1999-2000 Bill 4593: Priscilla Navarro Sims, Resolutions - South Carolina Legislature Online
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1 BIL: 4593 2 TYP: Concurrent Resolution CR 3 INB: House 4 IND: 20000215 5 PSP: Carnell 6 SPO: Carnell, Allen, Allison, Altman, Askins, Bailey, Bales, Barfield, 7 Barrett, Battle, Bowers, Breeland, G. Brown, H. Brown, J. Brown, 8 T. Brown, Campsen, Canty, Cato, Chellis, Clyburn, Cobb-Hunter, Cooper, 9 Cotty, Dantzler, Davenport, Delleney, Easterday, Edge, Emory, Fleming, 10 Frye, Gamble, Gilham, Gourdine, Govan, Hamilton, Harrell, Harris, 11 Harrison, Harvin, Haskins, Hawkins, Hayes, J. Hines, M. Hines, Hinson, 12 Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Inabinett, Jennings, Keegan, Kelley, Kennedy, 13 Kirsh, Klauber, Knotts, Koon, Lanford, Law, Leach, Lee, Limehouse, 14 Littlejohn, Lloyd, Loftis, Lourie, Lucas, Mack, Maddox, Martin, McCraw, 15 McGee, McKay, M. McLeod, W. McLeod, McMahand, Meacham-Richardson, 16 Miller, Moody-Lawrence, J.H. Neal, J.M. Neal, Neilson, Ott, Parks, 17 Perry, Phillips, Pinckney, Quinn, Rhoad, Rice, Riser, Robinson, Rodgers, 18 Rutherford, Sandifer, Scott, Seithel, Sharpe, Sheheen, Simrill, 19 F. Smith, J. Smith, R. Smith, D. Smith, Stille, Stuart, Taylor, 20 Townsend, Tripp, Trotter, Vaughn, Walker, Webb, Whatley, Whipper, 21 Wilder, Wilkes, Wilkins, Witherspoon, Woodrum and Young-Brickell 22 DDN: l:\council\bills\pt\1866dw00.doc 23 DPB: 20000215 24 SUB: Priscilla Navarro Sims, Resolutions 25 26 27 28 HST: 29 30 Body Date Action Description Com Leg Involved 31 ______32 House 20000215 Received from Senate 33 Senate 20000215 Introduced, adopted, returned 34 with concurrence 35 House 20000215 Introduced, adopted, sent to Senate 36 37 38 Versions of This Bill 39 40 41 42 43 TXT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 10 11 TO EXPRESS THE SINCERE APPRECIATION AND 12 GRATITUDE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL 13 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA TO ONE 14 OF THEIR MOST CHERISHED FRIENDS, PRISCILLA 15 NAVARRO SIMS (MRS. LANA HANCOCK SIMS), FOR HER 16 UNBOUNDED COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION TO THE 17 PALMETTO STATE ON THE OCCASION OF HER 18 RETIREMENT AND TO WISH HER HAPPINESS AND GOOD 19 HEALTH IN ALL THE YEARS TO COME. 20 21 Whereas, Priscilla Sims’ illustrious lobbying career began with the 22 South Carolina Railroad Association from 1972 through 1985. 23 Her professional and keen business skills were further utilized in 24 1986, when she was named the lobbyist for CSX Transportation -- 25 a position she has held until her recent retirement; and 26 27 Whereas, Priscilla was born in the Republic of Panama on July 14, 28 1933, and is the second child of Cecelia Smith Navarro and the 29 late, renowned architect Rogelio Navarro. She has a sister, Clarita 30 Riba and brother, Rogelio Navarro; and 31 32 Whereas, at the age of nine, her father passed away and her family 33 came to the United States; and 34 35 Whereas, Priscilla grew up in New York City. She attended 36 Rosemont College and graduated from Fordham University. For 37 one year during college, she attended the Sorbonne in Paris while 38 visiting her aunt who was the Ambassador from Panama; and 39 40 Whereas, while visiting relatives in Panama, Priscilla met the love 41 of her life, Columbia native Lana Hancock Sims, Sr., an officer in
1 [4593] 1 1 the United States Navy stationed in the Canal Zone and an aide to 2 Admiral Miles from Beaufort, South Carolina; and 3 4 Whereas, she has been a resident of Columbia since 1957 and for 5 twenty-one wonderful years, she was the loving and devoted wife 6 of her late husband, Lana Hancock Sims, Sr., a well-respected 7 South Carolina lobbyist; and 8 9 Whereas, Priscilla provides love and constant support and 10 inspiration to her four children: Lana, Jr., Mary Beth, Cathy, and 11 Ted and to their spouses Anne, Keith, David, and Allison; and 12 13 Whereas, she is the proud “Nina” to eight adorable grandchildren: 14 Lana IV, McLean, Wesley, Ginny, Matthew, Landon, Daniel, and 15 McKenna; and 16 17 Whereas, Priscilla Sims is truly a “class act” following in the style 18 of her vivacious mother, Cecelia Dudley, who now lives in 19 Columbia; and 20 21 Whereas, Priscilla has a reputation for opening her home up to 22 friends and associates whenever the need arises. We all know her 23 as a consummate chef and exquisite hostess, who has the ability to 24 entertain with a zest that is unmatched. No one leaves her home 25 following a drop-in, birthday party, or a dinner without having the 26 warmest feelings and admiration for this truly beloved lady; and 27 28 Whereas, Priscilla always has music in her heart and has made 29 “LaVie En Rose” her signature song. She would love to share the 30 stage with her favorite tenor, Luciano Pavarotti; and 31 32 Whereas, Priscilla has served on numerous boards including: 33 Town Theatre Board of Directors, Vice President; Richland 34 Memorial Hospital Board of Directors; Winthrop College Board of 35 Visitors; University of South Carolina Law School Partnership 36 Board; South Carolina Operation Lifesaver Executive Committee 37 and Advisory Board; South Carolina Export Consortium, 38 Treasurer; and South Carolina Society of Association Executives, 39 Trade Show Chairman. She has served as the Provisional 40 Chairman, Placement Chairman, Recording Secretary, and Vice 41 President of the Junior League of Columbia; and 42
1 [4593] 2 1 Whereas, in 1982, Priscilla Sims was selected 1982 Woman of the 2 Year by the Women’s Center of Midlands Technical College for 3 making the best transition from a homemaker to working outside 4 the home; and 5 6 Whereas, in her path through life, Priscilla has continually and 7 consistently thought of others -- always going the extra mile to 8 ensure others are comforted and loved no matter what the occasion 9 may be; and 10 11 Whereas, she is a long-time member of St. Joseph’s Catholic 12 Church and has served on the Parish Council; and 13 14 Whereas, beyond her business and professional life, Priscilla Sims 15 is a woman who loves her family and delights in the experiences of 16 her children and grandchildren; and 17 18 Whereas, hopefully, she now will find the time to indulge in the 19 things she has always enjoyed, i.e., golfing, fishing, and even 20 hunting for quail. While travel has always been an important part 21 of her life, her retirement now offers even more opportunities for 22 exploring the world; and 23 24 Whereas, there are times when it is difficult to find words for the 25 proper expression of one’s sentiments and this is such an occasion. 26 We are saddened to say goodbye, but at the same time we rejoice 27 that the value of her labors and unselfishness will long be 28 remembered as an example for others to follow; and 29 30 Whereas, she is a truly distinguished South Carolinian, who has 31 given most generously of her time and talents to the people of the 32 Palmetto State for many years, and it would be most fitting and 33 appropriate that the members of the General Assembly pause in 34 their deliberations to honor Priscilla Navarro Sims. Now, 35 therefore, 36 37 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate 38 concurring: 39 40 That the members of the General Assembly of the State of South 41 Carolina, by this resolution, express their sincere appreciation and 42 gratitude to one of their most cherished friends, Priscilla Navarro 43 Sims (Mrs. Lana Hancock Sims), for her unbounded commitment
1 [4593] 3 1 and dedication to the Palmetto State on the occasion of her 2 retirement and wish her happiness and good health in all the years 3 to come. 4 5 Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to 6 Priscilla Navarro Sims. 7 ----XX----
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