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Curriculum Vitae s2

CURRICULUM VITAE John M. Dirkx, Ph.D. Telephone (517) 353-8927 e-mail: [email protected]

PRESENT POSITION Associate Professor, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education Co-Director, Michigan Center for Career and Technical Education Department of Educational Administration Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

HIGHER EDUCATION 1987 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Continuing & Vocational Education 1983 M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Continuing & Vocational Education 1976 B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical Microbiology

PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT 1996 - Associate Professor, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 1997 - 2000 Program Coordinator, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 1994 – 1996 Associate Professor, Vocational and Adult Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 1995 Visiting Professor, Department of Adult, Career, and Technology Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton 1992 – 1996 Director, Nebraska Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, Department of Vocational and Adult Education, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. 1989 – 1996 Program coordinator, Adult Education, Department of Vocational and Adult Education, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. 1988-1994 Assistant Professor of Vocational and Adult Education, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 1987-1988 Field Consultant, School Evaluation Services, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 1986-1987 Research Associate, School of Health Sciences, Michael Reese Hospital & Medical Center, Chicago, IL 1986-1987 Adjunct Faculty, Masters Program in Management, Cardinal Stritch College- Madison Campus, Madison, WI 1980-1987 Curriculum & Evaluation Coordinator, University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine, Madison, WI 1978-1979 Faculty Assistant - Laboratory Instructor, University of Wisconsin Medical School CONTRACTS/GRANTS FUNDED AND DIRECTED

1 1999-2003 Michigan Department of Career Development, Michigan Center for Career and Technical Education (with Gloria Kielbaso). 1999-2002 MEDC/Michigan Business Roundtables (with Gloria Kielbaso and MCCTE) 2000-2001 Lansing Community College/Advanced Manufacturing Grant Consortium 2000-2001 Schoolcraft College/Community College Telecommunications Systems (with Gloria Kielbaso and MCCTE) 2000-2001 Michigan Virtual University, Evaluation of the development of online career guidance system (with Gloria Kielbaso) 2000-2001 Agreement to House MSCAN Server & Site (MCCTE project, co-directed with Gloria Kielbaso) 2000-2001 School-To-Registered Apprenticeship program (with Gloria Kielbaso) 1999 Michigan Economic Development Corporation (with Gloria Kielbaso). A Study of University Internship Experiences in the State of Michigan. 1998-1999 Provost’s Office, Michigan State University, A Study of Occupational Corrections Education in the State of Michigan, (with Gloria Kielbaso and Charles Corley) 1997-1999 Michigan Jobs Commission, Michigan business roundtables (with Gloria Kielbaso) 1997-1999 Michigan Jobs Commission, Michigan school-to-work clearinghouse (with Gloria Kielbaso). 1998 Montcalm Community College, A Study of the Problem of Attrition - Developmental Education at Montcalm Community College (with Gloria Kielbaso). 1998 Developing a model of integrated, thematic instruction for developmental education at Grand Rapids Community College, College of Education, Michigan State University (with Marilyn Amey). 1997 UAW-GM, Research and evaluation of instructional software products and courseware for use in UAW-GM Skill Centers (with Gloria Kielbaso). 1991-1996 United States Department of Education. Implementation of the Nebraska State Literacy Resource Center. 1995-1996 Nebraska Department of Education. Development, implementation, and evaluation of a distance learning staff development program for Nebraska Adult Basic Education Practitioners. 1992-1995 Nebraska Department of Education. ABE teacher training institute. 1994-1995 Nebraska Department of Education. A feasibility study of staff development via distance learning for ABE practitioners in Nebraska. 1990-1995 Nebraska Department of Education. Evaluation of adult basic education programs in the State of Nebraska. 1994-1995 Job Training Partnership Act of Lincoln, Nebraska. Staff development for integrated thematic instruction. 1994-1995 Nebraska Department of Social Services, New paths to success (Integrated instruction pilot Lincoln Medical Education Foundation) 1993-1994 Nebraska Department of Education. Development of a curriculum guide and resource book for planning and implementing integrated, theme-based curricula.

2 1991 Nebraska Health Care Foundation. Assessment of literacy levels and other learning needs of participants in nursing assistant training programs.

PUBLICATIONS - Books Dirkx, J. M. (forthcoming). Discovering the self: The transformative power of teaching and learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Smith, R. O., Dirkx, J. M., Eddy, P. L., Farrell, P. L., & Polizin, M. (Eds.). AERC 2001: Proceedings of the 42rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University. Dirkx, JM, & Prenger, S. (1997). A guide to planning and implementing instruction for adults: A theme-based approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Jensen, N., & Dirkx, J. M. (1987). A curriculum for primary care internal medicine: The Wisconsin experience. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians.

- Book chapters Dirkx, J. M., & Smith, R. O. (In press). Thinking out of a bowl of spaghetti: Learning to learn in online collaborative groups. In T. Roberts (Ed.). Online collaborative learning in higher education. Idea Group Publishing Kovan, J. & Dirkx, J. M. (In press). Nurturing the internal flame: How environmentalists sustain commitment to their work. In E. O'Sullivan & M. Taylor, Learning Toward Ecological Consciousness.. Dirkx, J. M., & Gilley, J. (In press). Change theory: How does it frame CPE and HRD research and practice? In B. J. Daley & L. Jeris (Eds.). Boundary spanning: Expanding frames of reference for human resource development and continuing professional education. Advances in Human Resource Development, Academy of Human Resource Development. Dirkx, J. M. (forthcoming). Fostering a “firm persuasion: in workplace learning: Helping workers discover work that is good for them and the world. In C. Elliott & S. Turnbill (Eds.). Critical thinking in Human Resource Development. London: Routledge. Dirkx, J. M. (2001). The power of feeling: Emotion, imagination, and the construction of meaning in adult learning, In S. B. Merriam (Ed.). The New update on adult learning theory. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Clark, M. C., & Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Models of the self: A reflective dialogue, In B. Hayes and A. Wilson (Eds.). Handbook 2000 - Adult and Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dirkx, J. M. (1999). New skills for literacy educators. In L. Martin and J. Fisher (Eds.). Welfare reform and workforce development: The transformation of adult literacy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dirkx, JM (1997). Nurturing soul in adult learning. In P. Cranton (Ed.). Transformative learning in action: Insights from practice, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dirkx, JM (1996). HRD as adult education: Fostering the educative workplace: In R. Rowden (Ed.) Debating the future of educating adults in the workplace. New Directions in Adult and

3 Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dirkx, JM (1991). Understanding group transformation through the focal person concept. In R. D. Boyd (Ed.). Personal transformations in small groups: A Jungian perspective. London: Routledge. Boyd, RD & Dirkx, JM (1991). A methodology for the study of the development of consciousness in small groups. In R. D. Boyd (Ed.). Personal transformations in small groups: A Jungian perspective. London: Routledge.

– Articles in refereed journals Kovan, J., & Dirkx, J. M. (2003). “Being called awake:” The role of transformative learning in the lives of environmental activists, Adult Education Quarterly, 53(2). Dirkx, J. M. (1999). Managers as facilitators of learning in learning organizations. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 10(2). Dirkx, J. M. (1998). Transformative learning in the practice of adult education: An overview. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Education, 7, 1-14. Miller, MT & Dirkx, JM. (1995). Mentoring in graduate education: The role of graduate student organizations. MPEA Journal of Adult Education. Dirkx, JM & Jha, LR. (1994). Predicting rapid completion, persistence, and attrition in Adult Basic Education. Adult Education Quarterly, Dirkx, JM & Crawford, M. (1993). Teaching reading through teaching science: Development and evaluation of an experimental curriculum for correctional ABE programs. The Journal of Correctional Education, 44, 172-176. Dirkx, JM, Lavin, R, Spurgin, M, & Holder, B. (1993). Continuing education as a practical problem: A model for vocational educators? Journal of Vocational and Technical Education. Zacharakis-Jutz, J & Dirkx, JM. (1993) Unresolved issues in state and federally funded workplace literacy programs; Toward a rational perspective and policy, Adult Basic Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Adult Literacy Educators, 3, 91-105. Dirkx, JM, Fonfara, T & Flaska, K. (1993). Self and not-self in the practitioner-learner relationship: The problem of boundary awareness in ABE practice, Adult Basic Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Adult Literacy Educators, 3, 51-68. Betts, N., Dirkx, JM, & Ruud, J. (1993). Using a critical incident technique to develop nutrition information materials for adults with low literacy skills. The Journal of Nutrition Education. 25: 208-212. Ruud, J, Betts, NM, & Dirkx, JM (1993). Developing written information for adults with low literacy skills. Journal of Nutrition Education, 25, 11-16. Dirkx, JM & Spurgin M (1992). Implicit theories of Adult Basic Education Teachers: How they think about their students. Adult Basic Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Adult Literacy Educators, 2, 20-41.

- Book reviews (In press)West, L. (2001). Doctors on the edge: General practitioners, health and learning in the

4 inner city. London: Free Association Books. In Adult Education Quarterly. (2003). Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (1999). Building learning communities in cyberspace: Effective strategies for the online classroom. In Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol. 29(3).

- Nonrefereed articles Dirkx, J. M. (2003). Images, transformative learning, and the work of soul. Adult Learning, Summer. Dirkx J. M. (2000). Transformative learning and the journey of individuation. ERIC Digest, No 223, ED ED448305. Dirkx, JM. (1993). In the eye of the beholder: Perceptions of quality in program renewal and improvement. Adult Learning, 4(6): 23-25.

- Invited articles and presentations Dirkx, J. M. (2003). Nurturing the force in workforce development, Presented at the Second International Practice-Oriented Education Conference, Boston: Northeastern University, April 10-12. Dirkx, J. M. (2000). After the burning bush: Transformative learning as imaginative engagement with everyday experience. In C. A. Wiessner, S. R. Meyer, & D. A. Fuller (Eds.). Challenges of practice: Transformative learning in action. The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Transformative Learning (pp. 247-252). New York: The Center for Educational Outreach and Innovation, Teachers College Columbia University. Dirkx, J. M. (2000) Learning at work: Exploring multiple perspectives, Presentation for panel discussion for HRD Special Interest Group of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Providence, RI. Dirkx, JM, Amey, M., & Haston, L. (2000). Teacher beliefs and subject matter boundaries: The struggle for curricular transformation among teachers of adults, In (Ed.). Eastern Adult ,Education Research Conference Proceedings, College Station, PA: Penn State University. Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Developing an integrated approach to teaching adults: Getting there from here,” A presentation to the 44th Annual Michigan Reading Association (Invited Address), 3/26. Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Developing an integrated approach to teaching adults: Getting there from here, A presentation to the 44th Annual Michigan Reading Association, 3/26 Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Learning at work: Exploring multiple perspectives,” Panel discussion for HRD Special Interest Group of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Providence, RI: 11/17. Dirkx, J. M. (1995) Motivating and retaining adult learners, Keynote address for the Nebraska State Corrections Education Conference, York, NE; Nebraska Department of Corrections, April.

- Articles in conference proceedings (Competitively selected) Dirkx, J. M., & Smith, R. O. (2003). “Doesn’t anyone just lecture anymore?” Adult learners’ love/hate relationship with online small group work. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. San Francisco: San Francisco State University.

5 DeGagne, M. D., & Dirkx, J. M. (2003). Success without assimilation: First nations adult learners in the postsecondary environment. Adult learners’ love/hate relationship with online small group work. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Adult Education Research Conference. San Francisco: San Francisco State University. Dirkx, J. M., Kielbaso, G. & Smith, R. O. (2003). Epistemic Beliefs of Teachers in IT Rich Community College Education-for-Work Programs. AHRD Conference Proceedings 2003. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.. Dirkx, J. M. (2003). Generational difference and the problem of identity in the adult education and community college classroom. Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University. Smith, R. O., Dokter, C, & Dirkx, J. M. (2002). The experience of real-world contexts in virtual environments: Negotiating meaning in adult online learning. Proceedings of the Twenty- first Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University. Dirkx, J. M., Pratt, D.D, Taylor. E. W. (2002).Archetypes of teaching: Tethers in the wind or flashlights in the dark. AERC 2002: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference. Raliegh, NC. North Carolina State University. Smith, R. O., Dirkx, J. M., & Amey, M. (2002). Seeking academic redemption: The reconstruction of learner identity among underprepared adults. In AERC 2002: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference. Raliegh, NC. North Carolina State University. Dirkx, J. M., Watkins, K. E., Swanson, R. A., & Cseh, M. (2002). Design, demand, development, and desire: A symposium on the discourses of workplace learning. In T. M. Egan & S. A. Lynham (Eds.). Academy of Human Resource Development 2002 Conference Proceedings (pp. 815-822).Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University. Dirkx, J. M., Smith, Ro. O., & Amey, M. (2001). Being a “college student:” The community college experience of underprepared adult learners. In W. C. Hine (Ed.). Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp. 49-54). Charleston, IL: Eastern Illinois University. Doktor, C., Smith, R., & Dirkx, J. M. (2001). Creating real world contexts in virtual learning environments: A case of problem-based learning. In W. C. Hine (Ed.). Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp. 57-62). Charleston, IL: Eastern Illinois University. Taylor, E. W., Dirkx, J. M., & Pratt, D. D. (2001). Personal pedagogical systems: Core beliefs, foundational knowledge, and informal theories of teaching. In R. O. Smith, J. M. Dirkx, P. L. Eddy, P. L. Farrell, & M Polizin (Eds.). AERC 2002: Proceedings of the 42rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 393-398). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Spirituality of work: The new opiate or a postmodern search for meaning in life? Proceedings of the International Working Knowledge Conference, Sidney, AU: University of Technology - Sidney. Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Debunking the burning bush myth: Recovering everyday experience in transformative learning, In M. Glowacki-Dudka (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th Annual

6 Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp. 92- 98), Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin. Gray, J., & Dirkx, J. M. (2000). The good, the bad, and the struggling: Beliefs about student preparedness among teachers in an adult learning college, In M. Glowacki-Dudka (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp124- 129), Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin. Kritskaya, O. & Dirkx, JM. (2000)). Mediating Meaning-Making: The Process of Symbolic Action in Transformative Pedagogy 401h Annual Adult Education Research Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia. Dirkx, J. M, Kushner, J., & Slusarski, S. (2000). Are we walking the talk? Questions of structure and agency in the research on teaching in adult education, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 553-554), Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia. Kritskaya, O. & Dirkx, JM. (2000). Leadership development as transformative pedagogy. In P. Kuchinke Ed.). 2000 Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Conference Proceedings, Raleigh-Durham, NC: March 8-12. Dirkx, JM, Amey, M., & Haston, L. (1999). “Teacher beliefs and subject matter boundaries: The struggle for curricular transformation among teachers of adults” (with Marilyn Amen and Lisa Haston), In A. Rose (Ed.). 40th Annual Adult Education Research Conference Proceedings, DeKalb,IL: Northern Illinois University (pp. 97-102). Dirkx, J. M., Amey, M., & Haston, L. (1999). Context in the contextualized curriculum: Adult life worlds as unitary or multiplistic?. In A. Austin, G. E. Hynes, & R. T. Miller (Eds.). Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri (pp.78-83) Kritskaya, O. & Dirkx, J. M. (1999). Symbolic representations a mediators for meaning construction: An exploration of transformative pedagogy within a professional development context. In A. Austin, G. E. Hynes, & R. T. Miller (Eds.). Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri (pp.167-172) Dirkx, J M. (1998). “Knowing the self through fantasy and imagination: Implications for adult learning in the context of work,” In E. Holton (Ed.), 1998 Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Conference Proceedings, AHRD: Baton Rouge, LA. Dirkx, J. M. (1998). “Knowing the self through fantasy: Toward a mytho-poetic view of transformative learning,” In E. Tisdell & J. Ross-Gordon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1998 Adult Education Research Conference, San Antonio, TX: University of Incarnate Word.

Dirkx, J. M., Amey, M. & Haston, L. (1998). Boundaries and beliefs among teachers of adults: A case study of curricular transformation”(with Marilyn Amen and Lisa Haston). In J. Fleming (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1998 Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, Muncie, IN: Ball State University. Dirkx, J. M., Kielbaso, G., & Allen, A. (1998). “Fostering adult learner success in the community college experience: The role of mandated curricular policy,” In J. Fleming (Ed.),

7 Proceedings of the 1998 Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, Muncie, IN: Ball State University. Dirkx, J. M. (1997). To earn or to learn? The meaning of workplace learning in HRD. In E. F. Holton III, Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA: March 6-9. Dirkx, J. M. (1997). Publishing in Adult Education Quarterly, In E. F. Holton III, Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Conference, Atlanta, March 6-9. Dirkx, J. M. (1997). The illiteracy of literalism: Adult learning in the age of information. In J. M. Spurgin (Ed.) Proceedings of the 17th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. East Lansing, MI: October. Dirkx, J. M., & Stenger, B. (1997). Education-for-work: Parents’ perceptions and implications for research-to-practice in adult education. In J. M. Spurgin (Ed.) Proceedings of the 17th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. East Lansing, MI: October. Dirkx, JM & Deems, TA (1996). Towards an ecology of soul in work: Implications for HRD. In E. F. Holton III (Ed.) Academy of Human Resource Development 1996 Conference Proceedings. Austin, TX: Academy of Human Resource Development Dirkx, JM (1995). Educating for vocational integration: The role of spirit and soul in education- for-work. In R. Orem & C. Mealman (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, pp. 62- 67. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University & National Louis University. Blodgett-McDeavitt, CS, & Dirkx, JM 1995). Metacognition, metamemory, and commitment to change strategy: Enhancing adoption of innovation of staff development. In R. Orem & C. Mealman (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, pp. 11-16. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University & National Louis University. Lavin, RS, & Dirkx, JM (1995). Teacher beliefs about staff development via distance learning: A research approach in planning practice. In R. Orem & C. Mealman (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, pp. 125-130. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University & National Louis University. Dirkx, JM, Babchuk, W, & Sharpe, TS. (1995). Opening the black box: Toward a field systems approach to the study of teaching in adult education. In P. Collete, B. Einsiedel, & S. Hobden (Eds.). 36th Annual Education Research Conference Proceedings. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta (pp. 103-108).

Dirkx, JM (1995). Earning a living or building a life? Reinterpreting the meaning of work in the practice of workplace education. In E. F. Holton III (Ed.) Academy of Human Resource Development 1995 Conference Proceedings. Austin, TX: Academy of Human Resource Development, (p. 15-1). Courtney, S. & Dirkx, JM (1995). Adult Education Quarterly: A forum for research and theory in Human Resource Development? In E. F. Holton III (Ed.) Academy of Human Resource Development 1995 Conference Proceedings. Austin, TX: Academy of Human Resource

8 Development (p. 21-3). Dirkx, JM and Prenger, S. (1994). A living amoeba or a textbook topic? Conceptions of integrated, theme-based instruction in adult education. In L. Martin (Ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Milwaukee (pp. 42-47). Dirkx, JM and Deems, TA. (1994). The influence of self-other relationships in constructivist approaches to adult learning. In L. Martin (Ed.). Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Milwaukee (pp. 48-53). Dirkx, JM & Fonfara, T. (1993). Doing something to help: Theories and beliefs of instructional volunteers in adult basic education. In D. Boggs (Ed.) Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University. Laswell, TD & Dirkx, JM. (1993). In the eye of the beholder: The problem of multiple perspectives in program renewal and improvement. In D. Boggs (Ed.) Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University. Turner, MK and Dirkx, JM. (1993). Fostering adoption of innovation and change in adult education practice: The commitment to change strategy. In D. Boggs (Ed.) Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University. Jha, LR & Dirkx, JM. Doing something about dropout: A study of a participatory approach to addressing student attrition in adult education. In D. Boggs (Ed.) Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University. Dirkx, JM, Mezirow, J, Scott, S, Hart, M & Cunningham, P. (1993). Conceptions of transformation in adult education: Views of self, society, and social change. In D. Flannery (Ed.). Proceedings of the 34th Annual Adult Education Research Conference, University Park, PA: Penn State University. Dirkx, JM & Jha, LR. (1992). Types of ABE/GED students by outcome of enrollment: Characteristics and implications for program planning. In A. Blunt (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 67-74). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, University of Saskatchewan. Jha, LR & Dirkx, JM. (1992). Completion and noncontinuation in adult basic education: Testing a prediction model, In A. Blunt (Ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 125-131). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, University of Saskatchewan. Dirkx, JM & Babchuk, W. (1991). Workplace literacy education as contextual learning: Promise, Performance, and Problems, In C. Bruning & L. R. Sandmann (Eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp. 8-14). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota. Dirkx, JM & Lavin, R. (1991). Understanding and facilitating experience-based learning in adult education: The FOURthought model, In C. Bruning & LR Sandmann (Eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp. 50-57). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.

9 Dirkx, JM & Fonfara, T. (1991). Developing boundary awareness in the tutor-student relationship: A problem for research-to-practice frameworks, In C. Bruning & L. R. Sandmann (Eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (pp. 42-49). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota. Betts, NM., Ruud, J., & and Dirkx, JM. (1991). A modified critical incident interview technique used with low literate adults. Presented at the American Dietetic Association 74th Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX: Oct. 28-31. Dirkx, JM, Lavin, R, Spurgin, M, & Holder, B. (1991). Continuing Education as a practical problem: What teachers have to say, In M. Langenbach (Ed.). Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Adult Education Research Conference Proceedings (pp. 80-86). Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma. Dirkx, JM, Lavin, R., Spurgin, M, & Holder, B. (1990). Getting the cart before the horse: Determining continuing education needs of vocational educators, In L. Kersten and C. Mealman (Eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Continuing, Community and Adult Education (pp. 28-33). DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University and National Louis University. Dirkx, JM & Spurgin, M. (1990). Helping them cope: How ABE teachers make sense of and act upon students' social and psychological concerns. In P. Kleiber & L. Tisdell (Eds.). Proceedings of the 31st Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 65-70). Athens, GA: University of Georgia. Dirkx, JM & Spurgin, M. (1989). The fourth r: Relationships in adult basic education classrooms. In J. A. Henschke (Ed.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education (pp. 33-39). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri. Dirkx, JM. (1989). Facilitating individuation in the adult learning group: the dynamics and role of focal person behavior. In J.A. Henschke (Ed.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to- Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education (pp. 25-31). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri. Dirkx, JM. (1989). Mythological motifs of differentiation and individuation in an adult learning group. In C. Coggins (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 121-126). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin and University Extension. Dirkx, JM. (1988). Reflection and the problem of self-deception in adult learning. In C. Coggins (Ed.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 13-18). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Extension. Dirkx, JM. (1987). Matriarchal consciousness and the transformative adult learning group. In S.J. Levine, R.J. Smith, & J.E. Snoddy (Eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult and Continuing Education. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University. Dirkx, JM. (1986). The tacit dimension of practical knowledge and the utilization of research in adult education. Proceedings of Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Community and Continuing Education. Muncie, Indiana: Ball State University. Dirkx, JM. (1986). The psychosocial content of teacher talk: Does it make a difference in the

10 process of student learning? In L. Landers (Ed.). Proceedings of the 27th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (pp. 88-93). Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University, May. Dirkx, JM & Jensen, NM. (1985). A case study of primary care internal medicine alumni: I. Career paths and practice characteristics. In S. Kerby (Ed.). Research in Medical Education: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference (pp. 116-121). Washington, D.C.: Association of American Medical Colleges.Dirkx, JM. (1985). Science and art as guiding metaphors in the clinical curriculum. In L. Berlin (Ed.). Proceedings of Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult Education (pp. 53-58). Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan. Dirkx, JM. (1985). The relationship of teacher psychosocial behavior to significant learning in ten adult instructional groups. In L. Berlin (Ed.). Proceedings of Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult Education (pp. 45-51). Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan. Dirkx, JM. (1984). The supply of and demand for academic general internists: An exploratory study of re-emerging academic discipline. In S. Kerby (Ed.). Research in Medical Education: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference (pp. 39-43). Chicago, IL: Association of American Medical Colleges, October.

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (Competitive selection but without proceedings) Dirkx, J. M. (2003). Creating real world contexts in virtual environments: A paradox at multiple levels. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL: April 24, 2003. Kovan, J. T., & Dirkx, J. M. (2001). Sustaining Commitment as an Environmental Activist: Transformative Learning Through Individuation. Presented at the Fourth International Transformative Learning Conference, Toronto, ON: Ontario Institute for the Study of Education, University of Toronto. Dirkx, J. M. & Taylor, E. W. (2001). Computer technology and teaching adults: Beliefs and perspectives of practicing adult educators, Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Baltimore, MD. Graham, S., Kasworm, C., Donaldson, J & Dirkx, J. M. (2000). Research and theory on adult undergraduate students. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, April 24-28. Amey, M., & Dirkx, J. M. (1999). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio. Nov. 18-2.

Graham, S., Kasworm, C., Donaldson, J & Dirkx, J. M. (1999). American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, April 19-23. Turner, M & Dirkx, JM. (1994). Beyond the vessel: Fostering adoption of innovation and change in adult education practice. Presented at the 1994 Annual Adult Education Research Conference, Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, May 20-22. Dirkx, JM, Lavin, R & Turner, M. (1993). The shifting face of staff development in adult education: Moving towards the practical. Presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference, Dallas, TX: November 19. Dirkx, JM. (1989). Self-reflection in clinical education: Using group process to improve

11 practitioner-client relationships. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco: March.. Dirkx, JM, Hunt, LB, and Jensen, NM. (1985). The humaneness and professional behavior scale: An instrument to evaluate residents in continuing care clinics. Presented at the Midwest Conference of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine. Chicago, Illinois, November 6. Dirkx JM, Jensen, NM, and Sivertson, S. (1985). A case study of primary care internal medicine alumni: II. Relevance in curriculum content and adequacy of preparation. Presented at the Midwest Conference of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine. Chicago, Illinois, November 6.

WORKSHOP AND OTHER PRESENTATIONS 2002 From boomers to Nexters:Working across generational differences in the college classroom, Faculty Development workshop conducted for Oakland Community College, March 22. Helping adults learn: Key principles for practice. Workshops conducted for the 29th Annual Food and Nutrition Conference, East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, March 6. Adult learning strategies, Workshops conducted for Jackson Community College, January 2, 5

2001 Fostering collaborative learning in the community college: Paradigms and practice. Workshop conducted for Lake Land College, Mattoon, IL. Grown-ups in the classroom: Helping adults learn. Workshop conducted for Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI Individual Differences in Adult Learning, for MSU School of Engineering, Mac Davis, Contact person, 9/19 Understanding and embracing hidden conflicts in small groups, A workshop conducted for Michigan State University Extension LeadNet Learning Lab, 4/13. Integrated thematic instruction for developmental education, Presentation for Macomb County Community College Institutional Development Day, 4/20 Using conflict to foster growth in small groups, A workshop conducted for the MSU Clerical Technical Union, Workshop on Conflict Resolution 6/26 Fostering contextual learning in the community college curriculum, Two workshops conducted for Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) teachers, 9/18; 10/9

Professional development through transformative learning,” (with Marilyn Amey and Ann Austin, HALE Summer Institute, 6/8 - 6/9.

1999 Michigan Community College Curriculum Integration Workshop (with Frank Connor), “A learning perspective on implementing integrated-contextual learning.” Crystal Mountain, MI: June 15.

1998 Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Conference: Publishing in Adult Education

12 Quarterly, Chicago, IL, Mar 4-8. Pima County Community College: Workshop on Contextual learning and integrated instruction, August 10, Tucson, AZ. Kentucky Department of Education: Workshops on Student Retention in Adult Basic Education,, Oct 1-2, Louisville, KY MWRP Preconference workshop for graduate students on writing for publication, Oct. 11, Muncie, OH: American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference (AAACE): Conducted Board meeting of consulting editors for AEQ, San Antonio, TX, (Nov 20) AAACE Annual Conference: Workshop, How to publish in Adult Education Quarterly, San Antonio, TX, (Nov 20) Michigan Department of Education Chrysler Curriculum Integration Project: Workshops on Action Research, Warren, (August 2), Garland (August 13) MSU Extension Child Youth and Family Programs: Videoconference presentation (Sept 24) Michigan Department of Education Tech Prep Conference: Presentation, Grand Rapids, (February 23-24) Michigan Reading Association State Conference, “Skill and soul in adult learning,” Grand Rapids, March 15. Michigan Jobs Commission School: “School-to-work: What the current research tell us,” (with G. Kielbaso, T. Jackson, & T. Bright), 1998 Governor’s School-to-Work Conference, Lansing, MI (June 15,16) Michigan Jobs Commission School: “Soul-making in a skills curriculum? A different kind of curricular integration for school-to-work,” 1998 Governor’s School-to-Work Conference, Lansing, MI (June 15,16)

1997 Central Michigan University (Regional Center): Detroit; Presentation on Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning, for Dr. Nancy Lewis, (Dec 18 ) Integrated, theme-based instruction, Half-day workshop conducted for Academic Foundations teachers at Grand Rapids Community College, April 26 An overview of integrated theme-based instruction for adult literacy education. Half-day workshop conducted for professional development group at Central Michigan University and State Literacy Resource Center, June 12 Governor’s Conference on School-to-Work, Lansing, MI, June 16 Meaning-making through teaching and learning: An integrated approach. Half-day workshop conducted for teachers of basic writing at Central Michigan University, June 12. Skills and soul: Holding the tension of the opposites in adult learning, Keynote address for Professional Development meeting at Gogebic Community College, Ironwood, MI; sponsored by State Literacy Resource Center. October 10. An overview of integrated theme-based instruction for adult literacy education, Presentation on integrated, thematic instruction, Gogebic Community College, Ironwood, MI; sponsored by State Literacy Resource Center (letter of appreciation from Center director included), October 10. Discussant for SIG paper session on adulthood and aging; Adult learning: Sources and settings,@ Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago,

13 March 24-28. Workshop session on parent’s perception of school to work. Governor’s Conference on School- to-Work, Lansing, MI: June 16. Of ivory towers and capitol domes: Lessons in the politics of connecting research and practice, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Cincinnati, OH: November 9.

1996 Improving teaching in adult education through systematic feedback. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association, Omaha, NE, April 10-12. Nurturing the soul in adult learning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association (with T. A. Deems), Omaha, NE: April 10-12.

1995 Working to live or living to work? Vocational integration as a goal of workplace education. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Kansas City, MO: November 1-4. Taking life experience seriously in adult education practice: The integrated, theme-based approach to instruction. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (with S. Prenger, & R. S. Lavin), Kansas City, MO: November 1-4. Improving the teaching of adults through deliberative practice: A field systems approach. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (with Babchuk, W, & Sharpe, TS). Kansas City, MO: November 1-4. Motivating learners through integrated thematic instruction, A workshop conducted for the XIV Nebraska Adult Basic Education Personnel Conference (with Prenger, S , Kearney, NE: Nebraska Department of Education, October 6-7, 1995. Give me something I can use on Monday: Reflecting on the focus of staff development for part- time teachers in adult education, A panel discussion of the professional development for part-time teachers, Little Rock, AK: National Adult Education Staff Development Consortium, June 6, 1995. Collaborative learning in corrections education, A workshop conducted for the Nebraska State Corrections Education Conference, York, NE; Nebraska Department of Corrections, April.

Education and job-training, A panel discussion for the Nebraska Center for Legal Studies Client Conference, March. Implementing an integrated, thematic approach in adult basic education, A workshop conducted for Nebraska Adult Basic Education Teacher Training Institute, Kearney, NE: Nebraska Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, University of Nebraska, February.

1994 How to get published in AEQ. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Nashville, TN: November. Nebraska Adult Basic Education Teacher Training Institute, Kearney, NE: September. Learning in the age of permanent white-water. Keynote address for the Educational Leadership

14 Academy VI, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, August. Implementing an integrated, thematic approach in adult education, A Workshop Conducted for the Educational Leadership Academy VI, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, August. Presented at the annual meeting of the Commission of Adult Basic Education, Phoenix, AZ (with T. A. Deems) Presented at the annual meeting of the Commission of Adult Basic Education, Phoenix, AZ (with C. Blodgett). Students at risk: A practitioner-based approach to noncompletion in adult education. Presented at the 1994 Annual Adult Education Research Conference, Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee, May 20-22 (with L. Jha).

1993 Changing approaches to student retention in ABE/GED: A new twist on an old problem. Presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference, Dallas, TX: November 20 (with L. Jha).. Signals for change: Influence of multiple perspectives on the implications and utilization of program evaluations in adult education, Presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference, Dallas, TX: November 20 (with T D. Laswell).. Staff development as a practical problem: A commitment to change strategy for adult basic education teaching training, Presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference, Dallas, TX: November 19 (with M. Turner).

1992 How do we keep them? Retention: Our number one problem in ABE, Presented at the 11th Annual Nebraska Adult Basic Education Personnel Conference, Kearney, NE: Oct. 16-17 (with L. Jha and C. Sederburg).. Why family literacy? Presented at the Coordinators for Adult Literacy State-wide Family Literacy Conference, Grand Island, NE: November 12-13. Getting learners involved, A workshop conducted for Adjunct Faculty Inservice, Southeast Community College, Lincoln, NE: September 20. Synopsis of the SCC ABE retention study, Presented at the Adult Guided Studies Inservice, Southeast Community College, Lincoln, NE: September (with L. R. Jha).

Doctoral study as transformative learning, Presented at Teachers College Third Symposium on Excellence in Doctoral Education, Teachers College, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE: September 8. The personal growth orientation in Lindeman's work, and The tension between the personal and the social: Implications for adult education practice today, Presented at the Iowa Community College Adult Education Summer Seminar, Iowa Department of Education, Iowa City, IO: August 5-7. Fostering active learning in tutorial settings, A workshop conducted for the Smith Writing Center Tutorial Training, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE: August 20. Managing for group effectiveness, A workshop conducted for Midlands Community Hospital, Papillion, NE: July 30. Summary of the SCC retention study in ABE, Presented for the U.S. Office of Education Review

15 of SCC Adult Basic Education Program, Southeast Community College, Lincoln NE: June 17. Facilitating experiential learning in health care settings, A workshop conducted for the Department of Education, St. Elizabeth Community Health Center, Lincoln, NE: Mar. 6. Facilitating adult learning in the health care setting, A workshop conducted for Methodist College of Nursing and Allied Health, Omaha, NE: Jan. 24.

1991 Understanding and facilitating adult learning in experiential settings, A workshop conducted for Lincoln General Hospital Nurse Preceptor Program, Lincoln, NE: Oct. 23. The helping role in ABE/GED: Concepts and skills, A pre-session workshop conducted for the Nebraska Tenth Annual ABE Personnel Conference, Kearney, NE: Oct. 10-11. To stay or not to stay: Unraveling the mystery of noncontinuation in ABE/GED, Presented at the Nebraska Tenth Annual ABE Personnel Conference, Kearney, NE: Oct. 10-11 (with L. R. Jha and C Sederburg).. Reading the world: Providing a context for learning to read among incarcerated adults, Presented at the Nebraska Tenth Annual ABE Personnel Conference, Kearney, NE: Oct. 10-11 (with M. Crawford).. Culture, cognition, and personality: Individual differences in adult learning, Presented at the annual meeting of the Commission of Adult Basic Education, Hartford, CN: April 9-12 (with M. Spurgin).. What we know about why students drop out of Adult Basic Education, Workshop conducted for ABE teachers and volunteer tutors, Southeast Community College Adult Guided Studies Divisions, Lincoln, NE: March (with L. R. Jha).. An avenue to effectiveness: The critical incident technique in educational research and practice, Presented at the UNL Department of Vocational and Adult Education Graduate Student Organization Brown Bag Series, Lincoln, NE: March. Making meetings work, A workshop for Naval ROTC, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE: February, 1991. What we know about why students drop out of Adult Basic Education, Presented to the Advisory Committee for Southeast Community College Basic Studies - Corrections/Adult Guided Studies Divisions, Lincoln, NE: February (with L. R. Jha).. The challenge of workplace literacy, A panel discussion presented at the annual meeting of the Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska, Kearney, NE: February (with S. Courtney, M. Britton, and C. Sederburg).

1990 Adult learning: The transformative dimension, Presented for the Department of Education and Staff Development, Lincoln General Hospital, Lincoln, NE: November. Adult learning: The transformative dimension, Presented for the Metropolitan Omaha Continuing Education Association, Omaha, NE: October. Individual differences and styles in adult learning, Presented at the Nebraska Department of Education Adult Basic Education IX Conference, Kearney, NE: October. Adult learning: The transformative dimension, Presented for the Lincoln Chapter of American Society of Training and Development, Lincoln, NE: August.

16 Panel discussion for VAE 893D - "Leaders for the 90's: A career development workshop for women", Lincoln, NE; June. The social context of adult basic education: Integrating literacy skills with learners' lives, Presented at the 46th Missouri Valley Adult Education Association Annual Conference, Sioux City, IA, April 4-6. Focus on the adult learner, A symposium presented at the Tenth Annual Conference on Staff Development, Nebraska Department of Education, Lincoln, April 18-19 (with S. Courtney and C. Sexton) Bridging the gap between learners' lives and curricular content: The experience-based approach to adult basic education, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Commission on Adult Basic Education, Buffalo, NY, April 30 (with M. Spurgin and R. Lavin). Making meetings work, Presented as part of the Professional Development Series for UNL Division of Continuing Studies, Lincoln, NE: March.

1989 General Internal Medicine residency curriculum, Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for General Internal Medicine, Arlington, VA: April (with N. Jensen and M. Hewson). The transformational power of the process of doctoral studies, Presented at the CHR Institute Fall Symposium, Teachers College, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. November 2, 1989. Understanding and facilitating learning in Adult Basic Education: An Experiential Perspective, Presented at Nebraska State Conference on Adult Basic Education, October 14, 1989. The reflective process in adult and continuing education: Theoretical orientations and implications for practice, Presented at the 1989 Conference of the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Atlantic City, October 1-7. Designing and conducting program evaluation, A workshop conducted for Great Plains Girl Scouts Council, Omaha, NE, January. General Internal Medicine residency curriculum, Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for General Internal Medicine, Arlington, VA: April (with N. Jensen and M. Hewson).

1987 The small group and the great mother: A study of matriarchal consciousness in an adult instructional group. Education. Madison, Wisconsin: Graduate School of Education, April. Archetypal themes in an adult learning group: An application of analytical psychology to adult education, Presented at the Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice - The Bergamo Conference, Dayton, OH: October 29-31, 1987.

1985 The implications of life-stage theory for teaching and learning at a distance. Conference on Distance Education. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Extension. August.

EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE 1996 -2000 Editor, Adult Education Quarterly

17 1993 - 1996 Co-Editor, Adult Education Quarterly 1991 - 2003 Editorial Board, Adult Basic Education 2000 - 2003 Editorial Board, Adult Education Quarterly 1992 - 1993 Editorial Board, Adult Education Quarterly 1991 - 1993 Editorial Board, Adult Learning 1992 Theme Issue Editor, Adult Learning, Nov/Dec issue

PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS Academy of Human Resource Development American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Association for the Study of Higher Education American Educational Research Association American Society for Training and Development Commission of Adult Basic Education Commission of Professors of Adult Education National Association for Developmental Education

PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Member, Adult Education State Advisory Committee, Michigan Department of Career Development, 2000-Present Site Planning Committee Chair, 2001 Adult Education Research Conference, Michigan State University. Adult Education Quarterly Oversight Committee, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, 2000-Present. Chair, Committee on Review and Revision of Standards for Graduate Programs in Adult Education, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, 1999-Present. Commission of Professors of Adult Education (Executive Committee, 1996-1998). Conference Director, 1996 Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska. Director, State-wide ABE Program Evaluation, 1990-1995. Chair, Graduate Student Paper Award Committee for Midwest Research to Practice. Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, 1992-1997. Steering Committee, Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, 1983-Present. Review Panel, Nebraska Department of Education, Division of Adult and Community Education Section 353 for Special Experimental Demonstration and Teacher Training Projects in Adult Basic Education, 1988-1996. ABE Indicators of Program Quality Committee, 1992-1996. Legislative Liaison, Association of Adult and Continuing Education of Nebraska, 1990.


18 2002 Crystal Apple Award, College of Education, Michigan State University 1996 Outstanding Adult Educator, Association of Adult and Continuing Education of Nebraska 1995 Excellence in securing grants: Recognition as one of the top 10 grant recipients in Teachers College for 1994-1995, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. 1993 Nominated by departmental graduate students for the Chancellor's Award for Exemplary Service to Students, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1993 Departmental nomination for distinguished teaching award, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1992 Departmental nomination for distinguished teaching award, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1990 Recognized by the Dean of Teachers College for Excellence in Creating Active Student Learning, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 1987 Russell J. Hostler Award for the Outstanding Dissertation, Department of Continuing and Vocational Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.


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