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Superior Court of Arizona s1



Date: Date (Arial:10) FullName (Arial:10) CompleteMailingAddress (Arial:10) (MM/DD/YY) Full Name Complete Mailing Address, City, State, Zip

The forms are designed for use in the State of Arizona ONLY.

1. Fee: $5.00 postage and handling per order - PLUS the amount indicated in the brackets for each procedure (packet) you are requesting. Send check or money order - for the exact amount - made payable to Clerk of Superior Court. Postage and Handling Fee is authorized by Arizona law (A.R.S. 12-284 A(g)) and applies to all packets requested. Please mail the payment to: Superior Court of Arizona Attn.: Self-Service Center 101 West Jefferson, 1st floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 There are NO REFUNDS.

2. Delivery could take 2 - 3 weeks.

3. Need them right away? Packets may be downloaded and printed FREE (if you have a printer) from the Self-Service Center website at:

4. If the forms you are looking for are not listed, you can try the following alternatives:

Check the Maricopa County Superior Court Law Library located at 101 W. Jefferson, Phoenix.

Look in the Yellow Pages under “Legal Forms”.

Consult with a lawyer. The Self-Service Center has a list of lawyers who are willing to help people who represent themselves. Call (602) 506-SELF, and press 3 for more information. This list is also available online at:

View other options online at:

IF YOU HAVE ALL THE OTHER FORMS AND YOU JUST NEED SERVICE PACKET ONLY- ORDER PACKET BELOW NOTE: If you decide to have the Sheriff or a private process server serve papers to the other party, you MAY NOT NEED the service packet. Some sheriff departments and process servers use their OWN forms.

SERVICE IN FAMILY COURT CASES SERVICE IN JUVENILE GUARDIANSHIP CASES ServeOtherParty Serve the Other Party(ZapfDingbats) in your case [$5] TempGrdnshp Temporary Guardianship (ZapfDingbats) Service [$5] (Several service options in same packet) DischGrdnshp Discharge Juvenile (ZapfDingbats) Guardianship Service [$5] MoreTimetoServe You Need More Time (ZapfDingbats) to Serve the Other Party in your case[$5]

SERVICE IN JUVENILE COURT CASES JuvDepServ Juvenile Dependency (ZapfDingbats) Service [$5] JuvEmanSvc Juvenile Emancipation (ZapfDingbats) Service [$5] PetitionDestrJuvRecords Petition for Destruction of Juvenile(ZapfDingbats:6) Records Service [$5] ObjectToCosts Object to Assessment (ZapfDingbats) of Juvenile Placement Costs Service [$5] TerminateRights Terminate Parental (ZapfDingbats) Rights Service [$5]

All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 3 GNMO-1_073012 5364 Date (Arial:10) FullName (Arial:10) CompleteMailingAddress (Arial:10)

Date Full Name Complete Mailing Address

To Get the First Order—Read selections CAREFULLY and make sure to check the CORRECT box(es)

Divorce (Non-Covenant Marriage Only) Legal Separation (Non-Covenant Establish Paternity, Get Custody, divorcewith Children (ZapfDingbats) [$15] Marriage Only) Visitation divorcewithout (ZapfDingbats) children [$15] TempOrders You want Temporary (ZapfDingbats) Orders too [$5] LegalSepwkidswith Children [$15](ZapfDingbats) VolPatGet (ZapfDingbats)Voluntary Paternity only [$5] TempOrders You want Emergency (ZapfDingbats) Temporary LegalSepwithoutwithout Children (ZapfDingbats)[$15] VolPatMomMarried Voluntary Paternity (ZapfDingbats)(mother married) [$5] Orders too [$5] LegalSepwtempsYou want Temporary (ZapfDingbats) Orders too ConsentDecreeStipPat Stipulation to File Consent (ZapfDingbats) Decree [$5] RespondtoDivorceYou want to respond (ZapfDingbats) to a divorce only [$5] responsewith Children (ZapfDingbats) [$5] LegSepEmgTempsYou want Emergency (ZapfDingbats) Temporary PatCustVizSupp Get Paternity with (ZapfDingbats) Custody, Parenting Time responsewithout Children(ZapfDingbats) [$5] Orders too [$5] (Visitation) & Support [$15] GetDefaultDivorce Get Default Divorce Decree(ZapfDingbats) ResptoLegalSepYou want to respond (ZapfDingbats) to a Legal TempOrders2You want Temporary (ZapfDingbats) Orders too [$5] Separation only DefaultWithwith or without (ZapfDingbats) minor children [$5] TempEmerg2You want Emergency (ZapfDingbats) Temporary Orders GetConsent Get Divorce (ZapfDingbats)by Consent Stipulation LSwithchildrenwith minor children (ZapfDingbats) [$5] too [$5] Consentwithorwithoutwith or without minor children (ZapfDingbats) [$5] LSwithoutchildrenwithout minor children (ZapfDingbats) [$5] PaternityRespYou want to respond (ZapfDingbats) only [$5] LegalSepDefault Get Default Legal (ZapfDingbats) Separation GetSupport Get Support (ZapfDingbats)Only [$10] PTonly Get Parenting(ZapfDingbats) Time (Visitation) only [$15] Supportwtemporders You want Temporary Orders (ZapfDingbats) too [$5] DefaultWorWout with or without minor (ZapfDingbats) children [$5] PTTempOrdersYou want Temporary (ZapfDingbats) Orders too [$5] GetCVS Get Custody, (ZapfDingbats) Parenting Time (Visitation) & Support Mediation PTEmergencyTemp You want Emergency (ZapfDingbats) Temporary [$15] Orders too [$5] Predecreemed Pre-Decree Mediation (ZapfDingbats) [$5] GetCVSandtempsYou want Temporary (ZapfDingbats) Orders too [$5] PTResponseYou want to (ZapfDingbats) respond only [$5] postdecreemed Post Decree Mediation (ZapfDingbats) [$5] GetCVSemergtooYou want Emergency (ZapfDingbats) Temporary GrViz Get (ZapfDingbats) Grandparent Visitation only [$15] Orders too [$5] GVRespondYou want to(ZapfDingbats) respond to a Grandparent RespPTYou want (ZapfDingbats) to respond only [$5] Visitation Petition only [$5] To Change or Stop An Order That is ALREADY in Existence Child Support and Spousal Support Only Custody, Parenting Time & Support Parenting Time Only ChangeCSOrderSimplifiedChange An Existing Order About (ZapfDingbats) Child ChangeCustPTSupp Change An Existing Order (ZapfDingbats) for Custody, Parenting ChangePTonlyChange An Existing (ZapfDingbats) Order About Support (Simplified) (Request this if the Time and Support (Check here only if the parties Parenting Time (Choose this packet Change is 15% or more of the amount disagree) [$10] ONLY if parties DISAGREE) [$10] already being paid) OR ChangebyAgreement Check here only if both parties(ZapfDingbats) agree about the ChgPTbyAgreementCheck here ONLY if (ZapfDingbats)both parties MedicalCoverageResponsibility To assign or change medical insurance (ZapfDingbats) change [$5] AGREE about the change [$5] responsibility [$5] EmergencyChange You want an Emergency (ZapfDingbats) Change [$5] EmergencyChangeYou want an Emergency (ZapfDingbats) change too ObjectYou objectto Change to the change(ZapfDingbats) requested [$5] [$5] ChangeStandardSupportChange An Existing Order About (ZapfDingbats) Child Support (Standard) (Due to Continuing Conciliation Services Mediation Change in Circumstances) [$5] PreDecMed Pre-Decree (ZapfDingbats) Mediation [$5] ChangeSpousalMaint Change an Existing Order (ZapfDingbats) about Spousal conciliationcounselingConciliation Counseling FREE(ZapfDingbats) PostDecMed Post Decree (ZapfDingbats) Mediation [$5] Maintenance (Support) (Due to Continuing Change in Circumstances) [$5] Service of Family Court Papers Income Withholding Order – Change or Stop existing Order

OA1 Check (ZapfDingbats) ONLY if parties DISAGREE) OAStop To Stop (ZapfDingbats) [$5] OR OAChange To Change (ZapfDingbats) [$5] NOTE: If you decide to have the Sheriff or a private OAAgreeChange Check ONLY if both (ZapfDingbats) parties AGREE to Change an Existing Income Withholding Order process server serve papers to the other party, you [$5] MAY NOT NEED the service packet. OAAgreeStop Check here ONLY (ZapfDingbats) if both parties AGREE to Stop an Existing Income Withholding Order Some sheriff departments and process servers use their OWN forms [$5] OAObject Check here (ZapfDingbats) if you OBJECT to a change being requested [$5] ServeOtherParty Serve the Other Party(ZapfDingbats) in your case [$5] (Enforce) Make Someone OBEY An Order That is ALREADY in Existence (Several service options in same packet) EnforceSupport Enforce a Court Order(ZapfDingbats) for Support [$5] EnforcePropMake Someone (ZapfDingbats) Obey An Existing Order MoreTime2Serv You Need More e Time (ZapfDingbats) to Serve the Other Party EnfPT Enforce (ZapfDingbats) a Court Order for Parenting About Property Division [$5] in your case [$5] Time (Visitation) [$5] OAExParteGet Income (ZapfDingbats) Withholding Order - EnfCustody Enforce a Court (ZapfDingbats) Order for Custody [$5] Without Notice [$5] ReqHrgonOAExp Request Hearing (ZapfDingbats)on Income Withholding Order (Without Notice) [$5]

Other Materials You May Want, or Need, to File Your Papers

All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 3 GNMO-1_073012 5364 OtherPartyIncome You want to know how (ZapfDingbats) much income the other party receives TrialPrep Trial Preparation (ZapfDingbats) [$5] in order to calculate child support [$5] Deferral Deferral (ZapfDingbats) of Filing and/or Service Fees [Free]** UpdateAddress Update your address (ZapfDingbats) with the court [Free]** FurtherDeferral Further Deferral (ZapfDingbats)of Fees [Free]* RequestProtectedAddress Request Protected Address [Free]** (ZapfDingbats) Guidelines Subpoena Subpoena (ZapfDingbats) [$5] CSGuideliensChild Support (ZapfDingbats) Guidelines [$5] PTGuidelinesParenting Time (ZapfDingbats) (Visitation) Guidelines [$5] PTBooklet Model Parenting (ZapfDingbats) Time Booklet [$5] CompleteMailingAddress (Arial:10) Date (Arial:10) FullName (Arial:10) Date Full Name Complete Mailing Address

Probate (Guardianship/Conservatorship/Small Estate Transfers) / Mental Health (Service Packets Included With Packets in this Section)

Get Guardianship Only Get Conservatorship Only Get Guardianship and Conservatorship AdultGrdnshpFor an adult [$20] (ZapfDingbats) ConsMinorFor a minor (ZapfDingbats) [$20] GCMinorFor a minor (ZapfDingbats) [$20] TempAdultGrdnYou want Temporary (ZapfDingbats) Orders [$5] ConsAdultFor an adult (ZapfDingbats) [$20] GCAdultFor an (ZapfDingbats)adult [$20] TempConsYou want (ZapfDingbats)Temporary Orders [$5] GCTempYou want (ZapfDingbats) Temporary Orders [$5]

Maintain or End a Guardianship and/or a Object to Guardianship AND/OR Informal Probate Conservatorship Conservatorship IAPRapptGet the (ZapfDingbats)informal appointment of a Personal AnnualAcct You need forms(ZapfDingbats) for the annual accounting ObjGrndMinor Object to Guardianship (ZapfDingbats) of Minor Representative when a person dies [$20] [$10] [$5] ClosingStatementYou only need a Closing (ZapfDingbats) Statement [$5] AnnualGrdnReport You need forms for (ZapfDingbats)the annual report of ObjConsMinor Object to Conservatorship (ZapfDingbats) of ClaimYou (ZapfDingbats) have a Claim Against the Estate [$5] guardian [$5] Minor [$5] ObjecttoApptYou want to object(ZapfDingbats) to an appointment and ReleaseRestrFunds You only need to release (ZapfDingbats) the restricted funds of ObjGCMinor Object to Guardianship (ZapfDingbats) AND request a formal proceeding [$5] a minor [$5] Conservatorship of Minor [$5] SmallEstateTransferTransfer Property of a(ZapfDingbats) Small Estate When a EndGrdnshp You need forms (ZapfDingbats) to end a guardianship/ ObjGCAdult Object to Guardianship (ZapfDingbats) AND/OR Person Dies [$5] conservatorship for a minor only and release Conservatorship of Adult [$5] ApptSAforFuneral Appointment of Special (ZapfDingbats) Administrator for restricted funds [$5] Funeral Arrangements [$5]

State Juvenile Name Change Property Tax Appeal (choose service packet needed) (no service packet needed) (no service packet needed)

JVDepDependency (ZapfDingbats) [$5] PlusSvc1 plus Service (ZapfDingbats) [$5] cvnca1 To file (ZapfDingbats)for name change for adult without JVEman Emancipation (ZapfDingbats) [$5] PlusSvc2 plus Service (ZapfDingbats) [$5] SmallClaimsfileTo file a small claims (ZapfDingbats) property tax minor child(ren) [$5] JVRespEman Respond to Emancipation(ZapfDingbats) [$5] (no service) appeal [$5] cvncc To file (ZapfDingbats) for name change for adult with minor needed) child(ren) [$5] JuvSeverance Juvenile Severance/Termination (ZapfDingbats) of Rights [$5] Excess Proceeds Refund cvncm1 To file for (ZapfDingbats) name change for a minor child [$5] cvncf1 To file (ZapfDingbats) for name change for a family [$5 JvDOR Petition (ZapfDingbats) for Destruction of Juvenile Records [$0] ExcessProcRef To file for Refund (ZapfDingbats) of Excess JVObjPlcmnt Object to Assessment (ZapfDingbats) of Juvenile Placement Proceeds [$5] Costs [$0] applydelayedbc To apply for Delayed (ZapfDingbats) Birth Certificate [$5] amendbcadult To amend birth certificate(ZapfDingbats) for adult [$5] Power of Attorney To amend birth certificate for a minor [$5] Juvenile Guardianship amendbcminor (ZapfDingbats) JuvGrnd Guardianship (ZapfDingbats) [$15] (includes service) GenPOA General (ZapfDingbats) Power of Attorney [NC] JuvTempGrdn Temporary Guardianship (ZapfDingbats) [$5] PPOA Parental (ZapfDingbats) Power of Attorney [NC] Criminal Cases plusServ plus service iceJV1 [$5] (ZapfDingbats) DischJuvGrnshp Discharge Juvenile (ZapfDingbats) Guardianship SPOA Special (ZapfDingbats) Power of Attorney [NC] Class6 Reduce (ZapfDingbats) Class 6 Felony to Misdemeanor [$5] JuvPlusSrvc2 plus service [$5] (ZapfDingbats) RPOA Revocation (ZapfDingbats) of Power of Attorney [NC]

NOTICE: You may request that the “filing fees” and “sheriff service fees” be deferred if you do not have the money to pay them now. You will be required to fill out a financial affidavit and verify your financial situation in order to qualify for this deferral.

DeferralPktOption Check here if you (ZapfDingbats:8) have not yet completed a Deferral Packet, and want one sent to you. This deferral packet covers filing fees and service of papers by Sheriff Only NOT PRIVATE PROCESS SERVERS.

**This packet is FREE but there is a $26 filing fee effective Feb. 6, 2009 to file the deferral packet. Other packets costing $5.00 each, (PLUS $5.00 shipping and handling fees) and private process server fees must be paid for even if you qualify to have service by the Sheriff’s Dept. and Clerk of Court filing fees deferred.

Comments (Arial:10) Other Comments: All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 3 GNMO-1_073012 5364

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