Senior School Application

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Senior School Application

Senior School Application 2016

Senior School Application Form 2016 Entry

How to Apply

Entry to Central School of Ballet is by audition.

UK applicants: Successful applicants will be invited to attend a preliminary audition on one of the dates below. Successful preliminary candidates may be required to attend a final audition on 19th or 20th March in London.

EU and Non-EU applicants only: If you would like to apply to Central you have the following options: 1. Attend one of the preliminary auditions (dates below) in the UK; 2. Attend the overseas preliminary audition in London; 3. Attend one of our international courses/auditions 4. Submit a DVD containing the outlined criteria. Applicants selected from the preliminary stages will be required to attend the final audition in London if they are from an EU country (however this is preferable for ALL applicants).

Because of the high demand of applicants each year, Central School of Ballet has a policy that we are unable to provide individual feedback.

Audition dates, entry for September 2016:

Preliminary Auditions, UK 24th October 2015 Dance School of Scotland, Glasgow 12th December 2015 Central School of Ballet, London 7th February 2016 Northern Ballet, Leeds 13th February 2016 Central School of Ballet, London 19th March 2016 (pm) Overseas Applicants, Central School of Ballet, London

FINAL Auditions 19th March 2016 (pm) Final Audition, Central School of Ballet, London 20th March 2016 Final Audition, Central School of Ballet, London All applicants are required to submit the following, by Saturday 14th November (for the 12th December and 7th February auditions) or Saturday 9th January (for the 13th February and 19th March auditions) addressed to: Carol Been (Auditions) Central School of Ballet 10 Herbal Hill Clerkenwell Road London EC1R 5EG


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

a) Application Form with ALL sections completed.

b) Full-length photographs of yourself in practice clothes, not larger than 6”x 4” (10 x 13cm) showing: (Student name should to be written on the back of all photographs)

1. Facing front full-length in first position 2. Facing back full-length in parallel 3. First arabesque 4. Developpé à la seconde 5. Second position on full pointe (ladies only) 6. Fourth croisé on full pointe, arms in fifth position (ladies only).

c) DVD for those opting to submit their preliminary audition by post (Overseas applicants only) must include the following:

1. A short barre: grand pliés, tendus, grand battement, adage with grand rond de jambe. 2. Centre practice: adage, pirouette exercise, petit allegro, grand allegro. 3. Boys should show some batterie and tour en l’air. 4. Girls should include some pointe work. Optional extra: a solo variation.

d) Standard audition fee of £45. You can pay by cheque, credit/debit card over the phone or online - Please make cheques payable to ‘Central School of Ballet’. This fee is non-returnable.

Audition fee waiver scheme - The Conservatoire for Dance and Drama has introduced a scheme whereby students matching a certain criteria may be awarded with an ‘audition fee waiver’ meaning they will not have to pay to audition. To find out more information please visit their website – waiver-scheme or email [email protected]

e) Photocopy of Passport: Showing nationality and residency status.

f) Two short references. These should be from your dance and academic schools.

Direct entries - If you are applying for entry into the second or third year of the course please include a covering letter detailing which year you wish to apply for and your training to date.


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

- In exceptional circumstances we may be able to accommodate private auditions; however we cannot guarantee this and advise candidates to make themselves available for our scheduled auditions wherever possible. However, should you wish to apply for an alternative date, please include a covering letter detailing your reason for not being able to attend a scheduled audition day, along with suggested dates of your availability. Please note that the class audition fee is at a higher rate of £55.

Central’s Artistic Staff

Central’s teachers are an international faculty with experience of performing and teaching in the world’s leading companies including The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Rambert Dance Company and American Ballet Theatre. Below is a list of the regular teaching staff which you might like to familiarise yourself with as they may be at your audition.

Sara Matthews Director William Glassman Deputy Director Artistic Director, Ballet Central Heidi Hall Deputy Director, Development

Louise Ainley Head of Studies & Choreography Julia Ellis Classical Ballet Ladies Tutor Linda Moran Classical Ballet Ladies’ Tutor Elia Luyando Classical Ballet Ladies’ Tutor & Rehearsal Coach Carole Gable Classical Ballet Ladies’ Tutor & Rehearsal Coach Sara Gallie Injury Prevention & Recovery Specialist Resmi Malko Classical Ballet Men’s Tutor, Pas de Deux Patricia Linton Dance Studies Stephen Williams Artistic Assistant to the Directors & Classical Ballet Men’s Tutor Leanne King Course Development Co-ordinator & Contemporary Dance and Choreography Stephen Pelton Contemporary Dance (Limon) Sherrill Wexler Spanish Dance Philip Aiden Jazz Dance Stefano Rosato Contemporary Dance Matthew Camelle Drama Andrew Davidson Drama Karin Greenhead Dalcroze


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

Application Form Personal Information


Surname: First Names: Address:

(Applicant) Mobile Number: (Applicant) Home Number: Email Address: Date of Birth Age Weight in kgs Height in cms BMI (Body Mass Index): Nationality Male / Female Parents’ Address: (if different from above)

Telephone No: (incl. code) Email Address: Name of Mother Name of Father

Please indicate with an X your preferred date for the preliminary audition. Please note, we cannot guarantee your preferred date and therefore encourage early applications.

24th October 2015 (Glasgow) 12th December 2015 (CSB)

7th February 2016 (Leeds) 13th February 2016 (CSB)

Application by DVD (Overseas I am attending the Prix de students) Lausanne 19th March 2016 (Overseas students)


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

Please indicate with an X how you heard about Central School of Ballet.

Advertisement Please specify Recommended by Teacher I am a Central Pre-Senior I know a student at Central Who I saw Ballet Central Other Please specify

Dance History

Name and addresses of dance schools, teachers and date attended starting with your current teacher:

Name of Dance Address of Dance School Dates Attended Hours Teacher per week

Training to date:

Have you Yes NO Most recent examination taken. Please state studied: examining board, level, date taken and result




Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

Character Dance Jazz Dance




Other (Please state)

Academic History

Name of most recent school or college: Address:

Name of Head Teacher:

Academic Level Date taken Grade Date to be Grade Subject achieved taken predicted


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016 Students with Disabilities – Welcome Statement Central welcomes applications from students with disabilities and leaning difficulties. We offer places solely on the basis of ability and potential to cope with the rigorous demands of the course as well as potential for a successful career in dance. In order to meet your needs during the audition process (and, if successful, throughout your course of study), you are encouraged to disclose any impairment or condition in the box below, (for example dyslexia, a physical, sensory or mental health condition) so that we can endeavour to meet your needs. If you have a disability please ask The Student Loans Company about allowances for which you may be entitled. It is extremely helpful to enclose a dyslexia assessment if applicable. All information will be treated as strictly confidential.

Care Leavers Central is committed to helping all students fulfill their full potential while studying with us, regardless of background. We understand that for young people leaving care, there will be many extra practical considerations to think about when making the transition to Higher Education. For this reason, we have put in place services to make this transition easier, and to support you throughout your studies. If you are a care leaver you will be provided with a leaflet containing further information relating to this support. Please tick the box below to disclose you are a care leaver.

Funding and Visa Requirements Finance and Funding information can be found on our website,, as well as on the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama’s website,

For UK and EU students there are a range of options available to you to assist in paying your fees and living expenses. These include loans and non-repayable grants from The Student Loans Company as well as a range of CDD scholarships in the form of fee discounts and a cash bursary. Central’s bursary scheme also provides maintenance support on a case by case basis.

The Student loan system means that no fees are payable up front and repayments only become due once in employment and earning £21,000 or above. There are full details relating to the repayment scale on the following website:


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

For overseas students, it is important to be aware of the current visa requirements set by the UKBA

Please note:  International students are required to reach the B1 level standard of English for Foundation Degree students and B2 Level for BA (Hons) direct entry students in order to obtain a student visa and enter the UK. Further information is available at visa/knowledge-of-english.

Health – Declaration

I confirm that, to my knowledge, I am fit, healthy and able to undertake a vigorous audition procedure involving Ballet, Contemporary Dance and other related physical tasks.

I understand that if offered a place to join Central School of Ballet, I will need to undergo a physical health examination with my GP.

Signed (Applicant)...... Print......

Signed (Parent/Guardian)...... Print......



Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016 Additional Information

Please give a brief account of your achievements, ambitions and why you wish to train at Central (continue on additional sheets if necessary)

How did you pay for the audition? Credit Card  Online  Cheque Enclosed Audition Fee Waiver  Date...... WorldPay Transaction Scheme  ...... ID......

I confirm that the information given on this application form is correct, to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Applicant: Date:

If the Applicant is under the Age of 18: I, the Parent or Guardian, approve and give my consent to this application.

Signature: Date:

 Please Print Name:


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama. Senior School Application 2016

Should you have any questions relating either to this application form, or the audition process, please contact Grace Fan, Senior School Admissions and Administration Manager at: [email protected] or call 0207 837 6332.


Gender: Male Female

Age on 1 September 2016: 16-17 18-20 21-25 25+

Equality and Diversity Information Form

Central School of Ballet welcomes applications from all sections of the community regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, religion or disability. The information you give in this section is used for statistical and monitoring processes only and does not form any part of the selection or admissions process.

Ethnicity Please tick the box or boxes which best describe your ethnic or cultural background: 10 White 39 Other Asian background 15 Gypsy or Traveller 41 Mixed – White and Black Caribbean 21 Black or Black British –Caribbean 42 Mixed – White and Black African 22 Black of Black British – African 43 Mixed – White and Asian 29 Other Black background 49 Other Mixed background 31 Asian or Asian British – Indian 50 Arab 32 Asian or Asian British – Pakistani 80 Other Ethnic background 33 Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi 98 I do not wish to give this information 34 Chinese Disability The information you give below will be used for statistical purposes only. There is a separate section on this application form which invites you to tell us of a specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia, mental health difficulty or other impairment or condition so that we can arrange support for you at your audition / interview and if successful, during the course.

Which of the following statements about disability is most appropriate to you? Please tick the appropriate box(es).

00 No known disability 54 Long-standing illness or health condition, e.g. epilepsy 58 Blind / serious visual impairment 08 Two or more impairments and/or medical conditions 57 Deaf / serious hearing impairment 53 Social/communication impairment, e.g. Autistic Spectrum 56 Physical impairment or mobility issues 51 A specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia

05 Personal care support 96 A disability, impairment or medical condition not listed above 55 Mental health condition 00 I do not wish to give this information


Central School of Ballet is proud to be a partner school of the Prix de Lausanne and an affiliate of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama.

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