Sample Blackboard References

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Sample Blackboard References


PAUL ARPAIA, HISTORY 1003 Blackboard Site We will be using a Blackboard site for much of the class activities. It can be accessed through the Baruch website at We will go over how to access the site and its topography during the first week of class. If you have any questions about your Baruch email address or your password, or if you have any problems accessing the site please call the computer helpdesk at 646.312.1010. (The people at the helpdesk are very friendly and helpful—I know; I ask them questions all the time.)

Discussion board I will post 10 questions to the class’s discussion board on Blackboard. You should compose your responses carefully, using a word processing program or pen and paper if you want. Observe the rules of standard American English. Do not use chat-talk abbreviations or incomplete sentences. For each question posed, you are required to respond to the question and at least one response by one of your colleagues. You must post your responses prior to the due date that I will post with each question. You are invited to suggest themes for the discussion boards. This portion of the class is worth 20%. If you do two posts within the required time, you will receive 2 points; if you do one, you will receive only one point. Irrelevant or poorly-composed postings (opinions, knee-jerk responses, etc.) do not count as posts—and I will send you a private email to let you know before the deadline so you can do another one.

Homework and in-class activities …Homework assignments must be handed in by 4:00pm on the due date. They must be sent as Word documents through the drop box on the course’s Blackboard site. As a precaution against tech failures, please bring a hard copy to class. No homework will be accepted late…


THE COURSE WEBSITE. From an internet-connected computer, access Baruch's homepage: At the upper right, pause your cursor on “computing,” and then, on the drop-down menu, move to “BlackBoard Courses. ” You can then log-in. For this course, HIS 1000 (Prof. Bert Hansen), you will find a COMBINED entry for both EG24 and KM24. If the computer doesn't recognize your ID, you can use “Preview” during the first week or two of the term; after that, the Preview function will be closed, so get the problem corrected.

DONALD H. SCHEPERS, BUS 9100 Blackboard: Handouts for the course are available through the BlackBoard website for distance learning. You can either read the files online or print them for your reading. Username for BlackBoard is the last eight digits of your student ID-card. Your password is the last six digits of your social security number. Please check as soon as you can to make sure you can access the site. Any problems should be directed to… DAN WILLIAMS, PAF 9172 … You can check your grade at any time by visiting the Blackboard site for the class and using the “check my grade” feature…

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