Phy 2054C (0003 & 0004) College Physics Ii

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Phy 2054C (0003 & 0004) College Physics Ii


Fall Semester – 2009 (4 SEM HOURS) Dr. Jeffrey B. Bindell – [email protected] Office: MAP 417 (407-823-4194) Class Website:

Section 003: MAP359 – 7:30AM – 8:20AM Section 004: MAP359 – 8:30AM – 9:20AM

TEXTBOOK MasteringPhyiscs. MasteringPhysics will College Physics (8th Edition) by Young and be used as the online homework system. It Geller, Pearson/Addison Wesley (Vol. II) is the same one you used last semester in Physics I. See the FAQ that follows for LABORATORY information about how to register and use The laboratory section is separate from the the system. lecture but is a required part of the course (see weight below). Your lab instructor will inform you of the textbook requirement. ort/faq-students.html DESCRIPTION PHY2054 is a continuation of PHY2053 Clicker. This class, along with most others, which is a course prerequisite. The class will use clicker technology so you will have covers Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, to purchase an “i-clicker” module from the and a brief introduction to some of the ideas bookstore. If you are purchasing a new copy of modern physics. Emphasis is placed on of the textbook you should find a $10.00 understanding major principles, and discount on the i-clicker. Information about mathematics is used to clarify concepts. how to register your new i-clicker can be Students should have a good working knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. found at:

Physics has a reputation of being a very difficult course. Its difficulty actually depends on how much effort is put into it. As we go through the textbook, you will find that each chapter usually depends on the previous chapters; the course is cumulative. If you keep up to date, starting immediately, you will find that the material is much easier than if you wait a few weeks before getting down to business. It is very difficult to operate in “catch-up mode”. ns.pdfBe sure to register your clicker as

Page -1- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 soon as possible. The registration number approximately 5 or more problems. for your i-clicker will be found on the back: A “clicker reading quiz question” can be expected at the start of some classes.  Class (clicker) participation will be a part of your grade (see below).  Assigned reading materials will be due prior to the class session where it is to be used. Failure to do this reading will put the student at a disadvantage with respect to other students. This number tends to rub-off so put a piece  Short quizzes will be given on an almost weekly basis, usually on of transparent tape across it to maintain its Fridays. Clicker questions may be value. A used i-clicker may be used as long used on some of these quizzes. as you can read the registration number on MasteringPhysics may also be used the back. If you purchase a used i-clicker, it for Quizzes. Quizzes and class is a good idea to replace the batteries. participation will be a portion into your grade as stated below. CLASS PROCEDURES  Lecture material will be posted on the course web-page at  The class will utilize real time feedback via the utilization of the  The best way to contact me is via “clickers”. Questions will be posed the usual UCF email: to the class and the student can ([email protected]). I check “click” in an answer. This will keep email communications at least once the student “tuned in” to what is every day, including weekends. going on in the classroom. It will also inform the instructor if a Quizzes and Examination Procedures: concept is understood or not. Quizzes are meant to assist the student in Physics demonstrations will also use learning so students will usually be informed this technology giving students the if the next class will include one. There will chance to “predict” what will be no “pop quizzes”. All quizzes and happen and see if their understanding of the subject examinations may include material covered provides them with the appropriate in the past and not just the current topic. predictive powers. Physics builds on previous material in a  There will usually be one structured and logical way. Clicker MasteringPhysics HW per week. questions will usually be focused on current Completion of these assignments on material. time will be necessary to be able to properly participate in class Written quizzes will usually be given on activities. A limited number of extensions will be permitted. Each Fridays but other days are possible. of these assignments will include

Page -2- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 Make-up quizzes or examinations will not be allowed unless there is a very compelling personal reason for doing so. Such reasons CLASS SCHEDULE include death in the family, illness or other medical issue, family emergency, approved The pace of each semester seems to vary and university sporting activities (team) or it is therefore impossible to offer an actual schedule as to when topics are covered. The conflicting ROTC required activities. best guide is that a bit less than one chapter per week will be covered in this course. See There will be three examinations during the the last page in this document. semester and one common final examination (3 hour comprehensive).The common final will include all 4 sections of the course. For each exam, you will be allowed to bring a standard 3” x 5” index card to class on which you may write whatever you wish … equations, statements, etc. The card must be hand written and is in lieu of any formula sheet.



1 September 18 Dr. Bindell… may I be excused? My brain is full. 2 October 16

3 November 13 GRADES: FINAL Check UCF Cal. EXAM The final grade will be a balance of the following with the indicated weights in the Note: Examination dates are not final. next section. Completion of homework assignments is extremely important with respect to understanding the course material.

Page -3- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 Page -4- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 Item % Mid Semester Examinations 20 Final Examination 20 Homework 15 In Class Quizzes 15 Class Participation (Clicks) 15 Laboratory 15


Grading will be according to the following table. No (+) or (–) grades will be given.


85-100 A

75-84 B

60-74 C

50-59 D

Less than 50 F

Note on Homework:

Homework (MasteringPhysics) is to be submitted on time or input will be blocked (unless a valid excuse/reason is offered). Although teamwork on homework is encouraged, individual submissions are required.

Lately it has become possible to "buy" homework solutions. This practice in unethical and if anyone is found to be using these services, he/she will be recommended for appropriate action (very unpleasant!). This policy also extends to quizzes and examinations. In any such case, an F

Page -5- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 will be "awarded". Note that there are legitimate solutions manuals that you may want to purchase. These are very helpful.

The Fine Print:

The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Dr. Bindell shares the same commitment. Students with disabilities who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services (SDS), Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from Dr. Bindell. Students who are registered with SDS and need accommodations in PSC1121 must contact Dr. Bindell at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations.

At UCF, academics comes first. Attendance at examinations is mandatory, and there will be no make-up examinations. University excused absences exist only for religious observances, intercollegiate activities and athletics, and university-verified family or medical emergency. Weddings, plane tickets that your parents got on, or tickets to the Bahamas do not count as legitimate excuses. Therefore, plan your semester accordingly, and if you know that you will not be able to make all the examinations, you should drop the course now and take it during spring semester.

It is Physics Department policy that making up missed work will only be permitted for University-sanctioned activities and bona fide medical or family reasons. Authentic justifying documentation must be provided in every case (in advance for University-sanctioned activities). At the discretion of the instructor, the make-up may take any reasonable and appropriate form including, but not limited to the following: a replacement exam, replacing the missed work with the same score as a later exam, allowing a 'dropped' exam, replacing the missed work with the homework or quiz average.

Any cheating I detect on examinations will be punishable by no less than a zero on the examination in question and up to expulsion from UCF.

Page -6- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 NOTE:

I always answer emails within a day or so of when you send them. It is almost impossible to reach me on my office phone outside of office hours.

ONE MORE NOTE: I will usually post any PowerPoint slides that I use on my website: It might be helpful for you to bring the notes to class so you don’t have to write too much and can concentrate on the lecture.


Students often ask about laptop policy in class. You may use your laptop in class as long as its use is related to the class itself. No emails, unrelated web surfing, etc.

Finally, cell phone texting is NOT allowed in class and violators will lose their phones. You may keep your phones on in class but only in silent mode and only for emergencies. The penalty will be loss of the phone. The use of cell phones in class is obviously forbidden during examinations or quizzes.

OFFICE HOURS (subject to change or modification):

OFFICE HOURS (MWF) MAP417 8:30-915AM 10:30-11:30AM By appointment

Page -7- SYLLABUS Fall 2009 Tentative Class Schedule

The following schedule can be changed at the whim of the instructor (me).

Week Date Chapter Topic Comment 1 24-Aug 17 Charge, Electric Forces and Fields 2 31-Aug 18 Electric Potential and Capacitance 3 7-Sep 19 Current, Resistance, DC Circuits Monday=Labor Day 4 14-Sep 20 Magnetic Forces and Fields Exam #1 on Friday 5 21-Sep 21 Electromagnetic Induction 6 28-Sep 22 AC Circuits 7 5-Oct 23 Electromagnetic Waves 8 12-Oct Catch-up Exam #2 on Friday 9 19-Oct 24 Geometrical Optics 10 26-Oct 25 Optical Instruments 11 2-Nov 26 Interference and Diffraction of waves 12 9-Nov Catch-Up Light/Waves Exam #3 on Friday W=Vet Day 13 16-Nov 27-29 Topics in Modern Physics Week 13-15 will be on Final 14 23-Nov 27-29 Topics in Modern Physics Friday=Thanksgiving 15 30-Nov 27-29 Topics in Modern Physics 16 7-Dec NA Brief Review (if time) Monday is the last class.

Welcome to the class!

J. B. Bindell

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