Dear Prospective Employee

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Dear Prospective Employee

Dear Prospective Employee:

Thank you for your interest in employment with the Union County Sheriff’s Office. Applicants must accurately complete the entire application in order to be considered. Be sure to sign the AUTHORIZATION FOR BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION so your application may be processed.

To attend the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy and become a certified Law Enforcement Officer, a complete background investigation must be conducted. This investigation requires that you answer certain questions as it pertains to your vital statistics and life history. Without this information, your application may not be processed and attendance to the Criminal Justice Academy may be denied.

To be a certified Police Officer, you must:

1. Be 21 years of age upon employment for Deputy Sheriff.

2. Have a clear driving record without excessive violations, suspensions and within the last 10 years have not been convicted of driving under the influence.

3. Meet standards on all examinations, including drug testing, psychological screening, aptitude testing, oral interviews and agility testing based on current State standards.

4. Have acceptable credit, free from judgments and bad collections.

5. Have a satisfactory past employment record.

6. Not have been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude.

7. Complete a medical examination the results of which show that you are able to perform all of the essential functions of the job for which you are applying with reasonable accommodation and meet the physical requirements of the SC Criminal Justice Academy.


Patrol the county in a patrol car on assignment, day and/or night, rotating shifts, for the purpose of observing area for possible criminal activity or other conditions that might endanger public safety, investigating complaints, enforcing laws. Must have ability to operate a vehicle both by day and night and observe criminal activity. Applicant must have hearing ability sufficient to hear radio transmissions, in person conversations and telephone conversations. Must be able to lift or move heavy objects/people in rescue activities. Apprehends, arrests, and detains criminal suspects and law violators when necessary; follows proper procedures when making arrests. Applicant must be able to physically restrain arrestees and to chase on foot in the course of apprehension activities. Applicant must be able to withstand working outside in all extreme weather conditions. Prepares court folders for court cases, serves as witness in court, provides evidence in court and provides court security. Applicant will cooperate with other police jurisdictions on matters of mutual interest. Check residential and commercial property for security as requested. May be called upon to transport prisoners to courtrooms, doctors’ offices, hospitals, courts, and other designated locations; transports individuals to mental health center maintaining custody of individuals. Communicates with supervisors and fellow officers all information obtained which is relevant to investigations or daily activities. Applicant must have sufficient speaking ability to communicate effectively in person, over a telephone and on a radio. Applicant will serve warrants, summonses, subpoenas, civil and other official papers. Provides traffic escorts, a public service. Applicant may be called upon to make crime prevention presentations to civic and public groups, works closely with businesses, attorneys, public organizations, etc., in performing duties. Records information concerning events that have taken place during tour of duty and records such activity in the manner prescribed by the department. Must have ability to read and write reports. Applicant maintains weapons and equipment in functional and presentable condition. Applicant must have strength, coordination and visual ability to effectively shoot a handgun and shotgun. Accounts for and transports evidence coming into custody. Answers questions asked by the general public, works with juveniles and adults in related matters; refers them to persons or agencies where they can obtain further assistance as required. Successful applicant works in stressful, high-risk situations. Applicant must be able to handle stress, noise, crowds, fights, gunfire, and disciplinary action without emotional interference. Attends required periodic training sessions and seminars; participates in required physical fitness activities. Applicant will maintain required level of proficiency in use of firearms, and evasive action/ driving skills. Applicant will take active charge in serious or unusual situations. Makes decisions at crime scenes which may be centered around life and death situations; decisions are based on the safest procedures to be followed to ensure safety to individuals involved and fellow officers/ members of rescue team. Applicants must possess a High School Diploma or Equivalent. Successful applicant must reside in Union County, South Carolina. This job description is meant to provide the essential functions of the job of Deputy Sheriff. This position may require specialized education or expertise which is not listed here. If you would like further information, please contact the Union County Sheriff’s Office. F O R E W O R D

The primary mission of the Union County Sheriffs Office is crime prevention and the protection of life and property. The basis, however, of all police action is the law, and the credibility of the Law Enforcement profession will be measured by its concern and contributions to public welfare and by the guidance it provides to its employees toward achieving a high level of ethical practice.

The purpose of this manual is to establish the principles for the management of the Union County Sheriff’s Office and the standards of behavior to which every employee of the Sheriff’s Office shall be held accountable. Its goals are to increase the quality of police service to elevate the standards of the profession; to strengthen the public confidence in Law Enforcement; to encourage officers individually and collectively to fully appreciate the total responsibilities of their office; and to earn the support and cooperation of the general public in these endeavors.

Sheriff’s Deputies have a sworn obligation to respect and defend the rights guaranteed to the public through the Constitution. In the performance of these duties, they may command obedience or prohibit behavior which tends to irritate and conflict with the expectations of free people in a free society; particular attention must be given to ensure just and impartial application. Violations of law by those sworn to defend it will bring down the system more surely than all other forms of crime combined. Positive police action, while intended to serve the Sheriff’s Office peace-making mission, must be administered without prejudice and always mindful that, in the execution of their duties, they act not for themselves, but for the public. Consistent with these heavy responsibilities, officers should be constantly aware that it is not a proper police function to prohibit or stop dissent. Civil disturbances and dissent are not synonymous. While civil disobedience and disturbances are illegal, dissent is not. Only violations of law and actions adverse to public safety are within the limit of police authority. Proper understanding of the relationship between the maintenance of order in the community and the enforcement of the law as a tool for achieving this order must be the primary objectives of the Sheriff’s Office.

The rules, regulations, and job description should serve as a guide to Sheriff’s Deputies and impress upon them the importance of their public service. The uniqueness of their role identifies them as members of a profession capable of performing these services with dedication and wisdom. SOUTH CAROLINA UNION COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT FILL OUT ENTIRE APPLICATION IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING PERSONAL INFORMATION: Position applying for: ______Name: ______First Middle Last Home Address: ______Street: ______City State Zip Code ______Business Address: ______Home Phone: ______Business Phone: ______Date of Birth: ______Place of Birth: ______Social Security Number: ______Drivers License Number: ______Height: ______Hair: ______Weight: ______Eyes: ______Sex: Male _____Female:____ Marital Status: Single _____ Married _____ Divorced: ______FAMILY INFORMATION: Father’s Name: ______Address: ______Mother’s Name: ______Address: ______Brother’s Name: ______Address: ______Sister’s Name: ______Address: ______Father-in-law’s Name: ______Mother-in-law’s Name: ______Address: ______SPOUSE’S INFORMATION: Name: ______First Middle Last Place of Birth: ______Date of Birth: ______Social Security #: ______Driver’s License Number: ______State: ______Types: ______Height: ______Weight: ______Hair: ______Eyes: ______CHILDREN’S INFORMATION: List all of your children including any adopted or step-children

NAME: DOB: Name with whom child resides: Address: ______WORK HISTORY:

Enclosed in this application is a statement of the essential functions of the Union County Sheriff’s Office Employees. Read the functions of the position for which you are applying and answer the following: After training, could you perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying? Yes ______No ______If no, explain: ______If no, what, if any, accommodation could be made so that you could perform the essential functions? ______Do you object to wearing a uniform? Yes: ______No: ______Do you object to working overtime? Yes: ______No: ______Do you object to being away from home for long periods of time due to official duty? Yes: ______No: ______Do you object to working regular shifts? Yes: ______No: ______Do you object to working rotating shifts? Yes: ______No: ______MEDICAL/ PSYCHOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Are you presently under the care of a Medical Doctor of Psychiatrist? YES: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______Have you ever consulted a Psychiatrist? Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______When was your last physical examination: ______Why did you take your last physical examination: ______Were there any problems discovered on your last physical examination? Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______Were you ever in a hospital for treatment or surgery? Yes: _____ No: ______If yes, explain: ______What physical problems have you experienced in the last five years: ______To your knowledge, do you need an operation now? Yes: ______No:______What is the most serious health problem that you have ever experienced? ______Have you ever had, or do you have any of the following illnesses or diseases? (circle)

Asthma Blood Pressure problems Mental Illness Poor Hearing

V.D. Tuberculosis Cancer Heart Problems

Tumors Back Problems Epilepsy Diabetes

Paralysis Color Blindness Hernia/ Rupture Paralysis

Ulcers Nervous Disorder Are you presently under medication prescribed by a Doctor? Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______Have you ever been refused insurance? Yes: _____ No: ______If yes, explain: ______DRUG / ALCOHOL HISTORY: Do you currently or have you ever illegally possessed or sold any amount of the following: Yes:______No:______

Amphetamines Hashish Nerve Medicine PCP Sniffed Freon Gas

Barbiturates Heroin Pep pills MDA Sniffed Paint Fumes

Cocaine Marijuana Speed Demerol Peyote

Morphine Opium Hallucinogens Dilaudids Acid

Sniffed glue Quaaludes Psilocybin Mescaline Sip

Any other illegal substance If yes to the question above, indicate by circling and explain in detail how often, and last time sold, possessed, or used: ______Do you use any form of tobacco? Yes: _____ No: ______List form: ______Do you habitually use alcoholic beverages to excess? Yes:______No: ______In the past year, what is the most you have had to drink in one day? ______Have you ever missed work due to excessive use of alcohol? Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______Have you ever been fired, penalized, or requested treatments due to excessive use of alcohol? Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______Have you ever consumed alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on the job? Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______ARREST / TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS: Have you ever committed or been involved in any of the following crimes or offenses? Yes: ______No: ______THIS APPLIES REGARDLESS IF YOU WERE ARRESTED !! (circle)

Assault Kidnapping Robbery Peeping Tom

DUI Arson Rape Sodomy

Murder Burglary Incest Vandalism

Manslaughter Forgery Child Molesting Public Indecency If yes, explain : ______Have you ever been arrested for a felony? Yes: ______No: ______Have you ever been arrested for a misdemeanor? Yes: ______No: ______Have you ever been in jail or prison? Yes: ______No: ______Have you ever had a warrant served on you? Yes: ______No: ______IF YES WAS MARKED ON ANY OF THE FOUR QUESTIONS, LIST AND EXPLAIN: Offense Charged Police Agency State Date Explain ______List below any traffic tickets you have received in the past five years: Violation Police Agency Date ______EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:

List below your previous places of employment beginning with your most recent:

1. Employment dates from ______to______Ending salary (weekly) $______

Company name: ______

Address: ______

Job Title: ______Job Duties: ______

Supervisor’s name: ______Reason for leaving: ______

2. Employment dates from ______to______Ending salary (weekly) $______

Company name: ______

Address: ______

Job Title: ______Job Duties: ______

Supervisor’s name: ______Reason for leaving: ______

3. Employment dates from ______to______Ending salary (weekly) $______

Company name: ______

Address: ______

Job Title: ______Job Duties: ______

Supervisor’s name: ______Reason for leaving: ______

4. Employment dates from ______to______Ending salary (weekly) $______

Company name: ______

Address: ______

Job Title: ______Job Duties: ______

Supervisor’s name: ______Reason for leaving: ______

May we contact the employers listed above? Yes ______No: ______

If you are currently employed, why do you wish to change jobs? ______EMPLOYMENT (cont. )

Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes: ______No: ______

Have you ever been asked or forced to resign from a job? Yes: ______No: ______

Have you ever or are you now the subject of any investigation concerning illegal or improper activities with your present or previous employer?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

Have you ever had a polygraph examination?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

Have you ever refused to take a polygraph examination?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

Do you have any objections to submitting to a polygraph examination for this position if asked?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______


High School: ______Dates from: ______to: ______

Did you graduate: Yes: ______No: ______

Address: ______

College or Technical School: ______

Did you graduate: Yes: ______No: ______

Dates from: ______to: ______Address: ______

Other Education : ______


Are there any experiences, skills, training, or qualifications which you feel would especially benefit you for work with the Union County Sheriff’s Office? ______



Do you owe any money to any courts for fines or unpaid tickets? Yes: ______No: ______

If yes, explain: ______

Have you ever been questioned by the police for any reason? Yes: ______No: ______

If yes, explain: ______

Have you ever illegally used another name? Yes: ______No: ______

If yes, explain: ______

List the last date you were in court and reason why: ______

Has your privilege to drive ever been suspended or revoked? Yes: ______No: ______

If yes, explain: ______

How many traffic accidents have you ever had while driving? ______

How many were deemed your fault? ______

Do you have automobile insurance? ______

Has your automobile insurance ever been cancelled? ______


Are you presently behind in payment of any bills? Yes: ______No: ______

Are you presently behind in payments of Student Loans? Yes: ______No: ______

Has anything ever been repossessed from you? Yes: ______No: ______

Has any debt owned by you ever been turned over to a collection agency?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

Have you ever had a judgment filed against you?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

Have you ever declared, or are you about to declare bankruptcy?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______MILITARY SERVICE:

Do you currently or did you serve in the military?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, what branch: ______

What was your highest rank in the military? ______

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

While in the military, did you receive any article 15’s, corporal punishment, captain’s mast, etc:

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

Were you ever court marshaled while in the service?

Yes: ______No: ______If yes, explain: ______

What were your military duties? ______

How long were you in the military? From ______to ______

What was your rank upon discharge: ______What type discharge: ______

Under what conditions were you discharged? ______PERSONAL REFERENCES (List 3 personal references- not former employers or relatives)


1. ______

2. ______

3. ______




I hereby certify that all statements on this form are true and complete and any misstatements or omission of information will subject me to disqualification or dismissal.

This the ______day of ______, ______


Full Signature of Applicant

Sworn to before me this ______day of ______, ______


Notary Public of South Carolina

My Commission Expires: ______SOUTH CAROLINA UNION COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE I, ______, permit my present and prior employers to divulge to the Union County Sheriff’s Office relevant personal information from my personnel file they possess. I also authorize the Union County Sheriff’s Office to make any investigation of my personal history and financial and credit report through any investigative or credit agencies or bureaus of your choice. I authorize the Union County Sheriff’s Office to make an investigative report whereby information is obtained through personal interviews with neighbors, friends, and others with whom I am acquainted. Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

Witness: ______Date: ______

Sworn to before me this ______day of ______, ______Notary Public for South Carolina Commission Expires: ______

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