Call to Order - Angie Tomaszewski, President, Called the Meeting to Order at 7:03 P.M
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Attending: 1. Angie Tomaszewski 9. Courtney Gatlin 2. Lisa Krepich 10. Chandra Bittner 3. Deirdre Rommelmeyer 11. Matt Giamporcaro 4. Dan Lani 12. Michelle Taliaferro 5. Mike Pellegrino 13. Carol Sierra 6. Maureen Kirk 14. Marty Kazmierczak 7. Chris Rawls 15. Juana Kazmierczak 8. Shantell Evans 16. Julie Sprinkle
Call to Order - Angie Tomaszewski, President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Approval of Minutes- Lisa Krepich, Secretary presented the Minutes from the November 13, 2013 General Membership Meeting. Motion for approval was made by Maureen Kirk, and seconded by Matt Giamporcaro. Minutes were approved without change. Report of the Executive Committee - Juana Kazmierczak, Treasurer, presented a Treasurer’s Report representing cash flow from 12/11/13 to 1/8/2014 highlighting that Box Tops generated a large income of $1,700, and our After School Enrichment Fall Session had one large reimbursement of $900 which should complete that session’s transactions. Our current cash balance is $41,899.23. A second Financials report is a new template form that came from VA PTA showing our actual cash numbers against our Budget. We are doing fairly well – one note is that Innisbrook income should go up when we receive internet sales proceeds. Lisa Krepich made a motion to approve these reports, it was seconded by Michelle Taliaferro. Motion carried. Report of Standing Committees Outdoor Classroom Project Committee – Shantell Evans, Chair. The OC Committee is currently working on the design of the classroom and will next get that approved (by both EMES PTA and LCPS facilities management who will need to approve all blueprints). Our budget of $6500 will almost certainly need adjustment. In December, they held a Lunch and Learn for the teachers most closely involved and found them very receptive and helpful with new ideas for the classroom. A company to manufacture bricks for the decorative walkway has been identified. The plan will be to sell bricks to donors for $100, which will give $86 back to EMES to invest in the OC. The committee hopes to use the walkway plan as a visual to generate excitement and show our progress toward our fundraising goal. Another opportunity discussed is a tile wall (tiles selling for $50 a piece). The GREEN KIDS grant application is nearly complete. The committee is hoping all requirements will be outlined and complete by the end of January 2014 in order to break ground by Earth Day in April. Communications & Marketing Committee – Michelle Taliaferro reported that there have been small jumps in readership for our Python Post Its and the monthly newsletter format has been well received. We currently have 335 email subscribers through Constant Contact (74 of which are staff). In contrast, Mr. Pellegrino has 540 emails for EMES families and staff. Communications will work to create a procedure for receiving changes of email address from EMES families through the front office. The next electronic newsletter will be distributed 1/15/14. Volunteer Committee – No Report. School Events Committee – o Family Bounce Night (TOMORROW, 1/9/14) o Skate Night is 1/25/14. o Bedtime Stories coordinator, Carol Sierra gave an outline of her committee’s plans for the event coming up on 2/7/14. The school will have a PJ Spirit Day and the event begins at 6:30pm. Outreach Committee – Sally Dunleavy, Chair requested feedback on holding another Used Book Sale during this school year. The fall sale made $220 which represented approximately 400 books being “reused” by excited recipients. The teachers have been especially supportive of another event. It was suggested to hold a second sale in conjunction with the Spring Bingo For Books on 3/28/14. Our Thanksgiving food drives were very successful, as was the Leesburg Giant food drive. Upcoming Outreach projects include ASEP scholarships and creating a snack closet for teachers. Ways & Means Committee – Maureen Kirk, Chair noted that fundraising donation letters generated approximately $1300 and we will continue to send Sponsorship opportunity letters to the community specifically for the Outdoor Classroom’s fundraising efforts. Courtney Gatlin presented information from the 1/6/14 meeting of the Silent Auction Committee. It was decided that we will hold a Silent Auction in conjunction with the Family Movie Night on May 16, 2014. It will include fewer items than in the past, but improved quality. More teacher and administration time prizes will also be offered. A second “parents only” event will be planned at another venue to use the Bittner’s donation of a Robbie Schaefer performance. Scheduling for this event will be determined once we decide on the goal of this event – either fundraising OR PTA membership recruitment. The committee will solicit feedback and propose a vote at the next General Membership Meeting. Membership Committee – No report. Education, Arts & Athletics Committee – Julie Sprinkle noted that our After School Enrichment Program Registration begins 1/10/14. The Winter session will be held on Mondays and Fridays beginning 2/3/14 and going through 3/17/14. This session features 10 club options on Mondays and 8 options on Fridays, this time including some outside vendors as well as parents and teachers leading. This registration will also be done online through Sign-up Genius and we are excited to see how this works – it could mean a much easier workflow. Our co-chairs have done an amazing job! Fall participation was up 58%! For Winter, we are offering 10 scholarships to be considered and awarded by Mr. Pellegrino. Julie also announced that the Loudoun Education Alliance of Parents will meet on January 15th at the LCPS Administration Building in Ashburn to discuss the 2014/2015 budget and all parents are welcome to attend. Staff Support Committee – Lisa Krepich, Chair thanked anyone who participated in December’s Staff Cookie Exchange – it was a great success and we thank Laurie Williams for coordinating. New Business Dominion Trail Math Tournament – The PTA will post information on this event through Facebook and the website but will not formally sponsor a team from EMES. VOTE ON PROPOSAL: $382 for a set of 6 historical fiction novels for the fifth grade. This supports the new/ongoing reading program being led by the school reading specialist, Sherry Brogan. The program may be replicated for each grade level. The total expense may reach $3000 for K-5. After a short discussion, a motion was made by Maureen Kirk to approve a new EMES PTA Budget line item called “EMES Reading Program” in the amount of $3,000. The motion was seconded by Julie Sprinkle. Motion carried. VOTE ON PROPOSAL: $853 for the replacement Morning Show computer. From Mr. P: "[The Morning Show] keeps students, staff updated with current information and events at Evergreen Mill. It also advertises upcoming events and recognizes students [mostly 5th graders.] This computer would also be able to support the monitor [the PTA] has been talking about putting in the school lobby." This computer would need no additional PTA resources for shipping, installation or maintenance. After a brief discussion, Chandra Bittner made a motion to approve this expenditure. Seconded by Sally Dunleavy. Motion carried. EMES PTA elected not to participate in the Shenandoah University Teacher of the Year. Another competition may be explored. Michelle Taliaferro volunteered to serve as EMES representative on the Confidential Stakeholders Advisory Committee (CSAC) that is being established to assess semifinalist candidates for the new LCPS Superintendent. ,Announcements and additional business Next PTA General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR CASH FLOW ANALYSIS held its first meeting on Monday, 1/6/14 where jobs were divided up. The electronic vote from 12/9/13 was officially ratified. SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR FINANCE PROCESSES IMPROVEMENT held its first meeting on Tuesday, 1/7/14 and approved a work plan. They have requested and received 5 years worth of past PTA financial records and will begin analysis. The process should take approximately one month. The electronic vote for this committee from 12/9/13 was also ratified. OPEN POSITIONS PLEASE CONSIDER: 1. Vice President for next school year 2. Co-Chair Silent Auction and/or Robbie Schaefer Event 3. Outdoor Classroom Grant-writer 4. Outdoor Classroom Fundraising Chair 5. Spiritwear Chair ASEP Registration begins 1/10/14. Mathmagician Assembly is 1/24 and all are welcome to attend this PTA sponsored event. Bedtime Stories is 2/7/14.
Adjournment. Lisa Krepich moved to adjourn. Seconded by Juana Kazmierczak. Motion carried and the meeting ended at 8:33 p.m.