Social Concerns Team Report

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Social Concerns Team Report

Journey Lutheran Church Annual Report for 2016

Journey with Jesus Opening Scripture Breaking Bread Sharing Good News


Call to order Devotions Reports Celebration of 2016 Old Business New Business Wiggles & Giggles Accountability Covenant Amendments to the Constitution Purpose Statement Elections Adoption of Budget Closing Prayer

Potluck Dinner


Pastor………...... J Mamy Ranaivoson..……...563-8788 President……….Meredith Hink...... 799-5345 Vice-President…Dave Pehl...... 797-6818 Treasurer (non-voting)…Eric Davidson..715-829-2881 Youth Representative .Jeremiah Boardman...526-5901 Secretary………...Julie Rudolph……...... 783-1892 Voting Member…Jim Welander...... 526-4353 Voting Member…Wendy Evert...... 304-5775 Voting Member…Sara Sykora...... 397-9808 Voting Member…Bob Tracey ...... 526-2697

CHURCH LEADERSHIP Faith Formation Director Michelle Renkas Financial Secretary Leah Wisnewski Administrative Assistant Julie Rudolph Altar Guild Mary Tauer, Karen Latsch Choir Director Deb Welander Bell Choir Director Brian Renkas Fellowship Team Carole Myhre, Carla Amundson, Jane Amundson, Judy Lindgren, Sandy Tracey, Meredith Hink Property Team Bob Tracey, John Haese Outreach Team Dave Denson, Barb Reithel Service Team Beth Davidson Worship Team Deb Welander, Nancy Haese, Barb Dalton, Julie Gappa, Paula Przywojski

MUSIC MINISTRY Accompanists: Jim & Deb Welander, Paula Przywojski, Larry & Barb Dalton Worship Band: Terry Burt, Patty Denson, Julie Gappa, Meredith Hink, Heidi Hodgins, Brian Renkas, Lori Clayton, Mary Jo Bersagel

3 2016 STATISTICS CURRENT MEMBER STATISTICS 119 Average Weekly Attendance 147 Households 394 Baptized Members 290 Confirmed Members

BAPTISMS Noah Mahlum (1/10/2016) Jameson Kleinsmith (4/10/2016) Brinley Howe (9/11/2016)


WEDDINGS Jeffrey Tillema & Lindsey Brommer (11/5/2016) *

FUNERALS Stephanie Hass (10/8/2016)

Members Received in 2016* Ginny Kurtz Katie Sue Hammond Dave Kupfershmidt Pr Mamy Ranaivoson Noel Ranaivoson AJ Ranaivoson Lisa Paulson Ruthann Paulson Lilah Paulson

*non-members **Also included as new members are those who were Baptized, listed above

4 JOURNEY LUTHERAN CHURCH Annual Meeting Minutes January 24, 2016 The Annual Meeting was brought to order by the Vision Board President, Meredith Hink, with a devotion and reflection on discipleship and the future of Journey Lutheran Church. Each member signed in to guarantee the required quorum was achieved. The meeting was run following Roberts Rule of Order.

Meredith explained the rules around making a motion and a second, followed by discussion and then a vote. All voting was verbal with those in favor saying “aye” and those opposing saying “no”. If for some reason the vote is too close there would be a show of hands.

Annual reports were made available one week prior to the annual meeting to allow the congregation time to review and come prepared to ask any questions of the Vision Board, the Ministry Teams or the 2016 budget.

Old business began with a review of last year’s minutes. There was no discussion or changes. Michelle Logan made a motion to accept the 2015 meeting minutes and a second by Linda Head. The motion was carried and the 2015 Annual Meeting minutes were approved and accepted as printed.

Ministry Teams and Report Review  Faith Formation – no questions or discussion  Worship & Music o The Worship Team has proposed beginning a campaign where members can “purchase” bells for $125 each. o A new piano for the choir room is going to be purchased thanks to generous donations from members and from Memorials for Dale Ruosch  Outreach Team o Jonah Denson reported that more members are needed on this Team so that more events can be planned. He expressed what a fun team this is to be on and they have several Outreach events being planned.  Service Team – no questions or discussion  Property o It was noted on what a fine and well-kept facility that we have thanks to all the volunteers that keep it maintained. . Bob Tracey noted that all the original finishes in the original building have been updated. . Also, more members are needed to help maintain the facility  Sugar Creek – no questions or discussion  Finance Secretary – no questions or discussion  Call Committee – no questions or discussion  Old Business – no questions or discussion

A Celebration of 2015 presentation was shown featuring pictures of baptisms, first communions, confirmations, graduations, celebrations and events held in 2015.

New Business The Same Sex Marriage Resolution was presented to the Congregation. After a lot of discussion in our Congregation this past year, and taking into consideration the Supreme Court ruling legalizing Same Sex

5 Marriage, a resolution was developed to make this a binding resolution and therefore a permanent part of our Constitution.

Same Sex Marriage Resolution Whereas Journey Lutheran is a congregation that takes seriously the invitation to others that, “Whoever you are, However you come, You are welcome here!” Whereas Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 10:40,42: “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me….And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Whereas in June 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States made same sex marriages legal nationwide. Whereas a consensus was reached through three forums, discussing Journey Lutheran’s position on performing same sex marriage, that this body of believers is in favor of Journey Lutheran being a place of worship where same sex marriage is welcomed and that the pastor is empowered to preside at same sex marriages on behalf of the congregation. Whereas the pastor of Journey Lutheran has already been authorized to perform same sex marriage with the approval of the Vision Board. Therefore be it resolved that the Vision Board revise the marriage policy to clarify our support of same sex marriage to read as follows: “At Journey Lutheran we believe that “All are welcome” in our life and ministry together regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other category society uses to divide us. We extend this same belief to adults who wish to join in holy matrimony. Because marriage is a covenant we do require any couple wishing to be married to seek counsel with the pastor prior to the wedding (see pre- marriage counseling).” Therefore be it further resolved that the call committee include our support of same sex marriage in the Mission Site Profile (MSP) as well as the interview process. This resolution was moved and seconded by the Journey Lutheran Vision Board on January 12, 2016. It will come to the annual meeting in 2016 for the congregation’s vote.  Jonah Denson wanted to clarify that this resolution will also be a change to our Marriage Policy and part of our Call Ministry Profile o Bob Tracey motioned to accept the policy as written and Michelle Logan seconded the motion.  Jayne Oliver, as leader of the Call Committee, asked the Congregation if we would want to hire a gay or lesbian minister. o Pastor Brad noted that sometimes congregations hold a Pastor to a different set of expectations than they do to other members of a congregation. o Jim Welander mentioned that this has been discussed at the Synod and has been approved o The Call Committee wanted to clarify that this would be acceptable to the Congregation and it was approved by a vote of the Congregation and passed.

Larry Dalton reported that he and Leah Wisnewski are members on the Synod Council and reported on Journey’s Synod Giving.  For 2015 Journey has been giving 6.5% of monthly income to Synod Benevolence, and taking into consideration the CareBear funds that are also sent to the Synod for different campaigns, it comes to about 7 ½ to 8%. o The ultimate goal is to get the offering to 10% by increasing the giving ½% each year; the percentage for 2016 will be 7%.

6 o Jim Welander explained that the Synod is trying to clarify what is categorized as Mission support and more clearly defining the accounting of the giving to the Synod. o TJ Barth mentioned that she thought our goal for mission support was 15%. o Meredith Hink noted that she was pleased that we are even questioning why we aren’t giving more instead of why we are giving so much o Pastor Brad expressed that the giving by the Church is a great model for the Congregation members in giving.

Pastor Brad spoke to the Congregation on how the roles of an Interim Pastor differs from a Called Pastor position.  One of his goals as an Interim is getting the Congregation to think discipleship and what does it look like. o What kind of disciples are we making here at Journey? o A question box has been set up for everyone to tell us “What does a disciple look like?”  Pastor Brad expressed that this is a welcoming congregation because of the great members and that we should keep this in mind as we face all the changes coming with the calling of a new Pastor.  Another goal of his is as Interim is to look at the policies and membership roles of the congregation and make sure everything is in order as a “cleaning of house” for the new Pastor. o More of a clarification of ideas o Update the Mission Statement  Pastor Brad thanked the congregation for making him feel so welcome and Jonah Denson expressed how fortunate Journey is for having him as an Interim and Amy Denson mentioned how welcoming Pastor Brad has been to the children of the congregation. Vision Board Elections The following members were presented at candidates for the Vision Board Bob Tracey – a new 3 year term Sara Sykora – a 3 year term Dave Pehl – finishing a 3 year term Jeremiah Boardman – 1 year Youth position  Ray Purnell motioned to accept the candidates and John Peterson seconded. Motion was passed.  Michelle Logan asked that the slate of nominees be given to the Congregation before the Annual meeting.

2016 Budget The 2016 Budget was brought to the floor of discussion.  Mike Schnitzius gave a report on how our Mission Support was used by the Synod. Detailed reports are available for the congregation to review.  Mike Schnitzius motioned to add a budget line for contribution to the Sabbatical Fund in the 2017 budget to get the Fund to the Synod guideline amount; this would be $610/year for 5 years. o We currently have $2700 in the fund o A Sabbatical is usually for 3 months and the Pastor continues to receive the monthly salary as usual during this time. o The Sabbatical policy is in the Call Committee book. o Bob Tracey motioned to accept the motion and motion seconded by Ray Purnell. Motion carried. Michelle Logan asked if the Youth Director position was something that was going to be considered in the 2016 Budget.

7  This position is still in the development stage and the full description and requirements have not been worked out o Pastor Brad noted that there is room in the budget if the position was ready for adopting by this summer.  Also being developed is the position of Contemporary Worship Director The Journey Forward Campaign is due to end in May 2016 so the Weekly Giving amount was raised.  The Vision Board is looking to establish and Endowment Fund Bob Tracey motioned to accept the 2016 Budget and motion was seconded by Michael Wiese. Motion carried. Bob Tracey thanked Jon Lindgren for all the time he spends coordinating all the cleaners and all the work he does for the Church. o Jon Lindgren mentioned that more cleaning teams are needed to share in the duties.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Eric Davidson with a second by Jayne Oliver. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2016 VISION BOARD REPORT It’s hard to believe that 2016 has already come and gone. When I look back on everything that has happened this past year I truly appreciate the blessings that God has given Journey. In a time when many Lutheran churches in our country and even within our synod struggle with finding a pastor, Journey has been blessed to have found and called Pastor Mamy Ranaivoson within a year of Pastor Steve leaving. I wish to thank all the Call Committee members for their dedication to the call process. I also wish to thank Pastor Brad Lindberg who saw us through the interim period. During this time of transition, we have been blessed with many individuals who stepped forward to ensure that worship services ran smoothly, that the children of our congregation had opportunities to learn about the love of Jesus Christ through Sunday School and two Vacation Bible School sessions, and that we continued to reach out to help others through service projects like Feed My Starving Children, Holmen’s Hope, and Lutheran World Relief. We completed Journey Forward this year and reduced our mortgage from $810,000 at the beginning of the campaign to $375,945.42. This allowed the Vision Board to refinance the loan for another 5-year period at 4.25%. Thanks to generous donations our Worship Committee was able to purchase a new piano and a set of hand bells. We also gave 7% of our weekly giving to the work of our larger synod. The year 2017 is an important year in the Lutheran church. This year we will be observing the 500th anniversary of the posting of the 95 theses. There will be many opportunities within our synod to reflect on what the reformation meant 500 years ago and what it means today. As Martin Luther wrote in the small catechism we continue to be reborn or “reformed” every day in Christ. Each day we are given new opportunities to strengthen our faith and to show the love of Christ to others. How will we continue to reform as a congregation this next year? We have a lot of opportunities to grow as a congregation. Last year the Vision Board put together a purpose statement to help explain our mission and help remember our JOBS. Two bulletin boards have been prepared in the Fellowship hall where we are asking people to reflect on and post how we each play a role in living out this purpose statement. As we gather for the annual meeting potluck please take some time to check out these bulletin boards and reflect on what gifts you will share with others this year.

8 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, 11 Respectfully, Meredith Hink

9 PASTOR’S REPORT “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord,…” Jeremiah 29: 11-14a (NRSV) This bible verse gives us hope everyday as our future is in God’s hand. No one knows about the future, but for sure we know that God promised to be there with us. In my first quarter of being here at Journey, I am still pondering about this bible verse as I serve as your second pastor here at Journey. I am thankful that I was called here at this particular time to be your pastor, and I am learning, observing, and exploring God's work here at Journey and within its members. Journey's vision and mission statements are very clear and we are going to work to fulfill these all year long. For my part in the ministry, I will continue to follow the work of Word and Sacrament: to preach, teach, administer the sacraments, to marry, bury, comfort, to do Pastoral care, and to challenge you in ministry as your pastor. Your part in the ministry is even more important. You are called: to serve in worship as readers, greeters, assistants, ushers, choir members, musicians, acolytes, altar care, and vision boards; to attend worship, Bible Studies that we will start soon, Sunday school, and special events; to pray for each other through the prayer chain; to love your neighbor by continuing the Blanket making ministry, the outreach and services, helping families in need, providing coffees and goodies as a good Lutheran, volunteering in many activities of this church and the list goes on. These things God calls us to do at Journey and my prayers are with you every day as we share our faith in our daily lives. In addition, we are willing to seek God’s leadership in discerning new ministries in our neighborhood. I invite you pray about it and to be creative. Invite friends and families to join us. Everyone’s idea matters. Write them down and give it to us in the office about what God puts in you to share with us. We will make sure that we all share the same visions as we move forward. We thank God everyday who accompanies us in sharing God’s’ love to the world. May God continue to guide and bless us. Thank you for welcoming us among you. Peace and joy!

Pr. J Mamy Ranaivoson


12 Mission Statement Journey Lutheran Church (JLC ) is centered on God’s mission for the world, and to that end will: - Work hard to create a welcoming sense of community to all - Be a people who remain open to change and respectful of differences - Help each other find meaning and purpose and nurture our spiritual journey - Be outward looking, serving needs locally and globally

Purpose Statement

Journey/Walk with Jesus

Opening Scripture

Breaking Bread

Sharing Good News


FAITH FORMATION TEAM – MICHELLE RENKAS Michelle Renkas has continued as our Faith Formation Director in 2016. She began taking courses through Vibrant Faith University to continue to grow her knowledge in the area of 21st Century Faith Formation across the lifespan. In 2016, Michelle began writing a weekly Faith Formation article for the JournE and has created a faith formation website ( Children The Family Faith Formation Children and Family Focus planning team consists of Michelle Renkas, Amy Denson (PreK/K Sunday School Teacher), Renee Monti (1st/2nd Sunday School Teacher),Michael Wiese (3rd/4th/5th Sunday School Teacher), Michelle Logan (3rd/4th/5th Sunday School Teacher), Indiana Hauser (3rd/4th/5th Sunday School Teacher), Nancy Haese, and Sara Sykora (Vision Board liaison). Faith Formation kicked off 2016 with the addition of a one day winter VBS. This year’s theme was Outback Rock. We had a great group of about 25 kids and several adult volunteers spending the day sharing in faith. It was a great addition to our ministry to help break up the winter. In August, Journey once again partnered with Halfway Creek for summer VBS. Our theme this year was Cave Quest. We had over 50 children registered including several families who did not belong to Journey or Halfway Creek congregations. An addition to this year’s summer VBS was a free family dinner each evening. Food was provided through a Thrivent Grant as well as donations from congregation members. This was a great time of fellowship for all of the many children and families who attended. We had an amazing volunteer base for VBS this summer from station leaders, crew leaders, dinner “hosts”, decorators, During Lent the team coordinated a Prayer Pals program in which congregation members were paired with a child and “pals” were asked to pray for one another during the season of Lent. In fall of 2016 Sunday School continued using Spirit and Truth Publishing Living the Word curriculum. Using a curriculum that follows the Narrative Lectionary has been helpful for families and children to connect what is heard during worship, Sunday School, and home. We have about 35

13 children enrolled in Sunday School in fall of 2016. The Sunday School children once again partnered with the Outreach team to fill school bags this fall for Lutheran World Relief. The Sunday School children also wrote and drew about ways that they help others. These writings/drawing were compiled to create the 2016 Journey Online Advent calendar. During fall 2016 a family faith formation survey was set to families with children of a variety of ages (birth through young adult) in the congregation. The compiled results are helping analyze where families are at and help guide the direction of ministry. This year the Journey Christmas Program was held the Sunday before Christmas. The weather was very cold with wind chills well below 0. Our program this year was an “interactive” Christmas program. We requested that all adults and children in attendance that morning don costumes to help act out the Christmas story. We had several willing adults and children get into the spirit of the season that morning. Journey once again supported Sugar Creek’s outdoor ministry by sending several children and youth to camp in the summer of 2016. Intergenerational The Intergenerational Faith Formation Planning Team consists of Michelle Renkas, Michelle Logan, Indiana Hauser, Renee Monti, and Nancy Haese. This is a newly formed sub-committee of Faith Formation. The Intergenerational Team partnered with the Outreach team at the beginning to December to host the first ever intentionally intergenerational learning event at Journey. It was through this partnership that A.L.T.E.R. (All-ages, Learning, Together, Experiencing, Renewal) was established. A.L.T.E.R. - Advent had about 50 adults and children attend. A.L.T.E.R. - Advent was also the kick off of One Light Shining service event during the Advent season. The team is planning to continue offering A.L.T.E.R. Events throughout the coming year. Confirmation In spring 2016 and the very beginning of fall 2016 Confirmation students attended confirmation classes at Holmen Lutheran. In the beginning of November 2016 our Confirmation students returned to Journey for classes lead by Pr. Mamy. A dinner/fellowship time was added to the beginning of Confirmation classes. This has been a great time for students to gather together before class and has eased the evening chaos for families trying to get dinner for their children before class. Our small group leaders this year are Michael Weise and Karen Torud. We have also had several other adult volunteers including parents step in as small group leaders on various evenings. We currently have about 19 students registered for Confirmation classes. We also have several 9th and 10th grade students who are working on finishing their Confirmation preparations. Adults Adult faith formation ministry in 2016 included the continued support and involvement with Halfway Creek and Holmen Lutheran to offer groups for both men and women. Theology on Tap (men’s group) and Theology Uncorked (women’s group) both meet monthly along with other area congregations. A monthly Women’s Bible Study is offered here at Journey. In the spring of 2016 Journey sent 5 congregation members to the Engaging Adults Worship at Holmen Lutheran. Milestones Committee members include: Michelle Renkas, Michelle Logan, Donnie Lee, and Amy Denson. In 2016 The Milestones Team kicked off the year with blessing those in the congregation who would be celebrating a milestone decade birthday during the year. In May we recognized high school seniors who would be graduating. The Milestones Team also coordinated Blessing of the Backpacks at the start of the school year. We had five 3rd graders receive their first Bible this year and three preschoolers received their first storybook Bible. This fall we also blessed 3 students who recently

14 had received their driver’s license and had a special blessing for the family of Jacob Schroeder on the one year anniversary of his death. Fellowship The fellowship hall was the site of several major events in 2016. Soup suppers were held on Wednesday evenings during the season on Lent. The youth, supported by several adult congregation members, hosted Easter breakfast. Special dinners were held to mark the end of Journey Forward and to celebrate Pastor Mamy’s Installation. Several members of the fellowship team provided meals to the Bike and Build participants when they stayed at Journey overnight in late July. In November the fellowship team hosted a bakery potluck after the Thanksgiving Eve service. To assist with treats on Sunday mornings the fellowship team worked with Journey’s administrative assistant to coordinate an effort to rotate treats among the congregation members during the year. Each week we invite four different families to provide treats. Many weeks we have two or three families participate. We will continue this practice in 2017. We also started a system where we ask that groups using the refrigerator in the fellowship hall kitchen mark their food and date it (e.g. daycare, faith formation, fellowship, etc.) so we know who the food belongs to. This helps to ensure that food is properly rotated so that it is used and not wasted. The fellowship team is always looking for more volunteers to help serve coffee and treats after each service. We hope more congregation members will stop in to assist as it helps to have people aware of how to prepare coffee and where to find supplies for other events. Fellowship Team: Judy Lindgren, Jane Amundson, Sandy Tracey, Marcy Firl, Carla Amundson, Ron and Chris Stanke, Meredith Hink (Vision Board liaison)

WORSHIP AND MUSIC – NANCY HAESE AND BARB DALTON The Worship and Music Team’s primary duty is to make sure the Sunday services and other church services are planned and run smoothly so that the worship experience is worthy to praise God. This is done by making sure our church services are scheduled, musicians are scheduled, liturgies are chosen, music licenses and worship policies are up to date, and piano and organ tuning and maintenance is current. The dedication of our committee members helped in providing meaningful worship even as we were saying goodbye to Interim Pastor Brad and welcoming Pastor Mamy. Our worship and music team members in 2016 were Lori Clayton, Barb Dalton (co-chair), Patty Denson, Julie Gappa, Nancy Haese, (co-chair), Meredith Hink, Paula Przywojski, Brian Renkas, Deb Welander, and Leah Wisnewski. Wendy Evert was our Vision Board representative. Pastor Mamy joined our team in September. We had many musicians who served our congregation weekly this past year. Our church piano/organ accompanists were Patty Denson, Julie Gappa, Paula Przywojski and Deb Welander. Other musicians for our weekly services were Barb Dalton, Larry Dalton, Jim Welander, Brian Renkas, Terry Burt, Meredith Hink, Patty Denson, Lori Clayton, and MaryJo Bersagel. We are particularly grateful for the brass choir that accompanies our services during Christmas and Easter. We not only have a dedicated Bell Choir, under the direction of Brian Renkas, but we also have our own bells! We are thankful to those of you who donated funds to make this purchase possible. The Bell Choir provides anthems at both Sunday services once a month as well as on special occasions. Julie Gappa continues to take on the role of directing and coordinating the musicians for the contemporary services. She rehearses the musicians on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings before the 10:15 service. She is knowledgeable of the licensing procedures and the library of the contemporary songs. This is a large amount of work and dedication. We have recommended to the

15 Vision Board that this should be a salaried position. We are thankful for Julie’s dedication to providing our church with our contemporary setting. Our Journey Choir continued to present choral anthem each week from September to May under the direction of Deb Welander. Julie Gappa served as our accompanist. We were blessed to have been provided with memorials from the Kitty and Dale Ruosch family, and along with additional funds, we were able to purchase a new piano for the choir room. We offered a variety of worship experiences this past year. On Sundays we offered two styles of services: traditional liturgy (8:00 a.m.) using the settings of the ELW and WOV hymnal. We also offered a contemporary service (10:15 a.m.). Midweek Lenten services used the Holden’s Evening Prayer liturgy. In summer we offered a “blended style” service each Sunday at 9:30. On Wednesday evenings this summer, members from Halfway Creek, Holmen Lutheran, as well as Journey worshiped here for outdoor services around a campfire. The three pastors from these congregations shared in providing services. Thanksgiving Eve Service was held at Journey this year and was combined with Halfway Creek and Holmen Lutheran. A Quiet Christmas was held on December 18th, and Christmas Eve services were held on December 24th at 4 and 6 p.m. We also had a particularly celebratory service on October 16th when Bishop Arends presided at the installation service for Pastor Mamy Ranaivoson. We also would like to express our gratitude to our Altar Guild Team who are dedicated servants that prepare and serve communion, change and take care of the paraments, candles, banners, decorate the church, as well as many other jobs. Reflecting on the past year, our worship and music ministries are vibrant, relevant, and continue to grow because of our many dedicated musicians and parishioners in partnership in order to love and serve God.

SERVICE TEAM The Service Team of Journey Lutheran carries out the mission of the church by performing service to others both locally and globally. The Service Committee is made up of a Chair, Service Coordinators, and Members who participate in some or all of the service projects throughout the year. All members of the congregation are able to be part of the service team. We provided food to people all over the world and right here at home through a variety of initiatives including:  Holmen’s Hope June 28, serving 190+ people  Onalaska/Holmen Food Basket  Feed My Starving Children We distributed funds from the weekly Care Bear collection to Good Samaritan Fund, Women’s Clothing Closet, Onalaska/Holmen Food Basket, Habitat for Humanity, Sugar Creek Bible Camp, ELCA World Hunger Cow Campaign, Holmen’s Hope, Bike & Build, Journey ELCA Scholarship Fund, New Horizons Shelter, LWR Flooding, Feed My Starving Children, Installation Dinner, Sugar Creek flooding, Haiti flooding, and God’s Global Barnyard. At Christmas, gifts were given to children through the Caring Tree and volunteers rang bells for the Salvation Army. The wonderful Caring Blanket team provided blankets for members during special life events like baptisms, confirmations, difficult times, and transitions in life. In addition, blankets were donated to area homeless support agencies.

16 We coordinated Thrivent Action Teams to benefit Holmen’s Hope and the Warming Center, purchased materials for school kits and quilts for Lutheran World Relief, and blood pressure cuffs for screenings. We visited members who cherish monthly visitations and enjoy quiet conversation and companionship. In cooperation with Holmen Lutheran and Halfway Creek, Journey Lutheran Church continues to be active in Stephen Ministry. Journey currently has three trained Stephen Ministers — Meredith Hink, Lora Lebakken, and Tom Stowers. Plans are to hopefully train 3-4 more Stephen Ministers in 2017. The Wellness Committee which consists of health professionals from Holmen Lutheran, Halfway Creek, and Journey Lutheran met on a monthly basis in 2016. We offered monthly blood pressure checks at Holmen's Hope and occasional blood pressure checks to a senior fitness group that meets at the Onalaska YMCA. Members of this committee wrote or submitted wellness related articles to church newsletters. One of the members initiated a yoga class this fall which has been well attended. July 20-21 Journey hosted the Bike and Build group. A bike rodeo was held to teach kids about bike safety. A couple of families attended and children were given 1:1 attention to help them build their confidence in and knowledge about bike safety. In addition we had a guest from the Wisconsin Bike Federation join the Bike and Build rodeo and dinner to talk about biking opportunities in the local area. The Bike and Build group were very grateful for our hospitality and our flexibility during their stay. We are always looking for new ways to better serve our surrounding community and new volunteers to help us. Respectfully submitted, Beth Davidson, Meredith Hink, Bob & Sandy Tracey, Jon and Judy Lindgren, Cindy Lipke, Jane Amundson, Mike Schnitzius, Amy & Dave Denson, Tom Stowers, Leah Wisnewski, Larry Dalton, and John Haese

PROPERTY TEAM – BOB TRACEY AND JOHN HAESE During the past year we were able to maintain the building and grounds on a bare bones budget. First, we need to thank the more than 20 people from the Housekeeping teams who have been such an important part of keeping the inside of the church clean. Their continued weekly commitment is something of which everyone should be aware. Second, we must thank our crew of Jerry Wisnewski, Bob Tracey, Tom Tucker and John Haese who helped cut grass this summer. The amount of rainfall we experienced necessitated mowing almost every five to six days throughout the growing season. We also need to thank our secret helper who came and did much of the weeding under the trees on the banks, and in places where most of us are not interested in crawling around. He prefers not to be named, but his help was greatly appreciated. We now have a Journey Maintenance Manuel that is kept in the office and is available for anyone to reference. We have taken just about everything we have learned in the past seven years and included it in the Maintenance Manuel to assist anyone who has questions concerning the up keep of the building and grounds. We have also included a calendar of what maintenance issues need to be addressed on a monthly basis. We are also in the process of videotaping maintenance procedures and other things pertaining to church. If you are a first time volunteer and have questions, we will have answers to just about everything. We plan to take all the videos and post them on YouTube under our church name. With our password, anyone with a smart phone will be able to access this information.

17 Our continuing financial problem may be compounded by a number of items that will require repair or replacement in the next year. Our skylights in the Narthex and over the altar both exhibit signs of age. They both have failed gas insulation (panes are cloudy) indicating there is no gas between the panes that provides insulation. The larger unit in the Narthex, had insulation coming out of the sides until we got someone to go up and look at it. He is working on a replacement price. The main church structure was built in 1991 and the normal life of the skylights is 20-25 years. We have three air-conditioning units that service the main body or old portion of the church, and they also have reached their terminal commercial age. We also have one furnace in the old building that has never been replaced. If it fails this winter we don’t have much choice, but to replace it. We have a bid to fix the spotlights that shine down on the altar, since four of the six have burned out. We have had this bid for over a year.

Considering what we have to maintain and what we may have to fix, we are holding off on any other long range plans at this time. We greatly appreciate your supporting the aluminum can collection, last year that added $159.95 to our general fund.

OUTREACH COMMITTEE Journey’s outreach committee sponsored several events and projects in 2016. A clothing drive was held during the month of February, which benefitted the Women’s Clothing Closet at Our Saviors Lutheran church in La Crosse, the Men’s clothing closet though Catholic Charities Warming Center and the Teen Clothing Closet at First Lutheran Church in Onalaska. Clothing and monetary donations were accepted. An outreach dinner, “Journey Night Out” was held on February 20th. The evening included a social hour with wine and appetizers, a catered meal by Jacqlons Restaurant in Holmen, free child care and Bishop Jim Arends was our guest speaker for the evening. Journey’s annual rummage sale was held on April 16th. Proceeds from the event totaled $1275, which went to our youth’s campership fund. All leftover items went to the Second Chance resale shop sponsored by New Horizons. On May 22nd, we sponsored Journeyfest, which was also a celebration of the culmination of Journey Forward. Special music was provided at both worship services by the String Ties, the annual Easter egg hunt was held for the children in between services during the fellowship hour and a potluck picnic and fun and games for all ages was provided by Big E entertainment. In September, along with the Sunday school, we sponsored the LWR school kit drive. We were able to collect school supplies and fill 150 backpacks this year, which was a great success. On December 3rd, along with the Faith Formation team, we sponsored a multigenerational Advent event, which included a light meal, Advent education, children and adult advent crafts, games, and “One Light Shining” complete with a prayer labyrinth set up in the candle lit sanctuary. Also in December we sponsored a 2 week drive for New Horizons, asking for donations of games, movies and activities for families that have to spend their Christmases in shelters to keep them safe. Thanks again to the many generous members of Journey, I took a trunk load of donations to the shelter, which was very much appreciated by them at this time of the year. We ended the year by sponsoring a Journey New Year’s Eve party. We had an evening of appetizers, cold and hot beverages, games for kids and adults including a WII set up and a ping pong table and karaoke. We welcomed in the New Year at midnight with noise makers and non alcoholic champagne and ended the evening around the fireplace sharing communion together. Thank you to everyone that helped throughout the year make these events possible, to the congregation for all your generosity and participation at the events and to Thrivent Financial for the action team grants that helped make these events possible The outreach committee is currently planning Gospel Fest 2017, which is scheduled for Sunday, February 26th at Zion Lutheran Church in Galesville. This event is part of the Synod’s 500 year celebration of the Reformation which will be going on throughout all of 2017. Watch for more details coming soon.

18 Outreach Committee: Amy Denson, Dave Denson, Jonah Denson, Barb Reithel, Jim Welander, Terry Aakre, Linda Head & Meredith Hink

FINANCIAL SECRETARY REPORT – LEAH WISNEWSKI Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. 2 Corinthians 9:11 (New Living Translation) Over the past year, Journey Lutheran has been blessed with very generous members as well as active non-members and visitors. That generosity allows us to carry out God’s mission in the Holmen/Onalaska area, the La Crosse Area Synod, and throughout the world. That generosity has come in many forms:  Our regular offerings totaled $170,741.22. 31% of our current givers participate in the Simply Giving program. That accounts for 47% of our regular offerings.  The Journey Forward program brought in $59,805.37 this year. That campaign ended in May. If you have not yet completed your pledge, please do so as soon as possible.  The Care Bear raised $6,570.44. The money went to a wide variety of deserving organizations both locally (Good Samaritan Fund, Sugar Creek Flood Relief, etc.) and globally (Lutheran World Relief, God’s Global Barnyard, etc.)  We took in $38,755 through the rental of our facility.  Thrivent Choice gifts brought in $1505. Not only have we been able to serve others throughout the world with our donations, we have also been able to bring down our mortgage. We started the year with a balance of $467,541.93 and our balance at the end of 2016 was $375,945.72; Thank you! We have a very dedicated group of volunteers who come to the church every Monday morning to count the offering. They include Jeff Ilstrup, Jim Welander, Jon Lindgren, Nancy Haese, Jane Amundson, Ken Firl, Bob Tracey, Karen Latsch, Sandy Tracey, Donnie Lee and Diane Hoch. Thank you all. We would always welcome more volunteers if you have free time on Monday mornings. As 2016 comes to a close, I hope and pray for a safe, happy and prosperous new year for everyone in our Journey family. Please consider prayerfully your commitment to Journey Lutheran Church, both personally and financially. Our members have various talents and gifts but as in every family, each one is important. As members of God’s family we need to be generous with all the gifts He has given us.

500th Anniversary of the Reformation The year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation with Luther posting the 95 theses. This year throughout the world and within our own synod there will be many opportunities to reflect on this event and how the Lutheran church continues to reform today.

La Crosse Area Synod Events Path to Reformation: A Tour of Luther’s Germany June 21-27, 2017 Synod-hosted tour to sites in Germany Synod Celebrations Gospelfest February 26, 2017 Zion Lutheran Church, Galesville An evening of song and celebration focusing on the theme “Reformation.” Food donations will be collected to benefit various food pantries throughout Trempealeau County.

19 Drive to 500 – Coverings of Care June 9-11, 2017 Lunda Center, Western Technical College, La Crosse, WI An opportunity to prepare mission quilts, fleece blankets, or prayer shawls to be used locally and globally. These coverings of care will be collected at Synod Assembly Two other celebrations are still in the planning phase. For more information on these and other events check out the La Crosse Area Synod website

JOURNEY FORWARD REPORT Thank you to everyone who took part in the Journey Forward Appeal. In just three years we received $416,828.10 which allowed us to make $320,649.88 in additional principle payments, reducing our monthly mortgage payments from $6,300 to $3,888 each month and lowering our mortgage overall from $810,000 to $375,945. Also, we have been able to present a total of $20,000 to the La Crosse Synod for ministries beyond our walls and made some much needed updates to our sanctuary. On May 22nd we officially ended Journey Forward with a special celebration featuring Spring Ties, fun activities for people of all ages, and our world famous Journey potluck. Thank you to all who participated on the Journey Forward Leadership Team for your time and dedication to this successful appeal.

20 ACCOUNTABILITY COVENANT Dear Name of Individual: Journey Lutheran is a congregation that boldly proclaims “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” and as such affirms the dignity and worth of all persons as expressed in our Welcome Statement. We are committed to being a religious community open to those who are in need of worshiping with us, especially in times of distress and serious personal troubles. However, based on your background, we have concerns about your contact with children and youth in our congregation. We welcome you to our congregation and our membership but your participation will be limited to protect our children, vulnerable adults, the congregation and you (the registered sex offender). Within these guidelines, the congregation welcomes your participation in worship services, coffee hour, meetings, adult education, and all adult social events. We ask that you avoid all contact with children and youth under the age of 18 on church property or congregation-sponsored events. The Bible clearly reminds us that we “have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Some sins, however, are made public and need to have safeguards put into place so that it does not occur again. This covenant allows those who know your history to feel safe when they are involved with the ministry of Journey Lutheran. It is also our sincere desire that this covenant will help place you in positions to succeed so that you might worship alongside of us and enter into ministry together. Journey Lutheran Church

ACCOUNTABILITY COVENANT As a registered sex offender who has received Jesus Christ’s forgiveness, I promise my church family, Journey Lutheran, and at any future location, that I will maintain the following guidelines for the protection of the children, youth, the congregation, and my witness.  I will refrain from any physical or verbal contact with minors. If a child or youth in the congregation approaches me, either at church or in a community place, I will politely and immediately excuse myself from the situation. If this is impossible to do, I will ensure that my accountability partner is beside me and the child/youth has an adult with them.  I agree to notify my accountability partner within 24 hours of being contacted by any law enforcement officer concerning any new charges or allegations.  I will sit with my accountability partner (or his/her designee) during worship and other events where minors are present.  I will participate in ministries involving only adults.  I will refrain from using any part of the church facility where pre-school, children or youth activities are in session, or other areas where children and youth ministries take place.  I will not use the restroom facilities on my own. One of my covenant partners will accompany me and make sure the restroom is free of, and remains free of, children and vulnerable adults while I am using it.  I will meet bi-monthly with my accountability partner and yearly with the Pastor/s to discuss my growth in Christ and any struggles I may be having with my sexual behavior.  I will seek to refrain from placing myself in a questionable or compromising position in regards to special needs/mentally challenged adults attending church events. Therefore I will have no contact or ministry to special needs men without the escort and assistance

21 of another male adult church member. I will not be involved in a specific ministry to women at any time.  I will consult with my accountability partner and church staff before committing to participate or serve in any ministry opportunity (i.e., volunteer activity or event). When in doubt regarding my involvement with a specific activity, I will consult in advance the Pastor/s for permission to participate.  I will not have a key to the building at any time and will not be on-site without my accountability partner.  I agree to limit my participation to the following areas: (additions need to be pre- approved by the Pastor/s) 1. Worship Initial____ 2. Post-Worship Fellowship Initial____ 3. Adult Education Initial____ 4. ______Initial____ 5. ______Initial____

 If I choose to enter this covenant, the facts of my legal history will be shared on a “need to know” basis. I will be informed of the people this information is to be shared with.  If I should decide to relocate my membership (or substantially attend) another congregation, I grant the Vision Board permission to inform the leadership of that congregation of the conditions of these guidelines.  If I have a parole or probation officer, I will have that person sign a copy of this covenant for our church files. The Vision Board President or the Pastor/s will verify the signature and is given permission to discuss my situation with the parole or probation officer.  If there are conditions of my parole or probation that are more restrictive than this covenant, it will supersede the church’s policy with me, and I will be required to provide Journey with this information.  I will continually participate in a professional counseling program, specifically addressing my abusive behaviors, for the entire time I participate in this church community. I recognize that it is strongly suggested that I continue such counseling for life. (The church can be a source for professional counseling resources for you.) I give permission to the Vision Board President or Pastor/s to contact my counselor for a risk assessment.  This is a spiritual covenant rather than a legal contract and is not intended to convey any contractual rights or obligations to anyone who signs this document. My continued attendance here is also dependent upon the continuing permission of Journey Lutheran Vision Board and I realize that they, at their option, may decide to revoke that permission. Before God and Journey Lutheran, I commit to maintaining this accountability covenant. If I fail to comply with this covenant in any way, no matter how minor, the church may rescind this covenant and deny me further participation in this church family and attendance at any church functions.

Signature: ______Date _____

Pastor Signatures: ______Date _____

Vision Board President: ______Date _____

22 Accountability Partner: ______Date _____

Parole/Probation Officer: ______Date _____

CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations as approved by the 2016 Churchwide Assembly Prepared by the Office of the Secretary Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 2018 年 5 月 10 日 Additions are underlined. Deletions are struck through in the text. In coordination with the following amendments, the 2016 Churchwide Assembly authorized the secretary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to: $ strike the words “ordained minister/s” and replace with the words “minister/s of Word and Sacrament”; $ strike the word “clergy” and replace with the words “minister/s of Word and Sacrament”; $ strike the words “pastor/s” and replace with the words “minister/s of Word and Sacrament” where appropriate; $ strike the words “associate in ministry, diaconal minister and deaconess” and replace with the words “minister/s of Word and Service”; and $ make editorial corrections that identify the rosters of this church and implement the creation of the ministers of Word and Service roster. *C3.02. This church confesses the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church and is resolved to serve Christian Unity throughout the world. *C3.03. The Church exists both as an inclusive fellowship and as local congregations gathered for worship and Christian service. Congregations find their fulfillment in the universal community of the Church, and the universal Church exists in and through congregations. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, therefore, derives its character and powers both from the sanction and representation of its congregations and from its inherent nature as an expression of the broader fellowship of the faithful. In length, it acknowledges itself to be in the historic continuity of the communion of saints; in breadth, it expresses the fellowship of believers and congregations in our day. *C3.04. This church, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, participates in the Lutheran World Federation as a global communion of churches, engaging in faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ and in service for the sake of God’s mission in the world. *C3.0305. The name Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA or “this church”) as used herein refers in general references to this whole church, including its three expressions: congregations, synods, and the churchwide organization. The name Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is also the name of the corporation of the churchwide organization to which specific references may be made herein. *C5.03. Only such authority as is delegated to the Congregation Council or other organizational units in this congregation’s governing documents is recognized. All remaining authority is retained by the congregation. The congregation is authorized to: c. call a minister of Word and Service;

23 d. or terminate the call of associates in ministry, deaconesses, and diaconal ministers a minister of Word and Service in conformity with the applicable policy constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; de. adopt amendments to the constitution, as provided in Chapter 17 16, amendments to the bylaws, as specified in Chapter 16 17, and continuing resolutions, as provided in Chapter 18; ef. approve the annual budget; fg. acquire real and personal property by gift, devise, purchase, or other lawful means; gh. hold title to and use its property for any and all activities consistent with its purpose; hi. sell, mortgage, lease, transfer, or otherwise dispose of its property by any lawful means; ij. elect its [officers][,] [and] Congregation Council, [boards, and committees,] and require [them] [the members of the council] to carry out their duties in accordance with the constitution[,] [and] bylaws[,] [and continuing resolutions]; and jk. terminate its relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as provided in Chapter 6. *C6.03. This congregation acknowledges its relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in which: c. This congregation agrees to call pastoral leadership from the clergy roster of ministers of Word and Sacrament of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in accordance with its call procedures except in special circumstances and with the approval of the bishop of the synod. These special circumstances are limited either to calling a candidate approved for the roster of ordained ministers ministers of Word and Sacrament of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or to contracting for pastoral services with an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament of a church body with which the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America officially has established a relationship of full communion. d. This congregation agrees to consider associates in ministry, deaconesses, and diaconal ministers of Word and Service for call to other staff positions in the congregation according to the procedures of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. *C6.05. A This congregation may terminate its relationship with this church the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by the following procedure: f. Notice of termination shall be forwarded by the bishop to the secretary of this church the ELCA, who shall report the termination to the Churchwide Assembly. g. This congregation shall abide by these covenants by and among the three expressions of this church: 1) Congregations seeking to terminate their relationship with this church which fail or refuse to comply with each of the foregoing provisions in *C6.05. shall be required to receive Synod Council approval before terminating their membership in this church. h. 2) Congregations which had been members of the Lutheran Church in America shall be required, in addition to complying with the foregoing provisions in *C6.05., to receive synodical approval before terminating their membership in this church. i. 3) Congregations established by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America shall be required, in addition to complying with the foregoing provisions in *C6.05., to satisfy all financial obligations to this church and receive Synod Council approval before terminating their membership in this church. jh. If a this congregation fails to achieve the required two-thirds vote of voting members present at the congregation’s first meeting as specified in paragraph a. above, another special meeting to consider termination of relationship with this church may be called no sooner than six months after that first meeting. If a this congregation fails to achieve the required two-thirds vote of voting members present at the congregation’s second meeting as specified in paragraph d. above, another

24 attempt to consider termination of relationship with this church must follow all requirements of *C6.05. and may begin no sooner than six months after that second meeting. *C7.03. If a two-thirds majority of the voting members of this congregation present at a legally called and conducted special meeting of this congregation vote to transfer to another Lutheran church body, title to property shall continue to reside in this congregation, provided the process for termination of relationship in *C6.05. has been followed. Before this congregation takes action to transfer to another Lutheran church body, it shall consult with representatives of the La Crosse Area Synod. *C7.04. If a two-thirds majority of the voting members of this congregation present at a legally called and conducted special meeting of this congregation vote to become independent or relate to a non-Lutheran church body and have followed the process for termination of relationship in *C6.05., title to property of this congregation shall continue to reside in this congregation only with the consent of the Synod Council. The Synod Council, after consultation with this congregation by the established synodical process, may give approval to the request to become independent or to relate to a non- Lutheran church body, in which case title shall remain with the majority of this congregation. If the Synod Council fails to give such approval, title shall remain with those members who desire to continue as a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. *C8.02. Members shall be classified as follows: c. Voting members are confirmed members. Such confirmed members, during the current or preceding calendar year, shall have communed in this congregation and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation. Members of this congregation who have satisfied these basic standards shall have the privilege of voice and vote at every regular and special meeting of the congregation as well as the other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws. d. Associate members are persons holding membership in other [ELCA] [Lutheran] [Christian] congregations who wish to retain such membership but desire to participate in the life and mission of this congregation, or persons who wish to retain a relationship with this congregation while being members of other congregations. They These individuals have all the privileges and duties of membership except voting rights and eligibility for elected offices or membership on the Congregation Council of this congregation or other rights and privileges ascribed to voting members by the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws. e. Seasonal members are voting members of other ELCA congregations who wish to retain such membership but desire to participate in the life and mission of this congregation, including exercising limited voting rights in this congregation. The Congregation Council may grant seasonal membership to such persons provided that this congregation is a member of a synod where the Synod Council has approved seasonal member voting on its territory. Such seasonal members shall have all the privileges and duties of voting members except that: 1) they shall not be eligible for elected office in, or for membership on the Congregation Council or on a call committee of, this congregation; 2) they shall not have the right to vote on any matter concerning or affecting the call or termination of call of any minister of this congregation; 3) they shall not have the right to vote on any matter concerning or affecting the affiliation of this congregation with the ELCA; 4) they shall not be eligible to serve as voting members from this congregation of the Synod Assembly or the Churchwide Assembly; 5) they shall not, even if otherwise permitted by this congregation, vote by proxy or by absentee ballot; and 6) they shall not, within any two calendar month period, exercise voting rights in this congregation and in the congregation where they remain voting members.

25 *C8.05. Membership in this congregation shall be terminated by any of the following: a. death; b. resignation; c. transfer or release; d. disciplinary action in accordance with ELCA constitutional provision 20.4041. and the accompanying bylaws; or e. removal from the roll due to inactivity as defined in the bylaws in accordance with the provisions of this constitution and its bylaws. Such persons who have been removed from the roll of members shall remain persons for whom the Church has a continuing pastoral concern. Chapter 9. THE PASTOR ROSTERED MINISTER *C9.01. Authority to call a pastor shall be in this congregation by at least a two-thirds majority ballot vote of voting members present and voting at a meeting legally called for that purpose. Before a call is issued, the officers, or a committee elected by [this congregation][the Congregation Council] to recommend the call, shall seek the advice and help of the bishop of the synod. *C9.02. Only a member of the clergy roster of ministers of Word and Sacrament of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or a candidate for the roster of ordained ministers of Word and Sacrament who has been recommended for the congregation by the synodical bishop may be called as a pastor of this congregation. *C9.03. Consistent with the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a. Every ordained minister of Word and Sacrament shall:

4) provide pastoral care; 5) seek out and encourage qualified persons to prepare for the ministry of the Gospel; 6) impart knowledge of this church and its wider ministry though distribution of its communications and publications; 7) witness to the Kingdom of God in the community, in the nation and abroad; and 58) speak publicly to the world in solidarity with the poor and oppressed, calling for justice and proclaiming God’s love for the world. b. Each ordained minister pastor with a congregational call shall, within the congregation:

2) supervise relate to all schools and organizations of this congregation; 3) install regularly elected members of the Congregation Council; and 4) with the council, administer discipline. c. Every pastor shall: 1) strive to extend the Kingdom of God in the community, in the nation, and abroad; 2) seek out and encourage qualified persons to prepare for the ministry of the Gospel; 3) impart knowledge of this church and its wider ministry through distribution of its periodicals and other publications; and 45) endeavor to increase the support given by the congregation to the work of the ELCA churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and of the La Crosse area Synod of the ELCA. *C9.05. The provisions for termination of the mutual relationship between a minister of Word and Sacrament and this congregation shall be as follows:

26 a. The call of a this congregation, when accepted by a pastor, shall constitute a continuing mutual relationship and commitment, which shall be terminated only by death or, following consultation with the synodical bishop, for the following reasons: 6) resignation or removal of the pastor from the roster of ordained ministers of Word and Sacrament of this church;

b. When allegations of physical disability or mental incapacity of the pastor under paragraph a.4) above, or ineffective conduct of the pastoral office under paragraph a.3) above, have come to the attention of the bishop of this synod, 1) the bishop in his or her sole discretion may investigate such conditions personally together with a committee of two ordained rostered ministers and one layperson, or 2) when such allegations have been brought to the synod’s attention by an official recital of allegations by the Congregation Council or by a petition signed by at least one-third of the voting members of the congregation, the bishop personally shall investigate such conditions together with a committee of two ordained rostered ministers and one layperson. c. In case of alleged physical disability or mental incapacity under paragraph a.4) above, the bishop’s committee shall obtain and document competent medical opinion concerning the pastor’s condition. When a disability or incapacity is evident to the committee, the bishop of this synod may declare the pastorate vacant and the pastor shall be listed on the clergy roster as disabled. When the pastorate is declared vacant, the Synod Council shall list the pastor on the roster of ministers of Word and Sacrament as disabled. Upon removal of the disability and the restoration of the pastor to health, the bishop shall take steps to enable the pastor to resume the ministry, either in the congregation last served or in another appropriate call. e. If either party fails to assent to the recommendations of the bishop’s committee concerning the pastor’s call, the congregation may dismiss the pastor only at a legally called meeting after consultation with the bishop, either (a) by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present and voting where the bishop and the committee did not recommend termination of the call, or (b) by a simple majority vote of the voting members present and voting where the bishop and the committee recommended termination of the call. f. If, in the course of proceedings described in paragraph c. or paragraph d. above, the bishop’s committee concludes that there may be grounds for disciplinary action discipline, the committee shall make recommendations concerning disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of this church’s constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions. *C9.07. During the period of service, an interim pastor shall have the rights and duties in the congregation of a regularly called pastor and may delegate the same in part to a supply pastor with the consent of the bishop of the synod and this congregation or Congregation Council. The interim pastor and any ordained pastor rostered minister providing assistance shall refrain from exerting influence in the selection of a pastor. Unless previously agreed upon by the Synod Council, an interim pastor is not available for a regular call to the congregation served. C9.20. Ecumenical pastoral ministry C9.21. C9.15. Under special circumstances, subject to the approval of the synodical bishop and the concurrence of this congregation, an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament of a church body with which the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America officially has established a relationship of full communion may serve temporarily as pastor of this congregation under a contract between the congregation and the ordained minister pastor in a form proposed by the synodical bishop and approved by the congregation.

27 *C9.21. Authority to call a minister of Word and Service shall be in this congregation by at least a two-thirds vote of voting members present and voting at a meeting legally called for that purpose. Before a call is issued, the officers, or a committee elected by [this congregation][the Congregation Council] to recommend the call, shall seek the advice and help of the bishop of the synod. *C9.22. Only a member of the roster of ministers of Word and Service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or a candidate for the roster of ministers of Word and Service who has been recommended for this congregation by the synodical bishop may be called as a deacon of this congregation. *C9.23. Consistent with the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, every minister of Word and Service shall: a. Be rooted in the Word of God, for proclamation and service; b. Advocate a prophetic diakonia that commits itself to risk-taking and innovative service on the frontiers of the Church’s outreach, giving particular attention to the suffering places in God’s world; c. Speak publicly to the world in solidarity with the poor and oppressed, calling for justice and proclaiming God’s love for the world, witnessing to the realm of God in the community, the nation, and abroad; d. Equip the baptized for ministry in God’s world that affirms the gifts of all people; e. Encourage mutual relationships that invite participation and accompaniment of others in God’s mission; f. Practice stewardship that respects God’s gift of time, talents, and resources; g. Be grounded in a gathered community for ongoing diaconal formation; h. Share knowledge of the ELCA and its wider ministry of the gospel, and advocate for the work of all expressions of this church; and i. Identify and encourage qualified persons to prepare for ministry of the gospel. *C9.24. The specific duties of the deacon, compensation, and other matters pertaining to the service of the deacon shall be included in a letter of call, which shall be attested by the bishop of the synod. *C9.25. The provisions for termination of the mutual relationship between a minister of Word and Service and a congregation shall be as follows: a. The call of a congregation, when accepted by a deacon, shall constitute a continuing mutual relationship and commitment, which shall be terminated only by death or, following consultation with the synodical bishop, for the following reasons: 1) mutual agreement to terminate the call or the completion of a call for a specific term; 2) resignation of the deacon, which shall become effective, unless otherwise agreed, no later than 30 days after the date on which it was submitted; 3) inability to conduct the ministry of Word and Service effectively in this congregation in view of local conditions; 4) physical disability or mental incapacity of the deacon; 5) suspension of the deacon through discipline for more than three months; 6) resignation or removal of the deacon from the roster of ministers of Word and Service of this church; 7) termination of the relationship between this church and this congregation; 8) dissolution of this congregation or the termination of a parish arrangement; or 9) suspension of this congregation through discipline for more than six months. b. When allegations of physical disability or mental incapacity of the deacon under paragraph a.4) above, or ineffective conduct of the office of minister of Word and Service under paragraph a.3) above, have come to the attention of the bishop of this synod,

28 1) the bishop in his or her sole discretion may investigate such conditions personally together with a committee of two rostered ministers and one layperson, or 2) when such allegations have been brought to the synod’s attention by an official recital of allegations by the Congregation Council or by a petition signed by at least one-third of the voting members of this congregation, the bishop personally shall investigate such conditions together with a committee of two rostered ministers and one layperson. c. In case of alleged physical disability or mental incapacity under paragraph a.4) above, the bishop’s committee shall obtain and document competent medical opinion concerning the deacon’s condition. When a disability or incapacity is evident to the committee, the bishop of this synod may declare the office vacant and the deacon shall be listed on the roster of ministers of Word and Service as disabled. Upon removal of the disability and the restoration of the deacon to health, the bishop shall take steps to enable the deacon to resume the ministry, either in the congregation last served or in another appropriate call. d. In the case of alleged local difficulties that imperil the effective functioning of this congregation under paragraph a.3) above, the bishop’s committee shall endeavor to hear from all concerned persons, after which the bishop together with the committee shall present their recommendations first to the deacon and then to this congregation. The recommendations of the bishop’s committee must address whether the deacon’s call should come to an end and, if so, may suggest appropriate severance arrangements. The committee may also propose other actions that should be undertaken by this congregation and by the deacon, if appropriate. If the deacon and congregation agree to carry out such recommendations, no further action need be taken by the synod. e. If either party fails to assent to the recommendations of the bishop’s committee concerning the deacon’s call, this congregation may dismiss the deacon only at a legally called meeting after consultation with the bishop, either (a) by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present and voting where the bishop and the committee did not recommend termination of the call, or (b) by a simple majority vote of the voting members present and voting where the bishop and the committee recommended termination of the call. f. If, in the course of proceedings described in paragraph c. or paragraph d. above, the bishop’s committee concludes that there may be grounds for discipline, the committee shall make recommendations concerning disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of this church’s constitution, bylaws, and continuing resolutions. *C9.26. The deacon shall make satisfactory settlement of all financial obligations to a former congregation before: a. installation in another field of labor, or b. the issuance of a certificate of dismissal or transfer. *C9.27. When a deacon is called to serve in company with another rostered minister or other rostered ministers, the privileges and responsibilities of each rostered minister shall be specified in documents to accompany the call and to be drafted in consultation involving the rostered ministers, the Congregation Council, and the bishop of the synod. As occasion requires, the documents may be revised through a similar consultation. *C9.28. With the approval of the bishop of the synod, this congregation may depart from *C9.25.a. and call a deacon for a specific term. Details of such calls shall be in writing setting forth the purpose and conditions involved. Prior to the completion of a term, the bishop or a designated representative of the bishop shall meet with the deacon and representatives of this congregation for a review of the call. Such a call may also be terminated before its expiration in accordance with the provisions of *C9.25.a. *C9.29. The deacon shall become a member of this congregation upon receipt and acceptance of the letter of call. In a parish of multiple congregations, the deacon shall hold membership in one of the congregations.

29 *C9.31. The deacon(s) shall submit a report of his or her ministry to the bishop of the synod at least 90 days prior to each regular meeting of the Synod Assembly. C10.02. A special Congregation Meeting may be called by the [senior] pastor, the Congregation Council, or the president of this congregation, and shall be called by the president of the congregation upon the written request of [number][percent] of the voting members. The president of the Congregation Council shall call a special meeting upon request of the synodical bishop. The call for each special meeting shall specify the purpose for which it is to be held, and no other business shall be transacted. C10.04. percent of the voting members shall constitute a quorum. C12.04. The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The duties of the Congregation Council shall include the following: d. To maintain supportive relationships with the pastor rostered minister(s) and staff and help them annually to evaluate the fulfillment of their calling or employment.

C12.12. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the members of the Congregation Council, including the [senior] pastor or interim pastor, except when the [senior] pastor or interim pastor requests or consents to be absent and has given prior approval to the agenda for a particular regular or special meeting, which shall be the only business considered at that meeting. Chronic or repeated absence of the [senior] pastor or interim pastor who has refused approval of the agenda of a subsequent regular or special meeting shall not preclude action by the Congregation Council, following consultation with the synodical bishop. C13.04. A Mutual Ministry Committee(s) (in the absence of a mutual ministry committee, the duties shall be fulfilled by the executive committee) shall be appointed jointly by the president [vice president1] and the pastor rostered minister. Term of office shall be two years, with three members to be appointed each successive year. *C15.02. The process for discipline of a member of the congregation shall be governed as prescribed by the chapter on discipline in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If the counseling, censure, and admonitions pursuant to *C15.01. do not result in repentance and amendment of life, charges against the accused member(s) that are specific and in writing may be prepared by the Congregation Council, signed, and submitted to the vice president of the synod. The vice president shall select from the synod’s Consultation Committee a panel of five members (three lay persons and two clergy ministers of Word and Sacrament). A copy of the written charges shall be provided to the consultation panel and the accused member(s). The consultation panel, after requesting a written reply to the charges from the accused member(s), shall consider the matter and seek a resolution by means of investigation, consultation, mediation, or whatever other means may seem appropriate. The panel’s efforts to reach a mutually agreeable resolution shall continue for no more than 45 days after the matter is submitted to it. Chapter 16. BYLAWS *C16.01. This congregation may adopt bylaws. No bylaw may conflict with this constitution. *C16.02. Bylaws may be adopted or amended at any legally called meeting of this congregation with a quorum present by a majority vote of those voting members present and voting. *C16.03. Changes to the bylaws may be proposed by any voting member, provided that such additions or amendments be submitted in writing to the Congregation Council at least 60 days before a

30 regular or special Congregation Meeting called for that purpose. The Congregation Council shall notify the congregation’s members of the proposal with the council’s recommendations at least 30 days in advance of the Congregation Meeting. Notification may take place by mail or electronic means, as permitted by state law. *C16.04. Approved changes to the bylaws shall be sent by the secretary of this congregation to the synod. Chapter 176. AMENDMENTS *C176.01. Unless provision *C176.04. is applicable, those sections of this constitution that are not required, in accord with the Model Constitution for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, may be amended in the following manner. Amendments may be proposed by at least voting members or by the Congregation Council. Proposals must be filed in writing with the Congregation Council 60 days before formal consideration by this congregation at a regular or special Congregation Meeting called for that purpose. The Congregation Council shall notify the congregation’s members of the proposal together with the council’s recommendations at least 30 days in advance of the meeting. Notification may take place by mail or electronic means, as permitted by state law. *C176.02. An amendment to this constitution, proposed under *C176.01., shall: a. be approved at a legally called Congregation Meeting according to this constitution by a majority vote of those voting members present and voting; b. be ratified without change at the next annual meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of those voting members present and voting; and c. have the effective date included in the resolution1 and noted in the constitution. *C176.03. Any amendments to this constitution that result from the processes provided in *C176.01. and *C176.02. shall be sent by the secretary of this congregation to the synod. The synod shall notify the congregation of its decision to approve or disapprove the proposed changes; the changes shall go into effect upon notification that the synod has approved them. *C176.04. This constitution may be amended to bring any section into conformity with a section or sections, either required or not required, of the Model Constitution for Congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as most recently amended by the Churchwide Assembly. Such amendments may be approved by a simple majority vote of those voting members present and voting at any legally called meeting of the congregation without presentation at a prior meeting of the congregation, provided that the Congregation Council has submitted by mail or electronic means, as permitted by state law, notice to the congregation of such an amendment or amendments, together with the council’s recommendations, at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Upon the request of at least two (2) voting members of the congregation, the Congregation Council shall submit such notice. Following the adoption of an amendment, the secretary of the congregation shall submit a copy thereof to the synod. Such provisions shall become effective immediately following a vote of approval. Chapter 17. BYLAWS *C17.01. This congregation may adopt bylaws. No bylaw may conflict with this constitution. *C17.02. Bylaws may be adopted or amended at any legally called meeting of this congregation with a quorum present by a majority two-thirds vote of those voting members present and voting. *C17.03. Changes to the bylaws may be proposed by any voting member, provided that such additions or amendments be submitted in writing to the Congregation Council at least 60 days before a regular or special Congregation Meeting called for that purpose. The Congregation Council shall notify this congregation’s members of the proposal with the council’s recommendations at least 30 days in advance of the Congregation Meeting. Notification may take place by mail or electronic means, as permitted by state law.

31 *C17.04. Approved changes to the bylaws shall be sent by the secretary of this congregation to the synod. Chapter 20. PARISH AUTHORIZATION [* Required provisions when congregation is part of a parish] *C20.01. This congregation may unite in partnership with one or more other congregations recognized by the synod named in *C6.01. to form a parish. Except as provided in *C20.02. and *C20.03., a written agreement, developed in consultation with the synod and approved by the voting members of each congregation participating in the parish, shall specify the powers and responsibilities that have been delegated to a Parish Council. *C20.02. Whenever a letter of call is being recommended for extension to an ordained minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or a candidate for the roster of ordained ministers who has been recommended to the congregation by the synodical bishop to serve the congregations of a parish, such letter of call shall be first approved by a two-thirds vote at congregational meetings of each of the congregations forming the parish. If any congregation of the parish should fail to approve extending this call, the other congregation(s) in the same parish shall have the right to terminate the parish arrangement. *C20.03. Any one of the congregations of a parish may terminate the call of a pastor as provided in †S14.13.d. of the synodical constitution of the synod named in *C6.01. In such case, the other congregation(s) in the same parish shall have the right to terminate the parish arrangement. *C20.04. Whenever a parish arrangement is terminated, the call of any rostered person serving that parish is terminated. Should any congregation that formerly was part of the parish arrangement desire to issue a new call to that rostered person, it may do so in accordance with the call process of this church. *C20.01. This congregation may unite in partnership with one or more other congregations recognized by the synod named in *C6.01. to form a parish. Except as provided in *C20.02. and *C20.03., a written agreement, developed in consultation with the synod and approved by the voting members of each congregation participating in the parish, shall specify the powers and responsibilities that have been delegated to the Parish Council. The Parish Agreement shall identify which congregation of the parish issues calls on behalf of the member congregations or shall establish a process for identifying which congregation issues calls on behalf of the member congregations. *C20.02. One congregation of a parish shall issue a call on behalf of the member congregations to a minister of Word and Sacrament or a candidate for the roster of ministers of Word and Sacrament who has been recommended by the synodical bishop to serve the congregations of the parish. Such a call shall be approved prior to issuance by a two-thirds vote at a congregational meeting of each congregation forming the parish. If any congregation of the parish should fail to approve the call, the other congregations of the parish shall have the right to terminate the parish agreement. *C20.03. One congregation of a parish may issue a call on behalf of the member congregations to a minister of Word and Service or a candidate for the roster of ministers of Word and Service who has been recommended by the synodical bishop to serve the congregations of the parish. Such a call shall be approved prior to issuance by a two-thirds vote at a congregational meeting of each congregation forming the parish. If any congregation of the parish should fail to approve the call, the other congregations of the parish shall have the right to terminate the parish agreement. *C20.04. Any one of the congregations of the parish may terminate their relationship with the pastor as provided in †S14.18.d. of the synodical constitution of the synod named in *C6.01. In such case, the other congregation(s) of the same parish shall have the right to terminate the parish agreement. *C20.05. Any one of the congregations of the parish may terminate their relationship with a minister of Word and Service as provided in †S14.43.d. of the synodical constitution of the synod

32 named in *C6.01. In such case, the other congregation(s) of the same parish shall have the right to terminate the parish agreement. *C20.06. Whenever a parish agreement is terminated, the call of any rostered minister serving that parish is terminated. Should any congregation that was formerly part of the parish agreement desire to issue a new call to that rostered minister, it may do so in accordance with the call process of this church.

Treasurer’s Report 2016 Income 2016 budgeted 2016 ACTUAL Proposed 2017 Regular Giving $232,082.26 $170,741.22 $245,721.41 Designated Giving $9,160.00 $13,086.84 0 Other Income $8,200.00 $4,635.21 $2,400.00 Rental Income $37,185.00 $38,755.00 $7,725.00 Total Income $286,627.26 $227,218.27 $255,846.41

Expenses 2016 budgeted 2016 ACTUAL Proposed 2017 Benevolence $24,100.00 $18,317.15 $12,541.00 Staff $146,152.00 $112,052.65 $143,082.41 Facility $96,605.26 $91,803.45 $85,403.00 Ministry $19,770.0033 $11,730.41 $14,820.00 Total Expenses $286.627.26 $233,903.66 $255,846.41 Fund Balance Dec. 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2016 General Fund $7,616.11 $ 2,524.08 Designated Funds* $18,289.73 $ 8,376.45 (see below for breakdown) Journey Forward Fund $20,240.76 $11,039.60 TOTAL $46,146.60 $21,940.13 *Designated Fund Balances Maintenance Fund $ 1,014.37 Choir Fund $ 294.00 Memorial Fund $ 974.92 Sabbatical Fund $ 2,705.05 Sunday School $ 268.87 Outreach Fund $ 539.42 Worship Fund $ 1,994.80 Scholarship Fund $ 449.28 Savings Acct Interest $ 135.74 $ 8,376.45

Proposed Budget 2017 Daycare Rental $7,000.00 Other Income Income Fellowship Offerings $700.00 Regular Offering Recycling $150.00 Weekly Offering $245,721.41 Thrivent Choice Gifts $1,500.00 Rental Income Interest Earnings $50.00 Facility Rental Income $725.00 Other Designated Gifts undesignated Designated Gifts

34 Memorial Gifts undesignated Office Supplies $600.00 Care Bear Offerings undesignated Cell Phone Stipend $600.00 Total Income $255,846.41 Office Equipment $200.00 Copier Monthly Fee $2,000.00 Expense Internet & Web Hosting $1,055.00 Benevolence Expense Land Line Phone $750.00 ELCA General Postage $350.00 (7.5% of Reg Offerings) $12,541.00 Software $750.00 Care Bear undesignated Total Office Support $6,305.00 Total Benevolence $12,541.00 Mortgage Expense Staff Mortgage Interest $16,300.00 Pastoral Ministry Mortgage Principle $30,356.00 Pastor Salary $40,050.00 Total Mortgage Expense $46,656.00 Housing Allowance $12,105.00 Pension & Health Ins $33,478.00 Ministry Teams Employer FICA Tax $3,548.43 Faith Formation Team Medical Reimbursement $1,500.00 Adult Education Mileage $1,600.00 Bible Study Resource $175.00 Continuing Education $800.00 Devotional Material $250.00 Cont. to Sabbatical Fund $1,150.00 Adult Leadership Ed $150.00 Book & Publication Allow. $300.00 Youth Ministry Total Pastoral Expense $94,532.41 Youth Meetings $200.00 Confirmation $150.00 Other Staff Ministry Sugar Creek Campership $1,000.00 Supply Pastor Expense $1,500.00 Children & Family Ministry Admin Assistant Wages $22,000.00 Sunday School $400.00 Faith Formation Dir Wages $11,500.00 Vacation Bible School $300.00 Choir Director Wages $2,700.00 General Expense Org/Pianist/Choir Acc Wages $2,000.00 Milestones/Alter Event $400.00 Bell Choir Director Wages $2,000.00 Supplies $50.00 Contemp. Worship Coord. $2,000.00 Library $325.00 Staff Continuing Education $1,000.00 Total Faith Formation $3,400.00 Staff Mileage $200.00 Payroll Tax Expense $2,800.00 Fellowship Expense Workers Comp Insurance $850.00 Kitchen Supplies $450.00 Total Staff Expense $48,550.00 Refreshments $400.00 Total Fellowship Expense $850.00 Outreach Expense Ministry Resources Advertising $1,500.00 Synod Assembly $600.00 Outreach Events $1,000.00 Synod Conferences $500.00 Materials & Supplies $1,000.00 Total Ministry Resource $1,100.00 Total Outreach Expense $3,500.00 Office Support

Service Team Expense Service Projects $200.00 Caring Blankets Exp $200.00

35 Stephen Ministry $320.00 Total Service Team Exp $720.00 Property Team Expenses Lawnmower Expense $1,832.00 Property, Umbrella & Liab $4,800.00 Refuse $900.00 Snow Removal $4,000.00 Supplies & Maintenance $4,472.00 Utilities $15,000.00 Equipment & Projects $500.00 Fire Extinguisher Service $188.00 Housekeeping Supplies $700.00 Total Property Expense $32,392.00 Stewardship Expense Electronic Giving Fees $500.00 Offering Envelopes $650.00 Total Stewardship Expense $1,150.00 Worship Expense Equipment $1,100.00 Altar Guild Supplies $400.00 Choir Music $250.00 Copyrights $650.00 Special Music $600.00 Bell Choir Music/Items $250.00 Piano/Organ Tuning Maint. $650.00 Worship Resources $200.00 Total Worship Expense $4,100.00 Miscellaneous Expense $50.00

Total Expenses $255,846.41

36 37


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