Smyrna First United Methodist Church

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Smyrna First United Methodist Church



December 4, 2012

Last Revised: 2/11/2013 CHURCH COUNCIL:

Chairperson: Steve Cashion (2013) [email protected]

Secretary: Sherrill Pitts (2013)

Treasurer: Gary McDonald (2013)

Financial Secretary: Kelly Ginn (ex-officio)

Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz (2013)

Lay Members to Annual Conference: Linda McAnally (2015) and Ruth Hudnall (2013)

Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference: Melinda Potts (2013)

District Steward: Kelsie Jones (2013)

Hispanic Representative: Mary Walker (2013)

Native American Representative: Don McAnally (2013)

Church Historian: Lois Anderson (2013)

UMW President: Nita Wright (2013)

UMM President: Frank Pitts (2013)

Martin Methodist College Representative: Matthew Johnson (2013)

Youth Representatives: Samantha Williams (2014) and Sheldon Faulkner (2014)

Members at Large: Gary McDonald (2013)

Sarah Pickel (2013)

Linda Brendle (2014)

Ken Cobble (2014)

Cornell Read (2015)

Darren Hackler (2015)

Committee Chairs: SPRC: Jim Sanders

Nominating: Linda McAnally

Trustees: Tom Wright Evangelism: ______

Missions: Linda Brown

Technical: Steve Picklesimer

Worship: Nita Wright

Stewardship: Ryan Sanford

Fellowship: Darlene Trent

Christian Education: Felicia Kumar

Staff Resource: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry

Chairperson: Jim Sanders (2013) [email protected]

FINANCE TEAM: Lay Member to Annual Conf: Linda McAnally (2015) Staff Resource: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz (2013) Chairperson: Ron Motley (2015) [email protected] Andrew McDonald (2013)

Treasurer: Gary McDonald (2013) Jim Sanders (2013)

Financial Secretary: Kelly Ginn Jim Garbee (2013)

Lay Member to Annual Conf: Ruth Hudnall (2013) Charles King (2014)

Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz (2013) Neil Rogers (2014)

SPRC Chairperson: Jim Sanders (2013) Donna Nelson (2014)

Trustees Chairperson: Tom Wright (2013) Becky Jenkins (2015)

Bob Seagraves (2013) Nadina Tharpe (2015)

Jeff Bowles (2013) Sharon Dickens (2015) Kelsie Jones (2014)

______(2014) LAY LEADERSHIP (NOMINATING) Cristi Coon (2015) TEAM:

Ron Motley (2015) Chairperson: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry

[email protected] STAFF PARRISH RELATIONS TEAM: Lay Member to Annual Conf: Linda McAnally (2015) EVANGELISM & MEMBERSHIP CARE Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz (2013) TEAM: Mike Ashworth (2013) Staff Resource: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry Melinda Potts (2013) Chairperson: ______Suzanne Williams (2013) New member Class Leader: Pam Faulkner (2014) ______

Nadina Tharpe (2014) Georgette Norman (2013)

Mary Ann Rogers (2014) Marjorie Crosslin (2013)

Bobby Medlen (2015) Dorris Waldron (2013)

Shirley Cobble (2015) James Dickens (2014)

Jeanne McDonald (2015) Debbie Jones (2014)

Martha Ann Morgan (2014)

Pam Ashworth (2014)


TRUSTEES TEAM: Barbara Pierce (2015)

Staff Resource: Matthew Johnson

Chairperson: Tom Wright (2013)

[email protected]

Outside Gardens Coordinator: Stephanie Fish MISSIONS TEAM:

Tom Wright (2013) Staff Resource: Felicia Kumar

Joe Williams (2013) Chairperson: Linda Brown (2013)

Frank Pitts (2013) [email protected] John Hawk (2014) Linda Brown (2013) Tom Huebel (2014) Cade McClain (2013) Dorris Waldron (2014) Aimee McClain (2013) Mary Kay Dempsey (2015) Pam Faulkner (2014) Will Stevens (2015) Kay Thames (2014) ______(2015) Dave Jenkins (2014)

Jackie Vaughn (2015)

Bradley King (2015) Barbara Campbell (2015) Nita Wright (2013)

Doug Lester (2013)

TECHNICAL TEAM: Michelle Martin (2013) Kayla Roe (2013) Staff Resource: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry Chairperson: Steve Pickelsimer (2013) Patti Clark (2014) [email protected] Steve Pickelsimer (2013) Alex Sanders (2014)

Kim Picklesimer (2013) Holly Sanders (2015)

Alex Sanders (2013) Donna Sweeney (2015)

Gary McDonald (2014) Jackie Tharpe (2015)

Tom Wright (2014)

Mark Sanders (2015)

Michael Phillips (2015)

Bradley King (2015)

Darren Hackler – ex-officio

STEWARDSHIP TEAM: WORSHIP TEAM: Staff Resource: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry and Staff Resources: Sr. Pastor, Loyd Mabry, & Marissa Beck Rev. Felicia Kumar

Chairperson: Nita Wright (2013) Chairperson: Ryan Sanford (2014)

[email protected] [email protected] Finance Chair: Ron Motley (2015) Organist: Bobby Medlen Lay Members to Annual Conf: Linda McAnallly Music Minister: Marissa Beck (2015) and Ruth Hudnall (2013) Alter Guild: Sam and Gwen Graves Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz (2013) Communion Stewards: Mike and Pam Ashworth, ______(2013) Kathy Pitts and Jennifer Brown Carol Sue Swann (2013) Ushers Coordinator: Charles King Patricia Sallee (2013) Flower Coordinator: ______Ryan Sanford (2014)

Memorial Fund Stewards: Ruth Hudnall, Tillie Matthew Johnson (2014) Hager, Gwen Graves Cristi Coon (2014) Kelsey Jones (2014)

Regina Medlen (2015) CHRISTIAN EDUCATION AND Loretta Seagraves (2015) SPIRITUAL FORMATION TEAM:

Tom Brown (2015) Chairperson: Rev. Felicia Kumar

[email protected]

Sunday School Superintendent: Shirley Cobble

Education Coordinators:

Older Adult: LeAnna Rawson

Middle Adult: Michelle Martin

Young Adult: Kim Honey

Children: Elizabeth Phiri

Youth: Matthew Johnson, Stacey Dodge

Pre-school: Cristi Coon


Chairperson: Darlene Trent (2013) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM:

Chairperson: Rev. Felicia Kumar [email protected] Nursery: Sheila Upham and Frankie Cashion

Darlene Trent (2013) Ann Hackler

Carol Smith (2013) Christi Coon

Martha BeCraft (2013) Nicole Takayama

Candy Kane (2014) Lee Anne Sanford

Suzanne Kennedy (2014) Jill Phillips Carol Clahane (2014)

Patti Clark (2015) SAFE SANCTUARY TASK FORCE: Gary Rawson (2015) Chairperson: Rev. Felicia Kumar Maggie Williams (2015) Nursery: Sheila Upham and Frankie Cashion Ken Williams (2015) Trustee Designee: Tom Wright

SPRC Designee: ______

Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz (2013)

Youth Director: Matthew Johnson Staff Resource: Loyd Mabry

Chairperson: Loyd Mabry

Education: Felicia Kumar

Vision: Gary McDonald

Worship: Nita Wright

Evangelism & Membership Care: ______

Stewardship: Ryan Sanford

Finance: Ron Motley

Missions: Linda Brown

Church Council: Steve Cashion

Pre-school: Frankie Cashion

Lay Leader: Scott Buchholz

UMW: Nita Wright

UMM: Frank Pitts

Trustees: Tom Wright

Staff/Youth: Matthew Johnson

SPRC: Jim Sanders

Technical: Steve Pickelsimer VISION TEAM:

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