BTP Stop and Search Supplementary Data Pack December 2015

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BTP Stop and Search Supplementary Data Pack December 2015

BTP Stop and Search Supplementary Data Pack – December 2015

Guidance Notes This analysis covers the period 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015.

It is based on the latest stop and search figures compiled as of 4 January 2016. Numbers may change slightly as Divisions continue to enter details of encounters.

The data provided here is provisional and has not been audited. For this reason it may not be directly comparable with Home Office statistics. Calculations on very small sample sizes are unlikely to reflect the true nature of stop and search activity.

Glossary Self Defined Ethnicity (SDE) – the ethnic group as defined by the person stopped using national Census categories. Home Office forces are obliged by Section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 to report the ethnicity of those stopped and searched by their SDE.

Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance (EA) – the ethnic group as perceived by the stopping officer according to Police National Computer (PNC) Ethnicity Codes. It is this data that is compared with population estimates from the 2011 Census (other than in Scotland and the age analysis which use 2001 Census data as the 2011 data is not yet available) to calculate the rate at which individuals from black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds are stopped and searched. This figure is reported as the number of stops and searches per 1,000 head of population. Proportionality data is also presented; this should be treated with caution at Area level as they include varying mixtures of urban and rural communities, with different demographics. For the same reason, proportionality ratios are not published at Force level.

Population estimates – these are Census estimates of the total resident population within a given geographical area.

Ethnic Code PNC Classification Mapped To 0 Unknown Unknown 1 White North European White 2 White South European White 3 Black Black 4 Asian Asian 5 Chinese, Japanese or South East Asian Other 6 Middle Eastern Other

Not Protectively Marked 1 BTP Stop and Search Data Summary – December 2015

There has been a 60% decrease on stop & search encounters recorded between current period and previous period.

Reasonable Terrorism Stop and Account Section 60 Police Reform Total Grounds Related No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % East 1,085 63% 629 37% ------1,714 13% South 1,429 73% 531 27% 4 0.2% - - - - 1,964 15% B Division TfL 3,797 87% 559 13% - - 7 0.2% - - 4,363 32% Other 2,669 77% 808 23% 2 0.1% 4 0.1% 1 0.03% 3,484 26% B Division Total 8,980 78% 2527 22% 6 0.05% 11 0.1% 1 0.01% 11,525 86% Midlands 8 2% 366 97% - - 3 0.8% - - 377 3% Pennine 72 8% 870 92% - - 1 0.1% 2 0.2% 945 7% Wales 21 18% 95 82% - - - - - 116 1% C Division Western 25 8% 302 92% - - 1 0.3% 1 0.3% 329 2% Other ------C Division Total 126 7% 1633 92% - - 5 0.3% 3 0.2% 1,767 13% D Division D Division Total 89 50% 71 40% 18 10% 1 0.6% - - 179 1% Force 9,195 68% 4,231 31% 24 0.2% 17 0.1% 4 0.03% 13,471 100%

For comparison, the number of stop, search and account encounters during the same period last year (1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014) can be seen below:

Stop and Account Reasonable Grounds Section 60 Terrorism Related Total No. % No. % No. % No. % No. Current Period (01/2015 – 12/2015) 9,195 68% 4,231 31% 24 0.2% 17 0.13% 13,471 Previous Period (01/2015 – 12/2014) 24,596 73% 8,883 26% 53 0.2% 4 0.03% 33,536 % Change -63% -52% -55% 325% -60%

Not Protectively Marked 2 Stop, Search and Account – Monthly Profile for England & Wales

Power Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Stop and Account 1318 1073 898 745 660 561 626 791 576 686 542 630 9,106 Sec 1 Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 115 149 139 124 129 121 141 140 119 148 116 112 1,553 Sec 23 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 273 345 267 241 218 225 229 185 137 151 162 156 2,589 Sec 289 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 - - 2 ------2 Sec 47 Firearms Act 1968 4 2 - - - - - 5 1 - 3 1 16 Reasonable Grounds 392 496 408 365 347 346 370 330 257 299 281 269 4,160 Section 60 ------5 1 - - - 6 Terrorism Related - - 1 1 - - 3 1 1 - 5 4 16 Not Protectively Marked 3 Police Reform Act 2002 ------1 3 - 4 Reasonable Grounds Arrest Rate %15 %14 %19 %17 %21 %23 %21 %22 %20 %21 %22 %20 %19

Stop, Search and Account by Ethnic Background

By Self Defined Ethnicity (from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015) White Black Asian Other Not Stated Total Power No % No % No % No % No % No Stop and Account 3,327 36% 1109 12% 394 4% 278 3% 4087 44% 9,195 Reasonable Grounds 2,537 60% 577 14% 250 6% 85 2% 782 18% 4,231 Section 60 20 83% 2 8% - - - - 2 8% 24 Terrorism Related 2 12% 3 18% 5 29% 1 6% 6 35% 17 Police Reform 2 50% ------2 50% 4 Force 5,888 44% 1,691 13% 649 5% 364 3% 4,879 36% 13,471

By Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance (from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015) White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Power No % No % No % No % No % No Stop and Account 5,391 59% 2,851 31% 701 8% 252 3% - - 9,195 Reasonable Grounds 2,817 67% 1,021 24% 329 8% 64 2% - - 4,231 Section 60 22 92% 2 8% ------24 Terrorism Related 4 24% 5 29% 7 41% 1 6% - - 17 Police Reform 2 50% - - 2 50% - - - - 4 Force 8,236 61% 3,879 29% 1,039 8% 317 2% - - 13,471

Not Protectively Marked 4 Force Summary

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Power No % No % No % No % No % No Stop and Account 5,391 59% 2,851 31% 701 8% 252 3% - - 9,195 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 2,334 71% 636 19% 279 9% 32 1% - - 3,281 Reasonable Grounds - Other 483 51% 385 41% 50 5% 32 3% - - 950 Reasonable Grounds 2,817 67% 1,021 24% 329 8% 64 2% - - 4,231 Section 60 22 92% 2 8% ------24 Terrorism Related 4 24% 5 29% 7 41% 1 6% - - 17 Police Reform 2 50% - - 2 50% - - - - 4 Stop and Search Total 2,839 67% 1,023 24% 329 8% 64 2% - - 4,255

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Power No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 322 6% 158 6% 47 7% 16 6% - - 543 6% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 237 10% 84 13% 32 11% 7 22% - - 360 11% Reasonable Grounds - Other 268 55% 137 36% 31 62% 9 28% - - 445 47% Reasonable Grounds 505 18% 221 22% 63 19% 16 25% - - 805 19% Section 60 5 23% ------5 21% Terrorism Related 1 25% - - 1 14% - - - - 2 12% Police Reform ------0% Stop and Search Total 510 18% 221 22% 63 19% 16 25% - - 810 19%

Not Protectively Marked 5 Sub-Division Summaries – B Division (East)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account* 617 57% 0.13 - 334 31% 0.31 2.43 98 9% 0.06 0.51 36 3% 0.13 1.01 - - 1,085 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 217 62% 0.03 - 97 28% 0.13 4.68 34 10% 0.02 0.84 3 1% - - - - 351 Reasonable Grounds - Other 155 56% 0.02 - 96 35% 0.13 6.49 24 9% 0.02 0.83 3 1% - - - - 278 Reasonable Grounds** 372 59% 0.05 - 193 31% 0.26 5.44 58 9% 0.04 0.84 6 1% - - - - 629 Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 372 59% - - 193 31% - - 58 9% - - 6 1% - - - - 629

* Census population estimates for Stop and Account are for Greater London ** Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP B Division East ***Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 25 4% 0.01 - 11 3% - - 4 4% - - - 0% - - - - 40 4% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 29 13% 0.00 - 14 14% 0.02 5.06 2 6% - - - 0% - - - - 45 13% Reasonable Grounds - Other 38 25% 0.00 - 33 34% 0.04 9.10 4 17% - - 1 33% - - - - 76 27% Reasonable Grounds 67 18% 0.01 - 47 24% 0.06 7.35 6 10% - - 1 17% - - - - 121 19% Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 67 18% - - 47 24% - - 6 10% - - 1 17% - - - - 121 19%

* Census population estimates as above ** Due to small numbers some arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 19% 10% 24% 9% 24% 9% 6% 15% 16% 13% 8% 0% 13% Reasonable Grounds - Other 15% 26% 26% 17% 26% 38% 42% 22% 25% 29% 40% 18% 27% Not Protectively Marked 6 Reasonable Grounds 17% 15% 25% 13% 25% 21% 23% 19% 20% 21% 23% 7% 19%

B Division (South)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account* 755 53% 0.15 - 585 41% 0.54 3.48 53 4% 0.04 0.23 36 3% 0.13 0.83 - - 1,429 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 242 68% 0.03 - 99 28% 0.18 6.84 10 3% - - 4 1% - - - - 355 Reasonable Grounds - Other 97 55% 0.01 - 61 35% 0.11 10.51 13 7% 0.02 1.84 5 2.8% - - - - 176 Reasonable Grounds** 339 64% 0.04 - 160 30% 0.29 7.89 23 4% 0.03 0.93 9 2% - - - - 531 Section 60 3 75% - - 1 25% ------4 Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 342 64% - - 161 30% - - 23 4% - - 9 2% - - - - 535

* Census population estimates for Stop and Account are for Greater London ** Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP B Division South *** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate

Stop and Account 33 4% 0.01 - 22 4% 0.02 2.99 4 8% - - 4 11% - - - - 63 4% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 51 21% 0.01 - 14 14% 0.03 4.59 4 40% - - 1 25% - - - - 70 20% Reasonable Grounds - Other 29 30% 0.00 - 14 23% 0.03 8.07 7 54% - - 1 20% - - - - 51 29% Reasonable Grounds 80 24% 0.01 - 28 18% 0.05 5.85 11 48% 0.02 - 2 22% - - - - 121 23% Section 60 - 0% - - - 0% ------Police Reform ------Terrorism Related ------Stop and Search Total 80 23% - - 28 17% - - 11 48% - - 2 22% - - - - 121 23%

* Census population estimates as above ** Due to small numbers some arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Monthly Arrest Rates Not Protectively Marked 7 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 22% 19% 13% 21% 24% 20% 38% 12% 25% 32% 12% 10% 20% Reasonable Grounds - Other 24% 11% 24% 10% 22% 53% 21% 50% 33% 25% 33% 40% 29% Reasonable Grounds 22% 17% 17% 19% 23% 32% 31% 25% 29% 29% 19% 18% 23% B Division (Transport for London)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account 2,298 61% 0.47 - 1,113 29% 1.02 2.17 290 8% 0.19 0.41 96 3% 0.34 0.73 - - 3,797 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 195 58% 0.04 - 103 31% 0.09 2.37 28 8% 0.02 0.46 8 2% - - - - 334 Reasonable Grounds - Other 115 51% 0.02 - 86 38% 0.08 3.36 19 8% 0.01 0.53 5 2% - - - - 225 Reasonable Grounds 310 55% 0.06 - 189 34% 0.17 2.74 47 8% 0.03 0.49 13 2% 0.05 0.73 - - 559 Section 60 ------Terrorism Related 1 14% - - 4 57% - - 1 14% - - 1 14% - - - - 7 Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 310 55% - - 189 34% - - 47 8% - - 13 2% - - - - 559

* Census population estimates are for Greater London ** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 144 6% 0.03 - 78 7% 0.07 2.43 21 7% 0.01 0.47 8 8% - - - - 251 7% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 30 15% 0.01 - 18 17% 0.02 2.69 4 14% - - - 0% - - - - 52 16% Reasonable Grounds - Other 38 33% 0.01 - 22 26% 0.02 2.60 6 32% - - 1 20% - - - - 67 30% Reasonable Grounds 68 22% 0.01 - 40 21% 0.04 4.73 10 21% - - 1 8% - - - - 119 21% Section 60 ------0% Terrorism Related ------1 100% ------1 0% Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 68 22% - - 40 21% - - 10 21% - - 1 8% - - - - 119 21%

* Census population estimates as above ** Due to small numbers some arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Not Protectively Marked 8 Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 21% 9% 10% 19% 10% 19% 21% 5% 30% 9% 29% 18% 16% Reasonable Grounds - Other 12% 35% 26% 23% 43% 0% 37% 20% 33% 30% 53% 28% 30% Reasonable Grounds 19% 18% 16% 20% 24% 13% 28% 10% 32% 20% 39% 23% 21%

Not Protectively Marked 9 B Division (Other)* *B Division (Other) represents searches conducted by B Division officers not assigned to a Sub-Division (e.g. Pan London Response Teams, London Overground & London) and those conducted by A Division officers on B Division (e.g. CTSU, Operations & Learning & Development)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per B Division Other No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account 1,547 58% 0.32 - 798 30% 0.73 2.32 247 9% 0.16 0.52 77 3% 0.27 0.87 - - 2,669 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 229 55% 0.01 - 127 30% 0.05 5.09 49 12% 0.01 1.29 13 3% 0.02 2.24 - - 418 Reasonable Grounds - Other 180 46% 0.01 - 163 42% 0.07 8.31 34 9% 0.01 1.14 13 3% 0.02 2.84 - - 390 Reasonable Grounds** 409 51% 0.02 - 290 36% 0.12 6.51 83 10% 0.02 1.22 26 3% 0.05 2.50 - - 808 Section 60 1 50% - - 1 50% ------2 Terrorism Related 2 50% ------2 50% ------4 Police Reform 1 100% ------1 Stop and Search Total 410 51% - - 291 36% - - 83 10% - - 26 3% - - - 0% 810

** Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP B Division *** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest B Division Other No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 110 7% 0.02 - 47 6% 0.04 1.92 18 7% 0.01 0.53 4 5% - - - - 179 7% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 35 15% 0.00 - 25 20% 0.01 6.56 9 18% - - 5 38% - - - - 74 18% Reasonable Grounds - Other 52 29% 0.00 - 54 33% 0.02 9.53 8 24% - - 5 38% - - - - 119 31% Reasonable Grounds 87 21% 0.00 - 79 27% 0.03 8.34 17 20% 0.00 1.18 10 38% - - - - 193 24% Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 87 21% - - 79 27% - - 17 20% - - 10 38% - - - - 193 24%

* Census population estimates as above ** Due to small numbers some arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 13% 16% 28% 28% 32% 26% 9% 10% 8% 10% 23% 22% 18% Reasonable Grounds - Other 0% 28% 21% 38% 40% 28% 34% 39% 37% 33% 21% 32% 31% Not Protectively Marked 10 Reasonable Grounds 8% 21% 25% 32% 36% 27% 19% 26% 23% 24% 22% 27% 24%

C Division (Midlands)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account 6 75% - - 1 13% - - 1 13% ------8 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 171 69% 0.02 - 40 16% 0.14 6.61 35 14% 0.04 1.78 2 0.8% - - - - 248 Reasonable Grounds - Other 74 63% 0.01 - 34 29% 0.12 12.98 7 6% - - 3 3% - - - - 118 Reasonable Grounds* 245 67% 0.03 - 74 20% 0.26 8.54 42 11% 0.05 1.49 5 1% - - - - 366 Section 60 ------Terrorism Related 1 33% ------2 67% ------3 Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 245 67% - - 74 20% - - 42 11% - - 5 1% - - - - 366

* Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP C Division Midlands ** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account ------Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 9 5% 0.00 - 3 8% - - 7 20% - - 1 50% - - - - 20 8% Reasonable Grounds - Other 21 28% 0.00 - 9 26% - - - 0% - - 1 33% - - - - 31 26% Reasonable Grounds 30 12% 0.00 - 12 16% 0.04 11.30 7 17% - - 2 40% - - - - 51 14% Section 60 ------Terrorism Related 1 100% ------1 100% Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 30 12% - - 12 16% - - 7 17% - - 2 40% - - - - 51 14%

* Census population estimates as above ** Due to small numbers arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Not Protectively Marked 11 Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 2% 4% 18% 9% 10% 9% 13% 19% 0% 9% 7% 18% 8% Reasonable Grounds - Other 27% 17% 63% 13% 9% 57% 20% 45% 0% 38% 43% 9% 26% Reasonable Grounds 7% 8% 32% 11% 10% 20% 14% 30% 0% 21% 14% 14% 14% C Division (Pennine)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account 63 88% 0.00 - 5 7% - - 4 6% ------72 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 501 85% 0.03 - 37 6% 0.19 5.38 46 8% 0.05 1.43 3 0.5% - - - - 587 Reasonable Grounds - Other 241 85% 0.02 - 26 9% 0.13 7.86 14 5% 0.02 0.91 2 0.7% - - - - 283 Reasonable Grounds* 742 85% 0.05 - 63 7% 0.32 6.19 60 7% 0.06 1.26 5 0.6% - - - - 870 Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------1 100% ------1 Police Reform ------2 100% ------2 Stop and Search Total 742 85% - - 63 7% - - 60 7% - - 5 0.6% - - - - 870

* Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP C Division Pennine ** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 3 5% ------3 4% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 43 9% 0.00 - 4 11% - - 5 11% - - - 0% - - - - 52 9% Reasonable Grounds - Other 67 28% 0.00 - 5 19% - - 4 29% - - - 0% - - - - 76 27% Reasonable Grounds 110 15% 0.01 - 9 14% - - 9 15% - - - 0% - - - - 128 15% Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 110 15% - - 9 14% - - 9 15% - - - 0% - - - - 128 15%

* Census population estimates as above ** Due to small numbers arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total

Not Protectively Marked 12 Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 11% 2% 12% 12% 5% 5% 12% 6% 17% 12% 9% 16% 9% Reasonable Grounds - Other 44% 24% 15% 32% 17% 33% 32% 45% 15% 10% 32% 32% 27% Reasonable Grounds 19% 8% 13% 17% 9% 12% 18% 23% 16% 11% 18% 23% 15%

Not Protectively Marked 13 C Division (Wales)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account 20 95% 0.01 - - 0% - - 1 5% ------21 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 71 88% 0.02 - 7 9% - - 3 4% ------81 Reasonable Grounds - Other 12 86% 0.00 - 2 14% ------14 Reasonable Grounds* 83 87% 0.02 - 9 9% - - 3 3% ------95 Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 83 87% - - 9 9% - - 3 3% ------95

* Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP C Division Wales ** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 4 20% ------4 19% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 10 14% - - - 0% - - - 0% ------10 12% Reasonable Grounds - Other 3 25% - - - 0% ------3 21% Reasonable Grounds 13 16% - - - 0% - - - 0% ------13 14% Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 13 16% - - - 0% - - - 0% ------13 14%

* Census population estimates as above ** Arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated for any powers due to small numbers

Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 0% 8% 14% 0% 0% 50% 8% 25% 0% 50% 0% - 12% Reasonable Grounds - Other 0% 20% - 50% - - 0% - 0% - - - 21% Reasonable Grounds 0% 12% 14% 14% 0% 50% 7% 25% 0% 50% 0% - 14%

Not Protectively Marked 14 C Division (Western)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per Power No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account 19 76% 0.00 - 2 8% - - 3 12% - - 1 4% - - - - 25 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 173 80% 0.03 - 33 15% 0.46 14.15 9 4% 0.05 1.65 ------215 Reasonable Grounds - Other 77 89% 0.01 - 8 9% 0.11 7.71 2 2% ------87 Reasonable Grounds* 250 83% 0.05 - 41 14% 0.57 12.17 11 4% 0.07 1.40 ------302 Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------1 100% ------1 Police Reform 1 100% ------1 Stop and Search Total 250 83% - - 41 14% - - 11 4% ------302

* Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP C Division Western ** Due to small numbers some searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest Power No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account 3 16% - - - 0% - - - 0% - - - 0% - - - - 3 12% Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 26 15% 0.00 - 6 18% - - 1 11% ------33 15% Reasonable Grounds - Other 18 23% 0.00 - - 0% 1 50% ------19 22% Reasonable Grounds 44 18% 0.01 - 6 15% - - 2 18% ------52 17% Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 44 18% - - 6 15% - - 2 18% ------52 17%

* Census population estimates as above ** Arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated for any powers due to small numbers

Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 13% 17% 12% 7% 30% 39% 7% 11% 11% 0% 31% 7% 15%

Not Protectively Marked 15 Reasonable Grounds - Other 0% 0% 30% 0% 13% 43% 27% 0% 40% 57% 20% 29% 22% Reasonable Grounds 7% 13% 17% 6% 25% 40% 15% 8% 17% 18% 28% 14% 17%

C Division (Other)*

*C Division (Other) represents searches conducted by C Division officers not assigned to a sub-division (e.g. Operational Support Unit & Dogs Section)

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per C Division Other No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stop and Account ------Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs ------Reasonable Grounds - Other ------Reasonable Grounds** ------Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total ------

** Census population estimates for Reasonable Grounds are for BTP C Division ** Due to small numbers searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest C Division Other No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stop and Account ------Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs ------Reasonable Grounds - Other ------Reasonable Grounds ------Section 60 ------Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total ------

* Census population estimates as above ** Arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated for any powers due to small numbers

Not Protectively Marked 16 Monthly Arrest Rates Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs ------Reasonable Grounds - Other ------Reasonable Grounds ------

D Division

Proportionality by Power – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Per Per Per Per D Division No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % 1000 Ratio No % No Stopped not searched 66 74% 0.01 - 13 15% - - 4 4% - - 6 7% - - - - 89 Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 60 97% 0.01 - 2 3% ------62 Reasonable Grounds - Other 7 78% 0.00 - - - - - 2 22% ------9 Reasonable Grounds 67 94% 0.01 - 2 3% - - 2 3% ------71 Section 60 18 100% ------18 Terrorism Related - - - - 1 ------1 Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 85 96% - - 2 2% - - 2 2% ------89

* Due to small numbers searches per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated

Arrest Rates – Officer Recorded Ethnic Appearance White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Per Arrest Arrest D Division No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate 1000 Ratio No Rate No Rate Stopped not searched ------Stop and Search Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 4 7% - - - 0% ------4 6% Reasonable Grounds - Other 2 29% ------1 50% ------3 33% Reasonable Grounds 6 9% - - - 0% - - 1 50% ------7 10% Section 60 5 28% ------5 28% Terrorism Related ------Police Reform ------Stop and Search Total 11 13% - - - 0% - - 1 50% ------12 13%

* Arrests per 1,000 head of population and proportionality ratios have not been calculated for any powers due to small numbers

Monthly Arrest Rates Not Protectively Marked 17 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Total Reasonable Grounds - Drugs 0% 0% 0% 25% - 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 20% 5% Reasonable Grounds - Other - - 67% 100% - - 0% - - - - 0% 33% Reasonable Grounds 0% 0% 11% 40% - 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 33% 10%

All Powers (excluding Stop & Account)

By Age and Gender All Powers (exc. S&A) Female Male Not Stated Total Age Range No % No % No % No % 10 to 17 59 9% 595 91% - - 654 15% 18 to 24 87 6% 1,275 94% - - 1,362 32% 25 to 44 154 9% 1,473 91% - - 1,627 38% 45 to 64 27 10% 253 90% 1 - 281 7% 65 & Over 1 2% 60 98% - - 61 1.4% Unknown 26 9% 263 90% 2 - 291 7% Total 354 8% 3,919 92% 3 0.1% 4,276 100%

* There are no persons stopped and searched under the age of 10.

By Age & Ethnicity – Officer Recorded Ethnicity All Powers (exc. S&A) White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Age Range No % No % No % No % No % No % 10 to 17 455 70% 167 26% 29 4% 3 0.5% - - 654 15% 18 to 24 886 65% 322 24% 129 9% 25 2% - - 1,362 32% 25 to 44 1113 68% 371 23% 120 7% 23 1% - - 1,627 38% 45 to 64 184 65% 73 26% 15 5% 9 3% - - 281 7% 65 & Over 39 64% 13 - 7 11% 2 - - - 61 1.4% Unknown 168 58% 82 28% 38 13% 3 1% - - 291 7% Total 2,845 67% 1,028 24% 338 8% 65 2% - - 4,276 100%

Not Protectively Marked 18 Stop & Account

By Age and Gender Stop & Account Female Male Not Stated Total Age Range No % No % No % No % 10 to 17 150 16% 750 81% 21 2% 921 10% 18 to 24 282 12% 1977 86% 49 2% 2,308 25% 25 to 44 459 12% 3437 87% 74 2% 3,970 43% 45 to 64 91 8% 1059 90% 22 2% 1,172 13% 65 & Over 20 10% 174 88% 4 2% 198 2% Unknown 76 12% 546 87% 4 1% 626 7% Total 1,078 12% 7,943 86% 174 2% 9,195 100%

* There are no persons stopped and searched under the age of 10.

Stop & Account by Age and Ethnicity – Officer Recorded Stop & Account White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Age Range No % No % No % No % No % No % 10 to 17 460 50% 386 42% 56 6% 19 2% - - 921 10% 18 to 24 1222 53% 863 37% 153 7% 70 3% - - 2,308 25% 25 to 44 2424 61% 1106 28% 333 8% 107 3% - - 3,970 43% 45 to 64 805 69% 290 25% 54 5% 23 2% - - 1,172 13% 65 & Over 130 66% 38 19% 23 12% 7 3.5% - - 198 2% Unknown 350 56% 168 27% 82 13% 26 4.2% - - 626 7% Total 5,391 59% 2,851 31% 701 8% 252 3% - - 9,195 100%

Not Protectively Marked 19 Stop and Search Benchmarking

British Transport Police White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Change from same Power No % No % No % No % No % No % period last year Stop and Account 5,391 59% 2,851 31% 701 8% 252 3% - - 9,195 100% -63% Total Searches*** 2,817 67% 1,021 24% 329 8% 64 2% - - 4,231 100% -52% Section 60 22 92% 2 8% ------24 100% -55% Force 8,230 61% 3,874 29% 1,030 8% 316 2% - - 13,450 100% -60%

White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Power No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate Total Searches*** 505 18% 221 22% 63 19% 16 25% - - 805 19%

Metropolitan Police Service* White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Change from same Power No % No % No % No % No % No % period last year Stop and Account** 92,969 65% 23,576 16% 18,851 13% 7,793 5% - - 143,189 100% -30% Total Searches*** 69,171 46% 54,108 36% 21,371 14% 4,674 3.1% 502 0.3% 149,826 100% -27% Section 60 55 17% 241 73% 22 7% 12 3.6% - - 330 100% 17% Force 162,195 55% 77,925 27% 40,244 14% 12,479 4% 502 0.2% 293,345 100% -28%

White Black Asian Other Unknown Total Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Arrest Power No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate No Rate Not Protectively Marked 20 Total Searches*** 12,763 18% 11,723 22% 3317 16% 1106 24% 88 18% 28,997 19%

Notes * MPS figures are for the period 01 December 2014 – 30 November ** Stop and Account figures are based on self defined ethnicity; the remaining totals are officer defined *** ‘Total Searches’ includes all stop and searches excluding section 60

Not Protectively Marked 21

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