Alumni Notes NotesAlumni Alumni Notes Policy » Send alumni updates and photographs directly to Class Correspondents. » Digital photographs should be high- resolution jpg images (300 dpi). » Each class column is limited to 650 words so that we can accommodate eight decades of classes in the Bulletin! » Bulletin staff reserve the right to edit, format and select all materials for publication. Class of 1937 James Case 3757 Round Top Drive, Honolulu, HI 96822
[email protected] | 808.949.8272 Class of 1939 Lambert Wai was the sole representative of the Class of ’39 celebrating his 80th Class Reunion at the Alumni Lu‘au. He was recognized as the most senior alumnus in attendance. Joining him that evening was his daughter, Francine Lambert Kekaula Wai ’39, age 98, celebrated his 80th Reunion at the Alumni Lu‘au. Wai ’69, attending her 50th Class Reunion. Lambert celebrated his 98th birthday the week after Alumni Lu‘au and renewed his driver’s license (for ID purposes only, not driving!). He retired 25 years ago from Mutual of Omaha. He appreciated their reports in the Alumni Notes closed down in 1990 with security problems. spends his time at home, and enjoys playing section. Martin retired from his law firm, During this period, our game manager and cribbage, watching sports, tracking the news, Goodsill Anderson & Quinn, in December 2006, several Kenyan army soldiers were killed by reading, shopping online and chatting with and from active duty after 33 years in the U.S. the Somali ivory poachers.” He wrote a book friends and family by email. Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel (active about these incredible years, “Galana: duty 1943 – 1946 and 1950 – 1951 in Korea, Elephant, Game Domestication and Cattle on Class of 1941 Inchon Landing and Chosin Reservoir a Kenya Ranch,” published by Stanford campaigns).