Teacher Candidate Clinical Practice Weekly Reflection and Planning

Directions: On Friday of each week of clinical practice, please complete and send this form to your University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher. Be sure to discuss the content of the reflection with your Cooperating Teacher in your weekly reflection and planning meeting.

Name:______Week ______Date______

1. This week the TPEs that I focused on were:

2. An “aha” moment in my teaching this week was:

3. I felt most confident and competent with my skills when:

4. My biggest challenge this week was:

5. The co-teaching approaches my Cooperating Teacher (CT) and I used this week were:

___ Supportive ____I led ____CT led

___ Parallel ____I led planning ____We jointly planned ____My CT planned

___ Complementary ____I led, my CT complemented ____My CT led, I complemented

___ Team ____Guided by CT _____We jointly planned & delivered instruction

Questions I have; help I would like: ______

Requested focus of next observation/meeting:

_____ TPEs (specify):______

_____ Co-teaching planning &/or implementation _____ Instructional strategies

_____ Classroom management/support _____ Differentiation of instruction

_____ Individualized Accommodations and Modifications

_____ Supporting/Co-teaching with Paraeducators ______Positive Behavior Supports

_____ Other (specify):______