering $ 698.00 Total Per Capita Paid ’13 $ 4,402.00 Peace Offering $ 391.75