Additional Data Resources for ACS/Census Workshop

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Additional Data Resources for ACS/Census Workshop

Additional Data Resources for ACS/Census Workshop

File Annotation Link Geographic Equivalency Mable Geocorr Allows one to determine how census geographies are related. Correspondence For instance, one can produce a list of all zip codes that are in Engine a specific county.

To get the county code associated with a zip code, highlight zip in the left column on the interface and county on the right. Significant This Web page contains significant county changes only. changes to This includes all county boundary changes affecting at least an Counties and estimated population of 200 plus with additional changes of at County least one square mile where no estimated population was Equivalents provided and research indicated that the affected population may have been 200 people or more or "large" annexations of unpopulated territory (10 square miles of more.) Census tract Census tract relationships from one census to the next: 1970 to ICPSR Equivalency 1980; 1980 to 1990; 1990 to 2000 PUMS Shows the relationship of PUMAs to counties/metropolitan Equivalency, areas. This allows one to create pseudo counties from PUMA 2000 PUMA This identifies the correspondence of PUMAs to counties; Equivalency file most useful as a look-up (as text) Visualization without Making Maps Disappearing Interactive map showing job losses on a monthly basis from Jobs January 2007+. The underlying data are the local area unemployment statistics from BLS Social Explorer Social Explorer provides easy access to demographic information about the United States, from 1940 to 2000. To get started, select "Maps" or "Reports"

The site includes both free content and subscription-based content. NY Times Select a foreign-born group to see how they settled across the United States. Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences Brown at 50 - provides information about black-white Brown at 50 segregation in most U.S. school districts, 1968-2000. It also provides links to relevant court cases for many distrcts. American Communites Project American Communities Project - These pages offer information and analyses of how the racial and ethnic composition of metropolitan areas has shifted in the last ten years, and how increasing diversity is experienced at the level of local neighborhoods.

Univ Michigan Election Maps (Newman) Maps, cartograms, etc. CensusScope CensusScope: Your Portal to Census 2000 Data

CensusScope is an easy-to-use tool for investigating U.S. demographic trends, brought to you by the Social Science Data Analysis Network (SSDAN) at the University of Michigan. With eye-catching graphics and exportable trend data, CensusScope is designed for both generalists and specialists

American The New Progressive America Website Progress ressive_america.html Interactive Map Full Report

BLS Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject

BEA Regional Interactive Maps — local area estimates in the available in a Economic mapping application Accounts Interactive Charts — local area estimates in the available in an application Regional The regional economic accounts tell us about the geographic Economic distribution of U.S. economic activity and growth. Accounts The estimates of gross domestic product by state and state and local area personal income, and the accompanying detail, provide a consistent framework for analyzing and comparing individual state and local area economies. Local Area BEA Regional Data at the county level BEARFACTS BTS Transportation Statistics Journey to Work: Commuting between counties of residence and counties of Commuting work: 1970 – 2000 between counties of residence and Commuting patterns by Detailed industry (2000)

Commuting patterns by Major industry (2000)

Brookings Metro Monitor Each quarter, the MetroMonitor examines a series of metropolitan-level indicators regarding changes in employment, wages, output, and housing conditions. Related to this is are a series of Metropolitan Area Profiles Census Plus This interactive tool allows users to rank the nation’s largest cities, counties, metropolitan areas, and all 50 states on a range of demographic and economic indicators. Create a customized report by following the steps below.

Living Cities Census Series An effort to illustrate how recent demographic, social, and economic trends affect the vitality of cities and metropolitan areas.

Includes publications

New York, Dynamic Maps Federal Reserve Dynamic Maps of Nonprime Mortgage conditions in the United States LED On the Map LEHD synthetic data

LEHD Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) is an innovative program within the U.S. Census Bureau. We use modern statistical and computing techniques to combine federal and state administrative data on employers and employees with core Census Bureau censuses and surveys while protecting the confidentiality of people and firms that provide the data. Quarterly  Detailed demographics Workforce  Detailed geography Indicators Online  3- and 4-digit Industries by NAICS (The default is for NAICS; if you prefer to see SIC-based information, select the SIC option from the map page)  Historic data for past 3-4 years  Comparability  Timeliness  4-quarter averages  State totals

Community This site provides access for users seeking economic Economic indicators for individual counties or for the Employment & [email protected]&filename=ed_home.hrml Development Hot Training Administration's WIRED Regions (learn more about Reports WIRED Regions).

For areas that experience economic disruptions due to natural disasters, plant closings, base closings, and other economic changes, such as abrupt increases in employment, this HotReport shows pertinent economic indicators in unified on- line reports from many data sources.

Available Topics Include: *Economic -- Industry wages -- Top industries -- Top occupation groups -- Labor force by age -- Education Levels

*Demographic -- Income -- Population Pyramid -- School Enrollment

*Housing -- Mortgage Averages -- Occupancy Status -- Ownership Rates -- Housing Costs

*Transportation -- Commute Times -- Means of Transportation

*Community Assets -- Public Schools -- Colleges and Universities

NHGIS Aggregate Data Central: Historical Summary Data (1790 – (MPC) 2000); County Business Patterns, and Census Supplemental Reports

Also provides shape files for selected geographies (not PUMAs).

Is tied in with “Social Explorer”

Can download all census tracts for the nation. However, not a good interface for zip codes (one at a time)

Census Bureau Tract Level 2010 Planning Database Documentation ct%20level%20pdb%20with%20census%202000%20data Data %2001-19-07.pdf

Idenfiies items associated with non-response

Includes “hard to count score.” Items described in above link.

Mapping US Diversity

County and City Web interface – downloadable tables Data Books (electronic) Drawback is that the interface only goes up to 2000

Historical Census Provides data and maps for historical census-based (mostly) Browser topics.

Scholar’s Lab New incarnation of the Geostat collection at the University of Virginia. Has a wealth of annotated statistical and geographic resources

Area Resource Is a database containing over 6,000 variables for each county File (ARF) in the US. ARF is used for health service research, health policy analysis, and other geographically based activities. ICPSR has some years of these data [1940-1990 (#9075)]. Need to use a statistical package for the interface.

Census Project Provides up-to-date information on the 2010 Census

Apportionment Website that describes apportionment process, calculation, and court cases.

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