At the Hare & Hounds P.H. Haconby
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1 Present: Cllrs A Williams (chair), T Anders, C. Campbell, M Youds, R Dixon-Warren, Mrs S Woolley (LCC) and H Deacon (Clerk). Apologies: Cllr F Cartwright(SKDC), D Winn and B Blackbourn
2 Declaration of Interest None declared
3 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on June 12th 2013 The Minutes were ratified
4 Matters Arising None
5 Correspondence & Clerk’s Report Clerk to write to local farmers nearer the next harvest, to request that tractor drivers slow down through the village of Haconby. Mr W Ewer won the shooting bid for 2013/14 Clerk to ask the PC bank( Lloyds)for an ATM card as only signatory holders can request statements for the PC meetings and the clerk isn’t a signatory holder. .
6 Planning The Planning Report was received (a) Applications received. See report (b) Applications Processed/Outstanding)
7 Finance 7.1 Financial Reports to September 18th 2013 was received 7.2 Cheque(s) presented: (a) B Bardford (Digger hire) £227.75 (b) H Deacon (Clerk’s wages) £500.00 Cheque(s) received (a) W Ewer (Shooting bid) £103.20 8 Parish Emergency Plan R Dixon-Warren informed the meeting that the finished plan is available to view on the Parish website and will be reviewed annually. The Chairman and Cllrs thanked Cllr Dixon-Warren for his effort and hard work in producing the Parish Emergency Plan.
9 Neighbourhood Policing Panel Report The meeting at the Hare and Hounds on the 15th July was very poorly attended by members of the public. A couple of the points raised that would concern Haconby and Stainfield were illegal raves and underage tractor drivers. Majority of the discussion focused on Bourne which is always going to feature heavily at these meetings. 10 Risk Assesment A couple of householder’s have overgrown hedges on to public footpaths. Clerk to write to these householders
11 AOB Cllr Woolley reminded everyone that the Library consultation closes on the 30th September. There are posters in the local notice boards for further information. Cllr Woolley let it be known that the surface chipping had taken place recently heading towards the A15.
12 Matters for the next agenda None
13 Date of next meeting. Wednesday November 13th 2013
Signed ……………………………………………. (Chair) Date:
Public forum There were two members of the public present, Mr K Barnes and Mr F Bird. Mr Barnes asked if there is any possibility of a mirror strategically placed as he feels that when he leaves his cul-de- sac, he has a blind spot to vehicles entering Headland Way. Cllr Woolley/Clerk will contact Highways. The village pond was also discussed as members of the public feel that it hasn’t been maintained for sometime. Also with it being very overgrown around the edges there could easily be a accident for a child who isn’t aware it’s a pond. Clerk to contact Mrs Woolley regarding the pond. The PC meeting was also informed as you come into the village from Morton the contents of a commercial fat fryer have been dumped under a hedge, there was batter, chips and oil found. The Clerk will write to all fish and chip shops and mobile establishments local to the area. The subject of excess straw on the Highway was also discussed as the road sweeper had been in the area during harvest time to sweep the highways, perhaps a little premature as the harvest hadn’t finished, also the same with the drainage truck emptying out the contents of the drains. A parishioner spotted the contents of the road sweeper had been dumped by the roadside on the Morton road leaving Haconby. Clerk to contact Highways. Mr Bird asked the PC if he was responsible for trimming his trees that overhang the Highway, he was informed that it his responsibility.