Jill S Work Tools

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Jill S Work Tools

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Respond to non-conformance of food safety controls: Remy’s work tools

Keep it clean! Remy used:  Decision tool  Action plan  Pre-operational check sheet  SOP 5 Pre-operational hygiene check  Close-down check sheet  SOP 6 Close-down hygiene check


Pre-operational checks have found dirty equipment in the kitchen, which means that staff haven’t been following safe food practices. This presents a serious health risk if not picked up.

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1Decision The problem tool 2a Develop options 2b Consider the consequences

The centre would be in breach of its legislative obligations and we could be fined. Do nothing and hope it doesn’t happen again. Our children are ‘at risk’ customers and we could Kitchen equipment be putting their health in danger. hasn’t been cleaned properly. This should reveal if corrective action was taken at the time. Look over the paperwork and see what the monitoring records reveal. I should be able to identify who was on duty.

Gives me an opportunity to see if staff know the Talk with staff to find out what procedures. happened. Can involve staff in any change to avoid recurrence of the problem.

2c Make your decision Look at your options and weigh up the consequences and resource implications. What is the best decision? Remy talked with staff to find out what happened.

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My action plan

What I want How I will go Who I need to What resources Finish by to achieve about it involve/ do I need date (Outcome) (Action) consult (Physical (People) resources)

To find out the Find out who Supervisor of the Staff rosters End of cause of the was working shift when the today’s shift non- on these shifts non- conformance through other conformance ie why the staff or Human occurred equipment Resources. wasn’t cleaned at the end of these shifts. Talk to the Staff working on End of staff involved. the shift New tomorrow’s staff members shift Review the Head chef End of week close-down Other food procedures to handlers prevent the problem recurring. Develop a Head chef Food Safety End of standard Manual following operating Computer week procedure and checklist for close-down. Ensure there Manager Food Safety Ongoing are sufficient Human Manual experienced Resources staff Computer staff rostered on when new staff start.

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Pre-operational check sheet

Pre-operational check sheet

Business: Week Ending / /

Area or item Day checkedMark each day M T W T F S S Action taken X or 

Floors       

Walls       

Doors       

Ceilings       

Overhead structures       

Fridges       

Small equipment XSlic XSlic    X  Slicer er er Slice cleaned and dirty dirty r sanitised dirty

Cooking equipment       

Tables       

Tubs/containers       

Sinks       

Vermin control       

Scales X X    X  Cleaned and sanitised

Staff hygiene        Clothing

Staff hygiene        Handwashing

Other       


Reviewed by (Signature): Len Nee

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SOP 5 Pre-operational hygiene check

Purpose 5.1 To ensure that cleaning is satisfactory prior to the start of food production.

Scope 5.2 Applies to each area of food preparation.

Procedure 5.3 The pre-operational hygiene checklist is to be completed each day prior to the start of food production.

5.4 Items to be checked will be listed and examined for cleanliness and state of repair. Some equipment may need to be dismantled to determine if it is satisfactory. The check will involve contact surfaces as well as all other surfaces, eg under benches and overhead structures.

5.5 Where equipment is found to be unclean, it will be cleaned before operations commence. Where evidence of vermin contamination occurs, appropriate action will be taken.

5.6 Items such as rust will be reported to the maintenance department and rectified as soon as possible.

5.7 A selected staff member will conduct the pre-operational hygiene check.

Responsibilities 5.8 It is the responsibility of staff to ensure compliance with the above requirements.

5.9 The manager will be responsible for the monitoring and review of check sheets. Action will be taken when items appear on a regular basis.

Documentation 5.10 Pre-operational check sheet.

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Remy’s new SOP and check sheet for close-down procedures.

Close-down check sheet

Business: Week Ending / /

Area or item checked Day at the end of each shift M T W T F S S Action taken Mark each day

X or 








Small equipment

Cooking equipment




Vermin control


Food returned to stores

Handwashing facilities

Garbage emptied

Dirty linen bundled

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SOP 6 Close-down hygiene check

Purpose 6.1 To ensure that cleaning is satisfactory at the end of the final shift for the day.

Scope 6.2 Applies to each area of food preparation.

Procedure 6.3 The close-down hygiene checklist is to be completed each day at the end of the last shift.

6.4 Items to be checked will be listed and examined for cleanliness. Some equipment may need to be dismantled to determine if it is satisfactory. The check will involve contact surfaces as well as all other surfaces, eg under benches and overhead structures.

6.5 Where equipment is found to be unclean, it will be cleaned.

6.6 A selected staff member will conduct the close-down hygiene check.

Responsibilities 6.7 It is the responsibility of staff to ensure compliance with the above requirements.

6.8 The manager will be responsible for the monitoring and review of check sheets. Action will be taken when items appear on a regular basis.

Documentation 6.9 Close-down check sheet.


I think I’ve thoroughly investigated the cause of the dirty kitchen equipment. The new Standard Operating Procedure and check sheet will help ensure that close-down is carried out systematically to ensure the safety of the food we produce. Having sufficiently experienced staff rostered on when new staff start will ensure that they are familiar with our food safety program and the practices and procedures they are required to follow.

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